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I just can't vote for a man with pierced ears

seems gay
This movie is cursed god damn
Hey guys we're hardcore liberals look at us making Ross a Jan 6th Trump analogy in the year 2024... wait what no no we have no ill intention to any individuals that are character's could possibly represent pls still watch out movie

Why are white leftist such fucking pussies
So, every movie where the President is the bad guy is just off the table now.
Just because it might have similarities to a previous one?
how big of a screen does this projection need
>original still up on official Marvel account
>edit is for IndiaMarvel
Seems like a fairly minor complaint all things considered with the film's development hell. Now if they had decided to go for another round of shooting and editing that would've been a bigger deal.

This kind of stuff feels more like Marvel execs getting cold feet at every little bit of potentially bad press and kneecapping the film and its marketing no matter how far along it is. It would've been better if they had faith in the film, real world analogies by engagement bait content farmers be damned, instead of meddling so much.
i lost count of all the things they changed already
It's what they do.
>actually, the left are the racists!
>actually, the left are the violent ones!
>actually, the left are the fascists!
>the film's development hell

It's been vastly overstated. They had 22 days worth of reshoots and essentially just redid the opening action sequence and added a second act subplot about Gus Fring chasing Captain Falcon.
That's all true though
They shouldn’t have changed a damn thing and made as much controversy as possible, keep the New World Order title, keep the assassination scene, piss off everybody and just claim you’re taking from the comics, fuck it have the Nu cap say hail hydra too
As far as I'm concerned, if an evil president is shown as being competent and speaking coherently, then he can't be a Trump stand-in.
If a liberal writer wants to write a Trump stand-in, they always portray him as an idiot. Or they'll just use Trump himself and portray him as an idiot.
>Or they'll just use Trump himself and portray him as an idiot.

So they're being true to reality.
>If a liberal writer wants to write a Trump stand-in, they always portray him as an idiot.
Sometimes they'll just make him say "I will make X great again" and that's it. And they will also make a woman who opposes him a genocidal cannibal.
>"I will make X great again"
I'm left as fuck, and I'm so fucking sick of these jokes, but I'm pretty sure Trump is our generation's Nixon, and we'll be hearing those jokes thirty years after he dies.
or that grifters have claimed were changed with no evidence
How can the left be
>spineless pussies
>violent rioters
>brainless morons
>somehow control the world from the shadows
It's always this absurd claim of "dah left!" somehow having every negative trait all at once no matter what little sense that makes
Yes, I remember when they "revived" Shao Kang he said something similar.
>violent rioters
>spineless pussies
They chose places where they could not defend themselves, there are videos of people with weapons defending their communities with weapons and your side leaving them alone.
>brainless morons
>somehow control the world from the shadows
Those are two different groups but they are on the same side.
At least with Nixon they have more creativity and not the same joke all the time.
Why are americans such pussies? Reminds me of how a bunch of songs got banned on the radio after 9/11 simply for referencing things that might be construed as being vaguely related to suicide or bombs.
Not only the MCU crew keep cucking themselves by default, real life also goes out of its way to cuck them. It's almost amazing, if it weren't for the poor actors that keep dying.
Nixon was a serious guy doing serious crimes, so there’s a lot of room to joke around. Trump is already a caricature of himself, there’s nowhere to go.
I don't think you really have to pussyfoot around an assassination attempt when the guy was so minorly injured that he could go to the RNC a day afterwards.
You thought it would be the other way around, but no.
You talk as if no president has been assassinated in American history.
You do realize Leader is the actual villain sonehow pulling the strings right?
Do you hear yourself? Do you seriously believe the shit you're saying? Does anyone?
Eh, I'd say "I am not a crook" is about on par.
Consequence of trying to make a movie that revolves around the US presidency during a time when there is a huge amount of real world drama specifically relating to current and former presidents. Its a minefield that shifts in real time.
It's because conspiracy theorists and the right need their enemy to be smart enough to control the world but also dumb enough so that an idiot like them can have a chance of defeating the evil.
It's why all these conspiracy feature an evil organistion smart enough and powerful enough to pull of ridiculous feats like 9/11 but they are also sloppy enough that they left "clues" for the "enlightened" to find.
Ford looks older than Biden. Is this his first villain role?
Smart to keep presidential assassination out since they just smothered Biden with a pillow in his sleep or whatever
Red hulk bad
Nope, he played a CIA agent in Expendables 3.
it's not, these faggots curse themselves. If they had balls, they would leave it as it is. Let people speak about it
Doesn't Ford support Trump?
>If a liberal writer wants to write a Trump stand-in, they always portray him as an idiot. Or they'll just use Trump himself and portray him as an idiot.
The problem with that is then you have to explain how he beat Clinton and humiliated Biden.
>It's why all these conspiracy feature an evil organistion smart enough and powerful enough to pull of ridiculous feats like 9/11
9/11 really did happen, though. This doesn't really help your case.
or... did it?!
Not really, you don't have to be smart to win an election. And he humiliated Biden because Biden got old and senile, anyone could have stood on that stage and humiliated Biden, it's why he dropped out.
>doing serious crimes
That are completely normal now and enforced by the media.
NTA, but he presumably means the "9/11 was an inside job" conspiracy, that one would require way too much organization and lack of leaks on the part of the government and thousands of other people to be feasible. Especially the "controlled demolition" theory that is so popular for some reason.
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No bias whatsoever in that analysis, I'm sure.
Weird. It would make sense if there was an attempt or an actual assassination of a president recently...
But there's not been.
Just some kid shooting some random guy.
Gee, I wonder why...
Clinton ran a really shitty campaign, and no one wanted her. The Clintons has basically taken over the democratic party before the 2016 election even began and browbeaten all of the internal leadership into pushing her as the candidate that WOULD be president, come hell or high water. The fact that Sanders lasted as long as he did in the election despite how much the leadership refused to consider anyone but Hillary as a serious candidate would have been a massive warning sign: the leadership might had been onboard for a Hillary presidency, but the public absolutely did not want her.
The democrats allowed 2016 to become a choice between a deeply entrenched political system that was obviously and actively refusing to listen to voters, and an outsider that was claiming to drain the swamp. Trump's actual campaigning mattered very little to his success, the swing voters didn't vote for Trump, they voted AGAINST Hillary Clinton.
Not sure what you mean by 'humiliated Biden', though. Biden beat him in 2020, and the recent failures of Biden in debates and such are a result of him being real fucking old. Unless Trump has some kind of aging-ray to make Biden older, I don't see that as something he can claim credit for even if it does benefit him.
>how he beat Clinton and humiliated Biden
I mean, a professional charlatan can just throw the Chewbacca defense around and lie through his teeth and anyone will have trouble responding, when they don't even know where to start.

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