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Why are you gay?
How badly are you people sweating bullets over Captain America 4?
How bad is the Blade movie

How long before they realized that Young Justice was a bomb

How many of the "new upcoming female stars" they replaced the women and men wanted to see were just lesbians that Alonzo took a strap on too

How much did Marvel meddle in the Deadpool movie.

The Agatha Harkness movie is basicall there to push satanism and homosex isn't it?

How dead is the avengers?
Do all the Marvel actresses really have herpes?
>The Agatha Harkness movie is basicall there to push satanism and homosex isn't it?
Funny how that's true.
Not much, though there is always concern finding the right balance with Sabra.
Roster for the x-men team?

Any plans for Songbird?
Did you take the negative screening feedback to heart?
Will we ever see a proper Taskmaster?
What are Marvel Studios' ACTUAL thoughts on the comics?
There haven't been audience screenings yet, only producer screenings. The whole thing has been massively overblown by geek media.

Still being figured out, but expect the mainstays (Cyclops, Wolverine, Storm) alongside newcomers that haven't been to the screen yet.

Yes, they debated including her in Thunderbolts and she might appear in a sequel.

You mean a male one? Not as far as I know.

There is respect for the comics, but also acknowledgement that a lot of stories need adapting to make it to the screen.
Who was behind the directions of the Marvel TV shows.

Because they were terrible.

And Cap4 is going to get the Batgirl treatment isn't it?
Are we going to have a rebooted MCU after Secret Wars?

Are they really self-aware of how much Disney has fucked up with Marvel Studios with that much failure easily attributed to the lack of respect to the source material and fans? (Respect which they did have in phases 1 through 3)
>Still being figured out, but expect the mainstays (Cyclops, Wolverine, Storm) alongside newcomers that haven't been to the screen yet.
Are we going to have new actors on the mainstayers or the old mummies from Fox-Verse? I thought Cavill would sign up to multi-movie deal being Wolverine.
Are they seriously still producing Ironheart?
Who do they think the target market is for this series?
Different producers worked on different shows.
No, of course not.

Fully rebooted? No. Slightly rebooted, yes.

Nobody blames Disney because Disney doesn't really interfere. Any problems with the MCU are attributed to doing too many projects at once.
>Fully rebooted? No. Slightly rebooted, yes.
They're maintaining Spider-Man I believe. But any chances you know which characters we will se a swap to younger actors?
Is Young Avengers still happening? What are the chances Eli Bradley becomes Patriot?
Are the Runaways and Cloak and Dagger shows in continuity? Will those be rebooted?
what's happening with Kang? is there a set in stone plan for him and if not, what are the possibilities being discussed?
I'm not that guy...but fuck the source material.
It's mostly shit now anyway and it needs the ultimate treatment to even be palatable.
Hell comic fans themselves hate huge swaths of characters stories and histories and write out most of it.
Any positive news on Wanda? Plans for Blue Marvel?
New actors, but Cavill won't be playing Wolverine.

The same demographic of most other projects, people 15-35 of both ages, mostly skewing male.

You might see new versions of Captain America, Iron Man and Black Panther. Maybe Captain Marvel as well if Larson truly decides to leave after Secret Wars.

No, it's been merged into Avengers 5.
No plans for Patriot.
Not canon.
Maybe in the future, but no reboot plans right now.

They will reboot the character. New actor, new design, new approach.

She'll be in Secret Wars, and a solo project is still in the cards.
Yes, there is interest in Blue Marvel, and he almost was in The Marvels.
Any information on Holland's Spider-Man 4?
>You might see new versions of Captain America
I don't know if I'm ready yet to see another person being Steve Rogers...
Who are Hauser, Lyonne and Malkovich playing in FF? Is it true the film has multiple villains in minor roles?
>New actors, but Cavill won't be playing Wolverine.
Do you know who is quoted to the roles of Cyke, Storm and Wolvie? I would like Cavill, but my fancast is Taron Egerton kek
Any plans to recast Wanda with the controversy of a white woman stealing a role belonging to a brown romani-jewish actress?
Ant-Man status?
I was going to ask if they're going with the cancer-cure biosuit since they basically ghosted Venom
Are we going to see waps (Janet and Hope) again?

You mentioned before that some x-men members are newcomers, any rumours which characters are and actors being eyed for the role?

Any plans for speed?

Who is the main antangonist in the new thor movie and which director is being eyed ?
I know this board and /tv/ like to bash to Marvel Studios and MCU, but in hindsight, it seems better ran than Lucasfilm, do you know WTF is wrong with Lucasfilm?
thoughts on dc?
Kennedy and her army of yes women and yes gays
Daredevil, Kingpin, Scorpion, Black Cat and the symbiote.

Mole Man, Alicia Masters and the Wizard. Yes, it's true.

No one is in being seriously eyed yet, but they have a list of actors that would be interesting for each role, many of them for multiple characters.


Next Avengers films.

Yes, both of them.

As I said, no particular actors yet. But younger characters like Dust, Prodigy and Surge are of interest.

Yes, Speed will be in the Vision series.

Too early to tell, there's no script yet. But there is an interest in featuring the Eternals in the movie, and George Miller is a top choice for the directing gig after he showed interest during the Furiosa press run.
What do you get out of coming to /co/ and telling lies? Is it a sex thing?
Any plans for Alba Baptista to be cast in the MCU given her marriage to Chris Evans?

Any rumours of the actress being eyed for Storm?

Plans for quake to appear in Secret wars?

Any major death being discussed in Secret Wars?
Is the Downey return just bullshit internet rumors or is it true?
Will Huge Jackman, Ryan Reynolds , Dafne Keen, Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield be in other projects pre Secret Wars?
Which mutants will be in the X-Men movie?
Plans for Sersi and Eros?
She's Balkanian in the movies, not Romani or Jewish.
Her canon character is a Romani-Jewish BROWN woman.
I do not see her brown. Stop this please.
Yes, and? We're discussing the MCU, not 616.
Whats the next avengers film? Is it avengers vs x men? Is it over for Hugh and fox men cast?
The longer the white woman plays her (who said the g slur) is the longer Marvel Studios directly supports racism against Romani and condones violence against them.
I really miss Chris Evan's Steve Rogers bros.
You're right, Marvel Studios is directly responsible for the Oct. 7th Al-Asqa Flood because they didn't cast a brown Jewish woman as Scarlet Witch.
If marvel announces avengers vs x men this saturday and OP said its not happening, this thread is all a lie. Keep in mind that.
The MCU died after Steve went back to creampie Hayley Atwell when she had her huge tits
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oh hey
who cares lol
They did Tech-9 dirty in the books
Yes it did. But it was Hayley Atwell huge and beautiful tits, so I can't blame him.

Still, miss the mf.
When's the next Shang-Chi appearance?
>Still being figured out, but expect the mainstays (Cyclops, Wolverine, Storm) alongside newcomers that haven't been to the screen yet.

Amazing insight only a true insider would be privy to, I appreciate you taking the time. And at great personal risk.
Did Thanus have aids
Not that I know of.
There is a list of potential candidates.
Yes. Won't reveal who, though.

It's true. But not as Doctor Doom, that bit is wrong.


See above.

There's been discussions about including the Eternals in Thor 5, hopefully wrapping up their story.

You'll see him again.

Keep in mind that's just the internal name, the title will probably be something different.

Avengers 5, then Shang-Chi 2.
>You'll see him again.
I really hope I will, friend...
Are they still doing Marvel Zombies? Are they really going to have the heroes torn apart in nasty ways? Will there at least be a happy ending?
Are they considering making Bob Downey a villain as said? I don't think that would be very smart since he is the ultimate super hero of the MCU so far. Cap second.
Any regret for making Wanda a villain and then killing her off after seeing how popular she became due to Wandavision?

And with that, is she really dead?
What are their plans for Ghost Rider? I've been hearing a bunch of different rumors from him showing up in a Midnight Suns project or getting his own show. Any word or updates on that?
Do you think after Ms Marvel and the Marvels and She Hulk flopped that 15 - 35 year old men are gonna watch Ironhart? REALLY?
Are the Spider-Man 4 being essentially Defenders 2.0 (Street Level hero team up) rumors true?
Likely chance of Rogue being race swapped? Are they looking for someone short for Wolverine?
Did they have ANY plans for Starfox before introducing him?
Dr. Doom: Is he gonna be a Fantastic Four Villain or Avengers Villain?
Any interest in The Maker with it being a multiverse saga
Any other appearances from John Krasinski Mr. Fantastic (e.g. Secret Wars) maybe with an Emily Blunt Sue Storm?
Was an Emily Blunt Sue Storm cameo ever considered to pair with Krasinski Mr. Fantastic?
Was she ever considered for Fantastic Four in general?
Current morale of the studio status?
Yes, it's slated to drop next year.

Yes, they're planning to introduce Superior Iron Man. Not a straight up villain, mind you, but a ruthless, "the ends justify the means" kind of guy.

She's not dead. And there are no regrets about her villain story, as that had been in the cards for a while, but there is some regret in not tying WandaVision and Multiverse of Madness together as tightly as they could have.

There is a project in active development. Started out as a Special Presentation, now is being discussed as a proper movie.

Not really, you're only getting Daredevil in a substantial role.

There are actresses of all ethnicities on the maybe lists, and of all heights as well.

Eternals 2 and maybe a solo show.

General Marvel villain, but leaning more towards the FF.
Krasinski, yes. Blunt, no.
It was briefly debated, but she had no interest and the stunt casting felt too obvious. She was also discussed for Clea before Charlize Theron came on.

Pretty good. The thoughtline is clearer now, though 2023 was a rough year for all.
Some true or false questions:
>Adam Driver was considered for Mr. Fantastic
>Adam Driver was considered for Dr. Doom
>Adam Driver was actually approached for these roles and declined
>Margot Robbie was considered for Invisible Woman
>Margot Robbie was even approached for the role but wanted more money
>Anya Taylor Joy was considered for Invisible Woman
>Austin Butler was considered for Human Torch
>There is a project in active development. Started out as a Special Presentation, now is being discussed as a proper movie.
Any chance Ryan Gosling got his proper MCU role as Johnny Blaze?
How are they doing Hulkling? Is it Teddy? Will be be played by Kit Connor? Will that son introduced in She-Hulk be Hulkling instead? Amadeus Cho?
I'm guessing the semi-true is she didn't want more money? What was it? Lack of faith in current MCU projects? Just couldn't commit? DCEU Loyalty?
What was the studio's initial reaction to when The Marvels bombed? And did they lay off any DEI departments?
Why no Zemo for Thunderbolts? MCU Thunderbolts feels more like Black-Ops Avengers than actual Thunderbolts. Was that on purpose so it wouldn't be compared to Suicide Squad too much? Zemo Plans?
What was the reaction of what to do with Sabra once the Israel/Palastine stuff kicked off and the big backlash against Israel?
Yes. He showed interest, and he would be a good get.

The plan was to introduce him in Secret Invasion, which changed due to how troubled that production was. Yes, it'll be Teddy and Kit Connor has been named as a possible casting. Skaar will be his own character. No plans for Amadeus Cho right now.

Didn't want to commit to another multi-picture role, plus wants to produce her own stuff now.

We keep track of box office projections and it was clear it wouldn't have legs. It was a bit of a troubled shoot too, so it wasn't all that surprising.

Zemo didn't fit the narrative. There are not current plans to bring him in, but there is always a chance this could change. He has been mentioned as someone that could be brought on for a sequel.

She was never a Mossad agent, but her Israeli background has been downplayed, and a direct but generally apolitical reference to the Israel/Palestine conflict has been cut.
Isn't casting a Romani woman as a witch stereotyping?
Was has been attributed internally to Marvel's recent flops? Was "It was made under Covid" kind of a cope for a while in terms of troubled productions?
Does Marvel feel they went a bit too overboard with the amount of female character focus thats been had and the sheer amount of female characters that were introduced? Feels like Avengers 5 is gonna be almost entirely female characters. Is it gonna be dialed back after fan reaction/lack of people going to see the movies or tune into the shows?
Do they just wish that they recast T'challa in the end?
These threads often have people begging to get their waifu adapted, so might be just try everything and see what sticks.
Covid and the strikes are not really a cope because they did affect things severely, but the excess of productions has been named as the main source of issues. The Multiverse was always the creative thoughtline of Phase 4/Phase 5. With the early success of Disney+ and the mandate for year-round content, the plan was essentially to branch out the main thoughtline into different avenues that would all meet back together in the end, but along the way quality control went down, synergy was lost, and a lot of avenues led nowhere.

No, they're fine with their decision to preserve the memory of Chadwick Boseman in the role.
How's the Jessica Drew Sony situation? Last I heard Feige wants her but Sony is Sony.
Can she be Captain Marvel's girlfriend? The comic one already blew it.
It often felt like they were just throwing shit out there and seeing what would stick, with no idea how they'd bring it back around or what to do with it. Like Starfox, they have nooooo idea what the grand plans are there. MCU is also starting to fall into the trap of comic books where different writers have different ideas for characters and so you see these rapid changes from appearance to appearance depending on who's writing. The biggest damage MCU wise was with Wanda, she didn't feel like Wandavision Wanda.
is foggy actually, fully dead in born again or is he just badly injured
Only if Carol is recasted. But Jessica Drew needs a shota. Both of them really.
>No, they're fine with their decision to preserve the memory of Chadwick Boseman in the role.
That's really dumb.

Is Marvel intending into forcing Miles to be live-action in Spider-Man movies or is this purely Sony meddling?
What made them go with Pedro Pascal?
I got no idea how The Marvels could have issues filming. Was that on the studio being difficult, director or any actors?
She was hot
Her one wish was to be happily married and have 2.5 children
She was unironically the most powerful female in the MCU

Bitch had to go.
Gross loser spinsters and old bulldykes did NOT want her getting TOO popular and had to demonize the fuck out of her matronly urge and personal wants
Hell they didn't even put her fucking husband in the movie where she went evil
Just had to bring in Alonzo's personal finger puppet(and I mean that litterally) to play the hated america chavez.
Any Punisher plans? What villains will he face?
True, Sony has dibs on her and still wants to do a solo movie in their universe.

I can assure you that's not true, all creative decisions are very carefully planned, but the shifting nature of having so many parallel productions, plus Covid and later the strikes often resulted in disconnects.

Starfox, like I said, would have been in Eternals 2 and maybe get a Disney+ spinoff based on the audience reception to the character. The Eternals were envisioned as similar to the Guardians of the Galaxy, doing their own thing in their own corner of the MCU before linking up with the Avengers for the main crossover event, aside from Sersi who would have been included in the New Avengers line-up.

He's dead.

He was a top choice, and he said yes. No real mystery there.

The shoot itself was not that hard, the problem was in post. It was a very goofy movie, goofier in the rough cut. When Quantumania underperformed, they felt a need to scale that back, add more action, more drama, which warranted reshoots. Nia DaCosta didn't really agree with the direction the movie was taking, washed her hands clean and moved on. So a good portion of the movie was made by committee in the truest sense of word, since the director wasn't there.

There is a show in the works, adapting Welcome Back, Frank with Ma Gnucci and her clan.
How does the studio feel about superhero movie fatigue from general audiences and diehard fans alike?
will we see legion on the big screen?
what are the plans for thor and hulk going forward?
>foggy dead for real
FUCK man
Will Steve Rogers be back at being Captain America post Secret Wars?
Are you finally gonna knock off this woke bullshit and cater to male comic nerds again, aka the guys who will actually spend money on you are you idiots gonna insist on running everything into the ground.
Are they worried about Cap 4's financials and box office because of the reshoots?
How are you feeling about those Deadpool 3 reviews lol
Final round, boys.

They don't really believe in it.

No plans for Legion.
Thor 5 will send off the character, Hulk will be in the next Avengers films.

No. But there have been talks about introducing a variant Steve Rogers who could stick around post-Secret Wars under a different monicker like Nomad.

Not really. Reshoots have been vastly overstated, the budget is within projections.

Eh, it's what I expected.
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I know is a DTVA/Disney Channel production than Marvel Studios but is Moon Girl And Devil Dinosaur canceled?

The show has many MCU cameos
>they don't really believe in it
they best start
So is everyone still ignoring that there's a giant corpse of a space god sitting in the ocean?
Will we see Vulture again, or find out why he got sent to another universe?

Is there any crossover planned with the animated Spider-Verse movies?

If not, are they at least working with Sony to keep the rules about Incursions consistent?
that's being addressed in cap 4. apparently it's going to be the source of adamantium and different governments around the world are scrambling to get their hands on it
when will bob buy dc so we can have spidey and superman in the same move?
I thought she hulk doing the princess carry thing was hot. The problem was thr boring story and spending too much time in her human form.
please have the symbiot be she venom because her voice was fucking perfect in the movie. most memorable part of the entire movie.
They can't believe in it anon. It's their bread and butter. But all the Marvel big players are surrounded by legions of yes men who never tell them that what they're doing is retarded.
another multiverse crisis should fix it
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Is the Beyonder showing up anytime soon?
Jeez. Seriously? It really isn't a good thing to keep the title Captain America from Steve while he is alive...
Squadron Supreme movie when
Feige loves gay men
>There is respect for the comics, but also acknowledgement that a lot of stories need adapting to make it to the screen.
Shut the fuck up, you fat piece of shit. I don’t know what kind of bait you think you’re reeling out but I’m not biting. You know damn well that excuse is horseshit so you can just stop.
You seen any particularly cool costume designs at all or is concept art stuff not ur department ? Do you know if Daredevil will get a more classic look or is the brighter red one we’ve seen the only update he has ?
Why won't you stop spamming?
If you come back I just wanna know are we ever gonna get 2nd seasons for Moon Knight, Ms Marvel or She-Hulk ?
Yeah as a throw away joke like Jim from the Office in Multiverse of Madness
it baffles me how out of touch some of these show runners are. like they must be too stubborn to admit it.

i can only speak for myself but the fatigue is real. and i was born in 86, grew up eating all this stuff up.. loving comics, and ANY comic adaptation, no matter how bad it was i watched it many times. i even want to be a writer and have my stories adapted, but i digress.. so i was already into all this before the MCU even existed, so.. there is a bit of burnout. and im sure their bean counters can measure the diminishing returns, their writers are running out of ideas wondering where do we go from here? how can we take things further? how do we raise the bar and the stakes? and im over here with too few fucks to give anymore. like im surprised they kept it going as long as they did.

its crazy that they think they can just keep bombarding people with more stuff to buy into. think about it like sex.. people tend to enjoy it, obviously right? but its not something they're trying to do all day every day. they take breaks.. and come back to it when theyre in the mood and recharged. the problem with the MCU is they're not that type to wait for you to be in the mood before they try and fuck you. they demand too much from their audience. in fact in this metaphor they're more like a prostitute that is overly soliciting sex to customers who arent shopping for it.

plus it doesnt help that the stories aren't good enough to stick. if you want to hold the audience's attention you must at least maintain a certain standard.

its ironic or something, but one thing big companies dont seem to understand is the wisdom of how less can be more. they just don't operate on that sort of scale because their values are too skewed. and their whole desire for more corrupts that purity which would help them do more with less. the fact that they have too much is why theyre so wasteful.
disappointed i missed you, i get the impression you're not larping. although i have mixed feelings about entertainment types lurking and smurfing about my websites. like some of you are just leeches and spies hanging around to take anything you can get.. like if i shared some outline for a story, one of you assholes would take it as if it were your bag. and seeing how all the industries are controlled by gatekeepers and the sort, i basically can't win. im just expecting to buy stuff from you but i'll never get paid for any contributions. ask you anything? why should i ask you anything? why do you want me to ask you anything?

also you should just hire me and not even ask why considering how many hack frauds have been paid for their work within the MCU. i know i could help out a bit and i wouldn't even ask for a big salary. although im afraid Bob Iger would have me flayed if i ever crossed him.

you should use him as a template for one of the upcoming big villains.
I feel like one or two films a year was a good pace and was just enough to not keep people overwhelmed. Then they decided they wanted Netflix money and started shitting out a million things to try to prop up Disney Plus.
What is avengers 5 about? Is it avengers vs fox x men?
>Alonzo's personal finger puppet(and I mean that litterally)
Plan after Deadpool 3?
And I mean concrete ones (the ones that will have almost zero reshoots or rewrites).
Any news on Moon Knight?
Does Kevin Fiege have STDs
Dang. I guess I missed this guy.
Really wanted to hear some Moon Knight news.
Netflix doesn’t make money though that’s where they fucked themselves
Go back to tumblr gyppo
>Maybe Captain Marvel as well if Larson truly decides to leave after Secret Wars.

What's Brie Larson relationship with Marvel, other actors and the reception of Captain Marvel by audiences?
Does Wolverine fuck men?
There was a report she gets along fine with the studio and her co-stars, but is tired of the extreme hate she gets online and was going to walk away from the role after Captain Marvel 3 (which isn't happening anymore) and the next Avengers movies.

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