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I fucking hate the Supergirl/Brainiac 5 ship. It makes Kara less special if her boyfriend is some alien dork.
Better than the race cuck shit that gets spammed
I think they are cute, even drew some fanart, tho tweaked his design since there never been one that really fully appealed to me
Based black-Jimmy-anon
>It makes Kara less special if her boyfriend is some alien dork.
Also who would you make Kara's love interest instead?
I don't like Zatanna/Constantine. Zee deserves better, and John drags everyone around him down to hell.
Your obsession just neon advertises your trash fetish, beta
>less special
This doesn't mean anything
The real problem is that, in the DCAU, Brainiac 5 is a literal who that appeared in a single episode. Had they built this up for at least a season, no one would complain.
It means, fairly transparently, that he can’t self-insert anymore
>Throw away your entire life for some boy you met
Idk anon, seems pretty realistic
>if you call us out you actually support us
I wonder who is behind this post
Better than pairing her with Jimmy.
Sounds like a skill issue.
Brainiac 5 is such an incredibly lame character.
>what if Brainiac but completely uninteresting?
Kara is an alien fish out of water. Putting her in a setting where there's lots of lame c-listers with powers makes her just another one of the cast.
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Kenji and Brooklynn
>Relationshit is painful during the end of CC
>We find out they break up by Chaos Theory
>That relationshit continues to eat up an unbelievable amount of time now with a semi-love triangle
Kara was a fish out of water 66 years ago, and exists in a world where a fuckton of other alien C-listers with powers exist on the same planet in the same present day as she does.
That's a very good point anon.
I dunno, I like it when fish out of water characters find a group where they fit.

Supergirl is for Bueno
>sees alien-cyborg man and falls in love with him
>immediately never appears again, not even in that DCAU movie in the late 2010s
Pretty much whatever you fags ship. Anything with the self insert manlet garbage like timmy or Ben or Lincoln.

Beast boy x raven
Starfire x Superman(lol garbage)
Any comedic character x hot girl
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Sounds like brainlet cope to me
>Also who would you make Kara's love interest instead?
Not the other anon, but to me, the answer was always Dick Grayson.
Kara's far too good for a disgusting manwhore like Dick.
She's Superman's cousin in a universe already full of super-powered individuals.
FPBP and checked
Better Brainiac 5 than some lame human or civilian.
shy horse x instant messaging and VoIP social platform
Brainy x Kara is a KING's ship and the endgame. XTC WILL BE REAL.
I'm sorry OP but I kinda hope this ship comes back now that the Legion seems to be back for good and Kara isn't a teen anymore.
I mean, I guess it could work, but they would probably never allow the Batman and Superman families to mix like that.
Supergirl & Brianiac works because the whole point of Supergirl is that she isn't Superman. So why would you make it just more of the same?
>It makes Kara less special if her boyfriend is some alien dork.
I'd argue it actually makes her more special.
Unlike Clark who gets with some random reporter lady, Kara is such a special girl that she gets with an alien nerd from the future who's a descendant from one of their main villains, that's pretty fucking special I think.
Hehe... excellente.
Supergirl x Bueno
If Superman was a woman, Brainiac 5 would had wanted to date him too.
>this shit
>episode where Grog turns everyone into apes
>comedic episode involving Luthor and Flash trading bodies
>Cadmus comes back just for that General guy to turn himself into a monster for a retarded reason

You can tell the writers for JLU were just completely out of idea at this point.
Quads of truth fuck the dilating, axe-wound, soon-to-be 41% faggots who like race mixing.
It's less them being out of ideas and them mining the comics for them. They were fanboys, they wanted to tip their hat to DC comics they liked since the show was on borrowed time. JLU even happening was a miracle they pulled by pitching a rework of the show.
The general turning himself into a monster is from Morrison's JLA, and the episode a homage to 7 Soldiers of victory
The Flash episode is just based off the actor playing Luthor on Smallville.
What's this "us", beta faggot? If you see it everywhere, I'm half inclined to believe you're actually into it because you won't shut the fuck up about it
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>It makes Kara less special if her boyfriend is some alien dork
her boyfriend is a dude from the future , it was written as a tragedy
And what a tragedy it was.

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