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>Literally the entire point of the movie is that racism and war are bad and we should take care of the planet.
>Breadtubers fucking hate it.

What is a Breadtubers?
It depicts an ahistorical peace agreement between genocider and genocided peoples.
Commie video essayist
They will never be satisfied.
Who? What?
Buy a fucking ad.
Yeah but you're forgetting White Man Bad.
Yeah, the Powhatan's genocidal treatment of whites was unjustified. Although the greatest crime of this movie was the slanderous portrayal of Governor John Ratcliffe, a victim of Powhatan treachery himself.
What fucking ad for who? Your literally just a meat ai at this point.
I like it. Not because it's good or anything, but because Pocahontas is one of the hottest cartoon characters ever conceived.
Did you forget the second protagonist was a white man and it was the bigotry between the two that was the problem not either side is exclusively good or evil?

Never watched this movie, but it looks dull. Disney Renaissance just annoys me because they're all simultaneously pretentious but horribly lowbrow.
Honestly every time I hear the story of how he supposedly got killed in all the things that tried supposedly did and they trusted two people who supposedly escaped from that I'm thinking yeah this sounds like a cover up with two people lying up about was such the victims don't ever ask them what actually caused the problem. You ever heard about what really happened at the Battle of the Little Bighorn that what happens when you only listen to one side about what happened.
*genocider and genocider
Even Hunchback?
So true. Reminder that the cure for racism isn't lectures. It's breedable brown girls.
Idk, probably mad they weren't trans so they could narcissistically project onto pocahontas
Hunchback commits the unforgiveable sin of portraying gypsies as normal people.
NTA but Hercules, Pocahantas, and Hunchback all fall into that category for me.
Beauty and the Beast made them start to play to the Oscars, trying to do more mature stories without being able to fully commit.
I'd say all the movies look really good, Hercules especially. They had Gerald Scarfe do the character designs.
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But Esmeralda isn't a normal human. She's a succubus.
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The real Captain John Smith was a lot more interesting than that blonde twink.
Captain Smith tried to organize a mutiny on the way over but was only spared because the Virginia companies secret sealed documents made him the leader of the colony.
He also had a 12-year old boy, Samuel Collier, with him who would have been a better companion for a historically accurate aged Pocahantas.
Well they're not all trannies. One or two of them are fuckable.
Shes darker than most gypsies I've seen
Stop posting, Frollo. A man of God shouldn't be here.
OP clearly working off a 90s understanding of leftists (racism bad, people are equal etc) not understanding that they've been in pre-race war agitprop mode for 15 years.
Is actually one of their best animated movies
No, anon: White Man Bad. It's 2024, no white man can ever be a hero or do anything good.
>He also had a 12-year old boy, Samuel Collier, with him

"He was a lot more interesting than in the movie, he was actually a pedophile faggot".
>One side is knowingly going to another place and trying to kill the "savage" natives to steal their resources
>The other side doesn't want to be killed and have their stuff taken
Vaush, hasan piker and destiny
What is a Vaush, hasan piker and destiny?
>inb4 what's a breadtuber
I told you so no need to keep asking
Obviously because they aren't against racism and war

You'd think this would've sunken in with more people by now
Would you like them to do the story about a town destroy by Nazi Germany and make both sides in that story equally bad when historically once I was just wiped out because they when you were high ranking German officer got killed in the Nazis were offended by dad? I'm pretty sure everyone who are descending from the people that town would be highly offended just like the Native Americans got offended by Pocahontas. Especially a story of kidnapping at possible conversion and destroying her culture being turned into a love story for her.
Because there was nothing Noble about Nathan Americans live in their life and not want to instantly become Western Christians the moment they were given the chance and those Native American schools to destroy their culture were good thing?Also the story of his death should not be taking solely on face value. See

In other words, the perfect Disney villain. Better than Ratcliffe at least.
No they wont, they'll keep blaming the shadows of whiteness long after all the white peepo are gone
>Jewish funded feminism.
>steal their resources
>a bunch of rocks they don't value on land they don't own is 'stolen'
I love how you fags continuously paint the entirety of two continents of people as a singular monolith.
I’ve always seen myself in both Ratcliffe and Pocahontas because I’m racist but I also like the religion the Natives have in this movie. Also I hate England and America. Maybe I’m twospirits
Noble savage has been invented bullshit since its inception. It exists purely from people who have never interacted with a savage romanticizing their way of life out of ignorance when they are every bit as evil as everyone else.
/pol/ has escaped containment again
State Department/Pentagon liberals that think they’re leftists or against the system in some way
It was fucking boring, and the only good song in that movie was Colors of the Wind. There's a reason why no one complains about Esmerelda and whatever the fuck that blonde twink name is in Hunchback, because even if they were also boring as a couple, the movie was interesting to watch, and the songs were actually good.
>taking Breadtubers opinions seriously
That was your first mistake anon
Do you believe Native Americans didn't own any land in North America whatsoever? what do you believe people hunted wherever they wanted just went from any spot to any spot and territory wasn't even a concept for them so it was okay for the white man to take everything time and time again and break diplomacy agreements that they said I would not take this land but then take it 15 years later?
How is "Leftists will never be satisfied" /pol/? That's just common sense.
Because it's yelling every one of these millions of people of this group are mostly Ordinary People have an insane belief and listen to us and never listen to them because they're all crazy no I'm not psychotic they're all psychotic I'm the white man I'm being oppressed.Also using political terms got most people have no idea what they're talking about. Because it's yelling every one of these millions of people of this group are mostly Ordinary People have an insane belief and listen to us and never listen to them because they're all crazy no I'm not psychotic they're all psychotic I'm the white man I'm being oppressed.Also using political terms got most people have no idea what they're talking about.
The whole issue with this conversation is that technologically backwards people don’t have any ability to extract wealth from raw resources that are on their land. In this way, technologically advanced peoples can argue (mostly accurately) that primitive groups are “not using their resources anyways so we might as well take them and send them back for processing in our factories”. Of course, subaltern and indigeneous people did have raw materials stolen from them, but it is not accurate to say that they had wealth stolen from them, or that they would have been wealthy and prosperous if not for the plundering of those blasted Europeans. Natives (especially African and American, but also in Asia) were not rich compared to early modern Europeans before colonization. That said, a more fair or just deal would have been to trade them skills training and factory building in exchange for resource rights or something
You do know people don't magically not own territory if they're not using it to get resources in such a manner and also basic things like food to eat and material to build buildings also legitimately resources and when you sign an agreement saying I will recognize your right to this land international law says you're supposed to obey it so yes it is accurate to stay you're still in the line whenever you kick people off of land they've been living hundreds of years with every reason to believe they be allowed to live there because of a peace agreement and then force them into the gutter and treating them like crap is a bad thing.And a lot of these resources were never even things the white man could have been taken at that time anyways so they by all means should be considered completely invalid to any claims of taking them to begin with.
Rich pseudocommies that get paid to talk about the injustices of capitalislt Eurocentrist western society while benefiting from it, such as
>Hasan, multimillionaire nepo baby
>Destiny, multimillionaire "political commentator"
>Lindsay Ellis, multimillionaire video essayist (paid 300k/yr on Patreon for no patreon exclusive content)

Pocahontas' tribe had literal magic and her grandmother could command the flora and fauna using her spirit. The Native Americans could have easily beaten the British simply by shrinking them. The notion of these Native Americans eventually losing is pure BS given their magical powers.
Oil is a good example of modern tech making something valuable. It's useless without having the technology to use it, and all of that technology was invented by Europeans. Some non-Whites got off with killer deals with oil anyways. A bunch of Middle Eastern places are fabulously rich now because they had the good fortune to be sitting on oil and they didn't lose (or gained back) independence from Europeans
>[Post a Reply]
The Native American should have been given proper money and not have people in a position to murder them and inherit things they had no right inheritance whatsoever to begin with. And being invented by Europeans gives them no right to just steal the resources get by all white should have been theirs for owning the very line it was on. Not to mention hundreds of innocent people got murdered because of this racism when they should have been flowing in cash and no saying some non-whites who you are probably just considering some Jewish people and why are you talking about independence these people had legally solving Nations that were taken by American businesses with the help of their government j the moment businessman found it would have been financially beneficial to them to steal the land these people lived off of him forced them into poverty. And no you don't have to be taking oil out of the ground which they probably could have done themselves in they had just a little bit of someone investing in them being able to do so does not constitute not using the land. how would you like someone to go over to your house and saying no you're not using every piece of the line you own 100% therefore I'm going to take it and give you nothing in return?
Gypsies are not human, correct.
It's actually interesting you mention the Middle East, because after the natives got relocated to Oklahoma, had they been able to just be compensated for the oil then found there, they'd be sort of like Native American Utah and a very wealthy little enclave of natives in the heartland of the US
because she was 12 and he was 30 and pretty much everything he wrote about her was made up

even when she married John Rolfe 10 years later and came to England, the only reason Smith didn't get fucking dragged for his bullshit was he was no longer famous and nobody cared about the 40 year old neckbeard failure fantasizing about native children being hot for him

why do you like this movie anon

do you see something of yourself in him
Did you even watch the movie you mouth breathing ape?
I hate it too because its so boring
>Destiny, multimillionaire "political commentator"
I have trouble believing Destiny is a multimillionaire considering his meltdown over losing two revenue streams. Either he's not as wealthy as he presents himself or he has a bad drug habit.
It's so funny how rightoids go on and on about white genocide and immigrants taking over the US and Europe and so on and yet they defend or deny actual instances of historical genocide.
Well it's not funny it's transparently and deliberately hypocritical, it's using the language of genocide as a pretense to justify counter-genocide.
Destiny is not even remotely left-wing LMAO he is a liberal and everyone on the left despises him, especially recently since he's been a hyper-vocal Zionist.
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Funny you should bring up genocide denial when it's your side that denies the Holodomor and Cambodian Genocide
is destiny the guy that cheated at minecraft
there's no hypocrisy in basic self-preservation. you have been tricked into pathological altruism by globalized internet dialect. only an ideology-retard would think their family household deserves to be burned down because the grandparents were le bad
mend your broken relationship with your dad and touch grass
>don’t have any ability to extract wealth from raw resources that are on their land.
those dumb savages never even invented microplastics or lead gasoline. guess we got to kill them.
Bonding lead and microplastics to your brain makes you stronger
The noble savage trope is racist, anon

The idealized neolithic human who hasn't the mental capacity for deceit, avarice, or odium. Living hand-to-mouth as all other animals do
Sorry you're being forced to type on your computer at gunpoint anon : (

I know you would never be a huge hypocrite willingly
the leaded gasoline fumes and microplastics are inside you regardless of personal choice, anon
I'm not even a leftist but I think it's in a bit poor taste to make a cartoon about a real historical person and simplify her life into a moral narrative that it doesn't necessarily quite fit into and make up native spirituality about how she talked to tree people and so forth. But ultimately I don't care that much. Cartoon Pocahontas is a babe so I don't think it's too much of an injustice. The leftist issue with it is mainly the "both sides are bad" part as they believe only the white man is ever bad, and then the love story part I believe they think was less happy and good irl. I really can't see them ever doing a live action version of this movie.. unless they make it a depressing story about genocide and child marriage or something.

Destiny doesn't fit in with that as he is a liberal, not a communist. Breadtubers hate him as much as conservatives do.
Love the concept art for this film, need to get the artbook at some point. It's amazing how many wildly different takes they had on her before settling on the discount asian look. Varied levels of innocence and sexualization which is interesting.
This one creeps me out a bit, but still endearing!
Also like the button nose they went with for the more finalized stuff, as mischievous as her nickname would suggest but still clearly a "princess."
Last one for now, really get the impression they couldn't settle on how old to make her in the context of the story. Sometimes she looks like Tiger Lily's long-lost twin, other times she's a model, and then you have ones like these where she's clearly a naive teenager.
What's a breadtuber?
I don't need /co/ acting like they always defended this movie. Its boring and hokey even if it wasn't horribly adapting real-life events.
Did you have a stroke while writing this?
>The leftist issue with it is mainly the "both sides are bad" part as they believe only the white man is ever bad
I kind of have an issue like that but not because I hate white people. In the movie, both sides are escalating a problem. But I think the whole history isnt so simple to be condensed into a Disney movie. I like the overall lesson, and Savages is the best song in that movie, but I think it does oversimplify things. Would've been better with a fictional group so we can draw similarities to history rather than compare to historical accuracy, but I suppose the name Pocahontas sells more.
That's what all people say about ideologies they don't agree with. even if we ignored ideology, I am sure their are pieces of media you fucking hate and think anyone whole likes those pieces of media are stupid, insane...etc
meant for
What are you talking about there was a peace agreement it just didn't last forever.
because she was a real person and her "true love" was, in real life, some guy who took her as a child bride
The idea that Native Americans didn't use natural resources is simply false

The Eastern US has a long history of town-building societies with monumental earthenworks, like Poverty Point, Hopewell cultures and Mississippians. The absolute biggest Mississippian sites like Cahokia (pic) were outright cities with 10,000 - 40,000 inhabitants. In the Southwest, you had Oasisamerican cultures like the Pueblo, Hohokam, Salado, Mogollon which had some extremely large irrigation networks and built towns into cliffs and in large, sometimes town sized apartment compounds. All of these had relatively procssed art, clothing, etc

Even the groups without fully sedentary settlements still made use of and modified their natural environments: A lot of seemingly nomadic groups actually practiced migratory agroforestry where they'd move into an area, use controlled burns and other techniques to clear the underbrush of forests and use it to plant specific crops while keeping some of the natural ecology and wildlife for hunting, then live there for months, years, etc till it was approaching what was past sustainability, then move into a new area to allow it to recover and cycle back. Way before agriculture was even a thing in North America at all, The Great Lakes region has some of the earliest instances of Copper working in the world, period

Obviously, even the Mississippians weren't as urbanized as the Greeks, China, Egypt, etc (but down in Mexico, Peru etc, the Aztec, Maya, Inca, Moche etc were), but they were pretty comparable to the various early Medieval Germanic kingdoms and towns whose settlements were similarly mostly wood structures, palisades, earthen monuments and fortifications, etc

t. Precolumbian history/archeo nerd

Some vids:

The only problem is most of these settlements were either abandoned or on their way out by the time Europeans spread across the continent, also Native Americans aren't some monolithic group. There were clearly some who had a better understanding of their world than others, and others that clearly had something to gain from wiping out their more organized competition.
I really like Pocahontas. Just Around the River Bend are Colors of the Wind are great songs and Pocahontas is a hottie with nice feet.
They worked with Native American consultants on the movie so anyone who bitches about it only has themselves to blame.
I like how the main villain got 2 songs and yet almost no one remembers him
Historical inaccuracies.
The Oasisamerican towns? Yeah.

The Mississippians? Hernando de Soto reports coming across a variety of what are generally considered to be surviving/rebounded Mississippian towns after a bunch declined a few centuries earlier, and even participated in wars between different towns and s, but when he revisited the area later most were abandoned, apparently the diseases his expeditions spread caused many to collapse and fragment.

So yeah, by the time British and American colonists become a thing, a lot of these weren't around anymore. But the Spanish interacted with many, and obviously Mesoamerican and Andean civilizations further south.

Even so, the groups the British, French, Americans, etc encountered still did stuff like the migratory agroforestry I mentioned, had concepts of territory and political organization, etc.
Just another in the long line of internet boogeymen which incels make up to convince themselves that there really is a global conspiracy against them and that it's totally not their fault that no woman will ever let them touch her. You have to understand that the only instinct these "people" have is fear. They live with this constant idea that the entire world is rigged against them so they never have to risk taking any personal responsibility.
>come into my land firing guns
>these people want (((peace)))
never trust a white
>Cambodian Genocide
wait, they do? I on several occasions argued with communists and mentioned this insanity and they never denied it, just said that "capitalism did worse things!!" or that Pol Pot "wasn't a real communist"
>it’s ok to kill a man and steal his house if they aren’t living lavishly
How Jewish of you
I say it's more like how Jews are treated more than how Jews treat others especially how they got treated in the Middle East after Israel was officially recognized.

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