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which was better /co/?
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This is going to come off as bait, but Unicron in the Sunbow continuity feels very superfluous. The movie should've just been Five Faces of Darkness with the Class of '84 with the newer figures getting their time to shine in the following seasons and Unicron being exclusive to the Marvel comics.
You know what I did this morning? I played the voice of a toy. Some terrible robot toys from Japan that changed from one thing to another. The Japanese have funded a full-length animated cartoon about the doings of these toys, which is all bad outer-space stuff. I play a planet. I menace somebody called Something-or-other. Then I'm destroyed. My plan to destroy Whoever-it-is is thwarted and I tear myself apart on the screen.
Transformers for the death and violence.
G.I. Joe for the sexiness.
Unicron is more cinematic. otherwise it would've felt like a glorified 5 parter
Oh what luck there's a french fry stuck in my beard.
I thought GI Joe was a bit more fun tbqh
The Transformer's movie, from what I remember, had more fuck-ups, but it was also much more memorable.
I need to re-watch both tho
I agree.
Both of these movies surpass every attempt at a big budget live action adaptation.
I know a lot of people hated the snake people stuff but as a kid I thought it was cool
Both films took their well known properties in a new /crazy direction which at least justified them being feature lenght films (Unlike some other tv shows turned movies)
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I never get tired of seeing cell animation using those light effects. its the coolest shit
G.I Joe has the better intro scene, Transformers is the better movie every other way. also had the balls to kill off Prime than putting Duke in a coma.
Speaking of TF movies, TF: One got an early screening and has received very positive reviews.
I just re-watched GI Joe The Movie for the first time since I was a child, and the snake-people and all the weird creatures was the highlight of the movie. Lt. Falcon was annoying, Sgt. Slaughter did piss all to actually train anyone, and Steeler, Grunt, and Clutch were magically back on the team for no apparent reason(they stayed behind on another dimension where Cobra won prior to Serpentor being created), but the Cobra-la people were cool. Cobra Commander going feral was entertaining as well.

It was originally supposed to be the final battle scene, with the battle taking place during the 100th anniversary celebration of the Statue of Liberty. Hence why all the balloons and cameras being present. It got cut during development, and they decided to shove it in the beginning of the movie so the animation wouldn't go to waste, and so the opening could help explain the setup to new viewers instead of opening with Serpentor screaming at his troops for no apparent reason. Which is a shame, since the ending battle we got was epilepsy-inducing flashing lights instead.
I thought GI Joe was still a better movie. The plot was less dis-jointed, the important plot item doesn't feel like some magical bullshit, and the main villain doesn't just fall into line and blindly support the new big bad for the movie.
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The funny thing is Orson Welles thought he was going in to read for Megatron (and got mad at the director for line reading him when he played Megatron opposite him) because he was only told he was playing the main villain. Meaning he either did his research on the franchise (which in 85 is pretty impressive because no internet and the thing had only just been invented a year before) or he was a closet Transformers fan himself.
The one that had the balls to kill off their leader instead of putting them in a coma for half a movie.
He probably just had his agent or assistant watch a few episodes and give him a summary.
who is this man and why does he dress like a whore
he was supposed to be killed off. he only survived because of the backlash over optimus
The one that is good beyond the intro scene

we were robbed
Considering the Transformers movie literally only made sense retroactively, I'd say the GI Joe movie even if that one rely on retcons that were ignored later on.
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once a man...once a man...once a man
Who needs a body massage..... body massage
GI Joe The Movie > Transformers The Movie

the gi joe movie is the best GI-joe content ever made.
the transformers movie is fucking art and still rocks

transformers win
The opening for GI Joe was kino as fuck (video below related). But TFTM was overall much better.


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