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SpongeBob's kind of on the spectrum too as a character,” he said. "It was the first time I’d ever been asked this question — a person who was obviously on the spectrum came up to me and said, ‘I have a question for you, Tom Kenny. Is SpongeBob autistic?’”

He recalled answering, “‘Of course!’” Then, he continued, “I said, ‘You know what? That's his superpower, the same way that’s your superpower.’”
>Spongebob is autistic he has assburgers
How utterly shocking who could have guessed this wow amazing truly amazing...
I mean...it makes total sense given Spongebob.
The Good Frycook
So was Patrick a downie or the kid that huffed markers?
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>I am a frycook
>I am a fry cook...
>I am a fry cook... I AM A FRY COOK.. I AM A FRY COOK!!!! I AM- I AM A FRY COOK, MR. KRABS.. I AM A FRY COOK!!!!!!
I mean just coming out and saying it out loud, but we all know it. We all knew he was a gay autist since 1999 since that's what all the schoolkids were saying on the playground
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Spergbob Stimpants
>>he was a gay
A storyboarder named Pinkie clearly stated there won't any canon for such themes. And Vincent, the modern Bob exec made sure they are skewing away from that.
Stephen also said SB is just Asexual.
*stimming noises*
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Think again
how the fuck is spongebob autistic? he's extremely outgoing and positive most of the time. he has a stable job he's good at. what about the character is autistic?
That shit hasn't mean anything for fucking years
it means pretty much nothing now, no one can agree on what autism actually is
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Didn't you know, if you have any eccentricities it means you're on the spectrum.
Voice actors only want to cheer us up.
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>character has slight trouble fitting in
>character has a particular interest/obsession (usually for comedy)
>woah is he an aspie??
>character is a legitimate fucking mentally ill lunatic and/or 20 IQ
>damn I never noticed the autism vibes as a kid........
Not sure how to feel about that. Early Spongebob felt like a quirky, slightly naive, but somewhat grounded person. Modern Spongebob is definitely on the spectrum for sure.
Protip: Every single cartoon character in existence is "autistic", because if you put them in the real world they would not fit in with our social norms. Therefore no cartoon character is autistic because that's just the base line for them.
Hillenburg would never approve of this.
I'm so sick and tired of people pretending autism is some kind of good thing, it actually fucking sucks to have autism.
It may not be a disease but I sure wish it was if it meant I could take a pill and get rid of it.
this and anxiety but try to convince twitter people of that
>It may not be a disease but I sure wish it was if it meant I could take a pill and get rid of it.
same, there is literally nothing good about it
as we all know Hillenburg was openly anti-autism
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I'm autistic and I don't agree.
he told me in a KFC
He has all the signs of autism.
>You know what? That's his superpower, the same way that’s your superpower.
My superpower was wanting to fuck cartoon horses?
I'd believe ADHD over autism.
> clearly autistic guy asks va if his favorite character is autistic
> "of course buddy"

yeah ppl on twitter are not gonna let this die down. idk why they would care since they're always bitching that "they keep changing spongebob!" and "they're disrespecting the creator's legacy!"
What are the signs of autism?
>inb4 he posts on /co/
people who care about this are normies faking out being autistic to call attention
Autism is a mental deficiency not a superpower. Not even social workers believe this bullshit. What, is it because there's a portion of autists on the spectrum that excel in pattern recognition and problem solving while being shit at social skills? Enough with the BS.
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Kinda weird we went from mocking Chris Chan and him being a cautionary tale to having an unchecked amount of Chris Chans roam the Earth, complete with being a sexually harassing tranny, and his condition is now seen as a "superpower".
for some reason nobody professional has acknowledged this but there are two types of autism- the kind that makes you ignore all social faux pas, and the kind that makes you hyper-aware of all of them, rendering you incapable of doing anything
>autism is a superpower!
So does Tom Kenny have an autistic kid? Because I have literally only ever heard this line used by parents of autistic kids. I think even that newish Predator film where that's a plot point was written by a guy with an autistic kid.
Visual source?
well I mean it is spongebob... he would you know probably meet a lot of autistic kids lol
he's fixated on krabby patties
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/co/ has autism but they don't want to admit it
There are two main types of autists: the introverted ones who are totally socially inept, and the extroverted ones who are way too loud and talkative. Spingebill is the latter.
Wait, didn't Tom already said this with Marc Maron's Podcast in 2012?
Why can't a dumb cartoon character just be a dumb cartoon character?
First day here?
>That's right! He's autistic, just like you!
>Yo what the fuck I'm not autistic? What the fuck?
Ed was autistic too.
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>mfw my superpower is being awkward around people and not understanding social cues
Anyone wanna trade?
the only upside of literally everyone self-diagnosing now is it means the real autistics are not special
>there is literally nothing good about it
Can't you at least get money from the government if you're autistic?
I saw it in a dream
>anti autism
You mean Bitch Hartman?
Dreams are not sources. Nice try, Butch bot.
SpongeBob is Kannerian autism, lower functioning spaz while Squidward is the high IQ Aspie who is obsessed with art and speaks in flat affect. That is my head canon.
I don't think Shane Black has kids.
spongebob has a real job and lives on his own and even has a pet and friends. not very low functioning.
>the extroverted ones who are way too loud and talkative. Spingebill is the latter.

yeah that's more common than people think. that's basically my gf. totally audhd
>says Tom Kenny
Actually e didn’t say it but he agreed with some other person who said it. Never trust a journo
I never got this autism is my superpower stuff, I'm autistic and it fucking sucks
Oh we do admit it. But not when it's inconvenient, like in this thread.
I think it was meant to fight discrimination or some shit, but at some point it went too far and they forgot autism is actually a disability.
Can't believe the life that the cum jar meme has taken on, love it.
>being a burden to others is a superpower
only in united states man... only in the u.s. of a
Don't autists cancel people for saying that because "neurotypicals patronizing/imfantilizing us"
Loves his job, loves inane hobbies, loves David Hasselhoff... He's not autistic he's just an average German.
I think the kind of high functioning autism where their hyper fixations can be channeled into something productive is a legit super power.
He started being that way in season 4.
What the hell is a journo?
how do u know if u have autism or if you're just a fuckup with no social skills
As an actual diagnosed autistic person I don't like hearing that it sounds childish and immature. You don't just tell people with disabilities it's their superpower because it's not. It's a power to be able to live with a disability, but no one actually wants to be disabled (besides those few insane people that fantasize cutting limbs off). I live with someone that uses a prosthetic leg that's always causing them pain and I can't speak on their behalf but I know if I was in that situation I'd want anything to get my normal leg back. Being autistic is a struggle too, since people always expect us to fit in the norm or treat us differently when they find out what we are. The fact that I can't even be open with people about the disability I have because I know people will get the wrong impression or something... it sucks. Anyways I went on a dumb rant but the point I wanted to make is were just fucking people and I wish people would treat us as such instead of this infantalizing shit that's been going on for decades. Even with all the information about autism out there now it seems people would rather live in ignorance and support fucked up companies that profit off autism while not actually helping (*cough* autismspeaks) and then we have these dumb folks like in the OP that just don't give a fuck and know that they can get good publicity by leeching off us like this. So fucking stupid
Autism is a curse, not a blessing.
Boy oh boy, I sure do love normies referring to crippling disorders as "superpowers". This will surely help autistic people!
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Just because you fucking hate yourself doesn't mean other people like you have to hate themselves lmfao
Yeah, there's a lot of animosity among high functioning autists with all the autism is actually great crowd. Mostly cause you know, it's actually something that causes issues in peoples lives.
>“I said, ‘You know what? That's his superpower, the same way that’s your superpower.’”
>voice actor is able to say whats canon or not
Spongebob isn't "autistic". It doesnt say that anywhere in the wiki. He is a manchild, yes, but does that ultimately make you an autist? If that's the case, the entirety of /co/ can file for disability benefits
Typically it would've been diagnosed before the 2010's when everyone started getting their Doctors to diagnose them for points.
He doesn't hate himself. He hates having a disorder that makes life more difficult. We live in a highly social age, which fucking sucks if you have autism.
what if you had parents that didn't believe that adhd or autism were real
Depending how shit the schools and doctors you went too were, Teachers and Doctors do tend to pick up in signs sooner or later.
>You can't have sens of wonder without being autistic
Come on buddy, when those people talk about or show "autism", it's only the good one : the Hollywood Autism. You should know that by now.
Nah. I don't know if most autists would care, but you(?) have your due contingent of loud assholes. It's a spectrum, as they say.
He will have a mental breakdown and start clawing at his face if you offer him food he's never had before or suggest watching a tv show he's never seen.
Acknowledging a disability is seen as hateful because if you can put any kind of vaguely positive spin on it you have to because everything has to be happy and positive at all times and the worst thing that could ever happen is someone feeling bad about a birth defect that negatively impacts their life in a very meaningful way.
I suspected as much. I also suspect Patrick's retarded.
>He recalled answering, “‘Of course!’” Then, he continued, “I said, ‘You know what? That's his superpower, the same way that’s your superpower.’”
Did he assume the fan asking him was also autistic? What if they weren't?
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This has always gotten on my nerves.
Spongebob can't be good friends with Patrick without "being gay."
Spongebob can't go without multiple love episodes without "being asexual." (I at least accept this because the creator said it before it was trendy, and he actually cares about marine biology to take into account asexuality of sea-sponges as something non-retarded and actually interesting, to reference reproducing by budding.)
Spongebob can't just be happy-go-lucky and a purely optimistic guy who wants to love life and look on the bright side without "being autistic."

Stop taking cartoons seriously and projecting real human behavior onto them. That might work for modern cartoons where every character is a tool to vent for sexually frustrated trauma patients, but wacky cartoony funny nonsense happens because it's wacky, it doesn't retroactively need to be explained and diminished.
Most of my personal experience is with autistic kids, who present differently to adults, but among adults the easiest tell is an inability to follow conversational conventions. They'll be "there", focussed, but they can't quite grok the conventions the rest of us use to lubricate conversation, I presume because they have trouble building a mental model of how the other person is feeling and thinking so they just substitute their own. You will very much know it when you see it if you have a fully functioning sense of empathy, I find it usually pretty easy to tell someone on the spectrum from a garden-variety asshole.
I hate everybody who says autism is a superpower, really proves they aren't autistic or interact regularly with autistic people.
Sure, there's the savants, but those usually memorize unless facts like FNAF lore, Sonic characters or Thomas the Tank Engine facts, but lack social skills. And those are the lucky ones, there's plenty of low functioning autists that can only scream and shit themselves.
Autism isn't a superpower, it's a crippling disability.
its ok because he outwardly insulted who asked the question
spongebob is cancelled
they had a "please be patient I have autism" hat.
>I presume because they have trouble building a mental model of how the other person is feeling and thinking so they just substitute their own
Most normies do this, though. We even have a saying about this in my country. Except for the exceptionally stupid ones, who are literally incapable of feeling empathy at all. They just don't have the computing power.
>I hate everybody who says autism is a superpower, really proves they aren't autistic
I've spoken with autists who believe they're better equipped than regular people. I've heard it expressed on this very site, in /sci/. The belief seems to be that empathy is imaginary, we aren't really getting information about other people's state of mind from their tells we're just projecting onto them, and also that we're incapable of solving extremely trivial logic puzzles, to the point that when I was set one and solved it the autist in question refused to believe I wasn't on the spectrum.
Calling autism a superpower is one of the most offensive things you can say about autism.
Most normies arguably don't consciously try to put themselves in other people's shoes, but they have a certain instinctive capacity for reading and adjusting to people that autists don't. To a fault, even: all of the most stupid shit we do is groupthink.
Kill yourself
But but but that's iNtErNaLiZeD aBlEiSm!

I'm the same. I want to be able to eat things without my gag reflex going berserk, I want to be able to walk through a crowd without sensory overload, I want to be able to put on a shirt without having to meticulously remove every single tag on them, I put 50% of my brain power into not screaming from compounded stress, 50% of it into handling sensory overload, and 50% of it trying to be normal.
>that adds up to 150%
Yeah, so I gotta make some cuts somewhere, so do people want me to have a meltdown, completely break down from overstimulation, or stop pretending to be normal? By the way, a good chunk of the compounded stress comes from people holding me to far higher standards than anyone else, scrutinizing every little thing I do, and branding normal child behavior as "autistic".

Have you ever tried navigating bureaucracy as an autist? It's fucking impossible. Dirty illiterates who got expelled from school for trying to burn down the building get more support.
You present perfectly normally in this post, but in the interests of scrutinizing every little thing you do:
>a good chunk of the compounded stress comes from people holding me to far higher standards than anyone else, scrutinizing every little thing I do, and branding normal child behavior as "autistic"
Are you old enough to post on 4chan?
Pro Autism campaign turns out to be a good argument for avoiding aborting children with disabilities.
I'm in my 30s. That's how long being mistreaded like that sticks with you. Autism is the only disability you get yelled at for having.
>Autism is the only disability you get yelled at for having.
That's not true, but you do have my sympathies.

To elaborate, the stress doesn't go away as easily for autists and there seems to be no upper limit to how much we can suffer at once. Neurotypical people can take a nice hot bath with candles, watch a movie, and fuck their wives so they have something to look forward to in the evening. If you were to inflict autism on a normal person somehow, I am 100% certain they would commit suicide within a month.
Lemme rephrase, it's the only disability where people are allowed to yell at you for having it. You start screaming and yelling at a kid with down's or cerebral palsy, you will be crucified for it.
>Autism is the only disability you get yelled at for having.

Unless you're a woman, then everyone goes "MMMHMMMMMMMMMMM WAIFU!"
No, you're misrepresenting neurotypicals. This is the same type of attitude that leads people to claim autism is a superpower. You have an added stress load because of your condition, potentially a very high one. You aren't simultaneously more vulnerable to stress, while also congenitally better equipped to handle it, while also it has nothing to do with autism because if a normal person "got" autism they couldn't cope with it and you can. Stress is a basic human condition because we by and large have shit lives, it's a mistake to adopt it as your special misfortune. Focus rather on the specific ways in which your condition and people's treatment of you exacerbates it.
Any "invisible" disability. MDD comes to mind. Wikipedia says it's second only to back pain in disability-years; it's a potentially lethal disease and someone very close to me has died of it; to many people it's indistinguishable from being lazy or having poor character. That's one disorder of many.

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