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>*ding dong*
Your response, anon?
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Bill just revealed that Molly’s speech in the season 1 finale was based off of a Biden tweet.

I am not joking.
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>Bill just revealed that Molly’s speech in the season 1 finale was based off of a Biden tweet.

I was about to ask for proof but then I went to his twitter.
>it's real
lemme grab my shotgun
its not like you can make her any uglier than she already is
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>I'm so tired of this
Wait, really?
I don't.
It's not word for word but similar enough, and with the fact that the Bald and Bankrupt felt compelled enough to mention it on Twitter... yeah.
>Light is more powerful than darkness. Hope is more powerful than fear. Love is more powerful than hate. And joy? Joy is way more powerful than misery will ever be!
Joe Biden:
>Love is more powerful than hate. Hope is more powerful than fear. Light is more powerful than darkness. This is our moment. This is our mission.
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Let her in and lock the door so she can't leave so easily
>Open up, anon! I know you're in there I CAN HEAR YOU BREATHING!
I wanna see an interaction between Carl and Molly now
>will never have Molly rock back and forth on your recliner and babble on and on about her day and her dumb adventures as you clean your shotgun
>will never hear her angrily beret me for smoking as I pack tobacco into my pipe and light it
>will never have her shyly ask if it tastes as good as it smells
>will never laugh as she takes a puff before coughing and wheezing saying I definitely need to quit
>will never have her cheerfully leave and promise she'll definitely come back later to go to the range with you
>you'll never have her run back and make you pinky promise to stop smoking
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If you open the door immediately, full energy Molly get's you. But you know she'll be there all night if you don't open your door and she'll eventually find a way in anyway. When she does you'll get sleep deprived Molly in your house. I don't know which is worse.
Who Where?
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call the police
what are they gonna do? actually arrest her?
Open the door, act all nice and pretend to invite her in, then slam the door on her face before she completely steps foot in the house, then lock the door and take a nap
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All she wants is to save the damn bandshell why do you all have to be so mean?
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bitch, I live in Brighton. I can barely afford rent, gas, upkeep on my shit box to keep it running to go to the job I hate and groceries. I can't save up enough to move out, I hate living here but I'll probably die here.
because she's a mutt and she's ugly and she's very annoying
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stfu faggot she literally brought those factory jobs back you are just being a lazy fuck living off of welfare while jacking off to Andrea workout compilations
implying todd would ever be anything other than a lurker
>Oh I remember my childhood in brighton...
This is what the thread should be but maybe that will keep some /pol/fags out.
Anyways, fucking IMAGINE finding Biden inspirational. Holy fuck what a faggot. I bet he thinks Trump is a nazi. Lmao.
I was actually kinda blog posting there, I unironically have a factory job I have to go to to keep myself afloat and live in a dilapidated midwestern town. I actually liked the show for the realistic look at how purgatory-like existence is here and sometimes I fantasize unhealthily how great it would be to have a little bundle of sunshine like Molly enhappifying this place
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Well its not like he is our hero or whatever he was just someone who was able to get the show started. If it were up to me I would hope they have nothing to do with any future reboot.

ouch. A life like that would make a Molly very dangerous to be around. Especially if you like staying out of jail.
I mean like someone as civic minded and tireless as her that actually cares to try and fix things and get people happy and active. Get your head out of the gutter.
I can't believe Kamala killed the Chairman
Fuck off Disney shill. Nobody wants to talk about your disgusting mouse slop. Go fuck yourself for even thinking we want to talk about this blight you mouse agents call "animation". Saged and reported mouse faggot.
God I love this little shit she has so many good faces.
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Explains why the show ended early
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There is a molly for every occasion.
To help keep the shows legacy alive I was actually taking various screenshots for reaction pics that i will slowly spread around /co/
good GOD this show was adorable
i’m gonna kiss the art director on the mouth
Why not? She's brown
love you, Carlos, I actually laughed irl
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i just feel bad for you mollyfags honestly. some how it's even more joever for you
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>Molly is Joe
>Gets cheated out the position she earned by a gang of elites so it could be given to someone they wanted instead
Really makes you think
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>assume that she wants to use my bathroom
>play waterfall sounds until she leaves, either out of boredom or embarrassment
Does that mean Molly is actually JFK then? Does she also claim stolen valor and graduating top of her class?

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