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>Jaiden's gonna retire
Good riddance
literally who and why should I care?
>As someone in their fucking late 20s
Good riddance
Is she lying about this like how she lied about being totes ace too?
literally fucking who? is this board full of 16 year olds?
did she get pregnant
Well she's tired, she just wants to settle down with her boyfriend and she can't do that if she's youtubing now can she?
didn't the sharty dox this pornbait character
my queen
>had a successful career
>now going to settle down
>Never got cancelled once
>Goes out while people still have interest in her
Be real, she won.
All we have left is the porn now....
Didn't she just win a million dollars?
pchal on suicide watch
Dude she has SO MUCH.
>carpal tunnel
Bitch just pays other people to animate her dull videos for her
Eceleb threads should be punishable by death
>'''''geek''''' bitch which main audience are desperate incel simps
not shit
You fuckers complain but this is unironically one of the best ways for a youtuber to get out. At least we didn't find out she was into shota or something.
She's pregnant, isn't she
>Well she's tired, she just wants to settle down with her boyfriend and she can't do that if she wants to keep the illusion of being aroace?
Why is she making drawing sound like the hardest fucking thing of the world, also ten years don't seem a lot in an art career
It is a possibility, let's be real.
The way she worded all of this sounds Like someone forced a gun to her head to hold a stylus and create content against her will
Did she receive life threats after Alpharad outed they were in a relationship, and finally realized the kind of people her public was?
i'm not going to watch this video, because i don't care, but it's not weird for people to feel pressure to maintain their careers. self-employed people also feel this.
sharteens couldn't dox the hand in front of their face
>At least we didn't find out she was into shota or something.
but that would be based
>implying she didn't already know
but who is his boyfriend
Sure, she was aware of the creepy stalker nerds that coom to her cartoon version, but the revelation of her alleged aroace status being, at best, "just a phase", implies the part of her viewership that belongs to the proggresive movements now sees her as a traitor at best, a deceiver at worst.
very true. but just reading that videos description pissed me off hard lmao
erm omg thiccccc
it is challenging to feel particular sympathy for people who are set for life at a very young age because they basically got lucky
Pretty much this. You can argue talent and hardwork did factor in... but in a world where there's so much product to consume and watch, it all ends up being about luck.
I didn't even think she was still drawing. Her fucking "team" at the end of each video is like 20 people.
wtf jaiden was a zoomer the whole time
What's written in the desc?
She says she doesn't plan to retire any time soon just that is something she's been thinking about more.
>It's official, I've been rotting my brain and maxxing my carpal tunnel for a whole decade. When will the madness end... maybe sooner than you might think!
I'm getting "pulling an hero" vibes here
she hasn't had a real job ever
i doubt she's made enough money off simps to retire by 30
so its funny to see she thinks she can stay afloat handmaking custom plushies while concealing her identity
I don't keep up with drama, who's alpharad and why should I care who Jaiden is dating?
The queen of dull mids is quiting. Oh no. Who is /co/ going to promoted to undeserved fame for free now.
Is this how storytime Youtubers die?
For real though, what is left to talk about?
She exhausted basically all childhood stories she is willing to tell.
She already went through her quirky awkward teens and is almost done her 20s. So school stories and other such things are done.
She already came out as asexual, can't really explore that anymore.
For the last year or so its all been videogame this, Pokemon that.
I can see the need to move on, no doubt. But man, she has quite that following, and honestly I have enjoyed her animations
You didn't know she won that mr beast challenge for a million dollars did you?
I wouldn’t be surprised if she “retires” by joining a vtuber agency or some shit.
>he doesn’t know
She's already self-diagnosed herself with like half a dozen things. I doubt she has carpal tunnel.
in the animation alpharad appears when she mentions the most important person in her life
and he appears again when she talks about her dream of moving to a quiet little town
female passive agressivism
Domics downgraded to some vtuber like model now it fuckin sucks.
that doesnt even get you a house in california
Seething cope post.
Polygamy bros we're so back
It was pretty obvious they were fucking
She's gonna switch to dicc full-time. Get it queen you earned it.
Hapa baby in 3 years.
I wouldn't even have a problem with that if her vtuber model was in her own cartoon style, but it's not, it's awful westernized anime shit.
>who's alpharad and why should I care who Jaiden is dating?
Alpharad is another streamer, best friends with Jaden and they moved together into the same house a few months (years?) back. Everyone had already guessed they were fuck-buddies at least.

Jaden sold the image of being Aromantic Asexual to either:
>catter to the woke lefties, always eager to support any artists that doesn't fall in the binary
>was, honestly uninterested in romance/sex, as it happens with many people in the spectrum, until she got turned on by Alpharad
So, to answer your second question, you shouldn't care. Unfortunately, we can see the possible outcomes of her "coming out of the closet", and some anons fear that is the reason she may retire.
she'll take 10 years off to gain new adulting stories then swoop back in when gen alpha is having 2010s nostalgia
Buddy why do you care so much about if a girls' horny on the internet
Everybody knows there's no girls on the internet
You know people aren't chained to living in California right?

They are allowed to leave.
you try convincing a californian that
I dunno man they seem to have no trouble coming to my state
>Buddy why do you care so much
Namefag, I literally told the anon you should not care.
But that doesn't mean we can't make conjectures over the matter.
Okay. She wants to move on with her life and reached a dead end.
>saying this while half the state has been fleeing to Texas the last decade
>bit after a video about having 80HD
She absolutely has enough station to retire. The ad revenue from her current videos alone would be enough to coast on for a few years. If she was remotely smart with her money until now and saved/invested wisely, she could have 6 figures a year for life without having to lift a finger.
you could try not living in malibu
>she could have 6 figures a year for life
Do you think she’s a billionaire?
>At least we didn't find out she was into shota or something.
But that would be a good thing
for who?
So we have a general idea on what she thinks of her own lewds, what about the porn of her mother
Why is it that every youtube animator or doodler just forgets about carpel tunnel entirely.
Like, does it just hit a person all of a sudden one day? Your hands would have to cramp a little bit before hand or something right?
where is the alpharad porn
You live with the pain and stop thinking about it. And then it hid a point where you’re literally unable to ignore it and then you’re like “fuck, I should have been more careful.” By that point you’re basically beyond saving.
Jaiden was handed a golden ticket by a corporate oligarch decided they needed to promote lower-end animated content to prove the site would still actually promote anything beyond click-bait, and after a couple of years they stopped promoting any new animation content really.

The hardest thing for her will likely be unwinding her current team, knowing that honestly, there's no real future for them or hardly anyone on that platform. First because it's saying goodbye to friends and colleagues, and second because the experience that led to her success cannot be repeated in the ever-degrading video service we have now.
Good. Fuck this soulless bitch.
Damn. She separated a bunch of simp faggots from their money by doing zero work and she's just going to leave. Women can't keep getting away with it.
Also I want to tack on to this, Youtube doesn't encourage experimenting or branching out. "Variety channels" that dabble in more than one thing notoriously bleed out rapidly even if they have at least one popular series or item.

The girl is pigeonholed by corporate overlords who don't make things themselves and don't respect or care about artists. I think she imagines a future of making plush dolls because it's a creative career where you'd dabble in different things and not just focus on maximizing output, but if we're being real, all online markets are controlled by the same kinds of corporations and there are no good places to do creative work anymore. Her pre-existing install base would be the only thing that makes the idea of a different art career viable, and only because a different corporation will want to gobble up that install base.
she ate those losers up in the mr beast youtube challenge
Hot glue sama, i kneel...
There's better simple white female characters out there than this bitch like salty's veronica.
Damn anon, your tip lookin' nice and suckable
Imagine having this shit saved
I feel like there should be more art of her getting raped
This is how almost all Youtubers die now. I watched a guy who got a big following from playing Stardew Valley, but he explored all the content there was to play, and when he tried to switch to a different game the company killed his channel.

Even channels like Game Grumps are running out of material. Game companies are barely putting out products anymore, they just make shitty skinner box microtransaction games that aren't that fun to watch. There's barely any good TV shows. It's all falling apart, frankly.

There was a time when people made up unique fictional stories and skits. Youtube's owners genuinely did not respect those people and told them to go fuck themselves. They said "give us derivative content" instead. They asked for the stories about your awkward childhood, or heck, even just asked for your kid, maybe.

This was always how it was going to turn out. It just took time.
Was them going out something you weren't aware of?

They've been constantly "collab"ing for like what over a year now?
The blonde hairy guy?
I don't know who she is, but I've fapped by her porn
The usual places
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This just proves scarf boy x jaiden is the real OTP
She's going to send people to art school anon incl this one 30yo british guy who made a vid. It's so sweet.
I feel like she's a cuckquean or he's a cuckold...
Based mommy Jay
How did the company kill his channel?
i appreciate the multiple cinematic angles
>It's been 10 years
2016 still only feels like 5 years ago...
pandemic fucked up time perception
Pretty sure game grumps fell apart because Aran is a drama machine who can't fucking keep it in his pants m8.
I watched the video
TL; DW: she isn't retiring yet but plans to in the future
it's nothing
Will you shut up, man?
>As someone in their fucking late 20s
Reminds me of this
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why do women desire so much fucking attention

even when you listen to them they still want more
her content fell off years ago anyway
This is why YT fame seems like a monkey's paw. Yeah it seems like a relative cushy job but it's basically a decade of a job that has limited use outside of youtube, in a very crowded field. Yeah you can do video/sound editing and are decently charismatic, or in this case animate, but there's only so many hosts and video editor needed. Animation isn't doing too well either.
And frankly most youtubers are hardly professional quality as is.
women have no self-esteem
I don't know why she makes me seethe so much. To me she's the epitome of living life on easy mode. A guy doing what she does would be invisible. Her art sucks, her animation sucks, her stories are boring. But she's a woman so...set for life making youtube slop.
>joining a vtuber agency or some shit

oh GOD NO. at least she's willing to maintain her dignity
not faking. just.. very autistic
How did this fucking stick figure blob amass such an army of coomer simps
>women stop fucking average men
>average men are lonely as fuck in a low trust society
>gravitate to e-thots and average slop producers
Arin "Nigger" Hansen is really a killer for his show. Shouldvt went to animation instead so he'll fit right in
She's finally gonna settle down with the shota boy at the ice ring, good for them.
You know what, you're right. I can't think of a single dude who got popular doing storytime youtubing using a pure white avatar and a simplistic style.
Everyone on this website, including /co/, uses maxxing terms.
good fucking riddance
we dont need freaks in our society that dont contribute and dont want to have children, get fucked for life jaiden
Nigga who cares
She realized she could take the pewdiepie route which is just simple vlogging and she could stay famous and make a few grand on the side
At the end of the day people need fresh and new faces and these rich tubers want to enjoy their wealth and freedom from waging
I can't speak for woman but I can speak for myself. Like most people on 4chan, I am a sociopathic, egotistical, solipsistic narcissist and therefore, I believe that I am entitled to everyone's attention 24/7, because my belief that I am the most important person in the universe is absolutely unshakable.
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Remember when she said she was gay so no one would realise she was a homewrecker for Alpharad LMAOOOOOO
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She pretty much confirmed in this video that she's fucking alpharad, in case any anons are still coping
"I live with the most important person in my life"
"I want to move to a random town and a small house with my creatures (my pets and my totaly not boyfriend)"
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How the fuck did he do it? He has that "aroace" bitch in a leash
I woudn't be surprised she's a turbo bottom or even worse, a cuckqueen
Looks more like her biological clock is ticking and she's more interested in kids than a career.
A whole litter
Jaiden will quit, but jaiden porn will be forever.
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>retiring from making gay little story-time doodle videos and live-streaming

...okay? That's like a baby retiring from playing with their little wooden blocks. It's not like being a YouTuber magically stripped her of all autonomy or there was some position that is now lost from her absence. I don't think you people realize but any YouTuber as popular as Jaiden most definitely has money up the ass and can do whatever they want especially if their content is as simple as talking about whatever. People like her shouldn't even be feasible and she's talking about retiring as if it was some consequential thing? Fuck you for making this thread.
Jaiden the character is hot. Jaiden the person is horrible.
>Jaiden the person is horrible.
How so?
First off 3DPD.... Second disgusting hapa.
How? Did she get raped or something?
see >>144633814
Where's this image from?
Wait, so, it's finally 100% confirmed? They are in an official relationship?

>He has that "aroace" bitch in a leash
Probably a hard case of "first love". Look, I honestly believe Jaden thought she was aromantic and asexual due to not having interesting in the opposite (or same) sex. Add the echo chamber that are the channels she moved in probably implanted the idea even deeper.
Then came the "knight in shining armor", it bursts her bubble so hard she probably thinks she is only Alphasexual, or some shit like that.
>look at what Pewd and Jaiden achieved in 10 years
>look at myself
Now I'm depressed.
>First Max G
>Now Jaiden
Is drawing skits really that difficult? I can understand Max because his stuff actually feels complete but Jaiden has been doing black and white for years.
Whoa, you lost me there with your hip young lingo, son!

t. old fuck
>i am aerial ace
yeah just like how women lie in masturbation/sexual habits surveys lol, the data should be close with men or the gap should be smaller, but apparantly some are "asexual" or "never masturbated ever in their entire life" but in actuality they're nymphs that dont wanna get ratted out, but anyway, yeah i wouldnt be surprised if she was fucking someone and suddenly got pregnant
You can see the list in her eyes. They're fucking.
She won a million at MrBeast', now retires.
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was he right?
She's not going to fuck you.
I don't think that's what the other anon, said... are you sure that's the right translation?
Don't you know who that is? That's Doug Dimmadome, owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome!
Unironically yes
Also you better stream today Claw, you fuck.
her boyfriend Alpharad ejaculated inside her during sexual intercourse. one of the sperm cells he deposited in said ejaculation fertilized her egg.
kek, good video.
About what?
Jesus Christ, you people really have nothing better to do than bitch about her all the time?
drawing is hard anon
good morning jaiden animations
Death to e-whore enablers.
She's an """alleged""" homewrecker who was the 3rd person between Alpharad and his ex wife Fio (Fiorella Zoll), his wife for 3 years and high school girlfriend.
Would be neat for Fio to expose them.
Man, that's just what happens when an Okie gets big and moves to California. It's been happening for nearly a hundred years and people are still surprised.
Not surprised that a career YouTuber is a shitty person to be honest
I don't know who the fuck this is beyond the porn
As long as the porn keeps getting made, I don't care
>Declares herself "asexual" to stop the porn
>Meets Alpharad
>Has to pretend that she isn't moaning Alpharad's name on the regular, as if "best friends" just move in with eachother
>Alpharad slips up and accidentally calls her his girlfriend
>Latest video only adds fuel to the fire
This is why asexuality doesn't exist. Asexuals are people who haven't found the right person yet.
She is ADHD now, forget the last fad.
>>Latest video only adds fuel to the fire
What happened now? (Or do you refer to OP? Must confess I have not seen it yet)
Why doesn't she recognize and accept that people just want to lewd her avatar and not the actual person
Alpharad has always given me a weird vibe, so him cheating on his high school sweetheart to try and form a "celebrity power couple" with one of the most popular women on Youtube doesn't shock me.
The real shock is that all his friends were fine with it when they share the same friend circle with Ross, who is someone who had his wife fuck another Youtuber behind his back. Though I guess they are all just clinging on to each other for the "celebrity" circle jerk.
Of course she won, she is richer than anyone in this thread combined thanks to her youtube doodles. Don't be envious. Create.
How did they meet? Pls give lore.
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Looked him up expecting some tall hit giga slayer. Am disappointed.
Hot...not hit, fuck.
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i'll still draw her until my carpal tunnel syndrome
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>Alpharad slips up and accidentally calls her his girlfriend
>"I live with the most important person in my life"
I saw Alpharad's video, it is clear that their inner circle is pretty much aware of their relationship.
Is the Alphabet Brigade THAT scary that she just refuses to come clean and admit she and Alpharad are in a relationship?

Shit, I don't believe for one second that she was ever Aroace, but it's not like she can't lie and say Alpharad awoke something in her.
>she lied about being totes ace
To be fair to her, there have been loud cunts peddling identity politics to children for the past decade. They make up whatever definitions they can to convince naïve people that they're actually LGBT, so I could see how someone who isn't interested in casual hookups or starting a relationship could be tricked into thinking they're asexual.
Even the comments are like guys she's aroace uwu she would NEVER choke on Alpha's nine inch hog
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Shit, I was just looking at the comments myself... the amount of people thanking her for the Aroace video, or for being Aroace representation, or "helping them realize they are aroace"... crap, Jaiden dug herself into a hole she just can't get out now.
the porn when she first started out was kino as fuck but got worse and she got more famous
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Obsessive fans with that ideology are why she can't come out and outright say she's in a relationship. She cornered herself with the Aroace video. When some solid proof eventually leaks out to the public and their relationship is confirmed, she'll have to come clean and orchestrate some huge-ass apology video as if she did some heinous act, when in reality it's not even a big deal. Terminally online twitter users are vultures that will rip her apart the moment she for sure contradicts the Aroace label.
They aren't scary, because they don't really have hold anyone to any standards, look up anything on aroace and fat woke twitter females will say "actually aroace people can have sex/be in relationships" asexuality is just another way for whores to look pure
She cant back padle from being aroace. Her audience has this Madonna/whore complex with her and she has to keep the madonna image up to keep the autism crowd at bay.
>>Terminally online twitter users are vultures that will rip her apart the moment she for sure contradicts the Aroace label
They might but most aroace people are exactly the same as her and will defend her, making it a new twitter struggle session
Dude, the alphabet mafia hate straight people a lot, like visible envy. You don't need to be straight to get hate, being bisexual yet dating the opposite sex is more likely to do it.
Just imagine the seething is the internet's aroace queen out as straight, the controversy would be massive. That's why she continues the asexual lie, no matter how paper things it is.
No, those are just the s.oy redditors that come here. The vast majority of her fanbase are just kids which is true for any animated storytime channels, kids eat that shit up
Yeah about what?
Her only hope is if the current narrative dictates that one's sexuality can change... does it, or does it not? I don't follow the current trends.
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No idea who this broad is but drawing for a living is fuckin exhausting, I have had jobs along the whole collar spectrum and fuck me drawing has been the one taking the biggest toll
>work in a lab with my fancy nancy university degree
>boring, repetitive task, supervising resesrcher is unironically suicidal kek
>work at a heavy factory rolling steel drums and othee grunt work
>coworkers are scum of the Earth but the boss is chill, heavy physical work I get home beaten tired
>work as an animator (current job, 7 years in)
>work in a old peoples house taking care of old fucks
>you cam already imagine the horrors
>physically demanding, back is blasted, wrist is fucked up, im constantly tired mentally but the money is good
There is just not scape, wish I had bought memecoin back in the day but oh well gotta keep being a wagie
>>Dude, the alphabet mafia hate straight people a lot, like visible envy
Truer words were never spoken and what's worse is that a huge chunk of these people are females who hate being biologically female and straight and so they lash out at anyone or any media that portrays femininity which is why they hate feminine characters in games/cartoons
Do you know how investing works? She would need only a few million to get high returns and live entirely off of those. Do you think that being one of the kargest youtubers on the platform with ad rev, sponsorship deals, and wildly successful donation events on top of donation platforms that I'd out she'll turn off, means she DOESN'T have a few mil she's sitting on?
stop ragemaxxing unironically
isn't jaiden a black man's name?
I hope you escape the gulag anon
Damn which show or media the sweatshop worked on?
Just a hint, its about a fucking sponge who lives under the sea, alas the zombie seasons
I came here solely because of the part of the video talking about negative comments, and figured this would be the place to find the most toxic shit. As usual, you didn't disappoint, 4chan. I hope Jaiden or any other internet-famous woman never visits this wretched site.
>gets exposed for lying about her asexuality
>just leaves like "lol i'm retiring sorry"
Isn't Betty a woman's name?
Did she ever reveal her face?
By all means, be a peach and point me towards the Top 5 most horrible posts in the thread
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>Meanwhile Emirichu is making MORE content than ever. New channel where she has FUN going back to her roots using TRADITIONAL media with her BOYFRIEND, who she doesn't have to hide because he's FUCKING COOL and also a Youtube animator, living out their dream of LIVING IN JAPAN
No one is really being negative in here. I've seen far worse on Youtube.
Do you guys think they truly believe she's aroace and they're just 'best friends' ? It's gotta be dumb teenagers because I feel like any adult that's not deep in an echo chamber would figure it out really quick.
She wants to retire to a quiet village where she can actually kiss her boyfriend in public, that's funny.
Why are using an anonymous image board if you a narcissist? I would think a narcissist would use websites with accounts or at least tripfag
>Draws him in her pussy(cats)

Real clever Jaiden.
asexual are theoretically possible. I can believe that there are some people that don't want to have sex, but 99% of people that call themselves asexuals are lying either to others or to themselves. I've seem people on fetish sites call themselves asexual without a hint of irony. Jaiden is a prime example of this.
Nah, skinny fat dudes that don't put any effort into grooming themselves nor in having vaguely ok set social skills aren't "average"
to be fair I doubt she probably has a small team of animators for her shit anyway so it's not like she's taking the brunt of it
We don't, basic ergonomics and by weekly 15 stretches makes it a non problem for most non retards
I only care about the porn.
You think she saw the diaper porn of her and decided to slowly "nope" away from the internet?
Weak bait simplord
t. Alpharad
Daidus really won, he's a horny bastard but he still manages to have friends and be popular. Has a cute gf who is into art and cartoon and anime media. Lives in Japan but isn't a super weeb schizo about it. How are so many male youtubers people used to meme on slowly finding happiness and why do most of them move to japan?
Asexuality is a cope very fucked up people come up with in order to continue pushing everyone far away. If you notice they always say "everyone is too ugly hahaha" instead of "yeah I am not interested in sex or masturbation"
Based ace queen taught me being alone forever is cool.
...what do you mean she has a significant other?
>How did the company punish a Youtuber
The company designed the website to be an addictive piece of shit that doesn't reward creativity is how the company fucks ALL of its artists, ultimately. You do something that doesn't focus on growing Youtube's numbers and meeting their bullshit metrics? Well they've got a robot programmed to fuck your face for it. The company chose that.

The users have very little control. The company chooses all of the relentless crap we have to put up with.
>The company chose that.
Only logical when the only thing that matters is making profit and making it FAST.
I think a lot of them are just genuinely non committal and aren't interested in settling down with one other person.
But they would also probably just deal with it by being sluts under different circumstances.
Her ADHD video was a parent's nightmare. Just that alone should force her to fuck off from the internet already.
On the one hand, I'm sick of the perpetual YouTuber DramaTM machine, but on the other hand it'd be really funny to see her BTFO. Often the people who cover it barely provide real evidence though, so it might end up a slog.
Because unlike people like us who are so worried about being labeled spergs, these people are actually going out and finding people who share their interests. Regular socialization, even with another sperg, is the best way to cure autism. Just ignore the haters. Unfortunately my biggest hater is me.
>Her ADHD video was a parent's nightmare
What does her family even do? What even got her into storytime PNGtubing as a teenager?
Outside of the porn of her the most "negative" talking points here are about the aroace thing, and ita pretty obvious its all something she may believed at first but end up being a lie that she forced to mantain because of her own retarded hecking wholesome fandom fetishizing the whole thing
I DO Wonder how said fandom will react when the besties aroace totally not fucking couple have a child tho
Ego. She can't resist the urge to be a victim and have people worship her humdrum life.
>Story of Adidon 2: Animated Boogaloo
She was advertising aderral on that video. Scroll the commentary section there, a fuckton of kids being persuaded into believing they have ADHD and need aderral.
Aderral is crack in a pill format.
Wrong, asexuals are women who hate men and want to punish them by making their mediocre bodies unavailable, no one would care about this bitch if she hadn't built up a parasocial relationship with millions of lonely redditors
While you pretended to be happy alone, she's happy gargling Alpha's nut.
>last video was about her getting ADHD meds and talking about how much more productive she can be now
>next video is her retiring
And there was a shortage of Adderall during Covid, fun times.
Alpharad always wigged me the fuck out. Like I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if it came out he was a groomer or sex pest. He always gave off that vibe.
Youtube's a sucky boss.

Imagine feeling very productive and experienced, but all your work is funneled into an algorithmic meatgrjner and your boss doesn't care if you're alive or dead.

Actually I wish it were only Youtube that's like that these days, but Google is truly a pioneer in making its contracted staff feel like insignificant cogs with no real future.

The girl's productive, but the platform that owns everything doesn't care what she wants to do. Ot's pretty simple.
NTA, but when me and my brother watched it (which he does has ADHD) it was the funniest thing ever because she basically used it as an excuse of dropping out of college and never learning how to keep a schedule.
Then when she finally did do something about it, she got the drugs for it but still scared (because it is DRUGS!!!)
Then in the video where she finally talked about taking le drugs, she said le drugs made her feel like a totally different person and all tbe distracting voices in her head were shut up. (this is where my brother paused the video and said whenever he took it, he felt exactly the same way and that's schizophrenia)

They funniest/the most pitable part is that she said she was able to get done with the ADHD video script in 7 hours/a day when beforehand in the video she was talking about how she hasn't gave a script to her animators in like 2 months.
So instead of actually trying to find a way to not be lazy, she just wailed around until she got the drugs, hence >>144636128 stating it's a horrid video for kids to watch because they can now say them not doing anything is because of le ADHD.
I used "le" to hopefully show how flippant and annoying the video was, please do not think I use that in normal conversation
Are there grounds to sue her for this? Is this potentially one of the reasons why she's also quitting, with hatemail or some disapproval from friends or family?
>Competitive Smash Bros player is a creep.
And the sky is blue.

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