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>worse than Twisters
>opinion of a literal who
>screenshot of text
Grade: C-
troon demoralization against superhero movies thread. nobody wants to see twisters. probably some old faggot who jerks off to pictures of steven spielberg and french new wave.
incel psyop.
Ant Man was the world's biggest nuRick & Morty episode. I wonder which movie will be the world's biggest nuSouth Park episode. Falcon America maybe?
>nobody wants to see twisters
It made a 100M on opening weekend.
>hey Logan remember the time those army guys took my mouth off
The movie is trash but not because of "le stupid cameos and references", it's stupid because the story doesn't make any sense and once again, contradicts a lot of shit established in other MCU movies
Deadpool isn’t a part of the MCU.
>Deadpool isn’t a part of the MCU.
>but the whole movie is inside an MCU established setting
wew faggot good job defending the movie
Post the whole quote damn it
Go eat a funko pop
>MCU established setting
Are you being retarded on purpose?
you definitely are
>Shilling for Twisters

Oh, it's one of those.
I just don't get the appeal of Deadpool after 3 of these movies. I was sick of him before his first movie came out.
Like, how many times are you gonna need to see Deadpool wink at the camera before you're bored?
>unironically saying cringe

So it's actually good, I take it.
I just don't get zoomers. Do you beat off to video essays and Turkey Tom hit piece videos? Why are you faggots so pathetically obsessed with cynicism and acting like a post-modern millenial pseud's wet dream?
>Hurr product slop slop product funko pop
You know for a fact there is more to it than such simplistic fucking gay assumptions of what these movies are. You think everyone is an NPC just because something is uplifting and appealing to hoards of people. In reality you're just a fucking loser who's afraid of acknowledging any kind of sincerity or indulging in anything mildly childish because you're something between 16 and 24 and didn't get any attention from your dumbshit retarded parents who neglected you. You desperately need and beg for validation. Kiss my feet, you fucking nigger-apologetic dork. You are below me in every way, and far less in touch with reality and yourself than the most depraved Brazilians and Indians who post here.
>amount of money but not amount of tickets sold
>remake of a remake
hollywood is a joke
deadpool seeing you defend his shitty slop movie:
erm... good job my chimichanga
nta but you proved that the other anon was right, stupid redditor
$100 million for a movie about glen powell running around and giving guys titty twisters and purple nurples? KWAB
i don’t think those guys would use words like “troon” and “faggot”
I'm so happy I was right about this movie looking really bad
>troon demoralization against superhero movies thread.
Yes anon, it's the transgenders fault that the MCU has put out nothing but terrible movies for 4 years
Remember back when we liked MCU movies and the critic bashed it? And then they started talking good about them when it turned into M-SHE-U?
Funny times.
critics liked Iron Man IIRC.
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but not first avenger

You’re obviously the same anon, anon
Funny cause it holds up better than most of the MCU. Always was and still is my favorite of any phase.
movie deadpool jokes are terrible, he's not allowed to be offensive like in the comics so his jokes are just references and peepee poopoo jokes, you know it's true
Don't people still like Family Guy? Not saying that's good at all, but that might compel them even more to watch it.
Captain America worked better when he had someone to bounce off.
It's my second favorite, easily. But still, if the critics don't like it but we do, that's when we'll be back into glory days.
Rick and Morty writers again?
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You know twisters is anti-woke because it refused to preach about climate change right
I love The Incredible Hulk. I will die on that hill. It's no Ang Lee, but it's better than a lot of MCU.
>im cool i used the no no words
Saying nigger doesnt make you not a faggot
Bryan Singer won.
Black suits are superior.
Comic accuracy fags lose (as always)
Zoomers are the most annoying Nihilists ever. I wish Biden would draft them already and send them to die protecting Israel.
It's a badass movie anon.
The black tom jokes were hilarious
>Zoomers are too ashamed to even enjoy Family Guy
When you faggots are 40 this world is utterly doomed
Agreed. Full-send.
Based Ang Lee appreciator. You have the breach that veil to begin arguing in good faith like this. Capeshit haters are no different to me than people who shat on The Fountain when it released.
your mom is
Ang Lee's Hulk is the juice of /co/ movies. So good and cheesy.
>It made a 100M on opening weekend
80M can from the US. It flopped overseas Deadpool is going to kill it.
Easily one of the misunderstood films ever made
Kek... One of the most*
Does it try so hard to be clever, or is it family guy? Those sound mutually exclusive.
I think a lot of this is due to marketing's misfire.
Trailers made it seem like an action-packed popcorn blockbuster and it was mostly a gritty character-driven drama.
Nice digits but this is the most dogshit post I've seen in years

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