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The fuck
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The trailer is terrible tho
Good, I got into Transformers so I could understand this film lol
seems kinda pointless since this movie is almost certainly aimed at people who have never seen a TF show first, with some fan easter eggs second. .
Even the director of the film said so when doing the hype cycles.
Must either be bait, shameless shills or just redditors and their usual horrible taste in media. The last two being most likely.
Yeah, I want to understand the easter eggs.
Fucking Age of Extinction is probably better than this generic animated movie. Hell even the lame ass Bumblebee movie or Rise of the Beast.
As always, trailers give a bad impression for an animated movie because they cram in all the worst jokes in it.
yes everything is shit anon. Life is horrible. It's not even mediocre or middling, it's all garbage.
not argument
He backed up his point with as much as you did m8. Try adding something to discourse and maybe you won't be surprised when you get a "Nah cunt."
There is no point to that. Other people will document those and post what those are in a bunch of things online from fan wikis to "37 things you didn't notice in Transformers One!" videos to random people posting here.
And it'll probably be the most obvious shit like
>When Soundwave says "Soundwave superior", it's a homage to the 1986 Transformers movie!
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cool. hope it's as good as they say.
>Chris Hemsworth *is* Optimus Prime

Fuck off.
That's not a very high bar.
He's going to do a better job than the kid they literally got off youtube to do the voice in the Netflix shows and Cyberverse.
But I don't see Peter Cullen as a sacred cow like 80's and 2000's kids do.
Most of these "film critics" thought Spider-Verse was a love letter to Spider-Man so I'm going to hold off judgement until I see it for myself and make sure it's not a hit piece
I've been watching the G1 cartoon, and I'm personally surprised by how young Optimus sounds. I'm so used to hearing Peter Cullen in the movies, I always thought Optimus was an old man.
I can see Hemsworth working out
Cullen is old and I'm sad to say this, but his modern voice for OP is stiff and boring. Compare TF: Prime to season 1 of G1 and you will see how much age changes things and how full of life OP ussed to be. Also higher pitched. The One voice calls back to of that time and that's great by itself.
How was it not a love letter to Spider-Man?
>Most of these "film critics" thought Spider-Verse was a love letter to Spider-Man
So did most people who watched Spider-Verse anon
Yeah that's part of the reason I don't see him as irreplaceable.
If he was the cowboy, trash talking, fun having leader he was in G1 Season 1/2, I'd be more into modern Cullen Optimus. But modern Cullen Optimus is like an AI wrote his dialogue based off his TFTM dialog.
The celeb VA casting doesn't bother me either. the 86 movie is full of celebrity VAs and it's fine.
but it has the black spider-man the 1,000 people who still read comics don't like so it's bad, you see.
Jobby the Hong liked it, apparently.
I like the look of it, I just hope they don't go too overboard with the wacky humour
You didn't like the original movie?
By shitting over the concept of Spider-Man with the sole purpose of introducing the most blatant racial token in /co/ history to the mainstream?

Most people are not very smart.

I mean it'd still be a bad faith deconstruction if it's primary purpose was pushing Spider-Boy instead
Zoomer moment - try socializing more instead of just assuming everyone loves the products of your field
Most people went to see a movie and forgot about it
>Rise of the Beast
You're on the comics board, jackass
Still expect people to not like it due to quips and humor, but it’s probably pretty good overall
my sister saw the trailer when she saw some movie and texted me saying how she doesn't know much about the transformers but she said she knows they aren't that
aren't what?
Optimus shouldn't have a mouth
>Retard opinions from twitter
Wow, that sure convinced me!
Go back to twitter and then kill yourself, OP.
He doesn't
There’s maybe like 500 regular posters here these days.
>Transformers aren't funny or quippy
Yeah because that's totally never happened
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New posters. New trailer tomorrow..
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I like the designs. Its very distinct.
I think a lot of the hate stems from anti G1 toon anons
Gewunners were a plague upon the fandom.
Genwunners of all kinds hate anything that reminds them that time passed and they aren’t young anymore.
Is the movie dumb enough to show the destruction of Cybertron by the end, or is this more of a real genuine origin story where we see the start of the split between them and the sundering of their relationship, rather than going AAALL the way to the moment just before they end up on Earth?
The only hate I see is from kids that grew up with UT
Fans of G1 are pretty open to all forms of TF

Not really.
Even back in the day we knew change was inevitable. Just look at the 1986 movie cleaning the deck of characters for the new ones.
They want to make a trilogy out of this, so I think they'll stop before the planet is destroyed.
It was a movie all about fake Spider-Men. There's only 1 Spider-Man.
> Fans of G1 are pretty open to all forms of TF
Haha holy shit you’re serious? The guys who cried truck not kinky and called Armada Pokemon and said Baybraoed their childhood?
Airachnid is a mix of cool and awful parts. Mostly the head is an issue, but having 8 eyes is neat.
Thank god. I always hate how origin movies force everything into them so that you tell the entire tale about the character's rise from humble beginnings in 90 minutes. Green Lantern fucked it up by introducing Parallax so early, Solo really fucked it up by giving Han the Millennium Falcon, Chewbacca, and going off to join Jabba, and Star Trek kind of fucked it up by taking everyone right out of Starfleet Academy and making them the command crew of the Enterprise.
Can you say that again in English please
Does that nean we'll get another Optimus in Fortnite? I hated the Rise of Beasts version they used.
You guys cried so hard it kept us from getting new leaders like Star Saber.
What the fuck are you even on about?
Are you the guy that always posts about the Japanese G1 shows being better?
> By shitting over the concept of Spider-Man
The guy who sold his daughter to Satan is being “shit on” because of Miles? Ironic how Spider-Pete fans, despite his famous catchphrase, have no sense of responsibility.
I loved it.
Especially Spike cursing.
6 year old me was like finally, A Transformers adventure like Terminator or Rambo…..pure excitement!

Only a decade later from the internet did I find out that mothers were pissed that their kids cried.
Hasbro already was beginning to pack it up in the states, so releasing and expensive big guy like Star Saber was extremely unlikely.
It’s funny cuz in Pokemon at least it’s mostly the gen 4 and 5 kids who seethe at things changing and gen 1 getting fanservice.
And the same happened here. The different things became old enough appealing to first iteration nostalgia became viable.
Backlash to TFTM was so bad it kept them from ever using other characters as leaders. Now Transformers as a franchise has stagnated to the same core of characters over and over again.
May I suggest you watch something else
They stick to the same cast because it is easier on the production side to have a small pool instead of throwing 50 guys out in quick succession. Other Hasbro series like GI Joe adapted the same strategy at the same time.
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I do
It's because American IPs are stagnant. It's why you have the same superheroes from 90 years ago in unending stories.
No, it's because licensing fees are fucking expensive for merchandising, especially when you already have like a hundred of them
I am currently watching brave series, so far it's animated well at least but it's also very similar to JG1
That is also a factor. If you wanted to sell a coloring book, t-shirts or stickers, much easier if you have leader/kid/tough guy/cool guy/smart guy evil leader/evil jerk/evil tough guy/evil smart guy to reuse repeatedly.
He probably meant you should watch something good.
I will probably enjoy the movie, but those faces look weird
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There's maybe 3 TF series on par with Brave.
It would be a 10/10 skin if the proportions were better
I like the idea of Optimus having lips but almost every time they give him lips, it looks weird. The only exception being Animated.
Yes, those two are not mutually exclusive
Same desu.
I don’t mind for this movie, because he’s still Orion Pax at this point, and back in G1 he didn’t have the faceplate before becoming Optimus.
And lots more well above it.
does it really count as lips if its essentially shading.
Starscream better have a cunty voice.
>Chris Hemsworth is Optimus Prime!
WHO CARES. Oh my god, that's the only thing people basedface over it praise it for.
There must always be a token girl.
I'm glad Airachnid had taken the place of BA as token con girl, so we can get more Blackarachnia incarnations that remember she spent most of the Beast era as a Maximal or at least Maximal adjacent.
She's not a psycho or a bad person, just a nerd who got drafted on the bad guy side.
I guess, it's just that she kinda stands out among all the G1 characters.
Blackarachnia's last time doing that to a large capacity was Animated. Wasn't in future TV shows, only actually showed up in the bad guy camps were "remake" stories. Thinking about it again you could count the one in the Transformers vs. G.I. Joe comic, but she's rather minor.
She has a nose and wide chin, so adapted to the local style.
They tied to put her in Cyberverse but never found a good spot. And she got a Tiny Turbo Changer, of all things.
Cyberverse was poorly planned out. There are like a dozen characters the writers said they wanted to use but didn't.

Good. They were gonna gender bend Jazz.
That passive-aggressive style of typing makes you look even more like a shill.
These read like ChatGPT wrote them.
Who else would they use for the evil token female Transformer?
How's the box office?
>Blackarachnia's last time doing that to a large capacity was Animated.
And she was also Elita-1 there, Animated generally did its own thing.
0 cause it's not out yet, these first impressions are just from previews.
Death to all Twitter niggers. Draw and quarter every last one of these faggots
Then who cares?
Flamewar. She's on the rise.
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More posters
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Barf. Try Thunderblast.
Cybetronian sexual dimorphism is something else.
Why she got nips?
Why do they have 3d printing lines all over their bodies? I get they may have wanted some texture to the bodies but that just makes them look cheap.
I hope he turns into a gun.
Why even bother adding the female bots if they don't have curves
I've always thought that was stupid, he shouldn't turn into something that he needs someone else to use.
As glad as I am to see other 'Cons in the film, it's odd to have them on the poster instead of Sentinel & Vector (who have VAs)
This is a pre-war movie set on Cybertron. Not really suitable for her to function well.
She's an Earthling.
It's only women simping for Chris, isn't it?
starscream is voiced by steve buscemi and his only major contribution to the film is handing over command of what becomes the decepticons to megatron after getting slapped around like the battered housewife he is
At least for this poster, it's showing the divide between Decepticons and Autobots. I don't think those two are joining Megatron anytime soon, and Sentinel is definitely not heroic enough (from what I hear) to be alongside Optimus. Also, they're probably more recognizable.
This implies that Bumblebee is worse than AoE. Bumblebee is the only even moderately worthwhile Transformers movie
Has anyone who went to the previews posted a level headed reaction to it?
Bullshit. The trailers are fucking abysmal. At best it's mediocre.
I got to see the movie, guy from OP's screenshot said the truth
Do the shitty jokes persist through the film?
The female Starscream from animated
We already have Starscream as the female Starscream.
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I speak for TFOne, it's a love letter in the way, they took the aligned origins but made it at the forefront of the story & conflict, as well it references or uses some abilities & equipment the bots got from parts of the franchise

ever present in the first act, but pleasing since most jokes are delivered when you least expect it & take a back seat when the stakes are high much later on
How gay is it?
Also how straight is it?
Also what does Bumblebee do in the movie?
Also what does Starscream, Soundwave, Shockwave and Airachnid do in the movie?

Shadow Striker, Crasher, Strika, Slipstream, Fracture, Shatter.
you will get orion pax cope skim and you will come inside of it
>ever present in the first act, but pleasing since most jokes are delivered when you least expect it & take a back seat when the stakes are high much later on
So they do persist, damn.

Gay uhhh, Orion & D-16 are bff from the start, by the end lol nope

No straight relationship, but Elita & Orion got to soften each other halfway through, so is open for another movie

Bee is the major comic relief, schizophrenic & crazy since he was in solitary confinement for god knows how long, he doesnt shut it which is a current running gag

Starscream, Soundwave, Shockwave are what leads the elite guard (or royal guard, I dont remember the exact name), a rebellious faction against sentinel "prime" comprised of seekers & coneheads, also much older than d-16 & orion since they got T-cog (which is treated as a vital organ) the shot from the first trailer is from their headquarters & starscream got beaten hard by d-16, soundwave is there but gets to do the mind reading ability as my previous picture (whic I adored), shockwave is... there

Arachnid is Sentinel "Prime"'s second in command, Fearsome warrior on her own with eyes on the side of her head that see like a hawk eye, but got to disappear after she got beaten near the end
One of those is a reference to another one you listed and a third also is in that lineage!
What role do the Quintessons play in the movie?
it's fine, needs bigger shoulders
Lots of beatings.
What was the runtime? And do you think its gonna be labeled PG-13 or PG? I saw a lot of conflicting reports on both.
What is up with Airachnid in terms of transforming? Her robot mode looks like it has parts that map to helicopter, but the 1-step changer turns into a spider. Is she a triple-changer?
I think the Hasbro ninjas got the anon who watched the screening
Hasbro has product listing leaks that go over a year in the future, so I don't think they have very good ninjas.
Were any other "Autobots" featured except for OP, Elita, Bee and Sentinel? Especially any with dialogue?
>Black Arachnia being the Starscream for Sentinel Prime seems fitting
I'm just trying to find spoilers but it's fucking impossible. Everyone on TFW2005 who's seen it is so tight-lipped about it because they want to "respect the filmmakers" and tell me to go in blind. Bunch of fags
God these designs are fucking hideous. Earthspark was a mistake
Saw a post that said Airachnid is the helicopter/hover thing on the new poster and not a triple changer
That's Airachnid anon, not Blackarachnia.
That's the character now, Hasbro doesn't want to call characters "black ..."
>Hasbro doesn't want to call characters "black ..."
They showed it 2 months before release, and those embargos are tight as a motherfucker.
They're different characters anon, one clearly inspired by the other, but still different.
I know, but she is also a replacement for the other
Kinda but also Airachnid lacks the redeemable aspects of Blackarachnia, she's just evil evil.
Oh and also the Beast Wars/Technorganic aspects of the character, she's just a straight up evil robot lady that's also a spider, kinda like the Insecticons or Dinobots.
So yeah, she's similar, but I wouldn't say she's a straight up replacement, I couldn't see a story with Blackarachnia being the same as a story with Airachnid.

That, and Airachnid implies that the character can fly. It's in the name.
Not really. Airachnid was Black Arachnia in the planning stages of prime but they changed it because they wanted her character arc to be different.
It's like Hot Shot and Hot Rod, similar but different due to their roles
I guarantee it's because they don't want to use black in the character name in any newer media
They'll use Airachnid over her every time
>they changed it because they wanted her character arc to be different.
Correct, so we agree that the end result isn't actually the same as Blackarachnia.
She could've been, but they wanted something different.
Take off the tinfoil hat anon, "Black" is still also just a color, not everything has to be about race.
>don't want to use black in the character name in any newer media
But she appeared in the Netflix show like 2/3 years ago, so that isn't necessarily the case. Plus she's gotten toys recently.
Can't be bothered. Shit's always gay there.
there was a time where fans just wanted stuff on Cybertron with no humans
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>shockwave is... there
Unironically based.
Hot Shot is yellow, turns into a rounded car and gets along with children. He's a Bumblebee on early 2000s.
What is this bullshit? Shockwave is my favorite, yet he never gets to do anything.
Why does Airachnid have ROTF Fallen's head? Ugly ass design
When Shockwave does something it dominates the plot entirely. Better to have a loyal housemaid than a logical planner.
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She's a lamer version of blackarachnia
Her design sucks
She wasted both the insecticons and breakdown
Fuck her
Well I think she's okay.
Airachnid's voice and design are really good.
Mmm no fuck you
So like
What do transformers transform into before they get to Earth and become our cars and such
Same things but more futuristic.
Well I hope you're ready for this movie to cement her as the de facto token female Decepticon lol
Lmaooo, I went to sleep, it was 3am


colonizing species, it's them the 13 primes went against, they patrol the surface & threat sentinel as their bitch, arent the main focus but by the end, it tease the sequel movie will be about fighting them

Yeah she transforms into a drone, none of that spider thing as the toy

among the plenitude of cameos, some got to speak (with even credits) towards orion or elita
So the movie is good right?
Very much yeah, will be easily in the podium for the community
Is Jazz in it? Appreciate you answering questions btw. Nobody on tfw2005 seems interested in giving away spoilers
It'll be my last answer because me too got a little worried if someone tries to search for my ass

yup & he got to speak
Good to know, we really needed this to be good and successful so we can get more animated Transformers movies in the future, I'm really tired of the precedent set by the Bayverse that Transformers movies have to be live-action for some reason.
Why are some people against this movie doing well?
I hope so, but a lot of people are already making up their minds about it based on the first trailer
I think people wanted a straight up war for cybertron movie without understanding why that couldn’t happen. If that has any chance of happening, it would be on sequels set in this continuity, as this takes place before the war begins.
look up gameplay footage of the Cybertron games, there's your answer.
Shit comedy.
Because it's G1 looking, and anti G1 haters are vocal
>>144653125 just proved my point here >>144653008
Thats a lot of Earthspark content for a show that's presumably canceled.
They still have the rest of Season 2 unaired. Seems to be dragged out though if it doesn't finish airing until 2026.

Hope they don't have too many more toys planned.
More Cyberverse repaints

Ouch. My Target pretty much replaced the whole line with One toys.
Looks like shit
For all the hype and negativity surrounding this one. I'm glad that they at least tried to make a transformers movie without humans this time.
If they shrank the head by 10-20% he'd be perfectly fine
But apparently there's also specials and that show listed alongside it may be a spinoff.
If this does well then maybe they'll learn that we don't need those stinkers anymore.
Unless it does better than the bay movies(not gonna happen), don't hold your breath.
Well the last live-action movie didn't do that well either, and yet they're making that GI Joe crossover movie they teased at the end of it. And going by the PDF posted by that anon, there's more plans to continue the live-action films even beyond that.
RotB was profitable, thats all they care about.
Yeah, but nowhere near th e Bay movies, with many saying it flopped

Theres an old saying in Hollywood, as long as a film makes even a penny in profit, they'll make more.

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