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Aldish vandals go the extra mile.
well whats my mans got against reddit
Website comment:
>ACAB even in Alderode~

Patreon comment:
>We haven't had impenetrably verbose Duane for a good long while; I apologise if he is incomprehensible. He is also a little drunk and stoned and just Having A Night.

>"Prokul Lledit" means "fucking Alds" which is a very bitchy thing for a Soud to say, but pretty on point here.
I bet it would be worth it to Duane for them to vandalize the place, so long as he got to catch them vandalizing the place.
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I'd pay for a book that's just Duane family SoL.
How fucking blazed is Duane right now?
I wonder if it’s Tainish rather than Aldish when the Soud swear at the other castes?
Duane's family life truly was grand. I can't wait to see what this sequence does to further shatter his world view and send the man spiraling into ever deeper self doubt and depression.
"Aldish" is Tainish. Though I think some parts speak Continental.
Nah, we're at the end of the book. I think this is going to steer him into ultimate revelation.
Alds speak both Continental (meaning the same language all the southern countries use) and Tainish. Educated people speak both, not so educated usually speak the language of the majority in their province. In Durlyne that would be Tainish. Lemuel, for example, would struggle speaking Continental, Leysa (being a woman who is not allowed to have proper education, but being from a wealthy family might have been home schooled well enough) is not expected to know it at all, and Duane is exceptionally fluent in both Tainish and Continental.
I mean it could be a revelation that fully breaks him.
Then book 2 is him pulling himself together.
based duane
Three sheets to the wind. Full fucking speed ahead.
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Lotta goofy expressions on this page, funny to see after all the recent misery
I want to smoke weed that turns into smoke hearts when I blow it out. Why can't that be a thing. This is the saddest I've been in awhile. Cope is hitting me where it hurts.
So what is the restaurant serving? I assume if Duane has to spice it up, it's not alcoholic.
Well since this seems to be something like Christmas or New Years, I assume it's an egg nog equivalent.
What's with all the cucks
Lem never slept with Leysa if that's what you are implying.
Duane must be having a triple out of body experience right now.
He's going to the moon!
I love Duane so god damn much
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Tumblr search is notoriously shit, so this is the one thing I can find on what gets served at Farold's. I swear she's given more in-depth descriptions of the place.
Duane and lemon hanging out not in warnis pretty cool. Especially when they talk about beating pig ass. Wonder if it will ever be explained why sounds don't just go somewhere else.
>Wonder if it will ever be explained why sounds don't just go somewhere else.
First reason is that they're the original inhabitants of the region, Alderode itself is their ancestral homeland.
Second is that almost all of them are Ssaelit, which will get them murdered on-sight everywhere outside Alderode and half the areas inside it.
They are clearly patriots, they just dislike the shitty aspects of their country that they can't ignore or gloss over.
Besides, Alderode is the only place on the continent basically that they can be Ssaelists without getting hanged.
besides the Ssaelit thing, the geographical border is an eldritch hellscape, the Ssaelit religion says the ocean is evil, and I assume no one really wants to take in a bunch of refugees.
He's had his entire pre and post death worldview utterly shattered no less than like five times in 24 hours. There really is nothing left for him to do but witness whatever is being shown to him and to choose what to do with the information given.
>book 2
But Sette needs help now, anon. No time in the khert, remember.
Bros... is she the leader of the conspiracy? Was it her all along?
Duh, I agree, but what's really left there that can make Duane broken, shattered and depressed about his family specifically? He's already pre-broken about Lemuel and just going through grief stages. Don't feel like it would really depress him either when he finally accepts it. So it sounded to me like anon was cuck-baiting, so responded in jest to that.
oh shit
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>what's really left there that can make Duane broken, shattered and depressed about his family specifically?
Silly anon, have you learned nothing from this comic?
There is no floor.
Things can ALWAYS get worse.
I don't think he's quite figured out how fucked up Lemuel is yet
The last time we said this he ended up trying to sacrifice a child and got banished to the lemon realm
she wants the L
prophecy shall be fulfilled https://youtu.be/t9Ltq5FEP04?si=em3DHiqjn2V3yvaC
That man is crossfading
Some of them did. There are the Mmatont living on Ankhert. But they are also Senet-worshipping heretic terrorists who are a large reason why Souds are hated these days.
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I recall it coming up in regards to Will, who as a Silver, is not allowed but I think Lemuel brings him drinks while he waits around outside. Or so I think Cope said.

I went back to check something and actually found Duane mentioning it to.
Oh also think someone posted a tumblr answer last thread that mentioned it's where the upper crust Ssoud go to talk politics and such. I think that also mentioned the menu items.
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Wow that sounds awful. No wonder Duane is hitting the hard shit if that's what he has to drink on family outings to this place
>get called pissmops
>coppers won't let you mop up the piss stains on your streets
alderode is truly a society
Farold's is technically outside the ghers, so Will is allowed in
>coppers are copper
veritable pottery
That's ok, Lem, all the Continental you need to know is how to call the other guy's mother a whore.

Also true of French, though a Frenchman just responds with "I know, I've had her."
Wow, Duane having fun. His students would never believe it. Sette would never believe it. She's missing the show.
>Wife wants you to quit smoking and drinking
>You get a buzz and puff smoke hearts at her
Duane must have saved up so many pussy-eater points.
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He's still in denial about Lemuel's role in ruining his life.
Do you think granny has a bone out for Lemuel? Nothing to act on, of course, just warm thoughts for cold nights?
>has fun once
Actually she told him to stop drinking and start smoking.
This is definitely a situation that could give him no other choice
Farold's is principally a Soud hanghout, though, so I imagine you'd get some dirty looks, rude comments from your own caste, and maybe a thumping of guys more Ricker's sort clawed enough sem together to have a night.
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Remembering better times.

You know, I wonder how Lemuel remembers all this? We're told quite explicitly that Duane papered over all the harsh truths of this story, so how did Lemuel deal with it? Wouldn't surprise me if he took the opposite tact, hanging on and magnifying the horror and betrayal, thinking only about Duane's pride, foolishness, and hypocrisy. Forgetting the tender moments where Duane opened up and relied upon him, as is thematic at this point in the story.
Twenty sem says once the constables have decided the "investigation" is over, they immediately fine Farold's for leaving the grafitti uncleaned.
Yeah, it's been obvious that this is where he stops getting to cover his eyes to the whole thing. He has to either accept it or just refuse to move on.

Hopefully he doesn't wallow for long, Sette needs him. And yes, probably Alderode, too.
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>the literal magic record of objective history reveals his brother plotted to kill him
>Duane: there must be some mistake, some misunderstanding
This does not seem to have won her favor.
There's a really interesting bit earlier where Duane and Lemuel are talking about dead comrades and I think BOTH of them miss out that each brother feels personally to blame for the friend(s) they've lost in the war.
Panels four and five shook me. I've seen so many smoke eels slaughtering people that seeing normal smoke made me nervous af for a moment.
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>"Prokul Lledit" means "fucking Alds"
>mfw Alderode is leddit
I see you Ash
Cause he didn't stop drinking. So now he's high AND drunk, the buffoon.
*bows 2 u*

omg thanks for the cheery task!!!
Wait, how isn't duane dead right now
You didn't actually think one of the main characters was dead halfway through the comic did you
oh, it's timeskip memoryfuckery

between that and duane talking from lemon's POV at the beginning I was a bit confused

so when is this again in terms of before the murder
Unclear, but presumably somewhere between the planning of it and the execution of it, based on the previous page.
Some of the speedreaders in these threads are fucking incredible
fuck you I've been doigng 12 hour shifts for the last month eat my taint im trying to relax on my break
I cannot overstate how nice it is to have Duane back to his characteristic banter after being so utterly miserable for so long in the main story.
Have you considered relaxing by reading the comic?
Go to sleep. The thread has a good chance to remain alive all day.
Is there a reason for all the narrative focus on soud hate? I feel like it's building up to something.
Yeah, Souds are gonna have gotten FUCKED when Duane gets back home.

So? I' ve been working 12 hour shifts for the past 12 years. You have no excuse.
Do they worship Sessine or Rukh or do they have a better class of Senet around?
I love it when this bitch's goofy side comes out.

Surely the uppers of the weed and the downers of the alcohol would cancel each other out and Duane would be normal.
Isn't she somehow the one letting him see this?
2 of these "prophecies" are already confirmed wrong.
Is it ever not cold enough to snow in Alderode?
I believe it was that his father doesn't allow him there. Not that any particular caste is not allowed in. It was either that it's too low brow a part of town for his son to be seen in, or too improper for Will who is an upper class silver to be hanging out with soud for fun. Nevermind that Will Sr. and Lemuel are very buddy buddy, it's only okay if you're doing it at work and while you kill people. Kind of the same idea as why Duane is taken aback by Miki's interest in Will and one of the issues with what happened when Duane started liking Sarthos. And the same reason why Duane wiring all his war colleagues was a faux pas and none of them ever replied until Claggart graciously explained to him what a faux pas it was.
Poor Duane :( An uncivilized printer's son who didn't understand the laws of proper society.
And now he's simply not fit to be in society at all. Thanks Lem!
To be fair, there's a pretty big difference between bonding over gutting twin eaters and hanging out afterwards.
Naturally there's nothing wrong with killing Gerendur. But you saw them, Will Sr. hugged Lem. If the wrong person sees they might think there's something akin to friendship between the two men, rather than merely co-conspirators and comrades in arms. It would be scandalous.
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that is all.
Sette's canonically asexual.
Seems with the recent revelations its because she wasn't designed to go through puberty or ever have romantic feelings because she was meant to die by the age of 12.
Probably not, Coppers aren't Ssaelit for whatever reason and Durlyne is a Ssaelit city so no geffie cops unless it's the feds.
>Leysa: You're a violent drunk, please just get stoned instead
>Duane: Lol. Lmao, even. *crossfades*
Claggart went on to take Duane's murder rather badly, though, showing even a Jet has limits to how prickly and standoffish he can be.
Ackshchually in Tainish "LL" is the same as "Y" so it would be "Prokul Yedit"
Perhaps it's the big Wandering Root that's been vaguely alluded to have been the inspiration for Baelar.
Start the section over if you're that lost in the weeds, desu. This is a memory nested in a memory right now.
To be fair, I don't think sending a letter explaining to the dumbass who keeps embarrassing himself trying to be penpals with men from other social classes what he's doing wrong is standoffish. I think he did Duane a huge favor by cluing him in on why no one was replying. Claggart's a good guy with a gruff exterior who quite liked Duane, Lemuel, and the rest of his men. He just isn't a clueless autist like Duane.
I would buy it. Book two is gonna be great, I can't wait for the senet scheming to really start to ramp up.
I wonder if it also isn't partially: Claggart is almost directly responsible for Duane being where he ended up. He and the Silver commander Duane was under were the ones who put his name forward as a worthy Wright to teach the Lions of Mercy, essentially kickstarting his career proper. Even more than that, Claggart was a patriot through and through. We know he was Aldish Racist about the castes, but it's also clear he was of a mind that any caste with worthy talents should fly as high as their ability allows.

Duane was a shining example to not only the Soud, but any Aldishman who genuinely believed "the system works." Not all castes can do the same things, or deserve the same "responsibilities," but individuals with talent, skill, and loyalty to the nation can go far. Duane got cut down in his prime and ushered in an ugly amount of religious and inter-caste bickering.

There's a lot there for a grump like Claggart to feel miserable about.
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>Sette's canonically asexual.
he can fix her.
i have no proofs but i have no doubts.
Goddamit anon, you're gonna start the 'tism again
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not my fault you live in a cosmic lie

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