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Well, it's Wednesday (at least it is in my time zone) which means it's Preview Night,which means it's time for me to post some Stortime of Pain stuff!

Now, normally I'd start off SoP with something nice and small, but this year it'll be a bit different. For starters, somebody posted a SoP thread yesterday. Also, I decided to go a bit bigger for my first thread.

See, before they made it big in America, Grant Morrison and Mark Millar were bffs and working at 2000AD. Nothing wrong with that, except when they were given the keys to the kingdom and given the opportunity to write Judge Dredd, they kinda sorta fucked it right up. To rub salt in the wound, this was when the late Carlos Ezquerra was at his peak as an artist.

Buckle up, creeps, we're going in dry.
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For the record, I don't want to want to hear any "b-b-b-but the art is good!!"

I know the art is good, that's what makes this such a fucking waste.
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Thank you for continuing the tradition
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shut up faggot and post you don't to anything of worth apart from that.
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No, I love YOU the most!
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You know me, any old excuse for a laugh...
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fwiw I considered including all the smaller stories Grant and Mark did, but that would've required me to make a second thread and I'm too lazy for that.
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Sorry for this taking so long - 4chan keeps giving my "connection error" bullshit.
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Seriousl, I keep having to resize and edit each fucking page, and it's such a ballache.
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This is “bike, forward, and reverse” isn’t it?
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This was such a terrible story, it's nice that /co/ appreciates it as SOP
use irfanview, it has an option for batch resizing
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I have to resize, crop the image as much as I can... and I still get the fucking "connection error" bullshit
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It either works, or I have to do a bunch of bullshit that doesn't even work. Shit fucking sucks,
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Panel 3 is fitting for the SoP
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Can someone give me some context for this shit?
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It's a bit of a long story.

In 1993, 2000AD was in a bad place. Most of the iconic strips from the 80s were over and Judge Dredd botched the ending to the long building Democracy storyline because Garth Ennis (who inherited the strip when John Wagner left to run the Judge Dredd Megazine spin-off) opted to keep the status quo and hard reset the franchise back into creative stasis.

To try and boost sales and silence critics, 2000AD decided to spend about four months worth of issues (rough 20 issues) on a sales stunt called "The Summer Offensive". Basically, Ennis, Morrison, Millar, and others within their clique, were given complete creative control over the anthology for four months and outside of Dredd, all other serial strips were canceled and the "Summer Offensive" writers given free reign to create new serials that were guaranteed to run the length of the experiment.

Morrison took over Judge Dredd and launched Purgatory/Inferno, which isn't THAT bad a story I should note, but which gets a bad rap partly because it came out during the Summer Offensive, which was a HUGE HUGE failure and did catastrophic damage to the 2000AD magazine and drove away readers.
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The mustachioed guy in OP's picture for the cover to Purgatory? He was a former Judge who was part of a cabal of Judges who tried to murder Dredd in the Ennis penned finale of the Democracy arc (their logic, as Dredd forced the Judges to put their continued existence to a public vote after the Judges caused the carnage of Necropolis to happen, once he was dead they could cancel the vote and restore the status quo and kill the Democracy movement). The plot failed and Mustachioed Cop and his cohorts were sent to Titan, where crooked Judges are disfigured and imprisoned.

Purgatory/Inferno has mustachio cop and other crooked Judges escape and launch an attack on Mega City One and taking over the place. The good judges are forced into brief exile before Dredd launches a counter offensive, kills the crooked Judges and mustachio cop in particular.
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>waterboarding before it was cool
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im starting to get why this is considered a bad story feels like Millar kept forgetting how characters had acted in just the last strips since the Fat Texen and the other guy are friends now but when we last saw them the Texen was beating him up
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This run was considered the shittiest Judge Dredd for decades I might do the worst next year
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some of the smaller stories are alright but it's pretty clear that Millar wasn't really ready as a writer for something this big and Grant Morrison was pretty hands-off for the most part with his tutoring, a similar problem that Garth Ennis had earlier on with his Dredd strips
there is a reason this is known as a dark Age for 2000AD
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Page 5 missing?
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what a lazy cover
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4chan's acting screwy - hopefully it stops fucking up
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Well, that took longer than it should've.

that one-liner doesn't suit Dredd imo
feels out of character Dredd but I guess that was one of the main complaints about Morrisons/Millars run was that Dredd felt very out of charecter
these were all conceptually fine ideas for dread stories but they kinda fell apart in the execution of those ideas
Thanks, I hated it
That's the spirit!
Storytime of Pain is for retards.
Honestly this.

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