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Kelly does it again.
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>Go, Diego, Go reference
I thought I was the only person on Earth who remembered that existed
mexibro here, I'm so fucking upset that I didn't think of that first, it was right there!
at this point, it should be bannable, just like stonetoss. this comics are very well a bait for /pol/ discussion, intentionally or not
>Schrödinger's Mexican
>is simultaneously too lazy to work and stealing all of the jobs from white people
But the Jannie likes to finger his asshole and think he is really smart while reading these threads
>stealing all of the jobs from white people
bro didn't read the comic
Like you give a shit about anyone who isn't white anyway.
and it's actually neither, they're taking all the shit jobs that white people don't want
white people ain't gonna break their backs picking berries, they're going for those computer analyst AI prompt engineer work from home jobs

At least use a translator or a english-spanish dictionary.

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It’s about the principle! I don’t want them jerbs but I also don’t want other people to do it either! Even though I need them jerbs to be done by someonec2ay2!
so leftists are okay with being racist towards black people now?
Proper Kelly comic.
I think Kelly is all that funny anymore. The joke's worn kind of thin by now, and he's beginning to resemble actual political cartoons more and more.
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This really makes me feel bueno
How is this bait?
They always were
>Trabajo negro banditos
Too fucking good
t. Spaniard
maldito mono de la península
Full disclosure: /co/'s mod team is preferentially left wing, so any right wing comic gets banned while Kelly and others get a free pass, you have to be really retarded to push it beyond that.
>>they're going for those computer analyst AI prompt engineer work from home jobs
And those are being taken over by Indians who work for pennies which is why there's so much more anti Indian sentiment on places like 4ch/leddit than anti mexican
Either they aren't working which means they are taking wellfare money, or they are working which means they are lowering wages.
Yes, yes. Right wingers and racists are so oppressed on 4chan.
They literally are, there's been a massive resurgence of anti white posting since a couple years ago
Just means whites are even lazier. Which is sorta true because at least Mexicans can pick their own crops unlike whites which is why they imported brown people
>boards are flooded with constant racist whining

Kelly still got it!
>street wise kids
It's the small differences that matter.
Posts on 4chin are considered oppression?
The difference between Kelly and Stone Toss is that Kelly's comics are actually funny.
>chuds unironically belive this
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They think 4chan should be a safe place to bigots and racists
>taking all the shit jobs that white people don't want
Except it's still better than nothing. But it's still cheaper to hire undocumented migrants than doesn't pay taxes.
>mom! This comic is genociding me again!!
>The difference between Kelly and Stone Toss is that I don't have a sense of humor.
It's literally true, this never used to happen or it at least was contained on /pol/ and /int/ now it's infected most boards, the majority of 4ch isn't white anymore and it shows
>this retard thinks /pol/ is white
Dios mio.
I literally said the opposite, are you esl too?
>dude I hate domestic workers so much
>they're too lazy and want too much money
>We need people working for less than minimum wage or we'll all starve to death
people like you are worse than any boomer
I feel sorry for mexicans. Imagine how horrible your country must be if you'd rather live in a plase as racially polluted and dangerous as the US.
The US has never been less dangerous and non whites have never had it as good. No other nation has DEI diversity laws.
Race to the bottom. Just look at landscaping jobs, drive down the value of labor until it becomes a shit job, instead of the middle class job it used to be. It's bizzare just how hateful and racist the huwhite haters on the left are, they will suddenly start cheering on anti labor and pro corporate horrors if it means they can laugh at their 'lessers'.
>undocumented migrants
they are illegals
>"Let's go steal some BLACK JOBS!"
To be fair, those jobs will actually be done now.
This is actually one of the most fucked up things. There’s so much cognitive dissonance in the world today, it’s crazy. Progressives that fail to progress, conservatives that fail to conserve. I think that the failure is deeper than political, we are failing as humans.
>t. Mex-sicko
I thought this was Loco Bandito for a second.
It's simply because it dosen't affect them, they sing a different tune when it comes to indians going after their tech jobs though. They're all self interested hypocrites
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there is no job that nobody wants to do, only jobs that dont offer enough compensation to attract workers.

say only 50% of an immigrant population works, you just import double of whatever labor supply you need to keep wages down.

a bigger underpinning problem is that corporations are legally required to minmax profits for shareholders with a complete disregard for the conditions of their workers or their ability to retain talent.
>>only 50% of an immigrant population works
That's just cause most of the women are housewives
its just an example, say even just 10% works, you can just import more to eventually reach the number you're aiming for.
Because 4chan loves easy targets and Mexicans call each other spic for fun
The US is a shithole. Literally a third world country masquerading as a first world one.
do you know what "first", "second" and "third world" means?
I smiled and laughed
>not Mexicat
jesus, why do I bother being a filthy consumer/employee that companies clearly abhor. I should just buy stocks for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Do you?
Its entitled fucks who think any job they ask about should be theirs
>First World: America and "democratic" (pro-American) countries
>Second World: USSR and "communist" (pro-Soviet) countries
>Third World: fags that aren't part of the Cold War (mostly failed states in Africa)
a lot of people are asking themselves that and are dropping out of society, yes
>>boards are flooded with constant racist whining
How often does it spring up out of nowhere instead of as a reaction to something happening?
Like Ubisoft's asscreed game being set in japan with a black protagonist, that cause a reaction. No one gave a fuck about yasuke beforehand. That sparked a reaction.
>>144639276 #
Africa is irrelevant, the 3rd world was created and led by Josip Tito and the Balkans
Don't have to imagine. There's plenty of horrible videos that cartels have posted online of what they do to their enemies and families.
every cracker that wants illegals deported should be forced to replace them for the exact same salary for at least 12 months
People parrot about landscaping like it's the golden goose of middle class jobs. Name 5 other "classic" middle class jobs that have the same issue. Because I find it to be overblown. Not false, but like the one example people can actually point to that doesn't really affect any meaningful market.
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I would take any fucking job they would give me. But they wont give me a job. I have applied like 1000 times and have heard NOTHING. I ahve to jump through hoops to get put into the "maybe" pile, and the people hiring don't have to do shit.
Except very few of those videos show families, they mostly show other cartel criminals. Some people's nations are going through war, these people are just spoiled
Looks like every indian spaghetti coder is getting deported
That was the old ranking gramps. Update your operating system.
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>it's time to upd-ACK
I will run oldoldstable and I will be happy
>doesn't know the difference between the OS and some 3rd party security system
Go to sleep gramps. It's time for your nap
The republican minority outreach strategy is insane.8tawywh
>implying that automatic updates are okay if they're done by the OS
are you running debian 12.3?
>No one gave a fuck about yasuke beforehand.

Are you kidding me? Racists have been melting down every time somebody happens to mention Yasuke for multiple years. They are just upset because they see a black man.
Personal OS weren't affected.
Go into sleep mode and update yours, gramps.
>you are not allowed to use this software for personal use
that's why I use libreware
Like they're mad that he existed?
Because that's not up for debate.
Or is it when historical revisionists claim he was a samurai? Because no one should be okay with people rewriting history.
Ok boomer.
the fact that I have to apply 50 times just to net one fucking job says a lot about the market, and thats even counting if the position im applying for is even real in the first place.
Yes, they’re super mad he’s a real historical figure. That’s why they always jump to racist shit like insisting he was just a pet, he has no significance so it’s wrong to use him, also it’s wrong to make any fictionalised stories about him because there are not many historical records about him so uhhhh it’s inaccurate!!!
I'm legitimately thinking about robbing ATMs at this rate.
I'm already in medical debt, the fuck should I care if some banker gets shorted on his paperwork?
>he was just a pet,
That's crude, but might be accurate. He was there for, what, 1 or 2 years before he left Japan? Not like he had the time to plan any elaborate political maneuvers (especially given how alien japan was to europeans, the people who brought him) and it probably would have been noted if he lead any armies or introduced any technology. Two years just isn't a long time.
I wouldn't say right wingers are oppressed, but any person who doesn't subscribe to left-wing ideology is treated like the worst enemy of mankind since hitler, or worse than hitler. you're either "officially" left-wing sympathizer, or you're cancelled. and only a fool would disagree
4chan? Give me a fucking break.
What's the based on? Leftists differentiate between leftists, tankies, neolibs, lolberts, centrists, Republicans, and the far right and "alt-right". They recognize varying degrees of leftism, centrism, and Hitler particles.
On reddit, maybe. Here it's the opposite.
>Leftists differentiate
Lol. No they don't. Everyone is le ebil Drumpf supporting Nazi.
this website's moderation is literally discord trannies anon.
there's a reason the /lgbt/ board is 99% trannies asking if they pass or trying to hookup- (because the mods tacitly allow that shit if they don't participate in it themselves).
considering "right wing ideology" on 4chan boils down to literally just posting those godawful "fashwave" edits and blaming brownoids for everything ever there's a reason its not taken seriously around here.
if you were seriously trying to promote a traditional lifestyle you wouldn't be arguing with pedophiles on /co/ about the merits of a drug addict that got his country into a prolonged war with the world and lost or how a rich new york billionaire that cheats on his wife as often as he does his taxes is saving the west from the other billionaires that also cheat on their taxes and their wives.
>the merits of a drug addict that got his country into a prolonged war with the world and lost
>yeah well trans people…

Oh my God, every fucking time
That case is horridly misconstrued. All the judgement meant was Ford couldn't fuck over his investors (including the Dodges) by spending every dollar the Ford Company earned to deny them dividends. Even the century of case law using the phrasing 'maximum possible profits for shareholders" built on this mandates the is an effort of good faith and the government will never, ever audit a company to prove whether there was a more profitable avenue. All of it just gave shareholders standing to sue companies if they have evidence the executives of it are misappropriating funds.

Corporations are still mostly shitheels full of shitheels that want to a buck fifty in change for a dollar, but it's not "because the government made them be".
mostly because banks are a high profile target and is more likely to get you caught.
if you give all your shareholders the tools to sue you for not maximizing profits they are going to end up maximizing profits, nobody has to actually sue for incentives to be in place.
Yes, people *will* argue that paying your employees better is a misappropriation of funds. A ton of these big startups are constantly stealing eachother's talent and refusing to hire or train new blood, to them its all about the numbers and most of them collapse in on themselves because of this stupid mindset.
but ill definitely concede that there is a cultural element to it.
Made my day just a tiny little bit better
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i wouldnt crop the setting. it adds flavor.
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>like it's the golden goose
Well considering the barrier to entry being so low it's a pretty damn good example.
>Name 5
Nah, you'll just find an excuse to handwave them away. Like for instance you'll quibble over your own use of the word "classic". If one example of damage to your people isn't enough to move your meter you'll never give a shit.
You know the one (((academic))) all that shit was based on was just disowned and discredited by the Japanese university he worked for right? He made the samurai shit up.
Mexicans don't shit in the street or beat off in public.
>That's crude, but might be accurate
No, its demonstrably false. He held a high station and was spoken well of. Yasuke was a vassal allowed to eat by his lords side and given the privilege of a sword. Not just his own, he at times carried his lord's sword. People have a very poor understanding of feudal structures tbqh. Pop culture has trained them to think of "samurai" and "knight" as singular social roles with fixed definition, in reality feudal warrior castes were a fairly eclectic spectrum of ranks, roles and responsibilities. They hear "retainer" and theyre like "well that doesnt like itd be important in game of thrones" and dont realize what the term signifies. So yeah, people do need to stop trying erase japanese history and culture with this nonsense.

Anyway, the tempting aspect of yasuke is that he survives his lord's fall. We dont know what he did next. We're not even sure if he was a muslim or christian or what. But theres a big what if there to fill in with a giant warrior of a man travelling the land with a samurai sword in his hand. Its not surprising people are intrigued. He was a real life D&D character.
Thank you, your uncited opinion will be sent to the garbage.
Unrelated really but id also throw out that he's not even the coolest black master of the blade. For my money that goes to Thomas-Alexandre Dumas, then his mentor Chevalier de Saint-Georges and THEN Yasuke. Yasuke just didnt have a long enough documented career. He's a more compelling pulpy premise, but youre not going to top the french in romanticism lmfao no fucking way
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Don't feel too bad, Kelly is a god of prescience
You've got it split dude.
Spics are too lazy to do a PROPER job. They'll spend all day half passing the job since they are willing to work half the price. Since the business owners don't have to deal with their slap dash results, they pass the lazy job stealing spic savings on to us normal people.
Normal people arent on 4chan calling people spics my guy.
Their ghoulish delight in the decline of their communities and nation is truly something to behold.
>given the privilege of a sword.
It's my understanding that swords weren't banned for peasants at the time. That was later in Japanese history.
That being said I think only Samurai were allowed to have 2 swords.
At least that's what the last thing I read on the subject said.
Why don't you ahead and take that corporate cock sucking back to Twitter where it belongs you worthless shit smear.
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kelly, you fucking genius, you've done it again
>for the exact same salary
You have successfully misunderstood the problem.
Sorry troon, no one's buying it anymore.
Sure we are. You're still in the minority here troon, you've just got friends as jannies.
>"hey juan, shrubbery looks great"
>"oh thanks steve. Its not easy being a small business owner but i make it work and i am happy to employ so many people."
>"you going to the church bake sale tonight?"
>"haha no can do, tell your wife ill miss her tres leches cake though. Its my little maria's dance recital tonight, i wouldnt miss it for the world."

>Most men wore swords from the Heian period until the Sengoku period in Japan. Oda Nobunaga sought an end to this practice, and ordered the seizure of swords and a variety of other weapons from civilians, in particular the Ikkō-ikki peasant-monk leagues which sought to overthrow samurai rule.
Just pulling it off wikipedia for ease of use, from the sword hunts page. It was motivated by nobunaga's classisim, which also highlights his respect for Yasuke in giving him a rank. Particularly as a foreigner
>for the exact same salary
Why are you for underpaying employees?
Are you of the opinion that america will crumble if the working class earns a living wage?
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>Like Ubisoft's asscreed game being set in japan with a black protagonist, that cause a reaction. No one gave a fuck about yasuke beforehand.
Yasuke was in Japanese-made games 'Nioh' and 'Samurai Warriors 5' years ago. People crying about the fictionalization and accuracy of Ass Creed, a game about the secret history of technomagic ancient aliens, are histrionic bakas.
Lmfao i didnt claim im normal. Im quite eccentric. But youre throwing out racial slurs and like 90s era limbaugh lines on 4chan's comics and cartoons board. Did you think that was normal? How old are you? Does your wife know you do this?
because you don't understand the mexican nature. I have worked with them all my life, the average mexican will do anything to get a job, and when they get the job it's when shit starts, they arrive late, sometimes don't arrive at all, never pick up calls, don't know what the fuck they are doing, then after you fire them suddenly you see them working in another site doing exactly the same shit you fired them for.
Mexicans WANT jobs, but they don't want to keep them, they just keep moving from job to job like a hermit crab moving from an old shell.
Nioh didn't pretend to have "historical accuracy" besides using names of actual people
>Nioh didn't pretend to have "historical accuracy"
neither does Assassin's Creed
>because you don't understand the mexican nature
Yeah this exactly. Im sick of people pretending humans have individuality and free will. We dont. We're all slaves to our genetics which give us predetermined stat blocks written by God himself. Hispanics have a -4 on all concentration roles regarding work and cannot have a lawful alignment. Conversly Whites actually must be lawful or good and get a +4 on all will saves.

Stop thinking of people as people. Start thinking of people as interchangable cartoon characters. Its less scar- its more race realist that way, i mean.
>>>Most men wore swords from the Heian period until the Sengoku period in Japan. Oda Nobunaga sought an end to this practice, and ordered the seizure of swords and a variety of other weapons from civilians, in particular the Ikkō-ikki peasant-monk leagues which sought to overthrow samurai rule.
>Just pulling it off wikipedia for ease of use, from the sword hunts page. It was motivated by nobunaga's classisim, which also highlights his respect for Yasuke in giving him a rank. Particularly as a foreigner
Fair enough.
Shame the book I read was, apparently, garbage. Too much makes it through to publishing.
Issue is that they devalue collective labour.
>Picking berries is manpower intensive
>We can't afford to pay people to pick them by hand unless we pay them retarded amounts of money
>We should pay them a retarded amount of money, find an engineering solution and pay people less retarded amounts of money for easier work, or use the land for less manpower intensive agriculture
If your business requires paying people well below minimum wage to function than your industry shouldn't be done in a developed country, if you absolutely cannot pick berries with a machine than berries shouldn't be grown in the US at commercial scale.
Never touched asscreed because it always smelled of shit to me, but did they not quite early on have karl marx show up and be some anti union wishy washy reformist? Vaguely recall hearing about that. Shame too, irl karl was a real character with a very strong and humorous personality you could have played with. Where is him and bakunin calling each other jewish puppets?!

Anybody with any interest in history is gonna get burned at least once by a book. I got rooked hard by a lousy one on east germany years ago; great economic analysis but pitiful documentation of soviet atrocities. Live and learn, no one is perfect. Except thomas-alexandre dumas....
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Kelly went nuclear here, was there a /co/ thread for it?
>misappropriating funds
Investing in your workers and facilities isn't misappropriation, you're creating long term value.

One of the big motivators of this case was how Ford was offering greater pay and benefits to make sure all auto workers would flock to him and he'd have the assembly lines to employ them. It would cause a feedback loop which would make Ford the only game in town.
Im so hyped for him to debate kamala and get called a pedo its unreal.
>This single, made up scenario completely invalidates the thousands of citizens who've been immiserated because of lower wages, higher strain on social services, cultural fractionation, and increasing violent crime.
Like I said, you're a ghoul. You only care about the happiness of made up people that match your fiction
>Lmfao i didnt claim im normal.
>Im quite eccentric
I can smell your HRT stink through my screen. I never claimed you were normal either, it's obvious that you're a spiteful mutant, which is exactly why you hate the normal, every day people in your community and desire to bring in infinite foreigners.
>the Kamala/Trump debate
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>Im so hyped for him to debate kamala and get called a pedo its unreal.
>they're taking all the shit jobs that white people don't want
Newsflash: black people don't want those jobs either.

Now you'd think this would be an opportunity for black folks to finally look down on someone else in this country, but according to Democrats, they can't put down their fellow black/brown person. And so people wonder why more and more blacks are supporting Trump.
Bruh shes gonna drop a coconut on his head and do the macarena while he's arrested, youre not coping your way outta this one lol.

Trump is so rancid and biden so old that together these boomer men have almost singlehandedly transformed kamala into a nationally popular politician who broke fundraising records literally overnight just by being announced
>soijack defending pedos

What happened bros?
Its a false premise. Jobs need to pay workers more and owners less across rhe board. You shouldnt have to work 5-6 days out of the week or be absolutely fucked because you lost your gig. Cut the handouts to the capitalist class, give it to the people and reimburse workers for working and *building the world* and theres no issue.
>Bruh shes gonna drop a coconut on his head and do the macarena while he's arrested, you're not coping your way outta this one lol.

>Trump is so rancid and biden so old that together these boomer men have almost singlehandedly transformed kamala into a nationally popular politician who broke fundraising records literally overnight just by being announced
Dude, I don't care if you're taking the piss, cease this cringe immediately.
>Everyone quotes Act 1
>Nobody ever remembers Act 2 when Randy actually does lose his job as a geologist to an immigrant and joins the rednecks.
>What happened bros?
You started projecting.
No its literally a fact lol, her approval shot up overnight (shes not even legally the nominee since the convention hasnt met yet) and she broke the record for presidential fundraising

Trump conversly dropped iirc 6 points just by announcing jd vance as hia vp

I am definitely a leftist and voting for kamala but im saying this from a horserace perspective as someone who likes politics like most people sports; trump is fucked. I will literally take action on it tbqh, do you gamble?
What are you, some kinda Commie?
Sorry, I'm don't reading your nigger babble and wasting my braincells.
Please be sure to Livestream your suicide when Trump wins his third term.
Yes. A commie-ala stan. Pouring a fat glass of wine and blasting phantom of opera for this one girls, lets fucking go lmfao

Little fella if you dont understand political science, the american way of life or our rizzling slang then thats straight up not ohio and you gotta quit the skibidi yapping and take responsibility Jack.

Im yanking your chain lol. In layman's terms, Kamala just looks astonishingly good next to Trump and this generated a big upswell of donations and voter enthusiasm. Since people were asking for it and the Dems listened, it also makes them feel very represented by her. That make sense?
It's an awesome thrash band name. Up there with Demonrats and the Deplorablea.
Tries to play the lolniggers card while making obvious mobile posts with typos. And this person might actually be a registered US voter. Putin, save us.
>white people ain't gonna break their backs picking berries
I was born to break my back picking berries.
>upper right
holy shit
They live 50+ in the borderline condemned houses Americans don't want to. I consider them better tenants than most "native" people.
That's not the chilling effect that this finding had. The finding was all operation actions by executives were to be in presumptive good faith unless egregious evidence to the contrary can be presented. Evidence like the CEO having a written stated objective to tank stock prices for a personal vendetta. Executives don't have to worry about a shareholder filing a lawsuit that boils down to "If they stop giving employees raises I'd have .0023% more profit" because the government DOES NOT make scrutinizing business operation solely based on shareholder profits a priority. I imagine mostly because the government had no interest in paying an army of bureaucrats to audit companies just to run a fantasy finance league to theorycraft potential profits.

>Investing in your workers and facilities isn't misappropriation, you're creating long term value.
Yes, exactly. The only finding against Ford was that without some unexpected crisis or downturn, expending all income and for the purpose of completely avoiding paying dividends was misappropriation. Ford still spent the following years making huge investments in inventory, new factories, and new hirings until he got the Dodges to agree to sell their stock. Just not 100% of the revenue.

>One of the big motivators of this case was how Ford was offering greater pay and benefits to make sure all auto workers would flock to him
See this is the misunderstanding that I was trying to dispel. YES the Dodges wanted that outcome, because they were ramping up their own automotive company. But the lawsuit wasn't just about wages and the Dodges DIDN'T WIN any right to stymie payroll increases as either competitors or shareholders. Nor did they win a constraint against giving raises the grounds "But he'll grow the business!!" or "It's unfair competition to pay employees better than us". The only judgement in their favor was a narrow ruling that Ford wasn't able to completely avoid paying any dividends.
>imagine mostly because the government had no interest in paying an army of bureaucrats to audit companies just to run a fantasy finance league to theorycraft potential profits.
Oh god that just made me so fucking horny, this would be such a fun fucking job. Id kill for this honestly.
Why does H1B exist then? Oh yeah, they are taking skilled jobs.
It's pretty obvious what the black jobs comment means
>people are constantly talking about how poor the black community is
>Trump is pointing out that an influx of immigrants will make it harder for the people who already live in poorer areas to find meaningful employment

If someone other than Trump had said it, everyone would understand it.
If some one other than trump said it everyone would ask "are you being senile or racist right now?" instead of just assuming he was being racist.
When Biden said "if you don't vote for me, you ain't black," how did you interpret that?
Biden and Trump are both senile. Trump just usually manages to ramble out funny things instead of stuttering out unintelligible things.
You shouldn't be able to hold office past age 65.
Everyone hates regulations. Until they get fucked over because some asshole did a half assed job or was retarded and fucked them in some way that is 100% legal.
>i don't need approval or insurance or training, if anything goes wrong i'll just uh
I'm pretty sure you can still do that job with just a shovel instead of a backhoe in most places, but it will take 20 times longer and be less profitable.
>I refuse to make my argument because you'll just counter it.
concession accepted
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>not even sicko's job is safe.
Also the customers will think you're sketchy and pass over hiring you, or sue your uninsured ass for everything you're worth after you fuck up their property.
Most of that work is done by robots and computer programs. Wages should be tied to profitability, not productivity.
I'll pick all the berries you want for $250k per year.

No deal? Yeah that's what I thought.
I love Yasukek. He's my favorite nigger of all time.
>tens only
Art of that "ten" with Epstein when?
You are not prepared for the severity of my berry cravings, boy.
>that pixelation from being upscaled
>that ineptly edited-in snake
You HAD one job.

Can some Mexican guy do it right, please?
How does he keep knocking it out of the park with these, they’re almost always funny as fuck
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Muy bien, gracias!
"Are you being senile or racist?"

I was a bernie supporter, phone banked and everything. Would love to volunteer for kamala honestly.
>all of the jobs from white people
This thread is literally about the opposite
>they've misrepresented the argument for so long that you actually think this is the problem people have with immigration
immigration lowers wagies for workers, especially illegal immigrations making it so citizens who do blue collar work need to work at the same wages they've been at since the 90s despite inflation
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Wait, people actually have a hard time getting what he meant by "black jobs?"

It just means "any job that a black guy could take, and more likely the jobs that mexican ilegal immigrats take".

What is hard to get from that? Are muricans this dumb?
no one is forcing illegals to work at such low salaries, its the only way for unskilled, and under educated workers who don't speak english to GET a job.
they keep the salaries of these jobs low, and fuck over any skilled blue collar worker

the money men will take the risk at hiring illegals because its not gonna be their job to manage them. all they see is how cheap they'll be
No we all understood what he meant, but it was such a disrespectful way of saying it while characterizing black workers as essentially unskilled that we werent sure if he was being racist on purpose or if he was just having another senior moment

This was another similar instance, hes trying to be transphobic (we think) but then he spent 10 full seconds pretending to be a little girl (we think) and doing baby talk:

Hope i linked it right, let me know if it doesnt open to him talking like a baby

Do non USAmericans not know how bad his dementia is?
Haha, yes, you fellows are correct, it's entirely the Mexicans who are making wages lower. This is something a racial group does, and definitely not an economic group.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to tell my workers - not written down, of course - that they have to clock out when they use the bathroom. And maybe pre-draft some pink slips about non-verifiable claims, just in case.
your link just goes to the start of the livestream. here's a twitter clip of what you're talking about though
Sorry, im tech illiterate as they come. Thanks for covering my silly ass.
maybe illegal immigrants shouldn't allow themselves to be exploited

and yes, people should be punished for hiring illegals instead of reporting them to INS
It sure smells like boomer in here
pool cleaner
Maybe you shouldnt allow me to smack you in the mouth, not going to matter much if someones tied you up with rope though is it? Christ what a scatterbrain.
You note they didn't pretend he was an actual samurai, which he fucking never was. Even though they're not trying to be historically accurate they're still doing it better than ubislop.
Stop. How old are you? The guy asked for common middle class jobs and you said "handyman, maid, pool cleaner and farmer". Did someone throw open a portal in time and throw you into the future? What *exactly* was your birth year? Do you have *a job*????

"The mexicans are taking our staple middle class jobs! Muleskinners! Tanners! Dye makers! What will they take next, our very textile mills?!"
The argument that is true is that they steal benefits that they should not have access to by making anchor babies, so they steal tax money. This is hard to track due to said babies being citizens.
The next thing they do is create downward pressure on all wages due to their need to take money under the table, which most americans cannot compete with or do themselves. They also drive up the cost of everything by being here instead of in their shithole where they they belong.
you get the job you're willing to take
no one is forcing illegals to take low wagies
but its the only way someone with low education, low skill, dubious legal status, and doesn't even speak the native language can get a job making them easily exploitable

if you love these people so much maybe you help them obtain all that so they aren't driving down wages for everyone else
He was indeed a samurai.>>144642231
>You note they didn't pretend he was an actual samurai
What is the claim they're making here?>Yasuke became employed by him as a samurai
>give you middle class jobs
also all those jobs you mentoned are gone because of outsourcing
Im willing to take the job of international man of mystery, its not fucking likely though in a world where you take jobs based on what actually exists and is accessible instead of wishing upon a fucking star
>He was indeed a samurai.
No he was never a samurai, he was a novelty sideshow and toy who carried stuff.
what did he mean by this
That's just a smart business decision, though. You get a worker you can pay peanuts (really helps that bottom line), and if they get uppity, just threaten to have them imprisoned or deported. Anyone with a lick of sense can see the good in that.
No, it's definitely still all the illegals' fault. That opportunity wouldn't be available if they just stayed in Mexico. Don't blame a man for doing a good thing for his company.
Because you flipped shit and have been shitting up their board for months.
You're an obnoxious retard and everyone wants you gone.
I knew a tranny who fronted a thrash metal band called Man Face and the Plastic Tits.
To be honest, they weren't very good.
Samurai and retainers are not interchangeable terms.
Japan has had foreign samurai, but it was noteworthy enough for them to keep note of them as historical oddities.
thats why we need to deport illegals and punish those who hire them
No. Those are not middle class jobs. Theyre not common jobs. Theyre not even CONTEMPORARY jobs.

Again, when were you born? What was the year? Have you EVER worked a day in your life? You just tried to tell me pool cleaner was a common middle class job.

"i named you middle class jobs! Fletcher! Kennelmaster! Jester! Blacksmith! Viscount! Why dont they count?!"
>No one gave a fuck about yasuke beforehand
its because people have noticed that yasuke has been punished heavily in the last 5 years
>yasuke has been punished heavily in the last 5 years
wtf he did nothing wrong #FreeYasuke
>No. Those are not middle class jobs.
i bet you think lawyers are middle class.
>Theyre not common jobs.
what the hell are you talking about?
>Theyre not even CONTEMPORARY jobs.
what does that even mean?
How do you even outsource POOL CLEANING? Do you ship the fucking pool to mexico and they send it back?

That employment opportunities are a result of material conditions and not willfull fantasies.

Its a common misconception, but he was a samurai and was in fact allowed to carry a samurai sword by the extremely classist nobunaga. As i recall i believe he was also given a house and servants. Yasuke was a high vassal held in high regard. You are a mediocre gamer who plays assassin's creed.
There are a lot of problems with ac shadows. Yasuke's authenticity is far and away one of the least egregious compared to the other bullshit Ubisoft's trying to pull including their pricing and previous statements of, "Players need to get used to not owning ubisoft games."
>How do you even outsource POOL CLEANING? Do you ship the fucking pool to mexico and they send it back?
the jobs you mentioned, not the jobs i mentioned
you mentioned textile jobs, and textiles are done in 3rd world countries
>Its a common misconception, but he was a samurai and was in fact allowed to carry a samurai sword by the extremely classist nobunaga. As i recall i believe he was also given a house and servants. Yasuke was a high vassal held in high regard. You are a mediocre gamer who plays assassin's creed.
Carrying a sword does not make a samurai. Foreign samurai are noted in japanese history, he is marked as "retainer" and as such is not a samurai. Period.
>As i recall i believe he was also given a house and servants
are you recalling from sources by thomas lockley
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>i bet you think lawyers are middle class.
Depends on the lawyer
>are you recalling from sources by thomas lockley
Who was just outed to be making shit up and got all his lies and bullshit debunked?
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I want all the lurkers to notice how this poster, after being confronted, immediately brings up some irrelevant culture war drama from another board.
Everyone should notice that these culture war tourists will unironically go from board to board searching for any and all twitter culture war drama to throw a big stink over.
Then they'll get mad when they're booted back to the board they belong.
>but he was a samurai and was in fact allowed to carry a samurai sword by the extremely classist nobunaga.
Please give primary source referring to Yasuke as a samurai..
Yeah actually lawyers would be a good example, most are drowning in debt and dont own their businesses. Not pool cleaners and maids and farmers jesus christ. Do you know any farmers?

Also common means something youd see every day and contemporary means "of our era". So a mustache is common and a computer is contemporary.

.....are you a bot, a child, ESL or special needs?

No. I made fun of you naming old non middle class by doing the same but with older jobs. I assure you, the american dye making industry wasnt the bedrock of middle class stability pre NAFTA.

Actually they only allowed samurai to carry those swords. It was punishable by death. Nobunaga gave Yasuke a sword of his own and let him carry his lord's blade, a great honor. Samurai are retainers. Please look up what samurai are.
>Actually they only allowed samurai to carry those swords. It was punishable by death. Nobunaga gave Yasuke a sword of his own and let him carry his lord's blade, a great honor. Samurai are retainers. Please look up what samurai are.
Oda treated Yasuke a lot like Caligula treated his horse. You're an idiot.
this didn't happen btw, you're making up a narrative
the university literally made an announcement that they don't give a fuck, they just took down the some names because they were flooded with retarded demanding investigation
so the comic was right, illegals fuck over black people jobs
Would you have preferred some things which sparked racist whining on /co/ instead?
In that case there's years of race-swapping, particularly of ginger characters.
I genuinely can't tell if this poster is underage or ESL because he proved him completely right
samurai are not, they still made someone with no historical presence in japan a main character because he was black
usually both >>144646337
>samurai are not
or not
No lol I dont have any specialized interest in Yasuke. I like Dumas best. Im citing secondary sources here, nothing terribly in depth just historical consensus. Whats your evidence for him not having these things? There's primary documentation for the house if nothing else.

Im sorry, did you not early suggest he was retainer? Implying youre aware of this yes? I am telling you samurai are retainers. He was a high ranking warrior given the symbol of the warrior caste and paid a stipend by nobunaga. Thats...what a samurai is. I cannot be clearer. What condition do you think he lacks?

Ill treat you like caligula's horse if you open your fetid gobber without reading again

Gingers were severly overrepresented in media. We're a very small group. And many "gingers" in media just dye their hair lol. You wont many of us saying this nonsense.
Actually lets try this:

Can you define "samurai" for Yasuke's era without including Yasuke? Demonstrate.
>Ill treat you like caligula's horse if you open your fetid gobber without reading again
The point is he gave the funny black man things to do that he found amusing, it certainly wasn't to honor him.
The comic was right yeah, its satire, that is really what conservative boomers think. You could ask them for an example and theyd say "well all the pool cleaning factories were shipped to mexico!"
Weird because we're talking about the extremely classist nobunaga who held these symbols and feudal hierarchy in tremendous regard. You fucking moron.
>Weird because we're talking about the extremely classist nobunaga who held these symbols and feudal hierarchy in tremendous regard. You fucking moron.
He gave him very minor things for his own amusement, that's much is clear. He never gave him anything serious. Yasuke never got a last name, never was called samurai and as such was not a samurai.
End of story.
>Can you define "samurai" for Yasuke's era without including Yasuke?
The warrior aristocrats of Japan.
Was Yasuke an aristocrat? To the best of my knowledge, he was a retainer, AKA a servant.
Wrong, he gave him a samurai's sword which anyone else would have been executed for. In addition he was paid a stipend and given a private residence. In every way he fufilled one of the roles and ranks we classify as samurai.

Oh um, no. Wrong but wrong for one of two reasons and idk which one you intended.

So if by aristocrat you meant inheriting the role, thats incorrect as people who didnt inherit the role could still receive it for any number of reasons.

But if you meant *landowner* thats wrong because a samurai didnt always own vast estates, some had little to no land of their own in fact.
Oh and also again samurai are retainers and were indeed soldier-servants of their lord

Thats what feudalism is really, a series of master-servant relations.
You really don't like being wrong but too bad. Lockley made all of that up and edited wikipedia himself to put it on there, if you're using that as your source it's fabricated.
I too remember that time Caligula's horse was gifted a katana and then sent to alert his son that he had died at Honno-ji temple.
You don't understand the word aristocrat, do you?
I tell you what, it sounds like you think all of this can be debunked quite easily thru dismantling one authors work. So, please do that instead of....whatever this has been.

Go bring back whatever it is that taught you this, and ill review it myself. Sound good sport?

In this context, correct im not sure how you intended it. Its not very specific is it. Can you say what you meant?
Th-that was a prank thats all

Find me a primary document that says his samurai sword wasnt made from balloons and given to him by a clown
>and given the privilege of a sword.
He was given a wakashashi, a weapon that was also gifted to outsiders too.
He was given it because it's the most basic weapon a person not of a warrior status could own, and use for self defense.
>Not just his own, he at times carried his lord's sword.
We have literally no idea what he carried other than "Nobunaga's things". Carrying stuff for a lord was a common job for a Kosho, the servant title that Yasuke held, and had nothing to with being samurai.
>Anyway, the tempting aspect of yasuke is that he survives his lord's fall. We dont know what he did next.
He survived because he hasn't near Nobunaga, and because he surrendered.
We know for a fact that he was handed over to the Portuguese and then banished from the country, specifically to India. What happened to him after his banishment is unknown.

>As i recall i believe he was also given a house and servants.
He was given a house because he had no place of residence before entering the service of Nobunaga. No servants are ever mentioned, but it is mentioned that one of Nobunaga's retainers would accompany him when he went on walks around Kyoto.

>He was a high ranking warrior given the symbol of the warrior caste and paid a stipend by nobunaga.
He was not a warrior. He held a servants title. He was given a stipend because he did not have any other source of income, just like he didn't have a residence before entering Nobunaga's service.
Also, that does not make you a samurai. Most samurai did not have stipends because they made money of their own lands. Those with little land would get stipends to compensate for it, just like anyone else who worked in the court would

All samurai are retainers, but not all retainers are samurai. Kosho were not samurai, and Yasuke was kosho. A respectable and important title, but he was not a samurai.
It just means nobility.
samurai were warriors with social status, above regular warriors.
>On the other hand, although Yasuke is said to be a real person, all that is known about him is that "he was brought to Japan by missionaries, where he was purchased by Nobunaga, who became interested in him, and thereafter he was taken around as a sword-bearer ( page boy )." So, if one were to try to portray him based on historical fact, there would be so little historical fact that most of the story would have to be invented.
Here's a great article about it from the nipponese themselves that points out that you in fact are wrong. He was oda's dancing monkey and little else.
I am going to scream.

Ok. It means nobility.

By nobility did you mean inherited the title of samurai or did you mean was given a fief?
>, all that is known about him is that "he was brought to Japan by missionaries
Um that is embarrasingly incorrect.

I dont care if the author is japanese, he seems to share your IQ
>while characterizing black workers as essentially unskilled
Uh? It's literally not wrong, aren't black people poorer? You are also treating mexicans in the same way by taking offense of that.
I mean they were nobiles in Japanese society.
>Wrong, he gave him a samurai's sword
Actually there is discussion if it was really a samurai sword or just a knife (and no the special kind).

> In addition he was paid a stipend and given a private residence.
Given a residence is not the same as beig a land owner. You clearly is not japanese or aware of their history.
Im going to need a source on the blade theory.

He is documented in his day as carrying nobunaga's sword.

>he was a kosho
"He wasnt a samurai he was just in the samurai class and shared in their responsibilities and was directly bound to nobunaga" what the fuck?

>What happened to him after his banishment is unknown.
Thats what i said dude jesus

>he was not a warrior
On what possible grounds???

>Most samurai did not have stipends because they made money of their own lands. Those with little land would get stipends to compensate for it, just like anyone else who worked in the court would
You are just describing the conditions by which Yasuke was in the samurai class and given a stipend to compensate for his landlessness.

What is with this hair splitting? Ill hear you out on the sword, the rest is just the mincing of words by my count.
Theyre not *essentially* unskilled by any possible means. Many are currently skilled. Many more could become skilled.

Define that

This is the one point ill hear out as interesting because i am just not a military historian or any kind of weapon expert. Whats your best source or argument on it?
>Gingers were severly overrepresented in media.
So are black people to be honest.
>Theyre not *essentially* unskilled by any possible means.
You are seething at this, while also conflating all mexicans and ilegal immigrants as *essentially* unskilled lmao

>Many are currently skilled.
Most aren't.

>Many more could become skilled.
Uphill battle with their IQ. Black people literally get mogged by every single other ethnicity in the world, hell even mexican criminals tend to btfo of black gangs in terms of competency any time they clash.
>Define that
No. All you have to say is that Yasuke was given the status of a noble in Japan and then he'd qualify to be a samurai. Why dance around declaring that Yasuke was nobility in Japan?
Land ownership is irrelevant honestly
At the risk of entering into your argument:
The wakizashi during the Edo period was given specifically to samurai and to enforce strict class edicts, samurai were required by law to carry a wakizashi to indicate and show they were nobility. Of course, they were also required to carry a katana as well. Meaning during the Edo period, all samurai were required to wear two swords.

There's a lot of reasons why Ubisoft is shit and why AC: Shadows will also be shit. Focusing on Yasuke though is playing right into their hands so they can obfuscate all the times that they claimed they focused on historical accuracy (despite all the historical inaccuracies outside of Yasuke and the promotional statues and material used) and the absolutely unacceptable tiered pricing policy. Don't let Ubisoft get away with this, and get used to never owning a Ubisoft game (by not buying them.)
>while also conflating all mexicans and ilegal immigrants as *essentially* unskilled lmao
Oh shit did i? Where and how? I dont think any group of humans is essentially unskilled or essentially much of anything. Id be curious how you got that message.

>uphill battle with their IQ
Ok see this is what i mean, you think youve got a person on the other line and then you find its one of these racist things.

Because youre creating increasingly bespoke and vague definitions that are now nested like 4 levels deep

Samurai are aristocrats

Aristocrats are nobles

Nobles are.....what in this scheme?
Oh yeah i was never going to play assassins creed anyway. Not my thing. More into RPGs.

Thank you, that was clarifying and tracks with what i do know. I appreciate the info and agree that ubisoft would much rather argue over this then their business practices
>Because youre creating increasingly bespoke and vague definitions that are now nested like 4 levels deep
The definition given could literally be reduced to 3 words.
How is that vague or bespoke?
>Oh shit did i? Where and how?
By taking offense and mentioning that al jobs that they tae from blacks are those, and finding that outrageous?

>I dont think any group of humans is essentially unskilled or essentially much of anything.
This is not a smart take. I'm pretty sure the group of crack addicts are not the ideal group to be high precision surgeons for example.

>Id be curious how you got that message.
You were the one that brought it up - if not - why mention "Theyre not *essentially* unskilled by any possible means"? And why seethe at that?
Its vague because it is 3 words long
Its bespoke because you invented it
And its embarrassing because now you realized you fucked up, got tautological and cant keep coming up synonyms for aristocrat forever.
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Considering how much mexicans are advancing economicaly compared to blacks despite having a headstart...

I think its safe to say that the uskilled larbor will probably go back at being black people's thing in the future too anyway. Black americans have the terrible combination of unhelpful genetics and terrible culture.
Ok maybe it wasnt obvious to you, but i do not accept that "mexicans are taking black jobs" as a meaningfully accurate read of the situation.

Crack addicts arent an ethnicity but ok sure whatever, and honestly even then youre wrong. You should look up addict stories.

Im not sure what the last thing means desu.
>Um that is embarrassingly incorrect.
He arrived in 1579 while working for Alessandro Valignano whom he would be in service to until his transfer to Nobunaga in 1581.
Alessandro mentioned that he was picked up in India before making the further voyage.

>Im going to need a source on the blade theory.
>He is documented in his day as carrying nobunaga's sword.
In the Shinchō Kōki, the part that says he carried stuff, doesn't mentions swords, or any specific object for that matter. Swords could absolutely have been a part of it, but a Kosho would carry all sorts of things, and not just swords.

>"He wasnt a samurai he was just in the samurai class and shared in their responsibilities and was directly bound to nobunaga" what the fuck?
Kosho are not of the samurai class. They work FOR samurai, but are not samurai themselves.

>Thats what i said dude jesus
You said he could have wandered Japan after Nobunaga's death, which he couldn't have done if he was banished.

>On what possible grounds???
On the grounds that he held a servants title, didn't have any war weapons, and didn't fight in any battle, besides the one that came to him as a surprise.

>You are just describing the conditions by which Yasuke was in the samurai class and given a stipend to compensate for his landlessness.
I just described how being given s stipend didn't make you a samurai, even though some samurai had stipends.
Some samurai had stipends, but not all stipends were given to samurai.
Nobunaga's cooks and gardeners were given stipends.

There is literally zero foundation to call him a samurai, and we specifically know what job and title he held, and it was not that of a samurai.
And I don't even know why you people want him to be one. He held a very important role, and was one of the highest Kosho at the time, only rivaled by the other Kosho in direct service to Nobunaga.
The guy had a pretty important and cool role as is.
>Its bespoke because you invented it
As was requested.
>Can you define "samurai"
A simple 3 word definition, 3 things to check, and you try to dance around it.
Was Yasuke part of Japanese society at the time? Yes
Was Yasuke a warrior? I dunno. He's famous for losing a fight and not being executed. But I'd presume that he qualifies.
Had Yasuke been made part of the nobility of Japan? That's the only one you have to answer.
>but i do not accept that "mexicans are taking black jobs" as a meaningfully accurate read of the situation.
Yes, because you avoid reality.

>Crack addicts arent an ethnicity
You said "group", not ethnicity.

>and honestly even then youre wrong.
Would YOU want a crack addicted doctor to make a delicate surgery on your heart?

>Im not sure what the last thing means desu.
Yeah, we can see that you can't follow a conversation.
>There is literally zero foundation to call him a samurai, and we specifically know what job and title he held, and it was not that of a samurai.
>And I don't even know why you people want him to be one. He held a very important role, and was one of the highest Kosho at the time, only rivaled by the other Kosho in direct service to Nobunaga.
>The guy had a pretty important and cool role as is.
This part is true but this push to revise history makes me want to take the piss out of the entirety of the historical figure. Hate this fucking shit.
I wouldnt want a heart surgeon to make my crack cocaine or find me some either you ditz. And the surgeon and addict are a diploma and crack rock away from each others lives, dont be naive.
Oh ok, so nobility as in what?

It was incorrect because we have japanese sources on him.

>It was ordered that the young black man be given a stipend (Japanese: 扶持, romanized: fuchi), named Yasuke, and provided with a sword (Japanese: さや巻, romanized: sayamaki) and a private residence. At times, he was also entrusted with carrying the master's weapons.

Says here he carried nobunaga's sword.

>Kosho are not of the samurai class.

>you said he wandered around japan
Oh im sorry dude, i forgot that. But i was explaining why he's a compelling character for fiction, not describing events lol. My point is he's a very classic pulpy archetype.

>have any war weapons
No >>144647071

A stipend alone does make you in the samurai class. A stipend from nobunaga, the role of kosho and carrying a samurai's sword does though.
>Yes, because you avoid reality
The reality where there are no black, Mexican or white jobs, just jobs that all races compete for according to their skills and education?
If there's no such thing as a black job then Yasuke COULDNT BE A SAMURAI HAHA CHECKMATE LIBSHIT
>It was incorrect because we have japanese sources on him.
Yes. The Shinchō Kōki doesn't mention weapons. Just things/belongings, something that Kosho is known to do. This can include sword or weapons, and likely did, but it is not something that is mention specifically, so it is wrong to single out.

Most in depth talk I could find on the subject.
They weren't samurai themselves, but functioned more like an assistant or secretary to a samurai, and was often held by sons of other samurai to help them gain important skills and learn loyalty to their lord.
In fact, you could also be a kosho to monks, and not just samurai.
>No >>144647071
Even if we disregard that the Edo period didn't start until decades after Yasuke left, the Wakisashi, also called a Sayamaki, is not a war weapon. It wasn't even a side arm, but was self defense in settings where actual sword were forbidden.
Closest western equivalent would probably be something like a dirk.
>A stipend alone does make you in the samurai class. A stipend from nobunaga, the role of kosho and carrying a samurai's sword does though.
A stipend has no barring on someone being a samurai or not, since most servants would get one if they worked directly for a rich house (it's literally just a a salary), being a kosho specifically makes you not a samurai, and kosho would carry swords if needed.
Not a single one of those, alone or combined, has anything to do with being a samurai.

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