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Chapter 95: Page 4

Really gets her goat.

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Damn, I stopped reading this like, what? five years ago? No spoilers please, I might retake it.
How old are they now?
>I'm already naked
Old enough to bleed.
This is some really natural exposition.
About 16 ish. There were a couple timeskips, so it's hard to say for certain. The best way to count the years would be to look at their clothing (summer/winter clothes change), but I'm not sure anyone here has bothered to keep track of it. You could do that, when you read it. I'm somewhat curious as well!
It's not exposition.
You're right, anonymous, it's more like a recap of the thing we had just read shortly before this! This really vexes me! Now, onto the next topic.
Did you just snub me with an ai generated post?
I'm just speaking naturally about the webcomic Gunnerkrigg Court by Tom Siddell. I think this page with Kat, Shadow, and of course Robot who has been turned into a cock crab, is going to read terribly in book format.
lmao you finally snapped
Why does Kat talk like peppermint patty
Is she really just gonna be all 'aw shucks' about getting bootstrapped into Godhood?
Ah, I see!
Very nicely done!
I agree somewhat, it's clunky. I was just annoyed at the word 'exposition' because a similar claim was made last thread and it's obviously wrong. Kat isn't expositing, she isn't even recapping. She is reacting, but the issue is that she's reacting to a guy who can't talk right now. It's good for the pacing and the characters and therefore good for the comic as a whole that these pages are here, but they definitely could have been written better.
>I agree somewhat, it's clunky.
lol random baseless claim from the start, why do you think people will care to read more after this shitty one liner? It's a call for schizos and nothing else.
Some of it is definitely expository. It's poor, but it's not poor purely because it's expository
Is anyone in this comic ever gonna react to anything with the appropriate level of freaking out?
Spoilers for >>144633740
Annie accused her father of mindcontrolling people just because they liked him, she has been extremely chill with the atrocities Coyote has committed, but then both Annie and Kat reacted with hostility when Loup turned himself in, Kat travelled through time and didn't really care how or why that would be possible or even solve her issues.
Reacting inappropriately seems to be kind of the norm for Annie and Kat.
Sure, whatever. It's still good that it's here. I prefer these pages being here over them not being here.
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>Is anyone in this comic ever gonna react to anything with the appropriate level of freaking out?
Hey, Annie did set a bridge on fire

65 fucking chapters ago
On some level it's definitely part of the style of this comic that the characters act nonchalantly about all the insane stuff happening around them but at SOME point we need to get some actual pathos from them. Annie feels like she's been lobotomized post-merge and Kat 'went too far' but it hasn't actually amounted to anything.
>Annie accused her father of mindcontrolling people just because they liked him
To be fair, at that point Annie had spent the better part of a year dealing with everyone hating him. Even Donald kind of felt like he was just tolerating Tony because he was a mate. Then Kat's 180 occurred overnight. And it very genuinely never occurred to her that Tony was simply being nice to everyone but her, because what daughter would even want to entertain that thought?
>she isn't even recapping
It was a recap, anonymous. She doesn't need to tell Robot what he did to react to it. He knows.
I think Kat's been destroyed as a character pretty much entirely. She is now more part of the setting than an actual character. She's more machine, now, than man!
Kat's been turned into a literal plot device. She only ever takes part in the story passively anymore, like here, reacting to things happening. Hopefully she'll at least be more actuve this chapter, although I doubt she'll do anything more than robotically moving the plot forward. She might figure out some of her god powers and she might save Lana, but any actual interactions with Lana or Zimmy or Loup beyond moving them from point a to point b will fall on Annie. Kat is just here to do her job as a handy helper android.
Which, to be clear, isn't necessarily a bad thing!
If Tom is going for that, if he's trying to show her slipping away from her humanity in a subtle way, before she actually fully stops being human at some point in the future, this would be excellent foreshadowing. I'm just not sure that he's looking to go to that extreme.
Especially given that even Coyote is more of a character at this point than Kat, so in my opinion Kat's departure from humanity is not an adequate explanation for her lack of initiative, action and a character arc since the norn chapter.
It still feels really out of character that Kat let go of her hatred of Tony so easily.
Interesting silhouette on panel 2
I don't think so. Granted, she doesn't have as much of a reason to like him as Omega, but they still have a lot of similar goals and character traits. They'd both like to demystify the ether and Tony would have been very interested and impressed by Kat's work on the synthetic flesh. Kat might have praised Annie's knowlege of biology when they were talking about it and I could easily see Tony admitting to Kat that he was proud of Annie for that. Tony DOES genuinely love Annie and I think a lot of that shines through, especially for someone as empathetic as Kat has been shown to be before she went all transhumanist.
So, Kat using that bad dragon toy when?
Kat's showing Shadow and Worm her armpits like it's nothing! What a pit slut!
Would that count as punishment for Robot since he's gay?
remember that AI slop we got
that was cool
>She is even less flat now
Yeah, I enjoyed it. Is there anything new in that regard?
New Annie selfcest kino just dropped

So uh did Tom intend for Robot to kind of look like Kat's erect blue penis in the second panel?
Damn that's hot
That's nostalgic! He's great. i remember his W.i.t.c.h. pics fondly.
Basically every artist that's done this stuff has been some kind of legend, it's crazy based.
Thank you based commissioner anon!
Gordon... Freeman...
Rise... and shine.
Wake up, madam Donlan...
Wake up and ... smell the ashes!
How's the short comic going, Imaa?
Haven't worked on it in like a week. I might, today?
<aybe I should stream.
Right now I'm drawing Verminia from Soulframe.
Yeah, let's stream I guess. https://pomf.tv/stream/imaajfpstnfo (NSFW)

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