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Favorite Gumball
Least Favorite Felicity(the orange lady)
My favorite character is Nicole she's was my first cartoon crush and my least favorite is Granny Jojo she's honestly a shitty parent to Richard due to her spoiling him and not letting him out of the house that often she's extremely toxic as a person
>my first cartoon crush
My first thought was wondering how old you are, then I remembered the show premiered in 2011...
Most people who grew up with Gumball are in their 20's or 30's anon your getting old
>Most people who grew up with Gumball are in their 20's or 30's
I know, I'm one of them
>I'm one of them
Since you are, who's your favorite character and your least favorite?
Oh... I'd say my favorite is Darwin, and... I don't know, I haven't seen the show in a while
Nice pick, I like Darwin he's one of my top 5 favorite characters in Tawog though I'm tired of 4chan only talking about his "irl race" instead of the character itself
Can't choose between Gumball and Darwin as my most favorite. My least favorite is Billy
>My least favorite is Billy
Him and his Mom are so fucking annoying but I guess they were meant to be hated
I only give Billy a pass sometimes because his accent is funny. But Felicity is too far gone
Kinda agree Billy sometimes has his moments but their sometimes hit or miss for me whenever he appears I agree Felicity billy's mom is straight up an evil bitch that came from the depths of hell
Favorite is tough, I couldn't decide. Darwin, Nicole, Rob are close contenders. Richard is probably my least favorite, I can't find any redeeming qualities he might have, save for the episode where he was reminiscing about teaching Gumball to walk (The Hero?) The only reason it's not that big of a deal is the show is a light-hearted comedy and his shittyness is played for laughs.
>Favorite is tough, I couldn't decide. Darwin, Nicole, Rob are close contenders.
Good picks, Darwin and Nicole are pretty much liked from everyone and outside the fandom, ultimately surprised some people here like Rob he's not known outside of the fandom and I do think he's one of the best villians or redemption arc villains in cartoon history he's just an interesting character.
>Least fav is Richard
I would agree if this was only season 1 Richard, Richard in seasons 2-6 was really different from season 1 Richard he became a character I sympathize as we discover his backstories of him and his father Frankie, and how her mother Jojo was the reason he became a lazy dead beat dum dad, also his relationship with Nicole in the choices really solidify him as a great character for me.
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Can we agree that this bitch was the worst character in Gumball? She made everyone around her including her son miserable.
Give me some ideas on how to torture this bitch!
Top fave: Teri.
Least fave: Claire, because she's boring as hell.
>Claire, because she's boring as hell.
Isn't Molly's shtick the boring girl while Claire's shtick is the depressed woke teenage white girl?
Yeah, except Molly kinda works as the "boring" one. Meanwhile Claire is just "Ugh, whatever, don't talk to me".
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I like Carrie because goth girls are cool and her design is cute
I guess you may have a point I still like her considering she acts like a tsudnere and she has a sexy and cute design
She might be potentially the best girl from the show I just love every scene of her hope we see her more in season 7. Also you never mentioned your least favorite character was wondering why?
I haven't thought about my least favorite character. I think it would be Carmen because of how boring she is
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I agree she's basically Alan but female, a cactus and nosy on people's business the only thing cosistently funny about her is that her relationship with Alan considering she's a cactus lol and his boyfriend is a balloon
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Didn't Gumball basically outline how she is just Anais 2.0? Outside of her schtick of being a SO to a poppable balloon, Carmen has very little going for her, as her being a delinquent in her previous school had been resolved long before it was ever mentioned.
Also, posting paper bear because she is my favourite.
She needs more screen time
She has more screentime then Penny after the latter gets out of her shell
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I love Bobert. What can I say I'm a huge fans of robots either Transformers, Mega Man, Gundams. and etc.
Kinda funny how the emo ghost isn't as emo as Claire. In fact why is Carrie considered emo, she's more goth
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>Another Gumball thread on the verge of death
>And it isn't even 30 posts in
Why does that keep happening? How many people are usually on Gumball threads? I wish they didn't remove the ip counter
Deserved, she's best girl Penny has to accept she's second place
Idk, I think the writers didn't change the personality or shtick since claire was introduced later from the show so the writers had two somewhat similar characters but didn't bother changing them
Favorite: Mr Smalls or Larry
Least favorite: Anais
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Underage faggot can't take a hint
>Favorite: Mr Smalls or Larry
>Both characters had only a few interactions with each other
>Faggots ship them and have plenty of yaoi art
Why does this always happen to shows?
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>He asks this question in regards to a show where the father of main character is a transvestite who was weighing his options carefully when he thought that Larry Needlemeyer had just proposed to him
I could understand Richard being a drag queen, and even Mr. Small but..
>when Richard thought that Larry Needlemeyer had just proposed to him.
When did this ever happened? I only saw this with Mr. Small in the shippineing.
I'm with you there. Bobert is the best.

Sometimes it's funny to wonder about why he's even in a school. Maybe he's the school's property like one of the computers. Or does he have robot parents?
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I wish Bobert got more love nobody posts or makes art of him here and when was the last time you saw a Bobert thread? And anons in this board love robots Jenny from my life as a teenage robot and Murder drones are some good examples why can't Bobert get the same love as them?
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Nta, but it was shown in season 1 at the episode where he impersonates Gumball that he lives in a house and her mother has a voice but we didn't get to see her character in screen and she was never seen nor mentioned again.
>Most favorite
Mr. Small. You know the episode is likely kino when he stars in it. Miss Simian is definitely hilarious outside of the occasional gross moment.

>Least favorite
Felicity. Teen me wanted to punch her in the face for being a bitchy snob to the Wattersons.
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Wasn’t there an episode where Bobert got aids from one of the computers in the library? I’m surprised no one talks about that. And to answer all of your questions, the reason why he doesn’t get as much love as those characters is because he isn’t lewdable enough
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>he isn’t lewdable enough
How does one present itself as "lewdable" I mean he has a cute design he will look even more cuter with clothes and maybe more lewdable plus he has his mech form although that makes him more cooler rather than sexier.
He's pretty underrated. And he does has a mom, but was never mentioned again as it retcon.
He was humping the computers like a humping robot from Robot Chicken.
>Wasn’t there an episode where Bobert got aids from one of the computers in the library? I’m surprised no one talks about that.
That episode was only talked about because of the potentially developed dyke relationship of Anais and Jamie
>And he does has a mom, but was never mentioned again as it retcon.
I wonder how will she look like if Ben and the writers gave a damm about Bobert's family I would want her to be a robot that revolves around cleaning or working(pic related)
>he isn’t lewdable enough
I beg to differ. Robots are inherently some of the most lewdable things in existence. There's endless possibilities on what to do with them.

But... I'm a plane fucker so I might be biased.
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They fucked when we weren't looking
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I love twinks so fucking much!
Pick a tawog episode for me to watch right now.
The Hug
What type of ep do you want from Gumball? So I can give some recommindations
The Meddler if you're into mother and son shenanigans.
The choices if you want something emotional or serious and the console if you want something funny and awesome
The worst hotdog guy one, but okay.

Some good references for how a character acts or talks, to help with writing or drawing ideas. Also I just get bored and it's my current default cartoon.

I only like that episode for the cheerleader part
>Some good references for how a character acts or talks, to help with writing or drawing ideas.
Sure I'll drop some:
The choices
The copycats
The box
The console
The stars
The uncle
The puppets
The News
The loophole
You notice all these are from season 5 that's because I think this season has the best eps imo
>The worst hotdog guy one
What do you consider the best hot dog guy episode?
Nta, but for me its the cringe I like it especially the elmore's got talent scene
Did this ship spawn because of The Shippening or was this a thing before that episode?
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>Did this ship spawn because of The Shippening?
Yes, why do you think there are so many art of them after that episode aired? I'm actually into it
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My favorite is Yuki Yoshida
My least favorite Felicity
>Richard in seasons 2-6
No, just Richard in some episodes. He's written rather inconsistently across the series. He's good when he's potrayed as a laid back, somewhat lazy stay at home dad, awful when he's just lazy incarnate.
True, he's inconsistent at times but less as seasons go by imo I like him more than Peter and Homer there were no times that he felt mean to other characters around him imo
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I saw an artist name Jonathelrod draw Bobert's mom years ago.
If I had to make a character in Elmore it'd be a sapient warm of bees.
Who's that purple ghost in the right anon? Some kind of self insert? Otherwise, pretty good design concept for Bobert's mom.
How would a swarm of bees work as a single character?
>How would a swarm of bees work as a single character?
As a group, swarming together to take the shape of a person. This is entry level toon logic
I believe his name is Jericho ShadowThourne, an spirit oc created by Jonathanelrod and father of Bobert.
I would like to see your take on it if you can draw curious on the final output
Why a ghost, though? Tawog's way of handling offspring from parents is that one should have the same species as you; if mixed, you should expect to have a sibling that is different in physical appearance but still blood related. Basically, like Nicole to Gumball and Richard to Anais
His an old oc. If I remember, he was scientist before he died. Not sure how it's been years. He also build her and Bobert to wanted start a family
Oh that makes slot more sense still I would rather have the father be a robot that looks like Bobert
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That would make sense, but hey it his OC he does whatever he wanted. God I missed the 2011.
>The puppets
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based fellow cloud mommy fan
I genuinely can't think of any characters I don't like. At worst, there's character I don't feel anything for, and that's partly because there are some who never got focus - or only got an episode once.
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>That ep is scary
Really? it was kinda tense in the last part but other than that I didn't feel sacred.
Thank you fellow Yukichad
That's fair, however, you never mentioned any of your favorite characters. Do you have a favorite or multiple?
Same miss the early 2010's back when /co/ threads had sovl
Richard is the best, Nicole is the lamest of the bunch with the most screen time so I guess I don't really like her

I can't think of a side character that was as grating as Nicole to be honest, there probably is one but I must have forgotten
Richard is your favorite? Huh, that's a first usually Richard gets disliked by /co/ considering they think he's the typical lazy dum dad when he's not really for most of the time whats also a first is that this is the first time I see someone dislking Nicole I could understand what you mean by grating but that's just her anger problems and her being the only one who provides fiance since Richard is jobless.
Blessed image.
i want more anais episodes
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Ha ha, silly paper girl.
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There might be more in the upcoming season 7 be patient Anaisfag
Or maybe not. :)
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>Maybe not
How do you know that anon......
I don't.
Nothing is certain - in EITHER direction.
Dammit I thought you were a writer or animator from Gumball
when gumball had a trashcan put over his head and the trashcan got hit repetitively with a bat i got hard
Why would any of them sift through 4chan? Stop and think for a moment!
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Anon just look at the writers of Gumball and Ben Bocqulet himself and don't tell me they all use 4chan at a daily basis
Gumball is so much of an asshole that’s it’s nice seeing him get his ass handed to him sometimes
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What's Rob gonna do to him?
Lock him inside his basement and feed him estrogen
Take a massive dump through the roof of this cage and leave his hideout for a week.
Do you guys think Darwin can save Gumball? Look at him in the pic he wants to help
Darwin could save him if he had a weapon. He's pretty good with a bat
Darwin's screams are so high pitch it could break reality and and his allergies of him snzeeing is like the fus ro dah from skyrim but on steroids. But yeah a bat is more sutible anyways here's an autistic video of how powerful Darwin is
Rachel Wilson > Carrie as love interest
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>Darwin just uses a lmg
Imagine if she would reappear again in the show at season 7 she would be messed up like Rob since she could be in the void for all we know
I thought the creator said she was just off at college
What do you mean season 7?
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Darwin and Teri remember that she exists as of S5, so it's unlikely that she had been voided post-S1.
episode source?
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"The Matchmaker". Last few minutes.
At least there is no tongue.
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She looks sexier when only wearing a grass skirt
>t. Miss Simian
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>a 4 year old
You would break your hands for trying to slap that.
I like Tobias, he's so absolutely pathetic but in a weird endearing kind of way.
I wish tobias had paws.
You would expect Tobias as the jock character to be one of the "bullies" in the show. But surprisingly Gumball is more of a bully than he is
Is Tobias even a jock, really? He's more like someone who pretends he is I'd say.
He's a snotty rich kid. Not jock at all, wishes he was. He overcompensates because he has to pray the gay away every night. He likes daring his "friends" that he pressures into having sleepovers with to do gay stuff like kiss so he can watch. He acts like he thinks its funny but it's obvious what he's doing
Favorite Gumball.
Least favorite IDK maybe Hector.
Would've been cool
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Just look how he gets sexuslly harassed by Gumball in the ep the slap no jock in him since he would have tapped that if he was a jock
Hector is a weird choice since he barely gets mentioned or doesn't get art at all but every scene of him is like a king Kong action sequence or him just trying to fit in since he's so big
I disliked the one and only episode where he was the focus which is why I went with him. I don't really strongly hate any of the characters, honestly.
He has two eps that focus on him actually the first one is the colossus where he goes on a rampage on elmore and the second is the potion where he shrinks down in normal size
Colossus was the one I was thinking of. The potion had entirely slipped my mind.
I'm guessing you don't like the potion as well? Even though I think this ep makes hector much more likeable s a character.
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My favoeites are Gumball and Darwin, I know really original
based if true
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It is since one twitter user already leaked the first episode of season 7 picrel
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I've been waiting for the Gumball movie for 4 years now. I'll believe it when I see it.
You're gonna have to wait for the movie a little longer since season 7 will be released first before the movie since its still in script phase
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Shit. They must've been casted and re-casted Gumball twenty times by now.
>every time a new VA is cast, the VA calls someone a faggot IRL and is fired
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Tobias did tap it, what else do you think they did after they were stuck on the roof for days?
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Guess why I see so many of these type of art by the fandom after that episode aired (pic related)
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Carrie, Penny, and Rachel are my favorite.
Who's your least favorite drawfriend?
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What is your favorite and least favorite episode in Gumball and why?
Molly because she's boring. Should have left her in the void.
If only Richard and Nicole would actually look like that the show would be so much better
The writers should have let Gumball, Darwin, and Mr. Small get Rachel instead
Any fanart with Carrie in a wedding dress?
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The best one I could find
Garbage ship
the paper girl
least would be sussie
So what? It's not going to hurt canon.
Says the one lusting and avatarfagging for a 12 years old girl. Talking about the pot calling the kettle black...
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Left or Right?
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Right. But Carrie is good too.
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My favorite the Parents
My least favorite the hero
Carrie she's best girl! Teri stinks poo poo
Fuck no. I’d want a normal appearance
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Chasing after canon ships is kinda boring, anyway.
Agreed she's already perfect with her sexy body of hers
Why did they drop her anyway?
Ben said she was annoying if I remember correctly
Funny how he then made Claire... only for her to turn out boring and unfunny.
>Gumpedos make their own thread
>Suddenly this thread stops receiving replies as the activity grows in the pedo thread
Yikes, not a good look for Gumfags!
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Still her character design is good and cute
oh sweet thanks for letting me know theres a gumpedo thread. i'll be on my way
My favorite the Choices
My least favorite the Worst
I think its pretty obvious why I pick these
Thank you so much anon, see you later
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Can the crossover work? Honest opinion from you anons
It's a safe bet that we will have an official crossover with Skibidi Toilet.
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Doubt it, Fnaf is more likely considering both are furfag media as well as both shows can coexist with one another.
He just made ma laugh the most, dumb and loveable even if a lot of the plot happens because of his incompetence

In retrospective some of my favourite episodes were heavily focused on Richard, hell the universe itself disliking the idea of him having a job still makes me smile
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>He just made ma laugh the most, dumb and loveable even if a lot of the plot happens because of his incompetence.
Wholeheartedly agree he never was mean spirited or became a jerkass as seasons by unlike Peter or Homer.
>In retrospective some of my favourite episodes were heavily focused on Richard.
Also agreed my favorite are the ones with his father and him together we get to see Richard's backstory and his biological dad that left him but still cares about him picrel.
This fits insanely well
That's why I think this crossover can work like Gumball is multimedia already so you could just import the fnaf character in the games or they could make them "Gumball like"
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Greetings, newfag
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what is this fetish called
I know this post was yesterday but that episode was The Goons
Wasn't that just by accident but not on purpose?
Larry proposing yes.
Richard taking it seriously no, he took it seriously.
Is "having a refined taste in cute characters" a fetish?
Well Richard was always "different" from other family cartoon dads
Terism otherwise known as being a TERIBLE person hahahahahahhah get it cuz you mix Teri with ble hahaah
Paper/flattening has been a growing fetish for a while now
That would explain why I'd find a quite normal drawing of Teri in a gallery filled with super weird transformation fetish art.
What's your take on the Larry x Mr. Small ship then?
Why burgers?
Rank the teachers/staff members in Elmore Junior High from best to worst
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If being a Terifag makes me a vile excuse for human, then being a good person is overrated..
good art but those watermarks are annoying
1.Corneille, because an ex-con teacher is cool by default;
2.Nigel Brown, because he tends to give a shit about school from time to time;
3.Rocky Robinson, as he keeps the building of Elmore Junior High up and running all by himself;
4.Lucy Simian, as she is fairly effective despite suffering from the worst case of work burnout in the field of teaching;
5.Coach Russo - fairly effective, but also a has-been who lives through her daughter;
6.Tree Librarian - a liability even in her own profession;
7.Steve Small - putting a new-age crank in a role of a teacher/counselor is - despite ensuing comedy - a terrible idea;
8.Joann Markham - lousy charlatan who denies basic healthcare to Elmore Jr High's most needy students, regardless of whatever terminal illnesses they might be suffering from at any given time. Someone needs their license revoked ASAP!
>being a good person is overrated.
That's already the default since the existance of man every man for himself in this world
These were made by a autistic twitter user latino hence the watermark
Nice ranking. I would personally put Mr. Small above Tree Librarain and Coach Russo since Mr. Small is, like you said, an entertaining person to be with, and the fact that he is actually passionate about what he teaches and is a genuine person, while yes, his methods are questionable and will sometimes make it worse. I do think he eventually makes up for his mistakes, plus he has a cool van named Janice.
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Deer Penny or Fairy shapeshfitng blob Penny?
I'm leaning towards Fairy Penny desu she's versatile and has more potential
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