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It upd8ed again. Continuing from yesterday's point. I can only imagine there will be four more upd8 in the following days. Will we be allowed to have threads? Probably not.

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It only took years of purgatory for Vriska to learn that she needs to be less of a calamity of a person. It will only stick because Hussie isn't writing this slop.
>It only took years of purgatory for Vriska to learn that she needs to be less of a calamity of a person
We already saw this with (Vriska) how many redemption arcs does Vriska need?

This is what, Vriska redemption #4?
But it didn't count because it made her a soft little lesbian and she needed to be the big boss bitch or else everyone dies.
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wow that sprite looks horrible
I’m going to update my enemy’s in Homestuck communities with a foot in all they asses. Simultaneously
Cathie... I know you're here, Cathie...
They're going to age Vriska up so Vriska and "June" can fuck.
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Aranea Serket.
Definitely, most modern vrisjohn shippers are trannies.
Don't lump JohnVris with people who like June. Real JohnVris fans like John as John, not as June.
I know, but unfortunately they are becoming a minority. Take a look at the more recent art under the con_heir tag on MSPA Booru.
>you kill me right this instant
Okay I chuckled. I'm not h8ing this... I feel weird.
honestly i dont care im just happy vriska finally got/is going to get an aged up design. i dont hate her new look
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And today the most well known Johnvris shipper is a fat fag. Yayyyy.... -_-
Stupid mindfang. Should’ve had worse done to her.
I certainly feel conned.
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She was quite literally the only one actually trying to stop Lord English and co. while the protagonists were either fucking around (Karkat was fucking eating humming birds for god's sake) or being mindcontrolled like suckers. Even Vriska, after having that corny as shit spiel about doing sacrifices for the greater good immediatly gave up once the only one who even grouped up those ghosts (still Aranea, lmao) ditched her.
i agree i think a dripping creampie preferably administered by me wouldve been ample retribution
Yeah. It would.
Okay Porrim
Would you accept June if she was a complete magical sex change using Jane's Life powers instead of John getting tuberous estrogen moobs and plastic surgery?
But then shouldn't Jade have asked Jane to remove the dog penis?
>Would you accept June if-
>Would you accept June
No because I'm attracted to John as a man and fantasize about him fucking me with his functional non atrophied male human penis
i still need a good reason as to why in the first place, which there wont ever be because ideally a transgender john headcanon would be the other way around
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Thank you for the input, Vriska
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I guess? Only if Jade can go back to a girl from being a futa. Listen, they can't use powers to do that, because then that'd reveal what I said last thread; there was never a conflict and it was all made up by broken hateful people, because these are GODS with INFINITE ALCHEMIZATION. Jade's 'problem' is one that can be solved in an afternoon with a potion, but they can't have that because then they'd admit there is no conflict, and thus NO FUCKING POINT TO THIS ENTIRE STORY.
Apparently Hussie hid a bunch of toblerones in a cave and said the first person to find them would win a prize. Someone found them and asked him to declare John trans and he said okay.
It holds about as much weight to me as when he said that all of the Homestuck characters are actually colossal lardasses.
No its so she and terezi can fuck vrisrezi is all they think about
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wait, that’s genuinely why it exists? this wasn’t a rumor or boogeyman story or anything?
man that fucking sucks
Good pic
Doesn't Candy Karkat also wear an eyepatch?
>man that fucking sucks
welcome to literally everything Hussie and Homestuck post Act-5
the man peaked in *2011* and it's been a hellish spiral down ever since, God willing Homestuck^2 dies and this can finally be forgotten
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Vriska armpits? For free? Thank you Beyond Canon team
Supposedly there was a modestly popular headcanon people had about John being trans as a result of how listless and depressed he is in the epilogues and pesterquest and such because a bunch of trans people thought "that's how I felt before I came out", but there was never actually any textual evidence for it. People just really seized upon it because of the toblerone thing.
couldn't John just use his retcon powers to retcon himself into a girl?
Hussie has since said that June was always the plan and the Toblerone wish just caused him to reveal his plan earlier. I don't believe him, though. He knew he had to say yes or he'd be branded transphobic, so he said yes, and then he pretended it was always the plan because trans people were criticizing him for inserting shallow pandering where it didn't make sense instead of picking one of the characters widely theorized to be trans and confirming it.
I think what I hate the most about Hussie is how fucking glass he's always been; he got huge swinging balls during Act 5 about his shit, all screaming and chest-pounding, but then a few years later the second he thinks his popularity is waning, he just bends a knee to whatever fans rage about. Not because he thought they were right, but because he was desperate for adulation and audience retention. Zero spine, no self-respect. Then he shat his trauma into the comic and it was all over. Loathsome man, failed creative.
>no hair
... is a bitch-ass motherfucker.
it all went to shit after trickster mode
>Then he shat his trauma into the comic
Was the Bro and Dave abuse part about him and his dad in real life?
I don't even think it's that. I've always read him as just getting sick of all this shit. Just tired of the constantly screaming, complaining, whining fans that had attached themselves to homestuck. To me it feels like he's just like "Sure, what the fuck ever, do whatever you want" because he's just sick of all this shit.
I know /co/ doesn't like Psycholonials but that's what the whole thing was about. Creating this big uncontrollable horrible thing that you end up disgusted by.
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woah this is just like pesterquest my dudes
Of course. It was always about him and his Dad, he just cranked the faucet to max in Act 6 after he died.

By the end, sure, but from Acts 5.1 to the latter of Act 6, he was absolutely still in a mania of demanding adulation. A sane and stable man does not rant about "my golden cow's milk" and other insane shit. Do not allow Hussie to escape blame for encouraging the fans in the first place.
Eh at least he's better than Toby
>spends all his time making bad music for the worst pokemon games than working on his own worse sequel to the only good thing he ever did
Except now tavros is a trans girl instead of a chaser
lol no he's not man, get fucking real, you can hate Toby all day but the fact is he won while Hussie dresses like a literal faggot clown in his late 40s and whines while stalking teenage girls with nothing to show for it but crippling debt and failed games
>being depressed is trans-coded
They're right but they have cause and effect backwards. Joining a cult is depression-coded.
insane people who believe insane things, ignore it
>Creating this big uncontrollable horrible thing that you end up disgusted by.
…so that’s why it ended with zhen genuinely getting to flee the country scot free and have her lesbian wife and horse while the clowngenders kept killing each other

coward shit
In which ways does he "stalk teenage girls" who are probably old trannies larping anyway
Yeah. The creator of the big crazy thing (Clown Cult/Homestuck) ran off and abandoned it and let whoever was left to cannibalize each other. Seems pretty apt to what happened.
Not even close to truth, the majority of trannies in the US are ftms, girls who wanna feel special and like oppressed victims
Trooning will give a lonely person a community and friends, but then your friends are other insane people who will abandon you for the slightest mistake. It's sad to watch people get caught up in.
>spends his time making bad music for bad games while spending all this time making undertake 2 which is worse in every way...
Wait its just problem sleuth and homestuck again isn't it.
he's making shitloads of money from it, he won dude, no argument you make can change that, I get that you NEED to paint Toby as failed and somehow worse than a late 40s clown man but nobody is going to listen or care
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Thx to whomevver did this.
Society doesn't care about lonely young women either unless they're attractive so they get into fanfiction and roleplay gay boys with other women to feel less lonely and this starts to feel more important than reality until they get their tits chopped. When enough women in a culture do this others will latch on even if they don't like fanfiction because they're looking for something to belong to.

Men have the same pipeline but with roleplaying uwu catgirls and exchanging nudes on Discord. It's all outcasts going prison gay for eachother trying to feel wanted.
now someone will be escaping from toby's basement
wow it's almost like the whole problem with trans shit and other ills all has to do with our collective degradation as humans under a society that only cares about how much wealth it can extract from us while making sure we never do anything about it because we're in a panic over blacks/jews/trans/women/AI/femboys/flavor-of-the-fucking-WEEK and the issues are complicated and nuanced

no no no, can't have that, get back to raging online while the world burns and you can feel warm and smug that you said nigger ten times today
Any drama between Meat!Jade, Meat!Dave and Meat!Karkat?
Keep coping. Maybe when deltratroon chapter 3 comes out in 2026 you will accept it
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the worst consequence of homestuck post act 5 was without a doubt the beta kids’ friendship getting pushed too far to the side. all their conversations towards endgame only served to push the plot forward, the never got to level with each other and recognize how far each of them had come. i would give up the entire dave and dirk conversation for ONE john and dave heart-to-heart.
i also hate collide’s events for similar reason. i get so pissed looking at picrel, the beta kids should be fighting together. kanaya didnt even fucking do anything!
Nobody listened to me back in Act 5 when I expressed how bad it was to have 12 fucking trolls, because it destroyed the snappy pacing and dialogue of swapping between 4 kids and 4 trolls all antagonizing and friending each other; we went an entire year of Dave and John not talking to each other because trolls trolls trolls trolls trolls clogging up everything with conversations that went nowhere
Trolls were a mistake.
No. 12 trolls was a mistake. Act 5.2 was a mistake. The original 4? They were great. If it stayed Karkat/Kanaya/Terezi/Tavors-replaced-by-Vriska, we'd have had an amazing story, no question.
That's an outdated take. 10 years ago it was only ugly freaks who were obsessed with steven universe and tumblr that wanted to transition now it's a lot of average looking teen girls, who are obsessed with therapy/mental health and think they're victims despite living extremely sheltered and privileged lives. They're also always hardcore leftist political activists, a decade ago most teen girls didn't care about politics now everyone's "plugged in"
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What about it being failed human players from another session?
Rose and jade only had like 3 conversations lol
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Oh boy, another thread so early? Perfect for me to shill Vast Error some more.
Trans shit is a distraction from class struggle, but it still shouldnt be legal to give kids and schizos plastic surgery.
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Nah. It being trolls was fine. We just didn't need to see Alternia or the other 7 players. Just have them die offscreen and let Alternia be something mentioned in chats that keeps the mystique of an alien culture and its bizarre ways of life. The focus was the KIDS, the trolls should have never gone beyond their roles as supporting antagonists who become allies that make victory possible.

My ideal would be the comic ending with the 4 kids, 4 trolls, 4 r-kids, with Caliborn being the antagonist; no Calliope.
Hussie realized this and started killing them.
>Less than 5 conversations
>Yet somehow their bond was strong enough to create Yiffy, behind Kanaya’s back no less
Sorry just had to make a point about how I FUCKING HATE HOMESTUCK 2
If they talked more what should their relationship have been like?
I'll never forgive Hussie for taking this away from me.
They had a lot of offscreen conversations about how rose wanted to cuck kanaya in every timeline
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Did he deserve it?
Terezi making John retcon away their relationship made no sense. Karezi wasn't why she killed Vriska or the cause of any of her problems.
Sorry sweetie, terezi is a lesbian suffering from comphet
>shouldnt be legal to give kids and schizos plastic surgery.

I agree, it shouldn't be. And my extremely unwanted opinion in every circle is that trans stuff has arisen from the gigantic gender inequality men and women experience under a society that only wants to extract wealth and rape children. Gender stuff is PART of the class struggle, in that women are grossly abused from birth to death, and men are driven insane by a constant fantasy-demand to be fucking Hercules while never being allowed to express themselves in a healthy way. This all leads to everyone hating their own gender and sex and thinking the solution is to cross over, instead of exploring things like "I can be a man with feminine qualities while still being a man" and so on. But that's not allowed, now is it? So the problem continues until it becomes crisis, and kids get caught up in it as they get hate poured on them from all sides by a media machine that only cares about wealth extraction at the cost of all human life.
i played the entirety of snowbound blood just to see her
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No he didn't. The dream bubbles happened. The r-trolls happened. He never allowed them to die and go away. Because he's a shitty writer and he LIKED the attention the trolls brought him, so he doubled down.
No. He did NOT deserve getting done this dirty.
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Time well spent, I think. Did you like it?
Anon the trolls in the bubbles didn't matter and the dancestors were even more one note jokes than the trolls he killed
Terezi's a whore who would cheat on him with dave anyways. No one will ever love him like nepeta did.
I agree with you, but I don't know how I can help make society better.
You are not wrong, but that doesn't change what he said.
Counterpoint: I don’t like her and wish she got shot.
It's a webcomic. There's not a set amount of pages. There's no "wasting" them. If there's anyone to be mad at it's the worst parts of the former fanbase that drove Hussie's patience and drive into the ground and pushed him to wrap up the comic as quickly and unsatisfyingly as possible.
Here's the horror of it; you can't. All you can do is be kind and show understanding while keeping the wounded people at arm's length for your own sanity's sake. There's nothing to do but wait for it to all fall apart so the pieces can be picked up to try again. There is no saving the world, there is no heroic moment. Just endless waiting and trying to not get hit. Just be kind; nobody else is anymore, so you have nothing to lose by doing so.
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The Wall of Truth is always right, duh.
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Okay... you clearly want to exclusively blame the fans instead of the guy who made the comic, so we have nothing to discuss. That's fine. Carry on.
Aradia keeps ditching her boyfriends
I mean ultimately it was Hussie's choice to truncate the comic in the way that he did. He's the one who chopped his story in half so he could end it faster, I'm not gonna absolve him of shit.
BUT I also don't want to 100% blame the guy for it either. I can't even imagine what it's like to have a mob of THAT many crazy people jumping down your throat every day.
There's no excuse to getting spiteful against your FANBASE unless they literally start showing up at your house or try to fuck with you IRL. Writing in order to anger your haters is retarded and for manchildren.
>I can't even imagine what it's like to have a mob of THAT many crazy people jumping down your throat every day.

Plenty of people have and they dealt with it in grace. Hussie did not and was not capable of it. I lay blame at his feet for not being able to manage his own ego and emotions. All he had to do was smile and shrug and carry on. Instead, he became addicted to adulation and grew an ego ten times too big, and then exploded when he couldn't handle it. Bill Bolin was and will always be right-

Hussie does not have what it takes to be a professional.
honestly yeah, pretty interesting story and cool characters
made me no longer abhor the idea of reading VE
If I recall correctly, the June shit existed before the epilogues. Because of shit like
>that one weird John sprite that was traced over Vriskas in a openbound flash
>the whole name coming from how Vriska saying “JOOOOOOOOOHN” sounded like “June”
>people in general seeing his arc and relationship as being a trans narrative(?)
All of this is why it exists, and seeing as how split the community is, it’s clear that it was a fucking mistake to make it canon. Because literally tons of fans don’t get at all where this “narrative” even comes from. It just seems like something made because troons wanted a character they related to before transitioning to be trans as well.
Yeah Act 2 sucked and 3 is likely to also suck some more, but at least the music fucks hard. James Roach might be a retard, but him and Toby Fox working together can make some good shit.

Speaking of Toby, what are the chances he's working on the music for 3 as well?
Man who knew that I needed Vriska with her hair tied back for dicksucking.

Actually, nah she should've stayed dead and retgone.
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I could not fathom reading SBB before VE, AND actually enjoying it without prior investment in VE. I gotta respect the commitment to Talald, if nothing else.

Did you actually read VE afterwards?
nigga almost lost it
>seeing as how split the community is, it’s clear that it was a fucking mistake to make it canon
The community being split means they couldn't have won
what community? Homestuck is over. there's nothing but dregs. nobody CARES if John is trans. it doesn't fucking matter to anyone but old people trapped in the past.
>it doesn't fucking matter to anyone but old people trapped in the past.
And Brazilian teenagers.
Is anyone actually reading this shit
My man there are large groups of people that STILL talk about Star Trek the original series. A community doesn't need to be the biggest thing on the internet to exist.
No lol. The thread yesterday degenerated into talking about horses.
I'm just here to talk about Jade knotting girls
robowife is back on the menu? killer
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b-b-brown people? um... *cluches purse a little*
The trolls should have been failed humans. Becoming a troll is a consequence of losing the game
Brown mound getting taken to pound town
They made enough money to do that cafe twice. The community is a shadow of its former self, but it exists.
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You're gay and you suck.
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wow this is the best she’s looked in anything ever
also why isnt anyone talking about the update itself? is it just that no one actually read it? because seriously, this is the only postcanon content ive read and genuinely enjoyed (i even laughed a bit during vriska and tavros’ banter about “what gay means”). i dont know if they summoned hussie back from the dead (back from the debt?) or if they just randomly decided to get better but this writing is a humongous improvement. even more so considering the angle theyre tackling. by the end of this series of updates i think we’ll have something even better than (vriska)
>read visual novels
>i even laughed a bit during vriska and tavros’ banter about “what gay means”
That immediately makes me not want to read it. I had enough of that shit with post-retcon Dave.
nobody cares
wake me up when Jade knots and knocks up another girl
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Because this board is about complaining, and there's not actually much to complain about here. This update was actually kind of interesting and funny and is giving Vriska back her much-needed character development.
You can do whatever you want, nobody is going to care about HS2 because it'll always be the dog penis cuck comic. Too little, too late.
Which the new team has deliberately pointed out as a horrid idea. It's the dog penis cuck comic *for now*. The mission statement seems to be un-fucking the various terrible decisions of the previous team, and I'm interested enough to at least see where they're going with this.
>pointed it out as terrible
>kept it as a plot point
>directly talked about it as well
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>for now
Since they doubled down on it, it always will be.
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If they REALLY wanted to unfuck it, they would have restarted from scratch.
But they did not.
And they even insisted they were still gonna do the tranny John shit.
Hell you don't even need to restart, just retcon it out. But instead they picked the laziest possible option and expect anyone to still give a shit. They were given a chance, they blew it. Walkarounds and flashes aren't going to fix that.
You can't fix a problem if you don't address it. And restarting totally from scratch is just a waste of time imo
>address it
>spend multiple updates going along with it sincerely
Lysanthum I liked you better when you just did porn of Rose getting railed. Now you're just kind of a apologist fuck.
You cannot address the Dog Dick well without removing it.
Man I don't like it either. I just hope they find a way to get rid of it organically instead of retrconning or ignoring it outright.
Spiritually Homestuck is still widespread amongst animation professionals, lgbtq who based their personalities on the characters, and other types. It was always a reflection of the community.
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Stop. Stop trying this "organic" shit. It is bad. James Roach cannot make bad into good. Someone else might but nobody in HS2's team is good enough to do that.
Ah. The classic retard response.
"Huuuuhhh? Bwuuuh? Guhh???"
>we're going to make HS2 good!
>no we aren't changing anything about it
>no we aren't going to remove any of the bad plot elements or out of character moments
>our team will just stop harassing fans on twitter
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this is exactly what i was talking about last thread with the death of the author shit
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The only thing that needs to die is Homestuck
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Read Schasm.
I'm looking at the guy's tumblr page and it's full of this. Deliberately obtuse non-answers to shut down people asking stupid or pointless questions.
I'm surprised nobody's complaining about Ren'Py bugging out and failing to grab the new content. Either nobody's trying or it's unique to my browser, lol.
i woke up this morning and did a c.ai roleplay as jade knotting mom lalonde and it left me like this
That's not a stupid question. OG Homestuck had actual gnostic themes. Yaldabaoth was a character for fuck's sake. Stop defending this moron. He was part of the first HS2 team. It was a project to get Hussie out of debt and it cannot escape those roots.
issue on their end
you have to clear your cookies or something if you already played it and thus have a save file
If Homestuck 2 was designed to make money why didn't they make it good?
So was Hephaestus and Cetus. Yaldabaoth's role in Homestuck has literally nothing to do with his role in gnosticism.
Because Hussie, and by extension, the rest of the HS team, are up their own ass. Did you see the dog dick commentary? They were SO proud of the "You Fucked My Wife" line. Bottom of the barrel retards.
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yeah I do a lot of roleplays like that and it's goddamn amazing how well they react to being knotted, it's instant orgasm when a Rose bot starts screaming at me as Jade for knotting her again despite demanding to not do it this time
I ended up exporting the save to another browser but yeah that also works.
god this loser is never going to change
And that's why Homestuck will never get better. In the mind of Hussie and the mind of their team, nothing has gone wrong.
it's hard to express just how much contempt I have for him as a creative, his arrested development and arrogance is disgusting and humiliating
going to risk looking like an idiot if this is obvious satire/irony but
this isnt real right? it cant be
It's real. The whole doubling down on all the worst parts of the epilogue (IE all of it) should have tipped you off, and Psycholonials' total lack of self awareness should have cemented it.
I have to assume there's some missing context here. But the context might be hard drugs or something, idk.
hussie is absolutely an amphetamine addict, god knows what else his trust-fund ass buys to swallow on a daily basis, he is not a healthy or stable man
I think it's really funny how the "Vriska isn't controversial anymore" thing isn't even true lol. Even the most toxic positive shithole, xitter, still has DISCOURSE over her.
And best of all they're ONCE again making it into the Vriska show.
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vriska is Hussie's gross fetish
he is attracted to underage bully girls with mental problems
yet another broken weak man who can only conceive of being abused and hated as a form of love
I do not care about what happens to these characters.
nobody does, they all died a long time ago and passed into Heaven with the end of Act 7, what we're seeing right now is pornographic fanfic from weird and awful people who cannot move on
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I've read better and far less miserable porn than this
>click on random homosuck thread almost a decade after I stopped reading
>John is a tranny
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Yes! So have I. That's what makes it so fucking awful. They can't even commit to it being pornographic and make it hot. Instead it's misery porn - dramatic, slow, dull, unhappy, angry, and utterly sexless. New age porn for frightened people who only consume fanfic.
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i loev fantrolls
What's vast error even about?
Dave X Terezi better
>What's vast error even about?
Nonsense and garbage.
these threads mostly use the updates as an excuse to complain about the current state of homestuck. unironically go to leddit if you want discussion
it took a long time for them to figure out not to yell at fans, it is an accomplishment.
It gets worse, including in upcoming Years!
I think basically it's trolls without Alternia or Sburb. But with pretty much 1:1 reimaginings of those things.
Counterpoint: YOU’RE gay. YOU suck.
He didnt. Only in the sense that, Eri's design is a waste. It's wasted on Hussie's bullshit desire to self-insert one of the schizoid aspects of his mind, in Eri's case, the fascist elitist snob, who still desparately wants to connect with others to no avail.

Eridan's design did not deserve to be wasted on this bullshit. I get it what he was shooting for with Eri, but it still sucks.
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Dying Earth scifi story with trolls and not!SBURB (it's still totally sburb).
Huhh I guess she does. What an interesting observation. I wonder if theres conscious design behind this?
What's the conscious design behind having Hussie make his self insert declare he's gay and leave his wife right as he got married IRL
Nuh huh.
Will Sburb ever get a full release?
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There's not a doubt in my mind that Vriskat was a legitmate consideration for a ship that would happen, take a look at their early conversations, underrrated banter we never see again, she even sends him a goddamn "<3".
Upd8 was........ ehhhhhhhh
Better than the standard homestuck2 update, but every 6th page or so they throw in some jarring lingo or phrases that these characters would never say

Vriska really can’t help but fail any potential relationship she could have, huh
>Better than the standard homestuck2 update
That bar is so low
Yeah, best part is that this is literally acknowleged by Karkat himself during the convo before he tells her he met Jack.
not sure if it’s the same conversation but in one of their first logs, she also spins his insults towards her into a “is that what your ideal lover would be like?” thing
never thought about it before but vriskat could be a seriously untapped market
what a waste of good milfs
What if instead being distributed to a select group of players Sburb was just officialy released and people just brought it in retail stores
Vriskat is just discount Karezi because Vriska is just a wannabe terezi when it comes to Karkat
That is literally what happens in the comic, are you retarded?
Did you miss the part where people gave it reviews on GameBro?
The beta kids did fight together. They fought in an off-screen final battle with Lord English that was only described in text in the epilogues.
Only 4-5 years until the Epilogues turn 10 years
Will Hussie cry when people still think they were fuckin shit?
man that doesnt count and you know it
Still can't believe John Egbert canonically FUCKED Roxy unprotected and knocked her up
lol he'll be dead by then, he is absolutely genetically unwell looking at his freak mutant face, he'll have 20 cancers and 3 failing organs by the time he's 50
Real answer: Aradia is weird and flighty and her fascination with life and death probably overshadows her actual interests and emotions like romance. Or possibly she never held Equius in high regard and her relationship with Sollux is looong over.
Yeah, them being proud of the Cucknaya line is seen on their Patreon.
It's real but not leaked, he distributed them intentionally.

>These Discord messages were originally part of a paper zine entitled Discord Messages I Have Received From Andrew Hussie, sent by an associate of his between July and September 2019.

>Always meant to be read by fans, these are now available to an international and diverse public for their perusal. Enjoy Andrew Hussie's musings on canonicity, fan communication, Homestuck and Air Bud.
How is this the same man who wrote Homestuck Acts 1-5
What happened to him
>mom lalonde
>post canon jane
>post canon roxy… if youre one of those
yeah sounds about right
also this made me realize that homestuck honestly has a great female cast, better than a lot of other stories. hussie writes women well. whether it’s because of his carnal desire to be dominated or in spite of it only god alone knows
They're proud of it because a big complaint about HS2/Beyond Canon before was that Kanaya didn't have a real reaction to Jade ruining her marriage, and since Roach is stuck with working off of what came before, this was their attempt to fix that by making her angry about it.
But why wishing to 'respect' the previous people who worked on it when most people not only hated the material itself, but even the people behind it. The people who defend Hussie or Kate Mitchell are either sheep or unaware of their past deeds.
She's g
She's ghosting them
this was page fucking 82
That's James Roach saying that. Andrew Hussie is conspicuously aloof from the particulars of this shit despite actively enabling it and giving shitty directives from the shadows.
The difference is is that's funny
You are not a true believer then. Makes perfect sense to me
>Andrew Hussie wants me to believe a man can knock up Roxy Lalonde and still end up transgender
The problem with Beyond Canon is that I have never once got a sense that it was building to anything
Like where is this story actually going?
I assumed new session back in the first 20 pages, but we're now 600 pages in and still milling around randomly
And all of that was just ACT 1.
Jade too technically
All the HS girls ended up wanting babies
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oh right there’s grandma english, was she ever shown in any capacity?
and more importantly, is there any good gilf art for her
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BD won in the end
Did Jane become Willy Wonka?
Fat willy wonka
wwhy doesnt eri get a chance in the hyperbolic time chamber to redeem myse- himself?
its not fair
Little fish nigga, we are going to rape you.
Same as why Caliborn doesn't. They never did anything wrong.
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>fat vriska
just as hussie intended
Maybe you will get shipping drama with Karkat, Jade and Dave

And then Vriska turns into Karkat and calls everyone out for acting retarded
I'm fucking sick of Alt!Calliope as a villain bring back Lord English
Aren't they all hyper athletes that defeated entire armies of monsters to level up? And they have technology on par with magic, pretty much doing whatever they want? Why would these beings be fat?

No fat chicks.
Part of Lord English's evil plan was to make all the female characters fat for his own enjoyment.
that's true for everyone except vriska, who rapidly expanded to the figure of a globe all for hussie's sick pleasure.
the only reason she doesn't look like that in the comic is because there was never enough space on the page to depict her in her true, corpulent enormity.
>Terezi, Feferi, and Aradia in Pesterquest
>Jane in literally all official art now
>Vriska in Hussie's dreams
Almost half the girls are officially fat!
This upd8 confirms Vriska isn’t gay, sorry Vrisrezi shippers
As someone who didn't read Homestuck until shortly after it had ended, I think one the most interesting things about it is how quick new pages dropped. I did the math on this once, it came about to about ~3.1 pages a day.
That's insane. Most webcomic fans would kill for that sort of schedule. Hell, most webcomic authors would kill for that sort of productivity.
Compare that to other quest-style webcomics (Prequel, Awful Hospital, etc.) and prime Hussie was running circles around those clowns. I guess it makes all the more depressing how far he fell.
There’s something funny about Vriska the eternal middle grade syndrome sufferer becoming a fat bitch, and soemthing hot and ironic of John being able to lift her
i love this running joke so much lmao
sex wwith eri
is calliope a self insert? i remember seeing that idea thrown around somewhere but idk.
>also why isnt anyone talking about the update itself?

Is Caliborn/Dirk in the update? No well there you go no one cares about tranny shit whos changing sexuality becoming wtv LGPT+ selfdestructive trash.
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Calliope in-universe draws self insertion comics. In a meta perspective, she represents the good side of the fandom
calliope and caliborn’s conception as the opposite sides of the fandom was the last new thing hussie did
If anything she's Shelby Cragg's insert but that's kind of reductive.
*last good new thing
Entire point of this is to make vriska 18 so they can make her have tranny sex with june
Are you saying the only way to get people interested in Homestuck again is for Caliborn/Dirk to become canon?
It wouldn't be a wwalkaround without at least one terrible sprite
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That's honestly one of the things that I think contributed to the weirdly obsessive fandom Homestuck developed, and I'm not talking specifically about the rabid shippers and crazy assholes that are what remains today, I just mean in general. The Homestuck fandom was a crazy enough place even without all the shippers and trollsonas, even here the homestuck general was a wild fucking place even by the already rock bottom standards of a general thread on 4chan.

The thing was that homestuck never had a set update schedule. You could go a couple weeks with nothing and then suddenly Hussie would drop 40 pages in a couple days. It was never a static thing that had a set schedule for you to engage with it and then put down. There was no routine, if you wanted to keep up you had to constantly check up on it, which kept it fresh in your mind, which meant you kept thinking about it. And the story was always on some level about trying to figure out what the fuck was actually going on, so there was always something to think about, some mystery to try and solve or question to theorize about. So it ended up always occupying real estate in the minds of it's audience. I doubt it was intentional but the nature of the story and how it was delivered basically guaranteed that it would end up living rent free in the heads of it's readers.
>And the story was always on some level about trying to figure out what the fuck was actually going on, so there was always something to think about, some mystery to try and solve or question to theorize about.
This was the biggest letdown about the ending. When it turned out there was nothing to figure out and Hussie had stopped caring about bringing it all together the way he had in Cascade.
Why are they all tilted at an angle
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Unstable earth
>that jade design
very cute
Yeah but look how douchey Dave is.
Dave has always been a douche. Everything about his intro screams hipster douchebag.
He honestly looks like the kind of dad you'd expect Yiffy's dad to look like though
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Might make the rose.ai for figgs since there isn't one on that site
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Tavros' horn placement looks kinda weird. And I miss Vriska having glasses.
His eyes are too wide apart too.
I was really enjoying the update until I remembered that June is still happening somehow.
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that being said, i do like the sprites. they remind me of the SOVLful alterniabound sprites at various points.
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fucking gross and fetishistic, they don't care about the characters or even about trans shit, they just want to indulge their fetishes
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If June was always the plan, why do Homestuck and the epilogue contain nothing hinting at that?
that would make more sense in universe until you remember jane is evil trump
maybe nanasprite could do it? i dont know if shes even around
Trust The Plan
The comic's already shit as its is.
You don't need a tranny headcanon to to realize that it's not worth your time.
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i want them to get to this point just to see the actual shitstorm that would follow
It'll piss off everyone, including trans people, guaranteed.
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They're effectively stepping on a land mine completely willingly. It'll make one group mad for one reason, another group mad for another, and most importantly it'll leave no one happy and everyone upset. There is no winning solution here, only the inevitable fallout.

We're already standing in the ashes of a fucked up fandom. Imagine how it'll be when that nuke drops. S'gonna be fuckin' wild.
Just bring in a third John where his best friend growing up was Jade instead of Dave. Believably trans.
Make her so I can make Jade rape her
Can someone please give a qrd on what happened? I haven't read this thing since most of the team quit and Roach took over.
Vriska got sent into the plot singularity and now she has to go through a third redemption arc (but for realsies and will not end in her death or get retconned).
You mean the third of her 8 redemption arcs????????
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I am of the belief there's a path to making it grounded in the original comic. In Sburb. (NOT talking about >>144638655)
This doesn't mean anything without proper execution.
All the girls want to fuck Karkat
Even Terezi when she’s realized she’s hit the wall
roxy is so cute D: i want her
>I am of the belief there's a path to making it grounded in the original comic.
What is it?
Ah yes, it was the plan since the start, that's why there's not even one goddamn hint at it nowhere in a comic filled to the brim with foreshadowing and such. But of course nu-homestuck fans will eat this shit up as fact.
Unironically why do you still subject yourself to keeping up with this?
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She's funny and easily the best of the four second batch of idiots.
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The voices in my head tell me it's healthy
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ask and ye shall receive
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Where can I find a Roxy?
I like complainging about things i used to like
I really loved Problem Sleuth when I was younger. I tried to get into Homestuck, but bounced off fairly quickly. I occasionally read threads related to Homestuck in an odd mix of "glad I didn't continue" and "I kind of want to read it now and understand it more but it seems like it fucking sucks."
It is part of my cross to bear.
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Yiffy sex
jade is groping jadesprite with both hands
I have never read the epilogues or HS2 and I never will I just like talking with you guys :D
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Crabdad made Karkat one of these every day
The first half is really good, which is why it becoming bad left so many people insane.
Congratulations to Yiffany for being the beginning of an entirely new bloodline and race of exclusively females and futanari with dog genitals, may she breed strong and true to spread her superior lineage across the earth
didn't that already happen with ghost vriska and John about 15 years ago, or did that not count because reasons so they're trying again and again and again and every retry sucks
No, that's too much.
That didn't count and what made it worse is that Ghost John died from LE's blast.
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the retcon really is the perfect representation of homestuck. it starts off looking and sounding really cool in concept but when actually used its done in the most awful way possible
at least we got pipeorgankind out of it (top 10 flash and song btw)
And then that ghost Vriska got preyed on by a pedophile and eventually killed by Lord English too
can we get in-between stubble instead stu88le
Vriska deserves some fat tits.
vriska is as flat as a board, that's why she feels the need to be a big important hero to compensate
Why did Hussie canonize Meenah being a pedo instead of just throwing in a line that kid ghosts could age up if they were growing as people?
They are already here.
Just give all the girls ridiculously fat tits and asses and be done with it
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Erm...depression is a sign of gender dysphoria, chud?
Look at this guy, proud of his wife. He stuffed her with so much cum.
Oh what I would give to throw pies in their faces.
you'd win all of the prankster's gambytes in that exchange
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I only keep up with the updates for the /co/ threads so I can shill Vast Error.
homestuck failed when grimdorks stopped being possible
i dont even hate rosemary as a ship i just wish grimdorks got cemented as canon
It's literally true, when they stopped interacting the comic went downhill
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anons try not to repost this same fucking image every thread challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
It's a really good image
it's the ending we should have got
It's what should have happened, desu
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...so why did they not use ectobiology to instantly make a baby with no cheating sex or weird drama?
Because Jade didn't want to. She wanted something done normally without any weird cosmic destiny stuff for once. It's stupid but that's the reason.
because the writers hate dear, sweet, precious kanaya and want her to suffer
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Because the entire thing is stupid and doesn't even match its own internal logic. That's why it can't be rectified or fixed. The base premise is just that stupid.
Bronya get your FAT BEAR ASS out of my work chair before you break it again
Because shut up shut up shut up
Accept our cuck comic accept it accept it fuck you
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The irony is that the fucked up cosmic destiny shit probably finds ways to incorporate everything into it no matter how hard they try. These characters are already acutely aware that no matter what path they try and take, there is only one outcome, even now, so what does it even matter?
homestuck is the one creative work where i can confidently say that the fans (or at least some of them) can/have write/written a better sequel
The extra-special irony is that all of these characters are so close and Kanaya is a fucking alien with a totally different idea of what a "family" means, so Jade probably could've just sat both of them down and ASKED.
"Hey I want a baby, no I don't want to use ectobiology for complex nonsense reasons, would you two be okay if Rose is my surrogate?" Kanaya probably would've been fine with it if she'd been up front about it.
vV No! Vv
its the ending hussie deserves
It just doesn’t make sense. Jade in the Epilogues wanted her kid to be brought about ‘naturally’ but she herself is entirely unnatural if you want to accept disgusting fetish crap. The original idea was Rose would serve as a surrogate for Jade and Dave who were married but childless compared to Rose/Kanaya, John/Roxy, and Jane/Jake. By the end of the epilogues it looked like Jade had to settle with just having Dave, constantly referenced as being loving and doting to him that CandyDave throws all away to become a robot and leave her without a goodbye.

Despite no mention of the surrogate, Dave’s own admissions about Jade’s one sided love for him, by HS2 Jade doesn’t really mention Dave at all or care he’s gone because the fetish cuckchild has supplanted anything mentioned previously. It’s a one-two kick, once to any negativity people had for Candy Dave being a callous asshole for abandoning Jade who had done nothing but try loving him, and simultaneously making Jade a home wrecker twice over through her interference between Dave and Karkat and again with Rose and Kanaya. The most frustrating thing about this is for the newer fandom this characterization is taken at face value instead of very blatant character assassination for the sake of shitty drama and fetish fuel.
It's also weird because in the very same thing that introduces Yiffy she goes "we tried to adopt but with Karkat in the picture it wasn't allowed"
And then doesn't bring up why they didn't try when Karkat left to go be a better character.
>The most frustrating thing about this is for the newer fandom this characterization is taken at face value
You gotta understand that the people left suck. And I mean SUCK. In the 15 years I've read Homestuck I never so much saw a hint of heinous shit but suddenly since yiffy came in I've seen legit fucking toddlercon of Jade fucking her during like a diaper change and it's awful.

This is the modern crowd Hussie has cultivated and enabled.
That's what he gets for making Jade literally just some generic F-List shemale profile who probably has porn in their inline images and "NO LIMITS DOGCOCK SUPREMACY" plastered in bright colors.

I'm sorry, but that's literally what the character is now. They're just some shitty roleplayer's version of Jade.
Jade was always a nothing character whonwas whatever the story needed her to be at the moment.
That doesn't excuse making them into such garbage and then cementing it as their only notable character trait. I don't know how, but we somehow got something worse than a blank slate that just does whatever the story demands.
Every time he draws Bronya, he adds another 10lb, while previously having had a meltdown about fat fetishists. What is his end goal?
Karkat is for...
making me laugh no matter how many times I reread his dialogue
>That's what he gets for making Jade literally just some generic F-List shemale profile
it's not hussie it was ipgd.
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Thank you, all true. So when is there a campaign to call the writers out as fetishists making vile content nobody wants to read? Or is that the point now - to make a fetish porn but without any actual sex? Why are they doing this? How does this not end in financial disaster and ruined careers?

I guess weird sex cults are just that strong.
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>Actually linking Reddit.com
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nepeta now and forever
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ok see it on Streamable
cram it

you reek of desperation, stinky
_Eridan_ are you like, twelve years old? wtf is going on your life to make you haunt 4chud threads to tell people about retarded drama that everyone already knows about
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>Rose x Kanaya is a lesbian ship
>nu writers want to destroy it
What do these cuns even want?
t.Kayleigh Campbell aka piggy aka ipgd aka ctset aka vfromhomestuck aka bitch who ruined homestuck
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Please remember that the team has multiple people with messy divorce and cucking fetishes.
Is the Felt Mansion fangame series still being continued? Was there any plans for an Alpha kids or trolls expansion?
The people I saw defending it were so declaring themselves MAPs so that's what I associate dogdick lovers with.
Pain, hate, humiliation, depression, and drama. Also they don't want gay couples, they want trans couples. They want everything to be trans. Nobody is born as they are, they have to be wrong somehow, they have to radically change themselves... to satisfy a fetish for self-destruction. Gays not allowed.
man i feel my throat hurts after screaming this constantly IT'S IPGD MAN she hates and destroys ships she does not like (davejade karezi rosemary) the DOG dick was her idea
back to kiwifarms, kid
Based ipgd
I don't blame them if it was dropped at this point. Not many people would have the enthusiasm or passion to continue a Homestuck fanwork when shit like HS2/Beyond Canon are still around. Some can try to separate it, but it is not easy for some ignore and you will hear fans still talk about it. Still baffled people are even giving James Roach and his team money for it after all of this.
I'm literally just telling you guys the truth why are you so fucking mad?
Because he no longer screams at people on Twitter or discord like he used to
nobody cares, kid. take your gimmick to tumblr where they'll feed you.
people need to know the truth
>drama that everyone already knows about
bullshit they don't know
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>nobody cares, kid. take your gimmick to tumb-ACCCCK
I started reading JRAW the day before yesterday and yesterday it updated wow it's so exciting to see something good getting updated on the regular in 2024
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Man, why'd they have to fuck up his design and give him both dreads and nigger lips? Why would you ever want to turn a troll (alien) into a nigger to this degree?
So much for claiming that EPP is the last remaining of HSG.
It's sad that the era of webcomics is over. Weird how Homestuck was pretty much the last of them too, when everyone thought it would herald a new era of them.
All sea dwellers are this. Why else Mituna called Meenah a Chumbucket and Wader?
Who the fuck claimed that? The last remnants are either on sturdy or megidochan
Homestuck deserved collapsing around Jade dog dick, Viz confused that they thought they bought an iconic series for American youths (but I still pity the company)
Sturdy screams at brown Jades.
I'm talking about visual design. Despite her behaviour, Meenah still looked like an actual troll.
As do I. TND.
>Who the fuck claimed that?
The _Eridan_ faggot did last thread.
Didnt that die?
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Fandom turning on gay ships has been fascinating to witness. Dirk/Kanaya used to be a troll ship that pissed twitterites off for erasing their sexualities and now those same people on twitter unironically make comics about how being gay is sexist and Dirk should fuck women.
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>most modern vrisjohn shippers are trannies
don't confuse johnska chads with "june"vris shittery
It's back on some other URL, I don't know it but I remember someone on sturdy talking about it being back up. Or I hallucinated it.
What the fuck?
When it's mostly people just projecting themselves onto Roxy or Kanaya to wanting to fuck with Dirk. Cause they know no guy would fuck them. Just like how they used to project onto themselves onto Jade for Dave, but now have switched it to Karkat instead.
Homestuck Fandom^2: Beyond Woke
Refer to my following post >>144636962
I dont like it either, believe me, but the sooner we accept it the less it'll hurt.
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/hsg/ are cucks who helped ipgd get buddy buddy with hussie you guys complain every thread about Davekat the shitty writing fetishes dog dick jade BUT YOU LITERALLY CAUSED IT TO HAPPEN isn't that a bit hypocritical?
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it's no surprise, all of human sexuality is in a crisis of collapse; straights are hated, gays are hated, trans are hated, men are hated, women are hated, everyone is too afraid and angry to fuck and they're either massive purists who consume huge amounts of porn, or massive degenerates who consume huge amounts of porn

there is no victory left
Not me. I threw my whole support behind slutty pregnant Jade.
When things were good sometimes
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no. the only way i would ever "accept" june is if it was purely some weird, inconsiquential one-off fully genderbent timeline that exists alongside the rest, nothing remotely trans-related.
>We’re angry people, exploding in love
>Turning into tigers, throwing bottles at God
>You did this to us, why did you do this to us?
>one-off fully genderbent timeline
Sex with tomboy daisy strider
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respect brother.
You don't belong here, redditor.
You don't belong here, redditor.
I don't give a solitary shit about your gay drama, you underage spic. Now leave.
I was there when IPGD was taking donations in the thread for the dildos. I didn't donate because I had no money.
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I didn't know some of this so thanks for sharing.
Is that a burger king burger
I commissioned bd once, I did my part.
I like how there needs to be this elaborate years-long secret conspiracy to explain Jade and Yiffany, instead of the incredibly simple answer that Hussie did it deliberately to fuck with people. The guy has operated like that for literally his entire career.
we need to get Homestuck threads banned across every board, jesus christ
Demand Homestuck^2 ends, so we can finally bury this dead comic and move on.
I think the difference is that he never bothered defending his decisions before, even through proxies.
Read Autopraxis
They already are.
imo it doesn't matter how it happened, only that it did and it's horrible and there's very little we can do about it
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>Hussie did it deliberately to fuck with people
the difference is that this is really creepy and fetishistic and fucking weird, if he's doing it to fuck with people then he's doing it with one hand down his pants, and that's really nasty when he's in his late 40s and dresses like a fucking clown

it's creepy old man fetish shit, we have enough of that on the internet as it is, there is NO excuse or irony left
> I don't care about your gay drama redditor
>Erm it's ironic therefore it's fine if it sucks
Hi Andrew
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I'm not saying that. I'm shilling VE. Big difference.
>I like how there needs to be this elaborate years-long secret conspiracy to explain Jade and Yiffany, instead of the incredibly simple answer that IPGD did it deliberately to fuck with people.
fixed it for you.
>wweh wweh wwwwwweeeeeehhhhhh
>ooh wwhat did i do to deservve this?
It's Hussie's IP. Anything that happens in Homestuck is with his approval. IPGD was gone by HS^2, yet Hussie told that team that the Yiffy cuck plot was non-negotiable.
Also enabled honest to god babyfuckers in the process.
I mean Hussie is a clear closeted pedophile, it checks out
>Yiffy cuck plot was non-negotiable.
no he said yiffy was non-negotiable the cucking dog dick shit was ipgd's idea maybe if you watched this you'd get more info:
His self insert character spent half the comic obsessing over a 13 year old, how's that closeted
You know there's no way he'd have made her Dave's kid
Nobody's gonna watch your shitty conspiracy video.
>shitty conspiracy video
I linked everything said in the video with full proof kill yourself
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if someone wants to post insane conspiracy theories they should just tell them here instead of make people go through hoops
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ipgd and k8 drama are old news
we need new conspiracies for the new team
>ipgd and k8 drama are old news
Homestuck is old news.
we want it to die but they keep dragging the corpse back on stage and they won't even let us see some nasty fucking to make it worthwhile

this new generation of degenerates are fucking boring
Homestuck is awakening an ancient Nephilim who will eat cars
you would think that the fucking lesbian dogdick cuck child being named Yiffany would be a loud enough dogwhistle towards the whole thing being blatant fetish garbage but no, some
genuinely like this
that doesnt even have a personality or design good enough to justify it. and to make matter worse should this beyond canon trainwreck keep chugging forward she is an inarguable part of the omega kid cast
omega stands for omegaverse at this point
What is that?
this is too depressing to even chuckle at
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just read the upd8 and i don't really know what to say about it cuz i've been awake for like 20 hours straight but vriska pits made me audibly gasp
>towards the whole thing being blatant fetish garbage
It is.
It literally is.
it is ipgd's fetish I've been saying that this whole thread.
??? The proof is all here retard: https://streamable.com/57w4lm
Fanfic scenario where humans developed something similar to the wolf structure thing and are biologically compelled to act in certain ways in a defined hierarchy. It's essentially BDSM but with miscellaneous breeding kinks added on.
if june could get pregnant and it wasn't written as "becoming a girl fixed all my life problems instantly" then MAYBE, but it'd be a very small maybe. also don't make her a lesbo, we got enough of those already
Half the characters are magic god-wizards. YWNBAW doesn't hold much weight when they could very well change themselves on a genetic level if they captain planeted their powers right.
Editor's Note: It's still a stupid fucking idea since literally nothing in either Homestuck or any of its adjacent media alludes to John being trans.
Yeah it's stupid that they forcibly graft a dog dick onto Jade against her wishes but ignore that half of them are literal spacetime warping gods.
I want Rose to jack me off while reciting Morrowind lore
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it's fun to play as Kanaya with a Rose AI and punish her horrifically and brutally for her lying infidelity, especially since she's immortal
i know it's beating a dead horse but i fucking hate the twitterspeak ""dialogue"" so goddamn much
We've known about the pig since before your village had internet access you autistic Indian. You're not telling anyone here anything we didn't already know
>we so le quirky cool hip and ironic with the quip quip! we never speak like real humans that's not WITH IT and THE YOUTHS, word my poggers skibidi?

the marvelfication of media has been a disaster
they're mentally ill, don't respond and let them die alone
James Roach has committed multiple instances of plagiarism
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They can't write very well.
How did you guys checked the update, i cant select anything from the chapter select menu
Cements it as a fanfic, and a bad one at that. The better fanfics will at least try to match the early 00s lingo and style of speaking of the original comic
i dont see it
clear your cookies for the site or just open it in another browser
Clear Browser Cache or Ctrl+F5. HICU shit at coding.
Fuchsia trolls living as long as they do mean they’re destined to be pedos
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>we never speak like real humans
They don’t in the original either. A lot of fans tried to copy Dave’s speaking style and it really showed how unnatural it is for a real person to say their whole comedy routine at you during an unrelated conversation.
I want Rose to jack me off
>star glasses worn as a hair accessory instead over the eyes
>white ears and tail like her mom
>hair looks like a droopy bird with a big tail
I like this a lot
Nearly forgot to post this.
You just know she's a huge bitch
WRONG! Clearly she needs to appeal to a pedophile's bratty schoolgirl fetish by dressing like one while having a bland design that's "Scruffy Rose with dog ears"!
Don't forget to make Rose look like Ellen
Seethe more baby boy.
definitely the worst change brought about by hs2
All changes in HS2 are bad. They made Roxy first look like knockoff Dave and now she dresses like some Hazbin Hotel ass motherfucker
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all this talk of ipgd led to me drawing this, a present for a past birthday

She should have a pretty panel of getting eaten by Lord English
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Last one for a certain someone.
I’m not Rose but I can tell you my theory on what really happened at the battle of red mountain
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they are holy immortal goddesses and yet they dress like contemporary middle aged dumpy moms, just incredible creativity happening
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I WISH they were more milflike
She'd have to be a lesbian because John is into women though
>hippy kindergarten teacher milf Jade
Hard refresh didn't work when I tried it yesterday. Apparently you have to delete cookies.
that's why I said dumpy middle aged moms instead of hot ass fabulous MILFs
I... don't remember.
I don't think anyone here remembers who that is...
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she can be bi, technically still not a homosexual if you mental gymnastics it enough
dogshit art. if I drew that terribly, I'd sooner kill myself than post it publicly.
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Shut up Homestuck fan art student, emails will be going out to the art industries for your cowardice

Btw my art is heavily defined by my Smiledog memes, dog-based insults are retarded retard
Well done anon that post just earnt you a torso full of golden bullets in the future
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nice, this is the good shit
>Rose in the comic doesn't dress like a ridiculously overdone skinny goth super bitch

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smiledog is one of the worst creepypasta out there, second only to Jeff the Killer, which I'm pretty sure influenced your style as well considering how terrible other pics I've seen you post were.
leave your name on if you're gonna samefag me
>"muh timestamps"
>implying you don't have a phone to respond from as well
your homestuck reference death threats are almost as retarded as the redundancy of saying "retarded retard"
That sounds disgusting to be honest.
Lmao you’re really trying hard to prove yourself dude, you think people like Amber and Shelby are going to give you a leg up into animation or wherever because you piss your pants about my horror images. The zoomer art student is one of the most hilarious minds ever formed
hey pig

Incredible projection on your part. I have no clue who Amber or Shelby are, I'm not majoring in any sort of art degree (I'm in librarian tech), and I have no aspirations to digital art like you do. All the "failures" you see in my "career" are the justifications for the belief in your own ineptitude not being as terrible as it actually is.
You'll never improve if you think you've peaked, and you're nowhere near a molehill.
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>babble from a coward, as if I should have any faith in your honesty
Well I’m sure Amber and Shelby’s friends/colleagues, their friends/colleagues, and their friends/colleagues will enjoy hearing about my series I conceived with ipgd/Kayleigh Campbell and its unfortunate production history you’re relentlessly insulting to spoil my peace, faggot
> librarian tech
So the job you think of involves affecting the development of children, and trying to control the development of art, as well? lol. Your imagination sucks

And stop saying terrible, I make horror so you’re complimenting me and trying to violate me about it. You’re not allowed to like Lovecraftian work, etc enjoy the backlash for tantruming that I’m having a good time
Two retards fighting won't be the last post on my watch
Last for uhhhhhhh SBAHJ
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last for the perfect woman
No one who draws that kind of skirt-ride and ass squish isn't a fat fetishist.
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Dude that's what I'm saying. He drew her with stretch marks before too. Bro's a MASSIVE coomer striking at other coomers.
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the puppet
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last for best
goodbai thread
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Until next time.
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Last for Sovara. Read VE.
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hell no
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Last for rezi
Sex with this puppet

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