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File: 1721676014703236.jpg (2.72 MB, 1451x2044)
2.72 MB
2.72 MB JPG
>Provide References for all requested characters and keep them to one image/post
>Keep requests /co/ related and keep them concise.
>General OC discussion belongs in "Work on your art" and the Donut Steel threads.
>However, OC requests are allowed as long as they aren't /trash/ material or fanfiction. If it's not /coc/ you must provide a link to the comic or cartoon.
>Be patient and take it easy! Don't forget to check the booru to see if your request was filled.
>Drawfriends, don't hold back.
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>Keep art critique short, otherwise take it to the Batman thread.
>No one is entitled to a request delivery.
>Don't bump or "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
>Don't fight spam with spam.
>No begging.
>No AI deliveries, no AI discussion. Take them where they're wanted.
>To make the new Drawthread, wait for page 10 at bump limit.
>Have fun!

>Collection of Deliveries:

>Drawfriends Gallery List:

NSFW deliveries and requests should be posted in:

Previous thread: >>144583237
File: take it off.jpg (1008 KB, 2286x1080)
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1008 KB JPG
Requesting Mrs. Boonchuy getting undressed by Sasha and Marcy
File: monkey star pork.jpg (632 KB, 800x1498)
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632 KB JPG
Requesting Monkey Star promoting pork.
File: Embarrassing!.jpg (275 KB, 1174x1291)
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275 KB JPG
Requesting MAWS Kara sneezing off Lois Lane and Vicki Vale's clothes.
File: Mini.jpg (1.52 MB, 873x1634)
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1.52 MB JPG
Character birthday request here.

/r/ing the modern version of Minerva from the Wicked and the Divine (top) being born fully formed from the earth in England on July 31 2013 (middle) like her Cretan version (bottom).
File: sarada wanda.jpg (582 KB, 1031x1022)
582 KB
582 KB JPG
Requesting outfit swap
File: 1721486929418816.jpg (216 KB, 1200x1073)
216 KB
216 KB JPG
Requesting Rat Queen taking a bath.
File: metalhead debra.jpg (61 KB, 199x377)
61 KB
Requesting Debra studying Metalhead.
File: Know your place.png (255 KB, 730x480)
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255 KB PNG
Requesting a smug Catra standing victorious over a beaten-to-death Goku.
File: april arrested.jpg (603 KB, 1176x876)
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603 KB JPG
Requesting April getting arrested.
File: kenny raven.jpg (1.34 MB, 2016x1386)
1.34 MB
1.34 MB JPG
Requesting Kenny hitting on Raven.
File: random.png (1.04 MB, 1280x1280)
1.04 MB
1.04 MB PNG
Need someone to make a simple edit with meme yaoi template.
Girly guy as small guy, and glasses guy as a chad.
File: tang shen bikini.jpg (852 KB, 2168x1080)
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852 KB JPG
Requesting Tang Shen in a bikini
File: shumira star.jpg (593 KB, 1401x841)
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593 KB JPG
Requesting Star dressed like Shumira.
File: dipper catch bra.jpg (897 KB, 1083x2112)
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897 KB JPG
Requesting Dipper catching a bra.
File: korea lois.jpg (668 KB, 1584x1060)
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668 KB JPG
Requesting Lois showing Korean pride.
File: Untitled-1.jpg (397 KB, 2065x1500)
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397 KB JPG
Requesting Caitlyn from Arcane dressed as the right pic.
File: psylocke hun request.jpg (1.03 MB, 1471x1246)
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1.03 MB JPG
Requesting Psylocke vs Hun
File: stitch bar.jpg (294 KB, 636x848)
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294 KB JPG
Requesting Stitch in a bar
File: nocedabods.jpg (657 KB, 1120x2400)
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657 KB JPG
Requesting Luz and Camila Noceda doing the bikini pose from the bottom picture
File: ribaru fusion.jpg (470 KB, 2048x2000)
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Requesting fusion
File: mr popo raven starfire.jpg (1.13 MB, 2121x1640)
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1.13 MB JPG
Requesting Mr. Popo training Raven and Starfire
File: Enid Wilhamena.jpg (252 KB, 2165x620)
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252 KB JPG
Requesting the pic on the right with Enid sitting in Rad's van and Wilhamena pressing her tits against the window.
File: anne frog god.jpg (2.2 MB, 2373x1666)
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2.2 MB JPG
Requesting Anne worshipping frog god.
Requesting Starlee and Angel taking a selfie.
File: april show off.jpg (483 KB, 800x930)
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483 KB JPG
Requesting April showing off.
File: bimajo sasha.jpg (249 KB, 864x444)
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249 KB JPG
Requesting Sasha dressed like this
File: 1701300396030976.png (1.33 MB, 1384x658)
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1.33 MB PNG
Requesting "The Lovers" (the image on the left) with Kitty Softpaws, Puss in Boots and Perrito
File: marceline scorpion.jpg (421 KB, 1564x989)
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Requesting Marceline vs Scorpion
File: download (12).png (2.63 MB, 1500x1374)
2.63 MB
2.63 MB PNG
Requesting Slave Stephanie Brown chained to Cluemaster from The Batman (2004).
File: warrior fusion.png (987 KB, 2690x2672)
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987 KB PNG
Requesting fusion
File: tmnt girls request.jpg (3.81 MB, 1920x3804)
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3.81 MB JPG
Requesting these girls laying down like this
File: 1721487562638693m.jpg (81 KB, 1024x576)
81 KB
Barrymore from Monster Allergy cosplaying as post time-skip Zoro withouth his upper dress and wearing the bandana with his right eye closed doing the three sword style (with the respective swords in the reference).>>144636297
File: lukushi jazmine.jpg (623 KB, 752x1004)
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623 KB JPG
Requesting Jazmine dressed like this
File: 1721487632124185.jpg (83 KB, 1024x576)
83 KB
Requesting this comic but with Wally Machaby and Terrence Thaur from Monster Allergy
Requesting Garrison and the Gay Fish shaking hands.
File: karai invisible cloak.jpg (598 KB, 1176x1721)
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Requesting Karai wearing an invisible cloak.
File: Gabi Hernandez.png (3.51 MB, 2409x1575)
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3.51 MB PNG
Requesting aged up Gabi Hernandez (Vivo) wearing this outfit and doing the same pose from the right pic.
File: borrowed.jpg (640 KB, 1600x709)
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Requesting a recreation of the right image with Eda letting Camila borrow a similar dress from her
File: freeza and Riley.jpg (603 KB, 2158x1720)
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Requesting Riley hanging out with a real nigga
Requesting Damian Wayne and Katana from Suicide Squad Isekai as a tsundere couple
File: radical grabbed.jpg (423 KB, 758x649)
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423 KB JPG
Requesting Radical getting grabbed.
File: RIP Charles Deetz.png (1.6 MB, 1617x1143)
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1.6 MB PNG
Requesting an animated version of the bellow image. Wednesday, as I imagine with the rest of her family, would be acting as if she's attending a wedding.
File: aprils naruto.jpg (931 KB, 2602x1333)
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931 KB JPG
Requesting the April dressed like Team 7
File: raven destruction.jpg (604 KB, 1000x793)
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604 KB JPG
Requesting Raven using the destruction technique
Requesting the mods amend GR15; replace /mlp/ with /dbs/.
Requesting the Turtles killing and eating Bebop and Rocksteady.
Requesting Pacifica as a teen boy heart throb.
File: 8y1v6t.jpg (168 KB, 2265x500)
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168 KB JPG
Requesting Odd Della Robia from code lyoko with
feet for hands/wristfeet struggling to hold and play his handheld game.
does it have to be that specific pacifica
File: Wendy_Corduroy.png (110 KB, 313x588)
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110 KB PNG
Any wendy reauests? No Dipper
Requesting Treshtog scoring some meth from Pearl.
No, it does not.
File: DnD_CARTOONS.png (2.92 MB, 2374x2091)
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2.92 MB PNG
Requesting Jack (samurai), Courage (rogue), Johnny (bard), Gwen (wizard) and Buttercup (barbarian) eating in the dungeon.
File: 20240415_061920.jpg (803 KB, 2896x2896)
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803 KB JPG
Requesting drawing of Zatanna doing Chun-Li Kikoken
Draw her drinking hard cider.
File: shera_swimsuit.png (3.07 MB, 1738x2000)
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3.07 MB PNG
requesting She-ra on the beach wearing the same swimsuit as Artoria.
File: butterbean caviar.jpg (897 KB, 1000x2543)
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Requesting Butterbean licking caviar.
Have Wendy get kidnapped by Peter Pan.
File: Ladybug_X_The_Tick.png (1.11 MB, 1690x945)
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1.11 MB PNG
requesting ladybug and the tick as in the image on the left.
File: traximus car request.jpg (1.56 MB, 2420x1377)
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1.56 MB JPG
Requesting Traximus lifting a car.
Requesting Wendy dressed like a space empress.
Requesting the Pepper Anne girls dressed like the Dragon Ball girls or the opposite.
How about her being a on a date with a black dude?
File: carl enjoying hell.jpg (1.78 MB, 2560x2168)
1.78 MB
1.78 MB JPG
Requesting Carl enjoying hell.
Draw Wendy in a hot dog eating contest.
File: raven spider-boy.jpg (2.06 MB, 2847x1500)
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2.06 MB JPG
Requesting Raven getting some help from Spider-Boy
Why is he blue?
File: The Spinaching.jpg (299 KB, 849x579)
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299 KB JPG
Requesting the right image recreated with Olive Oyl. Bonus points if the axe is just Bluto's fist through the wall instead.
To avoid blackface allegations.
pretty sure akunim did this already
File: karai macross.jpg (562 KB, 1236x972)
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562 KB JPG
Requesting Karai dressed like this

Have Wendy pose and twerk like in the third photo based on the GTA 6 twerking girl with the same expression looking at the viewer. Except have her cosplay like in the second photo with the skirt barely covering her thicc ass. She also gives the rock on hand sign on one hand while having a tattoo on her ass that says “Gravity Falls 4-ever!”
File: Fadlfu2.jpg (256 KB, 828x1264)
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256 KB JPG
Requesting Ava Ire from Ava's Demon clinging to a waking anon (or Odin from the same series), butt naked and wanting him to stay
File: 1721063624575.jpg (654 KB, 2107x2060)
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654 KB JPG
Source: >>144518367
Isn't that where she's begging for Goku's help like a little bitch and he's just dozing off thinking of food?
File: absolutelyeveryone.jpg (2.5 MB, 2802x3800)
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2.5 MB JPG
requesting to draw ALL THE ENTIRE CHARACTERS from fundamental paper education wearing swimsuits
File: Valerie and Tack.jpg (964 KB, 700x1550)
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964 KB JPG
Requesting sexy Valerie (right) wearing any sexy swimsuit licking an ice pop of Tack (left). Both are from Kate & Mim-Mim.
File: 12109109919334.png (327 KB, 753x353)
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327 KB PNG
Requesting Robotnik doing the reaction image on the right.
Requesting Nerris dressed up as a Hogwarts student from Harry Potter.
Who is she anyway?
File: 1716748624459.png (836 KB, 1133x685)
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836 KB PNG
Requesting Green Lantern Hal Jordan drawn in the same pose and appearance as Super Sonic 2 (but keep his suit green)
Link to all of said characters?
File: chelsea maid.png (3.14 MB, 1716x1790)
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3.14 MB PNG
Requesting Chelsea as a French or Kitty maid.
Requesting this with Dark Heart and Christy.
Requesting Lake sunning herself, with Jesse either burning himself trying to put some lotion on her or realizing he would burn himself.
Because she's metal that's been out in the sun.
File: she-ra grillin.png (3.99 MB, 2153x1863)
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3.99 MB PNG
Requesting She-Ra grilling like this.
If possible, have her sword shape-shifted into a spatula or tongs.
File: 121093109019309103.png (1.24 MB, 1275x967)
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1.24 MB PNG
Requesting Galaxy and Gorgeous posed like the rightmost pic.
File: black_goliath.jpg (862 KB, 1920x2865)
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862 KB JPG
Not a request, but a question for fellow drawfags.
Have any of you guys tried emulating the style of classic golden/silver/bronze age comics (particularly the color dots)? If so, which tools to you use?
File: Raven Gwen Tennyson.jpg (1.77 MB, 4657x2437)
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1.77 MB JPG
Requesting Raven and Gwen Tennyson in American bikinis holding a US flag
KraftTone brushes.
File: download (0).png (569 KB, 648x451)
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569 KB PNG
Requesting Miles saving Felicia from The Salem Witch.
File: wolf kipo dolls.png (3.94 MB, 2005x2005)
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3.94 MB PNG
Requesting Kipo and Wolf dressed as Shadaloo Dolls.
File: Odalia X Carlota.png (3.5 MB, 4414x4152)
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3.5 MB PNG
Requesting Odalia giving Carlota a taste of her purple lipstick.
Requesting Livewire firing off a corrupted version of Baou Zakeruga

File: Edgy Reboot Jenny.jpg (808 KB, 2059x2245)
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808 KB JPG
Requesting edgy mid-00s misguided marketing/Bomberman Act Zero version of Jenny
Requesting Camp Candy characters Binky and Robin dancing together
File: Amelia Hwoarang concept.jpg (713 KB, 1200x1280)
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713 KB JPG
I request to draw Captain Amelia from Treasure Planet in the image of a Hwoarang fighter from Tekken, specifically like in that suit from the screenshot below.
File: Cheerselfie.png (1.42 MB, 871x1189)
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1.42 MB PNG
Requesting one of these cheerleaders from Kim Possible taking a selfie like the woman in the reference. (From top to bottom: Bonnie, Kim and Tara)

For some extra ideas; The girl is more confident the higher she is placed in the reference, so Bonnie looks very confident while Tara would be a blushing mess. Also a snapchat caption mentioning Cheer Practice just being done would be a nice bonus.
File: Eddy Lee Kanker.jpg (708 KB, 1719x1820)
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Requesting Eddy hugging and also grabbing Lee Kanker's ass
File: download (9).png (364 KB, 624x294)
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364 KB PNG
Requesting Elsa and Lute dueting Defying Gravity at a karaoke bar.
File: Bouncy.gif (1.36 MB, 922x360)
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1.36 MB GIF
Requesting the gif on the left with Wilhamena bouncing up on either Enid or KO
Requesting Allie wearing this and looking embarrassed.
File: TMNT_April_Rogue_request.jpg (351 KB, 1786x1115)
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351 KB JPG
/r/ April O'Neil from TMNT '87 doing the Rogue pose with Cyber-Shredder from TMNT Tournament Fighters from SNES standing in for Apocalypse.
File: gwendemon.png (1.79 MB, 1627x1292)
1.79 MB
1.79 MB PNG
Requesting a Gwen Tennyson that's been magically corrupted into a demon Gwen.
File: image.jpg (711 KB, 2489x2294)
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711 KB JPG
File: meme.png (1.28 MB, 1298x736)
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1.28 MB PNG
Requesting the "Oh? You're Approaching Me?" panel with Lara-Su approaching Sonichu.
I was starting to think this would never be done.
Thanks akunim and your love of rodents.
File: Lotta_Gerald_Rabbits.jpg (350 KB, 765x974)
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350 KB JPG
Requesting Lotta and Gerald from the Little Lotta comics redrawn as rabbit versions of themselves making out
File: Mac Harem Request update.jpg (2.26 MB, 2604x2852)
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2.26 MB JPG
Requesting Mac getting kissed by Frankie and Goo, I suggest to give him red blushes on his face and maybe kiss marks too.
File: Snake Hunt.jpg (3.19 MB, 2005x1500)
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3.19 MB JPG
Requesting Conan and Jiraiya teaming up to kick some sorry snake tail.
File: apriltello changing.jpg (735 KB, 1304x1084)
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735 KB JPG
Requesting something like this with 2012 April and Donatello.
File: DexterMeeMeeZigaZag.jpg (257 KB, 1000x1068)
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257 KB JPG
Requesting Mee Mee kissing Dexter similar to the kiss Scary Spice gave in the video Wannabe
File: Mai.png (913 KB, 794x962)
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913 KB PNG
Requesting Mai with a fat ass
File: zootopia beach police.png (3.74 MB, 2298x1550)
3.74 MB
3.74 MB PNG
Requesting Nick and Judy as Beach cops.
File: buttercup throw the ball.png (3.51 MB, 1996x1996)
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3.51 MB PNG
Requesting Buttercup about to throw a ball at the viewer. If possible have some flames/effects to show it's going to be thrown with superhuman force.
Keep her "flatchested athletic tomboy" look from the fusionfall era, if doable.
Requesting Feral Chaos Eris/Eris as a Feral Chaos gijinka.
File: Looking.jpg (736 KB, 1936x1913)
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736 KB JPG
Requesting Ron Stoppable on date with Kim Possible getting distracted by thicc Bonnie Rockwaller
File: IMG_7601.png (1.37 MB, 540x1334)
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1.37 MB PNG
Requesting a recreation of the painting of the Creation of Adam with Johnny Bravon as Adam and Mary the red hair girl on the right while she touch Johnny’s Hand. Along side of Mary is Jungle Boy, the little pigtail blonde girl, little Suzy and Carl
File: download (52).png (900 KB, 1700x724)
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900 KB PNG
Requesting Adam in the Netherworld waiting room.
Thanks, I guess.
File: 007 gwimbly.png (831 KB, 1456x580)
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831 KB PNG
Requesting a Gwimbly parody of the 007 Goldeneye boxart cover.
File: PokerFaces.jpg (2.98 MB, 4000x3000)
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2.98 MB JPG
Requesting Villany Inc and Dr. Psycho playing poker based on the JoJo calendar.
File: 63465435646.jpg (379 KB, 1872x1304)
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379 KB JPG
Requesting this Mandy putting Hoss Delgado in a headlock with her thighs.
File: 1983782147.jpg (465 KB, 1514x1138)
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465 KB JPG
Requesting the image on the left with June Way.
File: 74287t48.jpg (659 KB, 2638x1330)
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659 KB JPG
Requesting the Eds being recruited by the KND after being impressed by one of their 2x4 scams the Eds built.
Requesting Lorelai Blyndeff twerking
File: 1705067606475095.jpg (130 KB, 1024x927)
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130 KB JPG
Requesting a New Team Titans or Outsiders team featuring these characters
File: Susan Quinceañera.jpg (2.08 MB, 4492x5000)
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2.08 MB JPG
Requesting Ginormica wearing a puffy quinceañera dress of her own because of her movie's 15th Anniversary.
File: nikki tomboy outback.png (2.49 MB, 1746x1480)
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2.49 MB PNG
Requesting older Nikki working at Tomboy Outback.
File: mebh wolf mocking.png (2.6 MB, 2061x1200)
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2.6 MB PNG
Requesting this done with wolf Mebh.
File: Frankencreepy burst.jpg (1.45 MB, 1919x5739)
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1.45 MB JPG
Requesting a very busty Frankencreepy Velma version of the bottom two images in the ref
File: Otis & Bob.jpg (299 KB, 1108x566)
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299 KB JPG
Requesting Otis and Bob just chilling.
Requesting the Chipettes, dancing like this.
File: cup and balls.jpg (565 KB, 1608x1536)
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565 KB JPG
Requesting The Legion of Superhero's Shrinking Violet. - (I prefer the short green dress with black leggings as a costume but the newer sorta-anime style is okay as well. )
The set up is the old 3 cups magic trick. SA cup is raised and she's just been revealed, hugging her knees and laughing.
File: encanto.jpg (1.62 MB, 3462x3462)
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1.62 MB JPG
Requesting Isabela Madrigal from Encanto bound and gagged with a cloth gag over her lower face like in the reference, fully clothed. You don’t have to add the flower designs to her dress if too meticulous.
File: disney action girls.png (3.96 MB, 1722x1906)
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3.96 MB PNG
Requesting Minnie, Daisy, and Peg as 90s style action heroes.
File: numbuh 5 leg lift.png (2.6 MB, 1312x1680)
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2.6 MB PNG
Requesting Numbuh 5 doing a leg lift.
File: download (5).png (559 KB, 673x450)
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559 KB PNG
Requesting Xavier recreating the cover of Meat Loaf's "Renegade Angel" album. For the chick on the cover, it should be the blonde that Xavier meets in the very first episode that he thinks is his girlfriend.
File: darkwing shadow.jpg (1.04 MB, 1666x1680)
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1.04 MB JPG
Requesting a pulp magazine or comic cover influenced by the Shadow magazines and comics.
Or possibly in a special "team-up edition."
- with Duck Savage. Duc a l'Orange (the Duck of Bronze)
File: Reference 1.png (642 KB, 781x477)
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642 KB PNG
Requesting Punished Beast Boy telling a confused/ concerned Terra that 'Dr. Hate made me go NUCLEAR!!!'

Reference for 'punished ' look is included.
I second this.
File: lol.png (375 KB, 1425x525)
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375 KB PNG
Requesting a Danny Phantom parody of this pic with him and his mom. Drawn exactly like this.
File: 1690634879565.jpg (1.6 MB, 3972x1532)
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1.6 MB JPG
/r/ing Pre-Crisis Supergirl sitting at a booth like Don 'based' Rosa. With the sign saying something like;
>Sorry, I'm not "Power Girl". I'm Superman's actual cousin.
Power Girl can be replaced with 'Goo alien',' 'Angel/Human Hybrid' , 'bad CW show' or 'Genocidal Bubblebutt having destroyer of worlds' I actually like that Kara <3

Now this might fall into headcanon territory, but I always imagined Silver Age!Kara having some freckles
File: 1721199111203922.jpg (200 KB, 500x750)
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200 KB JPG
Requesting Lackadaisy but instead of the setting being the nineteen twenties, It's Cyberpunk
File: mirage and iris.png (3.35 MB, 2000x2000)
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3.35 MB PNG
Requesting Iris threatening Mirage with a broken bottle.
File: jug band.jpg (630 KB, 1676x1440)
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630 KB JPG
Requesting college age Lucy from Peanuts in the "Mega Milk" Pose (and shirt) Asking.
"Hey Charlie Brown. wanna play in a jug band?"
the second panel is a leaning or reclining fit Peppermint Patty. (maybe pulling her shirt up with her teeth.) and shewing off her well toned stomach.
with the following dialogue. "Gee thanks Lucy but I'll stick to the washboard."
File: smurfmetrical docking.png (3.99 MB, 2559x2090)
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3.99 MB PNG
Requesting Smurfstorm and Smurfblossom like this.
File: baxter wins.jpg (115 KB, 1024x768)
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115 KB JPG
Requesting a victorious Baxter being interviewed by a mutated wasp April.
File: roberta star sapphire.png (3.11 MB, 1603x1325)
3.11 MB
3.11 MB PNG
Requesting Roberta Lee as a Star Sapphire.
File: fail.png (1.99 MB, 948x1331)
1.99 MB
1.99 MB PNG
That's rad sketchwork
She works better as a Blue Lantren
Requesting Kenny and Michael Jackson (in his decomposing state) on a swing set
File: Molly Jo.png (2.72 MB, 2410x4380)
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2.72 MB PNG
Requesting Molly Jo (Amphibia) lounging on a pool chair.
File: 10920191939139.png (2.2 MB, 1554x1125)
2.2 MB
2.2 MB PNG
Requesting Kathy taking a selfie.
Requesting Lucky Girl with a bowl of cream, similar to any of the references. Her mood up to the artist.
File: pidge poor timing.png (2.84 MB, 2000x2000)
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2.84 MB PNG
Requesting Pidge getting surprised, hastily trying to cover up with a towel.
Maybe holding a beer.
This guy ain't me. Gotta give you credit, tho, you got my mispellings right, but not quite
File: roo girl.jpg (103 KB, 1024x768)
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103 KB JPG
Requesting Tank Girl getting turned into a kangaroo like her boyfriend.
File: vixen-JLAU.jpg (50 KB, 400x543)
50 KB
Requesting an Anon transforming into Vixen.
File: Soundwave.jpg (518 KB, 1585x1184)
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Requesting G1 Soundwave as a triple-changer with his satellite mode from RotF and stealth bomber mode from Cybertron.
File: Annemorphs.jpg (433 KB, 2325x1250)
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Requesting an Animorphs book cover with Anne turning into a bird. Or a frog I guess, that would also make sense.
File: joker at memri tv.jpg (585 KB, 1080x736)
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Requesting DITF Iranian ambassador Joker being host at Memri TV.
File: sideshow grounder.png (192 KB, 696x539)
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192 KB PNG
Requesting the head of Sideshow Bob from the Simpsons (right) on the head of Grounder from the Adventures of Sonic (left) eating the chain of a swing like it's spaghetti with his eyes closed.

Captcha: Sasy
File: SpiderGwen.jpg (596 KB, 1249x1920)
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596 KB JPG
Requesting this illustration but with Olivia Octopus as Superior Spider-Gwen
File: saiyan dot.png (3.34 MB, 2720x2048)
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3.34 MB PNG
Requesting anime Dot as a Saiyan.
File: JP pose 2 req.jpg (819 KB, 1775x1386)
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819 KB JPG
Requesting Jungle Princess fighting off a hoard of candy zombies
File: Calhoun Casual.png (3.26 MB, 2004x1476)
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3.26 MB PNG
Requesting Calhoun dressed like this, with Felix standing smugly beside her.
Requesting a worried David with a very minor injury getting nursed by Hilda and Frida in nurse outfits.
File: Princess Tabitha.jpg (1016 KB, 1387x1432)
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1016 KB JPG
Requesting Tabitha Vixx as the new Princess Kashmir.
File: human independence day.jpg (547 KB, 2200x1300)
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547 KB JPG
Requesting a beach party drawing of the girls from The Owl House with each wearing a different kind of American flag swimsuits
Requesting Johnny and Fluffy prepping for their date.
Requesting Rankin Bass girls sitting in front of a fireplace
File: action girl 1.jpg (910 KB, 1684x1554)
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910 KB JPG
Requesting from Action Girl comics...
Can I get a pic of Action Girl and Flying Girl.
Action Girl standing on a rooftop while a blushing Flying Girl,
her body hovering in mid air, grabs her by the lapels of her open jacket and kisses her.
Flying Girl.. is well, flying. she's off the ground on a slight angle leaning into the kiss.
Possibly holding on to Action Girl's collars of her opened jacket.
File: KiteQuag.png (685 KB, 1378x403)
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685 KB PNG
Requesting Quagmire as Kite-Man.
Clearly the people want to see you draw Wendy, I say go for it.
File: stop looking down at me.jpg (547 KB, 2584x1529)
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547 KB JPG
Requesting this comic with Peridot and a human/Pearl
Requesting Pomni using an AK-47 on the 'Slutty Pomni' poster.
File: scooby wolves.jpg (126 KB, 1024x768)
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Requesting a Scooby version of the howling three wolves with Daphne, Velma, and Googie.
File: Ayane.png (685 KB, 1148x512)
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Requesting Ayane from Porkchop n Flatscreen eating ramen
Requesting Shannon in a Garfield-themed cat costume. If possible include some 80s elements (legwarmers etc)
File: file.png (91 KB, 371x533)
91 KB
quickie from the other day
I love it completely. The little details are excellent. Thank you very much!
Criminally cute.
File: Jasmine in Wonderland.png (2.01 MB, 1378x1592)
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2.01 MB PNG
Requesting outfit swap.
File: flip as mercy.png (3.31 MB, 2500x1766)
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3.31 MB PNG
Requesting Flip dressed as Mercy.
File: batmobiles-banner.jpg (1.49 MB, 2000x1522)
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1.49 MB JPG
Requesting fusion.
Have her play a banjo.
File: file.png (2.84 MB, 967x1432)
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2.84 MB PNG
Requesting any of the Disney princesses drawn in a design based on any of the vessels in "Slay the Princess"
File: request19.png (870 KB, 1440x1080)
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870 KB PNG
requesting Lila from Polly Pocket: Lunar Eclipse in her swimsuit and being nudged (maybe have the dolphin lick her like it's a puppy dog?) by a dolphin like Flipper nudging Maya Graham in The New Adventures of Flipper
File: kringle beach.jpg (596 KB, 1612x1524)
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596 KB JPG
Requesting Kris Kringle taking some time off to enjoy the sun and waves.
He's carefully applying suntan oil to his red-haired, freckled wife Jessica.
File: ArkhamFly.png (2.03 MB, 1558x881)
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2.03 MB PNG
Requesting Superfly and the Arkham Knight being partners in crime.
File: thatskindofhot.jpg (182 KB, 914x666)
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182 KB JPG
requesting phineas checking out candace. the latter reminds him that she's his sister. he finds it hotter but candace says: I AM SO - TELLING MOM! like in the reference comic.
File: combine_images.jpg (489 KB, 823x547)
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Requesting these two on a date.
File: jazz girlz.jpg (487 KB, 1880x1432)
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Requesting Olive and the Beret Girl at a hep club.
Sharing a jazz-cigarette, sipping espresso, reading poetry, or dancing.
File: Hailey X Skara.png (3.57 MB, 3682x1790)
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3.57 MB PNG
Requesting Hailey Banks and Skara trying out their Bad Girls Coven shirts.
File: Benfrog.png (1.24 MB, 1752x2000)
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1.24 MB PNG
Requesting a young Ben transformed into an Incursean version of himself, appearing more humanoid, like Attea.
Preferably still with the sunglasses.
Requesting these two as Noir-esque Private Eyes.
File: Candy Grenda Carry.png (1.93 MB, 2048x1665)
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1.93 MB PNG
Requesting Grenda with Candy over her shoulder.
File: Lucy Loud Goth Harem Girl.png (2.05 MB, 1244x1244)
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2.05 MB PNG
Requesting Lucy Loud as a goth harem girl.
File: gina margaret police.png (3.19 MB, 2000x1912)
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3.19 MB PNG
Requesting Gina and Margaret dressed as police, similar to the uniform in the reference.
File: Rikki Barnes Ref.png (2.66 MB, 1228x1296)
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2.66 MB PNG
Requesting a pinup of Rikki Barnes please.
File: combine_images (2).jpg (266 KB, 722x501)
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266 KB JPG
Requesting Ziggy either taking Garfield to the vet to get fixed or just doing the procedure himself.
Requesting a short comic featuring the infamous bullied Blind Girl. First panel is her usual group of tormentors (blonde girl and her friends in the top right) offering her a drink, asking if she’s tried this new soda flavor (it’s obviously piss or shit water).
Second panel is blind girl standing next to Toph who has given her an actual soda. Toph tells the bullies that Blind Girl is good for now. Then Toph asks the bullies if they’ve ever experienced what it’s like to be blind.

Third panel is the bullies with their heads buried in the ground like the pic on the right, legs flailing in fear. Have Toph tell Blind Girl that they’ll be okay since she gave them some air holes that should last them a day or two.
File: BV Bong.jpg (710 KB, 1644x1264)
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710 KB JPG
Requesting Betty and Veronica lounging on a bed.
There is a plate with a small pile of ground weed and a bong, joints or a hooka. One of the girls is shotgunning the smoke from her parted lips into receptive lips of the other.
Good on you, Billy. What are you interested in drawing, I would love to make a request or an art trade.
very kewl ^_^! is that freaking water color?!
File: jade chan post-workout.png (2.86 MB, 1800x1800)
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2.86 MB PNG
Requesting Jade Chan "airing out" after a workout.
File: mabel-jinx-request.jpg (1.15 MB, 2129x1323)
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1.15 MB JPG
Requesting this Gravity Falls scene in the top right but with Jinx and Silco replacing Mabel and Stan. Also, replace the firework with Jinx’s Fishbones.
File: Beast Flower.jpg (474 KB, 1053x2808)
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474 KB JPG
Requesting Arkham Asylum Poison Ivy version of the top two images
File: R63 Mac stuck.jpg (651 KB, 2195x1498)
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Requesting R63 Mac stuck in the washing machine and Mischievous Bloo closing the door
File: pomni ragatha assertive.png (3.5 MB, 2048x1876)
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3.5 MB PNG
Requesting Ragatha pole dancing, with Pomni throwing money. Maybe try to imply it's one of Caine's games.
File: knives attack.png (3.65 MB, 2748x2061)
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3.65 MB PNG
Requesting this with Knives Chau.
File: american pride bikini.jpg (1.24 MB, 1957x1408)
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1.24 MB JPG
Requesting America Chavez wearing rainbow bikini
File: wednesday and enid ref.png (1.57 MB, 1205x1558)
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1.57 MB PNG
Requesting Wednesday playing fetch with werewolf Enid. Maybe with a femur.
File: hermione and zatanna.png (3.93 MB, 1790x1790)
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3.93 MB PNG
Requesting Zatanna giving a magic lesson to Hermione (the bucktoothed frizzy-haired disaster version from the books).
File: TDI.jpg (116 KB, 637x795)
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Requesting Cody and Eva from Total Drama Island making out like Axel and Ripper from the reboot
File: Emperor Zombie ref.png (1.83 MB, 1600x1817)
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1.83 MB PNG
Requesting Emperor Zombie doing a silly dance.
Requesting fusion.
File: 03Odalia Superwoman req.jpg (278 KB, 1238x1005)
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278 KB JPG
Requesting Odalia Blight and Superwoman doing a body change like the bottom ref pic.
File: request.png (874 KB, 1095x474)
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Requesting this classic Spongebob moment but with Dipper and Mabel (Dipper being Squidward and Mabel being Spongebob)
File: KHAN FUSION.jpg (63 KB, 635x500)
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Requesting fusion
File: Helga.png (137 KB, 360x676)
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137 KB PNG
Requesting Helga pataki(hey arnold) wearing an hungarian folk-dress. Watching and taking notes on the film taxidermia playing on her TV.-
File: Kat Yeah I Guess It Is.png (1.05 MB, 1279x1000)
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1.05 MB PNG
Requesting Kat facing the consequences of snacking, like so.
File: marcy mommy.jpg (153 KB, 1024x984)
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153 KB JPG
Requesting Marceline aggressively kissing her mother Elise similar to the bottom picture. First one grabbing her by the face and kissing her deep, then pulling away with a saliva trail going between their mouths
File: superman lois aftermath.png (3.78 MB, 1867x1791)
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3.78 MB PNG
Requesting a "they just fucked" pic similar to the top, with Superman still looking awesome and Lois looking like she'll barely be able to walk.
File: tinker elle.png (2.74 MB, 1531x1927)
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2.74 MB PNG
Requesting young Elle as a Tinkerbell-style fairy, keeping some of her scruffy tomboy design.
Requesting something cute with best girls Carey the kobold and Killian the orc from the The Adventure Zone comic.
In bikinis hitting the beach, maybe?
Requesting a mark Grayson vs homelander please
Requesting Thog posed like this statue, more in the left style than in Groening style.
Read the rules.
File: Pirate Jane Darling.png (2.6 MB, 1446x1900)
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2.6 MB PNG
Requesting Jane "Grew up during the Blitz" Darling as a Neverland Pirate.
Requesting Abbey Posey as a dinosaur monstergirl.
File: RocksteadyADD.png (641 KB, 1040x480)
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641 KB PNG
Requesting Rocksteady doing the hands of sincerity after learning he has A.D.D.
File: George request.png (2.61 MB, 1419x1528)
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2.61 MB PNG
Requesting George (aka Georgina) of the Famous Five, with her top unbuttoned like this.
Tomboy letting loose a little.
File: ArceeJackKiss.png (3.46 MB, 2783x1825)
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3.46 MB PNG
Requesting Arcee and Jack trying to kiss.
File: OmegaMercury.png (1.24 MB, 1375x549)
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1.24 MB PNG
Requesting Omega Red fighting Sailor Mercury.
File: ballin.png (403 KB, 1269x1587)
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403 KB PNG
to the OR, i'm not sure which outfit to draw. pick the one you want to see drawn
Love the pose and that's exactly the sort of special effect I was hoping for!
Did want to give you options for outfit, but my personal prefs would be either the modified fusionfall outfit with the midriff or the green leotard in the middle https://files.catbox.moe/c697l7.png . But honestly whichever one you think looks best is probably the best option.
File: bimbojasperinpink.png (3.09 MB, 2189x2000)
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3.09 MB PNG
Requesting bimbofied Jasper wearing the right outfit, but without the glasses.
Requesting June Way hastily covering her top before blasting you with a C96 while glaring at you with contempt and annoyance.
I forgot to add the context of: While she was in the middle of putting on her lingerie. Whoops.
File: 1720833029619049.jpg (309 KB, 1274x697)
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309 KB JPG
Requesting these two sharing a couple of cold ones.
Requesting Joy and Sadness getting ready for bed
File: Satinaphobia.png (563 KB, 1236x698)
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Requesting Sakuri from Demonophobia (Guro game) being scared of Satina or having a picnic with her in hell
File: lilly from teether.png (3.99 MB, 1812x2088)
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3.99 MB PNG
Requesting Lilly from Teether taking a selfie.
File: proud house exploration.png (588 KB, 856x1809)
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588 KB PNG
Requesting colors.
Ref: https://files.catbox.moe/yu06ke.png
File: may.png (1.12 MB, 926x778)
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1.12 MB PNG
Requesting Mary Jane's iconic "Face it Tiger..." scene but with Aunt May replacing MJ
Requesting the screenshot on the left but with Tyr'ahnee as the Soldier and Marvin as the Scout. Tyr is having a nervous breakdown and shouting "I NEED TO SAVE IT! I NEED TO SAVE TF2! F1! F1!" while Marvin is begging her to take a breath.
Requesting Killer B rapping about the TMNT.
File: Phin-x-Can-Kinda-Hot.png (1.27 MB, 1220x1955)
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1.27 MB PNG
By the Gods this is one for the ages
File: 1721872711331099.jpg (520 KB, 1596x489)
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Requesting the Fish Police brutalizing Oscar.
>new /co/llection has a User List now
Based, I guess that was the last feature that it didn't have from the old booru, can't think of anything else it could need now.
I'd suggest mixing some tags, mostly regarding artists who change their handles
i.e. LiefeldanAbomination=Chickpea
That's not really a feature, but yeah, I agree.
can you make a version with Ferb? but he doesn't speak.
File: Lulu's gonna.....jpg (81 KB, 1497x699)
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Requesting Lulu telling Arnie that she's gonna go fuck his cousin
File: april tsunade.jpg (273 KB, 1023x850)
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Requesting classic April O'Neil dressed as Tsunade from Naruto
Maybe i'll do one later, cause i don't really like Wendy
Last time i was on the drawthread drawing stuff, it was Lord Dominator, so, what do you have in mind for that?
How about Nicole Williams from Craig of the creek or maybe xochi from Victor and Valentino?
Sure, i'll take Xochi. What do you have in mind for her?

Have her pose like in the third photo that parodies the gta 6 trailer except wearing the outfit in the second. The skirt barely covers her ass and on her ass is a tattoo that says “Monte Macabre”. She is also on top of the car but just the hood while looking at the viewer. She also gives out the middle finger with her arm stretch out and open mouth with her tongue out.
Are you gonna draw something too?
I can’t draw shit.
Are you this guy >>144648140?
No, different anon. I am requester.
Edit: I am a requester.
Phineas is extra cute here with the Perry eyes :)
All he needs is a fedora and his family in danger, then we have ourselves phineas the secret agent.
Are you this guy >>144653278? Also, i'm not really taking requests right now. I was gonna post about another character, but i saw this Wendy debacle
Yeah that’s me.

Also random question, do you have list of characters that you add and remove when taking requests? Like on the list you have Charlene from Victor and Valentino, you done with the requests, and cross that off the list and move to the next character.
File: Envy.webm (3.88 MB, 1280x720)
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3.88 MB WEBM
Requesting Envy with the other six Deadly Sins.
Isn’t annui and anger part of the seven since they represent sloth and wrath?
Edit: six
No, i just draw whichever ones i feel like, cause i often come back to some characters i've done before
File: Match made in Despondos.png (1.25 MB, 1527x1142)
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Requesting Prince Keldor courting Light Spinner.
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Request Etrigan and Parappa the Rapper rapping
File: Carl K and friends 2.jpg (398 KB, 1288x779)
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Requesting from Kolchak :The Night Stalker Carl Kolchak.
- with Carl with the Winchester Brothers (animated but not anime versions) ,
(and maybe Cas if you feel like it.)
File: GwenKen.jpg (1.2 MB, 2058x2580)
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1.2 MB JPG
Requesting milf Future Gwen Tennyson teasing aged up to young adult Ken Tennyson at the beach
>A crossover with two characters known for always speaking in rhyme? Sounds like Manateeshit!

You're an idiot.
...The other ones are probably him though, yeah.
What happened to the previous booru?
'Twas replaced with a better one.
>Don't bump or "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
File: PegLegPete.jpg (1.74 MB, 3637x2524)
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1.74 MB JPG
Requesting classic Steamboat Willie era Peg Leg Pete, with Peg sitting on his lap
Bonus points for drawing Peg in a time-period appropriate art-style
File: April Stuff.jpg (786 KB, 1597x1350)
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Requesting April from Lumberjanes standing unconcernedly reading a book
- holding a huge barbell carelessly in one hand as a circus strongman (with a big moustache) sits and cries.
File: dt flash.jpg (279 KB, 1978x1472)
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Requesting femboy Double Trouble wearing a playboy bunny outfit bending over and flashing his nips like Jinx
Counter-requesting female Double Trouble in a playboy bunny outfit bending over with a pleasant pair of jugs and bragging about them.
File: cheetahkid2.png (633 KB, 2452x3600)
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633 KB PNG
Requesting colors for this "kid Cheetah."
Ref: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/co/image/1663/08/1663086063946.jpg
File: Business Gwen.png (2.6 MB, 1850x1615)
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2.6 MB PNG
Requesting Gwen in a suit like this.
Add Benfire if you want and can think of a good suit for her in Ben's colors.
Not really a counter request since I'd like to see that too.
File: accidental mog.jpg (332 KB, 2559x920)
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Requesting Lindsay accidentally mogging Heather by blocking her sunlight with her boobs like this
Requesting these three as a roller derby team.
File: co_request.png (1.57 MB, 1276x1003)
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1.57 MB PNG
Requesting Lori Loud slow dancing with Carlino Casagrande (on the left), bonus points if Bobby (on the right) is there with a big sad face.
File: Couldnt let this die.jpg (1.03 MB, 6006x1504)
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1.03 MB JPG
Requesting Kim showing off her bikini not noticing that Bonnie is standing behind her in an even sluttier sling bikini making lewd hand gestures.
File: HarukoBun.png (2.87 MB, 1280x1981)
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2.87 MB PNG
Requesting Haruko (Monster Girl Academy) in a playboy bunny outfit, looking annoyed and embarrassed.
File: IMG_20240725_142008.jpg (2.87 MB, 3331x2332)
2.87 MB
2.87 MB JPG
Here,'s something, i guess. Hope you don't mind sharing
Good job.
File: it still fits.jpg (293 KB, 1849x1390)
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Requesting a short comic with an anon setting up a beach umbrella/towels with human Slappy walking off saying that she'll be right back, she needs to change into her swimsuit, then a couple of panels of the anon imagining what she'll be wearing, a sexy bikini or a slingshot swimsuit only for her to come out wearing this old 1920s swimsuit/swim cap combo.
File: MPK Fusion request.png (1.13 MB, 2048x2457)
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1.13 MB PNG
Requesting fusions of Marie Kanker from Ed Edd n Eddy, Poison from Final Fight, and Kainé from Nier.
Crotch bulges and multicolored hair appreciated, but not mandatory.
Requesting the image on the right but with an extra busty Nurse Doom domming Hello Nurse
File: very well son.jpg (437 KB, 2983x1080)
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Requesting the left pic with Marco and Angie
File: goat heaven1c.jpg (316 KB, 1496x760)
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Requesting Goat smoking a bong with a happy Pigman. (or Pigmen)
Both of them have little floating wings on their shoulders and small halos.

Goat is blowing out a cloud of smoke saying
"Maybe this won't be so bad after all"
File: Council of Men request.jpg (584 KB, 1808x1620)
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584 KB JPG
Requesting the Council of Men meme but with all these various DC Men:
>Metamorpho the Element Man
>Elongated Man
>Firestorm the Nuclear Man
>Negative Man
>Plastic Man
>Animal Man
didn't you already get your request? Check the /co/llection
>Requesting a short comic
too much work
File: Soni-Su.png (630 KB, 807x689)
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630 KB PNG
Feel free to re-request.

Not seeing anything uploaded or anything on desuarchive.
If he re-requests he's a bastard.
That's a glorious piece of art.
File: Scorpia Flex.png (2.9 MB, 1993x1826)
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Requesting Scorpia flexing, popping her top off like so.
Marco dressed normally or like in the pic?
That's amazing
Outfit in the pic
It's funny how when they aired Kai they kept him black
File: 33yummy mummy req.jpg (508 KB, 1689x2559)
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508 KB JPG
Requesting Yummy Mummy posing like the ref pic at the bottom.
File: super beach 1a.jpg (921 KB, 1724x1640)
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Requesting,using Timm-influenced designs, beach picture.
Clark Kent is lying partially buried in the sand,with his torso exposed is the upper part of a "sand mermaid"
While Lois Lane and Kara Kent relax on a beach towel. Kara's is wearing her short overalls and a top, Lois, a bikini. Feel free to either use "Disguised" Kara or just the normal ver.
File: redhead.png (2.23 MB, 2960x1024)
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2.23 MB PNG
Requesting this chick from the Addams Family movie and Shelby from Creature from the Lake hanging out.
Requesting a post-sex pic of Orko and Evil-Lyn similar to the pics on the left.
Optional: Show some of Orko's body, based on the version in the ref.
i know im late but thank you letting me indulge in my ship!!
File: Moltar puke.jpg (211 KB, 1219x812)
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211 KB JPG
Requesting Space Ghost and Moltar.
Space Ghost is either using his Power bands or simply punching Moltar in the nads.
Moltar is responding by doubling over and spewing a little lava out of his mouth-screen.
File: EthanGambit.png (653 KB, 1083x881)
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Requesting Gambit as Ethan.
Requesting Golden Girl as a more 50s-themed playboy bunny - poodle skirt & tiny scarf.
File: clever girl raptor gf.png (433 KB, 1280x875)
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433 KB PNG
Requesting colors.
File: IveGotBatmanInMyBasement.png (2.76 MB, 1913x1649)
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2.76 MB PNG
Requesting Roberta and Sherman from "I've got Batman in my Basement" in this kind of pose but wearing their normal outfits.
File: FM3VUhkUcAExf9G.jpg (773 KB, 1600x1800)
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773 KB JPG
Requesting colors
Reference https://catbox.moe/c/beae22
File: devastation bullying.png (2.01 MB, 1453x1357)
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2.01 MB PNG
Requesting DCAU-styled Devastation bullying de-aged/young Wonder Woman
Requesting Starscream declaring that he is "The Walrus" only for Hound to tell him to "Shut the fuck up!"
File: cometodaddy.jpg (93 KB, 752x1328)
93 KB
requesting miss circle doing the aphex twin expression please
File: duffy the beaver.jpg (160 KB, 1024x768)
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Requesting Duffy the Carpenter being mutated into a beaver if she was in the Batman/TMNT crossover.
File: reqengeloliver.jpg (190 KB, 1280x1744)
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requesting to draw engel angrily staring to the viewer while holding a bloody knife after he killed oliver, zip and edward in the backgrounds like the pic below
File: zipreq.jpg (902 KB, 3053x2511)
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requesting zip from fundamental paper education going full rage mode after someone severly injured her little brother chip in a full dragon girl form
bonus if you make her adult and with extremely detaild reptile-like skin
File: 87y5r498723yr2y3e.png (613 KB, 851x1970)
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Requesting Miss Bloomie doing a ahegao like the pic below
File: Corrupted Gattai.jpg (298 KB, 2700x2126)
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Requesting /co/rrupted fusion
File: 1684566088575.jpg (95 KB, 500x750)
95 KB
Requesting Puss in Boots Jack Horner and Fables Jack Horner doing the spiderman meme
File: Prohyas Moobeard.png (1.33 MB, 1976x952)
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1.33 MB PNG
Requesting Prohyas and Moobeard getting arrested by the cops for owning child porn.

They're both characters made by that fatty Kyle A. Carrozza.
File: buttercup ballin.png (730 KB, 1613x2258)
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730 KB PNG
here you go
File: sammi kondo request.png (2.31 MB, 1978x1638)
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Requesting Sammi Kondo wrapping her breasts up to complete her "boy" disguise.
That's mag-fuckin'-neato.
And if she's playing with anyone but her sisters, they're gonna die.
That is so fuckin' cool!
My new headcanon for what she looks like older.
lmao this is fucking epic and worthy of being the next OP. good job
File: The-H_inobi-Bop.jpg (744 KB, 2166x688)
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Requesting Boog Unleashing The H-Bop on Miko
I'm not familiar with this. Is it just one animated music video or is there more somewhere to read/watch? (minus fanon content) Genuinely curious.
This one's cool.
File: sharpe cartoon.jpg (814 KB, 1482x1516)
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Requesting Sharpe and the Chosen Men as a cartoon in the 80s/90's
- When I requested this previously, I had a sort of mini-pitch. But now I'm raw dogging.
It's a single animated music video and some blog posts near as I can tell. There's just not much there.
File: PSD FAIL131.jpg (159 KB, 996x1248)
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159 KB JPG
She's cute. Nice reference
File: Simp.png (3.52 MB, 1450x2229)
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Requesting a redraw of this scene with Marge and Mindy, from Homer`s perspective
Thank you. Thought I was missing something, maybe a comic or some indie animation that didn't reach my reclusive ass.
I dunno, something sexy and curvy of this lady from Tom and Jerry?
>Sean Bean
Let me guess, Sharpe dies in the end, but the cartoon ignores this despite acting as a continuation.
Nope. Sean Bean's bad luck is canceled out by Paul McGann (the original actor that played Sharpe for like five seconds before an injury forced them to recast the role). McGann's bad luck is best summarized as "he's the poor bastard that played The Doctor in Fox's Doctor Who movie." He also has a laughable number of roles that were "a larger part of the movie/show before being edited out."
Anyway Sharpe lives at the end of the show.
>Fox's Doctor Who movie
Do I even wanna know?
No, Sharpe is the one thing where Sean lives, it's a great book series/TV show.
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Requesting Genie posing in the form of Peter Pan.
they look like they're in the same pose already, did you just want a palette swap of peter pan?
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Wait did you wanted an edit of Genie?
I like it, she has Green Lantern vibes.
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Requesting Mary Poppins and Molly the nandroid giving each other the side eye, sizing each other up with disdain.
On my God, shut up.
Hey, don't be jealous, anon. Your delivery was fine too. I guess.
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morning quickie since just read it
Nice, I like how you did her teeth.
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Hell yeah my dude
OR here.
It's like any of the other stuff like Rambo or even the Harlem Globetrotters or Ghosbusters.
Originally in June I said
>>Featuring: Sharpe and Harper (with a cool gun that has crazy abilities,)
>>Harris. the book-reading glasses wearing man with the plan,
>> and Hagman who is the best shot.
>>They fight the Grand Armies of Napoleon in a (bloodless) war and foil the Evil Duccos.
Teresa appears like a sharp-shooting April and talks about freedom a lot.

>> There Is NO annoying mascot but if Hagman has a pet rat called "Robespierre" that helps for cheese.
I screwed up the greentex.
Just say "Bump" like a normal fucking person.
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Requesting Shezow at the beach surrounded by guys trying to get him to put their weiners in his mouth
Not my fault this thread is slower than mole asses.
Requesting Superman eating many rice balls at once
OR here and holy shit this is awesome. Thank you very much dude.
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Requesting Brittany Brit and Tiff Crust dressed as hula dancers wearing grass skirts and flower necklace.
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Requesting the comic on the right with Enid and Wilhamena with the text in the last panel saying This is my mom
>Not feeling bummed about eating that teacher any more!!!
>I'm SURE it won't happen again!
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Requesting this meme with Callie swat kats and anon
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Requesting a soaked Peppermint Patty standing in the doorway of a dim camp cabin.
An electrical storm rages outside behind her.
She's wearing, or pulling off a drenched nightgown or oversized-t.
"Wow Chick. it started pouring before I made it over here. Can I grab a towel"
Counter-requesting the meme with Callie from Swat Kats and the actual fucking Swat Kats from the show, because "and anon" is retarded.
actually i almost feel like the mayor would work better
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That would be fine too.
"Character and... uh... anon!" is just barely a step above shit like shipping Onceler with Onceler.
video and fanart are nice art, but man, cringe concept. "Welcome to my twisted mind" shit.
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Requesting Red She-Hulk Holli Would similar to the Jessica Rabbit She-Hulks on the right
4kids turned him blue when they aired Kai alongside Yugioh.
Requesting Hondo and Don Carnage shaking hands.
They are shaking hands and smiling in an amicable way thoughts of bloodshed and betrayal dance through their minds.
They both have one hand (the one not used in shaking) behind their backs.
They are either signifying (at least to themselves and the audience) a promised betrayal signified either by crossed finger OR a concealed weapon.
Great job!
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op here
i thought that will be easier to draw but fuck it
i will go with Felina Feral instead of anon
because fuck you that's why
>worst kat
and now i don't feel like drawing it
well sorry to hear
but thanks for considering drawing it kek
Requesting a drawing of the iconic scene "I did things" from The Boys comic, with Sister Sage instead of Black Noir and with Show Homelander and Show Butcher instead of their comic counterparts
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Oh this is just lovely. OR here, and I've never received a delivery on my first request before - thank you so much! Great job with the expressions, you captured exactly what I was hoping for.
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Requesting glomer being grabbed from punky's pov
>"Ohhh, Detective... your Batarang is soooo big..."
>(an assassin barges in) "My liege, I-"
>"KNOCK ON MY DOOR! KNOCK NEXT TIME!! ... Did you see anything?"
>"No, sir, I did not see you playing with your dolls again."
Bat’s and Talia already know about this including Damian. The parents finds this weird while Damian is just feeling embarrassed by his grandfather while shaking his head.
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Requesting these two Italian American plumbers from the American cartoon T.V. show and movies.
It's night and they are furtively dumping cans of glowing green ooze into an open sewer. (or pumping it from a truck)
- possibly a side panel where we see the ooze splatter on some small turtles
Can we please have just deliveries from this point on?
don't worry, if it's who i think it is then the result would've been shit anyway. there's only one artist who has an unreasonable hateboner for felina.
Yeah, I expect 2 cakes for me.
Requesting Cyclops from the X-Men putting on the wrong glasses.
...yeah, whats the most deliveries a thread gets? 20? You should post this when there are 10 posts to go, not 100
The kicker is that Ra's is imagining himself as Talia.
There are only 9 images left
And like unlimited threads for the foreseeable future.
Would be nice to finish one in a good note
worth it even if you miss a hand.
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Cool job!
Not exactly what I wanted...
But damned nice.
FUCK! Now I want a fully animated opening!
"that sneak Simmorsen" shows up every other episode, and he just might be a traitor....
Can some brave lad color this?
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Requesting this female Punk cheetah (who appears briefly in the movie Robot Dreams) while she was playing Ms. Pac-Man arcade

source (skip to minute 0:42): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1M2xqHWOlvw


No more requests, only deliveries
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Requesting Princess Bubblegum and her aunt Lolly posing together like the image on top.
>aunt Lolly should be on top
kek I love this! Keep em coming drawfren :^)
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Im such a sucker for fusions its like one of the only reasons i go on /co/ now lul
nta but he's prob refeering the fact that video music itself centers around a school with murderous teachers and students and shit, even though nobody gives a shit about edgyslop bad anymore.
Requesting these two girls from Dofus in these bikinis working at a bar on the beach.
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Here dino-fucker
Shut up before someone makes another request.
Should screenshot edits be in the booru?
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Delivery from the last r63 thread cause that one got archived and this is technically off-topic
Hell no, didn't they have a booru for that anyway? Whatever happened to that?
Thank you.
Art sample pls
I don't draw
Not with that attitude!
You've given me something to think about...
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I want an alternate ending for the Death Battle episode of Lucy vs Carnage where Carnage takes over Lucy's body, leaving only her head exposed.
Fuck you
Oh well. Which delivery should be next OP? Vote here!
a collage of all of them!
Been tried before. No one liked it. Just pick one.
>images counter has already reached to limit
sheeeeeesh! I guess we should make another drawthread now!
>wait for page 10 at bump limit
Put deliveries in catbox
You must be so fucking fun at paties
Requesting more replies
Toastanon stop linking 4chan threads as a source, use desuarchive.
Requesting a guide for the booru.
Requesting friends
Requesting Blaarg to be titled lifetime admin
Requesting Blaarg to be the only one who's allowed to upload
Also please stop saving images directly from 4chan, it makes the image technically different.
Again, you should preferably just save them from desuarchive (also a good time to get a link for the source) or add ? and some random letters at the end of the filename, eg ".png?dhs".
That's not gonna work cause he plans on stopping eventually.
"Eventually" can mean 10 years from now. He's not allowed to leave until we decide it.
ALSO, stop capitalizing new tags, that's not how the other tags are, they're all supposed to be lowercase.
Requesting Blaarg to never stop
Maybe what the new booru needs is for the admins to establish rules for image quality, tagging and sourcing?
That's one just a minor thing but it does bother me seeing capitalized tags among all the lowercase ones.
Do they have a reason to do so?
Or maybe the site admins should make image download in the right quality
Where is that anon who replies to every request with dumb questions?
Honestly after seeing some of the shitty uploads some of the anons do, it doesn't sound like such a bad idea lol.
Not you, the other one
At least he should give them a master class in it
Part of the point of the new booru was so Blarg wouldn't have to upload every image himself, the booru is supposed to be a group effort, we're not changing that just cause some anons are stupid.
Not super happy with how it turned out and I see someone else already did it but it would have been a waste to not finish it at least. Hopefully to your liking?
Requesting no dumb caturday this saturday
The previous booru had a forum where the booru staff could talk to each other about this stuff. Does this one have a forum too?
Requesting the art from DALL-E threads to be posted in the booru
Very funny.
If you have actual drawings and not just AI slop, go ahead.
We should have that again, clearly
Requesting Caturday right here right now
AI art is art. It's in the name.
It's an euphemism of a name
Never said it wasn't, art is subjective, but the /co/llection is for drawings, not AI slop.
I'm not even joking when I say you guys should probably make your own booru for AI images.
>Never said it wasn't, art is subjective
Except AI "art" OBJECTIVELY is NOT art
Why would anyone want to archive garbage? It's literally what it is
Then why is it called art?
There's already a booru for that, so.
This, why would Blaarg archive over 400 Shezow drawings?
AI art is a term similar to fool's gold
In this case
I mean, I don't think it is, but art is subjective, like some people will call a banana art, it's just a label.
I mean, them apparently, if they want to post it in the booru, I say let them to want they want but in their own booru.
Because they want to legitimize it by calling it art, same as calling something that clearly isn't art "art" so it seems more important than it actually is, again, it's just a label.
Good for them then.
There's nothing subjective about it. AI art is not real art, period.
It's art in the same sense that a container for fish and an armored military vehicle are both tanks.
You're not the judge to decide that
Requesting everyone here to wait for Page 10 to start a new thread
I take solace in the fact that at least you can point to this thread when newfags/tourists/summerfags post reaction images and waste image count for the DRAWthread.
I'm surprised they haven't already. Given their initiative to feed pictures to their A.I. of choice so they don't have to learn drawing themselves, why haven't they set up their own booru for their stuff? Should be a piece of cake.
But one is actually that and the other is clearly not
I didn't decide what already is. And what AI art is is not real art.
No, absolutely not. Make your own booru.
They make like six threads worth of 300 images a day for it. Nobody wants to deal with archiving all that shit.
>words have only one meaning each
It's on the way down now that it's past 500.
Requesting all these off topic posts deleted.
Requesting your dumb face deleted
It's mostly booru discussion, it's fine.
It's not about semantics, it's about the fact that AI art will never be real art in any legitimate way.
It's just your opinion bro
Requesting mods to make all the tags with uppercase letters into fully lowercase.
That shit really triggers my autism.
Why not? Shouldn't they think a little highly of their 'art' enough to curate their own booru instead of offloading it to the prime /co/ booru? Do they worry about their stuff being scrapped? That ought to be ironic.
Not my opinion, a fact, not decided by me in any way, just the way it is.
Don't argue with the wall dude.
I honestly want to know the actual reasoning, because I've never actually heard it before.
Show me your sources then
Or just dump it all here so it doesn't clog up the next thread.
Don't make me tap the sign
>No AI deliveries, no AI discussion. Take them where they're wanted.
Again, who wants to take the labor of archiving over 2000 pics of slop a day.
Because art is meant to be done through creativity and labor, if a program uses a database of images to artificially generate an image without any of that then it's not real art.
Just by common sense
>Just by common sense
So like I said earlier, just your opinion bro
The only true art is ice cream popsicles that vaguely look like characters.
Okay, next thread we won't talk about it, but this thread is pst the bump limit and has been past the image limit for a while, so it doesn't matter if we talk about it here.
If drawing dicks on bathroom stalls is art then ai art is art too
AI art not being art is and opinion, the same way the sun being bright is an opinion
Dear AI fags, why don't you AI generate a booru and use a bot to curate it for you?
AI slop could never achieve the soul of dicks on bathroom stalls.
So are the programs themselves art, since they took creativity and labor to make?
Yes and no. At least drawing dicks comes with creativity and effort.
Did anyone actually look at the forum? I really think it'd just get ignored again.
Ideally, yes
But slop isn't a program
The only reason it was ignored was because the head admin vanished and never came back.
So which is the real definition of crane? A kind of bird, or the thing at construction sites that lift things really high?
The bird since it existed way before the machine was invented.
Then what's the machine called?
>drawing dicks comes with creativity and effort.
>retAIrds trying to play the sophistry game
As pathetic as their prompts.
Well you gotta call it something else because crane is already taken
Not him, but more than AI slop yeah.
Give me a reason why it's not
Actually I'm just having an argument about how language works. I don't really care about AI generated pictures outside of novelties and erotic material. But words are complicated and can have more than one meaning, and I will not let up on that. And I think sometimes art can just refer to "drawings and images that aren't photos" which would include AI generated images. And I'm a guy who gets annoyed by the way people use the word "apocalypse" things like "the end of the world" when that's not the original definition. But I still put up with it because words can have different meanings and have their meanings change over time.
Like what?
Language (especially yours) is a piece of shit. I'm so glad its not my native one.
So you're just a gurning wanker with a dictionary. Got it, Chomsky.
So... on similar note, what do you guys thinl about 3D content on the booru?
The booru is for drawn stuff and since 3D is technically not a drawing then I guess it doesn't count
Yeah, I only know what ten of those words mean, and I don't care enough to look up the ones I don't know. And I'm probably not gonna post anymore in this thread because I don't feel like having pointless arguments that won't go anywhere.
If that's the case then I suppose this can go in the bin, then.
I think 3D should be allowed. Even the /v/ booru has a tag for it.
You fags are so easy to bait.
Blame it on >>144685497
Maybe? But as long as it's original I guess, CGI is /co/ after all.
That was an original model an anon made from scratch. Isn't that the only acceptable form of 3D?
A toddler can do it
It is original, actually.
Even toddler doodles can be art, unlike AI slop
If garbage can be art then ai slop can be too
Even garbage takes input and creativity, unlike AI slop
shut up about ai and go in there already!
Actually, good question. They have all the things they need to do it for them, don't they?
we're on page 8 nigger
You'll get bitched at for making a thread before this one hit page 10 but good on you, I guess.
You fags do know posting after bump limit doesn't accelerate to page 10 right? You have to bump other threads.
We're still on Page 8, you dumb tourist. Wait for Page 10.
You fucking moron
I don't think most of us want to bother doing that. You can do it if you want to though.
Sue us for just killing time.
Requesting your thread to be deleted
There's no point migrating our requests to the new thread because it got made too soon, and generals that get made too soon always get nuked.
I think it turned out fine. Good job.
Do we have to wait for the wrong thread to be deleted before we can start the real new one?
Nice fusion.
Jannies will let it stay up. They don't care so long as there aren't more than one thread up.

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