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In an effort to combat piracy Marvel is replacing the last page of the new X-books with a QR code.
Not bullshit BTW. Tom Brevoort confirmed it in a recent Substack.
Like the stingers in MCU films, only they can’t be spoiled until you go see the film on opening day.

Spoiler this will just finally kill papers and now everyone will pirate your terrible comics
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Slow as fuck nigga
What in the fuck is cyclops wearing? He looks like marvel’s equivalent of nightwing
So are they just pushing for people to stop buying comics altogether? Because it seems short sighted to take your only major source of income, floppies, and tell your readers to their faces that it’s not even the full fucking story they’re overpaying for
>Small companies that lose the most from piracy don't do this thing
I don't get it
The news to me is that (1) this wasn't just a launch gimmick, it's going to be the norm for X-books going forward; and (2) it's not some stupid gimmick to increase drama it's a dumbass antipiracy scheme.
Ok. Just another reason to wait for trades then.
It's going to lead to false advertising lawsuits if those codes don't work
It is a launch gimmick and it's to purposefully fuck over the leakers, they're only on the #1's
Oh it's absolutely a guarantee that in 5 years none of those QR code will point to anything that works because Marvel isn't thinking long term internet expenses or infrastructure.
Unless the website holding those pages is going to last indefinitely or they guarantee that there's never a single print error, they'll inevitably fail. That's the fun part, this shit's a ticking time bomb and they think they're super clever about it.
Ok just scan the QR code page when pirating. They aren't really going to print thousands of different QR codes several times per month right?
Does... Does this actually stop people from reading it online? The original purchaser just has to... Scan the code and upload the page?
Still going to pirate without giving a fuck about the last page Brevoort
Well you see Anon, it's a terrible goddamned practice.
It would be one thing if there was some cool hidden page that you had to be crafty to find. But no, it's just a giant QR code
Now this is when you realize how stupid the comic book industry of today is. The amount of ways to get around this and they’re too dumb to have seen it.
Also smaller companies don't have an overinflated sense of their product's worth
It's about spoilers not piracy, learn to read.
They'd be better off just releasing an app that you pay for every month to give you access to every issue in full
Comics should never be clandestine
So now there's a... Step between reading your book and finishing reading your book
>an effort to combat piracy
Why is it always hacks that do these things?
So it is literally nothing.
The "spoiler" at the end of X-Men #1 was that some shadowy cabal of villains was up to no good. Wow what a twist, never would have guessed that would happen.
>Spoiler this will just finally kill papers and now everyone will pirate your terrible comics

This. Why the fuck would I pay money for a floppy if it doesn't even contain the whole issue? What the hell is that? What an awful idea.
Okay. I don't read Marvel.
I just wonder how long before some enterprising troll on the production line messes with the QR code so it redirects towards a personal phishing scam or some NSFW prank
Yeah but different printing will have a different QR code and those will lead a slightly different site which will have a water marked image I imagine. Not sure how this is going to stop a pirate anyway but…
I fucking hate this practice.
If I buy a physical product, I want the actual full product. Not 95% of it and the rest is locked behind some shitty online "service" that'll probably be shut down in a couple of years.
All this does is encourage piracy (since the pirated copies will contain the full product), not prevent it.
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Good luck
except not because the ending of NYX #1 was already spoiled
>No one understands why Marvel has a QR code in their comic
Then scan it?
MCU films require you to scan a QR code if you see them at the cinema?
What if the website is down?
Rippers will download the picture from the QR and add it to the ripped comic.
And so, pirating it will now be the SUPERIOR experience because you get the whole thing, unlike the incomplete physical comic.

Absolutely retarded move, Marvel.
Piracy is a service issue
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So how long before Breevort's forced to release a "WE MADE A FUCKY WUCKY" statement?
Holy shit, thanks so much for bringing this to our attention, OP. We had no idea this has been going on for the past few weeks, just...wow. Without you we may have never known.
It's already fixed, the QR-code works
So whose idea was this?

People assumed it would be a one-time stunt instead of a continuing thing.
Probably Brevoort's.
For now.
I am one of the fiercest defenders of comic books on this board. But maybe they deserve to die.
Alright. I just have to ask.
How come a large company like Marvel seems to be ran by total fucking special needs-tier retards? Aren't rich people supposed to be smart?
These companies don't get rich making comics, but they are survival weasels who know enough dirty tricks to make payroll every month.
>Aren't rich people supposed to be smart?
Why would you think that?
Why would you think that?
I don't wanna hear shit from Marvelfags about how stupid DC is.
Just you wait. DC will probably start doing it also.
DC is actually focusing on getting their books in Walmart now.
>skip forward X months
>they've restructured the site slightly so the link in the QR code now 404s
>all pirate copies since day 1 have just added the "extra" page anyway
I don't think that's there intent but yeah that's basically what they're pushing for.
And yes it is very short sighted.

No they aren't.

That's an understatement.

Yep. Seriously Disney pull the plug on Marvel comics publishing. Don't do any more Marvel Comics unless they arre reprints, Movie/TV/Video Game tie in material or some Alternate Universe line.

Awful is too kind of a word to describe this decision.

Same here haven't since 2008. Asides from a handful of titles, Tie ins and What-Ifs.

Probably not that long.

No one like this practice. It's shortsighted and reeks of desperation.

Take for making Piracy more necessary than it is.

Who wouldn't?
>DLC for comics
I hate this timeline. Kill me.
Not true. It's just the first issue of each new book. That headline is a bunch of bullshit.
Maybe they do. Well those that aren't Movie/TV/Video Game tie ins, What Ifs/Elseworlds anyway.

That would actually be kinda smart if they weren't Wal Mart Exclusives.
I wonder if this is why there was so much anti-DC posts to the point where it felt like spam, like if Slott or someone on Brevoort's camp was doing this to distract from this blunder
There's a lot of anti-DC posts because DC is fucking up like crazy. Not everything is a conspiracy.
a. the pages are extras that are not important parts of the storys

b. its only on the first issue of the x-men line

c. the headline is sensationalist garbage

d. the rippers are NOT including these so you will have to track them down yourself (at least they didn't in x-men #1 haven't read the rest)
Here come the shills.
They're not really fucking up like crazy any more than a few years ago. In recent months it went from reasonable to complaints to the point of DC Derangement Syndrome
Immediately doing better than this dumbass company after this announcement
they've been fucking up like crazy for a decade

Tom how about you stop samefagging and go fuck yourself?
I agree. The people who enjoy dunking on DC don't actually read anything they publish.
No need to pluralize it’s clearly one anon

>for the better part of a decade
FTFY the first year and a half of rebirth was largely great.
Wrong. It's only the first issues of the new X Series. It doesn't apply to any other Marvel books or even the X Series after the first issues.
They don’t publish a single good comic anon. Worlds finest is the only serviceable one and that went off a cliff over a year ago. Now they’re giving shit smears like Jason Aaron and Kelly Thompson a whole new universe to ruin.
this is fucking dumb but i also don't care if it's only on the first issue of a few books i ain't gonna read anyway

i haven't seen it in anything else i read as of yet, if i do i'll change my tune
Also, why is it that every time we discuss Marvel fuckups we end up discussing DC?
I barely think of DC most of the time outside of a few titles. Namely Movie/TV Tie Ins and their line of young adult graphic novels.
no wonder comics are dying with leadership like this
We can all agree it shows signs of desperation.
there have been multiple threads about how far DC has fallen their share is around the same image these days, there ain't a "BIG 2" no more unfortunately. as k-dot would say it's just the BIG ME and unfortunately that ME is Marvel (barf)
Detecting and removing watermarks was solved a decade ago, it's why the business model behind watermarking collapsed
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So why even do it? We've been here before, everyone hated it.
... fuck, the Thor one was funny
>have to pay $800 to enter lottery for chance to read new issue of any new Marvel series
>if you win you have to pay an additional $1200
>only single copy exists in secure room in Marvel offices
>must book appointment to enter room at least one year in advance
>you have 30 minutes in the room
>you cannot touch the issue, a Marvel staffer will turn the pages for you
>3 Disney security agents keep guns trained on you the entire time
>before you leave the room you are injected with a drug cocktail that scrambles your memory of what you just read
>still gets leaked online a day early
They're just stupid.
>it's to purposefully fuck over the leakers
>leaker gets issue early
>uses QR code
>posts screenshot
The leaker man got me again...
If the QR code is just for those dumb loose pages I don't give a fuck
Marvel's only worthwhile book is Ultimate X-Men. The rest is complete shit.
The QR code doesn't become active until Wednesday
Those AR tags where dumb and not worth it most of the time but I do miss it
It's a callback
I really dislike when correcting misinformation is called shilling
It shouldn't be happening in the first place.
When people buy a book, they want the book. They don't want to faff around with a QR code that links to a site that'll probably be offline in a few months time.
2016 election brought MCU fans who started reading comics because of the shit movies.
>If You're So Rich, Why Aren't You Smart?
For now, this is a clear trial run for something they want to do on a wider scale.
Until they deboot and fix shit like Lian being a teenage hero it's a constant ongoing fuck up.
It won't have wide appeal in the industry and the WSJ doesn't do shit like this and they can do it without too much backlash unlike Marvel which is dead weight
Death of marvel
Marvel ended in 2006 when they went full retard with a hero vs hero event in Civil War. If you read post CW Marvel (and especially post CW2 Marvel) then you get what you deserve.
>buy book
>scan everything
>reach last page
>enter qr
>scan page in qr
>send full CBR file
What's preventing me from doing this?
The divine love of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that lives in your heart.
>to combat piracy
I don't outside of the spider-verse and Deadpool.
hahaha Jokes on them! I don't even pirate new Marvel releases anymore. It's all shite! I stick to everything before 2011. That my cutoff. That's when comics died for me.
So, something that doesn't exist.
>make buying comics worse that pirating comics
>why are people not buying comics?
obviously paying money is going to be more inconvenient than not paying money, but how in the fuck did comics not learn the lesson of itunes and Spotify? most people will pay for things if it's simple and easy. if you arbitrarily make it difficult, they'll pirate
>literally have to scan a PR code and print out the last page if you want to buy physical
2008 is my cutoff point outside of a handful of titles
Do these retards not know how comic book piracy works in current year?
The comics division has been utterly drained of all its talent and The Mouse doesn't give a shit about them because the movies and other licensed tie-ins are what make bank for them. Same for the other big cape in town, but their movies have done nothing but fuck up everything. The only people left willing to sign on with Marvel to work on the comics are tumblr wokies with ulterior motives to push or people Marvel specifically go out of their way to hire on commission. One of them is that five guys games journalist that drove an indie dev into suicide by falsely claiming rape and gaslighting his entire family into believing he actually done it. And she's still on Marvel's payroll.
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Absolute Power is the best event in a few years and I think all of the All In shit sounds promising excepting a book here and there and the smattering of the cancer tier creators attached. I can take a couple of L’s if the Batman, Superman and Green Lantern books are good.
They still have that evil goddamned disgusting cunt zoe quinn on their payroll?

Marvel comics are fucking dead to me and I'm going to make it my mission to shit on every goddamned modern marvel comic I can.
Apparently not.

The mouse should really just pull the plug on the comics division, put it out of it's misery.
Zoe Quinn hasn't done any comics writing at Marvel or DC in a long time, are you both alzheimer's patients or bots that haven't updated their programming or something
It will be funnier when Marvel Comics goes under in the near future and the QR code is useless.
If it pisses off /co/ and comic readers in general, I support it, no matter what. Fuck /co/ and fuck comic readers.
how is that going to combat piracy? it's just going to make comic books suck.
It's says it's about avoiding spoilers until release date, not piracy?
But you remember it.
Nothing, nor it's the point. The only idea is that you need to wait until release date to have the physical copy to do it so you can't spoil the qr code before that.
Sure thing, Marvel shill
MangaKings, rise up.
the qr code page is a lower quality btw, pirates do a better job
I wish this surprised me
But what exactly is the goal here? Is there some big untapped demographic of people that aren’t buying floppies because they got spoiled? If anything, it says more about your comic quality if a leaked page hits your sales.
About a decade ago they tried this Marvel AR shit where they had a special app you could scan certain panels with and it would show you something. I don't even remember what. They gave up on it quickly and shut it down. But the little AR logo is still on so many random panels in so many random comics, to the point of being printed in omnibus editions. All this to say I don't think this practice bodes well for Marvel.
Yeah. Final Crisis (2008) pretty much destroyed all the work that Post-Crisis did in 1986. Everyone posts to Infinite Crisis as shit, but I enjoyed the hell out of it. Final Crisis and the HACK Grant Morrison killed it all. I hope Grant Morrison and John Romita Jr. die pennyless.
Remember that holiday lantern macro with Sinestro talking about the "new unscannable ink"?
>wealth means you're smart
Oh sweet summer child.
Is about hypefags. Some people only care about epic reveal spoilers, nothing else, so just like móviles they try to keep that secreto until a set release date. in this case you have a qr code that activates in a set moment so you can't upload that image before then, nothing more, nothing less.
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I don't foresee scanners like Minutemen or Empire having any trouble with these...
And yet they insist on doing it again.

Manga sales crush even the sales of the big 2 so much I almost feel sorry for them.

It's still a dumb idea regardless.
Lol Disnoy
I think the thing that bothers me the most is misusing "piracy" when they mean "leaks". The intention here is preventing information from leaking before a set date, not stoping piracy.
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>basically trying to insert the print equivalent of DENUVO into comic books
I swear, the industry is actively trying to commit suicide. And they refuse to do the one thing that could actually save them. Just stop with the damn capeshit. But no, let's go full AAA with this shit and put fucking DRM into our comics. Pathetic.
"it was a bonus page to begin with, an extra page"
Thanks for the double explanation, Tom. condescending as always.
Marvel is the biggest blight on the american comic book industry.
The fact that there's times where it won't work is kind of the problem I believe.
It's not gonna work though.pirates will find a way through it.

That it is.
It's both from their POV. The leak is distribution of the issue to people who haven't paid for it which they consider piracy. They would want everyone to have to go actually buy the issue to learn what's in it.
The don't have a clue.
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American? Last I checked, Comic Book publishing is ran by one and only one group of "people" and they ain't American.
Damn, X-Men can't take a break, don't they?
First, brevoort, now this

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