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Could a full series starring Goldie really work?
>only learned about this character from Shindamane
I thought she was a manga master OC
They really think girls would want to be engineers
He's not coming anon
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yes, everything about her show is yes
MM really does like her
I'd drink her piss
Well...she's adorable at least
>2nd video
Human Gadget.
one season at best
Cute and funny
Of course. But they would need to make it more freeform. Like having her trouble across the world some random problem or villain crop up and have her save the day with some invention. Trick the girls into thinking STEM is a glamorous adventure.

>builds stuff
The boy demographic would fall in love with her and watch the show instead. The toys could fail though, cause it might be one of those shows boys watch secretly, like Sailor Moon and Totally Spies, and so afraid to ask for the merch.
wish their police lady series would get translated.
>cause it might be one of those shows boys watch secretly
I can attest.
has anyone drawn her in a swimsuit
Get fucked scubafag.
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>a fetishfag is living rent free in in his mind
Are the books any good?
Is the kid in purple beanie a boy or girl
>click the little arrow next to the post number
>hover over "image search" tab in the menu that appears
>click SauceNAO in the sub-menu
>does the new window tell you the artist?
>proceed to search the picture using the little icons under the image in the new window
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I'm honestly shocked to find out it ISN'T a full series.
Was the toy line successful?
I think the show still not being a thing talks for itself. As much as those "Lego girls" boast about how much girls also love Lego, construction stuff is just nowhere near as popular with girls as it is with boys. They should have aimed at boys to begin with, but made it appealing to girls to lure some in and make it at least unisex eventually.
Weren't they trying to turn this into STEAM so they could include useless art degrees into the program?
They already did didn't they? Not long ago it seems like whenever I see that acronym they always have art added too.
I'm not sure why they do that. You can put beef jerky on a plate of candy but it won't make it a desert.
>Could a full series starring Goldie really work?
Goldie being really cute is all it's got going for it, so no
>cute female protag teaches people how to make science stuff

no way in hell this would work. what an unproven concept.
he rammed goldie from behind, so probably a guy
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IDK, imagine one of those science shows all the boys loved as kids, but hosted by a cute blond girl. The only problem is that they want girls to watch it. So maybe it should have been a band of cute boys with yaoi undertones.
Aesthetic is wrong.
too modern/conteporary.
should be '1400's-1700's' but like german/austrian/italian/alpine/swiss...

>cuckoo clocks and the like.
would allow for an aesthetic that would be at once "clockworky" but also one that would allow for ornate and kind of "girly" designs, since if you ever looked at a cuckoo clock they're covered in depictions of flowers, deer, trees, birds, rabbits, etc.
why does most of the fanart for this chic go so hard?
I forgot this gal even existed for a long time.
Dude, you're missing the point. She's supposed to get girls interested in modern technology. And boys would also have loved her if she catered to them or to all genders. They're holding themselves back by pushing their dumb "we will force girls into STEM or die trying" agenda. Girls should grow to like her naturally and then get interested in STEM by proxy, not through this "hello fellow kids" meathanded shilling.
my thinking is that it would be easier on the sell of the final product if they had a sort of "clockpunk"/"clock-future"/"clockwork-alpine" aesthetic...

you get them into modern technology by describing what came before and how those mechanics work;

do you not know how many boys toys do that sort of thing?

besides if you wanted to train girls to code scratch and greenfootjava were the best stuff around like 10 years ago (when I was beginning to code), and they didn't require branded characters... (also you can't really have a cute adventurer girl 'learning to code' because that's just sitting on the computer)
anyone want to take some requests?
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The toys seem kind of underwhelming.
I just thought that they would be more like a Lego or K'nex kind of thing, something a bit more involved.
I guess they're made for a younger crowd than that but they just look kinda cheap
>'learning to code'
I'd do something like Glitch Techs: heroine with fantastic ass fights evil hackers and their creations in the digital world. The attacks and defenses are activated with actual code lines and there are explanation of how they work and of the mistakes you should avoid. But not too much to be boring. A slow, tea spoon per plate of entertainment, educational poison that will slowly seep in.
goldie giving either robotboy/Chiro(SRMTHFG)/other 'robot shota' the creeps/ick as she clearly wants to /ss/ him but he doesn't know/is clearly uncomfortable with
I wonder if poor Goldie is a victim of unscrupulous assholes who took a government grant (or were aiming for one) and did the bare minimum to qualify, never planning to actually try and succeed, just to siphon/eat through the money.
>learning to code
apparently they already have a character for that:
>Ruby Rails...
considering I took a bootcamp and learned how to do ruby on rails I think that might turn off more girls from learning to code than anything else..
Sounds you are an anon asking for an artist, not an actual artist
She caught the attention of some of the best western loli artists back in the day
no just a victim of being too stupid to read the room or understand the market she was getting into truly well,
expecting too high of a profit margin on it, etc.
biggest error she made was targeting the Duplo demographic with toys that were clearly more in mind with the "K'nex" demographic;
as a result things weren't unified;
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It seems like a thing with a ton of marketing hype and promotion but with little substance, to be honest
great packaging tho too
yeah but look at those animal figures;

they don't make any sense,
why are they spinning?

whole thing seems ramshackle aside from the box and the book which are well printed but the 'least important' part supposedly.

tinker toys, lego-technic, and knex are so much more thought out.
The figurines look nice
Doesn't seem like that's the case right now. What did you have in mind?
>What did you have in mind?
goldieblox holding a welding torch and wearing a welding mask and with her shirt lifted up because its getting way too hot and wiping some sweat off her face

this >>144649332
the figures are alright; but do they have seats/vehicles to ride in?

are there kits that have a gearbox and transmission for them to work?
So this is all she's from? These two shorts? There isn't some mini series or something?
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GoldieBlox is a zombie company, a not uncommon fate of idealist, activism-driven ventures. It sought to be Lego for girls, when girls can already play with Legos. They no longer make their own toys, and have become a marketing company that attaches itself to feel-good but vague school initiatives, and make cheap kids lifestyle youtube videos much like Dreamworks.
They don't have the money or interest level for a full-fledged GoldieBlox series. I also won't discount the possibility of the E-surance effect at work, as they've dropped Goldie in favor of a cartoon featuring egg-shaped kids that are nearly unporn-able. (Please don't take that as a challenge, /co/.) The only significant Goldie content outside of the music video are illustrated children's books that you'll probably have to find used.
That is very disappointing but I guess also not surprising. Even those two Goldie videos don't have done too well for anything to be possible if they actually wanted to. I guess she'll just continue to be a nice design that isn't intended for anything else while her company continue to make weird cheap kid bait videos and live off school partners. The E-surance comparison is doubly sad. Actively avoiding letting something grow into an actual thing because they don't want certain people to enjoy it as well.
guess it will be kept alive solely by fanart
where the foot art?
Where the pit art?
we got something better

I like a sweaty tum as much as the other guy, it's real nice...but I want more
i was hoping to see more vanilla art between goldie and the guy with the beanie
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she's fucking dead!
whelp, i had my fun! :p
He's dual wielding, Goldie doesn't stand a chance!
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sup. what you need?
A pic of Goldie playing the piano.
Nta, but goldie with a helmet and knee pads trying to use a skateboard
And she is asking if the halfpipe was built to safety standards
That side mouth is terrible.

Is that your art? blog pleaase
I'm gonna ryona that girl...
by forcefully pinning her down and repeatedly tell her that girls don't make good engineers
You monster.
pyw for the class to see
You deserve a shit sandwich for your next meal.
There is potential, but you could say the same about almost anything.
a good ass kicking.
Maybe Locke?
GFD is good at tall, skinny girls.
nope, I'll be having these
can i come over to have some?
>is that your art
Please refer to
Given that two different artists drew her in the exact same swimsuit and setting, I'd assume it was almost canon, like it was in some sort of promo material. But there's no way given how skimpy it is, so I assume its just another artist liking what another artist did.
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sure man, come on over
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She's canonically a terrorist too
Always the token black best friend. It's like r63 Arnold and Gerald.
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and a baller too
>blond white girl runs the school with an iron fist
>build your own concentration camp miniature!

>key necklace
Isn't she a little young to have a BF in chastity?
>Isn't she a little young to have a BF in chastity?
You want her and her BF to be fucking as kids?
I wish I was a little bit taller...
Are there any scans of the book pages?
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who's the chud in the back?
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>r63 Arnold and Gerald
Can't unsee.
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>kicks her in the nose
It's ok she can rebuild it
The white male villain obviously
>Nyeeh! A girl doing sports, engineering and coding? Not on my watch! I'll make sure to internet bully that Goldie back into the kitchen! And her little token minority girlfriends too!
She’s so cute
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I feel like there's some staff members for this project in this thread trying to relive the high of being flavor of the month eight years ago.
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This girl could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch, I tell ya whuat
You lied. People died.
Should have spaced them out instead of blowing your load all at once, anon.
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What kind of panties does Goldie wear
>Goldie was supposed to be a gear goblin at some point
I guess they reconsidered because they wanted to dissociate engineering with not being conventionally attractive
Trick question.
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Lissy looks like a cute, neurotic, smart girl, I have a weakness for them.

is she Asian or Latino? this whole pitch reaks of diversity checkbixes being ticked, but as long as it's cute and not preachy about cultures, I'll enjoy it.
>is she Asian or Latino?
she's darker than the asian boy, so i'd bet the latter
Yeah, that is pretty couple.
Don't be so sure, south azins exist.
Holy shit, the detail.
Who's the artist?
As someone who's south asian, it's a definite possibility.
I have arrived
Mangamaster, just like the following
Here's the pic not for ants
>im goldie...comming
This read likes Bart get out im piss.
Amazing to me how some talented artists can't write decent dialogue to save their soul. I guess all their talent is visual.
and funny
Yeah, and also the classic hental
>flood of cum straight into the womb
are you telling me there's a chance she's a Filipino cutie? I love her even more.
I prefer these types of things with no dialogue at all. Then it makes the artist rely more on body language and face expressions to tell a story.
Not totally against dialogue if its written well, but its rarely the case.
This isn't the thread for it but I don't know when I will catch you again. I forgot this movie existed and I know you like drawing different designs so here.
She's true beauty
sweaty blonde bush
On one hand, excellent art. On other hand, perhaps too old for denizens of this thread.
someone commented a while ago that fanarists should team up with writers. while that might be tough to coordinate, it would be good.
To be fair he is korean
I miss Kassitta
it's been 10 years huh
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I remember /co/ finding out about her like it was yesterday. I was so sure her show will become a hit on here. What could have been.
good times good times
anyone have a list of the names of the sidecharacters?
>Valentina Volt
>Li Gravity
>Ruby Rails
I'd let her rub my rail if you catch my drift hehehe
>li gravity doesnt have a cool name
at least his skater gimmick is cool
goldiblox wont be able to resist it
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working on a sketch. hopefully done in about 8hrs after work.

holy hell, it really is ancient. Why had/co/ been so quiet on this? the art and characters look great.
If this is Locke please update your catbox albums there are so many arts missing
pepper anne?
While I wasn't the one who asked if she had been drawn in a swimsuit, she's already primed to go in a couple of images I've seen, so I'll shoot a shot.
If anyone is taking a request: https://litter.catbox.moe/z45tnj.png
Bro, just give it a rest already
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/co/ wasn't quiet, the hype was pretty big, but the thing is that it really didn't go anywhere. Everyone expected it to turn into a show, or at least them creating more content, but then it didn't go anywhere and the excitement died down. Goldie is only still remembered because she's super cute and her design is fantastic.
how do we save Goldie blox
Find a bigass chest full of pirate treasure, and throw it in the IP owners' faces. Then say you will take all the doubloons and the gems back, UNLESS they make a full season of a Goldie show.
>goldie returns home after hanging out with li gravity
>they start working on a project but they cant stop looking at each other and they cant focus on their physical calculations
>at a certain point they just stop working and are in each others arms
>li separates himself and asks goldie if she is ready for something like this, though obviously referring to himself
>goldie undoes the straps on her overalls and lowers it to give li assurance that she does
I'll throw in one (1) crappy drawing of this gal for thread contribution: https://litter.catbox.moe/hg7h8c.png

I've not been around much on this board as of late.
How can we fix this
Three, those stereotypes still exist, the way they sell toys to kids.
>We need more female engineers.
I think some of the porn was made to spite the attempted social engineering of the GB brand
women can only drive over a bridge if other women built it.
I personally don’t give a shit but anything to get more goldie.
We don't need more female engineers, we need more good engineers.
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requesting goldie driving just the front half of a car and saying "trust me, i am engineer"
Who would Handy Mandy side with?
>most stable OT4 i've seen in any media
>if wimmin n minorities aren't in absolutely everything it's symbolic annihilation AUUUUGH!!
I hate marxism so much it's unreal
i wonder why is this IP in zombie state...
Ah, i see...
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Definitely goldie, since bob sold his ass out to ICE
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Gonna ship 'em all with each other.
They look like they fuck adult men
>discord children users
would have been hotter if instead of an X-ray womb shot
it showed a reaction shot from both goldie and li instead and their expression
maybe goldie is the one who loves it and li is the one who is surprised by it
what personalities do the other characters have?
any cute dynamics between them?
i wish the books were online, all we have is OP's videolinks.
Goldie isn’t looking too good is she
Subway Surfers collab when?
Is this an earlier design?
It seems to be. Used in earlier sets, probably before they did the books
I have never watched this but I like blondes. Is it worth watching?
Those are the only goldie videos, it should take about 4 and a half minutes
>li on the phone with goldie while railing ruby
>promises goldie he will be free next week
did she just kill beck and call?
Uhh, what is doing Goldie make a pleasure something with her friends?
I like her she is white and looks racially pure. If your brown you aint worth shit and I say that as a Cuban mutt.
She's salvaging the remaining scraps from that dumpster fire
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It looks like she's rocking Harriet's fit
>white underage girl
This poor bitch didn't have a chance one /co/ found out about her
im beginning to think most of the good art here is from the same artist. he must have really liked the design.

Goldie: Girls, behold! My nipple magnet!

>when /co/ does more imaginative stuff than the creator
when the design is good but the premise and plot suck
penny gadget and goldie would get along well
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reeeeeeeeeel well
Imagine Goldie and her friends as Wizard of Oz characters.
>Goldie as Dorothy
>Val as the Lion
>Li as the Tin Man
>Ruby as the Scarecrow.
Goldie needs to get away from the diversity squad and be my wife.
That's the stupidest idea I've ever heard. What are you, 8 years old?
it's a dumb idea, but one more idea than yours.
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I've just realized something
Yes, because she's white and cis
How old is Goldie supposed to be
Sorry guys I've had some artblock the last couple of days. So i could only manage a sketch of Goldie https://files.catbox.moe/i0cdxn.png

I've got to work all day so hopefully I'll get some inspiration to do something later
12 or 13, and no she's not getting a crossover with the MCU
Quad of dubs
darn and I wanted to see what black girl they would get to play her
Artist name?
I love this image so much, it was probably taken in the 90s and CJ is posting on some message board waiting for replies with his hot cocoa.
Hot Coffee.
I don't need to imagine the self hatred; I can see it.
She'd probably make some inventions to make cooking and serving easier, since she loves waffles
What are Goldie's friends classes?
So basically...... only the illustrated books are real content.
Li is scout
Valentina is pyro
Ruby is maybe medic or demo
I'll never have a friend like Goldie
>tfw no friend that will make you a automated waffle making robot
You can't. The chart talks about how few women are in engineering. But what it doesn't show is how few men are in health and education. That's the other side of the coin. Girls already have their own interests and those interests don't include dying at thirty in a work-related accident.
The problem with Goldie and women engineers is part of a larger problem of women already excelling multiple fields of academia and yet being mad that they aren't excelling in all academic fields.

You can't. The target audience doesn't exist and the real audience of boys won't find Goldie because parents won't buy dolls for boys. Goldie is trying to make an audience of girls who like engineering by selling an engineer doll to a audience of girls who don't yet exist. It was stupid.
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should I draw her friend too?
If only all the women who complain about those fields not having women actually went into those fields themselves.
how did you plug your Etch-A-Sketch into your phone
GB was created during the salad days of DEI when that wasn't a curse word, when you could just push a thing until you thought you won the social battle despite it having no precedent and growing pushback.
She's a fun looking character who could have fronted a comic book or cartoon but those things require talent and cooperating with men (the WiA would have done fuck-all pretending to get it done like they did with HGS).
There's that. But there's also the fact that men aren't going to give up STEM because they've got nowhere else to go. There's no effort to get men to become nurses, administrators or teachers. So guys are going to stick to what already appeals to them and that's going to lead to women being outnumbered in STEM. People are always asking
>How can we do more to help women?
And now they've reached the point where helping women even more won't do anything to solve the problem.
Homemade triple dildo sharing their friends
My daughter went into Bio because science always interested her, not due to being shoved in that direction. Annual science fairs every fall helped and she did robotics for a couple of years in junior high. Last week she called me to tell me she installed Docker on her computer because the networked version of the application was too slow.
You don't MAKE these kids any more than some TV show or video game made me a software developer. If the numbers aren't proportional maybe that's not a symbol of a societal ill.
Goldie and the Fucking Machine
So they can be useful to society?
but that's beside the point that women doing the complaining really don't give a shit about other women or if they're into STEM or not. They just know it's a good hook to shill whatever crap they're selling. "Buy Goldies toys and books. It's helping girls into STEM, realllly."
>men aren't going to give up STEM because they've got nowhere else to go
They will when they realize they suck at it, they hate it and there isn't a cheat code to getting good at something they aren't personally motivated to get good at. /g/ is FULL of losers who thought coding was a quick meal ticket and are genuinely angry they don't understand the concepts. They COULD have gone into nursing, admin or even fucking welding but they assumed it's just typing or plapping LEGO blocks together.
The people on social media who seem the most interested in understanding the fundamentals of JavaScript instead of npm or frameworks are most commonly third world women, don't ask me why.
Making their numbers proportional does not solve an actual problem and stuffing them into science roles they didn't ask to be in (like Ada Lovelace) isn't fixing anything other than someone's liberal guilt. AND I'M A FUCKING LIBERAL but I also know some well-intentioned ideas are not practical.
Let girls be exposed to science and the ones with a knack will gravitate towards it with absolutely zero girl-oriented toys or activities needed, no pandering. It's really that fucking simple.
The goal behind this isn't actually getting women into science, it's blaming something else for them not being there already in comparable numbers.
i drew it on garyc.me with my tablet
And my proudest moment isn't even her realizing she needed to containerize an application then install Docker to do it, it's when she said to me "STEM is a bad acronym because engineers aren't real scientists" before going on a rant about Bill Nye.
That was the moment I knew we didn't fuck up raising her.
There's no problem, they're trying to fix a problem that doesn't exist.
If someone, regardless of their gender, race, whatever, wanna be an engineer, good. If they wanna do another job, good too. As far as that person does their job well, i can't care less about their identity, nobody should.
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>The Problem
>Engineering and technology are two of the fastest growing fields today
Was this made by some sort of technophobe supervillain?

So we all can have smart waifus like Goldie.
It was made by an outsider to those fields of exactly the same mindset as 60s liberals thinking they were going to run the Civil Rights movement for those poor ignorant negroes, the kind of people Malcolm X warned black people about
>Girls are losing interest in math and science as young as age 8

so it sounds like they're already exposed to it and lose interest. What are people supposed to do, force them to like it, Clockwork Orange style?
No fuck woman engineers. We need more (real) women in math.
Most people are losing interest in math because they view it as something phones can do for them. Calculus only entered academia after the Sputnik launch and guess what, outside of fucking rocket mechanics it's useless to most human beings.
We all know by age 16, Goldie will be twerking in videos for money.
Li is the kind of guy other boys would call him gay for hanging out with just girls, just for him to laugh at it and say "sure thing, bro."
Then he got back home, fucks Goldie, eats Ruby's pussy out, and Val gives him a rimjob.
An organization which like the Elders of Zion is believed to exist yet has no members
Just remember, somebody thought that they could get girls interested in engineering by selling a doll focused to engineering to girls who aren't interested in engineering. Reminder that business insider called Debbie Sterling one of the thirty women changing the world.
What about the ones who want to be engineers but don't have the confidence to follow their ambitions.
Nah, they would all friendzone him, them accuse him of rape.
>Calculus only entered academia after the Sputnik launch
What the fuck are you smoking? Calculus was invented by academics, it's been in academia since its inception. It was used in tons of stuff before rocketry: thermodynamics, electromagnetism, pre-rocket aircraft, etc.
Why would she twerk herself when she can build a robot to do it?
The people that made Li would have made him gay. There's no way they would have allowed a straight guy to exist in their product. They would have characterised the Asian boy, who hangs out with girls, as an effeminate gay man and not realised how stereotypical that was.
>>Debbie Sterling is the Founder and CEO of GoldieBlox, the award-winning children’s multimedia company disrupting the pink aisle in toy stores globally and challenging gender stereotypes with the world’s first girl engineer character.

the world’s first girl engineer character?
Oh we definitely need more porn of this girl now.
because like most girls, she'll realize she don't have to do shit like that when guys will just throw money at her for being a skank.
It wasn't high school curriculum until the Space Race, it was college math at the earliest
Tell me more about life in Sudan
Here in the first world the biggest issues are idiot boys in classes who don't take you seriously, not the instructors and this is what my recently graduated biochem daughter working in the field tells me
Her PI has tits and a vag and so did half her instructors
The companies that sell their equipment and supplies now distribute the kinds of promotional toy giveaways you'd expect to see at Spencer Gifts/Hot Topic BECAUSE they know women are already in the field
> As a child, Sterling spent her time playing with princesses, ponies and dressing up.[citation needed] Growing up, Sterling developed an interest in engineering. She found appeal in combining skills in art, design, mechanics and physics in order to tackle and solve complex problems.

so was this written by Debbie herself?

>Sterling subsequently pursued a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from Stanford University, graduating in 2005;[6] Sterling's friends and classmates while at Stanford included Elizabeth Holmes.[7] Out of college, Sterling moved to Seattle and took a job as an intern at design agency Hornall Anderson. Honing her skills branding and design, Sterling was offered full-time employment by the company a few months after.[8] Within 3 years, Sterling had moved up to be the lead brand strategist on the New York Knicks re-brand. While Sterling says she enjoyed the work, she wanted to contribute to the world in a more meaningful way, spending time volunteering at various organizations such as the Peace Corps.[8] Sterling spent six months volunteering in India, and cites this time as one of the most influential in her life. This time spent abroad allowed her to realize non profit was not her calling in life, so she once again searched for something else, eventually landing a job in jewelry making in 2009.[8]

So she never actually got a job in STEM but wants other girls to do so.
>Sterling's friends and classmates while at Stanford included Elizabeth Holmes.
God forgive me for guilt by association but holy fuck
>The people that made Li would have made him gay.
The people who made all these characters don't care about them anymore.
>Sterling moved to Seattle and took a job as an intern at design agency Hornall Anderson
As a mechanical engineering degree holder does, rather than having secured a position in mechanical engineering or pursuing same with a degree from that tiny community college Stanford
>So she never actually got a job in STEM but wants other girls to do so.
As any kind of activism, they do nothing productive, they just celebrate other people's wins as their own.
you would think they would've removed that little tidbit by now
>It wasn't high school curriculum until the Space Race, it was college math at the earliest
Fair, but then my issue is with your use of the word academia. Academia generally means university professors/researchers.
the average /co/mrade cannot conceive of creators treating their creations as disposable, forgotten things, which is ironically a good thing about us
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The general problem with getting girls into STEM is that men and women derive job satisfaction from different things. A man is fine with just completing a task well. The woman wants to see the results of her task effecting people positively. Which isn't something that can be easily seen in a STEM-related field. You'll never really see how a 5% more effective jet engine positively effects the lives of the general population.
the entire fucking paragraph is an assassination of the subject
>Academia generally means university professors/researchers.
Not to those of us who work in it.
the two best girls
>She found appeal in combining skills in art, design, mechanics and physics in order to tackle and solve complex problems.
>so was this written by Debbie herself?
I could not find a less objective sentence in a This Troper autobiography.
>Academia: The scientific and cultural community engaged in higher education and research, taken as a whole.
What do you think it means?
These are my favourite parts
>While hosting a once monthly "Idea Brunch", the idea for GoldieBlox emerged from a discussion about the lack of women in engineering.

The fact that they called it idea brunch, when they were just eating avocadoes and finding things to bitch over is funny. The fact that Goldie exists on a whim is hilarious.

>Initial criticisms of the company targeted at her product were that construction toys would never catch on, and that "fighting nature" was no good – construction toys were meant to be for boys, and dolls for girls, as Sterling discussed in a 2017 Forbes interview.[citation needed]

This is the most stereotypical discrimination ever. I'm surprised Debbie didn't write that someone told her to get back in the kitchen.
>I used a dictionary, that means more than people working in the field!
Your parents must be real proud of you, now shut the fuck up adults are talking
It has an uncanny parallel to 1980s cocaine decisions doesn't it
The bloodiest, ugliest irony here is what killed all of this wasn't sensibility or gender parity, it was troons disrupting the entire discourse.
For me it's when they tried to use a Beastie Boys song for a commercial without permission and then sued in response.
>GoldieBlox's "Princess Machine" video launched on YouTube in November 2013. The video features three young girls building a Rube Goldberg machine built by Brett Doar, and was set to a parody tune of the Beastie Boys song "Girls". Shortly after the release, the Beastie Boys reached out to GoldieBlox, inquiring about the use of their song without their permission. Goldieblox responded by suing for declaratory judgment in the U.S. District Court of San Francisco seeking declaration of fair use due to parody. GoldieBlox claimed fair use on the grounds that they had "created its parody video specifically to comment on the Beastie Boys song, and to further the company's goal to break down gender stereotypes and to encourage young girls to engage in their intellect."[11]
Okay what work do you do, and what do you think the word means
Man now that we're actually peeking behind the cute loli and seeing the corporate hogs, we're getting a look at everything wrong with post-2014 corporations.

>Regardless, the Beastie Boys went ahead with the counter lawsuit and a settlement was ultimately reached. The settlement granted GoldieBlox a retroactive license for the song. In exchange, GoldieBlox "agreed to make annual payments of 1% of its gross revenue, until the total payments reached $1 million, to a charitable organization chosen by the Beastie Boys and approved by GoldieBlox which supports "science, technology, engineering and/or mathematics education for 'girls'".

So the Golideblox company managed to escape getting the book thrown at them by falling back on their performance as progressive 4th wave feminists.
Well, basically that. Thread's over.

(well not really)
>Debbie recalls a man storming in and telling her to make him a sandwich [citation needed]
Tell me about your mother.
she tried to force me into STEM fields
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i'm about to deploy cringe upon this thread.
>fuck those men inquiring about THEIR property. GIRZ RULE!!! Wooooo!
>Toy line was an activism driven venture that almost immediately died out
>Goldie had a surge of popularity among Loli artists like a decade ago that nobody in the mainstream would ever acknowledge or even know about
>Now the brand is just a footnote with some poorly maintained Wikipedia articles
It's over
But I won't forget her
now show when Ellen took her back stage
Imagine the abuse
Oh look, it's fake and gay.
It's a much more reasonable definition than implying high school is a part of academia.
>Goldie is an abandoned child that adopted by men who want to fuck her.

That is some weapons-grade ooftonium.
>she forced you to pick STEM cotton
at least the trannies were good for SOMETHING
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aw shit
Are you the guy that draws all those summery girls in GaryC?

Is she supposed to be an adult or younger? Body is too big for younger. Also move your breasts down a bit.
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well take good care of her
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>the white leader and the diversity hires
Where are the draws, Smeetbowski?
Where is Simon?
Where are all the artists there are so few...
>the attempt on my life has left my ear scarred..... and deformed
>but I assure you...... my resolve to build the best toaster/cart hybrids has NEVER been STRONGER!
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What do you want her to bring you for Christmas?
An automated waffle making robot.
A photo of her cosplaying as Gadget Hackwrench.
24 hours alone with her in a really warm room stocked with loads of bottles of water in a fridge (hydration is important)
Or I'd just settle for a foot/pitjob
The Trump being shot meme with Goldie, and her friends as the bodyguards.
Requests if any one wants to draw them:
>"The secret service suspects that this shooting was orchestrated by radical feminists in retaliation for her inventing a robot that grabs girls by the pussy!"
>9 years ago
she's gone bros
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too be fair it is the audience that genuinely appreciates her
>Goldie catches Harriet snooping around her workshop
"You're a long way from New York, Missy"
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Bad news guys!
Of course she's Jewish, she's a self-insert for her creator who got by on LA connections and e-begging
...I can fix her
Figures, she has all the tools needed to dig a good tunnel.
sorry anon, but there's a saying
once a jew, there's no hope for you
>some Jewish couple named their kid Goldie
Here are a couple of youtube videos that read through spinning machine and parade float
That's just her Argentinian grandfather Bernd's cover story.
You know too much anon, please come with us!
Here come the girls in black~
I'm glad you acknowledge your disability
>Valentina Volt
Is it the black chick?
valentina is the glasses girl, ruby is it the black chick

Yeah I was trying to get past my art block by drawing something random

Thanks for the tips by the way
Forbid women from learning to read or being anything but housewives.
>women driving
By Allah! How haram!
for me? its Goldie Gold
So....... white. Got it.
The other one was also you?
There are some suggestions here >>144673528
It was silly, but I miss it and Richie Rich. You just don't see cartoons where the joke is how ridiculously rich the protagonist is.

Goldie and Goldie could really work together: GG demanding some ridiculously expensive and specific solution and the GB engineering it for her.
Did the new Duck Tales do any?
Why would it? I think you're forgetting Scrooge's whole deal: he's a super rich guy who's incredibly tight with his money. Aside from his vault swimming pool, he doesn't own anything ridiculously flashy.
but they could still joke about how ridiculously rich he is.
Work on your hands.
Gaston wrote that post.
no I only did the selfie sketch

Lets see

Her eyes need to be blue and her hair needs to be longer

like real long

down to her feet even

and she should be more malevolent and cunning like a trickster from the fables

Etiher way, I could see this shit work
The design is fine.
>down to her feet even
she is goldielocks not rapunzel
she should be out there examining concrete if they have too much aggregate, too much plasticizer, or just right
The best ship.
we need some goldie and li handholding art, quick
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lol, that's actually a great idea for an episode. And big hairy construction workers would be on her case because they know better (and also have siphoned funds, in a criminal twist).
I think this is the best post ITT, actually.
She sounds like a man.
I wish I could draw like this.
I wish you could too.
I know Goldie isn't a new discovery, but for a thread lasting this long, I thought for sure there would be a few more artists lurking around to draw things.

Hope you like the sketch anon https://files.catbox.moe/uzxa0l.png
That's nice, but pretty sure she would be in gloves. I think both that anon and you have some sort of romanticized impression of welding. People wear coveralls, gloves and that mask for a reason.
Nice work
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the autismo squad
>And big hairy construction workers
those better not be the three bears
No anon, he is thinking of 3 ugly bastards. Who can still be bears.
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Surprise, here's what you're getting
>goldie has to save lis ass from a trio of construction worker bears
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perfect for nickelodeon
drawing some art! in progress~ :p
Goldie doesn't want you to know she personally dug 10% of the tunnels in Gaza.
She was paid in KFC.
it's what I've always wanted!
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