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Will it be kino?
I hate this generation.
finally Kino is on the menu
Skibidi Toilet is now part of the mainstream corporate industry
It cannot say it is indie animation anymore or that it has the creative freedom that it will no longer have.
what the fuck. I expected this thing to be a fad and die out.
Why are zoomers so retarded?
What the fuck is Skibidi Toilet?
He already flushed the Transformers franchise down the toilet, so I'm not surprised.
Gonna ask the same question I asked on /v/.
How? Wouldn't they have to pay the Turkish guy who sang the original song for copyright?
Or Valve for their model likeness now that it is no longer a free indie YouTube project?
It sounds like $100 million in rights alone would be paid before production. Why?
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Kys namefag
>Michael Bay
Jesus, this man just has no shame, has he?
I hope executives realize those half-life assets are copyrighted
Skibidibros we're winning
>Wouldn't they have to pay the Turkish guy who sang the original song for copyright?
The song isn't really played that much anymore. The series slowly steered away from it.
>Or Valve for their model likeness now that it is no longer a free indie YouTube project?
Valve barely gives a shit about their own assets. Look at how long it took for there to be an update on the final issue of the Team Fortress comic. Don't get me started on Half-Life. Anyway, they can switch to making their own models to avoid possible legal troubles unless they made a deal with Valve.
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How does that work when the most iconic part of the franchise uses Half-Life face models including the fucking G-man? Wouldn't Valve sue their ass into the ground?
You guys are shitting on this but you can't say Michael Bay wasn't the best choice of director possible
Skibiddi Toilet will be dead by the time it comes out. Remember Baby Shark used to be fucking everywhere but nobody gave a fuck when it's movie came out
Will this be true to the lore is the real question
I can´t wait for the Schwazenneger Skibidi.
Uh but those are characters from half-life, how are they gonna get around that?
This sounds like satire but I'm not surprised Michael Bay looked at Skibidi Toilet. It is full of fucking explosions and over the top action. However, it doesn't need to be made into a movie or be on TV. The premise doesn't really work for it. Out of touch execs are going to demand a lot just to make it more marketable. Why couldn't they just leave it as a random web series?
It's reasonable to assume they will make their own models or negotiate a deal with Valve.
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>makes a sfm short out of boredom about a trendy song
>milks it to hell
>suddenly hollywood comes in and asks you if is okay to make a threatical movie and franchise about your sfm series with valve assets
I'm proud of him. I respect the fucking grind.
Pretty much
It really doesn't seem that hard for them to just create their own assets from scratch, that's what most animated movies do anyway.
I'm guessing the actual toilet creature are getting redesigned since the originals literally use Valve's assets
since it's michael bay it's definitely going to be live action
So....what is the most successful indie cartoon series now? Animator vs Animation?
further proof that we need to kill all member of gen alpha and Z. Mass abortions for all
Wtf did we do? Kill the hack hackjob producers for greenlighting this shit
Cool, now we got this generation's version of Annoying Orange, how FAN.
Common Murder Drones L
>Michael Bay
Yeah, I'm thinking it's going to be kino.
>twitter thread
>gen A slop
>/v/ crossboarding
fuck off
You started this filthy meme and made it popular enough for jew producers to take notice
slopkino incoming
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what the fuck did he mean by this
Isn’t skibidi toilet basically already transformers except they replace the autobots with the camera and tv guys and the decepticons with the toilets?
Y'all are calling this cringe, but this has the potential to be the greatest film ever made I think.

They just have to NOT fuck this up.
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>how FAN
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more of a reason to not pay attention to literally anything being produced anymore
>skibidi toilet gets movie and TV show
meanwhile your here with me on 4chan, just like the others
So what’s your excuse, /co/? If a single guy on YouTube doing SFM animation with Half-Life 2 assets could get a movie and a TV show, why haven’t you gotten one yet?
It will be kino though
I would love to blame zoomers about this, but isn't skibidi chiefly an gen alpha thing? From what I've seen the fandom is extremely young, from literal toddlers to kids in their early teens at most.
Who is this "we" you speak of?
The song is the only real issue, most of the designs are placeholders or cobled together from generic assets that could easily be replaced.
>believing clickbait
this is going to have exactly one meeting with corporate before everybody just quietly buries it out of embarrassment for even thinking they ever wanted to turn the modern equivalent of a youtube poop into a show.
>b-but the annoying orange-
There was also a metal gear movie announced 10 fucking years ago that we still haven't heard anything about since then.

Regardless, I'm still not watching the poo in the loo tier animation for braindead children.
Michael Bay is actually an insanely good fit.
TMNT too
>They're making, not one but, TWO projects based on this shit
Hollywood really is creatively bankrupt.
that guy is actually venom
At 40 years old, reading shit like this, I have never related as hard to this Simpsons quote as I do now
Anon this news comes after Among Us is getting a dramatic animated show by the guy who wrote/boarded for Regular Show and made Infinity Train. Execs don't care how dumb something is, if they see something trendy they'll try to capitalize on it.
I don't understand the violent reaction to Skibidi Toilet. To me it's like raging at finger family videos. It's just mindless baby entertainment, who cares?
>we didn't get the TF2 [as] series but we're getting multiple hollywood skibidi toilet projects
Why Michael Bay? Shouldn't it be some horror director?
I think Skibidi is significantly more tolerable than the finger family vids, but the outrage is because of ipad babies and algorithms that sneak past adult controls with neuron-frying intent.
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>meanwhile tadc
I guess
Kids have always liked potty humor.
the normal ones haven't, only zoomers and alphas that have been groomed by scat fetish writers inserting it into cartoons like it
you’re an idiot
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Will he make a cameo?
In your dreams
so much clogging
I don’t understand why /co/ hates this so much. It’s success proved in a completely undeniable way that something aimed squarely at boys instead of childless tweeting women can actually be viable. It’s a fuck you to Hollywood and publishing who’ve considered boys a dead market for 20 years and used that as a justification to fag up everything. I’m old and I celebrate toilet man.
Past like episode 4, it's entirely an escalating war. Michael Bay makes perfect sense. Except he's probably going to force humans into the story when they hardly exist in the series outside of background characters who die and the meta self insert.
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>poopoo peepee
Kids may have always been stupid little shit lovers, but personally I don't think so called 'potty humor' has ever reached such a low point as what is currently being seen.
You don't see people trying to unironically talk about finger family videos here
>Except he's probably going to force humans into the story when they hardly exist in the series
>He doesn't know
There's surprisingly little poop/fart stuff on Skibidi Toilet. It's pretty much just the actual toilets themselves and references to clogging/flushing as a way to beat them.
>boys probably like skibidi more than girls, therefore this is a good thing
I don't think skibidi is even particularly gender segregated, I think it appeals to the dim minds of children regardless of gender.
>meanwhile FPE (Fundamental Paper Education)
I do not. Elaborate.
It's literally themed army men smacking into each other, of course boys like it more.
Keep documenting the history of potty humor and update us then.
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Nah ah
Gen Alpha girls have FPE too while the boys hangout with Skibidi Toilet
>I don't get it, what's not to like about Skibidi
>Its just baby entertainment
Its a grown man's disembodied head sticking out of a toilet with a slasher killer-esque smile paired with the implication of literal shit eating. And there is plenty to be said about the effect of certain kinds of media exposure to the developing minds of young children. At the very least, most parents tend to prefer to expose their children to something better than head-in-toilet man or any of that crap on youtube.
>paired with the implication of literal shit eating.
Nah, I don't think that's actually in there. In fact it seems like they die if you try to actually use their intended functionalities as a toilet.
>offer a simple point of view on le skibidi
>get a passive aggressive and defensive response
Such a snappy comeback in defense of a toilet meme against a very mild criticism of it.
That was probably the nicest rebuttal you could’ve gotten on 4chan. If simple sarcasm with no insults is all it takes to offend you, then that’s pretty bad.
Unless >>144639799 is you, in which case you’re retarded.
Spooky Month
>Execs don't care how dumb something is, if they see something trendy they'll try to capitalize on it
The trend chasing of Hollywood is truly unreal. Now amongst all of the remakes and sequels we also get to see them chasing the lastest memetic trends for young children. It doesn't matter if it is about a literal toilet, that is still good enough for them if there is the slightest hope of baiting kids (and their families by proxy) into watching whatever nonsense they put out.
This is probably a dream come true for the creator, now he can actually make merch.
>bro you're so offended
I am simply surprised anyone here defends the retarded toilet man meme. And I have no relation to that one anon who made you so mad because he didn't like your meme either.
Makes sense, given that this image has a fuck ton of "made by an actual Female" vibes.
Speaking of Skibidi Toilet, did you know that people from the Silent Generation actually invented the meme during WW2?
>reading shit like this, I have never related as hard to this Simpsons quote as I do now
The times are changing for oldfags, now the kids have grown up and come here to start talking about how 'its really not that bad, honest'. I can't understand anyone older than eighteen giving this the time of day.
>I don’t understand why /co/ hates this so much.
/co/ doesn't give a fuck about this when sharteens aren't spamming it as a means of low-effort trolling
I’ll be blunt here because I can sense you’re the type of anon who comes to wrong conclusions quite often. I thought your post was stupid and I was making fun of the idea anybody would be “keeping track” of potty humor through the ages to say this is a new low. I don’t watch Skibidi Toilet, but I’m not a moralist who believes in sheltering children. I watched stupid shit when I was young and this generation gets to have their own thing. Captain Underpants was my jam and that had a book all about robot toilets. I think it’s neat that I can remember the birth of Garry’s Mod machinima and see how far it’s gone. If you’re still upset, then you deserve it.
>I am simply surprised anyone here defends the retarded toilet man meme.
why'd you expected something mature from a site that is full of manchildren and gooklovers?
>did you know that people from the Silent Generation actually invented the meme during WW2?
that's the same thing as "the red party invented the "you as the virgin and *e as the chad" meme".
memes are basically the most oldest things compared to cinema
don't forget that "kilroy was here" was a meme too!
Can't wait to see all the zoomers forced to swallow their first blackpill
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They also invented all kinds of new racial stereotypes and revolutionized propaganda meant to make the crudest strawmen possible out of their enemies. Hardly surprising they took any shot at making the enemy look as stupid as possible.
>all of this text
Fucks sake, who cares this much. Damn.
zoom zoom
Nobody did hour long loredump videos of Cupcake Painus or Nope.mp4.
Toilet monsters versus TV headed robots is basically what his Transformers movies already were.
>he doesn't know the TF2 freaks lore
yeah and don't forget this as well!
you care entirely too much about this. I don't know where to start with your over the top anger about a single anon saying "I don't like skibidi", more or less. And you brought up potty humor first. And there is nothing in that original post which implies, 'keeping track of potty humor through the ages' or sheltering children.
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I guess I don't understand how having an hour long loredump of Nope.mp4 would upset anyone.
thread theme
I wish I could laugh at these at face value without second guessing if they’re AI.
>over the top anger
It seems you’ve skipped entirely over “I thought your post was stupid and I was making fun of you”. Don't worry, I’ll help you out by bringing it up again.
I almost doubt that AI can properly replicate the sheer hatred some of these propagandists must have felt for their enemies.
Do you think Bay would replace the G-man toilet with a Hitler toilet? That's like the main thing they need to find a replacement for but it needs to remain iconic.
nope.avi you fucking casual
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Fucking countless shit gets axed or canceled fuckinng Wile E Coyote vs ACME gets fucked over but THIS abomination meme shit gets the OKAY?!
Its ok kid, none of this matters anyway. Just another stupid internet argument over literal nothing.
>Good things get canned
>Dumb shit gets greenlit
Many such cases.
Old meets New old man
Same shit different decade brother.
spoken like a disillusioned 40s noir detective, lol
>Babies first realization
Welcome to the 21st century retard
What do you mean tf2 freaks have lore
Why does this exist
embrace the chaos anon, it’s more fun that way
>racial stereotypes
But anon, the nerd emoji isn't a race
The fact that Skibidi Toilet makes /co/ mad is the only reason I don't think you guys are are young zoomers/alphoids.
Cause it's hard to tell when you check out Amazing Digital Circus and Murder Drone threads.
>It's actually an hour long
Some brave anon willing to sacrifice a hour of their time should watch that and report back as to what the fuck it's about. Certainly not me.
I hope it gets multiple Oscar nominations just to make serious industry members seethe
blame the CEO of Warner for this
he even knows that most of their films, specially the DC ones, were a massive failure thanks to his incompetence of what the audience actual wants instead of what they audience thinks they wants alongside with his hyperfixation over fan-service and nostalgiabait!
Juat found out that Michael Bay admitted to liking DaFuq's Transformers videos months ago.
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>the striking similarities
kek, they can't keep getting away with this.
>brazilian links
christian brutal sniper solos all the object head people in skibidi toilet
>zoomer/alphoid slop makes /co/ mad
>that means they're zoomers/alphoids
what sort of retarded logic is this?
nigger most of gen z is already in their bloody 20s, its gen alpha you talk about
I think you missed a minor step in reading that anon's post. That anon means that hating skibidi is how they know that /co/ isn't just zoomers or kids. But they most certainly don't think highly of the Digital Circus and Murder Drone posters on the other hand.
Digital Circus and Murder Drone were by people that already had a cult following on /co/ before they made it big, Liam Vickers in particular.
Median age for zoomers is 19
>cult following on /co/
It is a pretty big cult following because I see those posted pretty constantly around here. Personally I have no clue what they are about for the most part, all I know is that one has a clown looking thing that a bunch of anons apparently want to fuck.
I mean even before they struck it big with the Glitch stuff they had a good sized following here so it's not surprise that /co/ is following their newer stuff even if kids have latched onto them as well.
Sad world
He's saying that's how he knows they aren't.
It is Brian rot.
Haha nice one
>it's real
Every year since 2020 has been a fever dream
I wish Biden would draft the Zoomers already and ship them off to Israel and Ukraine already.
Skibidi won
Not a real word
There were fast food ads that used sfm models and aired it on television. They'll find a way.

The video description mentions that everything used in the video is copyright free.
>the normal ones haven't
>source: my ass where poo poo comes from
>muh zoomers
>even though this dumb sfm shit is being watched by children under 12 whom are apart of the generation after
If they’re going for a massive budget, they can pay the singer as little as 10k euros, pay for the dinner, reassure the singer a few hundred kg of cokeand he’d be more than happy to give them the rights to use his song.
pomni wished she could die
this thread smells of /v/
One of the regular posters of this slop is a confessed sharty poster so close enough
The /v/ thread was much worse
This has but the smallest hint of that stench
why toilets tho
Aiming at boys was never a failed demographic, that was just media gaslighting everyone.
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Hey look, they did it again!
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People give nintendo a bad rep for suing anyone who mimics their IP's, but in this regard, Valve has to be absolutely cucked.
>have several of the biggest IP's in gaming
>half life 3 is the most anticipated game of all time
>do fuckall with the IP for years beyond tech demos
>georgian shitposter uses assets from HL and unintentionally creates worldwide phenomenon
>Ressurects Half Life characters for an entirely new audience in the most autistic way possible
>starts selling merch
>gets movie deal with hollywood
and Valve doesn't even bother as much as asking for a cut of the profits. Now everyone associates one of the most mysterious characters in gaming with a giant head in a toilet shooting laser eyes
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desu tho, I actually unironically want to see it.
Say what you will, but I think "the allience" look pretty cool and I'd like to see how they recreate the titans with a hollywood budget, and maybe see how horrifying they make the toilets.
It would also be great if they played it completely straight 100% just like the series. And by that I mean don't be like marvel or rick and morty and go "ZOMG!!! SINGING TOILET HEADS AND CAMERA PEOPLE!? THATS SUPER WEEEIIIIRRRD RIGHT GUYS!?" and do some gayass meta comedy.
If Bay brings the bayformers energy to this thing (without the gay teen drama) then I think it would be Kino, even if it's fucking stupid.
why are you simping for a multi billion company. They don't care, neither should you, this is the equivalent of a robot chicken movie
some valve shit, I assume. so they refuse to make hl3 but this is cool. clown world.
Fucking kill yourself you double-digit IQ brainrotted alphanigger.
I was laying around the other day and I got to thinking about half life out of the blue. it never ceases to astound me how bizarre valve is with refusing to make another one and letting it end the way it did. and also refusing to make a third game in any of their series. it's not a new realization, but what is gabe's problem with the number 3? someone needs to just tie him up in a basement and waterboard him or something until he explains why he has such a weird hang up with a number.
Society has become a mass humiliation ritual.
You sound mad.
gmod shitpost milked into total war body horror sci fi arms race
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>Will it be kino?
The answer is the same as if applied to picrel
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here's my shitty opinion or something
i think that adapting gmod or internet animation works (not necesarily skibidishit) would be a good move for the movie industry, due the fact that there's a major lack of modern action franchises that aren't just capeshit, or reboots of 30-40 year old movies, and so drawing upon the internet to bring fresh ideas and blood to give them a chance is the right move, not matter how stupid the concept is
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>it's actually real
how come every year Trump runs for office turns into a fucking nuthouse
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we are going back in time to february 7th to get dafuqboom off the internet
The end of days are coming, make the best (or worst) of it.
The superiority of anime is undisputed. Enjoy your third world garbage America.
The real reason is that almost everyone online is in the 13 to 20 years old range, thus they're old enough for the current small children's fad to be no longer for them, yet still inmature enough to not just brush it off as just another way to keep children entretained.
It happened when they were little, it happened when their parents were little and it will happen when their children are little.
>inb4 I'm 30!
You're trying too hard to fit in. No one who is actually an oldfag ever mentions that they're oldfags. Go back to doing your high school homework Timmy.
>inb4 it's low quality slop!
You are in the cartoons board. Every one of your childhood series is slop. At least this one isn't being animated by a group of underpaid Koreans.
>inb4 it's harmful to children!
Every generation of children's cartoon is violent. Children like that. One of The Simpsons most iconic running gags is this very thing.
>inb4 they clog up the catalogue!
Everyone that complains about the supposed quality of the board is a newfag who doesn't understand his reaction is the reason low quality posts are made. Trolling 101.
Valve only likes to make a big valve title as a tech demo, see: half life alex
If they can't figure out a sequel that doesn't involve some kind of new tech gimic they won't make it. For instance they were working on l4d 3 with this really cool thing where the director could be played by a player in vr (placing everything down on a top down kind of map). Sadly they couldn't get it working properly. If valve were any other company we'd have the dogshit l4d 10 or something with microtransactions and no mods. Instead they leave us with a great classic which basically spawned the modern coop shooter genre.
This all is mainly because they don't need to release big main line games. They have steam. Which means infinite money to screw around and never actually finish anything.
The end of the world actually did came in 2012.
Yup, because skibidi toilet as we know exists thanks to Michael Bay in the first place. Dafuq took inspiration from his movies and half-life too.
You're right we need to ship out both of you people
>kills the young people
>then wonders who is going to take care of them when they're old
will Michael Bay get his good friend to help with it?
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Creator of GMod has shared his thoughts on this.
no other movie trilogy will have a faggot and his KoF China loving father kick the shit out of vampires
hope you have your tickets ready Gabrielle
>threatening to transition over the Skibidi movie
Well, you better get those scissors ready, Mr. Newman.
Money talks.
Keep crying about it, fag.
You will never be Japanese


How can they expect Zoomers to sit in a theater for a 2 hour cellphone slop video?
It'll be an exclusive release on one of the streaming platforms or some shit.
they already did that with Puss in Boots 2
Gen beta
no they fucking didn't and that's why that film flopped
thankyou blonde guy sword blonde guy
I will now go and make that scene deer art ive been meaning to
But you need Zoomers so then can make gen beta
Or do you really want millenials having children in their fucking 50's-60's
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Godspeed, anon.
Infact here's one of my projects I'm hoping to get off the ground soon.
Just watch it, it's genuinely great. Easily the best ongoing animated content in the web.
Oh come on, Michael Bay is a hack compared to this guy.
That sounds made up
>Easily the best ongoing animated content in the web
Or maybe you're just retarded
or maybe YOU are
I'm not someone that thinks lazy SFM slop is somehow the best youtube animated series out there so that's not possible.
well i dunno man, the guy who says it's good watched i and the guy who says it's bad didn't.
I watched it, it sucks. Animation lacks weight, everything moves floaty, so even as an "action series" is fails.
>inb4 "it's just one guy!"
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>The guy who did a bunch of transformers shorts got to work with Michael Bay
Fitting! Maybe he can bring back the cool kickass factor that's been missing from the franchise since idk Last Knight?
Are you sure you didn't watch the bootleg series, because booms work actually makes clever use of screen shakes and pov camera distortion to show weight and power behind the actions of the titans
You need more than that to make it good animation lol, he sucks ass at character movement and shaky cam doesn't come close to making up for it.
vivzieslop on suicide watch
slopworx on suicide watch
>a gmod shitpost caught the eyes of a Hollywood director
Vivzibros, Glitchbros, Lackabros, we fucking lost…
To be fair it's Michael Bay, not exactly some auteur.
>Will it be kino?
Always the case with stubborn/ecstatic minds where their headcanons are the limit...
Doesn't mean this will hit box office let alone survive more than a year after the film's official release.
But hey. All I can say is enjoy this memefest of a film while it's in production. Chances are that it's going to be cast into a dumpster fire and serve as a center of mediocrity for years to come. Just like the previous interweb sensations that >>144638094 , >>144645426
and >>144646225 just acknowledged.
Just like clockwork.
I think he's an auteur, being an auteur doesn't mean you make good movies though.
Have you ever even watched Skibidi Toilet? Or do you just look at the title and assume it's shit?
Is it one kid replying to every post saying skibidi toilet is shit with "you didn't watch it!" or something?
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No, but there are a lot of posts that say skibidi toilet is bad, bullshit made for gen alpha babies, etc, but nobody that says its shit ever says why. The impression I always get is it's just a kneejerk reaction to the first short, thinking it's some weird Spider-Man and Elsa kind of shit. There is no good criticism that actually looks like it was written by someone that actually watched it.
this is more a gen alpha thing. even the youngest zoomers are high school aged at least, and this is really an elementary to middle school demographic
Well I can offer my criticism, it's mindless escalation and the action isn't that great and considering there's barely any characters or story beyond extremely broad archetypes with all of this having the presentation of some gmod frankenstein project there isn't really all that much to talk about. Bringing in space toilets and DEEP LORE human shit isn't as engrossing as you think it is, it's the kind of shit that might keep a kid entertained but anything beyond that audience it's plain fuckin dumb.
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I like the fact that there's no real characters or story. And the less dialog there is, the better.

>there isn't really all that much to talk about.
Good. Not everything needs some "community" where everyone speculates about a deeper meaning, lore, the future of the series, etc.

>beyond that audience it's plain fuckin dumb.
The same people that say this also think of Youtube Poops as comedy gold.
It's so glaringly obvious they haven't seen (enough) of it to make an informed opinion. It's so obvious they watched the first 2 episodes(20 seconds btw) and assume the entirety(over an hour long) is the same singing toilet.
It honestly reminds me of the early Bitcoin adopters begging people to just invest and getting laughed at by clueless tards.
>I like the fact that there's no real characters or story
that's retarded, that might work for a short or two but a series going on 100+ episodes needs a little something more than that

>And the less dialog there is, the better.
Shit isn't Samurai Jack or Primal, there's ways to tell a story without actual dialogue and this isn't it.

>Good. Not everything needs some "community" where everyone speculates about a deeper meaning, lore, the future of the series, etc.
That's not what happens in the threads of people that enjoy this shit then lol

>The same people that say this also think of Youtube Poops as comedy gold.
I never liked YTPs
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Anything beyond that it's a criticism that the series exists now purely for the sake of making action scenes, while everything else you can watch that comes out these days is basically just soap opera bullshit.

>that's retarded, that might work for a short or two but a series going on 100+ episodes needs a little something more than that
>Shit isn't Samurai Jack or Primal, there's ways to tell a story without actual dialogue and this isn't it.
Why does it need a story?
>I can't understand anyone older than eighteen giving this the time of day.
It's literally just a machinama. The most objectionable thing is the slight scatalogical humor, but just remember you're almost certainly from the generation that watched Ren and Stimpy, Cow and Chicken, and Invader Zim.
>Why does it need a story?
Do you want to watch mindless slop without a decent framework? I don't. Like I wouldn't want to watch Primal if it was all just "caveman beats up monster" scenes strung together. Shit gets boring real fast otherwise which is exactly what happened to this.
>Why does it need a story?
Aliens invade earth and have zero intentions in approaching things diplomatically.
Do you really need more story than that?
It will be average at best, but ten to fifteen years following it's release manchildren will pretend otherwise.
Maybe on planet retard.
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>Do you want to watch mindless slop without a decent framework? I
Sometimes, yes, yes I do. Especially these days when I can go into an animated or live action adaptation of an action series expecting to sit through several hours worth of the most uninspired soap opera drama with barely a few minutes worth of action scenes peppered across it because that requires a well-managed budget, directing ability, and actors capable of any physical exertion, something that modern action series productions seem completely incapable of producing.

Completely mindless action is filling that void. It's supply and demand, and the supply was lacking.

I know I don't
If this isn't the retard bell curve in action I don't know what is lmao, just going in one extreme in response to another.
What's wrong with it?
Depends. I don't want to sit through two hours of slop with no dialogue and barely any story. That's fine for maybe a five or ten minute short but anything substantially longer is just mindless slop without a purpose. Like a supercut of all the Bayformer action scenes would be a slog.
No one gives a fuck about this outside of children or Shartyfags, and considering that we have recorded evidence of the former browsing the Sharty there isn’t much difference between those two groups to begin with.
Remember when the GameStop happened on Reddit? Just days laters and Hollywood was already making a movie about that.

They wanna ride on trends so badly. Luckily it might bomb. This meme can die at any moment like any other meme did.
where do you think we are?
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You do understand that the overwhelming majority of popular multiplayer videogames consists of loading into a map, running around shooting at each other until you die, right? And the videogame industry has become bigger than hollywood.

>That's fine for maybe a five or ten minute
And the majority of skibidi toilet videos are barely a minute long.
If Disney didn’t fuck up their Star Wats trilogy we wouldn’t have little boys watching toilet robots beat the shit out of each other as an extremely desperate and low brow way to entertain themselves.
There also some deeper implications if you are into that shit
>Secret agent as a whole
>Skibidi infighting
>Are alliance members former humans
>Early skibidis possibly saving humanity as a whole
>Humans in a post skibidi invasion world
For me I'm content with the XCOM style arms race.
1 billion dollar box office easily, from zoomers, ironybros, and kids ages 10 and under
Video games grab your attention through participation, I don't want to spend hours watching a guy do that passively. People who watch streamers do that are genuine mouth breathing retards.

>And the majority of skibidi toilet videos are barely a minute long.
It's like two hours worth of shorts now, shit gets stale real fast.
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>Video games grab your attention through participation, I don't want to spend hours watching a guy do that passively.
I bet you also think Tom and Jerry sucks because it doesn't have a story
Nah. I don't think kids will really care, this isn't gonna be the same without the Team Fortress characters attached which Valve will say no.

Plus will parents even care? They pay the ticket and I doubt they will.

Why couldn't we have a Team Fortress movie? It's a far better idea. I'm serious, I would watch that no problem.
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>I bet you also think Tom and Jerry sucks because it doesn't have a story
And there's HOURS of it! All they do is smack each other around! Isn't that just terrible?
Tom and Jerry episodes have a story retard, there's always a context for the slapstick. It makes up for the lack of substantial narrative by having great animation.
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>Why couldn't we have a Team Fortress movie? It's a far better idea. I'm serious, I would watch that no problem.
It came out 17 yeas ago and even Valve doesn't give a shit about it anymore.
Live action? That's what I meant.
Every episode of Tom and Jerry and other cartoons in that vein have a different context to keep things from getting stale.
guy making it is Russian who lives in Kazakhstan or Georgia to avoid the draft, i don't blame him for taking the millions from Hollywood, it's his chance for a normal life
One step closer to that one scene in Idiocracy where a packed movie theater is watching a farting ass on the screen and laughing their asses of.
With posters like >>144649609 you're not far off...
You're right and i agree but i gotta ask, is that AI?
Yeah, just like skibidi toilet.
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Gmod vids from the 2000s and early 2010s are still better than Skibidi
No, you didn't even watch it and it shows well. You are that one autistic schizo that keeps seething at skibidi toilet in every single thread even though you clearly have no idea what you are talking about.
>guy making it is Russian who lives in Kazakhstan or Georgia to avoid the draft, i don't blame him for taking the millions from Hollywood, it's his chance for a normal life
he is from Georgia
The thing is that it’s fluff, anon. Whether it’s the singing toilet shit or the faux action movie crap, it’s all the equivalent of some kid with action figures bashing them together, only in Source Engine. There is legitimately nothing underneath the veneer, it is ALL veneer, all sound and thunder but with none of the long lasting impact. Like, fluff is fine, there’s nothing wrong with something being strange or silly or even experimental, but pretending there’s anything deep to this shit is like trying to drown yourself in an ankle deep puddle. It’s just fluff, and everything else is the brain projecting more onto these toilets and cameramen than I doubt the creator actually thought through.
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Who ever said I wanted or thought it was anything more than just fluff? I don't always want some kind of deep and meaningful experience.

Usually 4chan is my go-to for a completely shallow waste of time. But not always.
>pretending there’s anything deep to this shit is like trying to drown yourself in an ankle deep puddle
But I'm not though, you need to stop caring so much about what other people think of you. I wanna watch mecha v Kaiju battles with an arms race between the two, there's some mystery in the series but I'm not pretending it's a deep thought experiment.
No one cares what media you consume except your reddit friends.
I kind of lost the plot of Skibidi Toilet. Why are there good Skibidis now?
It's an enemy of my enemy type deal. Space toilets fleet finally arrived on earth and they hate the earth grown skibidis.
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>the people who grew up watching megababies are complaining about skibidi toilet.
I don't go to reddit. More that every time I ask someone what the hell's the appeal, they just give non-answers like "you need to watch the whole thing" or "you're an old out of touch boomer, you wouldn't understand". Bullshit like that. They don't explain why this shit is GOOD, just whine how "it's deep and you just don't get it". Which is frustrating cause I did try to watch this shit, and that's my genuine analysis, that it's weird looking fluff that's interesting to look at but ultimately weird for its own sake without the proper context.
neither zoomers or gen alpha are old enough to sign a contract anon. for sure some dumbfuck old executive thought this was an amazing idea
>Good things
good for you only though
>Good. Not everything needs some "community" where everyone speculates about a deeper meaning, lore, the future of the series, etc.
There's a lot of very weak defenses of SkibToi and its fans in this thread, but this claim sticks out. The shorts absolutely suffer from this phenomenon.
Especially when it comes to lorefags. There were coom threads forvthe camera woman on this board and others until a month or so ago. Simply stating you dislike fandom culture too doesn't really mean much when the thing responsible for said fandom is being criticized.
I’m not gonna watch it, let alone pay for it, but who knows how many kids will get their parents to take them to the movies for it. It’ll be hilarious if it does poorly just for the fact that parents refuse to take their kids to see it. Ether way I don’t really care but I’m not taking my kid to this.
>shitty shallow webseries suddenly gets picked up by people with money for actual production value
Very excited to see the skibidi toilet equivalent of RWBY.
Your face when the people that come to see this movie are dudebros and young dad's with their kids.
And the people lining up for Deadpool and wolverine are kiddies
>you people
Thankfully, I'm not a Amerifat resident like you, and if I was I'm well over the drafting age.
millenials aren't having children. why do you think most are sexless s oy virgins? the idea of raising a kid is too tasking for them. most don't even want kids and will always chastise people who do want to have kids via sex to adopt instead, and will call those same people "breeders". zoomers do that too because like millenials, they're just as retarded.
That's just free advertising
Cast him
Who will play Skibidi
Chris Pratt
He maeks stuff for the people. Of course he's in touch.
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>Will it be kino?
as long as the cameramen are represented well
if they fuck up the camera army aspect
it will be plebcake tier
Yes because both these movies are in theaters right now, also why would I care I watch things I like because I like them, not because they’re popular, if you only watch what’s popular than damn I feel bad for you Man.
BOMB! EXPLOSION! Michael bay kino!
>Remember Baby Shark used to be fucking everywhere
I mean... Baby shark is for toddlers, not /co/ nor teenagers
>Valve doesn't even bother as much as asking for a cut of the profits
That karma for DOTA!
So that means we're about 6 years away from WTFboom dying of anaphylaxis. Rip.
Not really that's why shit is boring, it's serial rather than episodic despite barely having any story to tell.
Valve is a tech company that occasionally makes games. As the other anon who replied to you mentioned, they only really make new big installments in their series or new games in general when they think they can push the envelope. That is how Half Life was born, it's how Half Life 2 was born, Portal is a tech demo, Portal 2 is an improved tech demo, TF2 was a study in various aspects of team game design, etc. etc.
I'm more curious about what actors will put their career on the line by participating on this
Nobody watched this shit. That's why it only made two dozen episodes and only aired new episodes for six months.

ST videos have a total of almost 50 billion views.

Zoomies and Gen Alpha were our last hope and they're already lost.
It's just giant robots fighting funny aliens, for fuck's sake. You guys are weird.
>it's just <literal description>
>describing something obnoxious/faggoty/retarded/cringey as 'just funny'
How many more decades will retards keeping using these formats of non-argument? At what point will we advance as a civilization to the point where every human over the age of eight recognizes that it's a low effort ultra-simplification? It means literally nothing. You can use it to make absolutely anything sound simple or inoffensive.
free money
Skibidi is far more story based than any Tom and Jerry episode. (Although I'm sure the movies are more story driven)
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what's the /co/ FMK (fuck marry kill) status on this
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>make movies for teenage boys. Oh, dear, what a crime.
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Sure it is kiddo, sure it is.
Yes, it is actually.

What started as a few isolated skirmishes in the streets escalated into a full blown war, with both sides becoming noticeably more desperate as the series goes on. Characters are established all the time by proving themselves in battle, and then go on to recur again throughout the series. Each of these characters have distinguishable personalities. They make friends, and hold grudges. Many go on to be tragically cut down when things escalate unexpectedly.

Both sides are constantly gaining and losing ground. In episode 70, one of the biggest bads that was frequently halting the progress of the "good guys" was finally killed after being surrounded during a major assault on one of their bases.

Is this not story? If it's not, then what would be?

>"How can I make this about team fortress 2?"
You know, I wonder if Gerasimov ever feels regret for his creation, like Oppenheimer did.

>Now I am become skibidi, the destroyer of cognitive development
You seem to not understand the extend 17 billion views can go
With going rate average of 1 million USD per 1 billion views, the man is already set for life. Even without merch or other tie-ins he’s elite level in Georgia, and if he wanted to he could immigrate to America or anywhere in Europe, be at a rich level and be retired. And that’s if he kept his series indie animation
By selling out to the Jews in Hollywood he doesn’t care for it, or for animation, and it’s just mindless drivel for him that will let others exploit it to push the same shit that got their content declining in popularity. And that will ruin his cash cow too
Do any of the characters have actual goddamn names, anon? Cause at the minimum Tom the cat and Jerry the mouse had flipping names to identify them as individuals.
>Like actually
>Let them COOK
>Like imagine if they play it like totally straight and go all out with the budget and actors
>Bro it MIGHT actually be KINO

Probably trolling sure but GMod, TF2 and Portal fags have always been proto-redditors
What, you never read the comments on one of these videos? People talk about them and say their names all the time.
No, anon, I am tasking you to do it right here and now. What are the names the CREATOR gave these abominations to be identified as individuals whose stories we follow?
What is that supposed to prove? Are you saying that they can't be distinct characters if they don't call each other by name? In a series with virtually no dialogue, that uses body language instead?

The characters are visually and behaviorally distinct. Not having official in-universe names does not make them less of a character.

How often do Tom and Jerry call each other "Tom" and "Jerry"?
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This is Plungerman, he's been in many episodes throughout the series, but is dead now. Rest in Peace.
Way to sidestep the question, dumbass. What it proves is that you’re full of crap and your opinions mean nothing if you can’t even answer a question like “name one of the characters”
That's not even what filtered means you retarded gen alpha shitlord.
Only the old Tom & Jerry. 21st T&J fucking disgusts me with it's pacifism between the feline and the rodent. Interspecies conflict should not disappear just because they're anthropomorphised.
>Tom & Jerry sucks now, therefore billions must die, unironically, no homo
Okay, now describe this "Plungerman" without saying what it looks like, what kind of costume it wore, or what kind of profession or supposed roles it has in these shorts. And do it in a way that you'd be describing it to someone who's never been cursed to see a skibdi toilet or whatever in their lifetime.
I did not side step the question. I acknowledged that there aren't in-universe names, and I gave my defense of that.

If you really want me to give an example, how about the titan speakerman (a fan-given name). You see, the object heads have these three giants that act as the main heavy-hitters of their army. They often go up against similarly giant kaiju style skibidis. However, the red speaker giant is the smallest and least powerful of the three, which often leads him to feel embarassed and inadequate. Because of this, he has become somewhat of a hothead, always trying to prove himself. His tendency to jump the gun and charge straight in often causes trouble and gets him hurt, but sometimes his ballsyness ends up saving the day.
That's just gibberish, anon
Is sound like a april fool joke.
Are you sure? Seems like plain English to me. What, in particular, didn't make sense?
All of it, frankly. If I had no idea that "speaker man" just means Gmod model with a speaker model interposed over the head, that description would be 100% meaningless.
>More that every time I ask someone what the hell's the appeal
If I had seen that asked even once, I would believe you.

There are always lorefags. They're usually just stupid children.
He's more serious than many of his contemporaries, he doesn't partake in activities like dancing that others do. He's known for being brave, daring, and fearless, but these traits appear to stem from an underlying disregard for his own health. He maintains his aggressive posturing and attacks even when severely outnumbered and outclassed by foes and must be rescued by others. Despite his apparent disregard for his own health, he values that of his comrades very much, and has shown anger towards allies who didn't wait long enough for others to reach safety.

I'll give you this, that's at least some pretty good fanfic you pulled out of your ass, so kudos to you actually trying to answer the question
I stated that it was a fan-given name, because I know that it alone doesn't tell you much about him. That's why I explained his role, his major side conflict, his personality, and how the situation he's in influences his behavior. I didn't describe his appearance, because I believed that was less relevant than his function in the story.

Your arguments have really devolved to just saying "nuh uh!" to everything I say, without providing counterexamples.
The onus is on the one making the statement, aka you, to explain this shit, not the other way around
Fanfic? All of those things have actually happened throughout the course of the series. You can see aspects of all those things within the first 2 minutes 30 seconds of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGc0jClpTPQ which is filmed from Plungerman's perspective (every video is filmed in first-person perspective of one of the cameramen).
I did. I explained how the show is story driven, and how there are substantial characters in it.

I made my statement, and I justified it. If you can't find a way to refute it, then that's a lost argument on your part. Responding with "Actually no" or with baseless accusations of incoherence does not count as a proper rebuttal.
While I genuinely couldn't see any of that shit you said, you at least answered the question, so I'm conceding that at least for the fans, they're getting something out of all of this and therefore it has some value. So, good job.
>This one anon who hasn't watched Skibidi Toilet acting like it has no plot

What causes this mindset? I get not having an interest in the series, but to talk about it like it's mindless Spider-Man X Elsa shit is ridiculous at this point. Is it just zoomers seething that gen alpha has something, and they're realizing they're not young anymore?
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I don't care what /co/ has to say. Skibidi Toilet is peak cinematic kino.
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>based on a property that's highly popular with kids
>Michael Bay
>movie adaptation
History repeats itself.
There is literally no difference between Skibidi Toilet and other SFM stuff. Gen Alpha are gonna be fine
>their first blackpill
A lot of us have been blackpilled for a good 5 - 10 years.

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