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Is shadman drawing a loli pinup of keem's daugther CP? Or is it legal but morally reprehensible?
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how many years are you faggots going to obsess over this guy
It's just a drawing.
shadman is not /co/ related just because he drew cartoon rule 34 sometimes
fuck off
The latter according to US law and common sense morality
>Is shadman drawing a loli pinup of keem's daugther CP?
>Or is it legal
Its legal in some parts of the world and not in others although irrelevant because no country actually enforces it, only people to get in trouble also had actual cp
>but morally reprehensible?
Depends on your morals I guess, Im an Art absolutist so I dont give a shit
Technically no, but it's def the latter. It's one of those things where he really was just overly edgy at times. Like I feel some things are fine within context like him drawing the X-23 many people draw live action characters as their comic counterparts. But in the keemstar daughter and lt corbis case, their wasn't much parody or character to it. Like I've seen people draw loli wonder woman using the outfit from 84 or design I think that's fine as it's just a character based on a actor slightly. But in these other cases he literally was drawing a one to one of irl kid, while not CP because not like he traced or used real pics. Still fucked up and why he used to get a lot of hate for being a edgy asshole.
Until the nigger dies, and 50 years after that
Yeah basically this, really art needs to be free to allow for absolute creativity. We are seeing the results of prudism and over politization of art currently and honestly we are coming out the worst for it losing forums and places for artist to grow and express themselves. But shad is still a weirdo
I'm going to miss his femboy comics
>Legal but Morally reprehensible

All you fuckers want is justification for it. A reason to say "I wanna jack off to cute lil girls and boys but without the being socially outcasted part".

Just ban it all, simple as. Don't whine "muh censorship", there's nothing artistic about sexy little girls at all. You're mentally damaged from being on 4chan so long.
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Then you have to admit you have no morals and you're just a freak.

But don't be the niggers that put some mask on and pretend they aren't. You are, you just can't admit it to yourself. Pray no one you care about finds out.
Can someone post the image in question so I can I can understand what we are dealing with?
There has always been heavy artistic censorship by the mainstream, it cant be helped.
The few decades we had while the internet was still relatively obscure and people could do whatever they wanted artistically and there would be an audience and they would not be hunted down for it was an exception in human history
We were so lucky
One of Mr Beast's friends cranks it to Shadman and people are finding out. That's what this thread is about
CP involves photographic/video records of the IRL sexual exploitation of an actual child, it's not prosecuted as an obscenity statute but the extended exploitation of the subject.
SCOTUS told an Attorney General that even the most realistic CGI doesn't count because this crime requires an actual victim and when Ashcroft correctly predicted technology would make it difficult to tell in the future, they replied "that's a you problem, you're doing an end run around the First Amendment and fuck you for trying" with the most conservative justices on the court rendering the decision.
>ban a drawing because I hate that some people might fap to it
The sad part is that its an extremely common argument, oh well, not like it matters, you cant stop it.
I have no morals because I enjoy certain drawings that you dont, yeah ok I dont think thats what morals means
I actually treat people nicely, I dont consume real life porn, and I contribute to society
But because I have one folder with stuff you dont like a folder among thousands others that I dont even peruse that often, its just another folder, I have no morals
Yeah well good luck on your crusade buddy
And just to be clear anyone that touches a child sexually should be beheaded in public, but I wont give up my drawings.
My impression I get is that the point of the art is to piss you off. It's not made to actually be masturbated to. It's supposed to just be transgressive and edgy for the sake of it. Like how the Sex Pistols used to wear swastikas on their clothes. Not because they're Nazis, but because they wanted to show utter contempt and disrespect for the establishment.
what is common sense morality?
I genuinely believe that Twitter needs to die
Not even being malicious, it's just overflowing sludge being ingested and regurgitated again and again.
Praying those Russian hackers get their shit together and shut it down
If it's 3dpd, then it's illegal. If it's 2d or 3d art, then it's not. Fictional characters do not need protection.
>I'm superior because I jack off to porn of kids

Yeah sure it's """legal""" because 2d is a gray area, but it won't stop parents from wanting to cave your face in if you try to proudly admit it.
>Fictional characters
Keem's daugther is a real person
>cartoons r34 are not /co/
fuck off wannabe janny
Illegal in most of Europe. Loli shit is not illegal in EU but drawing porn of real life kids is.
It's both illegal and morally questionable. You cannot draw erotic images of real-life minors under US law, and doing so would cause undue harm to that minor's reputation as they grew older.
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But a drawing of her isn't.
Banning lolis & shotas won't stop people from drawing them, moralfaggot. I seem to recall a lot of cases of anti-lolicon/ anti-shotacon being actual pedos. Didn't the guy who made Magic Magisword ended up arrested for CP despite being an anti-loli/anti-shota crusader? If I recalled, he threw one of his coworkers under the bus because they drew Invader Zim porn.
But a picture is? You're not actually harming her by looking at a picture of her
A drawing is not CP. Period.
Worth mentioning also that the picture he drew of Keemstar's daughter had her fully clothed and not having sex.
Funny how those countries that ban loli & shota want to arrest people for drawings, but turn a blind eye on the Muslim & Indian race gangs that hurt actual children. Really makes you think.
>nigga don't worry it's just a drawing of your address and phone number, not the real thing
>not thinking people should be punished for drawings automatically means you fap to drawings of kids
Alright, sure.
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Preaching to the choir. Unfortunately Twitter is a shithole because of Tumblr which is a symptom of normies having access to the Internet.
True I hate twitter so much, because every few weeks they are like "Oh my god can you believe anyone liked these classic newground edgy animations, or oh my god you followed or ordered art from this artist that is now bad" it's just we went from the freest age of art and creativity to the most politically charged and sensitive. It's crazy people bitch about who you follow or liked because I use my twitter for nsfw and art I like I follow 1000s of artist how the fuck should I know every drama.

It's honestly just depressing how it is, but you aren't wrong. We went from prudish boomers/overly religious to prudish lgbt/atheist.
It was always bad but people wanted to get away with bad behavior by wearing it as a persona of being a tough guy. That's what edginess was. It wasn't genuinely being soft at your core, it was loudly declaring how offensive you were.
If you jack off to the naked cherubs in the Venus de Milo, does that make it count as child porn?

You could argue that depictions of murder should also be banned with your same argument.

Stop being a retard.
Most of the internet's problems would be solved if smartphones didn't exist.
Not an argument. Your mental gymnastics for control over others is insufferable. GTFO normie faggot.
But keemstar daughter isnt a fictional character tho. It is an argument and you are a pedo. Not the same as fictional loli
>Captcha: R00TS
>normies having access to the Internet.
Normalfags have irreversibly destroyed the internet. Remember Youtube before the adpocalypse? Before all the fucking shitty ass "errrrm sister that's problematic" leftoid video essays disguised as "commentary videos"? Fucking normalfags. Scum of the Earth.
>Is shadman drawing a loli pinup of keem's daugther CP?

No because he didn't go as far as to draw her getting fucked

>Or is it legal but morally reprehensible?

Legally? No, he didn't do anything wrong legally.
Morally? Yea, anyone can dance around the implications but he explicitly drew suggestive art of someones irl daughter for a laugh and then hid behind Free Speech when people questioned why he'd do that in the first place
It is just the latter but I'll call it CP a thousand times over if it means that faggot will be put back in jail to have a thousand fat negros using his disgusting skeletical body as a condom
Who cares what the drawing was based off on? The drawing is not real. Get off my site, Twitter npc.
>implying doxing is illegal
To me it seems obvious. He wanted to make Keemstar angry by creating something incredibly tasteless for lulz.
Ive been on this site longer than you newfag tourist. Doesn't matter she's still a real person IRL
He's based in my book
Of a real person.
He should draw more goth femboy Mewtwo porn.
I'm against both.
Illegal if traced
Not /co/. Die.
Its literally CP and there's nothing any of you pedophiles can regurgitate to downplay that fact.

not that i expect the board that actively sexualizes children's cartoons to have any sense of morality around this.
maybe things wouldn't be this way if the atheists and LGBT would stop being so explicit in their desires to indoctrinate children into their sex cults
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>Anon's not knowing that this is a stealth Mr. Beast thread
Well let me share the info.
Mr Beast is under fire for his tranny right hand man being found out to be a child predator who's into Shadman drawings.
The tranny even put a Shadman drawing in the background of one of the videos.
The tranny also abandoned his family to pursue his tranny fetishes.
Basically this thread was made (I assume) due to the tranny lusting over Shadman's drawings, who people have pointed out the Keemstar situation.
TL;DR this thread is E-celeb drama.
Buying shadman loli art and hanging it up on your walls is deranged as fuck.
I liked it when shadman drew Vault Girl with really big smooth testicles
>Can someone post the image in question so I can I can understand what we are dealing with?
The image is titled "kys - shadman". I'd post but mods might ban.
So you're a child predator if you like drawings? Wild!
So, tell me, how do you predate lines and colors on a flat surface?
>"Is a completely SFW drawing CP?"
All unironic Keem fans in 2024 and Shartytards deserve the rope
Lolicon saying porn art of real kids is cp kinda felt like some olive branch cope to anti-lolicons as if having a common opinion will get them to accept their fetish. It's art and not real. If it is cp then so is loli porn because it'll look the same to everyone else.
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Is this 9/11 for porn artists? The zoomers know about SrPelo's association with him as well.
How the fuck is this thread allowed?
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It's morally reprehensible, but legally gray
That's what makes it so enticing
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Same reason we have Twitter comic threads, or Twitter artist threads or Twitter fanart threads.
The tranny is being called a child predictor for sending pornography to underaged people and sexting underage Mr Beast fans.
The Shadman stuff is just an extra layer.
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That one at least makes sense, even if I don't like it, because it's not porn.
Shadman is a cartoonist, also jannies are sleeping
Based on a real little girl.
I think by most standards of law is cp because he is sexualizing an existing minor. i don't think that would fly even on japan or some shitty latin america country. if he kept down low no one would care, bu he did to attack someone that only aggravates the situation.
Enjoy your vacation retard
Its bad taste, but not illegal, and its tired to bring it up now. What's there to say? Shadman stopped drawing real little girls and is now a husk.
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>He doesn't have a problem with a tranny trying to rape kids
Yeah, you people are pedos, and tranny white knights.
As shitty as it was for shad to draw that, I feel like people would go screaming chimp wild over the GOT art or the Logan X-23 if they found those drawings.
>Never respond
>Continue like business as usual
It's that easy
Win by doing nothing
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Porn cartoonist. So he'd go on /aco/, /trash/, or /b/.
They seem to allow these threads anyway. It's like they're trying to kill the board from the inside.
You're really only making your side look bad.
/aco/ is nothing but AI slop spam now and /trash/'s artist drama general is more focused around furry artists
Why would that be a bad thing? (Assuming you're saying that'd be a bad thing)
It is. The logic behind making drawing based on real kids illegal is so that pedos can't trace over or put a filter on their CP and be legally in the clear.
It is the real thing as what's being depiction is real information not fiction.
I mean it wasn't porn and didn't have any nudity so I don't think that counts as that kind of thing
>Drawings have rights god damnit!
Oh look...it's the mating call of the passive-aggressive fascist, here to save us all from thoughtcrime. Yay!

(yes, throw those pedo fucks into a woodchipper, but because you're wearing a cool black uniform with tall boots, not because you're being 'moral' about this)
All that shit is going to trickle down here too. Real board-killing shit.
I do all my jacking on porn sites, why can't everyone else do the same?
It's just a drawing.
I am a lolicon art defender in almost all cases, but I personally draw the line at real people, even if they aren’t traced.
The entire moral argument is that the art is victimless, using the image of a real child is putting them in a sexual situation by proxy. Shad is one of the few artists that truly did go too far.
What’s worse is he was the “it” artist for a few years because of his stunts, so a lot of people get roped into this controversy. The troontuber should go down because of his inappropriate contact with a minor, not because he interacted with Shad.
Shad was Robert Crumb for zoomers and if he’s nuclear waste a lot of heads are about to roll.
Have this faggot draw something new recently?
Same, and I find RPF creepy for the same reason.
>US law
can be lobbied against
>Shad was Robert Crumb for zoomers
That's literally it. Why did he draw offensive images of Keem's daughter? Same reason Crumb drew cartoons of children eating canned "nigger hearts". He just thought it was funny, and he wanted to provoke a reaction. You can like it or not, but that's what it is.
>a lot of cases
Have this. >>144638878
Yeah, what the fuck man. It's not even framed. Look how curled it is. What kind of deranged lunatic would buy a print and then treat it like that.
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Not any more deranged than hanging a Robert Crumb piece on your wall. The only issue I have with the poster is he is on a channel for kids, who shouldn’t be exposed to that material.
He has drawn plenty of things that aren't porn. That makes him /co/. Checkmate, atheists.
Where's that Getty image series of stock photos of a robber pointing his gun at someone and then his victim tells him to "think of the children" and then the robber gets an erection when you need it?
Even if it did die the kind that fester there would just find somewhere else. The problem is made worse by Twitter existing, but removing Twitter won't exactly fix it.
From what I saw everyone knows the content and it wasn't grooming. It's like how an older relative making a dirty joke to teenage cousins isn't grooming them unless there is a continued escalation. There was no continued escalation. Do we know what the images were?
Oh look, someone just watched a video of Charlie giving his normalfag take on Shad. Drawings are drawings. Normally, would probably be morally against drawing someone's kid daughter, but in this case, it was actually positive activism: Keemstar got a taste of a kind of "technically legal" but morally shitty thing that he does all the time.
Having an unframed Shad loli print is deranged enough, but having literally nothing else hanging up on the walls makes this completely and utterly batshit insane. They could've at least had a collage of loli prints on the wall or something, that would've made it a lot less psychotic
Oh? Then you also enter threads about immigration and argue against accepting refugees from countries with incompatible morality to the West? Or do you only ever enter loli threads to argue? Because that sounds like you're not against both, but rather just a virtue signalling faggot who can only argue against things that the average normalfag doesn't like.
I do think people got too much dopamine from being able to call people groomers and now they use that term way too much. Not even everything that's inappropriate for kids should be called grooming. Some people just get too uppity. I saw someone calling for woodchippers because somebody asked about taking his 14 year old niece to a RuPaul drag show because she likes the TV show. Even if you think that's disgusting, it's not wood chipper worthy.
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>be Kris
>turn tranny because you're a porn addict
>kiwifarms suspects you're a pedophile
>one year later
>DMs leak of you grooming children
>big youtubers like mutahar start taking notice
>seethe that kiwifarms predicted the obvious
Every time. And Mr Beast knew about it too.
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lol u tk him 2da bar XDDDD
>I'm not a newfag, you're a newfag
OK newfag npc tourist. Reddit is to your left. You have to go back.
As always, the answer is "It depends". In the US it's technically illegal but not enforced unless you get caught with the real deal as an ehnancement. In some places it counts just as much as the real deal.
He's primarily a porn artist, and that's all everyone here ever talks about.
He should have gone all the way with it and drawn the actual porn he wanted to. He was going to do deal with the bullshit anyway. May as well have fun with it. Like how he did with X23.
Not everyone who like 2d lolis is a potential child molester waiting for his chance. However, every pedophile who actively pursues the opportunity to molest a kid will inevitably seek out 2d material that satisfies their rotten perversion.
Oh, so you're also against negative drawings of politicians or movie stars for example? No? Gee, why is that, just because they're adults and your moralfag senses don't trigger?

You're not punished for the drawing in that situation. If you draw a specific guy killing someone specific and you giving that someone a hundred bucks and then you give that drawing to the guy holding the gun, you'll be charged with soliciting an assassin, the drawing will just be proof, not the crime.
And unironic nazis masturbate to holocaust documentaries. Should we ban holocaust documentaries then?
They also actively seek out the real thing and always have more of that on their hard drive.
So? Many cartoon characters are based off of real people. The point is the cartoons themselves are not real. That's why it's called parody & satire. They are real.

>the more I learn about them, the more I grow to hate them
All you moralfags do is project when you cant win an argument. You are no better than the censorship cucks who tried to ban violent video games because they thought it was connected to mass shooting only to later find out there was no conclusive evidence of violent video games causing mass shooting.

Gtfo normalfag
>From what I saw
Kek. Everyone look over here, this omniscient anon is the be-all end-all of knowledge. Anything out of his purview is but fiction!

>It's like how an older relative making a dirty joke to teenage cousins isn't grooming them unless there is a continued escalation
No, it's more like your older uncle making dirty joked at random teens over Twitter and sending creepy shit to them over DMs.
Oh, wait, that's not "like" what happened. Kill yourself.
*not real
I think its morally reprehensible and frankly disturbing that someone would even consider doing that. If it was not based on a real child I would not care let the artist do whatever they want tis only starts to be a problem when you start making that kind of art based of actual children.
>Everyone look over here, this omniscient anon is the be-all end-all of knowledge. Anything out of his purview is but fiction!
NTA, but that's literally the opposite of what he was saying.
Dude Shad drew NSFW art based off of real kids.
Are you retarded? "From what I saw" is a disclaimer of limited knowledge. Why did you think it was the opposite?
It's called sarcasm. "From what I saw" is pointless unless anon wants to imply he has a complete image and is speaking from authority from that I'm sorry you have literal autism.
Does every person who’s into adult women seek out hentai or cartoon porn of adult women?
Obviously not.
The truth is a venn diagram, and like guns or violent video games, the correct response is to go after criminals not some of their tangential interests.
I am once again going to remind everyone ITT that Shad never actually drew porn of Keem's daughter, just mildly suggestive art where she was fully clothed.
Not defending him, just setting the facts straight.
>just because they're adults and your moralfag senses don't trigger?
you act like that's not a reasonable reason. Yes adults are held to different standards.
I've seen a uptick of Shadman posts recently, did he do something really controversial? when did he get back to drawing?
"From what I saw" is a way to acknowledge that there might be other information that you are not privy to that would make what you said incorrect. Again, it is literally the exact opposite of implying he has a complete image and is speaking from authority.
>It wasn't teeeeechnically porn!
Maybe he shouldn't keep it in the same gallery as Lisa Simpson spreading her butthole if it's not supposed to be sexual.
>im drawing the X-23 many people draw live action characters as their comic counterparts.
Now that we're talking about this it's weird Dafne Keen is showing up again as X-23 in media again.
You would be right if he didn't try to explain the entirety of the drama and downplay the grooming allegations immediately after that. The line isn't a disclaimer, it's stating that they saw the evidence and are making a judgement off of it.
That's a way to note that it's from a limited point of view, not fully informed. It invites people to offer more context. Are you ESL or autistic? Both?
He's only been arrested for drugs & assault.
Some tranny from Mr. Beast got outed for liking his art and now Gen Z has finally discovered who Shadman is. Other e-celebs who were also associated with him are in hot water right now.
>From what I saw everyone knows the content and it wasn't grooming.
This is framed this way the same way you'd say "from what I heard" but we read twitter drama with our eyes.
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Shadman did nothing wrong.
I miss the early internet so much before normies got on, when females were actually rare. SO MUCH
Their post literally ended with a question you disingenuous fuck
Wait, is this seriously all there is to it? There's no part two where it got more suggestive?
It's only CP if he's verifiably using CP as reference.

The issue with the whole "CP" deal and its legality largely boils down to its direct relation with child abuse and child trafficking in order to rescue persons directly harmed by its demand. Tracing and threats fall into this category because the content directly stems from images of an actual person in the process being victimized, or a credible threat to potential victimization.
That's the big reason the FBI cracks down on stuff like that, its because they want to secure and save the kids who are getting harmed by this. That's also why they're not interested in crude drawings by weirdos and perverts. Even if they put you on some sort of watch list, there's no actual person to "save".
They don't like wasting resources chasing down cases where there's no one to actually rescue, because that's time and money they could spend saving someone who's really in danger.
>you'd say "from what I heard" but we read twitter drama with our eyes.
I wouldn't try to make an absolute statement about "what I heard" to downplay what we'd be talking about. It's a rebuttal in anon's post, as if you were saying "that's not what I heard."
No he drew a sketch of her sucking off Trump after someone asked and he said only if he won.
A few weeks ago I randomly checked his account and found out he was out of the slammer and drawing again, unfortunately it's just a bunch of lame Belle Delphine crap, and his website got nuked (rip all the drippy mascara overly pierced goth trap porn). What a shame, he's lost his edge, I actually used to laugh at some of his art, all the fun's gone now.
3dpd women are disgusting. No homo. Maybe if they weren't land whale feminists cunts with tattoos & piercings maybe the birth rate wouldn't be so low
It wasn't posted anywhere dipshit
Based on the length of the legs that looks like a picture of an adult character on his wall
IRL yes, but not in regards to drawings. Don't you see where I'm going with this? Your lizard brain is tricked by the drawing of a child in a risky situation into reacting like there's an actual child in a risky situation. Thousands of years of evolution are suppressing your logical mind that hasn't evolved to adequately react to loli drawings which only existed for a few deceased in the relative mainstream.

Fair enough, campaign on a platform of banning both and I'll vote for you.

Things become porn by proximity? Wow, what a discovery! Quickly, write a thesis!
>Skipping over " It's like how an older relative making a dirty joke to teenage cousins isn't grooming them unless there is a continued escalation. There was no continued escalation."
>>Your disingenuous because he included a question about a detail
Then why have I seen it?
Counterpoint: if you did not associate loli with human children, you would not be masturbating to loli over any other animu
Giving phones access to the internet was a huge mistake and every aspect of cancel culture is centered around virtue signaling and having nothing better going on.
LOL, holy shit, Charles was either tricked into thinking the drawing was much, much worse, or he's retarded. Well maybe the latter, he's always fast to admit to not having a very high IQ. His honesty is why people like him.
You haven't though, it was literally never posted, Mandela effect brain rot
Lolis are their own thing, separate from children and other drawings. It’s a fetishization of cuteness.
That’s like saying if you’re into furry art you want to fuck dogs. I’m sure there are dog fuckers out there that like furry art, but most furries are not dog fuckers.
That's where you provide evidence to the contrary. The drama is what you had posted: People are claiming there was sexting and pornography with no evidence and the "grooming victim" is saying that didn't happen. This is where you provide evidence to straighten things up instead of getting mad that someone saw something different on twitter.
Now you understand why the nerds were pain in the ass gatekeeping the tech. They KNEW the normalfags would ruin a good thing.
>It’s a fetishization of cuteness
He made art of that girl that got attacked by a sea lion.
If you look at a kid, think it's cute and thus sexual, you're a pedophile. It doesn't matter if you exaggerate that cuteness, you are masturbating to something based on an actual human kid.
>not immediately agreeing with my narrative and providing an admittedly limited view that contradicts that narrative is claiming omniscience
You could just be normal about this and point out how they've been misled and offer information to clear things up.
What is the (censored) image in this video @1:40?
Was this made by a retard?
You know the answer to that question.
Using a picture of TTG beast boy when Raven’s asshole is the most popular thing to draw on the internet seems kind of disingenuous. People draw Beast Boy’s gaping asshole right now, and no one cares
Shad is an artist that went too far, absolutely. He implicated a real life child by using their image as inspiration for a character, and I don’t agree with that.

The issue is you’re taking the problem (implicating real children in sexual situations) and extrapolating it into other matters (drawing fan art of fictional characters).
The dude in the background staring at it is killing me rn
THIS is what people were bitching about so hard? This is what people are saying should be illegal to make?
Either way it's nasty as hell
There is also art of her giving a blowjob to a mic I think. Nothing that explicitly but crosses the line.

Shad is just lucky he is kinda crap at portraits, if he did not ref her image he could even pretend it was not her.
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Seeing pro loli anons make me reconsider my stance on lolicons, not all lolicons but the ones in this thread sound like the kind to have pizza parties on their hard drives.
>That's where you provide evidence to the contrary
Nice goalpost move, but it's not my job to prove you wrong.

>The drama is what you had posted
The post where I moxked your wording was my first in this thread. I don't care to go on Kiwifarms, grab the DMs, and paste them here. If you actually saw the pics, you can do that yourself (hint hint).

>and the "grooming victim" is saying that didn't happen
My guy...

>This is where you provide evidence to straighten things up instead of getting mad that someone saw something different on twitter.
If you want a debate, YOU need to provide evidence to back up your rampant bullshitting. Nobody owes you shit until then, faggot.
Yes, but what is the censored image @1:40?
>It's not a disagreement, and he didn't try to say anything, he just gave an alternate fact! But also say he didn't know!
I can strawman too.
Rebecca Sugar used to draw Zim X Dib porn and Edd X Eddy porn. Bitch really likes pre-teen boys railing each other.
>The issue is you’re taking the problem (implicating real children in sexual situations)
Anon, the reason he made art of her was because you can see the kid's underwear in the video.
First of all, that's dumb. People playing fighting or FPS games over any other game are usually nerds who never threw a punch or shot a gun in their life and are not planning to.

And my masturbation cycle also includes fat titted milfs, shortstacks, futa, furry and a bunch of other stuff besides loli. Yet, my preferences IRL are traditionally attractive women in their 20s. Same as how people into all sorts of fiction and games are overwhelmingly into normal stuff IRL.

Once again, fapping to loli makes you about as dangerous to children as playing GTA makes you dangerous to local car owners. Those things, like all crimes, are bad IRL specifically because they hurt people. Art and games DOESN'T hurt anyone. Hence it isn't morally bad or illegal in non-retarded countries. Your dumb ass is comparing shooting someone with a nerf gun and a real gun. These things might look visually and logistically similar, but are completely different.
>oh no will someone please think of the poor drawings
It's fiction you retard. It involves a fictional situation. Nothing about it is real. If we're gonna go down this route, then we might as well ban moralfags like you from playing violent video games.
wasn’t she young asf when she made those drawings though?
You put a lot of effort into not providing evidence of anything about the grooming and sexting. From what I've seen, they're baseless meme accusations from twitter drama retards.
I'm not getting to into this one, but yeah it's gotten quite obvious. I feel the Christian hate used to make sense because they were the prudes and establishment so atheist being over the top was like a teenage rebellion. But the lgbt has quite a few bad apples that are super prudish unless it's their own bs then they want it everywhere and everywhen.
I am sympathetic to the cause of free speech in art, but I do draw the line when real children are affected, even indirectly. No tracing, no AI training, no depictions of 3D girls. Those limits are a significant (significant) minority of art inside the space. It shouldn’t be hard to keep it 100% fictional.
>People playing fighting or FPS games over any other game are usually nerds who never threw a punch or shot a gun in their life and are not planning to.
FPS nerds aren't making unironic games about Sandy Hook.
His lt corbis was way worse, and he had no reason to have beef with her.
Furries actually do have a problem with "zoos"
Not if you trace actual cp...
Looking at >>144641262 the cartoon character girl in there doesn't look 14 or like Keemstar's daughter. Not even close and even if you consider Shad sucks as an artist. As Trump is completely recognizable. So I don't think Keemstar has any reason to complain or moralfags ITT to cry about it.
>It involves a fictional situation
Super Columbine Massacre RPG? JFK Reloaded? I could go on.
I ain't reading all that but I can tell you're a seething and malding pedophile.
Games about tragedies are unironically therapy. Remember all those school shooter games after Columbine and plane into tower crashing games after 9/11? The people who made and play those don't want to commit those crimes, they want to get rid of the stress related to knowing and thinking about them.
I already told you that you need to put up evidence before askig for a rebuttal.
But since you don't wanna do that (we both know you're full of shit), here you go. Read the thread.
kiwifarms net/threads/ava-chris-tyson-christopher-stephen-tyson-christine-tyson-chris-the-meme-god.163381/post-18912231
There is 3d & 3dpd. Learn the difference, newfag tourist. 3d is shit you make with Blender, koikatsu & other 3d art software. 3dpd is IRL photos/videos of IRL people. One is illegal, the other isn't.
>, but not in regards to drawings
I would not want anyone to have drawings of themselves at that age in that manner. It seems like it could be traumatizing, or lead to being ostracized. Imagine someone googles your name and sees that art.
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>Basically this thread was made (I assume) due to the tranny lusting over Shadman's drawings, who people have pointed out the Keemstar situation.
It's more of a diversion to overshadow Chris Tyson's coomer tendencies.
Trannies on Reddit are calling out associates of Shadman to try to divert blame onto them.
Poor Shadman, traumatized by those cute little girls...
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What's your problem with that pic? The sea lion doesn't fuck her or anything. It's literally just a pic of that happening in Shad's style.
PhychicPebbles... Smiling Friends bros, not like this...
My personal morality is that cartoon porn of any type is explicitly less harmful than 3D porn of any type. It involves the artist, the object and the consumer. The artist is not a victim, the object is not a victim and the consumer is not a victim (you can say porn is bad for you and I’m sympathetic to that but it’s still a choice to consume the content).
Drawing lewd images of a real person messes that dynamic up. There is now a fourth party, who’s not consenting. It’s a grey area with celebrities and adults though I don’t like it… but when it comes to kids it is morally reprehensible and that is where the sane line is drawn.
I know shad is just an edge lord but consistent application of my morals put him in the wrong, for seal girl and for keem’s daughter.
What's the evidence I can give? I can't prove a negative, the "grooming victim" said it didn't happen and he wasn't groomed.
GTA is a cultural satire with "numbers go up" gameplay loops and a triller narrative. Porn is something you use when you're horny and don't have a woman nearby.
"illegal art". Lmao, those videos are an riot. The emojis and he pointing a the fucking fidget spinner like is the worse thing in the planet.
>What's the evidence I can give?
How about the messages that are "just like an uncle making jokes to your cousins" you disingenuous faggot.
It's art by adults for adults. If kids see it, their parents are to blame. We shouldn't discuss banning knives or cars because retarded parents don't watch their knives drawer or car keys and don't raise their kids right.
>"this clickbait tuber says I'm right"
Retard, go back to the sharty or the farms
With emphasis on her ass, you mean, and in a gallery with loli and lewd...
I only asked one question about @1:40, I do not endorse the video.
What does 3dpd stand for, bud?
10 years ago was 2014. Those kids are going to see those pics when they're older.
>"it was real in my mind" cries the moralfag
I swear thought policing moralfags are honorary kikes
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I almost kind of respect Shadman's ability to piss people off so much
Anyone can be a hate figure online it's not hard but Shadman who's not even done anything in like 5 to 6 years now still has people who hate everything about him even now. it's kind of impressive.
Legal but morally reprehensible, he shouldn't be arrested for it but he is 100% a pedophile and so is anyone else who likes that image.
fucking thank you, theres a certain line you have to draw when it begins to reach fiction versus reality.
Porn-worship is a kike technique to kill nuclear families in countries they want to control
3dpd = 3d pig disgusting
3D pig disgusting.
>FPS nerds aren't making unironic games about Sandy Hook.
Not that anon:
Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were big into the Doom mapping community. You can still download some of their Doom maps.
Plus there's a myriad of mods and maps out there of exactly what you described.
What does 3D in “3D is pig disgusting” refer to?
you have to go out of your way to find shit like that, ironically all this shit bringing it back up would make it MORE likely to expose people i.e kids to it.
"Has already taken at least 3 Dicks"
Breast size
>what 2d in 2d stand for?
I too can play strawman & move goal post
You really don't, evidenced by us talking about it. Even ignoring that there's creeps and poos that will go and try to stalk the girls in that content to try to hit on them.
Doing it of real life children is very reprehensible.
But not really illegal. At no point should there be any legal enforcement against drawings. The dad knocking him to the dirt probably wouldn't have any enforcement either though.
>It's like how an older relative making a dirty joke to teenage cousins isn't grooming them unless there is a continued escalation. There was no continued escalation.
You can read that again and I'll explain further: This is based on how the "victim" and people presenting the issue as discord server edgyness and not grooming. If that's what the "victim" and those on the server are saying with nothing else surfacing, there isn't much to go off of. That's why I'm asking:
>Do we know what the images were?

And where are the claims of sexting coming from?

The logic that you're using makes us all nazi pedophiles for posting on 4chan.
So next time anyone wants to play le epic oldfag word police over the older term, think before you post.
Let them. An adult should be able to deal with a pornographic drawing of themselves without suffering any psychological damage.
Read the thread, dude.
I posted that before that image.
The dad was Keemstar. If people start knocking people into the dirt over shitty but not illegal things they did, Keemstar will never stand vertically for more than a minute again.

If you truly believe this you should support banning any deepfake software and AI art of real people in general.
Also Are we going to pretend Keemstar isnt a Piece of shit who yelled racial slurs and sided with right wing grifters?
>This is based on how the "victim" and people presenting the issue
Paste the victim's statement then you stupid tranny.

>And where are the claims of sexting coming from?
From what I can tell just >>144639835, with (you) latching onto one post that's conflating sexting with Twitter DMs.

>The logic that you're using makes us all nazi pedophiles for posting on 4chan
I'd ask "what the fuck are you talking about," but it's obvious. You're reaching. You're throwing shit at a wall and hoping it sticks.
The Japanese concept of “2d culture”, referring to illustrated characters and interaction with them. This is where “2D complex” comes from.
>the heckin N-WORD!!!
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It's kind of funny how the MrBeast troon drama is only now starting to get picked up by big YouTubers. Literally all of this info has been sitting on Kiwi Farms for well over a year. Same thing happened with Keffals, all of the dirt on him was on the farms for a very long time, then all of a sudden a bunch of "content creators" decide to make videos about it like it's new information. I'm starting to think people only hate KF because they're usually right.
>There's no victim!
>Okay, there's a victim, but they won't see it!
>Okay, they can see it, but they can deal with it!
Yes. Especially children, especially in sexual situations.
Keemstar's kid didn't do anything wrong though.
I would argue that's much, MUCH more serious discussion than this. Although mostly only because it looks real enough where dumb people can believe it's real and either damage the person's reputation or swamp the police with false reports, preventing them from investigating real abuse.
this was the drawing? LOL
>yelled racial slurs and sided with right wing grifters?
uhhhm based?
And this:
>who yelled racial slurs and sided with right wing grifters?
Unironically nothing wrong with that
Yeah the n word is a pretty horrible thing to say. If you say that I lose sympathy and respect for you
Considering people bad because of their hobbies solely because "WELL OTHER PEOPLE INTO THESE HOBBIES WERE BAD" is fucking puritanical and retarded.
Also Null is a boomercon who refuses to catch up with modern internet culture and thus has turned into someone who he's hated, Lowtax
>If you say the N-word it’s okay for people to sexualize your kid on the internet
this is funny, but that looks like a totally generic kid
Nobody cares redditnigger
he's right. /aco/ shit doesn't belong
I like shadman for his actual cartoon porn like of gravity falls characters. Don't much care for him when he draws real kids as an edgy lewd joke.

However I am very strong on freedom of kinks, art, and literature so he should do whatever he wants. Sad that this Mr. Beast groomer had a lolicon poster from shad. We were so close into letting people enjoy things again things to the creator of mighty magicswords being arrested as a pedo hypocrite.
Says everything about your post right there
This is now the most substantial piece of evidence in this thread.
If you say the n word openly people should be less sympathetic to you and things that happen to you.
Reddit doesn’t have any nuance on this issue whatsoever. They think fictional characters can be victims somehow.
Nigga please
>less harmful than 3DPD porn of any type

Reminder 3d & 3dpd are not the same thing. Otherwise we would outlaw 3d art software like blender, koikatsu, & other CAD software.
Congratulations for having some, but not enough reading comprehension, let me explain it further:
>a drawing doesn't make the subject a victim
>seeing a pornographic drawing due to shitty parenting will make an underage person a victim (as they are exposed to age-inappropriate things in this scenario, regardless of the drawing's subject)
>an adult can be exposed to porn as they are an adult and are psychologically equipped to deal with it
Is it clear now?
>Is shadman drawing a loli pinup of keem's daugther CP?
>Or is it legal but morally reprehensible?
Legal yes. Morality is debatable.
I linked you a specific post with more substance than some fag's tweet you disingenuous tranny
yeah anon! that...nine year old deserved to have porn traced of her for the sins of her father! WE MUST KEEP ATTACKING OUT ENEMIES!
Whats morally reprehensible is his shitty artstyle.

This nigga is busy overdosing on black tar heroin and getting into machete fights with other homeless people over crack and people are still talking about this niggas shitty ass sleepy eyed, vaporwave, uncanny valley, dogshit art that he hasnt even been making for years
The anonymous post?
What does 3d in 3dpd mean?
>a drawing doesn't make the subject a victim
Circular reasoning
Least morally bankrupt leftynigger
The fuck? The CIA had VTOL F-35s in 2001?
And all the people Keemstar hurt and their families did? Keemstar seemed to think he was doing nothing wrong by psychologically tormenting people and their families without doing anything illegal. All Shad did is give him some of his own "hurtful but not illegal" medicine.
moral fags trying to cancel a homeless junkie lmao.
The farma doesn't have anonymous posts you nigger. Did you even follow the link?
Tell me how I'm wrong.
"Furries are all bad and animal fuckers" and "Anime watchers are all bad and pedophiles" are outdated mental prisons low IQ people Dunning-Kruger themselves into when they don't have anything to actually fall back on.

Yes, Null is absolutely a puritanical shrew who enables puritanical shrews and the internet, and world, will be better once someone on his site goes off the deep end far enough to get him arrested.
Shad artstyle is an acquired taste
It’s very high quality art for what it is
>A drawing doesn’t make the subject a victim
If the subject is a human child, and their image is being used for sexual gratification, I think it does.
>Tell me how I'm wrong.
Shad singlehandedly normalized ass eating. His influence is still felt to this day.
I'm sure the african american gents are very grateful on your behalf.
>a random anonymous faggot knows more about the crime and should be trusted more than the supposed clearly identified victim
Wow. I'm not even part of your little argument, but you're retarded.
>what does 2d in 2d stand fir
See? I too can play strawman & move goalpost.
Neck yourself then :)
That’s not the typical groomer.
Certainly more trustworthy than the anonymous pretending to have looked over the evidence and missed that there were at least three victims.
I think it crosses the line. As I understand it, the line is like this. If you draw a cartoon loli drawing of a little girl in pigtails in a pink shirt, that's not illegal even though there are little girls in pink shirts with pigtails in real life. If you draw a cartoon loli drawing of a little girl in pigtails who wears a star wars shirt and one yellow and one purple sock, and a little girl lives down the street that matches that description, that is illegal because it is of a specific real minor, not a generic archetype.
Pretty simple. Keep it imaginary.
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>Be known as the ultimate internet edgelord
>Used to be known for drawing all sorts of fucked up shit like guro and rape
>Loli was just one of the many things he drew to piss people off
>Decide to draw porn of a real kid thinking it'd be just as controversial as anything else he made
>Get the same reactions you usually get at first but it's a bit diffrent
>Normies are made aware of your existence cause you drew a fairly popular e-celebs daughter
>Even people that used to follow you for your edgelord persona think you crossed a line and jump ship
>The new fanbase is replaced with people who specifically want you to draw more porn of real life child stars
>Commission and request used to be a variety of weird shit is now 90% real life kids
>You are no longer known as the edgelord guy but the CP guy
>Decide to backpedal hard and quit all loli as a means to diastance the fact only real life pedophiles, not even lolicons but actual sincere pedophiles, like you know
>Rebrand yourself with femboy art and try to be popular through that
>Make safe edgy comics but tone them down drastically no longer showing actual violence aand rape but rather just implied comics of them
>This does nothing, people all over still just now you as the CP guy
>Leaves the internet without a trace, people theorizing you're arrested
He flew too close to the sun and got burnt. At the end of the day there is only so much infamy someone can support themselves with.
>referring to ILLUSTRATED characters
In other words, it's fiction. Thanks playing sub 80 IQ xittertard
>ironic roricons: The thread
Yes, 2D is fiction, and that’s totally okay. Read the reply chain?
I thought this site has stopped supported him after what he did years ago....... yet there are still the same kind of vile people here missing him so much...... why do you guys are so obsessed with that type of person so much?
You make it sound incidental and not the real life fact that he found a picture of some dude's kid and specifically drew said kid.

This wasn't "Oh, this drawing kinda looks like a real life person". Shad straight up said "Hey, I'm going to draw your daughter specifically sucking cock and use a picture of her I found on the internet as a refrence".
I’m a 2D exclusive lolicon and if that makes me ironic then okay. I’m not into 3d children nor do I want to associate with people who are.
he's funny
I think even if you can argue it’s not real CP, it can still be taken as a direct threat of assault towards a child, and most courts would likely take it as evidence of intent the same way they may take action against a death threat letter
Because his art is one of a kind in a one of a kind internet era.
There will never be another artist like him
You didn't point me to the reply chain. You only point to a single post. Gtfo
Your medal's in the mail
because cartoon cunny drawings and great and moralfags are gay
You can deal with it by suing people for libel.
How old are you? Nobody who was around back then considered him particularly edgy, you could find way worse stuff on deviantart of all places. You can find "worse" stuff now.
Only for the ones that bring attention to it instead of ignoring it
this is about keemstars kid, everyone knows keemstar is a shitty person in general
Edgelords gonna edgelord
Though it says a lot that even 4chan turns their nose up towards Shad for the most part
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How are yo so dumb. The drawing is only relevant as an instrument in a crime of exposing a child to inappropriate content which might damage them psychologically. ANY piece of porn, a violent film, a gun, blade or even rock can be used to psychologically hurt said person by putting them in distress. That only makes those things instruments of the crime and doesn't implicate their creators, but the person committing the crime, as in the person directly hurting the child with those instruments. inb4
>a person would never hurt them if the porn didn't exist
>a person would have never shot anyone if guns didn't exist
tier. The perpetrator is at fault regardless.

What's more, the discussion about drawings facilitating bullying is frankly dumb in the modern world where a computer savvy bully can deepfake someone into porn in a few minutes to bully them in a far harsher manner.
who wins in a fist fight? Bleedman or Shadman?
Right, the farms has links to shit that's being proven to be fake. There's nothing substantial there and no one anywhere is using or backing up what's being posted there.
Not an issue:
>Lewd art from imagination
>Lewd art of a fictional character
Morally reprehensible:
>Lewd art of a real adult in parody
A lesser crime:
>Lewd art of a real life minor
>Distributing porn including 2D to a minor
Actually CP:
>The real thing
>Tracing over the real thing
well, yeah.
How the fuck is that libel? How is that damaging their reputation? Who's going to look at a drawing of a person sucking a dick and assume it's real? The local schizophrenic?
Real children should not be involved in the production of pornography of any kind.
Shad’s picture of Eddsworld getting anally raped by the Grim Reaper directly after Edd died to cancer should have been the point where Shad was chased off the internet
so zoomers are being puritan morons again? yawn, shitty reason to make a thread
Completely disagree with your lesser crime tier. Distribution of porn to underage persons is an actual crime, the drawing is morally gray at worst and barely even morally gray if the person is famous.
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No but they are making realistic bodycam games.
I think the fact he did is exactly why he had the hubris thinking he could get away with drawing porn of a real kid and think his fanbase would still stand by him.
Thats the point. It was different. People weren’t as sensitive back then. It wasn’t so much as edgy, more like cringe. And it was funny ironic humor that was light hearted. Now we get zoomer brainrot.
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>Hey fellas. Krekkov here once again after a few months to ask that you please stop pointing out the obvious real pedo horniness that was in the comic's creation. You know for GreasyMeta's comic... wait uh I mean Eigaka and GreasyMeta's limited time only, premium only, totally-not-shota porn comic that was available on Gumroad!
>Draw my OC!
>We also don't like when you point out that it was limited time to get as much FOMO profit as possible and also to avoid reports and trouble due to the content so if you can stop mentioning that too it'd be great
>Draw my OC.
>Also please stop reporting GreasyMeta's twitter. Also I should make sure not to mention that Eigaka's bannings were set up on the inside since I'm supposed to not recognize that and act like it was a natural hater
>Draw my OC! Draw it!!!!
>Again please stop reporting GreasyMeta his on Twitter @GreasyMeta
>And lastly please stop pointing out that everyone affiliated with this comic has been hypocritical about the content or even interacts regularly with children.
Fuck this annoying SEAmonkey piece of shit
And they aren't. Using someone's likeness for art isn't involvement. Especially if it's stylized to the point where it could feasibly be at least a hundred million other people.
It’s relative to the whole hog but sure the gulf between the two is wide, especially because drawing real kids is not a common issue that’s had to be dealt with in court. I do however consider it worthy of being a crime, having clear limits to cordon loli art from involving human children is not only morally correct, but better for lolicon art and freedom of expression in the long run.
The #DropKiwifarms shit was enough for normies to ignore Keffals's actions until Mutahar made a video on xim.
I've said this before & I'll say it again: eceleb gossip forums are worst than tabloid talmundo vision run by electric jews. Kiwitroons are really lolcows making fun of other lolcows.
Most of the people trying to justify him making revenge porn of other people's real kids are likely unironic pedophiles who are trying to spin a narrative that 4chan has always had their backs and that we're all ride or die with the guys who fantastize about other people's children being raped as a "funny joke" because all the memes about Shadman means 4chan loves Shadman, according to their revised history. That's why no one likes seeing his art and whenever it's posted it's met with an overwhelming negative response no matter what board you're on.

All the subhumans crying about "moralfags" are left scrambling for whatever shreds of justification and irreverent shitposter attitude they can put on so it doesn't look like they aren't just porn addicted psychopaths who think 4chan is some hyperlibertarian utopia where no one can judge them for jacking off to comics and stories about children being violently sexually assaulted. As if society's revulsion to pedophilia is just an arbitrary cultural quirk that we're all supposed to just ignore because 4chan is cool with everything according to the guys whose hill to die on is wanting to fuck children.
That's supposed to be Keemstar's daughter? Just looks like any other loli girl? Was it because he said it was? Does that mean that pic related is also cp of Keemstar's kid?
comics and cartoons?
Keemstar has fucked his daughter before. There's a reason you don't see her as much.
>Right, the farms has links to shit that's being proven to be fake
Wow, I like all the damning evidence you linked in that post, such as... wait...
Using somebody’s image is involving them in the production in some way. Parody law provides exceptions, it should not cover children.
>It could be-
Shad stated his intentions explicitly.
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Reminder Kiwifarms is a shit site full of retarded self-hating trannies and radfems that Null allows to be on the site because he wants a tranny hating GF. And also pic related made them seethe because it validated a proshipper.
Moralfags. Who cares about an edgy picture of a dead guy? Also naive normalfags, for even contemplating someone getting "chased off the internet" for a drawing when there are famous people scamming millions out of their fans with crypto and other similar shit without any repercussions.
>Does that mean that pic related is also cp of Keemstar's kid?
Are you drawing porn based on his daughter in the likeness of his daughter while saying it's supposed to be his daughter, then posting it on your loli gallery?
Whataboutism doesn't suit your argument when we're talking about pedophilia.
>But what about...
If MrBeast falls, a great Youtube calamity will ensue that will tie into the election. Mark my words.
Who cares.
It's all trolls and manipulators anyway.
Trolls are trolls, they just throw gasoline into the fire because it's funny to see people freak out.
Manipulators freak out when in truth they don't give a shit but since NPCs run on emotions they act outraged, so they can manipulate NPCs into doing shit for them like removing people.
It's all fake and gay, nobody is actually affected emotionally by this.
lol, I don't know what you intended to do by posting that, but you just sound like a moralfag who's butthurt that no one validates your virtue signalling.
This one got the pedos malding kek
Nice and vague so you can claim to be prophetic with any youtube wet fart. Go fuck yourself.
I care in the sense that normalfags with stronger cultural power who don’t understand lolicon will take a rare and controversial edge case like this and blow it up into a total ban of harmless material.
Kyle is just a drop in a bucket. There's been many cases of these anti-loli/anti-shota/anti-anime moralfags ending up exposed as actual pedos.
this is off topic, but I’ll never understand why he stopped growing hair at his chin. Was it his own choice to make himself look like that. shit makes himself look more incriminating
It's funny how being told that jacking off to images of child molestation is socially unacceptable brings out the most unhinged, amoral spergs to cry about how they hate that their masturbation habits aren't seen as cool and funny.
>we diddu nuffin!
You sound like furfags that try to hide the dogfuckers in their community
4chan is not one person. I don't care much about this nigger but thought some of the exploits were funny.
When Shad did the Edd pic, the Internet was a fraction of the size it was now and the online culture was different, where the “biggest celebrities” basically were just the flash animators and webcomic artists.
It’s ballooned out of control which is how people like Logan Paul can film dead bodies, get banned from entire countries, and scam people for millions and still be an untouchable celebrity.
I never liked Shad but I was able to be indiffrent on him when most of his work was blatantly fictional. Him doing revenge porn on a real life kid is just fucked no matter how you spin it. The whole "it's just a drawing bro" fully crumble when the main thought in your head while jacking it is "hehe, fuck that kid".

Plus Shad stopped being 4chan's guy years before this when he celebrated Ed's death and drew him getting raped. Eddsworld is to /co/ what Yotsubato is to /a/ and what he did already crossed the line to many of his old fans back then.
You do realize there is a reason before he left he stopped doing ALL loli for a couple years right? A large chunk of people that liked him was disgusted and the only perople left were pedophiles.

Not lolicons. Actual pedophiles that wanted him to draw porn of Nick and Disney Channel kid stars. He had to shut down all commissions because he ended up attracting a audience Shad himself didn't want and tried and failed to rebrand himself. Shad himself admitted it was a massive mistake in an intervierw and ruined how he wanted people to percieve him.
I disagree and think it's the opposite. If we agree that some drawings are so bad they can be banned, then it's far easier to make a case for banning more drawings from there. The label of crime should be reserved only for things that directly hurt people. Not things that might be used to hurt people by criminals or can hurt a child who isn't properly safeguarded by their parents. We're already ridiculously far down the road where the government makes the society at large eat shit to compensate for certain parents having kids without means or intent to raise them.
>pay a few people money to focus on the Shadman stuff and on other creators that associated with him to distract from the actual grooming stuff that Kris did
And the fuckers bought it, hook line and sinker.
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>manages to get away with being a self-admitted nonce because your orbiters love to get off to your shitty flash tweened porn
>jerk to minors discovering your porn
>have legions of your orbiters lining up to suck your dick every time you have a manic depressive episode of attention whoring
>draws himself as a brown femboy shota despite being a balding 40 year old gook
Minus8 is worse than Shad and gets away with more.
And it's kinda pointless to care but do nothing about it I mean look at >>144642601, regardless if he's a troll or a manipulator he's using the best type of bait to invoke a reaction, be it from you or from someone else.
You people gotta learn how to counter attack this bullshit because otherwise you're gonna get pushed around forever.
Fuck if I know, I am not into loli or shota personally, I'm just someone who's not outraged by drawings.
When you get too fat and get a fucking neck tire like him, all your beard follicles get pulled down and don't fill the rest of the face as evenly. His full beard probably looks like shit, but he probably looks worse without any beard because his jawline is burred under several inches of lard, so he split the difference and went with mutton chops.
That’s just how it is with most lolicon niggas. They’re just compete and utter shut-in virgins most of the time and figure just because they’re on le4chinz that there’s gonna be droves of people in agreement with their unhealthy habit
The anon trying to liken loli to FPSs isn't making that argument. He's trying to imply that the logic against him states that liking FPSs makes you into one of those people, but the reality is that those people are attracted to FPSs, among the mainstream crowds, and use it to vent their desires.

It's a bad argument on his part because you can like vidya for reasons other than wanting to fulfill a criminal fantasy, but loli porn of actual kids is meant to be a complete substitute to cheese pizza and offers little else.
Sounds like you spun your own narrative based around your personal offense.
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I bet you jerk off to Human Copier's Gwen pics you retarded hypocrite.
The entire moral argument for lolicon is that children are completely uninvolved in every way.
You do not want to tug on that thread. Before you know it
And then it’s over. After that, you can argue violent video games and movies and before too long we’re only allowed government approved media.
>goes on 4chan to whine there are too many degens on 4chan
Im just going to assume you’re an actual diddler
minus8 was fully aware he was fucked in the head, hated himself for it and seeked therapy.
And now he quit cold turkey for years now so clearly something changed.
low-key, Shad changed the way western porn is composed. If you were around for the WWOEC days or the general 2000's(or 90's even), the porn was kind of flat- just long shots of characters stiffly having sex, weirdly flat expressions like smiles or staring.
Shad was all about putting the ass IN YOUR FACE, with the big detailed assholes and cum oozing and a ton of effects lines and after effects.
Yeah hentai did a lot of that first but a lot of people saw this stuff first in Shad's work, plus his blend of cartoony art with high rendering was unique
You are not amongst friends her, kiddy diddler.
Cope harder pedo.
I've seen these people actually get homicidal about people calling a certain revenge torture rape anime creepy. I've never seen anything like it. Like you can call horror gross and scary and fans will be like "hell yeah" but you dare call an anime where the main character gets drugged, raped and tortured by the cast and then turns the table on them creepy and you've ruined someone's day.
First of all, that's bullshit. I've seen lots of specific kids in political and otherwise parody. And much like this guy's drawing >>144642425 I see nothing harmful in Shad's drawing, legally or morally.
There are some exceptions, but Shad was a pioneer in the western space for a lot of reasons and like it or not he changed the game.
What was the actual grooming stuff?
No one's impressed by all the child rape comics you've jacked off to. Sorry if you thought that wasn't the case this whole time. You're not some aloof shitposting cool guy. You're a pedophile.
The solution is to ban children from social media. No one under the age of 18 should have a social media page.
If they go after drawings, they'll go after your speech next, then your political affiliation. If you give them an inch, they'll take a mile. Censorship never stops at one place. It's has nothing to do with art or cartoons. It's all about control.
>ITT: Nonce infighting
Interesting person you've made up.
It didn't work cause more people are talking about if anything the fact Kris spread revenge porn of that Nick star that was already seen as a tragic punching bag.
>If we agree that some drawings are so bad they can be banned
We can't agree on WHICH drawings are so bad they can be banned.
>Censorship never stops at one place
How about "Don't make porn of people's kids?" That's pretty cut-and-dry.
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Nice projection. Feeling defensive are we?
The person is himself. He’s fucked in the head
They’ll come for you next, sisterfucker. Lolicons are the canary in the coalmine.
These threads always bring out the worst fucking redditard faggots. Only on /co/ is there this much neurotic arguing over this or that loli stuff is pedo or moral. /a/ and /v/ do not give a fuck.
>normalfags are just called NPCs now
But why? "You must be THIS much of a pervert to have a soul" doesn't make sense.
>/a/ and /v/ do not give a fuck.
/a/ and /v/ argue all the fucking time about what entails "censorship" the fuck you on?
Most of /v/ is underage already
No, he's amongst family.
Kill yourself, you grumpy old fuck
That's not what whataboutism is, you retards. It's when you deflect an accusation by making another similar accusation. I'm saying that making fun of dead people isn't some terrible crime and I'm saying separately saying that people aren't punished even for objective crimes like scamming, forget subjective ones.

True, but kinda irrelevant?

Possibly true, but also kinda irrelevant? Also wouldn't even call those people bad. Everyone falls in love with characters from shows and such, even live action ones. Like a huge fucking chunk of 34 is that for a reason. I haven't watched any live action Nick in literal decades, but I'm still crushing on a bunch of characters from when I did as a kid, even though I don't care about or follow people who portrayed them.
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>minus8 was fully aware he was fucked in the head, hated himself for it and seeked therapy.
He's still a middle-aged man who whines and begs on Twitter and also a nonce, only a bullet will fix that.
Mark my words... the world will change when the leaves fall...
Trust the plan?
Not really, there isn't a big 'kys pedo' sentiment and arguments boiling up. Most don't even care if it's pedo or not.
If you are into this shit honestly you probably should just die. You are incapable of living a life with a normal human brain. You’re sick and need to be put down.
I don't understand why Keemstar keeps advertising that Shadman drew porn of his daughter. If it were my daughter, I wouldn't tell anyone and would have dealt with him immediately upon finding out, then never mention it again. But instead he talks about it and people are gonna seek it out because you've made them curious.
…you’d kill somebody over cartoons?
Smartphones + social media brainrot. When decentralized Web3.0 comes out, make no mistake. We're gonna gatekeep the normie cattle hard.
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The man was free to do as he pleased and free to deal with any consequences to his actions as best he could. Simple as. Mostly he just caught a lot of flack from the non degenerates or those he targeted with bait. Shadman thrived on getting people mad with him, that much was always clear. Still remember some of his pieces being about topics that were guaranteed to get someone angry with his art.
It doesn't really matter who of them is worse when neither of them is even that bad to begin with. I would argue a random asshole who stole someone's wallet on the metro or vandalized a new bus stop is a 100 times worse than either of them.
Amen, brother.
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First this >>144642750 and then you're making a retarded argument for retards. It's on the level of "let's ban cars because inattentive drivers can run over your kids". We can't continue to jump through hoops because retard whose brains shut off whenever someone say "think of the children" exist.
People who get off from minors being depicted should be put down
This medieval hardass righteousness always felt gay and probably projecting to me cause there's a gorillion real and tangible issues in the world and things worth getting savage about instead of stupid shit like lolifags.
They’re fucking insane. They follow their base instinct to protect even when there’s no benefit and no one to actually protect. They just want control.
>It's when you deflect an accusation by making another similar accusation.
Yeah, like deflecting to crypto scams
Because while Shad is a scumbag, Keemstar is also a scumbag that used the weird and awful scenerio to get pity points and rejuvinate his fame during a time everyone was aware and agreed he was a scumbag.

Now some retards think
>Keem is a horrible faggot
>So it's OKAY to get a little girl invovled cause it's his daughter
And no, that's not how that works.
What a hero.
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>What was the actual grooming stuff?
There was no actual grooming stuff.
>he's only saying that because he was groomed!
There's no evidence of serious wrongdoing. If there is, share it.
I read that as you protecting normie status, as in the 4chan social retards would be left out for being too nazi pedo adjacent. I never saw the need to be proud of my autistic frog status. Why would I? Relating to normies is objectively better.
good morning sar pls do the needful and pass a basic english course before you try to troll on an english website.
You reek of streetshitter.
And that's cut and dry? Can't tell if you're naive or an idiot. An moralfag parent can then take that law and accuse anyone drawing anything that even remotely looks like their child to get people into trouble:
>"I have proof the artist saw my daughter on a trip to NY 20 years ago once and yesterday he drew this loli with black hair and blue eyes like she has, throw this monster in jail!"
It’s a retarded argument that will also work.
>How can you be angry about this when there's starving children in Africa?
Well, not only can people be mad about more than one thing, but let's be fucking clear here you disingenuous retard: We're not talking about other crimes. We're not talking about crypto scammers or greedy CEOs. We're talking about Shadman and the pedophiles in this thread trying to defend him.

Also, what you're doing is still quite literally whataboutism. Like people aren't allowed to voice their opinions until they satisfy your arbitrary criteria of moral outrage about enough of the right topics. Fuck off.
>After that, you can argue violent video games and movies and before too long we’re only allowed government approved media.
Well no you can't, society has already drawn the line. The slippery slope argument makes zero sense, banning CP has not led to the government controlling every facet of media. People can still play violent video games and watch violent movies.
>Shadman thrived on getting people mad with him
Sure but it was also clear that the heat he got was way too hot for him.
Shortly after the controversy he stopped doing any and all loli art, including fictional characters, and denounced his loli fanbase.

After that his views tanked drastically, nobody cared about his femboy gag comic and he's been MIA for years now.
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>There will never be another artist like him
thank fucking god
I say arrested, but sure.
Fictional characters aren’t minors though.
loli is based and stops cp proliferation
>nobody cared about his femboy gag comic
I thought it was funny.
Constantly buttering up and pursuing a minor with the intent to try and fuck them, either while underage or the moment they turn 18, is the exact definition of grooming.
I think the weirdest part about people that are stil ride or die with Shad is the fact he ended up pulling a 180, stopped making loli porn entierly, removed some of said loli porn and outright called anyone that like his loli stuff creeps.
Except "banning CP" lead to many anime and anime games being banned in Australia and some European countries.
Give government an inch, they take a country
Legally, whatever. Morally, fucked right the fuck up.
>Constantly buttering up and pursuing a minor
>with the intent to try and fuck them

He didn't provably do any of that, so not grooming.
This Shadshit is only surfacing to take Mr.Beast away from the spotlight.
Open a fucking dictionary. I didn't refuse to address the first, I clearly said it's meh whatever, and then I added about the second that people avoid responsibility even for real and serious crimes, forget drawings. A deflection would be something like me ignoring what they wrote and going "but what about Logan Paul! He's a very bad person we should be talking about instead!"
If only it lead to Muslims (REAL PEDOPHILES) to get banned as well.
I think drawing suggestive art of someone's irl kid should get you thrown in prison
no, that shit is morally reprehensible. I don't want to hear it
that's too far
So should Kathy Griffith be charged for murder for posing with a fake bloody head of Trump? Where's the cut off here?
Yes. Even if it is a DRAWING, it stills depicts a minor and looks like a minor. Therefore, you are still a sick fuck who needs to be put down. Read US law.
>…you’d kill somebody over cartoons?
Really, plenty of people would probably commit murder for even less than cartoon drawings on the internet, despite being mere projections of imagination.
Honestly, a lot of historical violence was essentially started due to 'imaginary' issues. Insert religion, ideology, politics and mythos and all the personal or moral crusades fought for those reasons. No matter how smart, apes always tend to violence over disagreements.
Yeah this isn’t a difficult exception for me at all.
I'd rather have a few anime banned than have legal child porn. Where is this level of "free speech activism" for American libraries?

I forgot that the assassination attempt proved that free speech purists are full of shit.
>he says on the site that has constant lolithreads and used to have dedicated loli and shota boards
Tourist please. (You) are the one who's not amongst friends here.
You got proof that an adult constantly flirting with a teenager wasn't sexually interested? What's your source that the guy who loves his Shadman loli rape art and has it framed and mounted in his home isn't interesting in fucking children?
>I forgot that the assassination attempt proved that free speech purists are full of shit.
No, it just exposed a lot of posers.
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No but she was charged fort inticing violence and making threats online.
And 90% of the world agreed with that. Including liberals.
Is this new? He's been doing this for 7 years right?
What's the most recent drawing of this shit?
Who gives a shit about anime first off, and secondly violently media is still widely available throughout those countries.
In shad’s case it does depict a minor and it is wrong.
The vast (vast) majority of lolicon art depicts a fictional character and is not wrong.
No, it's literally not, you retard. I clearly said that I don't consider any drawing a crime and then I said that even actual crimes don't remove people's internet presence. How is that whataboutism? You've heard the term a hundred times but never processed what it means? It's specifically avoiding the subject and changing it for something else irrelevant. I addressed the object and then made a relevant observation.
That's not being shown here.
>Who gives a shit about anime first off
Are you retarded.
I agree, but this could also be used for political drawings and comics that directly attacks real people in power. The great equalizer against the wealthy and powerful is the freedom of speech in all media. Where is the line drawn?
>the site that removed the loli and shota boards is still totally a haven for pedophiles
You'd think you would have realized the mistake as you typed it. But do you honestly think everyone on this godforsaken site loves loli just because some pedophiles manage to avoid getting banned by not constantly posting rule-violating child porn?
Being seeing mention of Shad more and more lately. Dude barely even draws now and when he posts something it's that Bell bitch.
LOL, are you an unironic Chinese spy? How is one faggot resorting to crime to (unsuccessfully) shut up his political opponent disprove a whole system that worked for millennia and works still?
Specific carve out. Depictions of real life minors in sexual situations should not be covered under free speech or parody.
How much time do you, as an adult, spend flirting with kids still in high school?
The "victim" of the tranny is pissed off on twitter saying it's false and is trying to get people to stop spreading it. It's still inappropriate but idk if it's as heinous as people are making it out to be
Explain why banning select pedophilic anime hasn't led the rest of violent media getting banned. Go on.
>an adult constantly flirting with a teenager
Show me where this happened. Normally there's tons of logs and shit when something like this happens. As far as I've seen, it was mostly him joking inappropriately in a public discord. Which is equivalent to what people do on 4chan daily - not everyone here is 18 in case you haven't realized.
>What's your source that the guy who loves his Shadman loli rape art and has it framed and mounted in his home isn't interesting in fucking children?
Maybe you're a newfag and don't understand the meme culture significance of Shadman.
>I agree, but this could also be used for political drawings and comics that directly attacks real people in power.
Maybe do that but without attacking kids.
Like /co/ would consider my politics to be on the dirty SJW liberal side but even I thought it was extremely scummy when some news station would attack Trump's kids for no reason other then they were Trump's kids.

If Shad wanted to fuck with Keem...why not just go after Keem? Why get his kid involved?
Well I don't see YOU proposing anything better! At least Shad tried.
Anon, Shadaman still thinks he's in 2016, in the era you could be living on the edge and just be laughed at as a corny meme.
He hasn't been reading the room.
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Could you not be convicted as a pedophile by overtly displaying sexual desires towards real children? Or would that fall under wrongthink? I guess WANTING to convict a crime isn't the same as doing it at all.
Definitely morally reprehensible though. Don't act shocked when your ostracized for being an edgy retard.
Not following your point anon.
Blargsnarf and Fellatrix's art are x10 disgusting than Shadman's and they don't even draw real people
You're trying so hard to split hairs and pretend that you aren't a blatant pedophile, but then you just had to go and praise Shadman as your personal artistic messiah, huh?

Maybe you recoil from the accusation that adult men flirting with teenagers is grooming because you fear that it applies too closely to your own actions?
>we had a board for loli 20 years ago!
>that means everyone here likes loli!
>we have always liked loli!
>stop dissenting!
>do not disrupt the monoculture!
This website is filthy. Someone should really clean it up.
>Anon, Shadaman still thinks
You say this as if Shad wasn't MIA for years.
No you can’t be convicted for being attracted to minors, thoughts aren’t a crime.
They aren't posers, they're liars trying to push their politics as free speech issues. If they only show up to defend free speech when it's about loli or holocaust denial the issue here likely isn't free speech.
>Who gives a shit about anime first off
Anime website.

No anime should be banned, this rule is firm.
Hard truths for /co/:
1. Any and ALL media that depicts minors inappropriately should be banned. No questions asked. It doesnt matter if its a drawing or anime or whatever.

2. With more lawmakers noticing this issue with porn, the policy will only get more popular

3. It WILL get banned because it is a horrible and freakish thing to be into. Anyone against it will be seen as a freak(they are.) And you WILL get arrested for downloading and attempting to view such content

4. This will all happen within the next couple years.
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>that time Kathy Griffin thought she could get away with holding up a decapitated trump head
I'm just glad to see others recall that because it takes on an even worse look in light of recent events. No clue why she would think that was a good idea. I think that was even before a lot of the anti-trump hysteria started to really move towards hateful to the point of implying murderous intent.
The distinction is key, but it wont stop there when it comes to law making. Like how game designers are afraid to put in kids in games like GTA made for being someone going on a rampage for fun. It will just be abused for policing media of any kind in fear of prosecution. It all comes back to, how do you police FICTIONAL MEDIA FAIRLY?
>secondly violently media is still widely available throughout those countries.
it's actually become a lot more neutered, you just haven't noticed. https://youtu.be/O-NeJRrgoTY?si=OR_OJfQtJfPnhDtV
The slippery slope isn't real, that's all I'm saying. Nobody cares that some pedophillic anime books got banned, the rest of violent media and violent games are untouched.
Normies were fine when they didn't have access to the Internet. Since the smartphone came out, normies have completely destroyed gaming, forums, & other sectors of the Internet & the tech industry. How? With censorship & low quality slop. And now they are in the process of ruining art (with AI) & animation. Just look at JewTube as an example. It makes an excellent use case against the normie cattle. And the worst part is normie parents are letting their own children access the Internet without a care in the world. Those parents have no idea what their kids are watching or who they are interacting with. Therefore, removing the normie cattle from the Internet is completely justified.
Because people are out there still complaining about the censorship of that select anime and letting the censors know that they won't easily get away with banning more. If everyone shut up and sat quietly while censorship is going on, we wouldn't have anything but government sanction cinema like in fucking North Korea. You are literally watching someone fighting someone and saying that the fight doesn't matter since the side they're fighting hasn't made any gains, even though they hadn't only due to that fight going on.
>pretend that you aren't a blatant pedophile
Oh, so now I'm the pedophile. Attacking me means you've pretty much given up on arguing logically here. You have no evidence. You can't even show me the flirting you keep blabbering about.

You lose, good day sir.
>depicts minors
Agreed, like Shad’s case. Most lolicon art depicts fictional characters though.
Missing on action? But didn't he just draw Keen's daughter?
I really only know the guy for the memes. His art is unholy garbage, wrong perspectives, no vanishing points, disgusting anatomy. He's literally just a shitty meme person trying to be edgy.
It does not take much to scare people into policing all fictional media, and creators.
He's right. it's site culture basically despite rule reservations (which are a formality). Site was founded by a guy's lust for his 14 year old waifu.
He's not MIA, he's doing time for stabbing a guy while high.
5. The simplest way to not be on the wrong side of this issue is to simply not draw, share, or encourage the creation of anything that depicts children being molested. Somehow, many of you will still find some excuse for why that's asking too much.
A fictional character.
of a fictional character that does not exist
It's sociopaths that gets hard just thinking about torturing and killing other people. Most of them are too narcissistic to even entertain the notion that it might be them who are sick
>"me, a psycho? as if!"
so they justify it to themselves by gunning for targets they think are socially acceptable and call it vigilantism instead of murderous psychopathy.
A drawing of a what? What is the fictional character of the images YOU WATCH a drawing of? Why dont you scream it loud so everyone hears you?
They weren't flirting.
Fair enough, that's what I meant by posers actually. They're posing as free speech advocates when really they just care about pushing their shit on people. As soon as they're put in a position where they have to defend speech making them uncomfortable, they drop the act.
There's no logical argument coming from you other than
Like you need anything more than an adult man constantly flirting with and trying to get close to a teenager for years to prove intent to groom or worse.
A fictional character that looks like what? What is the fictional character based off of?
This happened years ago anon.
And after the controvercy Shad gave up on loli and tried to go all in in femboys.
And then he dissapeared. Some people say he's arrested like >>144643412 but I haven't seen actual full blown evidence aisde from heresay.
Hard truths for anon:
1. You're a tard nigger.
Characters that are fictional.
Fuck off.
That only works on idiots and normalfags. The answer to that is that it doesn't matter and you're only asking because you think it matters due to being a retarded moralfag yourself. No drawing should be banned regardless of morality content.
Don't fucking get his kid involved? it's not that hard. she has nothing to do with this. if he wanted to go after keem then he should've just went after keem
It feels like you're trying to pardon him taking up the opportunity to draw something disgusting out of spite
>Like you need anything more than an adult man constantly flirting with and trying to get close to a teenager for years
I don't need more than that anon, just give me that. The point is you don't have that. You've got jack and shit, and jack left town.
>Based off of
An idea the artist had for a fictional character.
>site culture
That's not what that means. Site culture doesn't mean everyone has to pretend to actually love lolicon art and treat it like it's normal and acceptable in all contexts.

Arguing about Asuke vs Rei is more site culture than actually being an unironic pedophile who constantly lusts after 2d and 3d children.
Normalfags will be the death of freedom of expression sooner than we think.
I seriously hope your not suggesting the dozen lolicons are the bulwark holding back the rest of media getting censored.
How do you go after Keem if he didn't do anything illegal? Doing something also not illegal that would make him feel as bad as he made other people feel seems like a good idea here.
2d interest is not 3d interest.
Just like gun interest is not school shooting interest.
If you just play dumb long enough, maybe the feds won't check your harddrive, anon.
Oh wow, why is this being talked about now then?
It really sounds just a distraction for Mr. Beasts sick fuck friend.
People don't HAVE to pretend anything here but you're a faggot is the point.
The dodging is so hilarious kek
You’re a sick person clearly you need to be isolated from society immediately
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Giving the internet to those subhuman apes was a mistake.
It’s the canary in the coalmine, as well as the state of the word “nigger”.
But what makes them NPCs?

Oh you're one of those retards.
It feels like he has a small cult following of people that think that when Shad get's out of jail and see's he has a following of people sucking his cock then Shad would finally break and start taking commisions of iCarly porn.
Y'know, it's funny. It's actually the people making a big show of attacking loli that usually turn out to be pedos. Look at Kyle Carrozza and how he attacked that artist for drawing underage characters.

Got something you want to share with us, anon?
There is no dodging, you simply do not understand how to distinguish fiction from reality, in much the same ways as the rare psychopath that plays doom and decides to shoot up a building.
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4chan of all places is starting to get safe spaced for people who can't engage with fictional content without taking it as being a matter of serious intent. The most mild mannered people with spotless records of following all laws and moral codes can be into any kind of content imaginable. Instead of simply thinking about these minor indulgences late at night, they use the medium of art to express such things into an easily consumable format, often making it available for others as well because it is human to share. Even if what you are sharing is not 'safe' for everyone. Thought patrolling may simply have to be the next step, because no amount of internet policing will stop some people from indulging their imagination.
If you have to try and sputter and make excuses that everyone is totally on your side and everyone believes what you believe, despite the evidence and the reaction saying the opposite, there's a highly likely chance you're wrong.

Whatever degenerate filth you jack off to is not the religion of everyone unfortunate enough to share a thread with you.
Human race is legit too stupid for something like the internet to not become a power monolith of some sort. The early net was a special moment.
>loli porn of actual kids is meant to be a complete substitute to cheese pizza and offers little else.
Actual real life kids or of loli in general?
>I seriously hope you're not suggesting this feeble little canary is protecting the lives of us big strong coal miners
Yes, they are. Censorship starts from the fringe that barely anyone cares about, and many people might even support the ban of. And then it creates laws and precedents that make banning whatever ends up on the fringe after the former fringe is gone and teaches people that censorship is something normal and even good, to be easily accepted. And so it repeats, with the censorship machine growing stronger and people growing more complacent, because the censors follow an established legal framework and an ever growing sentiment of censorship being normal and good.
>bump limit
How the fuck?
>1984, page 1: "If you don't think pictures of little cartoon girls getting raped are okay, you are Hitler."
Damn I don't know how I missed that one.
>The early net was a special moment.
This. Sad to think those conditions will be impossible to recreate for the rest of time. Happy we got to enjoy it at least.
>All Shad did is give him some of his own "hurtful but not illegal" medicine.
Good sentiment but his kid is a person too and I can't imagine that she'll be comfortable with what happened when she learns about it (if she hasn't learned already, I think she's a teen now? )
Also can you imagine the bullying fuel if kids at school found out about it?
The classic desperate defense.
>I'm not a pedo
You find yourself on the side of a pedophile tranny and the artist who draws his favorite pedophile art. You're not even half as witty as you think you are.
I’m glad this thread exposed how many pedophiles infest this board.
It is to an extent but it's really only /co/ specifically going on about Shad.
Most of the discussion on Xhitter is the grooming stuff and the Jeanette revenge porn.

The latter being the smoking gun. Like you could potentially argue that the hanging out with teens stuff is a retarded young adult manchild who doesn't know his place wanting to go back to his middle school days.

But you can't really defend revenge porn. Like he just straight up spread porn of a random chick who didn't know she had porn of her being spread out. The dude already lost and landed on Go to Jail.
>Arguing about Asuke vs Rei is more site culture
who are both underage in the original series by the way.
I'm not a fan of loli personally. But I do think banning it is wrong and hurts way more than it helps.
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But you are utterly seething your pants off at having this debate in the first place. You are always much better off crusading on twatter or reddit.
A reminder that death of freedom of expression includes the banning of LGBT
Retard, large pushes to end violent media have gone out of fashion long before the lolicons showed up.
There's a reason there's no large protest to get their shit approved, nobody cares about them or their pedophile anime.
Do you think that argument was about which one you'd rather see drawn as a 6 year old getting gangraped in Shadman's next comic?
fuck off pedo
Bruh. You were the one who started calling me a pedo out of nowhere. I'm just reacting to that, and pointing out how sus you're acting.
>You're not even half as witty as you think you are.
Oh but I am. I'm cracking myself up right now.
Pedo tranny should be ostracized for inappropriate contact with a minor and displaying lewd content on a channel meant for kids.
Shad should be ostracized for targeting a real child to draw porn of.
Fictional material is still harmless, so long as it isn’t involving real minors in any way.
Many anti-loli crusaders turn out to be projecting pedos.
These are all true.
Can't resist shad
She reaped the benefits of the money Keem earned by being an evil asshole, why shouldn't she reap the negative consequences he sowed by being an evil asshole as well? I doubt she knew nothing of how her father earns her bread being 14.
Anyone who's been here a while knows this. If anything these threads expose how many moral newfags there are.
I accept your concession. I hope you walk away from this sad little thread understanding that 4chan is full of people who have active contempt for you and everything you do and that it is not your personal hugbox where everyone loves the same porn you love.
>what makes them npcs
Beep beep boop boop. X good. Y bad. Z can't compute, therefore npc must get mad. Please insert next program to continue. Beep beep boop boop.
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go back to jacking off to pablo lapietra porn pedofaggot
We are going back... back to where drawing bad things on paper makes you a future serial killer. Yet the retard buying an ar15 is left unchecked that actual causes harm gets ignored, and is blamed to be an innocent mind warped by VIDEO GAMES and VIOLENT MOVIES!
lol, you only figured this out now?!
You have activated my trapcard and outed yourself as a newdag. Those boards were only removed to appease potential advertisers. If moot actually shared your moralfag mindset, loli wouldn't have been allowed on /b/ after those boards were removed.

Lurk moar faggot.
Go into the streets, brother. Run and and shout. Tell the good people their drawn cartoon characters who appear under the age of 18 visually aren't safe!
>look at me
>I'm so smug that I have to tell you how not mad I am
Cope. Seethe. Dilate. Touch Brass.
Anon, I notice you still haven't been able to show the supposed grooming messages. Or any solid evidence at all really. I'm against witchhunts, that's all.
>Bro it’s not child porn to draw an underage child getting fucked by a 10 inch cock! It’s just a drawing, bro! So what if it’s based on real children? It’s just lines!
I don’t even want to know how mentally ill someone has to be to think like this legitimately.
Neopuritanfag is right btw.
He’s a niggerfaggot with a terrible posting style, but he’s right.
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>the censorship machine growing stronger and people growing more complacent
Just about everything is or can become a slippery slope. Too many people fail to understand the basic idea of momentum not ceasing until acted upon by an opposite force. That which starts now will only get more emboldened if it is not kept in place. Moral puritanism has often found its iron grip on a society starting with a gentle touch. Not to say it must absolutely being happening in the context of this particular issue, but it is safe to say puritans never stop until they have everything their way.
I like that you think the man with literal loli rape art on his walls is somehow totally pure and untainted with his intentions to constantly stay in contact with an underaged girl.
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I'm smug because I am better than you. And you know it.
Are you black?
But I don't find myself on the side of people who actually prey on real kids IRL, right? I wonder who's on that side then, and how is he keeping eyes off himself. Not by calling the attention to loli artists, you don't think?
>So what if it’s based on real children?
The people who defend this part are wrong.
>Could you not be convicted
Correct, you could not. Because thoughts are not actions, and thoughts aren't illegal. A concept the leftie twattermob seems to have trouble comprehending.
Not that anon but why does making fun of ESLs mean you're a paelladeauxfeille?
Though I will say most anti-lolifags are just squimish normalfags. Which is fine I guess even if I disagree with them.
But at the same time there has been many funny caseas of super hardecore anti-lolifags fighters that end up doing way worse shit. Biggest and funniest example right now is Kyle Carroza.
>nobody cares
Well you're clearly objectively wrong if there are people passionate about censoring it and people passionate about protecting it-
Remember when they tried to tell kids not to do drugs in those PSAs? Fast forward to today, now marijuana is legal in most states.
>people can't explain why easy access to pictures of little girls getting raped kisses them off
I'm starting to think you're the NPC.
>He says like this is a good thing
Cartoons aren’t little girls. They cannot be victimized, they can’t be raped, they don’t have rights.
Keep fighting this seething projection you've made up.
this fucking thread even the past incident somehow rn
Insane take. She's just a kid.
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It was a tragic mistake. The nation will regret encouraging weedsmoking.
You're smooth brain doesn't understand sarcasm when he reads it.
You've got nothing. It's fine to stop posting. Threads already past bump limit.
>I like that you think the man with literal loli rape art on his walls is somehow totally pure and untainted with his intentions
You're right to be suspicious of his intentions and I doubt anyone will really tell you otherwise. But an allegation is not consequential until you have evidence, the smoking gun that proves some wrongful act was or would be committed. We do exist in a society that at least formerly prided itself on innocent till found guilty. But again, feel free to be as suspicious of their possible actions or intentions as you feel is deserved. It is not like I feel they are definitely innocent based on what has been said so far.
No, I just spent my formative years being called N-not something /co/ mods tolerate anymore, on /b/, so maybe it rubbed off.
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>Not that anon
stopped reading right here
I know you're samefagging don't ever dare to manipulate us ever again!
You guys know what happens to your type of people in Prison, right?
The fact that so much has happened and it all technically links back to Shad when he hasn't even been active for a long time by now is pretty funny. The man just keeps on giving.
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I can explain why I don't like it though: It's uncomfortable knowing people want to fuck children, so seeing proof that it's so acceptable it has its own genre and name in Japan allows me to identify the type of people I don't want around children. Normalizing it, letting it be casual is just an escalation. No amount of "but these aren't real" doesn't change what they represent and what you're getting off to. Restricting it is fine, banning it is understandable.

In fact the "it's just drawings" is too autistic and robotic a response to not see as NPC.
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Without reading the whole thread, why do lolifags even care about being called pedos? If someone on the internet called me a pedo for fapping to Tiger Lily I'd just nod and keep fapping. Or is this more of an argument on legality?
Weed makes people fat & gay. Yes it was mistake. No it wasn't a good thing, but like many npcs, i doubt listened to those who warned you about it. Point is moralfagging has disastrous consequences.
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hell ya brother, fight the power
Again being "pedo" is only really an issue on /co/, cause /co/ skirts normiedom more than other media board and so worries about the label.
>Loli is a substitute for loli
But a very logical one, no? If a girl's father commits a serious crime and needs to go to jail, our society doesn't suddenly say "well, his children have done nothing wrong, so why should they grow up without a father and provider? Let's just let him go unpunished!" does it? How is this situation not just a less extreme version of that? The father, Keemstar, is at fault, Shad was only the hand of justice, if a very unlikely and somewhat misguided one.
No it doesn’t. Judaism has disastrous consequences.
Censorship is on the line as well as their isolation and ostracization. It's funny, the "hahahaha cyber bullying ain't real" crowd is oddly silent on the issue.
This. Feel free to be suspicious, I don't blame you. But innocent until proven guilty is still the right approach.
>It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer.

Err on the side of considering people innocent.
People want to shoot fictional characters in video games, that doesn’t mean they want to shoot real people.
The two desires are two separate things. I understand the trepidation but you’re not thinking clearly about what’s really going on here.
Your brain simplifies cartoons into a representation of real life, not everyone thinks like this.
If that's her face when she can read, imagine what her face would be is she could read all of those wacky Hebrew adventures. I had a good laugh when I read the bible by myself and realized why our teacher suddenly stopped and skipped chunks of it when reading to the class.
Judaism is fine, and Jews are generally good people.
It's different because issues of sexual gratification are different than fun or humor.
No but it was largely about which one you'd fuck and drink piss from lol.
I'll give it to you for being the one reasonably post in the entire thread. If the matter is whether or not we should actively charge, convict, and punish the man, yes, there needs to be concrete evidence and a proper trial, and so on.

But constant demands from other anons for proof of any ill-intent as if the tranny in question isn't a well-document devout lover of lolicon rape art is just weasely faggotry. Like if someone who was a card-carrying NAMBLA member was seen constantly talking to little boys at the local park, they'd smugly pretend to be completely oblivious to the issue and demand you prove he's done anything wrong. And legally, in that situation, no crime has been committed, but all the same, no one should try a card carrying kiddy diddler-advocate around children, and no one should accept this obtuse argument that the pedo rape art aficionado clearly had zero intention to do anything malicious when he spent years grooming an underage girl.
Does it matter? Both are just drawings. The only difference is that one type aggravates moralfags slightly more.
ffs Zoomers really think Shad did loli art and only loli art
>The "it makes me uncomfortable" argument is too autistic and robotic a response to not see as NPC
It always comes back to comments about it being from Japan and making so-and-so individual uncomfortable, therefore it is imperative that it be removed from society. These arguments and more or less the same claims about this content go so far back. Decades of this and somehow the world has kept spinning on it axis.
It IS morally reprehensible and it SHOULD be illegal. Along with lolicon.
Do you really think that tooniphiles who want to fuck Roger Rabbit are, en mass, secretly hiding their desire to go to the pet store and rape a rabbit?
A potential rabbit rapist MAY be interested in such material, but the vast majority of people?
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I miss when people would just post
memes instead
They are imagining some scenario where they can openly talk about their desire to fuck children and not be given looks of disgust. Despite so many of them claiming to be 4chan oldfags, they never learned about hiding their power levels.
Do you have an argument to go with that opinion?
No, just don’t censor, go after the actual criminals and leave us to our autistic corners of the internet please. Keep it taboo that’s fine, normalfags get out.
>literal loli rape art
Does this look like literal loli rape to you? Because that's the print on wall.
Ban lolicon and you're going to see a lot more anime about 18-year old grade schoolers. Try to solve that dilemma and you end up banning flat chested girls. Banning lolicon isn't just wrong for limiting free expression, it's infeasible.
>they never learned about hiding their power levels.
You know that's supposed to mean places outside of 4chan?
I miss Shadman himself. His art was so nostalgically edgy and refreshingly topical.
It's not about it coming from Japan, it's the fact that we have a word for it. I could have left that part out because it is a genre here too, because we're also being euphamistic with pedophilia all the same. It's weird that that's what you took from that.
Funny post, I laughed.
Yeah. Like him or not, he was a product of a better time.
You can reassure yourself that it's a totally normal piece of art for a well-adjusted person to have on their wall, but it ain't.
>end up banning flat chested girls
That didn't stop the Australian government. Those guys are hilarious. Like how they literally went back to basics and made their country a prison island during the Wuhan Flu. I don't know how kangaroos suffer those jokers.
>I'll give it to you for being the one reasonable post in the entire thread
>But constant demands from other anons for proof of any ill-intent as if the tranny in question isn't a well-document devout lover of lolicon rape art is just weasely faggotry
This is a thread on 4chan, getting people to argue in a straightforward manner is like herding cats. Too many different individuals all screaming at once and everyone ends up feeling personally attacked, so I don't really blame anyone. It just ends up being fairly chaotic overall by the very nature of anonymous posting. I can barely keep up with the thread as is, so I am just going through the thread right now to find out more about this.
Doesn't change the fact that it isn't "loli rape."
>full of
Anon please. It's pretty fucking obvious you're being contrarian for the (You)s. Presumably because you're a lonely, socially retarded basement dwelling sperg who has no other means of getting human interaction, other than (You)farming on 4chan.
>made their country a prison island during the Wuhan Flu.
You get that impression due to the fact they had quarantine centers and kids awaiting parent pick up jumped the fence and they sent helicopters out of them. 1984.
Look, maybe that isn't the best aesthetic to associate yourself with, and I personally wouldn't hang that up anywhere that anyone could feasibly see it. But a part of me just plain finds that art kinda funny, think whatever you will about that.
And he was also somewhat of a visionary trail blazer in porn. No one has filled his daughter/mother incestuous /ll/ rimming niche to this day, and that was only one of his many trademark themes.
>when he spent years grooming an underage girl.
No proof of this.
As opposed to what? Pictures of black baby Jesus perhaps?
I do try to offer the benefit of the doubt, but it never comes back to a logical argument like
>we can't legally say the lolicon tranny has actually broken any laws
Which is why it's so obvious when they get upset ad defensive that anyone could imply that there's something wrong with the whole situation. And then it veers off into trying to rationalize this place as some kind of pedophile safe space where everyone is totally cool with other people proudly announcing how much they love seeing children getting raped.
>totally normal piece of art for a well-adjusted person
No one says this. This has never been about whether something is for "normal well-adjusted" people.
>Ass freckles
>Ass eating
>Unmotivated jiggle lines
>Sound effect innovation
>Colors and rendering
>Chromatic Aberration
>Ahegao proliferation in the west
He didn’t start these things but he sure as heck influenced the space arguably more than anyone in the 10’s.
They're already isolated and ostracized into their own corners of the internet. Is the issue about them not being able to openly crank it to their fetish on public sites like twitter and facebook for everyone to see?
I don't even want to know how mentally ill you'd have to be to think drawings are real.
Shad was always pretty based. Maybe a bit retarded, but a gold star coom comedian.
>they get upset ad defensive that anyone could imply that there's something wrong with the whole situation
nigga people just want some actual evidence showing he's guilty

if it wasn't suspicious, nobody would be talking about it in the first place
His lolis never looked much like loils, more like teens.
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Is the current unearthing of Shad's corpse for the untenth time a huge smoke screen to distract zoomers from Mr. Beast's Tranny friend drama?
Shit went from
>Kris is a pos, CANCEL XER
>These newgrounders lived with Shad, CANCEL THEM
Shadman genuinely has a good sense of humor. I've laughed at his drawings more than I've ever been aroused by them.
Not sure I follow.
You know, I always found it odd that in this painting of Saturn eating his son it looks like the son has an over emphasized ass. That behind has curves, man. Maybe its just me but I feel like the artist got a little carried away with drawing the son's backside, that's all I'm saying.
In the same way people who publicly announce their love for any media which prominently features people being killed (which is a LOT of it) also announce they like seeing people being brutally slaughtered, or is there a difference? Specifically the difference that simulated brutal graphic violence doesn't make you feel uncomfortable, but loli art does?
It’s the “BLAME THE GUNS/VIDEO GAMES/MOVIES” of internet drama, instead of focusing on the real problem, the predator.
It's a mix of pearl clutching normies/zoomers who just found out about Shadman, and people who want to make a big deal out of the Mr. Beast tranny because it supports their narrative that trannies/gays are pedos.
Lemme put it plain and simple: You have a 13 year old daughter. An adult man who has frequently professed and announced his love of a specific extreme lolicon rape artist starts contacting her frequently, offering her gifts, and trying to meet up with her.

Do you trust this man's intentions to be innocent at all?
His son is a god and has a godly ass, I fail to see the problem.
Sex sells.
The argument is about the drawing and legality bro.
>I've laughed at his drawings more than I've ever been aroused by them
Perhaps its a matter of being wired different, but I just laughed off most of his shenanigans if they didn't do anything for me. Some people just take certain things more seriously than others.
>contacting her frequently, offering her gifts, and trying to meet up with her.
Where are you getting this from? I'm genuinely curious to read it if real.
I don't like the thought of people eating shit, but I'm not going to bitch and whine about how eating shit should be made illegal, because criminalizing things on the sole ground that someone finds the thought of it iffy is a gigantic slippery slope.
Don't dodge the question.
>needing twitter drama to post shad on /co/
Fuck off, retard.
How is his profession relevant? I won't let ANY grown-ass man contact my daughter. Try one more time, but without shoehorning the loli art part into it in an irrelevant matter.
Your question is irrelevant to loli drawings being legal.
Your question is retarded and has nothing to do with the topic and everything with the situation being inappropriate due to the age difference. Would you let a man who plays Call of Duty all day and talks about how he wants to shoot a nazi IRL give your son a nazi uniform and take him into the woods while carrying a gun with live ammo?
Slippery slope is a fallacy because we're actually reasoning our way to the ban like we reason our way to any other law. Starting at loli without also advocating for public nudity, sex and defecation shows your priorities and how you yourself don't buy slippery slope logic, just invoke it when convenient.
You guys make a good point, I've been seeing much more discussion about the art that is barely associated with any of this rather than the actual individual who may have done something they shouldn't have. It is somewhat like people focusing on the type of weapon that was used rather the criminal, in a sense.
You didn't answer the question. Is it a loli rape picture or not?
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I don't know how, I don't know why, but I JUST know that seeing so many threads about loli crap in this site make me feels that these users defending this kind of shit are either newfags pretending to be oldfags knowing about "everything" about this site "culture" even though there aren't clearly proofs that loli porn is part of 4chan culture while shatting on trannies for said reason whatsoever or just nostalgiatards who're still stuck in the past like the internet was a good place even though there are so many bad stuff back then.
like how you would waste your time for something that hasn't already viewed positively years ago, yet still forcing that now?
even the right-wing liberals would find this a complete waste of time and pushing more coal into the burning stack that has already full in the first place!
Being a lover of Shadman's loli art is just a convenient shorthand. There's zero ambiguity as to why someone would be into it and announcing as much eliminates any doubt that the guy jacks off to little girls being raped.

Not what I'm talking about. I think Shadman's loli art is repulsive and gross, but the only real problem is when he was drawing comics meant to feature real life underage girls and even that's a gray zone.

Then you're missing the point entirely.
Thank you, finally somebody posting some evidence.
1. His irresponsible behavior was directed at boys not girls.
2. Other than the images of keem’s daughter and the seal girl, both of which are reprehensible, shad drew fictional characters, most of which were of a fictional age.
Arguing that loli porn is part of 4chan's culture is like arguing that feminism and trannies are part of 4chan's culture because /lgbt/ exists or that no one should complain about seeing MLP porn (even though it's got a specific rule listing now) because /mlp/ exists and ponies have now been part of 4chan longer than the loli board ever was.

Niches inside 4chan do not dictate 4chan culture as a whole.
Normalfags get out.
Cartoons aren’t people.
No, I'm not missing the point. If the person was the same age as my daughter and drawing or not drawing loli, I would be fine with them seeing each other because there are worse hobbies out there than lewd art. If the person was considerably older and was drawing or not drawing loli, I would be against it, not because of loli, but because it's inappropriate for a kid and adult to have that sort of relationship. The issue here is only the age gap you disingenuous retard. Do you have an argument or will you continue acting retarded and asking irrelevant questions?
>It's weird that that's what you took from that
Not really, I was just pointing out that I have heard that brought up in a similar way before in these arguments. A moralizer will usually bring up Japan and how a lot of this content comes from there and then cast it as a evil or wrong influence that has to be removed from western society. I'm not even trying to castigate you or anything, I was just mentioning how reminiscent it is of past arguments I've seen. This discussion has been going on for a long time with no small amount of repetition.
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The worst part of this is that piece of shit Keemstar getting sympathy points for old news
Okay but it's an anime site and was founded and first consistent of weeb lolifags and not feminists or tranny's.
>I was 16, he was 21
I thought this was going to be bigger than a 5 year difference.
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is this thread even on-topic or what?
I just want to talk about silly cartoons, not interpersonal drama ffs.
>this 21 year old playing games with me when I was 15 said sex jokes and shared hentai
Okay. That's not even a huge age gap, he was in high school not long ago.
And yet, people will try and tell you that the tranny camgirl threads they had 15 years ago means that 4chan loves trannies and that 4chan is a pro-tranny site.
>Keemstar getting sympathy points for old news
No fucking way Keemstar used this as an opportunity to talk about his beef with Shadman. I almost feel like that would be in bad taste if he actually bothered to dredge that up due to a tangential relation with the current thing that has happened. An e-celeb trying to say the equivalent of "look at me, look at me, I'm relevant too".
Loli on 4chan might be a niche, but on /co/ it fucking isn't. /co/ and loli have gone hand in hand from the board's inception. That's just how it is. Adult /co/mrades watch cartoons and fall in love with the characters, most of those characters are underage, and so loli is born. It's a completely natural and integral part of this board.
No they won't.
Witnessed that exact thing happen on /co/ within the last few months.
This is a significant drama that may impact the rights of fanartists.
Well, this did start with an OP about Shadman and a moral question.
This thread turned into exactly what one might expect, so yeah it is essentially on topic.
This is still borderline reasonable. Motherfuckers are out there claiming they were groomed at 20 by another 20 year old because they are emotionally immature.
>we're actually reasoning our way to the ban
Except your reason is "i don't like this drawing, it should be illegal". That's not an argument.
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Yeah, he got 21k likes for this
4chan was generally pretty open-minded and had a fuck authority teenage attitude. Because the site was mostly teenagers and 20 somethings. So yeah, a lot of people were supportive of gays and traps.
I've never seen it and they're probably retarded then lol. I wouldn't say pro or anti tranny has been part of 4chan. Tranny's being the issue they are today are a result of their now massive presence and socio-political clout, and of course /pol/ becoming the nexus of the site.
Why do you want to fuck children?
>literally reminding the internet, which has long forgotten, that R34 of his daughter exists
>all for some likes and retweets
lol, Keemstar is such a piece of shit.
The source and main purpose board (/a/) is even more loli inundated than /co/. "loli" even derives from weeb/otaku faggotry.
Drawings aren’t children.
Yeah. Have to keep in mind too that the way tranny politics is now is totally alien to how it was in the 2000s.
You are looking at a drawing of a sexualized child. Why do you want to fuck children?
Ugh. I don't care for anything I'm seeing in that pic.
>is like arguing that feminism and trannies are part of 4chan's culture because /lgbt/ exists
But it's not. That board only exists because tumblr managed to pull a succesful Romeo And Juliet psyop on moot. And instead of manning up and fixing his mistake by nuking the board and kicking the tumblrtrannies off the mod team, he tucked tail and ran. And now we're stuck with a nipponese jew that doesn't give a shit about the site, beyond whatever money he can extract from it.
Try to ignore bait, you'll live longer.
You know you're being over reductive. You can't even address the issue.
>is this thread even on-topic
It never was.
No, a drawing of a sexualized child is a crime.
Lolicon art is a drawing of a sexualized fictional character of a certain body type and temperament.
I know, but we're on /co/ talking about /co/ things. But yeah, /a/ and /b/ were and to some extent still are core 4chan, and those boards are really into loli. So this guy is a newfag dumbass >>144644421
Fanartists and their followers are pure cancer.
I wonder what her daughter thinks of her dad reminding the internet that loli porn of her exists.
What a non sequitur.
>You play violent video games or watch action movies? Why do you want to maim and kill people?
I don't. I want to fuck 2d drawings.
>The only thing that can fix the existence of peole I don’t like is death
Minus8 sure has some odd haters.
When loli robots become a thing I’ll go for as animated as possible, I’m not into real kids.
>No sir, you see, it’s just a DRAWING of an 8 year old getting railed in the ass! Totally normal!
Very cool. Now, face the wall you freaks.
>It's just a DRAWING of murder!*
He should let sleeping dogs lie and all that, but the man can't pass up the publicity of briefly putting himself in the spotlight.
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So... you'll wait for robot kids, but not real kids.
You're still waiting for kids, robot or not.
>loli robots
That's shits not getting allowed lol. Maybe black market.
>robot anime girls are real kids
Are you on crack? Do robots have rights now? Are you arguing over the safety of fleshlights?
>I want to fuck 2d drawings
Real ones know that 3d is busted and 2d is where it's really at.
Actually, it’s a drawing of a fictional character, not an eight year old girl. Tracing is repugnant and should be prosecuted as the real thing.
Why did this get 700 replies, but all my on-topic threads barely hit 10?
Hot button issue.
He is simply too powerful
Sorry dawg, not enough drama to be found in most cartoon topics.
I think it's turtles all the way down with him.
>tracefags should be executed
Hello /ic/.
I'm pointing out the fact you prefer kid size robots.
I don't fucking care if it's a robot, a futa, or mutant cow fetish: if it's a child and you're attracted, you should be curb-stomped on site.
Kiwifags and Twitterfags hang out here.
Why do people always talk shadmans lolis but never shadmans futa?
>If it’s a child you should be executed
Agreed. Thankfully a robot anime girl is not a child.
>B-but agi!
Sentient robots shouldn’t be involved in sex slavery period.
Because, unlike you, OP doesn't actually care for the topic, he's just arguing for the sake of attention.
Which site, Failblog, you failure?
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>TFW don’t like lolishit and think a good chunk of people into it are weirdoes with a few skeletons in their closet but still have to put up with them since they present enough of a target to keep people from trying to shut down porn of fictional teens which I fap to on a regular basis
It worked, 722 posts. I'm impressed.
They’re the canaries in the coalmine.
Thread's nearly dead.
Pack it in folks.
Also, ban all children from the internet.
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>you have a weird fetish, don't judge me for jackin goff to children
Ok pedo
Because Shadman was a very popular loli artist but only a reasonably popular fute artist. Most loli artists have much smaller audiences than Shadman, but there are lots of ridiculously popular futa artists out there.

But I like his futa art too. It was lots of fun. Fun is something many artists forget to put in their art.
A fictional character based on real people. You can’t pilpul around this, Joachim.
Yeah. People who want to ban loli would ban Asuka and Sailor Moon drawings too.
>Teens are children now
Twitterfags have such strange minds.
>ban all children from the internet
But /co/ is already slow as it is! :^)
>Based on real people
That’s wrong and shouldn’t be allowed, 100%. I don’t support what Shad did to keem’s daughter.
99.99% of loli art is purely fictional, that’s protected speech.
Unironically slower boards and threads are better.
Is that a Glock or just a simple pistol design?
All art is based on real people.
Funnily enough kikes hate cartoon porn because it circumvents their evil 3dpd industry.
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>732 replies
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>if you like this you're a pedo
don't mess with kids OR teens you sick fuck
This is why they make terribly written cartoons with ugly unfappable designs: to make us turn to 3DPD porn.
okay but i'm still going to jack off to cartoons like >>144644997
They purpously made her 14. When you confirm shit, it gets weird.
>This is wrong to fap to according to >>144645000
Except there are some countries out there where age of consent is 21, so you're also a dirty evil predator for thinking 18-20 is alright to be attracted to.
Not sure why this was left up in the first place.
It's not like hot teenage girls is anything out of the ordinary for anime though. Hell, that's one reason it got so popular.
common curtsies means nothing once you break social contracts of trust
it is a HE
I fucking miss when bump->404 was at the very least 2 hours. Fucking summerfagniggers needs to die.
Most Japan creators are peods anyways.
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1000 POSTS
We need loliggers to fight in the front rows for us so we aren't next on the chopping block
No, it's true. Accept it. There is no originality, only copying what an artist knows.
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>all of the activity from this board stems entirely from storytime, coom, and drama threads
This board is so dead kek.
False. Anime/cartoon characters do not look like real people.
Except there are also country who forbid sexual intercourse until you are also married, and forbid masturbation. So you see, you are fucked already.
4chan is dead in general tbqh
Porn was invented by kikes to subvert their host nations. Everything you just said is wrong and I can only conclude you are either retarded or a kike yourself.
Total loli Death?
Here in the civilized part of the world, the average AoC for hankypanky is 15. I weep for you puritanical cavemen that fell for the feminist psyop and thought teenagers would magically stop acting like teenagers if you raised the AoC to 18.
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His drawing of Keemstar's daughter doesn't even look like her at all.
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its so dead that you participate in a bait thread
>Kikes invented cartoon porn
Those usually also allow marriage at 6, like their prophet Muhammad did, so I don't think that's applicable.
Start posting shad art before the thread dies!
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>all that good shit he used to put out
All of his Ravens, his Mrs. Incredibles, his futa and trap art, and various other subjects as well as his comics. In hindsight I liked a lot of what he did and I think its a shame he died in Guatemala on a heroin bender.
Porn existed before the modern concept of the porn industry you zoomer coomer faggo.
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The horny gene was in use before kikes realized how to fuck up the world.
Only way to stop it would be to zip up women, and cut off nuts off of men.

We're forced to learn control, or end up raping or getting raped.
No, cartoon porn was invented by based Mexicans, the anti-Jews, to save us from Jewish influence.
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>767 replies
Did the janny fall asleep today?
Fat chance. And even if it does, /v/s randoseru thread was almost 1100.
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All I have are cropped Vault Meat faces
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Zion is afraid of the loli
Fuck you groomer, go to Hell.
>these laws dont apply to me because my feelings
careful throwing stone inside those glass houses
at least try
I’d give the W to the statues of Venus, but yeah modern cartoon porn came from Tijuana.
>Jews are indirectly responsible for 2D porn
Thank god we got AI Shad.
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>4chan is dead in general tbqh
I catch myself starting to genuinely think that at times. Certain discussions just end up going no where lately. Place isn't what it once was, but that applies to so much of the internet and even the world at large.
Fuck you all.
Fuck you dude
I fucking love you man, I'm sorry
I hate you.
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Today's a bad day
even in those "civilized" europooroid countries any porn featuring a 17 year old would still be considered cp and could get you jailed retard
/co/ is love
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>Hit or miss
>I guess they never miss, huh
I want to suck this fag's nuts
God I miss him.

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