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People talk about how Wonder Woman sucks because she doesn't have
>Death of
>All Stars
>Year One
but how many heroes have them? Like do Green Lanterns or Aquaman have them? Shazam and Flash?
Green Lantern, Flash, Aquaman, and Shazam are are just foundationally better than Wonder Woman.
Yes and no. Green Lantern, Aquaman, and Flash have comic runs that are generally well regarded whereas Wonder Woman really just has the Perez run and that’s it, if someone came out of the Wonder Woman movie going “boy I sure would like to read more Wonder Woman comics!” and asked you for recs it’s severely limited. Whereas with Flash you can recommend Waid’s run, Johns’, Messner-Loebs, or Williamson. I think Wonder Woman’s problem is she’s shackled to a medium that is very much male dominated with male sensibilities and Wonder Woman is the complete antithesis to male sensibilities so you have writers trying to turn her into Conan or Xena and neither really fit the character. But no one asked me.
For GLs
>>Death of
Emerald Twilight
Kyle Rayner run
>>All Stars
Brightest Day
>>Year One
Secret Origins
Green Lantern rebirth
I knew Aquaman had some as well in the 90s like Kordax and that clone that looked like his silver age counterpart but I can't say it for sure which issues are
All of them suck too.
Wonder woman sucks because she's a propaganda character.
Her whole gimmick is that she's a woman, so it is obvious writers don't know what to do with her.
>Kyle Rayner run
Explain how?

Your premise is wrong. Wonder Woman sucks because she's a character with an unappealing personality and extremely inconsistent and rather nonsensical powers. It's mostly irrelevant what stories she's had.
>with an unappealing personality
Wut? Diana was good earlier. Tried to use diplomacy and wanted trust among the league members.
In knightfall Batman got broken and he was replaced, Kyle run was him replacing ALL the gls
All you're telling me is that Johns should've done a Wonder Woman run.
>Death of
Arguably COIE for Barry that made Wally the current Flash
>All Stars
I suppose Flashpoint
>Year One
Waid run
Also Rebirth, made by Johns as well
>the complete antithesis to male sensibilities
Anon, she's some fucking pervert man and his wifes and their fuck buddie's bondange masturbation fantasy made to indoctrinate children.
Mostly at the behest of the us government.

She's god awful fetish fuel for kids that would have never taken off in a medium that wasn't owned by unfeeling uncaring sociopaths.

She sucks ass because she's fundamentally a trashy garbage poisonous set of ideals meant for fucking no one sane.

The best BEST THING for WW is if NO ONE reads any of of her stories or thinks too deeply about this character.
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Wonder Woman is like Captain Marvel in that she's a cartoony, fun, fairytale character in a world of superheroes trying to be for selfconsious fanboys.
>Diana was good earlier.
Legit best comment about Wondy.

Though, Cape comics in general are propaganda made by J***.
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>Anon, she's some fucking pervert man and his wifes and their fuck buddie's bondange masturbation fantasy
yeah it's a lot of cute whimsy and pretty aspirational girls. You can see why it'd be popular. Marston got the bishojo angle before bishojo was a thing.
>Waid run
Specifically Born to Run for Wally
Williamson did a Year One for Barry as well recently

>All Star
The Human Race probably, small arc where Morrison gets to the core of the character
Desu I rather have straight porn propaganda than current tranny gay propaganda. Sometimes you need to take femdom over transgenderism. It's like how homoerotic straights makes bodybuilder strong men and barbie dolls create women obsessed with feminine body image
You don't know famous Flash stories?
In JLA and justice league adventure comics.
It wasn't popular though. Like...at all.

It was lesbian, bondage, tranny, bdsm lifestyle, propoganda for children. AN attempt to push and normalize feminism and rapey lesbian cultism.

And yeah. But demonizing masculinity and femininity overall is what is being pushed in modern media.
Tranies are bad, I agree, but hyper femininity of women and masculinity of men is homosexual?

I've always found that homosexuals gravitate towards those and fetishize them sexually and people who are easily manipulated into faggotry and transgenderism with clear body image and personality issues are easy prey for them.

Like...all talks of what being a man or woman is co-opted by homosexuals, transexuals, and all avenues of slight normality when it comes to wanting to talk about what it means to be your actual sex are demonized and you are pointed towards faggotry or cultish creepery.
Wonder Woman is internationally recognized. Almost everyone on every country from every generation has some idea who she is. You can't say the same for the others, especially not Shazam
Shazam build the inspiration for a man that turns into the hero form
From Ultraman to Ben 10 his legacy is stronger than Wonder Woman
For Aquaman
>Death of
Death of a Prince
Sword of Atlantis
>All Stars
Peter David run
>Year One
Time and Tide
The Atlantis Chronicle
This. WW arguably does more harm to the WW property by sticking around.
Johns ruined Wonder Woman in 2 different mediums
>It wasn't popular though. Like...at all.
Golden Age Wonder Woman was a big seller
And (for the most part) they don't suffer the WW problem of being factory reset almost every other creative team
That's a pointless list that says nothing about the character. Translated into what those stories actual are, you're saying a characters sucks because they don't have
>a shocking hypetrain event designed to pump numbers
>a shocking hypetrain event designed to pump numbers
>alt-universe story
>retrospective story taking place at the beginning of their cape career
>alt-future story
It's funny too because I'd argue there's other Women in the DC landscape that are better written than Wondy, it's always felt like DC doesn't know what to do with Diana specifically
She has the Perez run, Hikateia, and A League of One. That's about it.
Green Lanterns have Emerald Twilight, War of the Light, Blackest Night, Brightest Day, and the Morrison series, just off the top of my head.
Flash has Terminal Velocity, Rogue War, Flashpoint.
Aquaman has some good shit with Black Manta that I don't remember the name of.
Shazam is innately Superman level, so he can be inserted into anything. Kingdom Come was a big moment for him. JLU.
That being said, I think Wonder Woman is fine.
At least Diana never had a train run on her.
>Implying the sisterhood of the paradise island didn't run a train on her consisting of finger blasting, strapons and fisting from the time she turned 13.

She's been ran through by every bitch on the island at least 10 times each. There is no tread on her tire.

If you keep changing the formula of a bad product that's always there, people will be more interested in the new attempt to push it rather then getting the same old thing they loved.

Anon, just face facts.
She's an empty suit that they pour whatever the latest pro/peak/top queen bitch/noble female ideals into and is litterally no better then a mannequin they put new clothes on in a shop store.

That's what she is, and that's what she should always be.
Because the foundation and roots and everything about her are so fucking terrible that to use that to prop her up is to invite disaster.
Does Wonder Woman have a death story?
Is it me or /co/ is seething on WW more than usual and with added obsession?
Are we in a new election era?
Geoff only makes gold if he has heart in it. He would rather spend time tending to Stargirl than WW.
Yes. You know you're surrounded by incels here. Boys rule, girls drool.
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and suck cock
Why would you save this?
because why not?
bull dyke whores getting properly dicked is a righteous act anyway
You’re not impressing anyone.
>Donna Troy
>bull dyke
Have sex, faggot.
Nigga read a fucking book before your pull out your stupid shitposts
>It was lesbian, bondage, tranny, bdsm lifestyle, propoganda for children. AN attempt to push and normalize feminism and rapey lesbian cultism.
Golden age WW had also racism against blacks and injuns to children.
>And yeah. But demonizing masculinity and femininity overall is what is being pushed in modern media.
>Tranies are bad, I agree, but hyper femininity of women and masculinity of men is homosexual?
>I've always found that homosexuals gravitate towards those and fetishize them sexually and people who are easily manipulated into faggotry and transgenderism with clear body image and personality issues are easy prey for them.
>Like...all talks of what being a man or woman is co-opted by homosexuals, transexuals, and all avenues of slight normality when it comes to wanting to talk about what it means to be your actual sex are demonized and you are pointed towards faggotry or cultish creepery.
Again this is why it would do good for having straight propaganda like WW femdom where the women are peaceful and men brutes and coexistence goes when women accepts that men rule but they're queens
Honestly, I think the Marstons are just as guilty as DC of mishandling because it seems like it’s so keen on just WW that if fails to uplift the rest of the other Wondergirls.
he obviously meant the amazons
Where is Paula in this?
The Marstons sold the character outright to DC like 25 years ago, the deal is long over. They get credit, maybe royalties, but haven't had a say on the character since Marston had his heart attack.
And frankly most of the Wonder Girls have been pointless. literally exist either to give a teambook/generation a Wonder, or as a writer's pet character.
Reception to Cassie and Donna has been good tho
afraid she isn't
Wonder Woman as a character just doesn't appeal to female or male fans and would have been dropped long ago but still has value in the iconography. So the character just doesn't appeal to most writers except to have a female presence in team ups. If I was making a comic for girls, I'd have to revamp her character to a point of unrecognizability (and at that point would be much more successful making something new). And if I was making her for boys, I'd just go back closer to her fetish origins. It's such a weird quirk of comic history that a fetish comic managed to hit at just the right time to be kept in a main company's top position forever.
Tell us your revamp
An IP with fetish subtext becoming popular with girls!?
Wow that's absolutely unheard of and absolutely a weird quirk. It almost never happens.
How much of Wondy do I have to keep?
It's your revamp anon, it's never getting made so say what you want,
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I've yet to see anything WW related as good as Sinestro Corps War.

If DC took a gun to my head to create a series that actually appealed to girls, I'd look to manga/animu that has been popular with girls and maybe had some crossover appeal and take some elements from all of them. Stuff like Fairy Tale, Inuyasha, and Sailor Moon and shamelessly steal concepts from them. And I'd hire a writer/artist who had real knowledge and passion when it came to fashion, both runway/high fashion and streetwear. All of these stories were ensemble pieces with a variety of characters, both men and women. I really like how Fairy Tale has its powers for some of the characters like someone who has the power to magically equip different armors – some are more traditional western suits of armors, some are super ornate magical girl stuff, etc. that all have strengths and weaknesses. Another characters has magical keys which allows her to summon magical personifications of the zodiac to help fight on her behalf.

And I guess the gist of it would be
>some type type of team/friend group, mostly girls who go to a private high school together
>each of them should have their own streetwear styles inspired by actual stylish modern people and differ between them, even though there is technically a main character, the reader can decide whose styles and personality appeal to them the most
>empowered by the Amazons, they all have cool nontraditional powers
>after school they go on magical adventures, both locally in their urban setting and in the Amazoness lands/amazon adjacent lands (Themyscira can exist but there needs to be cool civilizations with you know actual guys around that Themyscira separates themselves from)
>the combination of high school and magical world locations allows for a large variety of outfits to be worn by them as well as a lot of opportunities for shipping with the male characters from the both the normie highschool world and whatever magical places they go to

Thank you for listening to my TED talk.
he would definitely use a WW book to write JSA instead
for the 4th time this week: yes
>>some type type of team/friend group, mostly girls who go to a private high school together
>>each of them should have their own streetwear styles inspired by actual stylish modern people and differ between them, even though there is technically a main character, the reader can decide whose styles and personality appeal to them the most
>>empowered by the Amazons, they all have cool nontraditional powers
>>after school they go on magical adventures, both locally in their urban setting and in the Amazoness lands/amazon adjacent lands (Themyscira can exist but there needs to be cool civilizations with you know actual guys around that Themyscira separates themselves from)
>>the combination of high school and magical world locations allows for a large variety of outfits to be worn by them as well as a lot of opportunities for shipping with the male characters from the both the normie highschool world and whatever magical places they go to
Sorry to say it like this but it seems Percy Jackson, lol
Anon, she is litterally only still a thing because the Marston estate will get WW and all of the shit surrounding her back if they don't publish a WW comic in perpetuity.
And the alphabet agency think tanks had a hand in creating and pushing the character and have a vested interest in keeping this embodiment of feminist lesbian and bdsm demagoguery alive and well.

That's it.
That's all.
She has nothing else going for her.
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>Stuff like Fairy Tale, Inuyasha, and Sailor Moon and shamelessly steal concepts from them
I figured it'd be something like that(taking influence from girl's anime/manga), and since many people here who take issue with Wonder Woman seem to be unfamiliar with her actual history besides the fetish angle, you might be interested to know that many of these things were indeed present in her Golden age/silver age stories.
She had a friend group of college girls, most athletes, who were pretty and modern
Diana herself is only about college aged as well
They wore modern fashion, although Diana's steered more bookish because of her disguise
The Amazons all had powers based on tools and the power of mental force/diet over sheer strength training. That could easily be expanded into giving them all sorts of specialty skills
She has explored other realms besides Paradise Island/Themyscira, and paradise islan itself is more of a mix of fantasy instead of straight Greek myth
A heavy aspect into shipping and romance
the frustrating thing is all these angles for Diana are there, but DC has no idea what to do with it. What attracts girls to bishojo and magical girls isn't too different for what girls into Wonder Woman 80 years ago,but DC doesn't want that audience.
>and all of the shit surrounding her back if they don't publish a WW comic in perpetuity.

>The following was posted by comics writer Kurt Busiek to the DC Comics Message Boards on 25 January 2005:
>Q: For years there have been rumors that if DC were to quit publishing Wonder Woman for a certain length of time, that ownership of the character would revert back to the Martson estate. A few years ago some people on the old DC boards were stating that you had refuted those claims in a post.
So are the rumors true? Were they ever true? Or, do you just not know, one way or the other?
>A: They are no longer true, but they were true for a long time — as I understand it, the terms were that DC had to publish at least four issues with "Wonder Woman" as the banner lead feature or rights would revert. That's why DC did the LEGEND OF WONDER WOMAN mini-series that I wrote and Trina Robbins drew — the Perez revamp was in development, but coming along slowly, and they had to publish something to fulfil the contract terms.
>In the intervening years, though, I'm given to understand that at some point DC bought the character outright, and thus those contract terms are no longer in force.
Literal 5 second google search.
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Percy Jackson was pretty popular right? I never said I was trying to be original. Just saying what would work. But my series would focus more on the fashion and interpersonal relationships along with the feeling of being part of a cool group of adventurers. Girls should be able to open any issue and be like wow those outfits are cool/cute/whatever I want to be like her and have cool friends like her and shit like that. Just like how a guy might open capeshit and be like wow I want to be strong and cool like Superman and Batgod
>it's always felt like DC doesn't know what to do with Diana specifically
"Dude what if Wonder Woman worked at Taco Bell?"
That's interesting to learn about. The writers then seemed to know their shit. But yeah I really only know about the original era, the war propaganda era and modern stuff written by people who are trying to force their own idea of what girls should like onto an unreceptive/nonexistant audience. What you described for Golden Era Wondy reminds be of a female version of original run college era Spider-man was for boys.
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I personally don't think it makes her bad per se but I do think her not really having anything does to an extent me people actually have to try if they're attempting to to anything with her since she's got less stories to work with
Name ten TEN in all of media made popular by women that has a popular heroin with the fetishes that WW represent.

Brutally fucking butch dykes and arrogant spinster lesbos into orgasm induced submission then keeping them as fucking pets to use as toys, breeding sows, and weapons of war.

I would have Diana on a leash on her knees in total submission before me as the Justice League breaks in.
The room stinks of sex and candy the sounds of orgasm pain and whimpers of "please master" reverberating through the room and into the hallways instantly stopped as the door flings open.

DIANNA! She doesn't move from her spot on my leg looking up at me. I stroke her hair my love your little friends are here.
I feel her tense a flash of anger in her eyes, she tenses turns towards them and screasm
I'll smile up at them soothing her, my love it's okay. They are merely upset.
But, she would say unsure. I shush her.
What have I done?
I've set my love free. She's no longer your warrior.
She's mine. Body and soul. I would say this as I put my hand underneath her chin. She smiles at me as if the entire world dissapeared she bites her lower lip thinking that I'll take her then and there. She stands slowly as Ilift my finger underneath her perfect trembling chin, her tanned skinned blushing deeply.
I pulled her to my lap, she melts on me.

What are you doing here? She's obviouslly here of her own free will.
>And the alphabet agency think tanks had a hand in creating and pushing the character and have a vested interest in keeping this embodiment of feminist lesbian and bdsm demagoguery alive and well.
I wish, the THEM issues was about evil lesbians being evil and kidnapping a girl and that was portrayed as evil
>Inyuasha was made by a girl
As a kid, I never gave it much thought, but rewatching it, yeah it made complete sense.
Hey, you put some respect on the man's name.
He wasn't just a bondage pervert. He also invented the thing that law enforcement used to use that is completely inadmissible in court due to how unreliable it is.
hire fans
Yeah you can definitely see how something like that while it might appeal to male fans is fundamentally written differently than a typical male written and targeted story.
>Shazam build the inspiration for a man that turns into the hero form
Super powered hero, maybe. But take "super powered" out of hero and it's the same shit as Zorro or the Shadow where it's non law enforcement citizens doing good deeds that law enforcement aren't able to do.
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name one Black Canary villain
My boomer father said Shazam was the most popular kids comic when he was growing up. Crazy how times change.
Green Lantern had Emerald Twilight and Blackest Night.
Your dad would have to be a pre-boomer for that to be the case, Captain Marvel stopped outselling Superman by 1946.
>take away the one major angle to him and he's like everyone else
Wow really.
Wonder Woman definitely has Year One, and it's great. And she's got several Returns stories (as in she comes back after an absence), and even Dead Earth, which is her own AU future hardcore story. She doesn't have an All Star, but she did get an Earth One. As for a Death of/Knightfall, maybe Death Metal counts? But it was very weak, especially as a WW story.
It's more of a Knightquest.
>Wow really.
No. It's different from say Flash Gordon or the Phantom where they're always a hero, never a civillian. Nice try though.
I'd say that the Jimenez, Rucka, Simone, and to some extent Azzarello runs are all as well regarded as most other characters. It's true that there's nothing like the Geoff Johns runs of GL, Aquaman, or Flash for her, but I don't think that's ridiculous to say "you can't recommend anything."
Aquaman and Flash runs are definitely on the same level of "high profile" as Wonder Woman runs but anons will say Wonder Woman doesn't have shit if it's not on the level of DKR but for Aquaman and Flash a few good runs count as having the same level of stuff as Batman and Superman
that makes no sense. how can the property do well without the property? Or do you mean people would have nostalgia if they didn't keep making inferior current stuff?
>Your dad would have to be a pre-boomer for that to be the case, Captain Marvel stopped outselling Superman by 1946.
He's in his 60s so maybe it was just his local area that still had Shazam as tops? Not sure but he swears by Shazam being the more popular than Supes when growing up.
I wouldn't say ruined. The first movie was very popular, and it's debateable how much the failure of the second was connected to him. I do think that it's frustrating that Johns basically told Azzarello what to do in terms of Wonder Woman's origin instead of doing it himself.
It's very frustrating that we have to keep having the same conversations about Wonder Woman's book from people who clearly didn't even read the wiki about it
This, I think is the real problem. Though another problem is the stuff that is replaced is often not worth mourning, except when it is. Sigh.
They have to keep resetting because they haven't learned their lesson and keep remaking the same mistakes.
Of course I meant super powered hero form lol.
Shazam created that archetype and no super hero or any mythological hero before can say to have done the same.
>Uh but werewolves
Not the fucking same
>so maybe it was just his local area that still had Shazam as tops?
It could just be old comics that stuck around or influence from the kids from the 40's who would be parents of kids 60 years ago. Fawcett ceased publication around 53 and new comics from DC didn't start until around 72. But I could see it sticking around through pop culture osmosis, and it's not like a kid would have sales figures to reference.
He was might've been too old for the TV series, but it was somewhat popular too.
FWIW Shazam ended up a catchphrase on the AndyGriffitth show, too.
So, despite my disgust at your general attitude and values, I think you're actually 100% correct about the central problem with Wonder Woman. Most male heroes have a strong and instant appeal to the primary superhero audience - boys and men. Female heros are a trickier sell, especially when there's a misconception on the part of DC about who's buying WW (it's not girls), and everything gets tangled up in the always shifting and always vicious fights within philosophical and popular feminism.
I don't think anyone's gonna be bringing up werewolves considering that by and large they're mostly considered bad on account of being monsters.
I'm just saying, as far as heroes goes, there's only 2 camps there. Ones that "have a day job" aka those that for the most part go around with secret identities like your Billy Batsons and Peter Parkers, and those for whom the hero identity is all they have aka your Alex Murphys and Frank Castles.
Swamp Thing has had more great runs than all of these faggots but nobody tries to claim he's on the level of Batman and Superman
no. the fans who would get hired (because DC tends to be a mishmash of nepotism and semi-sensible business decisions) would be the tumblr ones. Diana would be coffeeshop lesbian romance forever. Literally the recent Fire and Ice miniseries to eternity.
Well, I will say that even though I am not personally a fan, Geoff Johns is a huge name that still sells. Rucka, Simone, Jimenez, Azzarello, and Perez not so much.
I don't think there's a singular lesson to be learned. Writing Wonder Woman is hard because feminism and fandom are a Scylla and Charibdis that are impossible to navigate.
Thanks for the info anon. Yeah he would have been a kid in that inbetween window, so they'd have to be hand me downs - which doesn't seem unlikely for the era.
Swamp Thing only has one really good run and then it never gets that good ever again.
Makes me just think this anon is right >>144642130. Wonder Woman is now too entwined in feminism to really move beyond it to something actually appealing to girls. At the same time, DC can't make anything new that isn't tinged in it in order to make something actually popular.
>Shazam created that archetype and no super hero or any mythological hero before can say to have done the same.
That's because mythological figures do the opposite, where they're powerful as all hell then transform into a normie. Jesus did it. Dionysus did it. Zeus famously transformed into a whole bunch of animals (and urine) to get his freak on with Greek Women.
But with all that said, while not a hero and unable to return to her regular form, Medusa transformed into something stronger than she once was.
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Golden Age Wonder Woman was better than Golden Age Batman and Superman
>all that shit knocked down into oblivion by one bad movie
comics don't matter
That's like saying the Chris Evan Captain America movies didn't happen because the 1990 movie was bad. It's just a matter of trying again years later.
True but good luck convincing anyone here that.
GA Captain Marvel and WW mog the hell out of the amateur hour that was most GA Batman and Superman stories.
>That's because mythological figures do the opposite, where they're powerful as all hell then transform into a normie. Jesus did it. Dionysus did it. Zeus famously transformed into a whole bunch of animals (and urine) to get his freak on with Greek Women.
I give you Dion and Zeus was Jesus is explicit both and none for the trinity.
Anyway in the superhero sense it's not the same.
>But with all that said, while not a hero and unable to return to her regular form, Medusa transformed into something stronger than she once was.
That counts as werewolf.
In the sense of turning into a monster.
>I don't think anyone's gonna be bringing up werewolves considering that by and large they're mostly considered bad on account of being monsters.
But then someone uses it to try to diminish the legacy Billy and Captain Marvel had to cape comics.
Because iconicness and normie recognition is a part of it Comic Swamp Thing is weirdo shit for comic geeks. Swamp Thing worked best outside of comics in his original incarnation as a man turned monster.
That rapist bar man in All Stars Batman and Robin
>I wouldn't say ruined.
Liar, he ruined Shazam as well
>The first movie was very popular, and it's debateable how much the failure of the second was connected to him.
He did everything to sabotage DCEU and become leader until it bit him in the ass
>I do think that it's frustrating that Johns basically told Azzarello what to do in terms of Wonder Woman's origin instead of doing it himself.
Half what happened, Azzarello took the book, Johns kept writing HIS ww in his crossover books where she murder random villains while Azz one was more merciful
Odysseus had a transformation arc when he got back home. He was divinely disguised as a frail weakling to get around the house and see how his wife's suitors had been treating his house in his absence.
I don't remember anything about the first movie besides it being used to signal TORtanic 2.0
As much as I deplore that anon's attitude, I do think he's more right than wrong about the problem. Writing "the perfect feminism" is impossible, and they keep trying.
And that counts as superhero form? Lol.
One REAL example would be that celtic king who could turn into a monster to defeat enemies, and that's more Hulk than Shazam but let's say it's the same archetype, Gilgamesh having a sidekick isn't having a Robin either.
>And that counts as superhero form?
No, it counts as a Billy Batson form.
Popeye is older than Captain Marvel
>doesn't count!
Sure it does. Just replace yelling Shazam with eating a can of spinach.
Does it? That's more like Superman, an already powerful man hiding as a frail man.
Doesn't count, that's a super drug, Gladiator (novel) and greek myth where by drinking Hera's milk you would get super strenght
it's almost like feminism is unrealistic and outright a detriment to society
>eating veggies to gain super powers doesn't count
>saying words does
Sure buddy.
With that logic lotus flowers eater are popeyes as well?
In the midst of cursing the ground he treads most people forget that the only reason Azz took Wonder Woman is because he saw the pitch that they had for her and found it so godawful that he felt obligated to step in
Sure, why not. All that matters is they all pre-date Captain Marvel.
Classic Captain Marvel comics absolutely mog Superman comics to the point DC went at them with the intent to kill
How come Captain Marvel didn't save his stuff from being bought up by DC?
>Carolfag trying to diminish the real Captain Marvel
Ok can you tell me ONE ur example of a folk hero or literature hero like Hugo Hercules or the phantom having the "turn superhero" power of Shazam before Billy and that maybe inspired Captain Marvel conception?
Batman was so succesful DC could pay lawyers
DC would've died without WB.
Perhaps, but the funny thing is that it was the opposite initially. WB was a dying studio bought out by a publishing company.
The thing is that people wouldn't be so AGAINST wonder woman if she had a reason to be in the Trinity.
But as the Op illustrated she doesn't have the same iconic stories as Superman and Batman while, as these anons proved, other heroes have them and are more liable to be in said Trinity.
>he thinks I give a shit about ms marvel
Nah. I just think Billyfags are retarded.
>Ok can you blah blah blah
Just so you can dismiss it like every other example that's been replied to you? What the fuck for Billyfag? You're clearly not gonna take his 10 year old dick out your mouth no matter how many examples people throw at you.
Wondie being in the Trinity prevents other characters like Green Lantern or The Flash from being in it and having their characters be diminished so Batman and Superman can get propped up. So she's actually a hero in a way people never give her credit for.
FIrst cap america movie did okay because it was a MARVEL MOVIE and tied into the Avengers.
Second did well because..well..it was basically jason bourne.
People focus on Wonder Woman because the Trinity marketing makes her look she's supposed to be a big deal.
Aquaman, Flash, Green Lantern, etc. aren't expect to headine right next to Bats and Supes.
Don't see how that's relevant to the fact that one bad movie about the super hero didn't stop them from trying again years down the road.
Ollie’s libido.
Idk but Bruce isn't a piece of shit like WW.
Batfag is a satanic Pedo elite faggot whose shit movie got people killed irl.
There is not trinity.
It's a fucking joke that WB/DC have memed into existence.

In reality WW works as the totally dominated sex kitten of some big bad MALE villain.

Or a secondary background character that everyone worships from affair. A little idol
An empty suit people pour whatever into.
Her destiny is to be a secondary character that everyone is informed of as the greatest heroin and never ever ever ever ever look into her beyond the superficial universally agreed upon things.

Cause if you start pulling threads on this she'll completely fall apart.
she should be exactly like this
>Batfag is a satanic Pedo elite faggot whose shit movie got people killed irl
Wait, what?
wonder woman was already part of the real trinity with green lantern and the flash
batman and superman are the "world's finest homos"
I guess he means Nolan? The theater shooting happened with his flicks.
the only one who can claim the spot other than Wonder Woman is The Flash, just because he's "the fast guy" like Wonder Woman is "the woman"
Green Lantern is not big enough with the general audience
Emerald Twilight is a considerably better story than Death of or Knightfall
We just call that friday in burgerland
What sets Emerald Twilight apart from Death or Knightfall is that it had consequences that lasted a DECADE. That’s what sets GL comics apart from Superman and Batman, consequences.
There’s just no fixing this character. She was always DOA before debuting back in the 40s. WW's core audience are faggots and woke people too.
Early on she was always getting tied up in bondage. Next there's the retcons, losing powers and bad costumes.
After that, they had her beat up her teammates to try and make her popular. Fail.
And then there's another batch of retcons via new 52 and rebirth with the former being notoriously the worst. She’s just gotten worse and worse over the decades.

All this is why I just can't recommend any of her comic book stories. Who the hell would wanna make an animated series out of all this stupid shit?
None of it is interesting at all and I bet it'd get cancelled faster than the Flash could run.
Billy Batson had such a popular comic that he was more popular than Superman. So much that DC sued him and stole him.
>WW's core audience are faggots and woke people too.
There are no faggots in orgies
>Green Lantern is not big enough with the general audience
He is space cop, generally known as that
Wonder Woman damages the brand by hack writers ruining her, if everyone stopped ruining her to the ground people wouldn't be so repulsed when they read her book and find out Steve is gay and her sidekick killed herself
Typical lazy American, this is why Japan keeps winning
Face it.
WW is popular for being THE FEMINIST ICON and some perverts creepy child indoctrination fetish. That's it. She works best as an empty female empowerment suit women can pour whatever they want into.

Giving her a concrete origin is stupid. Hell WW would work best as a canon role that the long dead civilization of Themiscera gives the best and most beloved and noble of women

Just uh....some new WW finds a woman that might be worthy and hands her the tiara rope and gauntlets and invisible chariot and she becomes the new WW.

Have it so that every age there was a WW.
A broken character is broken forever, like Boruto
They should have kept this, the idea of someone like Wonder woman being a Fast Food manager by day and Wonder Woman by night is genuinely funny
there are, just that they don't matter since everyone does sex
She either ends being ryona fodder or screaming for Ollie all the time, shit sucks.
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Why is Anderson such a better female character than most?
Sounds like Winx Club.
Interesting thread.
anti-WW threads are odd popular now, even daily or when another thread shuts off, like a general
The reality is people hate Wonder Woman on a conceptual level. 99% of DC and Marvel characters don't really have any good or iconic stories, but only Wondie gets these daily hate threads.
Spider-Man and Green Lanterns does, at least hate/sorrow for the shittening of their stories
I think it is all the Jew haters honestly because Gadot was WW in the movies and it's become an overwhelming necessity to hate on everything remotely connected to Jews now in comics fandom.
So rebirth stories omnibus when???
What was that pitch?
What you saw in his JL run, a xena expy

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