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Again, don't worry - I learned my lesson from last year, and have pared things down to only the truly horrible. And boy, am I starting with a real humdinger!
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ok nigga where is it
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Sorry, I had to wait for my previous SoP thread to finish - 4chan X has been kinda fucky today.
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I like these comics and own them like a wacky 90's cartoon with TMNT, the guest era is fun.
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I'm not saying the guest era didn't have good issues, I'm just saying that these aren't those issues.
Imagine hating a simple wacky cartoony story.
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Sorry. Like I said, 4chan X has been super fucky today.
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Ralph's a bit too enthusiastic about milking
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>That girl running
my new wife.
Well, so much for that little story arc. Will the rest of the thread be much better?
No, but it'll be shit in a different way.
Oh that issue is cool, I love the artstyle as well.

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