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Again, don't worry - I learned my lesson from last year, and have pared things down to only the truly horrible. And boy, am I starting with a real humdinger!
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ok nigga where is it
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Sorry, I had to wait for my previous SoP thread to finish - 4chan X has been kinda fucky today.
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I like these comics and own them like a wacky 90's cartoon with TMNT, the guest era is fun.
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I'm not saying the guest era didn't have good issues, I'm just saying that these aren't those issues.
Imagine hating a simple wacky cartoony story.
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Sorry. Like I said, 4chan X has been super fucky today.
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Ralph's a bit too enthusiastic about milking
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>That girl running
my new wife.
Well, so much for that little story arc. Will the rest of the thread be much better?
No, but it'll be shit in a different way.
Oh that issue is cool, I love the artstyle as well.
Okay, YOU try doing a couple big storytimes in one day, see how well you do.
No one asking you to do them bud, you act like you don't even like doing this.
cool story
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We're going to take a little detour from TMNT v1 to glimpse at Turtle Soup v2 #1; Turtle Soup v1 #1 was published several years prior, and was one of those anthology titles that involved the Turtles, much like Tales of The TMNT v1 and v2, which Mirage published before and after both runs of Turtle Soup respectively.

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I included this story here, because it gives a bit of context to...
... well, whatever the hell this is supposed to be.
It's only Wednesday.
My asshole isn't even lubed up yet!
That's your problem, not mine!
That's it for the TMNT from me.

I really appreciate how funny and horny these cartoons are. I can practically here the sound effects. One of the best TMNT cartoons I've ever read

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