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>the new book reveals that Dipper has issues with his parents
Holy crap, you know who foreshadowed this.
where's the scan
They threw their kids to a family relative they'd never met.

We already knew this.
Here's your scan.
Yeah and it also revealed that Mabel and the rest of the town was looking at his tighty whities all summer because his pants were unzipped

How does the manlet come up with this shit
IndustryChad. His posts basically foreshadowed what Dipper's homelife was like.
That was just projection based off IndustryCuck's own life.
And it was still spot on.
I don't know whether that's funny or tragic.
Not surprising, considering how well the "not what he seems" twist was foreshadowed.
>Industrycuck will latch onto Dipper even harder because he's fetishized his mommy and daddy issues
Hirsch I swear to God if you come within striking range you will pay for this
There is literally nothing wrong with this.
There's everything wrong with it just as there's everything wrong with you, Industrycuck
>Dipper has issues with his mother and father
>Dipper in particular comes to resent his father
>He fucks milfs to free them from their husbands and give catharsis to the kids
>Shitty dads are punished by the Dipster
Deepest lore.
Do you kiss Dr. Membrane with that mouth?
These shows were written, drawn and voiced by adults. That makes it easy to see yourself in them.
I kiss his wife on a different set of lips.
I can't even tell if this is hyperbole
Maybe that's how they meet Dipper; they notice how he's missing a mother figure, step in to fill that role and then fall for him.
Well, kinda. It wasn't all summer, it was all throughout Weirdmaggedon. Still a weird detail to add.
Why not both?
You're right, it's easily both.
Seems like an obvious joke to me. Gravity Falls is a comedy series, after all.
>millennial animator gives his main character mommy and daddy issues
I am shocked, SHOCKED I say.
Kind of wished it focused more on the comedy aspect than the epic mysteries and lore tbqh.
For all of its flaws I honestly think the show struck a good balance between the serious mystery aspect and the comedy.
For me it was during the first and a half seasons. Kind of fell off after Ford was introduced for me.
Yeah tacking on muh parental angst to every character is getting old desu
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Generally I would agree with you, but it makes a lot of sense for Dipper with his character and the explanation given in the book makes sense.
I guess introducing it years after the show ended is what makes it feel tacked on. If it was better fleshed out when the show was first airing, it would feel more fresh.
The Book of Bill seems to be setting up some sort of Gravity Falls revival, so I assume they're setting this up to explore it there.
If not, then yeah it feels a little bit tacked on like you said.
It did. You're just so used to shit that has no plot or lore at all that anything less than 110% comedy comes across as le heccin seriousino to (You).
Verification not required.
Most parents are abusive ngl. This is just media getting generally more realistic.
Verification not required.
>Verification not required.
Why do zoomers always feel the need to put this as if it wins arguments?
This is actually just a problem with the way we raise children where it's only the two parents involved in raising their kid.
The way humans naturally raise kids in hunter gatherer societies is by having a ton of different caregivers. This relieves the burden and stress on the parents and makes it so the parents don't force their own issues on the kids as much.
>The Book of Bill seems to be setting up some sort of Gravity Falls revival
Jesus what happened to "The End" actually meaning "The End"?
>The way humans naturally raise kids in hunter gatherer societies is by having a ton of different caregivers.
That's still around in the form of nannies and it doesn't help the kids anymore than two parents.
And this is why 2000s shows sucked. Fuck two parent structures.
>That's still around in the form of nannies
One person who occasionally watches the kid is not comparable to a network of 10+ people who are an integral part of raising them.
You are aware that rich families do have entire teams of nannies right? You don't need ten other people to raise your kid, just get your shit together.
2000s animator...
>the way we've been raising kids for an extremely small portion of the time we've existed is the optimal way to raise kids, the fact that people have tons of mental problems related to their upbringing is totally unrelated bro
Why do Industrycuck threads always attract retards like this?
>>the way we've been raising kids for an extremely small portion of the time we've existed is the optimal way to raise kids,
This is a retarded argument for anything; if we always stuck to ways because we did it long, we'd never advance as a society.
It's not difficult to observe that the way we raise kids now is obviously fucking a lot of people up. And it makes perfect sense to point to the way we've evolved for millenia to raise our offspring as a possible alternative.
Obviously there are a ton of ways our society is better than hunter gatherer societies, but this isn't one of them!
>the he fact that people have tons of mental problems related to their upbringing is totally unrelated bro
Ah little baby anon is projecting his family issues on /co/
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>Holy crap, you know who foreshadowed this.
Literally anyone with basic knowledge of the animation industry?
>Obviously there are a ton of ways our society is better than hunter gatherer societies, but this isn't one of them!
Just because your parents clearly fucked up raising you doesn't mean every kid needs an entire squad to ensure they don't end up fucked up. No amount of "muh evolution" will not make it cope.
Stop being on topic anon. We're now watching childless retards debate on the proper way to raise future generations.
Kim Possible, American Dragon, Danny Phantom, Secret Saturdays and more ruined an entire generation of families.
It's mostly single parent households that mess kids up in the US. Other countries have their own issues - look at Latin America and Asia, where often multiple generations live in one household and usually are involved in helping with kids, it's not like they don't have their own parental/familial issues.
I'd rather live in a single parent household than grow up in a Stepford household. I always hated how cartoons promoted 1950s values even in 2020.
>lorefag genuinely thinks cartoons with plot and lore didn't exist until the 2010s
This gorilla schizo again?
Sad to think Daniel Larson will spend the rest of his days in a padded cell while Industrycuck walks free
Metaphorically, of course. I don't meant to imply Industrycuck actually goes anywhere or does anything beyond his phoneposting
What fucks up the kids isn't how many nannies biology gave you day one, it's how much they groomed you for a monogamous relationship with an invisible magic engine made of ink and paper.
I mean, not to defend the dipshit, but posting your retarded fantasies on 4chan is a bit different from committing a federal crime.
what are you even talking about, a normal 2 parent household isn't a "stepford household" or "1950s values"
Does it reveal what they actually look like
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Pacifica will console him and heal his emotional and mental state ...with her body.
dipper should come get me pregnant. then he would BE a parent and that would solve his issues
I'd say I shouldn't go off topic but also fuck this thread, so

FUCK that. They turned a blind eye to ALL of his bullshit for years on end as he harassed and was harassed, shit up restaurants and hotels, and other shit
But making "threats" that ANYONE with a fucking brain could know without a doubt that he'd never actually even think of following through on (much less being capable of such) against the gubmint gets the authorities to swoop in? It's goddamn ridiculous
Not saying he shouldn't be put away and kept away from the internet, but it's a fucking joke that the one literally victimless "crime" he committed is the one that finally got the feds involved
Not that I want Industrycuck sucking up resources in a hospital either. Ideally he'd just kill himself already
t. Pacifica
Dipper is for Maddie Fenton
Nope, just mentions them in a line of text
Sure it is Stepford
Any Dipper/Pacifica or Mabel/Pacifica in the book?
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It shows dipper is attracted to her.
>my copy gets here in 3 weeks
i might just see if i can get a refund and just read it online instead
>the new book canonized pinecest
holy shit
>said millennial animators have parents who also supported their decision to go to CalArts and likely paid for a big percentage of it
I've had friends whose parents dumped them on the street at 15 in order to punish their kid for standing up to them for being physically and mentally abusive.
Their combined parent issues would make a sticky mess out of their relationship.
Dipper’s search history shows him looking up Pacifica’s pageant videos
>self insertion with parents issues
not shit
>Holy crap, you know who foreshadowed this.
Thousands of generations of humans who all had issues with their parents at age 12?
It's no surprise Dipper has an issue with his dad. Father's are portrayed as hospital red trash bags in this show, due to Hirsch implying over the years he hates his own father. The mom is a surprise though. But moms are also terrible in the show.
I bet Blobs and Duran durand will be portrayed as great dad's though!!
What because they didn't want to pay for their sex change adventure journey?
That horny bastard
This sounds oddly specific.
Of course his parents would be as abusive shitheads one of them is Jewish, that’s an insanely major red flag
Dipcificachads keep winning
He’s destined to be an intelligent burnout fuck up who constantly asks his sister and parents for money
who cares?
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>Millennial writes about how traumatic parents are
If only
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This, stop defending boomers. They are all trash and tried to justify it by saying "WE FOUGHT FR THIS COUNTRY" only to make living in it past 1993 impossible and hell.
Money generally? How often do series just end? Hell hasn't GF already had some postcanon comics?
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Well then, that's another thing these two have in common
They’ve both pretty much canon masturbated to the other at some point so they are gonna hook up
They’ll obviously end up together. Wonder if Disney will eventually do what’s being done with the Fairly Oddparents reboot and have the original cast grown up and it’ll focus on Dipcifica’s kid or something.
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Dipper has at least
If there’s ever a sequel it’s either going to be the next summer and only slightly toned up or they’ll go all the way to their late teens and give it a TV 14 rating, can’t see it going any other way
Based on the book being geared toward “older audiences” I’d assume the latter is more likely
I think she needs more therapy than Dipper now that we know what she dreams about.
The foreshadowing to that was legitimately great.

I do as well. That's one thing that really stood out during my most recent series rewatch. How good the mystery and comedy are balanced.

I can understand why. However jt honestly didn't fell off in my opinion. It stumbled a little though.

If it's the former, I'm looking forward to seeing that explored on screen. If it's the latter yeah it's a little tacked on, but it helps us see the series through new lenses.

Dipficia is undoubtedly Canon.

That we do.

Same here, but I'd welcome a sequel whatever route it chooses to go down.
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>Dipper Pines pissed and shat himself in a movie screening of Beavis and Butthead Do America purely to spite his cousins and uncle
I remember when it was a huge meme on /gfg/ that Alex hated his dad, funny how that became a reality.
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Still whinin' about yer old man in yer shitty little decoder ring cartoon, son?
It was pretty much /gfg/ lore that Alex was
>a hack
>destined to failure because of his personal shortcomings/procrastination
>had a rocky relationship with his parents, in particular his deadbeat dad
>was not very well liked by DTVA staff other than the people in his clique
>was abusive to his staff
>was a serial cheater

And pretty much all of them turned out to be true. There were also a lot of people calling him out for grooming, or possibly pulling a Kyle Carrozza, but that hasn't happened yet. The Justin Roiland situation however was pretty much guilt by association by him though.
Dipper had his chance at love.

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