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Why did the goth kids stop getting used in South Park? They still show up in the backgrounds but haven’t had a focused episode since 2013
Goths stopped being cool, I guess.
Cultural shift. They were most prominent in 2008-2012, which is when emo culture was at its peak. Once that started to fall off there weren’t nearly as many relevant jokes to make with them.

There are always goth kids in each generation, but the emo/scene era made it seem like there was a lot more since to normies there was no difference
They got used the most in the emo era, but that culture is completely dead now so they don’t have anything to complain about I guess. No more posers
Is emo really completely dead?
Has been for over a decade man. Was pretty short lived
>2006 starts sewing the seeds as poser goths branch off
>2008 you can now tell a noticeable difference between an emo and goth
>2010 cultural peak where you can find a “unique” emo kid a stones throw from another one. Male hair flip and female poofy hair at maximum power
>2012 everyone is out, or close to getting out of high school and slowly dialing down the emo look because it has no place in adult society and everyone is quickly learning that
>2013 pretty much a relic of a different time already.
>completely dead
nah not completely, I see videos of the new age scene kids pop up on social media all the time. Some things never change, they don't look any different either
>missed my shot at a poofy hair emo gf
How could I let this happen
Yes but if you were in the Midwest start it in 05/06
Truly a blessed time to work in an under 21 venue as a teen
Industrial, ska and goth were having their last popular gasps, metal heads, nu metal people, juggalos, proto scene and hipster kids, emo taking off as pop punk started declining. On a weekly basis every night the place would be filled with a completely different subculture and nearly always different people either the exception of some overlap between the punks/emo and ska folks.
You could easily walk away with several numbers a night as a lanky 5'10 125lb soaking wet dorky kid with long hair
The rise of YouTube and social media really killed off a lot of subcultures.
Internet moved music sharing and subcultures online
Drop in quality of life for millenials meant less money was around for shows and clothes
Columbine kind of knocked the wind out of 90s alt culture going into the 00s
00s emo was way more of a bridge between 90s pop punk and the 00s than people realized in the moment and it was a lot more fleeting than goths popularity

Not gonna lie I think a huge culprit no one talks about is people being out of the closet. I used to hang with so many subculture kids and while I was one of the very few out ones in High School in the early 00s 75% of the people I knew in it came out to me as adults. Since more people are out less LGBT kids are trying to hide in alternative culture.
What do zoomzooms dress like now? Are there any period specific cultures they will look back on?
> Not gonna lie I think a huge culprit no one talks about is people being out of the closet. I used to hang with so many subculture kids and while I was one of the very few out ones in High School in the early 00s 75% of the people I knew in it came out to me as adults. Since more people are out less LGBT kids are trying to hide in alternative culture.
Nah it’s definitely this. The emo groups were full of fags. That’s why you always saw emo boys surrounded by girls. It wasn’t because they liked him, it’s because he was a fag and not a threat.

Now it’s illegal to bully fags so they don’t hide it so these little niche cultures never get a chance to spawn
Yeah the rise of LGBT changed everything. Look at how many nerd communities online have been taken over by trannies? It's staggering.
Haha homie that fag was banging around the group, 00s was probably the best time to be bi as a teen.

Easily the 2 most well laid people I knew until college were a bi goth kid I worked with and me a fellow bifag.
We even had coat tails, I helped introduce so many of my guy friends to women. I'm pretty sure I lowered the rate of incels personally in my town by just introducing my dorky guy friends to all my girl friends because I was forever taken from 13-22
Those are usually by force though. A troon sneaks his way into the moderator circle, and before you know it the entire community is troon and fag exclusive because all the normal people got banned
>banging around the group
I doubt it. And even if he was, real emo girls weren’t like the rawrXD photoshop girls, they were all atrocious
>Why did the goth kids stop getting used in South Park?

Because they swung hard in to Tegridy Farms and specials. No room for anyone but Tolkiens family and the regulars.
I haven’t watched recent seasons, is Tegridy gone yet?
No. Tegridy is permanent. At first it was kinda funny how mad it was making people, but that was with a mindset that it just had 3-4 more episodes. Now it’s been going on for over 6 years which is too long to ever get away from it and people who were ok with it as ebin fan trolling are tired of it too
I think I’m finally at the “old” stage of life where I don’t actually know what’s in unless it becomes a meme like broccoli hair or black men carrying purses
>Why did the goth kids stop getting used in South Park?
They're millennials.
Are you saying scene/emo started in the Midwest first?
No emo started on the coasts and then exploded in the Midwest leading to all the bands that ended up getting actual radio play, it's also where screamo and metal core really took off. As far as the "big tent" 00's emo subculture, yeah it more or less kicked off here before it really exploded across the country, we were more or less 2 years ahead of everyone else on that even if we didn't start it.
Why was it such a hit with corn kids? Shouldn’t they have been at the rodeo or changing a tractor tire?
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If I grew up somewhere that looked like this i'd write songs about wanting to kill myself too
That looks more like Indiana, Michigan's a lot hillier.
Oh it was a mix of everything
Millenials growing up with normal teen angst but with the addition of 2 wars and an unpopular president.
Opportunities imploded just as we were coming of age to follow in our parents footsteps
The opioid epidemic was really hitting
Our parents were all pretty dysfunctional
Subcultures hadn't been crushed by the internet yet but the internet let music and culture spread way easier
The industrial scene was basically dead and lots of legacy genres were losing any steam they had left
Mini genres starting to take off to fill the void some of which you've probably never heard of like Punk Cabaret
Basically the perfect combination for a new subculture to explode in popularity giving kids unique fashion choices and giving them an in group where there was none.
It wasn't just a corn thing either it was pretty equally spread between the rural areas, suburbs and cities.
people dont feel things anymore. Soullless corporate drones
Emo kids didn’t feel shit either, it was all pretend for the culture
I think it was about 50/50. Some emo kids were genuinely poor as shit and had to put all their part time work money into their style. The other half were rich kids doing the current cool thing and going back to their half a mil house in the suburbs
The fucking irony being that goth is cooler now than it's been in decades
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>What do zoomzooms dress like now?
Ironically, Goth (if a bastardized form of it)
Replaced by enbies
>Goths are now bigger then ever
>Goth kids never show up
Weird. But It kind of does show how out of touch M&T are with modern day things.
It seems like when the goth kids were frequently showing up it was purely to shit on emo/scene kids and Twilight. Once those lost relevance the goth kids stopped getting episodes
But its strange cause goth it itself is more popular then ever. Pretty common nowadays to just have a random goth person in a friend group. They get more screen time in the games then the show.
>tfw 2010 my scene gf tried to dye her coochie hair to match her head hair
Take me back….
Just seems like any potential story would be retreading the emo/vampire episodes where they are mad they are “real” goths and the new goths just like the fashion and are posers
Could very atleast have them be background friends, like they did with others. They kinda are doing that with henrietta, she is getting more screentime then the guys.
Goths are cool as shit, especially my wanna be vampire daughter Raven
>Why was it such a hit with corn kids? Shouldn’t they have been at the rodeo or changing a tractor tire?
sex with all of them
Sorry we need 100% of the time for Tegridy Farms and Mr Garrison
My daughter is in middle school, it seems like they are fusing the most notable aspect of emo/scene/goth into one thing. I was shocked when I saw it’s an actual thing and they aren’t just being ironic against millennials. And somehow they have NO idea what they are copying, they genuinely believe they came up with all this themselves. I told my daughter the way she is dressing is very similar to how girls dressed when I was in middle school and she won’t believe a word of it. It’s fascinating to watch unfold really, I’m most interested in when this will die out for them. 2 more years of middle school for her starting next month, I don’t think this will make it to high school but we will see.

I was like you too, I didn’t know shit about anything beyond when I graduated a decade ago but now I’m exposed to it daily again. It was way easier keeping up with their elementary school fads
No new vampire stuff to make fun of.
What about broccoli zoomers?
Back then teenagers didn’t give a shit who the president was. Bush, Obama, it didn’t matter. Obsession with the president only started in 2016 when they were told to be angry
Twilight is still garbage though
I live in a rural area and never seen them before. Genuinely thought you guys were just making up someone to get mad at. Anyways, went to downtown and saw a single one of them. Looked weird.
When your subculture embraces things like depression and suicide, don't expect it to last very long
Yea but it’s yesterday’s news. You look like a whiny fag if you are still bitching about it when it’s cultural relevance is almost completely gone
I remember when I was in HS one of the emo girls roped and they were all sad. Wasn’t that the goal?
Kek, fucking spot on with that timeline, 2012 is the exact year non-black pants returned to my wardrobe and the eyeliner went away forever.
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Goth is making a come back. Mark my words!
Goth never went away. It’s something that has persisted for generations. You see them in movies as far back as the 80s. They just decrease in power every now and then. The first South Park episode with the goth kids came out in 2003, that was a lower power time for goths which is why a lot of people are surprised they debuted that early in the series
Goths also never die out, they just hibernate and breed.
what would they do with them?
It’s fascinating to think about. Watching something that absolutely dominated the high school culture kinda fade away overnight and those people who engaged with it to suddenly become somewhat normal was weird. And no one talked about it either. You dressed in gaudy scene shit every day for 2 years? But you dropped all of it over the weekend? Nothing. It’s like it was some mind virus that let go of it’s hosts and erased itself from everyone else’s memories
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Hoping for a rise of goth farmers to compete with the tradwife larping on tiktok
Have them visit Tegridy farms so they can set up another Randy episode
Rehash the emo-ficus episode, but with them pissed off with the current Egirl:Black Edition and Arthoes with septum piercings getting lumped in with Goths.
Seems like prime material for a dumb spoof on TikTok actually being a brainwashing tool, but for the Chinese Crab People (CCP)
At least goths are fun and have a sense of humor.
You're right, Vampire Kisses is the superior vampire romance
They're total posers, no point in focusing on 'em no more.
Don't worry, they will come back as current year clique once Trey Parker's daughter goes to middle school. Expect a lot of episodes from now on to focus on his daughter's character, the nepobabyiest nepobaby of them all
Looks like cringe pretend anime written by a girl who sat alone at lunch in highschool
Which one is his daughter?
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Four terms,
Oedipal Complex
and Oikophobia
No it's not. Whores with black hair twerking to rap and fucking black guys are not goth.
The question is, do we miss them?
>why did flappers disappear from media after the 1930s
I miss anything that isn’t Tegridy
>Whores with black hair twerking to rap and fucking black guys are not goth.
Where the hell are you seeing shit like this? Cuck
I wish we could go back to when I first found Liz Vicious
She is chubby and pregnant now

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