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>most adult animation is written by people who have never picked up a pencil
Creativity was dead long before AI came along.
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Lower Decks and Inside Job were fine shows.
Koala Man's not that good but Michael Cusack's an okay guy.
rick and morty died when it stopped being visually interesting
90% of the cool looking stuff came from the first couple seasons before it turned into family guy were the characters just talk
the fight between rick and prime rick was so boring i cant remember a single thing
Inside Job was kino, too bad it was cancelled.
>Creativity was dead long before AI came along.
the truthnuke artists don't want you to know about.
Why do so many "adult cartoons" look like their are either ripping off Family Guy or Rick and Morty's art style?
Some of them had the same character designers, others saw that Family Guy and Rick & Morty were popular.
I thought koala man and inside job were good shows and the solar opposites human ant farm side plot was a step forward in storytelling within shitty western animation even though it had reddit irony embedded into it
>most adult animation is written by people who have never picked up a pencil
For what? Writing or drawing?
>Creativity was dead long before AI came along.
Doesn't that make it more creative? Instead of being a sperg and trying to be somewhat okay at what you do before starting a project (like me), you jump straight in and learn on the fly? That's more creative in my opinion.
Because the animation industry is not big enough to have a wide variety of people working on it. The vast majority are simply the same people moving from one project to the next.
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>For what? Writing or drawing?
Call me old fashioned, but I think people who write animation should also know how to animate, or storyboard at the very least. Any hack you grab from a street can write a screenplay.
>post image on 4chan
>get a nice enough thread
>somebody reposts on their dusty twitter
>repost it
what's the point of this? This somehow legitimizes your posts? it came from a "official site"? or is it because /co/ is obsessed with twitter threads and it always get an answer?
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>Writer driven vs animator driven cartoons thread
Okay I'll bite. In general animated shows aren't written by animators but rather dedicated writers like the shows in pic related. The problem with this is that most script writers don't get visual comedy and storytelling. This is fine and in fact quite good for live action filmmaking and TV where a lot of choices are left up to the actors and the director. The script works as a solid base to work from that, a base that can be changed and altered as much as needed. This system works for live action but it just doesn't work for animation. Most TV producers want all the animation to be on model at all times because to them that means it's good and most producers want to get their money's worth. To the average aging LA producer slightly off model art = bad. Also writers when given the unrestricted freedoms of animation become fuckiny control freaks and defacto directors which is why most tv writers don't allow animators and storyboard artists to add jokes or ideas to their stories because to them that takes away from their ohhhh so amazing writing... for all intents and purposes the majority of writer driven tv animation is akin to radioshows which have been animated.
Now on the otherhand animator driven shows tend to look better, involve actual character acting and complex visual gags and actual prolonged moments of silence without dialogue think Genndy Tartakovsky... Anyway, the problem with animator driven shows is kinda obvious and that's that most animators are just completely fucking terrible writers. Just look at Zeural and Monkey Wrench, it looks amazing, has great animation but the story is awful. Or the show is entertaining but is about nothing like Ren and Stimpy or it's an animator driven but done by very unskilled animators like Steven Universe.

This whole writer driven vs animator driven shit is stupid since both working together without their egos are needed to make something truly good.
A dedicated TV writer is a position that requires the least amount of raw skill out of all creative jobs. A writer/director in film needs have to immaculate grasp of composition, colour theory, blocking, staging, and so on. A TV writer can be a random bum off the street.
And animation writers are at the very bottom of the writer totem pole. They only exist to give people who weren't good for live action something to do and often have little regard for the medium of animation. It's a job that shouldn't exist and only rewards mediocrity.
Animation should be made by animators.

Season 2 was peak.

Season 3 was the beginning of the end.

Now it's just limping along until AS kills it.
What a retarded take. The Simpsons is universally regarded as not just one of the best animated shows but shows period of all time (at least its Golden Era) and was written by people with zero animation experience.

Bad animation writing isn't bad because of lack of animation experience, it's bad because it's done by talentless people. Get good writers and you get good writing.
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>reddit/panjeet spacing
Over 90% of these artists lack creativity as well - they draw things, but can’t come up with their own ideas and visuals.
Matt Groening is an animator, though.
Shit bait, OP.
Writers can’t write drawings.
Writers write scripts telling the drawers what to draw.
Burgerland was never that great or prolific when it came to animation. That's why people moved on to anime.
He wasn't when The Simpsons began, actually, he was a comic artist. And while he was a producer and a co-showrunner on the first two seasons the show always had a dedicated writers' room and Groening was guided by his two other co-showrunners, veteran TV and movie writers James L. Brooks, and Sam Simon. The Simpsons was a VERY writer-driven show from the beginning. Famously John K disliked the show for that reason.
Pick up a pencil. Learn a fucking skill.
Oh boy a twitter screencap thread!!
Writing >>>>> Art

Suck it JohnK
Yeah, writing.
The writing for modern cartoons sucks too
Outstanding. A skill every human being learns at five years old.
There is definitely a movement to make this happen, it's not a meme, it's not delusion, it's real. They are killing creatives off to make this slop to control the population into not fighting back against this trash.
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Adult animated shows generally are designed to look as generic and uniform as possible. It's the fast food of art. It's almost like, why bother animating them?
That’s the fantasy, in reality you get bad dialogue jokes and visual puns while the artists desperately try to sneak in their own artistic expression and creativity.
Isn't this all the same animation company?
>the fight between rick and prime rick was so boring i cant remember a single thing
which is a shame because I still remember the rick vs. obama fight where it doesn't necessarily escalate so much as have the two of them constantly try to one up each other with their technology as they fight to the death, and that was like season 3.
Counterargument: In the 80s and 90s animated shows were also still being written by dedicated writing teams, and yet you'd still get a decent amount of interesting visuals and animated sequences going on in many of those. Paul Dini never drew a single animation cell for any of the DC cartoons he worked on, yet his scripts worked because he wrote in all the various things that should be happening on screen. The whole "writer driven vs. animator driven" horseshit is a completely modern issue because modern writers are bad at writing shows and are also bad at writing for animated shows.
Also ebcause the studio exects who pay for these shows do not have a background in animation and so look at a project, compare it to the industry figureheads (Family Guy for adult animation) and say to make your show like that.
I usually hate Twitter threads but all these shows looking indistinguishable from each other is a pretty valid complaint.
>Animation should be made by people accomplished in both writing and animation in equal measure.
Fixed that for you
the style of dialogue in all these shows is the same too. semi-naturalistic, but with a touch of "...yeah you go do that" sarcasm or "umm did that just happen?"
>"umm did that just happen?"
What would be funnier would have the character's facial expression basically say that. But that'd require them to draw something new, rather than moving around the broken up model sheets.
but that would get in the way of the writing.
/tv/ has a meme about actors overselling it with "I'M ACTING!" and with these animated sitcoms and stuff like Rick & Morty I see "I'M WRITING!"
the fact that you think mainstream adult animation is the sum total of creativity speaks volumes of your lack of experience and tastes for media. No wonder you think AI is some sort of fix. You have no sense of taste.
You're a fucking normie who consumes the same bullshit that everyone else does. Dig harder.
>No wonder you think AI is some sort of fix
No, I think the solution is to force these hack writers to pick up a pencil instead of having other people do it for them.
Working in animation should require a steep barrier to entry.
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Shion definitely should've picked a different look for Inside Job. Now people just write it off as a Rick and Morty clone without even watching it.
I’ll never forgive netflix for cancelling inside job for big mouth.
Why don't you get a film writer to write for animation, then?
You couldn't draw as a five year old?
Inside job was lame and poorly animated.
Jokes were flat, most of the cast were complete one-notes, the world was poorly developed, and it was tonally inconsistent.

It was a fun concept that desperately needed to apply itself more.
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>The Simpsons is universally regarded as not just one of the best animated shows but shows period of all time (at least its Golden Era) and was written by people with zero animation experience.
Simpsons works because its animation pipeline was thoroughly vetted from Season 4 onwards.
Its production serves mostly as a entry point for a lot of people trying to get into the industry because from both an animating and writing standpoint, it's hard to irredeemably screw it up.

Take pic related. Treehouse of Horror IV was more than just a joke, that was an actual launch point that the creators used to exercise their understanding of 3D form and apply that towards standardization for their animation going onwards.
And to their credit, the Simpsons cast operates far better in 3D environments than most other animated sitcoms because of its thorough application of form fundamentals.
That image originated on here
It had fine animation. But yeah writing wise it really felt... Off. You can't have all conspiracy theories be true and then preach at me about how I'm dumb for being into them. And also, while there's some ridiculous ones, America has done some absolutely awful shit behind the scenes and I didn't see anything about it.
isao takahata couldn't draw. your point is invalid.
American adult animation has always been pretty meh compared to japanese adult animation.
He was storyboarding which required him to use a pencil, faggot.
This means adults are somehow have less taste and stupider than kids. Children are considered not being able to tell if animation quality or character designs are cheap. But adults have even worse shit down their throats, a million of identical sitcoms with "adult" poop jokes. Which are the same 3rd grader poop jokes but with a layer of social commentary or meta-irony.

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