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>Get popular and successful in the 70s and 80s for letting people see nudity on tv for a subscription fee
>Don't allow people to see cartoon titties on your own streaming service
The hell's the point?
The uncensored Blu-Ray release?
That art style is unfappable anyway
Licensed properties aren't the same. If this was Supervillainess Show you'd get your nipples.
So let me get this straight. live-action nudity is allowed but cartoon nudity isn't?
Yeah it looks like it was designed by a woman that doesn't understand how to appeal to male gaze.
Dude dump some points into INT
Hardly anything going on in /int/ that I'd be interested in, but I guess it's worth a shot.
They could've had fun with her bouncing her boobs in different directions to be wacky but noooo. Women.
What color would her nipples even be?
One pink, one blue
He means that DC owns the property and won't let HBO show uncensored nudity of their characters.
That's even pettier, considering HBO has the dragon incest show.
Blue and pink to color cordinate with her hair.
This. DC/WB is protective of their characters. It's why nobody masturbates, Batman doesn't eat Catwoman out, and just a hint of his dick got DC in trouble with WB. Violence and swearing is fine but sex and nudity isn't.
>Violence and swearing is fine but sex and nudity isn't.
That just sounds like American censorship as a whole.
Uncensor when?
so weird and lame
Is HBO even still a thing anymore after all that merger crap? I don't think I've heard any buzz about any new series from it lately either.
It's still a thing, they just dropped HBO from the name and called it Max instead.
One might think since they're already trying to court the safe horney coomer types, they should at least aim to maximize the tantilization, but I suppose corpos are gonna corpo
A lot of countries have weird censorship. Violence and gore in Japan is often censored. The reason Mai was allowed in Smash was actually because the Japanese rating board. Germany has issues with violence and nazi imagery.
I can't imagine living in a country where gore is censored, because it's the only reason I even watched Invincible.
Used to be flat out porn back in the early 2000's with "educational" programs like Real Sex
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>Make a not-Vertigo label
>Lots of gore, uncensored swearing and controversial subjects
>Freak out and almost shut it down because of Batman's shadowed dick
The Batcock controversy is still fucking funny
>Germany has issues with violence and nazi imagery.
only for video games and even then its been lifted already since games have been recognised as a form of art already
They aren't selling GoT pajamas and dolls to kids.
this show was always targeted to edgy women
I really really want to fuck this version of Poison Ivy. Her cute jewess nose is driving me up a wall.
This is america friend.
Let me know when Japan recognizes drawn genitals as a form of art.
no there isnt or they would be posted already
Am I the only one who thinks it's drawn weirdly? The placement is off, why the hell it's leaning left so hard? I know it's a strange topic for discussion but I've seen this picture multiple times and it looks so off to me
Asking for editing purposes, what color would they even be? Show Harley is bleached like Joker is so it’s not paint.
as others guessed, blue and pink (colored by her)

if we're talking in general, probably white or yellow? I dunno
it was out swinging
>implying HBO is responsible for the show not showing tits

The censorship is the joke coombrain
When you're walking, and it's soft, it swings side to side.
Just in case you don't have a penis and don't know.
>Me and the lads going to Billy's house because his parents have HBO.
Good times.
They did the same thing to that blonde nurse from Morel Orel. Completely removed the female nipples despite the entire show being geared towards an adult audience.
I grew up on Crashbox, and it was kino.
>Violence and gore in Japan is often censored.
That's pretty much exclusively a vidya thing.
Meanwhile Japanese cartoons aimed at 13 year olds have children being beheaded and samurai walking around with severed heads impaled on their swords like kebabs.
To make cum brains like you anger.
AI uncensoring on-demand is like two years away at most, you can wait
>cut batcock
What if it isn't and he just has a huge glans? Although we know for certain Superman is intact because of his powers.
I beg to differ. I beat off to that scene of Harley and Ivy making out in the elevator, and the one with Nora growling at Captain Cold.

I have a very low threshold. I need to start nofap.
There was sex and nudity in Peacemaker.
He's describing two different versions of America, dumbass.
Didn't they show her or Ivy's ass uncensored at some point?
I don't believe it's a matter of it being allowed or not, but more likely they don't want to deal with the twotter fallout of fags and trannies REEEEEEEEEEing over them giving into the white cis het male agenda and drawing these powerful women in a degrading manner for the grimey male gaze.
Did they even draw the nipples? Maybe it's blank
The Waynes deserved the bullet
Thanks I do, that's why your take sounds completely insane

It looks "half-erect" here. If it's supposed to be erect, it would be standing, not lying. But okay, maybe the artist is shit in his job.

But if you WALK in a straight line, your dick won't be swinging like crazy from left to right. It will stay at center and move up and down. If you're running, sure, no questions asked. But walking? Hell nah brother. Literally try it, how come you don't know you own anatomy?
Did they?
He's working on a bat foreskin.
I wonder if a dip in the Lazarus pit brings it back
as yes, the classic "is wolverine circumcised?" debate.
Obviously I mean current America with it's notorious bizarre attitude towards sexuality RETARD.
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>no there isn't or they would be posted already
Even the sex scene in the valentine special? Or this?
This is solely due to not wanting backlash and wanting advertisers to agree to carry its programming
Reminder, as long as it’s not broadcast tv it doesn’t need restrictive rules. Cartoon Network would legally be allowed to show violence, cursing and nudity as uncensored as they want. Hollywood keeps them back because no advertisers would support that
They shouldn’t be doing either.
This show is for easily manipulated pseudo feminist women, the most pathetic of coomers, and queers.

There is nothing there for men, normal women, or even horny teen males.
It's a VIOLENTLY anti-male, anti-heterosexuality, antinormality, antifun piece of trashy feminist effite snob cunt propoganda

It is in every way the worst thing to happen to the Harley Quinn IP till the Lady Gaga jew backed dumpsterfire of a movie comes out and obliterates it as a female icon completely.

Ths garbage ass trash would instantly turn off any right thinking parent or guardian and nip the "harley quinn is awesome" shit in the bud quick.
The rest of this absolutely horrid shit is okay, but this bitch showing a nipple is going to be the tipping point into this making her unmarketable to kids?

Hell no.

She looks like the creepy permanently alone aunt who's always bitching about men and tring to break all of the women in the family up and left town after roomers of a girl being groomed by an older woman and nearly committed suicide surfaced.
And she sounds like carrie fisher, not hot bitchy fuck toy carrie fisher but burned out 10 cartons a day old whore carrie fisher.

Okay look, if it's warm and it's over 4 inches soft it's gonna swing when we walk.
I'm about 5 or so soft and if I freeball it's like a clock and swing in front of some medium sized eggs down there.
Batman is created...mostly..by kikes and making everyone think infant genital mutilation is hecken normal and healthy is a thing in basically every piece of media aimed at the slave class. AKA US.
You can tell they did draw nipples there
The Nora arc of "actually the woman you've been striving to save is a total harlot and didn't care for you at all and now fucks anyone and everyone" feels like a misogynist wrote it.
HBO streaming is fucked.

As a life long HBO fan, the streaming is a heartbreak every day. It's called MAX, after the lesser network. A lot of the old HBO catalogue is gone and anything sexual from either network is gone. No Real Sex, no Hookers at the Point, forget skinemax. MAX is a reality TV hell hole where tits aren't allowed.
Hell yeah, man.
My little brother was genuinely afraid of The Revolting Slob segment.
Old HBO was something weird and magical
>Lets adapt EC comics but lets add some softcore porn, also somehow get big name actors in it
> Lets film a bunch of weirdo sex hippies and people twisting their dicks like balloons
>How about a prison soap opera for men
>Lets film footage about prostitutes in Atlantic city getting johns
It was like a wild public access network run by outsiders and weirdoes.
And it doesn't make sense. Rich folk don't dabble in that shit. It's just for the low class goyim and Jews.
Bruce's mom was Jewish
they're american, don't worry about that.
That kike is dead to me now.
Joe Chill was a hero?
Sopranos is still on there
The entire show is just one big humiliation ritual
Its not a show made for straight adults but blue-hairs, axe-wounds and millenals who refused to grow up. Nobody talks about it outside of them.
Artist probably has a big pendulous penis that has warped his perception of reality.
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Because americans are puritan retards is why. I fucking hate how even TV-MA cartoons cant show bare tits it makes me legit want to punch a hole thru someones skull
Why are advertisers such neopuritan cocksuckers? As much as i hate elon musk hes like the only person to tell advertisers to go fuck themselves over their pearl clutching and i do not understand why more people dont do the same
No idea, we live in a world where some Generation Alpha troglodytre can google horse porn, overwatch futa or worse and allowed unrestricted access to the internet in public places on a daily basis, but any nudity in official animated productions is like courting Satan.
those must be tiny nipples.
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This type of shit makes me want to fucking kill myself. I fucking hate this time period so fucking much, all this culture shit and "think of the children" hysteria that does shit like block fully unobscured cartoon titties in fucking TV-MA shows makes me want to kill someone and myself

Im so tired...
they're really not. but platforms like youtube convince people they are so they don't get the blame and they can continue to control and tighten the screws to people.
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Arent advertisers the main reason why youtube keeps kvetching over swearing in videos and demonetizeing videos for the littlest of things?
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You have access to the internet, which means you can see a virtually infinite number of titties. You can look at cartoon titties pretty much every waking minute for the rest of your life and likely still not see them all. You are spoiled for choice with cartoon titties. Why are you so bothered by not being able to see this specific pair of tits from this one source?
> Why are you so bothered by not being able to see this specific pair of tits from this one source?
Not OP but theres something special about the prospect of canon bare harley quinn tits. Same reason why i was pissed birds of prey, and R-rated movie, didnt have a scene with fully topless harley
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I care, other people clearly care. Youre the odd man out here
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I just found out that ribs rumor was false. I'm starting to find out a lot of what we've been led to believe isn't true...
I'm enjoying more these 3 Kite Man episodes so far than the whole 3 last Harley Quinn seasons
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I remember the ribs rumor from when like 5th grade. Shit was wild i miss the 2000s

Also speaking of marilyn manson dont look up the film groupie he made
This show could have been so good if it didn't force jewish morality down your throat
I think it's just a DC issue
Oh shit we got Baby Doll this week
Porn of Kite-Man publicly correcting her in the street when?
orange and brown, to contrast with her hair
yeah, OP is a faggot. there's plenty of bare tits on max
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>Reading a western comic book
>Mature readers only
>scantily clad woman on the cover
>intensely violent and gory
>woman is nude for a scene, but the nudity is completely censored
It's a stupid American thing. You can show someone get torn in half and their guts hit the floor, but you can't show a woman's nipple it might upset someone.
It's probably more DC than HBO, they don't want there to be canon Harley nudes
Orrrrrrrrrrr, and hear me out here: it was written by a misandrist.

Women aren't biologically programmed to be receptive to/of, appreciate, or reciprocate selfless devotion.

That isn't one of their "love languages".

They are recipients of such affection and duty and loyalty.
Revisionism! She's a WASP.
Fuck DC then
This applies to much of the garbage on /co/, but not here.
Is it uncut in the Blu Ray?
youre welcome to try anon, prime amazon them.
but i am just a big betting man who's pretty damn sure they are cowards.
Anon...the boys and euphoria are showing dicks assholes and male rape 24/7.
It's not americans.
It's ((them)) hoping to get women and faggots to watch and indoctrinate normals. Same way they did the massive faggot thing in the Last of us show that bombed massively.

This isn't for us. For normals. It's for them and to push homosex and a lot of stupid shit that in fact helps no one as normal.

Also, demonizing sex while pushing psychological and emotional manipulation and trnsexual and feminst and homosexual grooming through sexual media that gets a pass is a valid and powerful control schema used by multiple very facist civilizations.
Kiteman show had 6pack masturbate in a corner listening to chuck and golden glider erp
I don't care for nudity anyway, I want to see female characters bound and gagged. Besides, Harley in this cartoon is voiced by that elephant seal in the bong bong tangent.
White and pale grey
I hate feminism too and thats whats responsible for alot of this puritan shit
>muh grooming
Literally the same style of mental illness hysteria that mehturd was about. Im sock of all this assult hysteria from both sides
the valentine special isn't even in the blu ray, would be on season 4 that isn't even out.

but if there isnt anything uncensored on the seasons before don't expect anything
It's not hysteria.
The coochie snorcher that could and numerous instances of teachers doing it in schools and trying to push and normalize it.
Hell most of the "allies and pro trans" people that constantly spammed affirmations and indoctrination speech on twitter?
Elon musk made a trap to find bots and guess what.
When he sprung it litterally all of that speech dissapeared. It's obvious the people who ran that shitshow knew about and even helped create those bot accounts.
Should be a compilation of all GG nude frames/scenes
I think it was one of those "this will funny if I write it just right" kind of joke, but I guess they simply failed.
I genuinely have trouble recognizing this show's Harley as actually being Harley. I'm not even memeing. This isn't just me going "not muh", I honestly can't even see her as Harley at all without reminding myself that she is.
She's so far removed from the OG it's unreal.
It absolutely is hysteria. All this assault panic is fucking obnoxious and i dont give a fuck about "think if the children" retardation people just use hat shit to get cartoons and edgy jokes banned and to try and feel self righteous over invisible pedophiles everywhere

Also fuck elon that mans a cock sucking faggot

He was a frequent flyer on the Loliat Express. He liked little girl feet. Which explains the shots of a barefoot and overly adult acting little Lisa Simpson,

No one used "think of the children" to stop the drag queen all ages family circus or whatever.
That was used as justification of it and STICKING IT TO THE PURITANS!!!.
Really they just wanted to get the kids while they were young and turn little boys into "desmond is amazing" type child rape victims and destroy girls like Ellen page with rape.
When was the last time someone said think of the children and we haven't had "people" like you say shut up puritan we can do what we want when it comes to something shit like this fucking indefensibly garbage rich effete snob faggots fantasyland bullshit like this show.

Never. No child is watching this unfunny fucking shit. No adult man or woman who isn't on a watch list is watching or enjoying this shit either.

No it was rightfully used for fucked shit and it was handwaved because LOL PURITANS and the scum pushing it had that kind of power to push it on through and protect it.
>write a woman realistically

lmao even
Your kind really does want that and are doing everything in your power to do it.
You're even admitting it.
Claiming there is something inherently wrong about not wanting this...SHIT being pushed towards children to cause trauma and teach the wrong think that will ruin them later in life is insane and evil.

You're evil.
You people aren't fighting some good fight or changin things for the better. You're passing your social poison off onto the next gen.
Eat a dick you piece of human garbage
women humor is the most obnoxious shit
i wish they'd fuck off with the suicide squad retardation completely
you don't get it chud it's empowering to be a whore.
That's literally the plan and it works.
I can find the scholarly articles and show you how childhood development and the human mind works if you want.
Cuoco was a terrible choice for Harley VA. If it were an actual new york jew it'd feel much more like Harley.
But this Harley Quinn and the one in the movie aren't actually whores.

Their massive dykes with no shame but not whores.
And tha'ts what trashy pieces of unlikeable shit female characters DEPEND ON to sell to normie men and make women see them as whore icons.
But the effete rich trashy people who write this garbage don't fully understand how human beings work nor care so they'll just keep pushing this shit and hoping that them being drawn nakend will be enough.
harley is a lgbt icon now.
Youre a delusional hysterical brainless fucking redneck retard if you actually believe that or even care if someones gay or not you homophobic retard
Someone is awfully upset for it not being true.
I hope all your kids turn into fags, fuck you
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This show's censorship policies are wildly inconsistent. They did show Harley's bare ass in one episode early on. But in another instance, her ass is obscured from view, very poorly I might add.
What makes things like sweatshops and forced military service inherently better or more "character building"
Abuse can be more than just assrape alone, anon
He's right lol.
>The Nora arc of "actually the woman you've been striving to save is a total harlot and didn't care for you at all and now fucks anyone and everyone" feels like a misogynist wrote it.
Your take on it is misogynist chud, women have the right to be gross sluts and it's empowering. This isn't the 1800s geez we have feminism now.
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Cool they pushed more sex stuff and jokes even if they censored some. But how did this get made and approved for pg on Cartoon Network. It’s probably the best and most suprising shot in western animation but it’s unusual for the show it is and pretty out there for who cn aimed it at
You just don't get it
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What's this?
There is no uncut bluray, because WB and DC hate money
>I hope all your kids turn into fags,
We know.
That's why we we're turning into ruthlessly homophobic activists.

Because sweatshops and child soldiers exist and are "character building" chidren being raped by the lgbtq should be allowed or handwaived.
What are you saying?
You're right, I don't. Explain it. (you don't "get it" either.)
the top of the ass is generally OK, the bottom is what gets censored because it approaches the hole.
I'm saying you view non-sexually forms of exploitation as lesser evils, as necessary for children's development
Wait is this the Suicide Squad anime or another show, I haven't been paying attention. I hope it isn't, it looks like that weirdo "animated graphic novel" Young Justice/Invincible-style that American studios/networks keep thinking = "anime"
Just taking a guess, there's another DC show I'm not aware of
>the bottom is what gets censored because it approaches the hole.

Huh. You'd think the hole would be the less egregious part of the butt to show.
salty milk and coins
Canon nudity is simply hotter than your run of the mill coomshit rule 34
I can't explain it further
Those pubes should be darker
Pretty much. If you tell the truth, swear, add fan service, or say words like "die", "dead", or violate whatever arbitrary rules they put in place, you get demonetized instantly. They got in big trouble when normie parents were letting their kids watch stuff online unsupervised. As a result they've become sterilized, generic, & boring.
Censorship is generally about the area most associated with sex or private acts.
You can show a flaccid penis in some cases but even the most lax European countries consider erect penis to be vulgar because it becomes sexual.
Everyone who is not an insufferable faggot cares.
You're the one reinforcing that zeitgeist and making people too scared of producing content for free
If all content is paid content, then why not just make YouTube as a whole a paid service?
>Gore, good
>Nudity, bad
The duality of the Amerimutt cartoon industry.
No I don't.
THat you have to put words in my mouth and thoughts in my head to argue against, and it makes you look worse, only further proves my point.
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>Canon nudity is simply hotter than your run of the mill coomshit rule 34
No it isn't. And I will not elaborate.

Go and ask your mom if she cares. I'll save you the trouble; she doesn't.
That you put up a wall when faced with this fact, shows your unwillingness to admit they're just as bad
You condone them on a level deep down, why else would you defend them and paint anyone who disagrees as crazy?
No. I just have enough knowledge on JewTube lore to know that the site went to shit after being acquired by Jewgle.
Backwards repressive troglodyte
God i wish someone would break the knees of one of these advertisers as payback for censoring youtube
Harley Quinn has had an animated series running for 5 seasons now. It isn't the SS anime. The show even has a spinoff about Kite Man where he gets his own animated series. It's all pretty garbage though.
100% nudity is never hot in shows
I'm a grown man. You will not take away my cartoon tiddies from my bread & circus, moralfag.
What other nudity have I missed?
There was still a watershed period after that. What really started it was T-series and expansion into the Indian market
Don't act like being bought by Google is some "3deep5u deepest lore" thing when everyone knows they own YT
Mystifying of the obvious is a blatant leftist tactic
Japan disagrees
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You're a faggot and your opinion is gay
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>tfw Nips were censoring blood splatters and the like by coloring everything plain white
>stopped within like thirty seconds for obvious reasons
You are arguing against something I never said or even hinted nor do you know how I feel about those things
Which tells me and anyone with an IQ above room temperature that you KNOW you're full of fucking shit and can't defend it.

This also says you're a pedophile and or a groomer and trying to defend their actions/your actions.
>love of her life is dead
>Why even bother
>becomes hedonistic and self destructive

That's how I saw it anyways
Anyway Google basically fucked the site forever. Searches have "suggestions" filled with shit they are paid to whore and manipulate us into liking agreeing with or hating.
Search results have almost nothing to do with what we're looking for and stuff they are paid to whore.
Then there's the fake popularity of 'content creators" that YouTube constantly pimps.

YouTube is a farce and no longer trustworthy on any level. Google doesn't even show how many web pages the search nor go beyond a single page of pictures anymore.
It's search cultivation, shadow Searches, fake websites, advertisement,and manipulation of the users with unique suggestions and suggestions designed to manipulate them mentally.
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>a woman drowning her grief for her beloved dead husband who died in front of her like thirty seconds after she woke up from a years long coma MUST have been a secret slut the whole time and just has the prefect excuse now
I'd tell you never to breed but you seem to have that base covered. God bless
Nice grenade. It's about what's inferred. And your constant deflection when presented with this argument should show you genuinely view these as noble causes
This must be what the media does when shown domestic terrorists, glorifying their actions through erasure, through presenting sexual abuse as the sole bad thing in this world
The lady who runs YouTube is a jew, & she turned it an ad machine so it can be like TV 2.0 for the mainstream media outlets. The street shitters & normalfag cattle taking over are merely the symptom, not the cause.
I really really don't care about nudity in comedy shows at all. I say this as someone who is a big fan of hentai and rule 34. Just like how sometimes a bleep is funnier than a cuss word, blurring is funnier than just a random set of nipples.
She's stepping down and many of the largest channels are either Indian or produced by content farms from India and China
>"India isn't real you retard"
Will you be sure of that?
>blurring is funnier than just a random set of nipples
American mindset
You didn't infer anything. You created an argument out of thin air that no one made to defend your assertions.
Which in itself is so fucking stereotypical of your kind that it's almost embarrassing.
So you are in fact saying, that because child soldiers exist, LGBTQA raping grooming and castrating them with drugs and surgeries..is okay.

You are saying two things. Whether you realize it or not. That you have no problem with the examples you claimed I was for when you magicked them up out of the air as an argument.
And that you are for and defending it.

It's not a landmine. It's an analysis of what you are saying based on your posts.
Because it's a cartoon, nobody gives a shit about cartoons and if they exposed a nipple on a cartoon show, especially one with the batman license, some 50 year old fucks are gonna complain about how it corrupts kids.

Want to see nipples on cartoons? Go watch the french ones
Because nudity isn't funny. I'm literally in the medical field and as such I don't even find nudity erotic anymore. It's actually a problem occasionally. But a naked person doesn't do anything for me, so if the joke is haha they're naked then it's flat. The joke with a blur is they know it's naughty and have to do the TV thing. It's not much better a joke sure, but it's more than just naked. If I want to get off to something I need straight up porn and I'm so desensitized to real humans only weird fucked up hentai gets me going. It's not even about nudity or sex in the shit for me, it's about dominating and basically devouring the souls of pure maidens. Some sort of mind break with absolutely no nudity gets me off more than naked ladies jumping.
Are their nipples in Wakfu?
Venture Bros censored was funnier because of things like how big and straight on Brock's dick was. Uncensored it was just..a simple, kinda poorly drawn dick.
>I'm literally in the medical field
Stopped reading there.
So the reason why you're a loser schizo stems from your childhood right?
Wait. Was fired on mars memoryholed and cancelled? We're never getting a second season, are we?
Not officially. The artists and story boards had them drawn in, but more or less so they know exactly where to put the duck that censors them. There are no official releases that have nudity or nipples but some leaked raw line art had them in detail.
The left side is the crip side
I mean I mostly put it there to explain why I have no attraction to real humans anymore. I could write I'm an actual fucking emergency room doctor but this is 4chan I'm probably making it up. What I'm trying to say is that nudity for the sake of nudity is mid and only is for people who still think the sheer existence of a nipple is somehow inherently sexual or arousing. Flesh is boring. It's fucked cuz this has actually ruined several relationships of mine but I can't help it. Nudity is boring the biggest sexual organ of the body is the brain. And I want to fuck women in their brains.
>I mean I mostly put it there to explain why I have no attraction to real humans anymore
Oh no, I didn't stop reading there because I didn't believe you, I stopped reading there because as soon as you said that you might as well have said "I am extremely autistic."
Everyone I have ever seen in the medical field on 4chan has been a giant autist or a weirdo with tons of fucked up fetishes.
Yeah that's a funny instance. I honestly think bleeping cuss words is often more funnier than actually saying anything. Especially if the bleep is made in such a way that you don't even know what they're saying so you fill it in with whatever you think. For instance Mr Frog in Smiling Friends.
No matter how much you want children to watch this shit, no kid is watching sad rich creeps take pot shots at the fly over states/normies.

Yeah. Raped and sexually assaulted by faggot pedophiles a lesbian and constant exposure to porn and cartoon porn does that to a little boy.
I mean.... Yeah nail on the head. It's true though, several of the more closer friends I made in med school had other weird fetish shit. I met a brapfag irl and the bastard even went into gastro residency.
I hate the blue and pink so fucking much.
I don't care about degeneracy when it's in the world of fiction because it's not real. Thought policing cartoons is a giant waste of time & resources. People want uncut, uncensored, unlocalized entertainment. When you censor adult cartoons geared towards adults you alienate your fanbase. It's intelligent insulting to say the least. And you moralfags wonder why no one is buying comics.
There's something about medicine that seems to attract people with certain fixations.
I knew a dentist who was really into drooling and spit, which certainly explains a lot.
Personally I think I'd lean more towards your side; being exposed to something like that IRL constantly seems like it'd be a huge turnoff, to the point where if I was a dentist I doubt I'd be able to kiss someone knowing all the disgusting shit that goes on in people's mouths that I constantly have to clean.
Maybe it's an OCD thing.
>people talk about how anime/manga shits on cartoons/comic sales
>retarded /v/irgins and /co/ faggots start saying stuff like no sexy girls and lewding of characters
>this show gets made
>literally no one watches it
Well hopefully we can throw that complaint out of the window now.
Well sounds like you're just a loser, I've consumed porn and violent media since I was like 8 and turned out fine, maybe a bullet between your eyes will finally put an end to your retardation
>Wall of text disproves support because wall of text
First tits aren't going to make comics more marketable to adults.
Secondly, the censorship is the joke. But it's a fucking terribly unfunny and unsexy one.
It's actually so bad that you people are arguing over it being intentional THE MAN IS PREVENTING US FROM SHOWING THESE POORLY DRAWN UNINSPIRED LOOKING TITS!!
And it's unsexy untitilizing trash as well

It's just overall a trashy offensively unsexy and unsexual show.
but my heckin' france is cool with nudity, what do you mean!?
Did mommy and daddy allow you to watch naughty things on the family computah Timmy?
Good for you!

Say dumb shit
Get put in your place
Spineless bitch cynics like you have no place in discussion.
Never waste my time.
More people need to make a distinction between nudity and sex.
Wakfu is literally a children's show. The amount of sex they actually put in still blows my mind. They had actual prostitutes in an episode of season 1. As well as countless sexy and horny characters in a show that is more or less the wannabe French equivalent of Adventure Time.
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And Harley Quinn hates you right back!
The love between her and Victor was real but now she's trying to move on
Isn't it weird that DC writers make all of their replies like this? This unrealistic expectation of every single topic, no matter how negative, needing to be worded as something that's eloquent and respectable.
No, when an idea is bad I'm not going to butter it up for you
Yes they did because they loved me, too bad yours didn't, maybe that's why spread misery everywhere online
Because it's a show for kids.
>drowning her grief
redditor, no one behaves like that in real life.
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There was in the Dofus movie. Can't find a better pic/gif but I'm surprised people don't remember.
It's made by the same people dude.
Who do you think you're rebelling against?
I wish she wasn't in this aggressively mediocre show forced to beimg Kite man's girlfriend.
Louis CK said something similar once
And of course he's an insufferable libcuck
That's dumb.
Until they release an uncensored version, no
I just don't see the point of holding back if you're already drawing Harley's tits. Just show the nip and go all the way.
And there is an uncensored version too.
Same goes for the nude fight scene Golden Glider was just in.
>And there is an uncensored version too.
Post it
I understand how there could be a joke in censoring nudity but not violence but it doesn't work when you're already doing it to cartoon characters who debuted in a show aimed at kids. You're already subverting the supposed "moral guardians" amd acting like they're still calling the shots is a weak joke.
Well I don't have them but Shane Glines probably does.
I mean yeah.
It's only a few clicks to get actually attracively drawn rule 34 of harley quinn.

Moral guardians? On a raunchy over the top skinnimax cartoon of retarded manhating strong woman mega dyke harley quinn?
Who in the fuck do you think is watching this shit?
Kids have superhero girls an varioud batman adn video game versions.
Teen boys have the batman video game and porn. Girls have suicide squad and isekai harley quinn.
Men aren't watching it for tits and normal women don't want to be preached at by gross gay bitches, megawhores, and beta fags.

The joke falls because the audience has nothing the audience hasn't seen and what they have to show will in fact fail miserably because it's unispired nipples on a smallish tits and will jsut be total porn with unlikeable female protags.

It's just all knds of bad.
>It's only a few clicks to get actually attracively drawn rule 34 of harley quinn.
Really? Post some
That's not the point tho, the point is that they already drew the full frontal nudity and needlessly censored it for a weak joke.
Someone ask for uncensored nudity? htt ps://www.redd.tube/video/328136bd98eff4fd141d566f263878f03ff91339
>Men aren't watching it for tits
Yeah we are and it's kinda insane for you to suggest otherwise. Ron White has a great joke about if you see one women naked, you then want to see the rest of them naked.
Most people started watching Throneslop because they heard from their buddies that the first eps had a shitton of tits in them.
no no no, men only look for and care about female nudity in porn, anywhere else but porn and I immediately lose interest because that's not porn.
Why would I look at non-porn tits? That's crazy!
Man if a 5 minute nude fight scene of golden glider bending and twisting enough to get people interested into at least checking out the episode this than nothing will be.
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Was able to find another glimpse of Harley's alabaster ass
Get some of Golden Glider next.
>5 minute nude fight
How do they cover it?
Why cant they just ignore some outraged boomer complaining then?
There was one shot that showed visible but blurred female pubes
>Germany has issues with violence and nazi imagery.
Germany also legalized being a pedophile so I don't give a fuck what Krauts think
I don't think there's a single country on the planet where just being a pedophile is illegal.
A towel and strategic positioning with lot of good ass shots but pixelated boobs and pussy to prevent any real full frontal nudity.
See that's just a joke that doesn't work on a HBO streaming service.
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Seriously the ONE thing I like about this show.
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Good reference for doggy side profile.
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all of this schizo theorizing when the answer "it's funnier to censor it than to draw nipples" is right there
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The left are the real prudes.
Well it's not though.
You can keep saying it over and over but it doesn't really make it true.
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I really would rather just be watching a golden glider tv show.
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>for censorship

use your brain, buddy.
See if this was a one sided gory fight between GG and disposable spa workers with full frontal nudity then it wouldn't be funny.
It's already not funny.
Blurring out a nipple doesn't make an unfunny scene any more funny.
Golden Glider just razzing both The Flash Family and The Rogues while dating The Top.
So just show full nude then.
Not to look a gift horse in the mouth but there's was a second handspring kick attack where her ass is just a perfect heart.
What's the joke?
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They sure are inconsistent on whether ass is okay or not
It's a joke about needless censorship using needless censorship but HBO never blurred or pixelated so they're just needlessly censoring themselves.
Okay, but will they have the balls to give us nude Babydoll?
I dig you sending your intentions out to the universe but that being the oldest looking baby doll means they didn't even have the balls to have Kite Man punch a toddler.
Killer Moth would've tho, the real KM right there.
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They aged up Malice Vunderbar to like twentysomething and even then didn't show her nude so no they don't got the balls.
I don't know, I saw a screencap here
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That shot and animation does look better than most other shots even in adult shows
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It’s canon in everything Harley is attractive and has ass and tits though
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Buttcracks and ass shots, oh boy. Adult American animation at its peak.
Oh yeah anon, these are the exact same thing. I literally cannot tell the difference here.
Wrong. Mrs. Bighead is hotter
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Yeah you're right, normal kids cartoons show more than modern adult cartoons
Perhaps I treated breadwinners too harshly…
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Harley Quinn is a Max Original, not an HBO show
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>Comics Code Authority self-censorship regime is created in the 50s due to pressure from puritanical right wing groups
>Gradually weakens as the years go by
>Is rendered completely defunct by the start of the 2010s
>At this point the censorious, puritanical right have lost basically 100% of their cultural power
>But this happens to coincide almost exactly with the rise of the censorious, puritanical left
>Self-censorship remains, slightly less formalized, enforced social pressure from left-wing groups who also believes boobs are evil, just for different reasons.
Is puritanism inherent to the American character?
America was practically founded by puritans. The English were so sick of the puritans shitting up England that they told them to fuck off to the other end of the earth.
whats the difference
It's not puritanism.
It's using sex to control and manipulate the populace. Both sides do it.
And in a societ that openly talks about sex and is truly equal.
A show like this would be openly shat on and criticised for sexism and propoganda.
>It's not puritanism.
>It's using sex to control and manipulate the populace. Both sides do it.
That only makes sense as a motivation from those actually at the top.
These movements, both on the left and the right, enjoy plenty of support among normal people, support that is clearly fueled by puritanism.
I just hate LGBT pandering. Not against them being a couple. Just sick of people screaming about then being gay.
I'm sorry.
You must live in a different reality from the rest of us.
This shit is litterally not very popular and is kept alive by people at the top.

You see, you don't need a bunch of people all working together to make a thing happen.

You just need a few at the top. And to give others enough information to do things that will help back and push your thing through.

Brainwashing others into backing or not fighting against something clearly fucking stupid and against people is hard but doable.
That's a cute tush.
>Be ecchi anime
>Show nipples
>Show spread vagina
>Show sex
>Show bouncing tits
The Japs win again.
No one in this show is sexy. Also, it sucks.
Made by different execs. And Max Originals generally have much less, if any, nudity than HBO shows
You can tell this dude is like 14
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>Just sick of people screaming about then being gay.
When you see that just post webms from the SS anime and sit back and laugh.
The Cheshire one was when young justice was still pg on Cartoon Network so it’s odd how that works. Looney tunes show and MAD both had one too plus sym bionic titan dance. Then star vs evil on disney has one with a booty shake scene
What is this one
were you thinking the best shabbos goy to have ever lived was NOT be a sniptip?
>>Show spread vagina
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How does Kite's main cast compare to HQs?
More charming because Harley isn't there.
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Anon is thinking of a different show, that one has exposed pussy lips, not spread pussy.
the first two episodes were a real pain to watch because of the pacing but the 3rd is fine
better in that they're mostly cute girls than dorky guys but worse in that they have to interact with Kite Man.
leftoids have horseshoed themselves back into being retardedly puritanical about shit.
Which show?
But only because of naked golden glider and nothing else.
I dropped this garbage after the scene where Poison Ivy uses a gun then gives a long hamfisted monologue about how she supports the second amendment BUT ONLY if it's super restricted lol.
It's called "Prohibitionism", anon
If only America experienced Oliver Cromwell and King James
They also had a literal million-man-march against puritan conservatism before doing this
>no blur
See, just a lazy and inconsistent joke not worth doing.
Oh man thats lovely
I hate coomers
They're already drew the tits so don't half ass the titillation by adding a censor bar.
We had Andrew Jackson that has to count for something. Perhaps we would be better if he also committed genocide on the white population too.
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It is odd and funny the young justice one looks better animation wise and it’s more suprising but the Harley show one is pretty good for being made in today’s world. This shot is ok but the animation isn’t as good as yj and they gave her 2 butts
>Germany also legalized being a pedophile
>America was practically founded by puritans.
While the case the bigger issues came about from the second great awakening. A lot more societal issues in America can be traced to that even our current medical system came about simply because Nixon had a faith healer as an advisor.
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Normally I don't mind yurishit, but there's something disgusting about this that I can't quite put my finger on.
Maybe it's about how it's presented as "le wholesome and empowering uwu" or something.
le wholesome and empowering till the domestic abuse begins lmao

my god
>Nudity is boring the biggest sexual organ of the body is the brain. And I want to fuck women in their brains.

I've tried to explain this to people who don't "get" Simpsons R34 because they say art style isn't fappable. It's not the art style, it's that anons want to violently sodomize Lisa Simpson.
>America was practically founded by puritans.
It's interesting how 80 IQ people still buy this discredited meme.
If you ask Euros they'd tell you American culture was too degenerate and sexualized.
>Gore good
>Titties bad
Conservative and progressist are both puritans.
Not a comic book guy, but I thought that Poison Ivy was sympathetic to Harley because she too was abused by a man and that lead her to become an older sister figure to her? Maybe it's cause adding sex to such a relationship taints the message of wanting to help out of sympathy and instead makes it look like she was helping her in the hopes for getting some pussy?

I don't know.
A french cartoon aimed at children has much more nudity and sex inuando that almost all of USan "adult" cartoon, yes.
I can't tell anymore if people like you are trolling or genuine.
The answer is that the French can get away with it because their idea of sex has some artistry to it which tends to largely elude people from non-Catholic countries.
Surprisingly enough, its also in their television too, its just that its done in such a clever way that you don't realize it. Once you do though, its impossible to unsee.

Compare this eye-scream scene from Deadman Wonderland with this scene from Saw X and you'll see what I mean.


Unironically, yes. Because braindead idiots thing "well, if it's animated, then it must be for the kids".
see again, Japan has that Old World artistry to their media which we don't have. American culture is to make everything loud, unsubtle, and in your face which can become grating.
American culture is not at all prudish and only terminally online incels thinks that. I mean, even in the Bible Belt South there's strip clubs and truck stop hookers in every other town. It's a cruder, more lunkheaded notion of sex than what Europeans do though.
>Tits don't sell
Lmao, even.
maybe it's because they're both amoral villains in a amoral show.
maybe it's because their lesbian love is less "I love you unconditionally" and more "I hate everything man and i'll be gay just to spite them".

>Cover nudity with blood from gratuitous violence
American media did the meme again. Congrats.
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Shonen has definitely gotten more explicit in recent years. Back in 2014 the first episode of Tokyo Ghoul was covered by black censorship fog.
I can’t tell if you’re autistic or I am?
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So how did this show come to be anyway? Was it just Kaley Cuoco funding everything because she wanted to play Harley Quinn? Like a better executed version of Mindy Kaling's Velma?
The "prudest" presidents were him and Woodrow Wilson, but Wilson also helped contribute to the great depression
It's based off the "Arkham Standard" Harley that first appeared a decade ago
DC is moving away from this. Future versions will take more inspiration from Lady Gaga and Caped Crusader Harley
There is something jarring about how saccharine HarIvy is presented during these romantic moments in a show that's mostly cynical and unscrupulous.
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