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>40 years of age
This bitch is old and no longer fertile.
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>I'm still younger than Frankie by a few years
Thank god
She married mac when he turned 18 and they had three kids together
still would
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Looks fertile to me
Happy Birthday!
>op learns how time works
Why would you name a girl Francis and not Francine?
In the English speaking world this name is occasionally used for girls, as a variant of the homophone Frances.
Sexy cougar.
>no longer fertile.
AKA "no condom no consequences."
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We’re the same age, I can feel my body crumbling away with every passing second.
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>raw dogging Frankie
>leg lock
>she whispers in your ear
>its safe, do it inside
I remember as a kid thinking "Dang she's old" at like 27 or how ever old she was suppose to be.
I am older than Frankie Foster? When did Foster's Home come out?
Samefag, I looked it up. I was in a relationship when this came out and that surprises me. I remember watching this alone.
Body type B
Francis is a unisex name like Taylor or Jamie.
Still legal!!
>prime milf age

sir, I was already sold you don't need to sweeten the pot anymore
I thought Francis was masculine and Frances was feminine? Even though they're pronounced the same
>he doesn't know about her cursed womb
cute belly
I have a shit ton of fan art of her eating cookies and getting fat.
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Absolutely disgusting
The whole and only purpose of lifeforms on Earth is to reproduce to continue with the diversification of DNA strands. If you aren't able to do that, then you're a waste of matter and energy. If you want to ejaculate inside a female who can't produce offspring, then you're mentally ill.
Materialism is fake and gay
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's the case.
Literally born in 1984
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At least use a picture of her from this decade

But hey, considering she did gave birth to her child at 43 and it wasn't a tard baby, good for her I guess
Life begins at 40 so Frankie's life is just gotten started.
That badge is retarded. Why do people still think their one vote is going to change the world?
The sticker is an effective advertisement to vote once you see your ideological opponent wearing one. Your vote is more influential in low-level elections for local policymakers that have a more profound impact on your life than you would expect.
>being this much of a slave of nature
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Sex: Yes Please
Absolute meme. Women have been shitting out babies from their teens til menopause since the beginning of time. Aging incels repeat shit like this because they're mad they couldn't get a girl their own age in their 20s and now think they have to land a 20 year old despite their receding hairlines
I am infertile because I have microplastics in my balls
Ask Samuel J. TIlden, sometime.
Wtf I didn't know she was my age
>She's the same age as my mom
What are you, a fetus?
Im...im.just here because I was nostalgic for fosters home and just read a gigantic fertility debate...
Wow that's so gross where can I find it just so I can tell you how gross it is haha
Kemono.party, pixiv, deviantart, /d/
I'm 19
Good to know
If that's a fetus then you're probably still a baby
If your primary purpose in live is to fulfull your basic biological functions, you're literally no better than an insect.
As an alternative purpose, do you propose pushing buttons which trigger your dopamine reward circuit, without advancing the biological functions they're there to promote?
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it's the leg lock that really gets me
I mean... You're going to continue to be.
It’s hot when hot girls have traditionally “boy” names like Charlie from Hazbin hotel. Unless the girl is ugly. Then it’s just unfortunate
Do it
Happy Birthday Frankie!
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>Frankie is 40
>the 360 is kill
I'm having the opposite of this problem. A bunch of 20-somethings give me the eye but I have to look for someone else born in the 1980s or else people will get the wrong idea about the church. It is extremely important to me to not be a stone of stumbling for people who will turn their hearts from Christ if they think we encourage double decade age gaps.

Luckily, a good sister hooked me up with someone age appropriate for me. So our prayers are answered if they are within the will of the Lord.
>muh age gap
>it is mental illness to be able to perceive joy beyond the shackles of muh biological imperative
no john, you are the retards
It's not the one vote, it's the total of votes united. Please vote, I don't care who for. Apathy is how the (((elites))) get control.
oh behave!
Well, happy 40th birthday, Frankie!
A false sense of importance is how the (((elites))) get control.
You think your voting matters, meanwhile the people at the top laugh at your irrelevance.
In the last election around 160mil people voted, that means your vote is exactly 0.000001% worth

First of all, for every person that actually bothered to research the political parties and members, there are a thousand that don't care and just choose what "feels right to me", your vote that "mattered" is countered by god knows how many that that might as well just choose randomly.
Secondly, if you TRULY wanted your vote to matter, you get others to vote the same as you did, and they did the same to even more people. To increase that 0.000001 to at least a 1% or something. But that would actually require effort, and practically 99.999% voters won't put in that effort.
Third, most people are too brainwashed by media or their surrounding to choose anyone but the top parties. Meaning even if a party exist that isn't corrupt, no one would vote for that.
Fourth, the parties that actually would get elected, with your help or not, are both corrupt beyond end.

So tell me again, how much your vote "matters"
>barely any art of milf frankie
shame on you /co/
>Charlie from Hazbin hotel
Her name is Charlotte. Charlie is a nickname that she prefers.
In my state, the governor illegally altered the conditions for absentee ballots being acceptable. A judge ruled that ballots received outside the legal (according to the law) parameters were to be kept separate from the proper ballots and not counted. Instead, they were counted, and mixed in with the legal ballots to destroy the chain of custody. The number of ballots in question well exceeded the state's margin of victory. You've probably already seen a graph of the vote count over time in my state. Then the election was certified as in compliance with the law.
I didn't see this thread so I'll just link what I wrote here
I can't tell if this is satire or not.
Please pokemon go to the /pol/s and stay there.

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