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How bad will the KOTH reboot be?
It will make chuds seethe when Hank get iPad
Any reason Hank dreamt Bobby as a diaper furry?
Bobby transition and get black boyfriend
Dale become Qanon conspiracy theorist
isnt this a common dream?
Hank has to deal with his propane addiction.
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Anon . . .
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It’s going to be bad. I don’t see how it can’t. I’m just glad they usually don’t inject real world politics into it because Hank would 100% be a trump supporter. It’s totally in his character to just blindly vote republican. He loves Regan for fuck sake. Different Khan, no Johnny
Hardwick. I haven’t kept up with recent news but no updates or storyboarding or cells is a little concerning.
Peggy accidentally starts an OnlyFans
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you know how in the later seasons all of Hank's enemies were yuppies and liberals? now it's going to be far right chuds and youtube grifters. Hank will resent being associated with them just because he's Texan and ofc he will hate Trump.
Reagan had a pretty different public persona. Although I wonder how a rejuvenated Reagan would act these days.
it'll be really good actually.
People wanted him dead back then just like they want the same for trump now.
Hank wouldn't vote trump because he's the epitome of a nyc jackass but he would want to vote for the runner up republican nominee and be upset that he can't
the only thing going against it is the amount of actors that have died, I don't see it going past one season(Assuming their work for the show was done before some of them passed). Mike Judge still has it, and Beavis and Butthead was mostly new writers and people still liked it, I feel like KOTH will be fine.
>It’s totally in his character to just blindly vote republican
He's all for traditional conservative values, which Trump doesn't represent. He turned on Bush because his handshake was limp
>because Hank would 100% be a trump supporter.
He'd go third party or not vote. Not because of Donald's policies, but because he's a new yorker who eats well done steak with ketchup.
Mainly because of policy. It's not the same situation.
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Nah, Hank would be a nevertrumper. The episode would be about Dale and Bill leaping onto the Trump Train and Hank trying to scold them out of it
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Remember Dinosaurs? It'll be that, but bad.
Maybe Hank is sexually repressed and lusts after Bobby?
Since Dale is gonna be invisible in the new show, Shabu had better be in it, too.
That was already a plot in the OG series.
>you know how in the later seasons all of Hank's enemies were yuppies and liberals?
That was the early seasons, ya dingus
I'm trying to remember the episode where Hank gets angry at these kid's parents for sheltering them, and then he basically kidnaps them and feeds them sugar, and it turns out the kids are hyperglycemic
Hank would be a nevertrumper, Bill and Boomhauer would be on the Trump train, and Dale wouldn't vote and would be suspicious of Trump back in 2016 since he'd think it's weird they let him win since he's not an establishment politician and view it as a sign of something much more sinister happen and then feel vindicated when COVID came.
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That episode would've been avoided if he'd just been up front that his kids had conditions instead of basically just sitting on it and going "gotcha" after everything that happened.
God killed off the VA of the most popular character as a warning and they're still going ahead with it. That should tell you everything.
King of the Hill Straight As An Arrow, season 13 episode 7
>because of policy
People were calling a demented retard that was going to start WWIII at the drop of a hat. His assassin also had shitty aim.
Makes it funnier knowing we got dragged into two proxy wars after he left.
well that's what happens when you make a spook the president
I've seen someone suggest Dale should use those speakers that people with throat cancer use to speak
It's what the nation's leaders were dying for. Same thing after the orange guy left.
they'll write dale off by saying he's committed to his bunker/ran away to mexico because he thought January 6th was the apocalyptic uprising he was expecting to happen after the election(which is in character since he did this during the Bush election too)

>“Who the fuck said your retarded ass could act like a baby?”

>Hank had already slammed his meaty fist into Bobby’s nose for his behavior to the point not only did Bobby’s nose break, but several of his front teeth had been loosened out of now bleeding gums. Hank’s eyes narrowed, now glaring at his son and feeling no remorse in knocking Bobby down to the ground as Hank would not tolerate Bobby pretending to be some baby.

>“Don’t you ever do that shit again, you fat faggot.”

>Hank warned, already scowling at Bobby and not giving a fuck about Bobby’s split lip or if Peggy saw what he just did. Hank didn’t even care what happened to Bobby who was now soaked in a pool of blood after being sent to the ground.
Everyone arguing about Hank's political views shows exactly why the revival is a bad idea.
>Hank would 100% be a trump supporter. It’s totally in his character to just blindly vote republican.
anon he had a crisis about his political stance when he met George W. Bush and found out he had a limp handshake
>Hank struggles with his impending retirement
>Hank is torn between being supportive of Bobbeh and Connie's restaurant because it tastes amazing and grumbling about it because it's a weird fusion place
>Bill accidentally starts a wildly popular OnlyFans
>Peggy tries to be a streamer
>YouTuber comes to Arlen to dig a well or something, Hank gets fed up
Yeah that guy was a fucking asshole, he basically tried screwing everyone else over just so his kids could do shit. The worst part is he even gave Bobby shit for showing them a game when he could have just said “hey, my son has a thing so please don’t”
Stupid big butted lisa iguanodon
Given Hank's attitudes towards loud, rude and crazy people, the various scandals throughout Trump's life even before he got into politics and the fact that by birth Hank is a New Yorker; it is exceedingly unlikely that he'd vote for Trump.
I hate how i can see the bill onlyfans thing as an actual episode
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>Hank will resent being associated with them just because he's Texan and ofc he will hate Trump.
Good, fuck Trump. If anyone can spot a con man bitch boy pedophile it would be Hank "Straight Edge" Hill.
Maybe you wouldn’t ask stupid questions if you’d pay attention to the story being told
To reiterate, everyone itt arguing about Hank's political views shows us exactly why this revival is just a BAD idea. There's no way a writing room full of modern directionbrained people like the ones here could make an impartial episode, let a lone a season.
No, it's just that this site is full of baiters. Rarely do we ever get a decent thread that discusses the show for it's merits and flaws. Just some fat posting a Koth image and baiting with >politics.
With how media is, they know media brain rots people. Stupid people mostly. So they will not revive KotH if Trump won outright. Hank being a Texan and Texas sucks Trump cock like no other state. At least New York convicted him for conning the people of that state.
The timeskip episodes of Beavis & Butt-Head are really good so I'm optimistic.
You can very easily write something that shows Heimlich County might've been a pro-Trump, but Hank has his reservations about the guy. Most people wouldn't bat an eye at that outside of hardcore cultists who would act like Hank's a RINO over that idea(which would also be an idea for a plot where the more Pro-Trump guys turn on Hank, thinking he's become some tranny beer pronoun loving hippie for not being all in)
Honestly, the fact they confirmed the show is gonna be in a post-time-skip erased most of my doubts. The big question is just what they're gonna do about Luanne and Lucky.
Hank would obviously hate Trump. A weak handshake was enough to make him not like Dubya and consider and maybe actually even vote for Gore.
Will Bobby still be voiced by Pamela Adlon? Could she really do an adult Bobby voice? If they tried to get someone new to sound like an older Bobby, would people be mad?
I don't think >>144649847 and >>144650143 are baiting.
Why don't they just come up with something new?
>no Johnny
They recorded a few episodes before his death, apparently. He'll be there, no idea if they'll replace him after that.

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