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disney always wins
Originally is dead…
Slop now till the end of time.
>even Pixar wants to pretend the Lion King remake doesn't exist
lion king remake was live action, not animated, sweaty
Due to social media like Tiktok, if a singular thing gets popular, it really gets popular, since everyone is liking the same thing.
Niche interests are obsolete.
>he doesn’t know
I guess the Palestine boycott didn't work

But seriously nothing about this movie stands out, I don't understand why it was so successful
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Impressive. Very nice. Now let's see those numbers adjusted for inflation.
Before it came out I predicted $800m on here and people were laughing at me and calling me a delusional shill
I'm still not watching it.
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Remember that the next time some retard makes a delusional box office claim. If you take the average post on this site with prediction or advice and do the exact opposite, you'd go pretty far.
>But seriously nothing about this movie stands out, I don't understand why it was so successful
Likewise. I have seen no one outside of /co/ talking about it. No one was hyped for it. No one had anything to say about it after it came out. Not a single meme. Not a single funny clip. Not even a hyperbolic "YOU NEED TO GO SEE THIS MOVIE RIGHT NOW" youtube video. Even now, the only thing anyone is saying about it is that it is somehow making lots of money.
This doesn't consider inflation.
It's grossed $1.46b but Lion King grossed $969m in 1994 which is $2.055b today. So it really hasn't won yet.
It's inoffensive slop.
A McDonald's hamburger in movie form.
No one's buying the shit you're selling, Jon Favreu.
No, fuck you.
It's a family movie. Parents bring their kids and that means more money.
Also theatre tickets are like $30 per person so that adds to the profits.
The film itself is pretty inoffensive like >>144648601 stated so no one on Twitter cares about it but the "normies" are interested
>Verification not required.
>Also theatre tickets are like $30 per person
Where the fuck are you niggers going to see movies? They are eight bucks a seat as god intended, maybe ten at a really high end place with the imax woo woo bullshit. They make their profits off concession sales, generally Pop.
I didn't see any of that, but I did see leading up to the movie a LOT of people talking and watching Inside Out 1 on youtube
The same happened with Spiderverse
but everyone is saying the exact opposite, that the internet has allowed people to opt out of the common pop culture and self-segragate into their own little niches
Ticket prices have gone up but minimum wage has stayed the same.
it was a curve
the more popular the internet became with mainstream, the more hivemind social media has become.
For example, when I was young 30 years ago, it was rare for someone to have had a PC at home, then around 10 years later when Facebook and the likes became popular, everyone had a PC. Then Smartphones appeared, and now the mainstream once again don't have PCs anymore.
Its average at best, or as the kids would call it, "mid". But I guess thats what it takes to impress normies. Put an angsty teenager here, a panic attack there, maybe a smidge of pointless drama and baby tier comedy then boom. High grossing film.
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wait, making movies without any sort of extreme political message can lead to success?!?!?!
Having a female protagonist IS a political message, that's Feminism Shit and gynocentrism.

Especially when the female character is very obviously depicted as a tomboy. If you think girls are like Riley in that they like sports especially a violent one like Hockey DO think again. Women by and large don't like sports. The few that do are the minority. And that's the thing most modern media wants to FOOL you into believe women are Men with Tits enjoying similar hobbies and interests. That's a load of bullshit. A gigantic fucking lie.

And this spam of pro female protagonist shit is unbearable. Even movies with a male character like say Despicable has a man annoyingly surrounded by too much estrogen in his life. It's all so annoying, irritating, and suffocating. And I have had it. I HATE anything with too many women. That's how you know it is going to be shit.

And I hope idiot normies brutally suffer for supporting this female shit fest spam. I hope it somehow haunts them in real life given they are funding evil corporations such a Universal.
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So people want to have... fun? Now that's cute.

>everything is political
Do us a favr and commit seppuku.
Exactly may your mother get raped to death and may you die in a fire. Exactly like that.
Let girls do whatever they want, Riley was playing hockey with other girls like many do, they don't even bother men. Then you wonder why they transition to the other sex, is because you don't accept them as tomboys.
it's widely reported my guy
sure, cope.
Just because you're so ugly that no woman will ever touch you doean't mean you have to make literally everything into some kind of global feminist conspiracy. Women exist. They're out there, doing things with their lives. No amount of schizo ranting and satanic revenge fantasies will ever change that.
I remember going to see the first one and being completely underwhelmed at how boring and predictable it was why the fuck is this one so popular?
Now you're finding out that the social bubble you're part of is an extremely vocal minority
Spiderverse 2 made like less than half of Inside Out 2
Spiderverse 2 making even that much is a feat more impressive than inside out 2. What movies are in theaters now? There is no competition. Meanwhile last year there was a big name hit released twice a week all summer.
All of them bombed and we're talking about Spider-Man after NWH made 2B
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Fear and Joy is cute
Does that account for inflation?
keep shilling for the billion dollar company lol
the problem is that people can't openly say they want to fuck riley anymore
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>released during Pride month
>no gay/lesbian/LGBQT moments
>cute tomboy girls
>no BLM
>no trannies
>the main character is derr white girl with aryan blue eyes
>/co/ still baffled at how its ''somehow'' the highest grossing animated film of all time
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>I guess the Palestine boycott didn't work
McD went desperate and do "KPop" collaboration
No one is ever going to dethrone Snow White
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Another piece of neopuritan eleutheromania propaganda for undeveloped adults with oedipal complex and the oikophobian children who they are raising incorrectly? Doesn't the world already have enough of those?
>no gay/lesbian/LGBTQ moments
Really? Because I'm pretty sure Riley was crushing hard on the hockey superstar girl who I forget the name of
you're not smart just because you know big words, pal

but muh panic attack scene
Joy isn't a white girl.
There's a second live-action movie called Mufasa premiering later this year.
>has a literal monument to her crushes that are all male
>slightly looks up to some random girl because she made the hockey team before she did
Ive met some normies to which inoffensive = good. Some minds really differ from others.
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Who would have thought that John Favreau goes to 4chan
They’ve been doing shit like that for decades moron
Because normal people see a movie and go about their day. Not spend all their time autisticly talking about it like here and Twitter.

Even when they lose.
they should kneel to us, they finally did what we have been telling them to do
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Accounting for inflation
It isn't.
That's fine and dandy and all, but I'm still not gonna see Twisters.

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