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You can’t the amount times on one hand how many revivals/reboots are better than the original series. This has been added to that list. Jesus Christ I wonder if Butch Hartman wants to put a bullet in his head to watch people do his show and it’s infinitely better than his almost 20 year run with it
I'm genuinely shocked Paramount still has the money to pay for viral marketing on this site.
Nobody is watching this. Name one big number of audience who really watches.
>needing to market on 4chan
>in 2024
Nobody gives a shit about this place anymore. Twitter and Reddit have made this shithole even more worthless than what it already was
The clip of Poof/Peri reveal literally has over 21 million views on X
glowies still care, downgrading the sense of community with meaningless threads that pass as edgy enough so people dont realize that were getting controlled
Yeah and if anything doesn’t that prove people aren’t watching, like they only watched that dumbass clip because of typical zoomer nostalgia and curiousity
20.9 million of those viewers have never seen a single episode of A New Wish
21 million views is insanity . That is impressive as fuck and you can’t spin it no other way
>old character appears
>guys they love our black girl show
Do you unironically think people like Boruto?
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22 million views now
Hartman is an executive producer on this, he's still making money.
Retarded ESL
Why do you do this for free?
>You can’t the amount times on one hand
Real viewers. Not Twitter viewers.
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Jesus FUCK Darren Norris needs to retire. He’s reaching Julie Kavner’s modern Marge levels of sad. It sounds like he is struggling to keep up Cosmo’s high pitch voice and his speech is so much more slower.
Earlier this year, you couldn't avoid clips of Jenna Ortega macking on some girl or seemingly getting railed by Martin Freeman on Twitter.

The movie those clips came from grossed $1.4 million.

Twitter video views don't mean people are going to watch the show. Otherwise, The New Norm is going to be a big hit.
>his has been added to that list
Kill yourself shill
for those who might even remotely care about Peri's actual deal:

>the 10000 year vacation indeed happened, HOWEVER, it wasnt right after the family left Timmy. C&W actually raised Poof properly and well, they went on the vacation once Poof grew enough and they saw him as independent enough.

>Peri actually does still love them, tho the name change happened while C&W were on vacation.

>Dev is Peri's very first Godkid, and while he tries to keep this 'cool salesman' attitude, he actually is pretty nervous, and Dev being a dick like his dad apparently taught him doesnt help. at the end, Peri actually does want the same as any other FGP: for his Godkid to grow into a nice, noble person.
That.. actually sounds like some decent writing . I may actually give this show a shot
Why is this reboot good but the Ren and Stimpy one is a total dumpster fire? Adult Party Cartoon is better than it
Twitter has no impact on reality unless it’s politics related
I do think one of the things that this reboot does well is that it actually seems like whoever's writing it actually liked the original show. Like in one of the episodes, Hazel and Dev are doing a treasure hunt and they go to Dev's house where they meet his dad, Dale. It seems like he's kinda half listening to them talk about their day together until they tell him they're on a treasure hunt for tickets to a theme park, where he suddenly stops what he's doing and gets this ptsdy, thousand yard stare and ask Dev why would he need to work for tickets when they could just buy the place. It's a neat callback to the original episode where he was forced into working for Vicky for tickets, and it's funny to see that, that experience still has an effect on him all those years later.
>I may actually give this show a shot
Just only watch for the magical/fairy characters. The humans besides Dev are boring.
Why are the other characters so boring compared to him?


From the clips I’ve seen. They are just regular down to earth humans. They aren’t over the top idiots like how the humans were in the original series. It’s more grounded
as someone pointed out in another thread for this that also had some tranny talking about shills, it's probably a case of "accuse others what you are doing"

in this case he's salty because FOP is getting attention and whatever DTVA/CN slop he's hired to shill here isn't. notice for instance those FLOPmos threads that have died overnight
TADCsisters.... I'm shook...
Holy shit they gave him Cosmo’s original smooth voice like Oh Yeah Cartoon and Season 1
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Foop/Peri's second episode
It's going to get ten times crazier when anti-fairies show up. Foop has been confirmed for the season finale, and if there's anything that beats a tumblr sexyman, it's an EVIL tumblr sexyman
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It cannot truly be considered good until they bring our girl back.
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Elon bought in the “view” feature to convince retards that twitter is actually more active than other sites. You do realize simply scrolling past a tweet and not even clicking it counts as a “view”? Imagine if YouTube counted you as a view if you scrolled past a thumbnail in your feed.
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This is an intergal-acne level of cope.
speaking of, again for those who care, what the other characters have been doing so far:

the great unknown. whether if the old man is him, or if the showrunners will be allowed to follow on whatever plan they have with him is still not known...

apparently she will appear soon.

>Prof. Denzel Crocker:
Works as an 'intern' in the GALAX Foundation, at least he set a little stand in there to talk with kids. he still is obssessed with Fairies.

Founded the GALAX Foundation, the biggest science conglomerate in the world, which apparently has some dabblings in magical stuff... also he's ItSV!Kingpin LARGE now.

Unknown, we dont know if he will appear later.

Unknown, we dont know if she will appear later... not that it matters given she's more of a plot device and rarely does stuff besides TELL ME I'M PRETTY!

Unknown, MAYBE we will know something once Vicky enters the picture?
That's not cope, that anon's stating reality. Everythimg on twitter is so wildly inflated with bots that it's foolish to take anything there as a metric for success.
there are videos posted on youtube as well that already have close to a million views

not sure what good burying your head in the sand about this is going to do, invader zim is never coming back and FOP is here to stay
You're not helping your case schizo
Timmy has been flat out confirmed to not be appearing in season 1. Not sure if this is just a misdirection or what, since we've seen tons of allusions to him throughout the series, but I'm guessing they mean will they actually acknowledge him properly and apparently its a no.

I've heard a few people say Vicky is potentially in this series, but I'll see it when I believe it, none of the remaining episode descriptions flat out say it like they did with Crocker and Foop.
If Vicky does show up, they could use her to plug Tootie as well, ie Vicky says something along the lines of "You're as annoying as my grumble grumble goody two shoes little sister and her big stable marriage and thanksgiving family dinners!" or something silly to that effect, while confirming Tootie got a happy ending without having to flat out say she married Timmy.
With Trixie and Veronica, I'd thought they would turn up as famous from either selling clothes/makeup, or would be television personalities of some sort. You could also do a similar "I have a husband and kids" plug with Trixie as well without really confirming or deconfirming anyone.
Not sure how to really fit in Chester, honestly making him a successful baseball player makes him feel too fanficky. I'd just give him a normal job and have him show up at AJ's institute to hang out or something.
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Fairly Oddparents shifting into being a franchise where it's about a new kid each series and slowly transitioning away from Cosmo + Wanda and allowing the potential for Peri to be the main fairy character of a future spin-off is the best way to handle this cash cow. Cosmo's VA sounds strained, it's time to make a backdoor for actors to make a graceful exit while still doing good business.
That’s literally not cope you xitter retard
Transitioner Zhey/Zim lost, Jhonen.
Lay off the hostileposting tonight.
its sad that the first eps got leaked and that had to force the creators hand into making those tweets once the audience saw 'not timmy'.

i guess im also guilty of that like them because yeah, the idea that Timmy, the kid who stayed with C&W for so long, that was ready to sacrifice his life for the family he wished for his fairies could have ended as a job shifting loser does burn quite hard. but i guess nobody expected for the creators to go back on their plans that quickly, or that nick is forcing them to change whatever plan they had for him.

we basically ruined a potential good part of what its clearly a good show, and thats not right.
>Cosmo's VA sounds strained
All they had to do was let him lower the pitch. It's so grating, and it's just a constant reminder that he's never going to be anything but totally braindead again.
Yeah and they mean jack shit.
People are gonna draw them dicking each other into oblivion and then move on to another FOTM.
Would bang
Over inflated sense of self worth. Out of all the boards that would have government infiltration the one centered around baby media is the least likely candidate.
Is Timmy dead?
Someone posted a whole episode on twitter or something and I had a look, I ended up tuning out cause its just boring
How is a sequel a reboot?
Timmy is being voiced by legendary character actor sir Notappearing Inthisstory.
Here’s the list of reboot/revivals better then the original series:
>Super Secret Secret Squirrel
This series ain't better than the original FOP now come on stop coping
>views on X
That just means it loaded while people were scrolling, a pointless metric.
Sequels, revivals and reboots tend to be lumped together as cold corporate schlock made for the sake of easy money until proven otherwise.
Wasn't that good of a show, stop crying
If it wasn't good as a show, why do you like to reboot
As much as I like this new development, I kinda wish he just stuck around all episodes instead of just an occasional appearance between episodes.
Mr. Crocker is back too
>Fagbooks love it
>Twittards love it
>Redditors love it
>Tumblrinas love it
> Uhh uhh nobody is watching this!!!
Dead inside trying to pay Trixie's alimony.
>>Prof. Denzel Crocker:
>mixed comments
>loving it
t. dumb shill
Skydance will save FOP:ANW with a big animated film.

You mean the kids that it was made for?

His voice is fine, though. He only changed his style of voice for Cosmo in the fourth season.

How many people will still support him while he's backing away from 34 Counts?
>Prof. Denzel Crocker: Works as an 'intern' in the GALAX Foundation
>AJ: Founded the GALAX Foundation

Damn, is there anybody Crocker won't be connected to?

What are the chances that her original VA will reprise her, considering she's voicing Toph in the new ATLA series?

Would be funnier if she turned out like that one fancomic. You know the one.
>FOP will reinvent itself to be as evergreen as TMNT and Ben 10

What did we do to deserve this?

The irony of this cope.
This garbage wouldn't survive without cosmo and wanda, nobody is talking about the quirky black girl and her non-binary friends

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