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What are some instances of great shows with horrible or disappointing endings?

Unsolved plot holes, bad development, etc.
I loved Nimona, but that ending was bullshit.
Teen Titans.
does it count if a show started good but slowly unraveled and ended like shit?
cause i'd say star vs counts, then.
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I think so

>Tangled the Series
>Two great seasons, an absolutely hype season 2 finale
>Season 3 wastes LITERALLY all of the character potential for their star OC by having them spend half the runtime doing absolutely fuckall in the woods while the main cast waste episodes on meaningless shit
>After the plot halves reconverge it has said formerly excellent character lose what little agency, dignity, and intelligence she had left and jump lanes into an absolutely retarded mommy issues slapfight
>Seemingly important characters and plot beats, like twice previously said character's adoptive father vowing to find and help her, only to vanish until the very final minutes of the series
>Big Bad teased for two seasons as an eldritch demon sorcerer is just some lame hag who spends most of her runtime as a ghost baby, has a super shitty final form, and does nothing, says nothing of any true consequence
>Majority of the cast are thrown into the garbage during the finale to rot in a meaningless B plot
They kinda stitch together those final minutes into something decent but MAN they botched almost all of the potential they had built up in the first two thirds of the show
Steven Universe but by the time it ended it was more of a shit cherry on a shit sundae
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SVTFoE hands down. Still my favorite Disney cartoon but this ending feels like the bad ending you get in a video game after you make far too many bad dialogue choices.
For me, it's Trollhunters/Tales of Arcadia series. Everything was decent until the last few minutes of the movie finale special. That shit was horrible.
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It makes me so mad how much of that synopsis also applies, nearly word for word, for Amphibia.
Samurai jack
Eh not so sure about that.
Season 5 of Samurai Jack retroactively ruined my decades of enjoyment of the show.
Genddy destroyed something I loved.
>Genddy destroyed something I loved.
Yeah I'm tired of this happening.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I hate Gravity Falls' last batch of episodes.
>Chiper wheel meant jackshit
>Half the people on the wheel got next to no development because we had to do wacky mayor election and roadtrip episodes
>The force keeping Weirdmageddon in Gravity Falls is never explained
>The blatantly harmful message that you should forfeit your passion if it means separating yourself from your family (even if said family members are doing blatantly harmful and morally dubious things)

And the grand cherry on top is how the show suddenly wanted to become a Stan cocksucking ritual. All of his wrongdoings are justified, he gets to make the grand sacrifice and save the world (because what, you were expecting the two MAIN PROTAGONISTS to save the day?) AND everything he lost in that sacrifice is instantly returned along with Ford eternally at his side.

I know writers have their favorites, but when you have Dipper say that saving THE ENTIRE DAMN WORLD is POINTLESS if he doesn't have his uncle, I think you're pushing it a tad far don't you think?
I still love Samurai Jack. They even changed the ending because people complained
The only thing things Battle of Time didn't really fix about the series finale is not addressing the fate of the people Jack met when history is rewritten and that he doesn't have a rematch with the Guardian.
True. Also bill never felt like main antagonist material. The impression I always got from him was that he was preparing the way for something even worse.
I kinda had that impression after Dreamscapers but after Sock Opera and especially after the Tapestry at the end of Northwest Mansion Mystery I knew he would be the bigger bad.
I think the worst part is that the building blocks were there to make a genuinely good ending. Have Dipper and Mabel realize that they'll end up just like Ford and Stan if they continue down the paths they're on. Have them finally get sick of the fighting between their uncles and save the day by working together and overcoming their flaws.

Dipper learns that he should relax and spend more time having fun with his family and stop worrying about mysteries and romantic endeavors for a while, Mabel learns that she has to put others first even if that means saying goodbye to her bother someday, and Stan and For realize that all their fighting is pointless and make amends.

You know. Basic storytelling.
>and that he doesn't have a rematch with the Guardian.
Would have been kino if Jack beats the Guardian only for him to reveal what Aku has been doing in destroying the time portals. But the season would have had to be twice as long to actually have everything people wanted. Even just an episode where half of it is facing the guardian and the other half is another possible way to go back and Jack realizes Aku has destroyed them all would have done a lot to add to his despair.
To be fair Dipper and Mabel are shown to realize that fact.
And Stan and Ford do make amends
Not him but I can see the comparisons of both season 3s having their pro/antags split and the primary MC engage in a bunch of bullshit "townie" tier time wasting before the plot decides to actually start happening again

Samurai Jack

It basically copied Gurren Lagann while the anime has the message of preserving through Willpower it’s realistic that all those around you might not stick forever.

Jack suffered throughout his original show run going through obstacles of varied difficulty chasing Aku(originally left on a cliffhanger) but his love gets wiped from existence.

Suffering builds character in the highest definition.
True I can see the comparisons in that sense. Although I think Amphibia Season 3 was slightly better at doing that and their cast had more to do during their finale.
That it would have.

>>Even just an episode where half of it is facing the guardian and the other half is another possible way to go back and Jack realizes Aku has destroyed them all would have done a lot to add to his despair.

Such an episode would have been such a fantastic entry in the series. And truly hammer home how deep Jack's Despair is.
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rock ex machina pissed me off more than lion ex machina. at least lion ex machina had SOME foreshadowing.
If you're retarded
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Plants good, robot bad
Almost all of their shows end with a to be continue and never any follow up on what they set up.
It would have been better to have him defeat Aku, then go to the last portal and fight the guardian to go back to the past
extreme downgrade from beast wars.
Pic unrelated?
The ending was bad, narratively as in general, was it really necessary to add a new character at the end of the series?!
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Does getting canceled mid run for being too good for the suits to grasp count?
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Reboot season 4.

>Prepare yourselt for THE HUNT
>Hunt never happens
>Megabyte's voice actor dies
>Strung along by Mainframe for Reboot Revival for over a decade
>The Guardian Code happens



Man what the fuck happened to Mainframe.
Police Squad
Invader Zim
Sifl & Olly
I could go on.
I swear he flat out said something along the lines of this when the show was coming out
>Figure out who the REAL villain of GF is
and then it was just Bill. Like how is Bill only now (literally this week) getting any sort of depth
>>Tangled the Series
The problem is simple, Cass is too retarded and boring to be the “main” villain
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I can elaborate on it, if you want.
>Two great seasons, an absolutely hype season 2 finale
I don't even need to say anything.
>Season 3 wastes LITERALLY all of the character potential for their star OC by having them spend half the runtime doing absolutely fuckall in the woods while the main cast waste episodes on meaningless shit
Literally all of S3A. For Sasha, Marcy AND Anne. Maybe you can argue that Sasha wasn't doing fuck all, but she was doing fuck all.
>Seemingly important characters and plot beats vanish until the very final minutes of the series
Lief, and even Darcy, only got one episode before the big finale happened. They were completely absent for nearly the entire story. There's a scene in the finale where a character walks up to cast and says 'oh hey, remember that super important prophecy I told you about? Well, there's a second part to it I forgot to tell you until the very final minutes of the series.'
>Big Bad teased for two seasons as an eldritch demon sorcerer is just some lame hag who spends most of her runtime as an autistic baby, and does nothing, says nothing of any true consequence
This explains Darcy to a T. You guys remember when the big theory was that 'The Night' was a gigantic frog sorcerer trapped in the moon? At least we picked up on the moon symbolism.
>Majority of the cast are thrown into the garbage during the finale to rot in a meaningless B plot
The only character besides Anne that does anything of note in the finale is Sasha. And even she has to arbitrarily step down for no reason to let Anne fight the villain alone. What were the Plantars, the main characters of the show, doing during that time? They were relegated to fighting some birds which, suddenly, were actually personally connected to them despite never once being mentioned before, and sitting down to watch Anne fight.
okay sure that ending was good you sexy little nigger
Hey now, let's not forget about Sprig's contribution to the finale; delivering the letter to Andrias that they discovered ten episodes prior and never once mentioned or investigated again until that exact moment.
>Nah fuck it let me reverse time and lat the fat retard take my place, SURELY he will do better and make rendering 3 tvseries and everything that happened that people cared about completely pointless worth it
Bill never felt like anything more than a court jester hyping up a king, yet the court jester was all we got.
>Like how is Bill only now (literally this week) getting any sort of depth

because Hirsch is a fucking retard and only just recently figured anything he wanted to do out way too long after the fact
He honestly didn't feel like a villain, rather he was a god of chaos who sometimes bothered you with macabre games and riddles.
The rematch would have been kino if jack won and just as he jumps through the portal, Aku does that thing from ep 7 where he pulls him out of the portal, destroys the portal and kills the guardian
At least the video game fixed the horrible ending of the show...

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