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Fish Police, enjoyed it, underrated id say, i think it deserved more its not nearly bad or anything it just needed to find its audience, I liked the detective noir premise and which there was more cartoons like that, i feel like outside of the occasional one off parody it doesnt show up much, if youre into that sort of thing id recommended it. Also wish it got rereleased in higher quality or it had some better quality vhs rips, if anyone knows of any lmk, still have yet to read the comic but ive heard its atleast decent so ill check it out, also might as well dump some screenshots since all the ones in the archives are all pretty old.
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Wtf is this
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A cartoon from the 90's made for primetime in the wake of the simpsons that didnt last long about A Detective fish cop in fish new york
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I have a strange relationship with this show. I've caught small bits and pieces of it, really liked it, but somehow never once saw even a single full episode as a kid and then it vanished after a single run.

Angel alone makes the show worth watching. It's Jessica Rabbit in fish flavor.
I'm getting Shark Tale vibes
its alot better than shark tale i assure you
I can guess by the blurry screenshots, but there was never a HQ release of this, was there?
not even a proper vhs release
Is there any chance of a release, or is it lost or ultrafucked in the legal sense?
big fish titties, I doubt the show has anything other than that
theoretically they could, there just isnt much motivation for it to be since its obscure, i would assume Paramount would have the rights since it aired on CBS, unless it reverted back to HB in which case Warner bros would i suppose
i mean i atleast thought it was entertaining
It's a solid detective noir cartoon. Kinda like Dog City sans the puppet or dog part.
Adult Swim should air it.
it could air late at night in the wee hours, maybe as something late in checkered past before it transitions to adult swim?
how is Dog City? want to know how worth watching it is
i watched this recently and thought it was really enjoyable. as a small child i was banned from watching the simpsons or anything like it, so i didnt get to catch it fresh. was it just too corny for a primetime audience back in the age of edge? or were people tired of police dramas/comedies? the 80s seemed to be flooded with them
pretty sure it aired on boomerang once or twice
guess that would mean the latter then and that WB has it now if thats the case
It's worth watching, yeah. It's pretty good if you like what it is. The puppet part is comedy mostly with a bit of a romcom (I think? It's been a long time), and the animated part is action detective noir.
The combination of seeing screens with fish people from this cartoon and hearing this name made me remember fucking Sharky and George of all things. All I really remember about it is that it was about fish, starred detectives/policemen, had cheap animation and was stupid. What a weird and unpleasant nostalgia trip.
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All I remember about this show is it being incredibly disappointing.
i took a screen of this shot too
You should rewatch it. Chances are, you were a kid and couldn't handle an adult-targeted cartoon that was paced like a police drama.
it wouldve been real interesting to see the route HB wouldve taken if this was successful
I really wish adult animation hadn't failed. Then we would have gotten actual animated movies for adults. Not ugly bear minimum simple animation for shows that are supposed to be carried by writing. The Simpsons were great, but their financial success was one of the worst things to happen to animation.
It's a 90s Hanna-Barbera cartoon made for primetime based on an 80s indie comic that was out in the black-and-white boom with TMNT and the TMNT knockoffs

Fish Police was one of the few 80s b&w comics that got praised during that time, like Gary Groth actually had to admit it had potential since it wasn't amateur like a lot of the other 80s black-and-white titles he detested

When the cartoon was airing Marvel actually reprinted some of the early stories in color

Here's the first issue from the 80s

One thing I also forgot to mention was that Harlan Ellison liked this book, too
I saw an advertisement for this comic in an old Sam & Max floppy (can't remember which one though). Happened upon #1 while digging through the dollar bins and rather enjoyed it.
I've been slowly collecting the series ever since. It had a very healthy run for an indie b&w comic running for 28 issues across at least three different publishers. That's not including the later short lived Marvel series that spun off the cartoon OP is into.
I'm only 8 issues away from completing the series.
It got a lot of reruns on German tv I think?
honestly going back to it didn't have much going other than the smooth animation

Maybe it's just the "status quo is god" style of tv doesn't go as well with noir thrillers even comedy ones. I find other cop shows just as boring but love neo noir movies where there are real stakes around the ending.

Didn't even check if there was a comic. It looks pretty good!
Not a kid but I just remember it being very blah. Not particularly funny or engaging story-wise compared to say sat am toons of the time. I could stand to rewatch it though. I understand the last 3 eps never aired stateside.
I remember this show premiering alongside Dinosaurs.
You can find all the episodes on Youtube, even.
Funnier than The Simpsons
The Marvel series is a reprint of the 80s series, in color. They only reprinted the first six issues, though, and I guess just quietly stopped publishing it (I guess sales weren't going well even by early 1993 standards or it was because the show stopped before 1993)
Ah is that so? Thanks for the correction, I had always assumed it was a new series. I haven't seen any issues in the wild which is odd as you'd think they'd be more common than the early Fishwrap stuff, I guess it must've sold terribly.
A fish with tits
Titty fish
According to wiki, the show aired for three episodes before getting canceled, and then the other three aired outside the US. That would mean the last episode that aired in the US was in March 1992. Marvel didn't launch their Fish Police comic until August 1992, so by that time any interest they could've gotten from the show was not there.
would be appropriate for a late night run on MeTVToons
Can the webms be the non blown up ones? I know they weren't like that in the reruns
>Hardcore fish BDSM on the left window
I forgot that I owned two of the comics.
Here I always thought it was based on this song
simpsons made it a point to strictly not be "cartoonish". they didnt want to be associated with the HB or Disney styles. and in the end that meant being a sitcom with doodles

id go even further and say that [as] had a much worse impact. like on the one hand it was great that they proved there was an audience for cartoons not meant for kids. but they did it with shows like SGC2C and ATHF, setting the expectation that you didnt need to put ANY money into animation. it just had to be witty scripts
You kinda have two opposite points. Yes, they weren't cartoonish, at all, especially after the Klasky Csupo animated seasons. So what they proved isn't that you can make a cartoon with good writing be popular with adults, but that you can animate a sitcom and be successful. So they damned adult animation by making that specific decision. Making everyone else either straight emulate them, or learn the wrong lesson: "adults don't want complicated aesthetic styles or good animation, only writing matters". If Simpsons failed to go really big due to simplistic visuals holding them back or if some other show had MORE success with both good writing AND good visuals, we'd be looking at a very different and much better animation landscape today.
Angel is best girl.
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You misspelled "breast".
OK, what was this? It's just a straight police story, but with fish. I mean OK, but why?
Also I looked at the Top 100 comics ordered for August 1992 and Fish Police didn't even chart

I wonder what the deal was for the delay in publishing it, it should've been published in like late 1991 or early 1992 to time with the show
Why does a fish have tits?
Ah, the source for those ones were ones were taken off of youtube thats why they ended up like that
i didnt even realize
Pearl's pretty good too
Woooaaaa very nice
to give fish titjobs
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Do these count as scalies or are they fishies? Gillies?
>glittery Jessica Rabbit dress

And there goes the budget for the season.
Fish tits.
I looked up fish tits and this is what I found
That's basically it, plus the mystery about why comics Gil seems to remember being a human
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>aquatic armpits
Fish Police is just too powerful...
It's such a shame the show is obscure. Imagine all the art we could have had.
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>only six episodes, aired within a month
Something smells... fishy
>European style brothel with the ladies putting on advertising displays in the upstairs windows.

You know, for kids!
I think I have that issue stashed away somewhere. The 80s B&W comic scene was really strange.
wasnt a normal season order 26 episodes back then?
are there any surviving materials from unfinished episodes?
not specifically i dont think, i think this order was just short because they were testing the waters of it first, no pun intended
It was supposed to target older demographics. Also the kids wouldn't even understand what's going on there.
maybe if this was popular and had sexy shark women then fucking furries would draw anthro shark girls correctly as a larger percentage
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These are the kind of hilarious visual naughty jokes no one has the balls or imagination to do anymore. God I miss animation before this dark age we are currently in.

It's fish people. They don't anthropomorphize 1:1.
>would draw anthro shark girls correctly as a larger percentage
how do they usually get it wrong? im unfamiliar
yeah its an entirely visual gag
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look at this fucking thing and tell me it's a shark, there are people who have done shark girl designs well but whenever they do fin ears or overdone conflicting hair it makes my blood boil
It evolves into something more ambitious. It’s not perfect, but where it goes in the end is pretty interesting.

It’s not Cerebus, but it’s cool.

I wonder if the show would have followed the comic’s trajectory somehow.

The indie self-publishing boom the 80s and early 90s gave creators a chance to go out on a limb more than they identify have today, and make real comic books that got wide distribution, not just webcomics.
Could you post what you would feel is a good shark design? Personally, I think something similar to how they redesigned Orca from DC Comics is the best way to do it. Sharks are already pretty expressible, no need to add the ears.
yes that's the right area of general design I'd aim for, Shark Girl from Marvel also mogs most anthro shark girl designs. Though Orca guy from MHA was major influence when I made an orca oc, anyway this is what I believe is the closer field to acceptable shark design as they don't all need to be punk or jacked but has a perfect shark percentage. Also to be fair I used another fanart Shark then one from an official work like Sela from Super Sentai.
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>A Sela fan
ha funnily more of an Ultraman dude then Kamen Rider/Super Sentai but there is a treasure trove of quality designs in both worth highlighting for either their complex absurdity that manages to be super creative, very complimentary costumes for the ladies, very cool villains with a lot of visual presense or their simple but insanely sleek looks for the classic showa era heroes.
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NTA but I think SharkMan's a good shark design.
Bull Sharkowski's also a good design.
>buy rights to adapt popular comic
>adaptation is nothing like the source material
why do this
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I specified woman mainly cause they are the one that mainly have this issue, male shark characters in either fanart or in official works don't have this problem and can balance unique stylisation, animal accuracy or just a design with a ton of personality. Though not co or anthro I always thought the Hungry Sharks designs were quite great, had a great Orca design to
fucking link didn't attach
Ech, no wonder the show didnt last. What a fucking waste, these dude could've made bank ahead of the curve releasing waifu statues of Angel.
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Yeah the face is definitely all off for it to be a shark, the ears especially, its barely sharkish
thats true, there is a lot of interesting designs there from a wide variety of characters, some that only show up once
was trying to appeal to both demographics, i think partially the kids into ninja turtles possibly with the anthro animal part
Shinkengar, Goseiger and Gekiranger alone have some of my fave monster designs in SS. Kamen Rider wise the Worms from Kabuto are my main liking and Mezool specifically cause I like orca's and cute girls. There are way to many to list that I love from Ultraman so won't bother, yeah with anthro shark designs the easy fix is always just the head, it is my one autistic gripe that would be super solvable, like I prefer curvy shapely girls but I wouldn't ask all lady sharks to be them, just give them the fins and faces that sharks have. Though now I'm remembering how Street Sharks made the Whale Shark character as inaccurate as possible besides the spots, no lady seaviates either which was massive missed opportunity
as if there werent simpsons toys
yeah you bet she's bendable heheheheh
Curious indeed. Thanks for the info though!
I take it you're a fan of the comics?
Cartoon was garbage.

Comic is actually not half bad.
Back to the Female Shark thing here's another good example of how to do it that actually does the hair in a way that looks good and isn't ruining design.
as something who has yet to read the comics, i thought the cartoon was decent on its own merits atleast, i imagine as an adaptation of the source material it probably isnt very close
The comic just looks really ugly to me, least art wise.
How is this ugly? It's clean cartoony art. What do you consider "non-ugly art"?
How many 90s hot glues did some weirdo do?
Family Guy will always be better.
This is why the 90s will always be the dark age of animation. Fuck Simpsons.
>we'd be looking at a very different and much better animation landscape today.
ha ha ha ha
Have you read a single manga or watched any anime?
Compared to adult animation after the new millennium, I didn't find The Simpsons as bland or ugly and I like how this show, Capitol Critters, and Family Dog had the effort put into the art design.
I just hate the Family Guy and Rick and Morty status quo adult animation took for its character designs.
Not him but it is ugly. It's well drawn and clean, but the designs are just ugly, like they tried to copy TMT's turtles faces a bit and force them on fishes. It doesn't help that everything looks bland and lifeless, are we even in the sea? Doesn't look like it.
I'm loving these designs, this could've saved adult animation
What? No, the 90s were full of experimentation, even if the budgets weren't there half of the time. And they only became popular in the mid 90s, and then add production cycles to that, so they only became a major animation influence in the late 90s and on. But overall, the Simpsons were only one of the many "successes" that caused the current dark age. Where almost everything is underdesigned, poorly animated, poorly written slop. Everyone kept learning the wrong lessons from successes: the animated sitcom from the Simpsons, the ugly designs and random humor from Zim, the literally retarded protagonists from Spngebob, the super-simplistic style and random writing form Adventure Time and so on. It's like everyone in charge in the animation industry is an alien who struggles to understand humans.

>ha ha ha ha
Care to make an argument?
It really couldn't don't kid yourself.
Couldn't have put it better myself. The cartoon designs may not all be perfect, but they're easy on the eyes and I can easily grasp their role and character. The comic all have serious same face, and its the face of someone having a shitty day.
Funny, how Catfish has the same design as the protag in the comic.
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>Care to make an argument?
Anime shows the west was NGMI.
Standard live-action primetime season is 13 episodes though. Things like the Jetsons are outliers. I see FP came out in February so it debuted as a mid-season replacement.
>using "mustached" fish type for female characters
hes a catfish which is the joke
This is ticking my tism for two reasons.
1. If they can swim around, why would floating up a flight of stairs be a pain for him?
2. Why even build stairs if most people don't even have feet?
For starfishes, crabs and lobsters.
>French mogging noises
pearl with big tits is neat, even then theyre pretty close to angels here, its only a slight mogg
That's part of the mystery IIRC, along with why he seems to remember being a human
You know, Angel could have been very easily recycled as a host. Like an Elvira, but for detective films, or films about bombshells (like Marilyn Monroe films).
Peal is underrated, wish she had more fanart.
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>Have fun keeping your hot middle-aged waitress/whorish nightclub singer fish in here, kiddos!
had it gone on longer theyre defintely would be more fish furrys in the world that became that way because of those two
Personally, I think only the turboest of the turboautistic have only a few specific types of furry they like. The rest just fap to whatever looks hot. Angel and Pearl are simply objectively hot if you're not a complete normalfag who can't get past them not looking exactly human.
yeah i definetely agree i just think people would probably be more would be interested in fish characters or making fish oc's had it gotten more exposure, and had it been sucessful maybe more fish related animated stuff wouldve followed as a result
What do you think are the chances we'll get anything visually mature in the near future? It seems like even family animation, forget adult animation, is less and less common now.
that real goldfish does not want to be there
Imagine if you had to have a giant picture of some weirdos in your home.
human in a cage with a picture of human drawings that barely resemble what you are
That's some level of cosmic horror. Captured by far more intelligent creatures and placed near mockeries of the human form, warped to appease to the aliens sexual preferences you cannot even hop to comprehend
reminds of a twilight zone episode where a human guy was in a zoo for aliens and lived in a facsimile of a house
It's honestly both surprising and not how much of the fanart is mogging. Wish they drew more of the other girls too, though.
It sorta happens in the show and the two of them are both in a love triangle with the mc both vying for his attention and one does have much larger tits than the other that its a visually distinct difference so it makes sense
>fish titjobs

This is a phrase I never would have imagined before today.
Surprised this hasn't been posted yet.
Animated media combining fish and horror concepts is such an untapped gold mine. Only Finding Nemo and esp Padak nick the surface of how terrifying it is to be a fish.

Now apply that to Fish Police, where the characters are a fish-human hybrid, you can have a cosmic horror on an even more uncomfortable scale
This has to be one of the strangest pieces of merchandise ever produced for anything.
i mean given the subject matter it makes sense
Is she implying that bikini wasn't sexy enough? Also their bikini bottoms work in a very interesting way. I think I haven't seen anyone adapt them on mermen like this before or since. It's a pretty good idea, wonder why it didn't catch on.
yeah she wanted her to win since the winner goes on a world tour, basically trying to get rid of her romantic competition
lol, and all this time I thought it was a jab at her slutiness. As in "Oh, you want to look slutty? I can help!" And it was that, but unironically.

Also someone should do some webms. There are lots of good scenes in gif form on Deviantart of all places, but they're all huge in filesize.
if you want i can try since i have the episodes, i already made these ones, don't know of any other specific scenes that be good in webm form that really stood out
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Do these fish... lactate?
This show was way ahead of it's time
to feed their young presumably
One of the first pieces of Simpsons merchandise was made by the company who did Barbie. Just because it has no hard swearing and dick jokes doesn’t mean it’s for kids.
never expected thread to last this long

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