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What do you think happened to this asshole after the court case? I can't imagine that being the guy who lead to the ban of Superheroes would result in many compliments or friends afterwards.
He took the money and found a reason to live.
But his family and friends lives were absolutely destroyed by his faggotry.
And he died a pathetic miserable agonizing death because the heroes weren't there to save him from a supervillain attack.
This is /co/ you need a lust provoking image for more than one guy to answer
Don't good Samaritan laws exist to stop bullshit like that? How recent are those laws? Surely they must have existed in the 1950s.
If the media is to be believed, it wouldnt be that bad since public sentiment was negative over Supers.
The final confrontation of Incredibles can be interpreted as
>after time has passed and the Omnidroid destroyed the city, the citizens were happy to see a Super (Syndrome) return to save them. So things have cooled down and people dont hate Supers anymore
>nobody really hated Supers except a group of people who wanted to sue every time a Super saved them, but caused damage.
Man was sued in brittan for saving a drowning woman's life.

Also, it's just rich libertarian faggots who think since they are so special they should do anything they want and those suits are just like the tasteless normies, just jerks who prevents me from being special and super.

It's really a self indulgent exceptionalist piece of trash movie if you really sit down and think about.
would be funny if he jumped a second time and a super was there and stood aside, like in a roadrunner cartoon
>Surely they must have existed in the 1950s.
the first one in the US was created in 1959
but they arent universal and can vary from state to state
>Man was sued in brittan for saving a drowning woman's life.
It's Britain. You could have told me he was incarcerated for posting a spicy meme on facebook and I'd believe you at face value.
>the first one in the US was created in 1959
Goddamn. Still, I suppose their existence speaks to what miserable cunts some people are; trying to sue the person who did their best to rescue you for X reason (the rescue not being up to their standards? The person not having gone to med school and knowing the best course of action?) is a real chinlet move.
Not really
You're right that it's a film with a very self-indulgent message but Leapy McImpact-Crater was still being a little bitch.
That neckbrace triggers my lusty nurse kink.
The golden rule is newer than it seems. People used to be hardcore, hunting rare animals and getting into duels.
The problem was that his court case “opened the floodgates” by setting a legal precedent. That’s why all of the victims of the L train derailment could sue, which were much more sympathetic victims.
Could Bob's defence argued that if he were to be given the win, there would be a lot more suicide attempts in order to win lawsuits from superheroes?
I don't know anything about legal stuff but I think that would be dismissed since you can't exactly prove that
I like to think he was injured in Syndrome's attack. "Locked-in" syndrome, unable to move any part of his body, but alive and concious. Kept alive by an error in paperwork that listed him as "yes, resuscitate, keep this rich selfish asshole alive by any means possible."
And the nurses keep the TV on in his room, so he can watch the news and see Superheroes dig themselves out of the hole he dug.
As I understand it, in the pixar universe they were created because of this incident, but ultimately the court had to rule against Mr. Incredible because at the time of the prevented suicide the laws did not exist.
Asinine garbage like this is just one of the may many reasons capeshit is inherently terrible. Running around in stupid looking costumes and using your physics defying powers to save the wretched masses is such a fucktarded idea for a story, I am genuinely baffled how it became a thing. Fuck this genre and anyone who still tolerates this crap.
>It's been perfectly fine for superheroes for ages before that point to non consensually help citizens under the assumption they wanted to be saved.
>But this guy gets special treatment because reasons.
Who gives a shit if he wanted to die? Supers don't have the luxury of asking every individual victim if they need help when they're on the job. Just because he wanted to die doesn't give him the right to ruin the act of super assistance for everyone else. And nothing was stopping him from throwing himself from a building right after he got out of the hospital. He's a bitch.
But at the same time, you can’t give them complete immunity from interfering with people’s lives.
Go back
Generally you've got to settle a suit based on the events that have already happened. Not on the hypotheticals of the precedent it could set.
If superheroes weren't outlawed at the time of this suicide attempt, was it not Mr. Incredible's obligation to actually save the guy? Would a non-super police officer face the same charges if he saved the man and got him injured?
Go die. It's so fucked up that other genres aren't allowed to exist in comics because a inherently shitty one somehow dominates the market.
At the same time wasnt suicide illegal? You could reason that Mr. Incredible was preventing a crime.
Suicide is only illegal so the government has more excuses to abuse the mentally ill.
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Interfering with them committing a crime is considered being a good samaritan and citizens arrests are a thing.
There is nothing he could sue him over and he could be argued that he prevented a crime.
Lastly, it's deeply DEEPLY fucking retarded to not create a super power registration and law instead.


They aren't good people who put on costumes to help using extraordinary gifts. Their thrill seekers and egomaniacs looking to get fame and recogntion.
They are in fact not heroe's just normies looking to have fun. Hell the ultimate "real" moral is so outlandishishly and morally perverse and said and mindlessly repeated so much that I'm honestly disturbed that they thought it was a good idea or correct way to think.

Cops are not legally required to save your life and can sit in their squad car and watch you be murdered while eating a donut and walk away scott free. This is law.
We, the citizens, are not afforded this obscene luxury. It's only for the defenders of the governments order and property of the rich.
The law is all about setting a precedent, if a guy is made a strict example of for shoplifting that’s the kind of punishment other people can expect.
The problem is sometimes the precedent the law sets is bullshit like divorce cases always against the person who makes more money (man or woman).
So it creates an exploitive environment for people who want to gamble with marriages in hopes of taking half when they willingly decide to ruin the relationship or contrive a reason to appeal to the court in taking half.
The law isn’t a hustle for you to make money out of a situation you’re responsible for is the bottom line
It really is. Its how monopolies maintain their wealth and position.
Suicide is a sin
Bob was a righteous man
Could you actually save a guy falling to his death like Mr Incredible did by simply catching him horizontally as he falls?

I think you can compare this to a lifeguard breaking someone’s ribs while performing CPR. In the case of Mr. Incredible, he (probably) couldn’t have saved the man without injuring him significantly. Performing CPR on a victim who tried to drown themselves and breaking their ribs in the process is similar, and in which case the savior would be protected from any lawsuit
And what if through a Super's inaction, Mr. Sansweet lands on a pedestrian on the street below, killing them. Should the Super then also be liable for the death of the pedestrian? Should their family be entitled to compensation at the Super's expense? Can they be charged with negligent homicide?

The answer is that it is unreasonable to expect any person to make a complex determination on liability and its legal ramifications every single time they see a crime about to be committed or a person about to die. Like police or other emergency services or any citizen, it is only reasonable to ask whether the Super's actions were reasonable and justifiable.

Mr. Incredible saw a man falling to his death. He didn't have time to mull over hypotheticals. All he had time to do in that split second was decide whether or not to intervene. And in that moment he did what, I would hope, any decent person with those same powers would do: He tried to save a life.
The guy was a massive chode, but society turned out to be okay even after the superhero ban. Like Robert and his family seemed to do well after 15 years, unless Bob did undercover side-jobs those past 15 years as evident from that burning building scene with Frozone.
He got addicted to putting others in situations where he could sue them and after a dry spell ended up getting mauled to death after jumping into a polar bear enclosure at the local zoo.
To honor his memory, his legal representatives sued for burial costs.
But weren’t they more or less registered already? Like the government knew who they were and what they were doing? Unless you mean that their identities should be made public knowledge? In which case that means every criminal organization is now going to be gunning for their families and non-super powered loved ones.
Sorry to get /a/ but why I really like my hero. 80% people are born with qurks, but that doesn't mean 80% are super heroes. The heroes specifically go to school to learn how to use powers to become heroes. The heroes also work with the government and are ranked. So heroes have to stay in top shape so they can do their duties if not they get dropping.
Probably lives the rest of his life with a massive pain in his neck being heckled by the guy who "killed superheroes", mainly regretting it due to the fact that one of the superheroes who retired was a scientist working on cheap cybernetics to help those with nerve damage alleviate their pain to the point of proper mobility, which he was forced to disassemble and give to the government in exchange for a new identity and relocation.
Which is fucking retarded.
Cops can shoot an innocent man in the face on an unlawful stop with body cam footage and walk with nothing more then a slap on the wrist and paid vacation.

And this shit becasue of HECKEN AMAZING AND POWERFUL MEDIA ends with the death of supers?
Supers being dismantld rather then being made into just super powered police who can't play as modern gods/celebs makes litterally no fucking sense and it only exposes how self indulgently retarded this show actually is.
>every criminal organization is now going to be gunning for their families and non-super powered loved ones.
Not my problem. Clean it up, superjannie!
Good Samaritan laws might not have existed yet, but suicide attempts were illegal until only a decade or so ago. He was preventing the commission of a crime. He was immune from civil suit under qualified immunity, introduced in 1967. Some legal channels talked about this.
>exposes how self indulgently retarded this show actually is.
It's a movie about super heroes it's not supposed to be super realistic retard, you're taking it way to seriously. Have you never heard of suspension of disbelief.
Thee golden rule applies to duels.
>I will let you shoot at me so long as I get a chance to shoot at you.
Better than making lawyers rich anyway.
>Cops can shoot an innocent man in the face on an unlawful stop with body cam footage and walk with nothing more then a slap on the wrist and paid vacation.
Name ten times this has happened in the last week.
That you precaced it with last week shows me you know you're full of shit.

Anon, these stories teach and inform minds who don't know any better and enforces ideals that are on their face shit.
It teaches bad lessons.
And an open mind and not taking things seriously is what people who want to brainwash and control you want more then anything.
Or did you not see Impossibles 2.
Take all of this with a grain of salt because I'm not a physics major or doctor.
A sudden stop in motion, and the inertia of the body "wanting" to continue moving is what causes death, since the organs will rupture or try to move wherever they can, tearing the skin and splattering outside the body. Redirecting this motion COULD lessen this, by redirecting the downward kinetic energy sideways, which would gradually slow down as gravity fights his new trajectory and his body.
The problem is that the force required would be like a car hitting him at least, which is still going to fuck that guy up if he's getting caught in the chest.
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There's someone very important all heroes forget to ask, the only person who can truly save anyone.
>"I didn't ask to be saved!"
>Mr. Incredible snaps his neck
Anon he was trying to lull himself. I don’t think he was on good terms with friends and family as is.
>enforces ideals that are on their face shit
Anon you not arguing about ideals/themes you arguing about stupid little details over how things would happen in real life. Autists like you can't comprehend storytelling and ruin everything.
Oh...you're fucking retarded.
I see.
*unzips dick* what now faggot?
Does it apply to barfights as well?
Garth Ennis what are you doing here?

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