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Post and share art of genderbent characters. It can be canon or fanon. I don't care.
This threads usually are for fanart and green text but I kind of want to talk about Gender Bender in western media, episodes, cartoons, comics or shows that actually have gender bender in them whatever a 1 second gag, an episode about the subject or as an element in the background.

Here is an example, Neo Yokio had a Ranma 1/2 parody episode where Kaz's friend swim in a cursed pool and become a woman and a panda.
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Art is by MahmaPuu. The rest of the comic is nsfw. You've been warned.
>Toph is literally unchanged
Can't improve on perfection
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Other examples.

I think MahmaPuu made a new Pic of fem Dipper a while ago.
You have the pic or link?
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Neat, by the way anyone remember a show some anon posted a while ago? it was a kid and his Alien friend having adventures. The GB episode is about the Alien trying to escape an arranged marriage with an alien princess by turning into a female (something his species apparently can do with little problem) There is also a evil little alien and his sidekick a talking cow.
Leave it to France to make a TF fetish show to surpasses Totally Spies. Also that house at the beginning reminds me too much to the one in Rugrats,
In higher quality please?
shout out to desus and mero, the brand was strong :(
Go look for it
This is bimboification, not rule 63
Found it: https://youtu.be/kvuTi-Afm-8?si=LfHDGz5r3-aKAakO
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From last thread:
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>Fem Dipper
>Not rule 63
What the fuck are you smoking?
Didn't we JUST have a rule 63/TG thread that hit bump limit? Why create a new one so soon?
When a thread dies because it hit the bump limit, it means that there is ongoing interest in its topic. What do you think the purpose of an imageboard is?
We always have breaks between R63 threads specifically because there isn't enough content to justify having a thread constantly up. It gives drawfriends time to complete any pending requests and time to do new art. Not to mention, the thread was really slowing down before it hit bump limit
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We can discuss R63 themed original ideas
That was actually super wholesome, i like how for the most part everyone is chill about it
I recond at this point he has been in much weirder situations, and people just see him and say, "well I guess Hes a girl now carry on"
Cute, also I don't think the I needed to change his human disguise too.
Man, this is not how it works, especially because these threads ALWAYS have anons bumping them to not them get out of the catalog (and a lot of posts are just image dumps that everyone has seem).

The usual was 2 threads per month, made around the weekends. Now its like 2 threads per week. Cmon.

This said...
I do wonder why people give F!Aang hair. It's cute but also feels a bit... wrong

Still open to doing the dial thing with cartoon characters as mentioned at the end of last thread. If this one sticks around. I have a feeling it'll fall off before it gets anywhere since that tends to happen, but I'll post in this one as long as other people are.

But it is kinda true that /a/ and /v/ seem to get more r63 content. Are there threads on either of those boards I could check out?
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>A girl among all boys would be both spoiled by the boys, who'd all cherish their one sister, and the parents because she would be their favorite little girl by default

I agree. We even saw a bit of that on the genderbend episode.

>A girl among many girls would mean Linka would have 0 slack for her bullshit


>there would be no slack for being their only brother and being a boy who "doesn't know better", she would be completely dependent on herself in getting all the stuff she wants

Being "just one of the girls" would mean that the show would focus more on "being a middle child" aspect

>This will probably cause Linka to grow up into a girl who always exploits her cuteness to the maximum
If she was the only girl among boys true, but not if they are all girls. She has more and better competition in that aspect

Also if you think that sisters get along easily lol you are mistaken

>She would also be the type to try to keep her popularity up at school

Lincoln has a bit of that already, so I can see, and would probably be more intense with him beign a girl

>She would basically be the brand/fad/celebrity-crazy girl

Yeh, Lincoln is into super heroes, comics, bikes and other boysh interests, so Linka would be into typical girly interests like boybands too. More of a generic girl compared to her sister.

>Probably mostly through boy manipulation, where she would leverage her popularity to assure boys that dating her is very valuable for their social standing

Unlikely. Lincoln is avarage looking, and in the end a mellow fellow, so being a giga stacy is rather forced (also odd if she is just 10 like in the show)

Girl Lincoln would probably be very "mediocre", she would crave to be popular and NOTICED, and probably have more interest in "standing out"compared to her sisters.
The show would have more of a vibe of one of those girl sitcons that were popular on Nick on the 90s.
>The water elemental is male
>The fire elemental is female
>The useless one is female
Much better.
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Continuing this....

I guess an argument could be made if you are setting this when Linka is older, like 16 or so, but I think its hard to see her evolving into a giga stacy. Probably would end up as a "cute girl next door that cleans up nicely in the prom episode".

The manipulative girl you enviosioned is more likely in a scenario where the rest of the sisters were boys instead, but only when she gets a bit older.


If one wanted to have different takes of fem Lincoln, one could make a premise where Lincoln gets hit with something that makes him randomly swap traits with his sisters.

So suddenly he can become the "older sister" and have a different personality based on that. One could also make that he can end up mix and matching several traits, so the forms are always a bit different - like taking Leni's age and Luna's interests or vice versa. I think this scenario is funnier if Lincoln is the only one that retain his memmories of how things usually are and if the transformation can often happens randomly.

One time he might swap with Lori to be able to watch a movie, or swap with Lyyn to win a bike competition - other times he is just minding his business when suddenly he swaps into Lucy mixed with Lola.

>I do wonder why people give F!Aang hair. It's cute but also feels a bit... wrong
Because airbender women have hair. Always.
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>Immediate new thread
What would Linka real be anyway? As Lincoln beimg the only boy is what diferenciates himself from the sisters
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I think given that Lincoln has a need to be popular, Linka would be the kind of girl to jump unto trends without thinking too much, so she would have a less defined personality and interest than her sisters.

Maybe the show would center in Linka trying to find something that defines her as much as her sister's interests do with them
Well, in theory, for it to be bimbofication, it have to be a mental factor in the transformation, be lost of IQ or a change in personality, the comic in question never shows fem dip having his mental makeup change, so it can be say that is a case of a very sexy but standarTG, with age progresion.
more Azulon, please
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>a topic is popular
>therefore there shouldn't be a thread about it
Are you a janitor, by chance?
What a cute loving brother.
Imagine the mommy issues
The "One thread per month" rule wasn't a decision made by jannies, it was a consensus made by a bunch of people who frequented rule 63 threads in order to give drawfriends time to make new content, because otherwise it was just reposting the same 100 pictures over and over again. Now it went from one per month to one every two weeks, and now, apparently having it up constantly, but it still stands that r63/genderbending is a niche fetish that doesn't get as much blue board appropriate content as other fetishes, and therefore /co/ should not constantly have a genderbend thread up
The /aco/ thread is literally what happens when this threads are constantly up, they become zombies with barely anything interesting
I alway wondered why the aco threads don't get a surge in post once the thread in co gets archived. Your will think people would go there to continue talking.
Well in that case how about we make this a writethread instead of a draw thread in order to not waste this one and then go back to the old system next month
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The /aco/ threads were always more of an extenson of the TG threads on /d/. Thing is, the western content for tg tends to be subpar compared to the eastern one, and having two threads to discuss it generically is redundant.

Then there is the fact that drawfags in fact do have a life and can't be drawing 24/7.

Either way that is silly, just proceed as usual.
If a drawfag wants to draw he will draw, if they don't/can't they won't. Making a decree serves no purpose lol

Tho we could have more greentexts and stories writen, I wouldn't mind.
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I like the idea of fem Sokka trying to use trickery and wits to outsmart her oponents rather than direct fight (most of the time). Like flirting to cnfuse them.

Fem Sokka X Zuko

>where is the avatar where are you hiding him?!?
>and where did you come from hot stuff?
>the AVATAR where is he?!?
>who cares about the ava.... ekhm I mean I know all about the avatar
>really the where is he?
>I can show you all my avatar realted stuff if you only follow me into my tent
>if it's some kind of a trap your whole tribe will burn
>oh dont worry you wont regret it... aaand we are here
>there is nothing here about the avatar only boomerangs... you l-lied to-to...
>ups I think my parka dropped to the floor all on its own
>anght yhmg... COVER YOURSELF
>y-you will be cold...
>ohh you know what would fix that? how about a hug from a hot guy like yourself?
>just put on some cloths woman!
>fine fine - close your eyes you prude
>so about the avatar...
>you can open your eyes now
>I think my brests look pretty cute when I squeez them like that
>with a tent in your pants like that? what would your fellow fire nation soldiers think?
>that's not your bussines
>ohh stop it cuite - how bout I give you a hand
>s-stay away!
>dont ugh me it was my first kiss, now you have to take responsibility
>are all the water trieb girls that annoying?
>only the cute ones
/d/ jannies are pretty anal about western art even when it falls with the subject at hand.
They allow it (if it looks good)
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>Bill retcons Dipper into having always been a girl
>still has feelings for Wendy
>all of Wendy’s friends assumed that femDipper was straight so they think she’s just a little dumb when she laughs at all of Wendy’s bad jokes
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I like viral from those dial threads
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speaking of ned
I think that rewriting avatar characters as GB is a lot harder than with other series.
The character are greatly affected by their gender roles in their word, so Sokka is only the way he is cause he is the only man left in his village and is also a non-bender.
We should also take into account if all of the word is change or only the protagonists, cause that also changes their context.
For example if their parents are R63'ed too, that means Sokka and Katara would still have a mother living with them and guiding them, but if their not R63'ed too then thant means Fem sokka would have taken a more motherly rol with Male Katara
A male katara would have the moral weight of becoming a warrior to defend their tribe, so that along with the anger issues would make rather violent male with an urge to grow up
same, canon stuff is really interesting
Inspired by the last thread

>Skylar Pilgrim sat down on the porch of Ramona’s house, head in her hands as pitiful tears dripped through her fingers
>”Ramona… Ramona… Ramona…” she whispered to herself, wallowing in misery as was the norm for her after a breakup.
>as she cried, pathetic and alone, she heard a set of footsteps slowly approaching her. A voice called out “hey Pilgrim” but she cut it off before it could finish.
>”Wallace I really do not want to hear it right…” she trails off as she glared upwards, seeing Roxie Richter standing in front of her. Immediately rage turns to shock and then fear as she jolts upwards, stumbling back while pointing an accusatory finger at Roxie “How are you here! I killed you! I sliced you in half!”
>”Skylar” Roxie starts
>”Are you a vengeful spirit here to haunt me for murdering you” Skylar demands
>”… no” Skylar pelts Roxie with some spare change, causing her to flinch in pain. “Hey what the Hell Pilgrim” more change hits her in the face. “Quit it!”
>”you’re a zombie then” Skylar shouts “the zombie apocalypse has started and you’ve just risen from the grave” she stands up and takes a fighting position “well… if you’re here for my brain then… just get it over with” she holds out her hand in front of Roxie’s mouth “bite me zombie Roxie and make me another mindless undead! I don’t want to think anymore without Ramona”
>Roxie stares at the offered limb and struggles to contain her laughter. She fails and breaks down chucking as the teary eyed woman waves her hand in her face. “Dude! I had an extra life. Gideon gave us all extra lives”
>”oh” Skylar states dumbly “well now I feel stupid”
>”not as stupid as you feel for believing Ramona was for you I bet” Roxie watches as Skylar seem a to deflate in front of her, returning to her previous posture and whispering
>as she sinks, Roxie grabs her hand, pulling her back up to meet her eyes “hey… Skyler, I know you feel like the world is ending right now but, I’ve been through this before ok?” Roxie places a hand on Skylar’s chin, leaning her head to force eye contact. “Ramona always leaves Skylar, and when she does she breaks whoever she’s dating. It happened to me Skylar and I didn’t have anyone to talk to then so… want to head to my place here and… talk about it?”
>Skylar slowly nods. “Yeah, that sounds good”
>”alright” Roxie pats Skylar on the back “let’s go get you back on your feet”
>and with that the two walk off into a nearby Subspace doorway, off to Roxie’s house
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Do you know any other word or are you going to moan like a baby forever?
Here's that Zeke episode (Gender render): https://youtu.be/v3SKhVVcLeM?si=gn-mbEBqE-ZXHqW_
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Would've made the show ten times better if Aang was a fat bottomed girl like pic rel
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We need more of her
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I need to see her as a MILF
The cast of webcomic Lotta Svärd.
The padded bra is a nice detail
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Last thread, someone pitched the idea of drawing the usual genderbend suspects as a fantasy/DnD adventuring party, so I gave a crack at it. Here's Ben as a Wood Elf Druid (because Druids learn Wild Shape, which I think is a decent magical substitution for the Omnitrix).

I guess her wild shape load out would be references to her more animalistic aliens?
>Tiger (Rath)
>Wolf (Blitzwolfer/Wild Mutt)
>Tortoise (Terraspin)
>Frog (Grey Matter/Bullfrag)
>Sting Ray (Jetray)
>Hawk (Kickin' Hawk)
>Moth (Big Chill)
>Monkey or Spider (Spidermonkey)
>Angler Fish (Ripjaw)
>idk Armadillo (Armadrillo?)

I don't remember Wild Shape rules that well, can they turn into dinosaurs in 5e?
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And here she is without the mud effects. I guess her name would be something like Benelise Tenleaf or something? It's a fantasy name so it doesn't have to sound believable.
Where would it even go from there?
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With the TMNT x Naruto crossover happening, do you think we'll see Sexy no Jutsu versions of the Turtle?
Skyler being inducted as the eighth evil ex by Gideon? Or Skyler and Roxie saying fuck Ramona, fuck Gideon, we got our own lives as rock stars to live
If they did that jutsu, they would make a guy pact and never speak of it again. Not even to splinter or Casey and especially to April.
Ok, I have some things to do so I might write more in a little bit
Or you could spend some time building up more of the Roxie/Skyler interactions, actually showing Roxie as a supportive shoulder for Skyler to cry on?
Imagine the shockwaves
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This version of shocker would be a tsundere to an adult Peter Parker.
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Eeew crying lesbians. Why am I not surprised? Yurifags are unbereable becuase they always try to make everything revolve around it.
Ah, I recognize that style anywhere..
Do you have seen a cartoon (or comic or any kind of non /co/ franchise) you are sure that you haven't seen any r63 fanart of ever?
A show R63 didn't apply? The day my butt went psychom, my dad is a rock star?, birl stuff boy stuff, the weekenders, pepper ann.
>”and then her head just started glowing, and it got brighter and brighter, and when my eyes cleared up she was gone” Skylar lays on Roxie’s couch, Roxie sitting besides her as she tells her tale of woe
>”yeah that… sounds like her” Roxie mutters, patting Skylar’s head as she speaks. “For me, One day everything was great and the next her half of the room was packed up” she sighs
>”how did you deal with it?”
>”I didn’t, I just” Roxie slumps down “I got really angry, and then really depressed, and then angry again. At some point I just started eating chocolate because it was sweet and I read somewhere that it makes you happy… I don’t know why I did that” she pokes her stomach unhappy “Ramona is… Ramona is just kind of a bitch Skylar”
>the two sit in silence for a moment, taking everything in
>”is it bad that I still want her to come back” Skylar asks, scooting up onto the edge of the couch
>”probably yeah, but I’d be a hypocrite if I judged you for it. I wanted her back too”
>”she, really makes everything better when she’s around huh”
>”yeah, but then it all gets worse the second she leaves”
>”so, do you want me to call Wallace to pick you up later or…”
>”actually I think I’d rather stay here for a while”
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A lot of good characters from there, hot too.
Would male Azula rape Zuko?
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If I had a coin for every time an over specific situation repeats two times I'll definitely have more that two coins. In this case, The Show Timon and Pumba having a non human male transforming into an attractive blonde woman.

Agree just so it doesn't come off as manipulation.
This feels like a improved version of the Fairly Odd Parent episode where Timmy becomes a girl and I would put it as the gold standard if only they actually committed to give Zeke a new voice instead of having his VA do the most horrible high pitch girl voice he could possibly make, it kind of ruins it for that reason alone.
Here is a question, Does bodyswap between a male and a female count as Gender Bender? I remember an episode of pic related where Dewey swapped with a flight attendant to land a plane.
Ultra-Humanite gets posted so sure why not
What if instead of swapping into Powergirl’s body, Ultra put his brain into a female clone of Superman, only for the boy scout or I suppose Girl Scout in this case traits of the body to start influencing her mind

It doesn't?
Stan Vs. The Forces of Darkness
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Checked the last thread and I guess I forgot it was in the middle of the ICS Superwoman thing
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Still mad we never got a full gender swap episode
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Hey, digging a little deeper I found another episode with GB, this time the Principal (I think) gets turned into a woman by a witch in a Emperor New Groove kind of situation.

Agree, the episode is hard to enjoy with such a horrible voice
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Thanks mate, another one for the count.
Ruining the voice is one of few things that can fuck a show/movie beyond repair.
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if anyone is taking a request... here you go
If only parallel timeline, so why go on?
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Before I forget
Perfect and Cute.
Is good etiquette to wait till some drawfag offers to do request, and aside from that, at least be more specific with your requests
Crossbreed Priscilla?
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I hope we get to see blonde Raph again
That wouldn’t be his name. He’d probably be named Sun or Sol
Huh weird. It also happens in some other old shows. Any idea on the origin?
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>noble metals tend to be the largest types of ores(my name for the MM)
>TW while only being half the size of WD is still an imposing figure who originally worked in construction before becoming the artistic leader of the ores
>Blue Silver is actually a PD tier orelet by silver standards who Titanium still saw value in and trained to become his right hand man
>Gold Leaf is only 8 feet tall due to being a accidentally created from gold scraps in a crucible (much like how real gold leaf is just a thin sheet of gold)
Titanium isn't a noble metal. It's highly reactive, actually. It just forms a durable passivation layer when exposed to oxygen. Now iridium, that's a noble metal.
Tf is this and why it looks so cool.
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I know titanium isn’t a noble metal I just thought the idea of TW being a imposing former labor who rose up to become a warrior poet leader was cool and would make a fight between him and White Diamond somewhat feasible. Should have mentioned that some non-noble metals like titanium are also massive
Stella and the metal men. It’s a glorified r63 Steven au where Steven and the gems still exist.
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aang has a little too much hair for an air bender
Not really, female airbenders usually have long hair, but it seems like they shave their front half to better show their tattos
sounds cool got any more?
I- huh.

I would be happier with this version honestly.
Another one I found, though is an episode of some indie YouTube series:
The right one is Girl Trouble from Nightmare ned: https://youtu.be/PFUwJGqJCx8?si=kEWMto0rcv1OX9Da
On one hand, I feel like that's cheating, to make the Sexy Jutsu version of the Turtles human, but on the other, that was one of the funnier gags in that short
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Anyone willing to give a proper Jimmy Neutron r63 a shot, in the actual show's artstyle?
Weird how a prom queen kind of fit the "cool but rude" attitude.
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I mean, Raph is the jock of the four, it'd make sense that a genderswap would be a popular girl stereotype like prom queen/queen bee/cheerleader.
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Sure here’s another autistic greentext I made
>despite their shared origin and many similarities ores have various distinct differences from gems
>unlike gems they universally use male pronouns despite also technically lacking sex
>are derived from metals and metalloids
>have a internal ore/orestone that acts as both their heart and brain
>have a physical metallic shell which helps to give form to the viscous hard-light liquid their orestone produces
>despite their exoskeletons being metallic their skin has many human-like qualities such as mailublity and warmth (meaning baby Stella wouldn’t lose her shit when held by her robotic uncles)
>tend to be fairly humanoid with some exceptions
>are susceptible to gem tech and Diamond powers (minus white’s minmaxed mindrape)
>most tend to be capable of “limited” shapeshifting
>have two types of fusion welding and alloying
>welds are like combiners where multiple ores sync up and become parts of a larger being
>while powerful welds lack any distinct personality or any unique abilities
>alloys are the result of two more ores merging their orestones
>have a built in universal translator for spoken languages(doesn’t work on cobalts)
>alloys tend to be significantly more powerful than welds with a distinct personality and abilities at the cost of the process being permanent
>are capable of reattaching severed limbs and even have some regenerative abilities using internal metal reserves near their orestone
>if a ore gets too damaged they enter a stasis lock-like coma where their body tries to repair any major damage
>are born in crucibles which harvest both raw metals and biomatter from a planet to birth new ores
>the only way to “kill” a ore is to destroy(scrap) their orestone leaving them in a purgatory like state
>scraped ores are able to be reforged at kilns but are regarded as new people
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Here is another question for what counts as Gender Bender, is dying, reincarnating as a woman in a different place and time and later remembering your previous life Gender Bender?

Camelot 3000 had a character like that, in the year 3000 a lady was about to get married when Merlin awakened her past life memories and suddenly is back to being Sir Tristan.
>The show's art style
That's 3d models, I think thats asking for a bit too much
Well, not necessarily 3D models, but drawing it as close to the style as possible, i.e. Jimmy's bulbous head etc.

If you are willing to consume AI slop I'm willing to give it a try.
Found a rare FTM gender Bender in Bee and Puppycat (The Youtube version) In this episode Bee and Puppycat go to a arcade game like world where they can alter their appearance and Bee chooses a male avatar. This is the only clue you get to link Bee to the scientist baby from Puppycat's dream flashback, you can infer the scientist baby grows to become Bee's creator/dad since both him and Bee's male avatar look the same
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I really love disney prince(esses) 63. some of the concepts get a lot more funny and interesting when put through the genderswap ringer. it also makes you wonder if disney could get away with any of them, or which ones would be more/less popular if the genders were switched.
Beauty and the beast, frozen, and tangled all seem like the results would be the most interesting.
>tfw no genderswapped Little Mermaid with Tim Curry voicing m!Ursula
Picture him singing Poor Unfortunate Souls and tell me it doesn't fit like a damn glove.
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>commoner guy getting flirted with by a muscle dommy mommy, but snubs her and descides to go live with the beastgirl holed away in a castle full of living furniture.
>two royal brothers are pushed apart by ones powers after their parents death. A weird nordic girl who lives in the woods with a caribou convinces them the importance of family and saves them from an evil countess.
>an excitable but soft guy is forced by his creepy dad to sit in a tower forever because of his magic hair until a spunky tomboy outlaw comes and convinces him there is more to the world.
lmao, don't even get me started with the can of worms that is genderswap mulan.
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I'm a bit off on these descriptions but you get the point.
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B&B sounds like a fun story to genderswap
That one comic of male Jessica Rabbit and adorable shortstack Roger Rabbit
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This one?
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Or this one?
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Another one
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holy lord you unlocked old memory
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Rick, I am saying to another man but don’t get her more angry…..think about what happens if it was the “time of the month”.
Artist or found on threads?
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Sometimes happens
Artist name or found on threads?
Found on a previous R&M thread from a few months back. Artist unknown.
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Post fanart you like
NTA but it's Aggravatedmomo.
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Think this version of morty is extra protective by Rick like he is with Beth?
Yes, but only marginally. His "Morty" is an outlier.
Imagine the existential dread of being a exception to the rule in the multiverse. Something I wish to see in a DC comic is someone from earth 11 realizing their world not only is no better that the rest but they are an exception to the rule. Sounds a little mean but thing with earth 11 is that is not only the GB world is also the feminist world so they have that annoying girl power energy the Amazons in DC often have.
>Imagine the existential dread of being a exception to the rule in the multiverse.
Clearly you are the norm and the rest are pale immitations/reflections
Despite the off-brand art thats kinda why I like it.
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>That old sketch I made still getting reposted after all these years
Feels a bit surreal. Personally Plutonium was the favorite of my various drawfaggotry on the Stella threads.
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Rare comic bump
Is a nice feeling seeing people like your stuff and keep it many years later.
This is perfect. There more of these?
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Never grew up with that show, how is it?
Ben’s hotter genderswapped, but Kevin and Gwen are less hot now
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I’ve never actually seen a genderbent Iroh before, I love her
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New ship unlocked
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>tfw would Regina Rabbit
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A few threads back, someone found a fanfic where Ben gets genderswapped and falls in love with Generator Rex. It ended up being this massive crossover fanfic where Danny Phantom merges with Dani and becomes a futa and it just introduced Jake Long before it just stopped updating. Wish I could find the link, but I saved as many of the pictures as I could
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Yes that is Vlad from Danny Phantom in the background. As I said, the fic turned into this massive crossover. I just wonder what the author was going to with Jake before they stopped updating
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Last one from the fic that was specifically focused on Jen and Rex, and it's a bit spicy. Nothing is shown but I'm spoilering just in case
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Honestly, I don't mind the gender bender thread being up more often as long as people keep posting. It also gives me a chance to go back and repost topics that nobody's talked about for years.

Speaking of which, anyone remember Mosaic? He was an Inhuman that Marvel made during their big push with the power to possess people. He had quite a habit of possessing hot women, and I wish he hadn't faded into obscurity.
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Headcanon: Carol has been possessed by this dude for years, which is why she acts so masculine these days.
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