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Parallax >>> Green Lantern
Not much but I would have prefered if once Hal returned the other human gls would have died or simply stop being GLs because if there is something worse than dying is turning into the token black gl and the gary stu one.
for Hal it was, for the rest of the lanterns it was limitating.
I get boosting sales and you needed one green lantern to keep it on earth, but could have been done better
What are Parallax's powers supposed to be anyway? Just everything a Green Lantern can do without needing a Ring?
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>in order for kyle to be relevant, hal has to go crazy, kill everyone, including sinestro, all the green lanterns, all the guardians, and destroy the battery
>then ganthet gives kyle a ring and tells him he's the chosen one and fades away
>oh and kyle is the torchbearer and possesses the most willpower and gets god powers and is called ion because he's that special
>as soon as everything is brought back, kyle fades into the background
>still gets his own books and pops in all over the place but nobody cares
Hal is best when he's a Green Lantern because nobody else can fill his shoes.
parallax sucked and hal >>>> parallax
>waah they nuked my city so I'll kill all my friends
no hero would ever act like that
>>still gets his own books and pops in all over the place but nobody cares
actually not, his "runs" are just unrelated to him that only use him because he is the only avaible since better writers are doing Hal. New Guardians in 2011.
A decade later he appears only to be the token mexican in omega men and everything happened here was useless since will never be referenced again.
He is now a rainbow lantern (AGAIN) but nothing will came out of it if not another godly powerup
>no hero would ever act like that.
It was the 90s.
I would
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I actually liked Kyle being the (semi) straight man to Guy in GLC. Then the new 52 happened and they needed to replace Kyle with John for diversity points. Regardless any time a writer does a 4 Corpsmen story it's going to be kino.
He was heavily used in most of GLC. It started off with Guy being the main GL but Kyle took that over. Bedard was keeping him busy. Kyle was still appearing and leading in various comics. He wasn't forgotten or misused. He just kept not amounting to anything despite his power boosts.
The straight man of GL was John, Kyle is the power cannon.
GLC Kyle was a shittier Hal ripoff
I'm mostly talking about Tomasi's run on GLC that ran concurrently with John's Green Lantern run. For the most part it was just Guy and Kyle who was played nore seriously during that time as a foil to Guy
I actually liked Kyle’s time as the lone GL but I was so glad to see the main four united with Rebirth.
>and Kyle who was played nore seriously during that time as a foil to Guy
yeah, turned into a different character
How much of a fag do you have to be to hate Kyle? Dude is intwined into the GLC in a way that makes sense and respects the material which can’t be said for DC’s other attempts.
It was totally a fair move to do, him going off-kilter with grief, and then being filled with rage when it's only met with apathetic reciting of Corps code and the possibility of losing his ring altogether, getting worse and worse as every other Lantern tries to take him down, posturing over him and preaching about loyalty to the Guardians and nothing else.

The problem is mostly in execution. Knightfall got a decent amount of build up and then took place across like, 17 issues, whereas Emerald Twilight had 1 + 3. No room to do anything except
>I'm sad
>well fuck you Hal, this light show you made is a fireable offense
>FUCK YOU *deletes ur corps*
This is why Rebirth is needed to make ET good. Commentary on the decline of Hal’s character and GL beats “lol he went insane” every time.
Hey whatever happened to the Parallax that came to the main timeline after Convergence
Parallax isn't like a green lantern at all, he's basically just Superman who can use green energy offensively, he can't make constructs or anything like that.
>he can't make constructs or anything like that.
I think the idea Lord Malvolio's ring caused could have worked it
Hal saw some shit in the GL and it should have been the culmination of a lot of things and the him stopping the Guardians at the time from wiping out or quasi genociding the humans AGAIN because they managed to be the most powerful lanterns with little effort compared to the other aliens and they couldn't completely wipe out the metagene/god gene from their DNA.

He actually found out that the Man hunters didn't go rogue. They were sent to wipe out thriving civilizations because they were a threat to the Guardians hegemony and Ganthets tale and everything they did after his city was destroyed and not letting him rebuild.

He snaps and goes to war against the Guardians while appealing for help to rebuild his home then his frustrations and anger of the evils he's had to commit as a green lantern spills over and just wanting a small erg of help just to rebuild his lost home.

He's denied and he later finds out about their plans to eliminate humanity completely. THAT sets off his rage and the Parallax war. In the end Hal Jordan half dead falls into the OA battery and he through force of will absorbs all of the stored light there and becomes Parallax. Instantly depowering all off world GL consequently killing nearly all of them.
He wipes out the rest of the GL on OA with little effort and sets out to defeat and win against the Guardians in a very one sided battle.

But the enormity of what he has done and had to do broke him leaving him a shell of himself. Causing a psychological breakdown that turned him into a monster. He goes across the universe looking for a way to rebuild what was broken but ultimately loses his was and thinks that the only way to create peace is to rule everyone.

For added joke show that the child of one of the human lanterns would become a universal hero and make the GL worthless in comparison.
They find out it's Guy and Ice's son later.
He's basically got the powers of the Guardians times 1000x + GL powers.
He's not a flying brick.
He's a god with green lantern powers.
GL Rebirth was Geoff Johns and Peter Tomasi power washing the Denny O’Neil stank off Hal Jordan.
TBF after War of light, the third army and volthoom I would want to kill the guardians myself too
Geoff Johns is a saint for fixing this garbage
Hal created Parallax as an entity when he went back in time
If Itty was around this wouldn’t have happened
Punished Hal Parallax > Spacebug Parallax
John is always the straight man. He works off of any other lantern better than anyone else. Kyle isn't a straight man so much as the hip and young guy. The weakest pairing is Kyle and John because Kyle doesn't have much of a personality so John's by the books approach doesn't work as well.
The only good human greens are Hal and Jessica and MAYBE Guy
>He works off of any other lantern better than anyone else.
Nah, Kyle and Guy are a better combo than Hal and Kyle.
Vendetti's Four Corpsmen arc showed how each of the Earth GLs work on their own and as a group. That's about the only good thing about his GL runs.
This page shows it well. Ignore the rest of this anon's post because they must've forgot that Kyle got the New Guardians comic at the start of New 52, which was him at his best since Hal came back.

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