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>reject donation from Spindlehorse
>accept donation from Glitch
Ok, fuck these guys.
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nah I like this
sick of the cartoon industry being full of hugboxing nepostism, I want them to fight more
have more beef
but more heads

it's healthier this way
I wouldn't really call it a donation.
Also how is Glitch?
Based, fuck spindlehorse
>nooooo you're not allowed to freely choose who gets control over the product you've created!
Get fucked, commie.
Not OP but what does communism have to do with this?
Then don't say 'rising tides lift all ships,' filthy hypocrite.
Not that anon but talking to him as if he's the one who wrote that title is schizo.
it was all vivzie fault i think
>mutual business decision between two companies
>VS some fat fujoshi trying to buy her way into your shows producer seat without your consent
>buy her way into your shows producer seat
It was a pledge reward...
Skibdi toilet won in the end glitchfags get BTFO
Industrycuck thread
yes. a reward meant for people interested in supporting the show and not shilling their brand.
>shilling their brand
Oh shut up, no one was gonna learn about Helluva Boss by scrolling through the Lackadaisy pledge list. Vivzie promoted the Lackadaisy Kickstarter to her massive following, all support moved in one direction.
Not remotely relevant, and not even attacking Murder Drones. You just saw N in the thumbnail and picked up a negative vibe from the post, so you went into defense mode because Murder Drones has the most insecure fanbase on the internet.
>b-but it wouldn’t have worked so it’s fine
god you’re pathetic
...it wasn't her intention.
Viviene used to be a small fish in the empty pond that was indy animation. Now the pond is rapidly filling up and every new fish is making her look bad by comparison, not even mentioning her frequent social media sperg outs and complete inability to act in a professional setting. Her trying to become a producer for Lackadaisy was an attempt at framing herself as the grandmother of indy animation and got told to go fuck herself.
>sick of the cartoon industry being full of hugboxing nepostism
Nepostism? Can you elaborate more?
Vivzie doesn’t pay her editors
nta but you need to get over your md schizophrenia. it's bitching about indie so it's a fair assessment
>immediate bitching about murder drones out of nowhere
>ironically comes off as extremely insecure because you're giving away your paranoia over murder drones fans
Actual schizophrenia.
Nobody even brought up Murder Drones you fucking sperg. You just gave yourself away.

Also, Industrycuck thread. That or a butthurt Helluva Tranny.
What other community accuses everyone of being the mythical Industrycuck/Dinofag? Also, 3 posts in a row, lmao. Go back to /trash/.
ladies and gentlefaggits, we got em.
Hm.. this post seems oddly personal. Almost like you're seething over something and have a vendetta.
industrycuck shitting himself again lol.
I just want to have a thread about indie studio drama, but I made the mistake of forgetting to censor the Murder Drones character from the picture and now the thread is derailed. That's why I'm mad, we can't talk about anything even tangentially related to something tangentially related to something tangentially related to that show without having the most autistic thread on the board.
nobody brought up murder drones except for you, you mentally ill faggot.
>just keeps sperging out about MD when fucking nobody even said anything about it, just making it clear that you have some sort of a personal grudge that you keep continuously autistically rambling about
Get help.
You fags have been in /trash/ so long that you think Industrycuck is a regular topic of conversation on /co/. He's the Murder Drones boogeyman, so when you brought him up I knew I was talking to Murder Drones fans. Fuck off.
>murder drones boogeyman
anyone who has been here longer than two years knows you're lying, industrycuck. you were seething about helluva way back when
>just starts bullshitting
fucking lmao.
funny how you're talking about boogeymen when you're the one randomly sperging out about murder drones when NOBODY BROUGHT IT UP EXCEPT FOR YOU.
That never made sense because HH/HB is way more popular than Lackadaisy.
Neopuritan Eleutheromania is by far the biggest mental illness in modern western culture and indie animation industry, yet it's also the most unaddressed one.
Eleutheromaniacs who suffer with Oedipal Complex and Oikophobia lash out with aggression if you even try to point it out.
>You are (fictional character from the Murder Drones general)!
>Fuck off, I'm not talking about Murder Drones.
>Uh, no one mentioned Murder Drones except you???
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Industrycuck sperg-out thread. This nigger is so traumatized by the success of indie toons that he lashes out and accuses anyone of being a fan of something he doesn't like, like some sort of paranoid schizophrenic.
This is why gook trannies need to be euthenized.
>lying about industrycuck being something made up by MD fans
>acting like industrycuck hasn't been around for years before MD
>trying to create the narrative that anyone who mentions industrycuck is an MD fan
Blatant. You dumb faggot.
I like that you're so autistic that it doesn't even occur to you to pretend to not be from >>/trash/md/. You're too honest.
I don't have one on hand, but a simple screencap of him seething about god knows what from before ep2 of murder drones would put this nonsense to be immediately
Mindbroken retard. Keep sperging out about these MD fans that aren't here who are following you from this general you're so paranoid about. Yet again, the only one who brought up anything related to MD is you.
>screencap a random anon criticizing an indie show
>see, it's industrycuck!
>looks at OP
>looks at immediate sperg-out about a random indie show that nobody mentioned
lol ok industrycuck.
Industrycuck isn't someone created by Murder Drones fans, you dense fucking retard. Either you are Industrycuck trying to deflect, or you're a retarded tourist that hasn't been on /co/ longer than a year and you don't know what the fuck anyone is talking about so you're just throwing a bitch fit over Murder Drones because you're butthurt over something that's happened in some previous thread on this board and can't get over your ass-ache. There's a possibility that, if you're a retarded tourist, you saw that Industrycuck hates Glitch (and indie toons like Murder Drones) so you're doing this dumb shit where you assume anyone who mentions Industrycuck is automatically part of this MD stalker squad that is following you around from this general you keep blabbering about.

TLDR; kill yourself and indie animation won.
In the indy animation scene, Spindlehorse has already developed a bad reputation of being incompetent, slow, and poorly managed, also. if her shows weren't tailor made to appeal to loud, obnoxious tumblr faggots, she'd have nothing to show for her years of painstakingly failing to meet deadlines and fighting tooth and nail with her own employees to get them to do the work they agreed to do.
Yeah yeah, it just so happens that 95%+ of Industrycuck mentions happen in Murder Drones threads. Total coinkidink.
Mindbroken. Seethe.
>Yeah yeah, it just so happens that 95%+ of Industrycuck mentions happen in Murder Drones threads. Total coinkidink.
Complete and utter lie, and I'm certain you know this is a lie. A very simple search on Desuarchive proves you wrong. You're a schizophrenic butthurt nigger who can't get over this delusional narrative you've conjured for yourself. Overdose on your meds immediately.

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Glitch Productions won.
Indie animation won.

Cope and seethe about it forever, faggot.
oh neat, another thread created by a schizo for me to sage.
>thinks there's one person responsible for every disparaging remark ever made about indie animation
>I'm the schizo
I have to ask, if industrycuck was a creation of the dronefags, why do mentions of him show up prior to MD even existing?
When did I say they created it? It's a term they appropriated when they were losing Ms. /co/.
the simple answer is schizophrenia.
that anon is blatantly delusional and just looking for any excuse to randomly bitch about dronefags, if if it means shitting himself over them and accusing anyone mentioning industrycuck of being one even though industrycuck throws hissyfits over much more than just MD.
>Ms. /co/
And there it is. This thread can die now, as we're now fully aware of your game and why you're so mindbroken over murder drones of all things. It's so over.
All money comes with stings attached. They just liked the strings attached to Glitch more.
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Is Michael Bay really winning?
>reject donation from Spindlehorse
>accept donation from Glitch
Okay, based. Fuck spindlehorse.
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I'm seeing an assmad schizo in this thread. Whether it's industrycuck trying to shitfling over indie shows again or a seething Helluvafag crying that Vivienne "THE PIG" Medrano and Spindelhorse are getting outshined by Glitch - it doesn't really matter.
Point and laugh. Just point and laugh.
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>Ms. /co/ is one month away
i am ready. are you?
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maybe we'll have better luck this time, assuming Uzi isn't put up against Raven in the first round
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raven can't compete this year. we will be unstoppable.
Fuck off OP
did you post this just to piss off OP who's mad about Ms. /co/?
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Aaaaaand it's a Murder Drones thread. Told you.
>zoomer indie toon
Round 1 jobber.
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that's at least two days of
this is a ms. /co/ thread actually
hazbin hotel may have been a steaming pile of shit but lute was cute and i'll be voting for her
1) it's not a donation. They're setting up infrastructure which indies can take advantage of. Lackadaisy is the first one testing it out.
2) The guys behind Glitch weren't outed for talking massive shit about the Lackadaisy director, only donating after they got called out on it.
3) you're a drama baiting retard. Go back to discord.
>OP starts bitching about murder drones out of nowhere, showing he's butthurt about MD and has a personal grievance despite nobody bringing it up
>acts like his bitching is justified because murder drones posters show up after the fact and post in order to annoy him, due to his aforementioned seething about murder drones
Holy fucking BTFO, Batman.
It's genuinely really funny if OP is 100% serious. Either he's just trying to start indie-related shit-flinging like you said, or he's an actual seething Helluvafag throwing a tantrum.
However, him starting to use Helluva/Hazbin images like in >>144655995 all of a sudden is a little bit suspect.

I'm thinking it's probably just falseflagging. He's trying to start shit and encourage fighting regarding discussion of indie toons. Or he has a targeted hateboner for Murder Drones hence why he's immediately switched up to this narrative he's using when again - he's the one that brought up Murder Drones in this thread in the first place just to cry about it.
two days of being an annoying ass and getting dunked on actually.
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yeah that's what you'll experience
I think you should go take up your saltiness over silly internet cartoon contests with HR.
That applies to literally everything about the tournaments.
Also ENA got into E8.
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>I actually wanted to work at Nickelodeon at some point
>tfw i am now a Glitch chad
>suddenly Ms. /co/ thread after OP states that part of his sperg-out is because of last year's Ms. /co/
fucking kek, the hilarity never ends. OP will never stop having a sore butthole.
>Her trying to become a producer for Lackadaisy was an attempt at framing herself as the grandmother of indy animation and got told to go fuck herself.
I don't keep up with all this stuff, but, this really happened? Hahaha.
Fucking based. Faggot OP will never get over this.
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Post terrible Elite 8 members
>ENA got into E8.
The tranny pick?
i can always tell when a thread gets linked on /tnt/ because the retard obsessed with mr. incredible starts shitting the thread up
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being perfect is a way of understanding yourself
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>dimeless indie shitter jobbers being uppity again
Shou Fu Kan in Heroes of /co/ for not being /co/
>Cries about Glitch cucking Spindelhorse / Vivziepop
>Projectile shits himself in the thread about Murder Drones over literally nothing
>Paranoid posts accusing posters of following him and attacking him from some sort of general
>Lets slip that he's mentally scarred over Ms. /co/ 2023 leading to more people clowning on him
Holy shit what the actual fuck is this autism? I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Why hasn't this guy killed himself yet?
Whole lotta Nfags ITT.
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>dunked on
it's okay, this thread wasn't worth jack shit anyway.
She WILL Reach Round 4
She WILL have an upset win against a fan favorite character
She WILL get spite voted out
I don't know why he's so butthurt over murder drones, it's not like they won in Ms. /co/ 2023. Hell the two major contenders literally got Ms.Literally Who.
Meds, industrycuck. Now.
Ragatha is built for ryona and suffering, so yes she is going to get spited in a sad manner.
I wouldn't even be mad. TADC is fine and mogs MD.
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I don’t have enough neuron’s to understand what you had said
>Meds, industrycuck. Now.
but that's not industrycuck, that's a shitposter from Ms. /co/ threads and /tnt/ he makes those same posts all the time for anything related to indie toons
Industrycuck's take on Recettear: An Item Shop Tale?
>he's still trying
See >>144656551 industrycuck
You silly billy newfag. Industrycuck's posts are obvious. That's not him.

>resorts to tribalfagging between TADC and MD
commendable bait attempt, but no cigar my friend.
On a genuine note, people should just enjoy what cartoons they personally enjoy. :)
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>He fell for the propaganda
>Ragatha is built for ryona and suffering, so yes she is going to get spited in a sad manner.
It's a dull sort of pain.
Kill yourself. We all know you're going to be mad over something no matter what.
what a sad existence
Based funny HAITCHposter.
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>proves his point
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>indie shitters seething over papa H
*bows the fuck down*
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>vivzieslop vs glitchslop
who cares, SKIBIDI won
he's whining on /tnt/ again
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>I open my eyes
>I try to see but I'm blinded
>By the white light
You don't mean ONE GUY the florida man of /co/?
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>I can't remember how
>I can't remember why
>I'm lying here tonight
>OP's shitty seethe thread invaded and shit up by /tnt/
fucking kek
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How many of you guys actually buy official merch based off your fav shows
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And I can't stand the pain
And I can't make it go away
No I can't stand the pain
all me btw
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>How could this happen to me?
>I've made my mistakes
>Got nowhere to run
>The night goes on
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>As I'm fading away
>I'm sick of this life
>I just wanna scream
>How could this happen to me?
Vivzie must be the equivalent to social napalm if nobody wants to work with her in the indie animation scene.
But given some leaks, that comes as no surprise.
I don’t know about any of that but AEW is the only fed worth a dome.
>Everybody's screaming
>I try to make a sound
>But no one hears me
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so why not go for it all? you have nothing to lose because you were always nothing
>I'm slipping off the edge
>I'm hanging by a thread
>I wanna start this over again
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>So I try to hold
>On to a time when nothing mattered
>And I can't explain what happened
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>worth a dome.
Only NJPW works the tokyo dome.
>And I can't erase the things
>that I've done
>No I can't
Fuck Spindelhorse, they rejected Michael Kovach first
Can you schizos shut up?
>How could this happen to me?
>I've made my mistakes
>Got nowhere to run
>The night goes on
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>As I'm fading away
>I'm sick of this life
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>I just wanna scream
>How could this happen to me?
on point for this guy, he would definitely say this
this never would've happened if murder drones won last year
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>I've made my mistakes, I've got nowhere to run
>The night goes on as I'm fading away
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>I'm sick of this life, I just wanna scream
nah, everything would be the exact same
Why do MDfags always attribute every single sort of criticism or insult to one person? It’s a very consistent behavior
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>How could this happen to me?
Nobody did that, retard. OP of this thread started bitching about MD out of nowhere and then immediately outed himself as being butthurt about Ms. /co/.
>OP of this thread
Are you sure about that?
>anon posts a bunch of good E8 members
What did he mean by this?
Murder Drones mog The Legion of Terrible E8s (both /co/ and /v/)
this thread is still going? what the fuck even happened here.
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burn in hell fire!
They would have to actually make E8 first for there to be a comparison (impossible challenge).
>what the fuck even happened here.
During his gay baby tantrum OP mentioned Ms. /co/ and opened the flood gates for a bunch of /tnt/ posters to pass through the rift.
At minimum, how were Wuya and Captain America good?
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the price of the tickets would kill them first
>accidentally makes the shit thread he made and flooded with his schizo delusions actually funny o read
Do you believe in miracles?
Both only bad cause tourney meta. Fine characters.
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no anon! stop IT ANON!!!
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That's what she wants.
i will give her everything she wants
OP is kill??
Autism can only be fought with autism.
I don't think you can diagnose what /tnt/ posters have.
too much free time
Tourneyhead faggotry is a new unique kind of autism that has only been allowed to flourish the last few years.
in any case they're more well-off than the fag that made this thread.
a ironic twist of fate
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>/tnt/ thought Kenshiro was a "boring winner" for Heroes of /a/ because... /tnt/ thought he was the most deserving winner and voted him in the finals?
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you are nothing
/tnt/ has always been weird about what's campooning or boring or whatever. Right this moment they're arguing about ooc campaigning and turning on one of their once favorite campaigners.
Don't forget that Superman almost lost Heroes of /co/ in round 2 because /tnt/ thought he was boring, only to walk back on that months later by saying he should've won and that Hank was "never a real hero." /tnt/ doesn't know what they fuckin want.
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>/tnt/ is one person
Nobody said this though.
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all of your dreams, hopes, and goals! were all for nothing, I am nothing
>guys spegs about MDfags ruining threads
>MDfags show up to laugh at him and then ruin another thread
Like pottery.
>favorite campaigners
Which shouldn't be a thing to begin with because campaigners are not fucking cults of personality.
buckbroken, arrest yourselves and go to bed.
'twas /tnt/ who tarnished the thread
Reminder if your character doesn't have 100 OC's and gay rape RP every thread they are silent bitches.
You don't know what buckbroken means and this post is sheer cope.
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>"ruining" this shit thread made by a schizo
>ignoring /tnt/ showing up because of OP sperging out
You don't know what mindbroken means and this post is queer arrest.
>Carried by the goth bitch
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>Dimeless indy shitters are fighting each other so the winner can get over
somewhere understandable, winning is a universal desire
>/tnt/ faggotry ruins yet another thread
I mean it was already destroyed by that one faggot whining about Murder Drones but they didn't help the st
>the st
Even when you didn't mention his name, it's weird how Candlejack still got to y
candlejack has gotten stron
Im OOTL on Industrycuck, why does he do it?
Women getting shit on again by stupid bitches that can't do their job.
you already made this shitpost gaytard
Gooseworx, Liam Vickers, Tracy Butler, and Sr Pelo are the only people in indie animation worth caring about. fuck viv.
Why are you offended on Viv's behalf? did they insult your precious queen?
she does have notoriously paper-thin skin.
Industrycuck has basically become a placeholder name for a bunch of other schizo's over the years.
>because Murder Drones has the most insecure fanbase on the internet.
Not true when Vivziepop exists.
Does Viv even have actual defenders here? All her fans seem to be on reddit, deviantart and what's left of tumblr.
Didn't viv's mother or siblings run damage control for her or something? or I think they comforted her after one of her freakouts.
eh there's probably a few here and there.
based supportive family
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/an/lympics 2025 predictions?
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Bumblebeebrothers I'm scared we might be Spinel 2
Bumblebee is a Kleinerfag pick.
>won the worst tournament of the year so far
Bees weren't carried by an animal Facebook group so we're safe
Show on me the doll where Kleinerfag touched you.
All money would be evenly distributed and all those projects would be lifted up no matter the quality
>She's gotten fatter.
Hahahaha YES!
There's nothing wrong with some OOC campaiging. Just don't act like a coping bitch about it.
Is Viv really indie if she got Amazon money for Hazbin Hotel?
they are literally doing the communist fist in the image.
OOC campaigning is fine if you've been in the game a few years and need something new.
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Post yfw no more NSA.
not really. She likes to think of herself as a champion of indie, but she hardly qualifies as indie at this point.
Yup say what you will about the transformers bay films but they made that franchise popular from all over the world transformers before bay era transformers was a dying ip only gen x and some millennials
she's a woman in her 30s. who needed one of her siblings to run damage control for her at one point.
Villains of /a/ is tomorrow on /tnt/ btw.
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I just clicked this thread to see what people had to say about the business partnership, why are you /tntroons/ so fucking autistic
/tnt/ shitters aren’t from /co/ and are basically brigading the board. People who use /co/ and do tournaments usually aren’t on /tnt/ (some are), the users on /tnt/ are all self-admitted users of /v/, Soijak Party and Kiwifarms and only come here when directed to
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I should probably stop shitposting there before they beg their faggot admin to dox me, but it's difficult not to it's really fun
State subsidized
Is this not hugbox?
You mean Spinel 3. Grimm* was Spinel 2.
Fang was Spinel 2
>in the empty pond that was indy animation.
fuck off retard, do you seriously believe indie animation started in 2019? stop gaslighting people into believing the current overhyped piles of shit started some kind of revolution.
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*blink* Who should I rig for this year?
You should give back to Carl by making him win this year.
Queen Pigzie Poop needs her double order of Big Carls from Grubhub now! No tip! Get to it! Your queen needs to be full!
>Pigzie Pop
Holy shit my sides
Bejitabro btw
I hear what you're saying and you definitely have a point, but to play devil's advocate, helluva boss is still indie
not anymore. They're 100% autonomous now.
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>viv sells out to corpo faggots and hollywood nepotism
>glitch goes from sucking government teat, to being completely self-sufficient, to funding other indie creators
oh how the turntables
It's beautiful, isn't it? And OP will be fucking seething about it forever.
I see you guys, hi
every damn time
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Don't compare that sack of garbage with Ms. Piggy.
Having spent some time there I really doubt it. Especially since sharty raided /tnt/ for whatever reason
I do think the admin lording asking annoying posters to get banned or doxxed is gay. And I'm actually concerned to say anything about it there cause Black Hand confirmed lurks the threads and he has dickriders.
b-but, he totally owned that awful chud that drew a muzzle on a dog! It was justified....
Don't want to have anons shit talk you over what you post? Simple! Don't be an instigator lol
Him just confirming the IP's matched for NSA was okay, not doxxing location, then doxxing a separate anon, then anon's requests several times later he do the same or ban other anon's.
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Okay I know anons have begged for him to dox people, like wariofag when he complained about batter or that guy that keeps sperging about Mr incredible but when did he actually dox someone else? I thought NSA was the only victim
Some anon that was questioning his dox in the same thread the NSA dox was happening. He basically just said the anon was from the same location(s), insinuating it was NSA samefagging.
So that Republican guy is a communist?
The problem is OP assumes people know what Spindlehorse is. Glitch at least has some well known shows but this is the first time I've ever seen the word Spindlehorse mentioned.
since this thread is tangetially about HazbinHotel, anybody got that gif of Angeldust saying "Get a load of this fag"? I can't find it in my PC
I've been doing deeper research lately and she seems like a petulant womanchild
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EXCUSE ME but you circus consumers and hotel hacks seem to be forgetting who's going to be the REAL best animator this year. MY favorite indie animator!
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You're telling me the producer of homosexual christianity rebellion cartoons is IMMATURE? what the FUCK
Isn't this nigga dead?
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>indie alphoomerfags thinking they have any chance of even getting past round one
lmao, can't wait to see more jobber tears from children this year.
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I woulda done the same thing, There's a lot of questionable Business choices Vivzie has done, especially her ending up aligned with Amazon. Glitch seems like they're more responsible up front.
I don't know why, but the Spindle shows are still the only ones I'm actually attached to and buying merch for. The other indie shows are fun but they're kind of passively enjoyable in an 'oh neat' way. Like most other tv shows really. I'll watch the episode or season once and be done with it.

There's something about the Spindle shows that make their characters a lot more compelling, to me anyway. I think it's because they're the only indie (or from indie) shows in recent years that are proper dramas so far, that can also fully appeal to an 18+ crowd. Which means that their content is generally less censored or toned down, even if they have youtube/amazon constraints and weird 'wokeisms' (e.g. no racism in hell). There are ways the characters self-express that make them somehow more entertaining.

Imo the only show that seems like it might properly be gunning for the Hazbin/Helluva niche is The Gaslight District. But that one remains to be seen. Everyone is saying that Spindle is being outcompeted or whatever, but not really imo. At least not among its niche and core audience. Even after 4-5 years of the initial Hazbin premiere, there still isn't a true competitor. Which to me is annoying and sad, these creators have full creative control but they keep making safe content anyways (with the exception being creators like Flashgitz or Meat Canyon, but their content is so inconsequential or comedic it's hard to give a real shit about their story or characters).

I personally wish that The Digital Circus leaned why harder into its "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream" influence, and horror aspects. It's gained mass appeal, but making it safe for kids feels a bit lame.
Pic not related? Anonymous Thu 23 No. 143769690 was right....
What an introspective thread.
>accept donation from Glitch
Except it's not a donation?
This is two creators coming to a mutual agreement.
Personally I don't have a hateboner for Viv like many anons - I like what spindlehorse has produced. But the donation would have automatically triggered a "producer" credit as a donation benefit. It's one thing to offer that credit to a Suspiciously Wealthy Furry patron as a cute little "you helped make this happen to such an extent that in my eyes you're a producer!"
It's a VERY different thing to hand a "producer" credit to another creator, even one that made a generous contribution. Tracy was 100% within her rights to go "oh, uh, thanks but no thanks, I'm not comfortable taking that money from another animator that has more money than me but who had no hand in coming up with this story or any of the designs." I wish Viv had asked in private, dealing with Tracy like an equal (like Glitch presumably did) instead of turning it into internet gossip.
>Vivzie promoted the Lackadaisy Kickstarter to her massive following
Wrong, she posted to brag about her pledge but never bothered to link the kickstarter. She just wanted praise for it without sending any traffic their way. Fuck her.
>hey guys, lackadaisy has a kickstarter and you should go donate to it!
>aw man, you didn't post a link, now I'll never find it!
what the fuck is /tnt/
Tards n Tears
>There's something about the Spindle shows that make their characters a lot more compelling, to me anyway.
Can't fix shit taste I guess.
>he's still going
Indie alphoomer... I know you made that post, you don't need to samefag. Everyone knows.
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This isnt proof of anything when 4chanX exists
wow, she just keeps getting fatter and fatter
Lackadaisy might not have the raw numbers, but it hands down looks way better on a technical level than Hazbin’s pilot. It had better rendering and much more consistent character models. Getting a piece of that would’ve definitely been a score for Viv.
People keep saying this, but until TADC came around and blew everything out of the water, I think Lackadaisy's numbers were fine. Hazbin has been around longer so that pilot has more views, but Lackadaisy holds their own.
Homelander bros this is gonna be the year
NSA being from Las Vegas is funny to me for some reason.
>based womanchild spic who needs mama and her 50 siblings to run damage control for her
Mammon must have been result of incredible projecting
>everything I dislike is a industrycuck
Desperate Glitchfags. Dah, Glitch is already running out of money.
>He’s STILL going
Ah yeah, the guys that are helping fund OTHER unaffiliated indie cartoon shows like Lackadaisy are running out of money.
Are you sure you're not the desperate one?
This is what I don't get, why would you let any random fucker be a producer on your shit just for paying for it?
I've seen it pointed out before, but Viv's characters in Hotel all allegedly come from different eras in history, yet all act the exact same, and basically crack the same sex jokes. Like she just used the 1930s as a coat of paint for certain characters.

Lackadaisy on the other hand seems to have extensive research and encyclopedic knowledge of the era and subject matter it's dealing with, and is far, far better in that regard.
Is *HE* in the room with us right now?
One of her siblings works in Spindle, too
>vivzie can't stop with the tumblr characters
The sky is blue.
My HEROES Homelander and Omni-Man will SAVE Ms. /co/ by being the only entertaining things about it.
This really doesn't work, especially with Homelander. Dude is too nerfed to even carry one plane.
Pretty sure Homelander can actually lift the weight of a plane. The problem is that The Boys somewhat obeys the laws of physics, and it's even mentioned that if Homelander attempted to lift the plane from below he'd just go right through the hull and make a hole due to his surface area compared to the hull of the plane.
Maybe on planet retard.
Research vs Pure Aesthetics. It makes a difference. This is why Vivxie is worse than every one of her contemporaries despite having the biggest portfolio for an indie producer.
>Want Accurate Style? Lackadaisy wins
>Want Actual raunchy Humor? Smiling Friends shits on her.
>Want Psychological/Existential Horror? Amazing Digital Circus
the homelander joke is not funny
Murder Drones mogs Helluva/Hazbin in the edge and kino department.
Amazing Digital Circus mogs Helluva/Hazbin in the wacky designs and funny character moments department.

It's not even funny. Just sad. Helluva Boss could have been something in Season 1.
The Homelander joke is funny.
parroting is an admission of defeat
... in bizarro world.
using shitty /dbs/ replies is an admission of defeat
People on this site conflate getting connections via past work with nepotism
It is, but "anons" give it a pass because of the creator.
It is
Transformers has always been popular and a toy juggernaut even before the movies
This. Using past work to get jobs and having a network are both thought of as "nepotism" because apparently most of the people on /co/ work shit jobs that require little to no previous experience or skill.
holy shit, now I need to see some deep fakes of vivzie's face superimposed on miss piggie for old muppet sketches.
Cherry-picked categories. I want a musical.
Sonic characters being edgy is a department you can keep, lol.
Go back to your all-you-can-eat buffet, Vivzie. Nobody asked you.
just saying, other animated shows, indie or otherwise (the examples given) do far, far better in raunchy humor.
Digital Circus feels more like hell in one way or another than pigziepop's work.
viv slaps a vaguely 1930s coat of paint on a character and calls it a day. other shows were actually passionate about making a period piece.
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>just saying, other animated shows, indie or otherwise (the examples given) do far, far better in raunchy humor.
The only example you gave was Smiling Friends and it's hardly raunchy at all. Don't really care either way, if I really want raunchy humor I'll listen to Howard Stern
>Digital Circus feels more like hell in one way or another than pigziepop's work.
Only if you're a Pomni, whom I can't relate with at all (I'm a Jax)
>other shows were actually passionate about making a period piece.
Good thing Hazbin Hotel is not a period piece
Post body with timestamp.
Where the part of them making out with eachother
>especially her ending up aligned with Amazon.
That's not a questionable business choice, that's called being fucking smart and going with the streaming service everyone and their grandmother has by virtue of having a Prime membership.
Post winner material.
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Who tf is Spindlehorse?

>Her trying to become a producer for Lackadaisy
Gimme the skinny bruh.
Wtf is /tnt/?
My main.
>implying he wasn't annoying as fuck while posting as Plantfag
Helluva trannies kys asap challenge.
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Does she qualify for Ms. /co/?
I heard there were a lot of ex spindlehorse employees working on lackadaisy and Michael Kovach and Ashley Nichols had a huge falling out with viv and that's why the og cast was replaced
Kovach was replaced because he couldn't sing.

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