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>First it was Dr. Disrespect
>Then it was the Mr. Beast family wrecking tranny
>Now one of the lead writers and creators in Cartoon Network has been caught with cheese pizza. 600 images of child abuse, some content including BDSM.
What the fuck is going on??? What the fuck is wrong with men??
Wow 3 men did something bad? Out of 4 billion?? W-what's going on??
There were others in the past. There will be more in the future.
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>600 images of child abuse, some content including BDSM.
Anon, don't undersell it. It was 16 terabytes over several hard-drives worth of cheese pizza. That's far more than 600 images. That's at least hundreds of hours of footage and hundreds of thousands of images.

On the upside, he apparently resisted arrest and got beat down and tazed. So we'll hopefully get that bodycam footage eventually. That should be fun. Mans gonna get skinned alive first day in prison.
So on the court site it says the result of the arraignment/plea was 'Held - Proceedings'. What does that mean exactly

>He believed the MAGA boomer on twitter
The BDSM thing is a rumor started by Nico Colaleo because he’s a retard who misunderstood the charge.

The 16tb and taser thing has no source aside from a Twitter shit-post. Stop repeating unsubstantiated rumors.
I refuse to believe it was this much. Not even my pirated movies/shows weights this much. It's almost like he somehow got all that exists. Perhaps these (((people))) in the elite can really get access to all this. He very much had partners.
Magiswordsbros......It's over.
I really liked that show too
Surprisingly almost none of his 300 throwaway slop pitches featured underage characters
Is it confirmed to be real shit or is it cartoon shit?
Bro who has 16 tb of anime lolis saved on their computer?
Why do you ask this every thread
16tb is a shitpost it was 600 images.
First Kyle thread I’ve been to. I know he was an anti-lolicon crusader that cancelled somebody, I was just seeing how much of a fuckwad he is.
everyone in /a/
>16tb is a shitpost
Tell that to the 6 million who saw that post about it.
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Thank God there's no woman that do anything wrong in the animation industry... after all, if it's not on record it doesn't matter
Three men with high profiles.
Motherfuckers are rumor mongering as a prelude to recruiting for the culture war. A mere 600 images just isn't shocking enough for their purposes.
Two men, and a woman*
holy shit this guy could not look MORE like a pedo if he tried. I feel like all it took was one look from a cop and they went "Yep, we're checking that guys harddrive. Probable cause? C'mon look at the fuckin guy!"
Real, not loli.
Real. Police don't arrest you for loli in the US or EU, unless the subject matter is a real life person.
We were referring to Mr Beast, but still, trannies are not real women.
Nobody gets thrown in jail for cartoon porn in America, loli or not. The only illegal shit is the REAL shit, as it should be. So fucking stop it.
I read a comment here years ago that has always stuck with me:
>If you hear about someone getting arrested with gigabytes of CP, you can be sure they're a pedophile. If you hear about someone getting arrested with terabytes of CP, you can be sure the government wanted them disappeared
Why do I hear vee laughing like a maniac (or more of a maniac than usual)?
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>It was 16 terabytes over several hard-drives worth of cheese pizza.
16 terabytes is an astronomical amount. Was that a typo? Did they mean gigabytes? Also, hopefully the thread doesn't get nuked before I can ask again- was that source even remotely credible?
>was that source even remotely credible?
lolno, it was some random guy
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So Jared Fogle is actually some whistleblower who knew too much?
16GB for 600-1200 pictures sounds like the right number (assuming a decent chunk of them are high-res... ugh)
Honestly it'd be nothing short of impressive to have 16tb.
>16GB for 600-1200 pictures sounds like the right number
That's not even close
he'd need over 16000 pictures (assuming every picture is at least 1mb in size)

Niggas can't fathom how much 16TB of space is
A lot of times what gets me is how these people just can't shut the fuck up. Like so many people are caught cuz they say or do shit so overtly online in public space online. I would think after the internet being around for at least a generation or two people would learn.
That's what I figured.

It would align with the charges too since the charges explicity state 600 pictures or 12 videos.

>anime loli
It's important to know that it was real 3D kids and not anime loli. This was a distinction that was made within the charges - it says it wasn't drawn images.
>person moral panicking and harassing people over loli/shota was a pedo the whole time
What a strange thing to keep happening.
>What the fuck is wrong with men??
You almost had a strong thread, but you ruined it with this needless line. This problem exists in both genders and you have basically stated that you're fine with it when women do it by only calling out men. Would you like to share your views? Very concerning.
It really is funny that for all the pearl-clutching about loli and shota, cartoon creators who get busted for child porn always seem to be men who drew busty adult women: John K, Kyle, the mangaka for Galko-Chan...
He did have one about “sixth grade fashion police” which also feature a Hispanic girl whose entire personality is being profoundly retarded
>Don’t draw in calarts style
>Mossad plants CP on your computer and ends your life
Many such cases
>handful of examples

how about you just settle down and get yourself a nice drink and relax.
I don't think there's that much in existence.
>16 TB
/tv/bros, we need to up our game
I hope Kris Tyson goes to jail.
>Transgresses sexual normativity in the most shocking way possible
Does this make Kyle a queer man?
Nothing that women aren't also guilty of. It's just that when adult women sexualize little boys or young teenage boys, it's seen as creepy and in bad taste, but not utterly horrific unless they're actually a child molester, or incestuous.

I'm not trying to run interference on how bad it is, but saying it's only men (even disregarding the infinitesimally small amount of child molesters) is ignorant and retarded.
What exactly did Kris do other than associate with shad
At 16tbs you're making the shit yourself in ultraHD. The kinda shit that puts Epistein and all of Serbia to shame
what makes it more awful is the amount of space found
TB or GB itself means there is a insurmountable amount of it, and in high resolution
which mean it is not OLD shit but relatively NEW
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All this hysteria over the mr beast friend is so fucking annoying. All the dude said was edgy jokes to a kid i hate all this hysteria over trannies its annoying as shit
Italy, France, Russia, and Poland say hi!
I never heard of anyone in italy or france getting busted for cartoon porn and russia is a shithole country
I wouldn't and don't want some fucking creep saying that shit to my kids. Especially in the privacy of online communities. The man is way to fucking old to be """"chilling and joking"""" with fucking teens not even in high school. Surely he can make friends his own age being rich and famous.
So the edgy jokes and Shadman affiliation are literally it??? I keep seeing retards insisting he “groomed” some kid but absolutely no evidence of anything weird going on. It really does sound like anti troon hysteria
Don't fucking normalize this shit faggot. 13yos dont belong anywhere near 20+yos.
Shit taste, worst show ever
What exactly happened? Genuine question because I’m not sure what exactly I’m “normalizing” unless there was correspondence between the two that I missed?
>What the fuck is going on??? What the fuck is wrong with men??
Women arent putting out
I was assuming many of them would be very high-res, plus you have videos and shit that's 200MB up to 1GB in size.
I dont give a shit. Fuck your kids, im sick and tired of aall this groomer panic shit going around it makes me wish all these pedo panic parents die in a car crash for pushing all this manic shit in the news
The fact that normies are kvetching over man of shad now makes me so fucking angry. Theyre just drawings and anyone who has a problem with cartoon porn should unironically be shot ded
This, its no wonder misogyny is growing when women dont wanna open their legs anymore
Groom a minor. So much so the person he groomed came out to defend Kris, which is what a a groomed person would do.

Also Mr.Beast Kicked him out of the crew.
>Fuck your kids
I bet you want to, you sick fuck.
>muh groomer
Even the teen says he didnt and that it was edgy jokes. People need to fucking calm down. I wish death upon everyone who uses the term groomer unironically at this point
How did he groom him? I keep seeing people saying this but no caps of anything other than the tweets to shad and old reddit posts
They don’t bother with cartoon stuff because they’re only satisfied with the real thing.
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Look at that Pedos defending pedos. You guys are always making the trans community looking bad every time.
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Not even trans, dont care about the person being trans, all this groomer panic shit makes me so fucking annoyed and i hate kids now because theyre being used as proxy to try and push all this pizzagate sound of freedom tier retardation hysteria in the media currently
>Even the teen says he didnt and that it was edgy jokes.

Of course the victim would defend the Groomer. That is how manipulation works, dumb fuck.

That makes Kris look even worse.
Prove us wrong then with whatever evidence you have of this “grooming” then
>"noooooooo dont listen to the kid on how the guy was just making jokes he was groomers groom groom groom all i can think about is child molestation habitually"
Kill yourself
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I reiterate, once more: Mr Beast is the Antichrist.
I hope all your kids end up as trans faggots all out of spite for you and your obnoxious "muh groomer" shit. Fuck you and fuck your family values bullshit
>christfag being retarded once again
Society went down hill the moment we stopped feeding christians to lions
>Fuck your kids
it is not contrarian to not be bad influence to young minds
back in my day we tried to keep people away from shitholes like this site
not encourage it
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It is a sad day to see the site that boasted having rekt videos and fucked up porn on /b/ become the same pearl clutching soccer moms this site used to decry
how is jesus supposed to act then? the antichrist is compassionate and teaches kindness. where does that leave the J-man? what, is he gonna be some punk kid kicking over garbage cans and telling people to stuff themselves? and people will point and go "yup, that's our messiah, right over there."
that does not work boyo
literally proof of creeps being creeps with loli art from shadman and all of real little girl
you're fucked
Didn't Jared Fogle have multiple terabytes too?
>Mental Gymnastics his way to justify tranny pedophiles.

hmmmmmm weird.
Kyle how tf did you get access to the internet in prison? STFU pedo
Kill yourself, youre everything 4chan was against you fucking spastic traitor
Already said i didnt care the guy was a tranny faggot, try again
Guy makes shad look like a saint
I tip my fedora to thee, ye pedophile sympathizers.
Disprove Rosicrucianism
The fedora meme is a vatican psy op to make gullible retards think its cool to be a christfag
Why do you hate God?
5.6 TB, to be exact. Relevant section clipped and quoted from a TMZ article in 2015 - a few months after Fogle's arrest.

>Prosecutors laid out why his child porn conviction is so heinous ... there was an enormous amount of child porn in the various devices of Fogle and Russell Taylor, including 5.6 terabytes of data. There were 16 smart phones, 6 laptops, 22 DVDs, 159,634 text messages, 3,394 videos and 47,623 pictures.
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Because your god is a tyrannical dictatorial faggot who supports societal backwardness, cultural stagnation, and repression. Fuck jesus and fuck yaweh
You do know you don't have to defend the pedophile if they're trans, right? It's ok to bash pedophiles even if they are trans.

See this image here:>>144650868
But I'm not a Christian. I'm a Hermeticist. Can you disprove the incorporeal Monad? Can you disprove metaphorical symbolism?
Interacting with Shadman is not illegal anon
>Fuck Jesus
Kek, without the New Testament and Christian expension you wouldn't have personal freedoms
What part of "i dont care the guy was a tranny faggot" does your stupid underdeveloped brain not comprehend? Im just sick of all this pedo panic crap and how people eat it up to feel self righteous about being morally indignant over some dude saying edgy jokes to a kid who btw even said he wasnt molested or anything
Shut the fuck up /x/ schizo
All white, btw. Just noticing
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Absolute retard take. Christfaggotry has only oppressed people within the past 2000 years. We were better off without jesus shit infecting our world like a cancer
>Shut the fuck up /x/ schizo
Ah, so you have no argument? I can't say I'm surprised.
Funny, because the only oppression comes from Talmudism and Old Testament enforcement. Jesus taught the polar opposite.
>"n-no argument"
Not an argument either, faggot. I just said to shut your trap with your christfaggotry that even if its some sub brand /x/ version of christfaggotry, is still at the end of the day christfaggotry
The crusades beg to differ and the entirety of the dark ages as well, fat fuck. Hell the most obnoxious people in my area are all christfags
Hermeticism isn't "christfaggotry." Going to give a good faith argument against Neo-Pythagoreans, Kabbalism, Jungian philosophy, process philosophy, Rosicrucianism, Platonism, or Monadism? No? Then stop replying. If you keep giving me (You)s with zero substance, I have no reason to even bother discussing with you. You're a coward kek
The Knights Templar weren't Christian. They were kabbalists, Catholics, and occasionally Muslims.
well, no one cares if a nobody got physical with a kid
weren't these fake?
Fucking psudeo intellectual retard
Catholics are christfags, retard
Thats not incriminating at all
If Kris was a cis woman you'd defend her with your life
I don't know this guy nor I watched whatever he did, but some of you seem weirdly defensive of him for someone who has been caught. Are you people really that naive about hollyweird and what's actually going there?
This shithead can’t even draw his own name

Uhhhh, Huh.
Here's your last (You). Since you're a pussified loser who doesn't read up on religions before discussing them, and can't differentiate one from another. Get the last word, shout into the void.
I dont give a rats ass about kids and the more people that people become obnoxious nuisances about "le childrens safety" the more i hope their children grow up to be repulsive sexually deviant freaks
>If Kris was a cis woman

You mean a woman, which kris is not.
>everyone has to be autistically versed in every brand of christfaggotry before getting into an argument about how the basic common brand of christfags are obnoxious retards
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Can't these people jack off to drawings like a normal person?
nta, but he's right. none of those religions are christian
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>was 16 terabytes
Jesus Christ. The nukes can't come soon enough
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Kyle didn’t cancel anyone. That was a rumor started by Vee because she needed a scapegoat. She stopped getting work because she’s unprofessional, talks shit about people, and can’t turn her shit in on time. Stop spreading this rumor.
these are not the screenshots I’ve seen passed around, but if they’re real yes they definitely cross a line. I can admit when I’m wrong. Still nothing that’s going to get him sent to jail, tho
Gee kyle i didnt know they gave you internet access in prison
No the source was not credible. Some fuckwad on Twitter randomly said it with no source and now easily manipulated dipshits on /co/ are repeating it until it will be accepted as truth.
Everyone needs to be better than this. There’s no evidence it was bdsm related. There’s no evidence it was 16tb. There’s no evidence he was tased. There’s no *direct* evidence it was stored on his google drive.
>It's just that when adult women sexualize little boys or young teenage boys, it's seen as hot and based, especially if they're actually a child molester, or incestuous.
>call out people for parroting unsubstantiated shit like a bunch of Twitter retards
People are misinterpreting this post desu. She wasn’t removed from the server because she was slacking, she was removed because she was a contract worker and they simply didn’t hire her back lol. She was known for being a decent board artist and was meeting her deadlines on the productions she was actually employed on but SH swaps staff around all the time. But that’s another story.
That said Kyle didn’t get her blacklisted, he didn’t have that kind of power and wasn’t even well liked in the industry. He did tell several animation professionals about her “art” and he did spread it around because he was afraid of the optics of being associated with her…not because he ever thought he’d get busted for actual CP but because he knows that people know about him grooming teens on Deviantart in the 00s and that deleting his account there didn’t delete the DMs he sent to others on the site. He was afraid that being aligned with Ang would get him MeToo’d sooner. Ang’s big mistake was getting in with teen “antis” and having a very public breakdown. If she’d kept her head low for a while she would have probably gotten work again eventually
I doubt there are 16 TB of child porn on the entire internet. Do people think there are feature length 8K ultra HD child porn films or something? Most of it is scans of magazines from the 70s.
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this guy drew green also worked on mighty magiswords and was best friends with kyle, hes salty his friend got caught

he posts alot of weird drawings with men that look like overgrown babies and his art he always draws very suspicious penises

his personal twitter he posts his boyfriend too and they always have a weird vibe and he was obsessed with naked steven universe
So anyone who doesn’t blindly accept rumors is Kyle now? Go back to Twitter, retard.
The screenshot was just proving that Vee lies. She was making up a scenario about big bad spindlehorse to make herself the victim when that wasn’t true,
Not even the first time an member of the anti-ship cult got outed for something heinous.
>the crusades
A minor response to 400 years of jihads.
>dark ages
Collapse of the Roman Empire and the loss of the Eastern Ancient World to Islam. If not for Christianity's devotion to preserving knowledge much more would have been lost.,
Drew admitted Kyle was a shit boss, but was the first person to hire him for an animation job. MM was the first industry job for a lot of people, I’m not surprised that so many of his younger employees kissed his ass and felt indebted to him.
Removing her from the team discord "coincidentally" at the same time she was being canceled and harassed was very transparent and silly of them to pretend otherwise.

Kyle DID have pull in the industry, people sucked up to his pedo ass in the first place because he could get them work. One guy like that deciding to blacklist you isn't a death sentence in this industry, but for Ang it and that friend group seemed like their only connection. Unfortunately the industry is a nepo incest pit and you have to be in with one of the animation cliques if you want work 99% of the time. Kyle doesn't have to power to ban her from the industry at large no, but telling all the associates they had that they're on the shit list does cut them off. They could have sought other connections, but that was probably difficult considering all the drama surrounding them online.

If they handled things in a less public way they might have been able to move past it sooner and work again though, you're not wrong about that. But weirdos were pretty publicly hounding them, too.
File deleted.
he said that AFTER he got caught. theres literally hundreds of tweets of him saying nice things and tagging kyle FOR YEARS and they even hung out in person outside of work like look at his art, they all look like weird man babies
Do you people really have zero knowledge about your history or are you intentionally lying?
She literally admitted that they were within their rights to not hire her back in her tell-all google doc and told her fans not to harass SH over it. IIRC she even tried to apologize to Viv. No one was really in the wrong in this specific case, it was a pretty obvious misunderstanding.
the dipshits hounding them being the fiction=reality cult who even now still try to defend kyle
They removed her at the exact same time they removed multiple other contract workers who weren’t actively working for the studio. It wasn’t a targeted removal. I know someone who was removed at the same time and added back a few months later when they took on another job. Spindlehorse is a fucking mess though and their internal communication is dogshit.

Kyle has always been considered a joke among other showrunners who have been ridiculing his pitches on their private Twitter accounts for the last decade. He has no power to blacklist. But you’re right, he did intentionally isolate her. The only people he had influence over were the young artists beneath his level who happened to be Ang’s peers, indebted to him for their “big breaks” just like she was.
I hate gay men so much it's unreal
Every single one of Kyle’s friends including butt buddies Luke Ski and Tony Goldmark and sperglord attack dog Malcolm Thomas (who was making an entire fucking show about Kyle’s webcomic) publicly disavowed him after years of loyalty. I don’t think someone working their first industry job and kissing their employers ass is proof of anything. The art is creepy though I’ll give you that
Yeah “they’re both awful” doesn’t apply when one collects CP and the other draws cartoon aliens fucking each other
So was it real pizza or drawn stuff?
Real deal. Authorities wouldn't bother with drawn stuff.
Real deal, and I think the charge he got specifically suggests he either had 600 individual pieces of content and/or he specifically had BDSM content of the actual children
Correction: rich men.
And, yeah. Power corrupts, and all that jazz.
I thought the BDSM thing was a rumor. It’s not listed in the charges, just 600 still images or 12 vids
>apparently he resisted arrest and got beat down and tazed
Did he say the thing?
looking up the text of the law, it specifically mentions BDSM
>PC 311.11(c): Every person, who knowingly is in possession of twelve (12) videos, or six hundred (600) images, of child pornography described in PC 311.11(a) above, or child abuse involving sexual sadism or sexual masochism, is guilty of possession of child pornography with enhanced penalties
The BDSM thing was started by Nico Colaleo because he’s a retard who lacks reading comprehension. The definition of the charge specifies what *could* be defined as sexually explicit, and in that list BDSM is mentioned. In other words, the material found was not *necessarily* BDSM related, but in general, materials depicting such acts would be deemed sexually explicit if they *were* found. This is to prevent a defense claiming that photos of children being “disciplined” may be unsavory, but is not sexual in nature.
No, the charge states he either had 12 videos or 600 images of the average kind of CP(what would fall under it's own charge), or the kind he had was extreme in nature(like BDSM). It makes sense that BDSM would be its own charge, given that even BDSM between adults is a pretty rough subject, so applying it to child abuse absolutely deserves to be an added charge.
>But weirdos were pretty publicly hounding them, too.
It would have died out eventually, industry pros are very aware of the weird anti/pro ship shit and take it all with a grain of salt. Most of them would have hired Ang (if they’d just gone quiet for a while and not engaged with the mob) over any of their harassers, who would be way more of a nightmare to deal with in the long run. Cartoonists are perverts and no one wants to deal with puritans who will immediately put together a call out doc the minute they find out that their coworker has been drawing invader zim smut on the dl
The full description is slightly more nuanced, but yes, that ‘or’ is doing some heavy lifting.

>dat face
Imagine my surprise
Thanks anons
Really hope it wasn’t hurtcore shit. If it is does that change the sentence at all or is it still 5 years max? Since he was charged twice does this mean he could get 10?
The prison time would be easier to deal with than a lifetime of being a registered sex offender. He’s going to live the rest of his days in exile.
Good. Maybe he can move back to NY and work in a bodega
>high profiles
>A mediocre streamer with an already existing history of controversy, some faggot working for the actually high profile guy and some faggot that made a shitty cartoon
That show was awful.
Not /co/. Stop posting this.
Thought this was an edit. I feel like he should have done this privately.
Most of the people don't actually care about the allegations or supposed victims and just get satisfaction from taking e-celebs down.

Making one of the biggest e-celebs in the world fold in front of you. This will lead to a higher increase of online callouts over anything than there already was.
I think the most depressing part is that the only people caught for that are those with enormous database like this or those who directly talked to kids.
How many of them got away with it ?
I prefer not to even think about it…
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I'm holding onto concept that any public person who wasn't cancelled for saying or doing any controversial shit is simply smart enough to keep it quiet about themselves.
There is a skeleton inside everybody's closet, either it's a mental ilness or a political view. Some are bigger than others, though. This guy seems like he had a fucking Gashadokuro on his hard drive.
yet again...the 'enormous database' aspect of this has only one source and that's a random guy on twitter who made the allegation. He didn't cite any sources. Kyle was charged with having 12 videos or 600 images. That doesn't come close to 16tb.
A guy on the internet made shit up and now everyone is repeating it as fact. Are you guys like 60 years old?
cheese pizza?
yeah. Just look at how fat he is.
It was at least 600 pictures. That’s already big and terrible
Sadly they rarely arrest people who have few stuff. They arrest only the «big fishes». At least I heard that in a documentary ages ago
>This, its no wonder misogyny is growing when women dont wanna open their legs anymore
Nah, it’s because they realized how disgusting men actually are.
>t. sex offender
Because they “can’t control their urges” and have to kidnap and rape children. Although something tells me if you chop off their dick with a cleaver they will suddenly be more willing to be in control.
This guy has literal child torture porn and you call it a silly little skeleton in the closet
By that logic you wouldn’t have trans predators. Men aren’t right in the head, period.
There are no good trannies

All trannies are sexual deviants

Every professional association with trannies ends in disaster

If you befriend trannies you will inevitably eat shit for it at some point
>This guy has literal child torture porn
That's a rumor based on a misunderstanding of the charge.
While torture could be depicted, there's no specific source indicating that that is the case. That rumor was started because people don't know how to interpret the charge.
>hates John K.
>Does nothing but shit on John K.

>Art and writing style is just a bootleg Ren and Stimpy.
>later revealed person is actually worse than John K.

When do you think it's gonna happen to Katie Rice? She's the worst offender.
What did Katie do
People that look like this should be arrested on sight.
Thanks dork
I'm sure the judge will agree with the above Wikipedia law takes
are you stupid?
This isn't even goalpost moving, he's just making shit up now lmao
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This is like an exact middle between Steven universe and those comics about being fat and gay or a cuck or whatever
I appreciate classic animation technique, but this spumco style is often really vindictive and clueless. Half the people use it with a seething rage towards modern cartooning, like everyone garbage and only they know how to animate, or they’re doing it like Kyle Carozza, cluelessly doing it because they were told it’s better, while spamming Ground Keith and etc without any real thought or heart to it. It’s a good style and you don’t have to be insane to use it, but some of the people who do are really out of it. Kyle’s art is soulless and doesn’t really understand what cartoons are about at this point
Sounds fake
how the fuck is this gumdrop of a man only 260lbs?! 260 is hefty, but this guy looks like he's animorphing into a giant Hershey kiss. I feel like he should be 350 minimum.
>What the fuck is going on??? What the fuck is wrong with men??
You want a honest answer? Do you promise me to not ban me for speaking the truth? The reason is that jews and their media conditioned both men and women into not only mutual enemies, but also degenerates. you're welcome
>small dick
>circumcised even
>what 50 big macs a day does to a motherfucker
>How can I spin this story into seething about the chuds?

He could grow a handlebar mustache

Three victims, actually.
I love the hysteria over trannies. It's about time something was done with these mental retards and stopped normalizing them
>It was just a joke!
t. groomer trying to downplay what happened
that's it, I'm calling fbi on you, you clearly have something to hide on our PC.
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>Make a shit post in a thread
>Makes its way to twitter copied word for word
>Normies believe it
>Normies post it as fact on 4chan
We've really come full circle, huh?
>Nuh uh!
I'm not larping as a law expert on 4chan

So no
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Since when was /co/ infected trannies and tranny lovers? I thought 4Chan was for racist and tranny haters like me.
I hope someone caves your skull in
Kill yourself
I’m not either, dipshit. I’m pointing out that there’s no way for us, the general public, to know if the materials Kyle was caught with depicted BDSM which some anons continue to allege. That has nothing to do with a judge.
Enjoy being raped more because you just wont put out
What time does his hearing take place at today?
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just so you know I've reported you to FBI
you're fucked. If I was you, I would throw away the computer and run to argentina
>I-I-I-I-I-I hope s-s-s-s-someone caves your skull in
why are trannies so lazy? why don't you come and try it, you weak pussy?
>Attempted to resist
>So much so the person he groomed came out to defend Kris, which is what a a groomed person would do.
How convenient. He must be guilty because the "victim" denying his guilt is further proof of his guilt!

At the absolute worst, it seems it was a 20/21 year old acting inappropriate with a 15/16 year old. Was barely out of high school himself. Am I supposed to be shocked that he said inappropriate jokes with them and probably did stuff like shared some hentai on discord? Unless I see some more solid proof of guilt, I'm writing this off.
>remembers the ZDoom forum controversy last year
Mm hmm
Im not a pedo you wretched retard
His face always makes me wonder - does he knows that he looks ridiculous? What if I also look ridiculous to other people and I just lack self-awareness to realize that?
I wouldn't call a literal who in Mr. Beasts' crew, nor a writer of a cartoon are high profile.
No u, diddler
And don't make sexual advances to highschoolers you nonce.
>Inb4 "They were JUST JOKES!"
Yeah. Pedos say shitty jokes in DMs to try to flirt with people.
It was a wiki vandalism that some rando kid on Twitter did after getting mad they got banned from trolling on the Magiswords wiki. MAGA account picked it up, and now everybody believes the shockbait.
>What the fuck is wrong with men??
Men are awesome. men tried to warn you about showbiz
C0ntentW (Holly Disch's callout account) claimed she was fired by Vivzie first, which caused Ang to sperg and freak out and give the HR account the ammunition they needed to set her straight.
Holly went around to people on Facebook and other sites, spreading the Zim porn and receipts to make things more dramariffic.
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Apparently Kyle actually spoke to his hero John K on some old AIM chat posts in the 2000s, but those posts are nowhere to be found. Apparently someone has them, can anybody share them?
Some of his later FB photos look like he deflated a little, still a fat fuck wearing his vest everywhere.
By the power of making shit up
Dude is easily past the 300 mark
Maybe if he's like four foot tall he's 260
He did use to be a fan of John K until his art got bashed on the blog, and he and his friends were all salty and insistent Kyle would be better than that "one hit wonder" someday. Whoopsie.
Dude got so triggered by a 4chan comment he had to run to the feds. Reddit tourists are wild lmao
Christniggers are always revisionist retards

Also christfags caused the dark ages you bastard
>does he knows that he looks ridiculous?
yes. I think he's actually hyper self-aware. If you see photos of him when he's younger and thinner, he dresses more conventionally. I think that he hates how disgustingly fat he is, so he hides behind this ridiculous costume and facial hair style so it doesn't seem like he's trying to be attractive (which he knows he cannot be). He can lie to himself that he doesn't look conventional because he's not TRYING to be conventional. It's so heckin' creative!
I fully believe that if he was in shape, he wouldn't dress like an absolute retard. His 'quirky' appearance is a cope.
If he started to get the sense that he was going to be busted, I could imagine that might affect his appetite.

His police report said 260lbs. I guess I assumed that would be more official, but then again I've never been arrested. For all I know, they just ask you what you weigh and you can tell them whatever the fuck you want.
Got any of those photos? I've seen his 'sonas where he made himself look thinner and cooler, and usually put it in a shirt and jeans. Hard to believe at some point he didn't look like a living circus poster, but that's Kyle for you I guess. Felt like his image was to lean in to some cartoony brand, and to make everybody think how colorful and funny he looked so he'd be "safe".
Yeah, but that's the problem. I also dress unconventionally because I don't look good conventional.
I don't know you or how you dress, but people adorn themselves in various ways for a variety of reasons. I'm not saying that everyone who dresses unconventionally is trying to hide something or is ashamed of their body. I'm saying that I think that's the case for Kyle specifically.
They cant arrest someone for calling out how stupid this "muh groomer" witchhunt shit is, you massive faggot
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I wanna see the court room.
That's possible too, he is a strange fuck that cares about his image and would probably try to undersell his weight. Must think he's the Hindenburg.
I've seen the photos, but I don't have a folder of Kyle pictures handy if that's what you're asking. Unfortunately searching for anything related to Kyle these days that doesn't have to do with his upcoming court case is going to be difficult. There's a pic I've seen of him sitting in a bar with a couple of other people. He has the long hair (starting to bald), but no facial hair and he's just wearing a shirt a jeans. He's pretty fat there too, but nowhere near the blob of a man he'd eventually become. In some of those Mighty Magiswords interviews, it seems like it's uncomfortable for him to just sit in a chair.
Loli is legally not CP and is classified as something else in most of the world outside select countries. The only reason you go to prison is for realistic looking stuff or full on CP.
I thought they'd weigh him so they'd have an accurate description of him on file, but it's not like the police station is a doctor's office. Hopefully someone who has had a run-in with the law can shed some light on the procedure.
Literally every thread actively up in this man's asshole are seething women. It's obvious, and obnoxious. Send the man off to jail, then off to hell, but move the fuck on when the deed is done.

Worshipping this story over his demise is psychopathic behavior.
My question is how they caught him? Did someone tip the FBI off or was he trying to buy illegal content from a decoy?
>My understanding of history is confined to reddit memes.
>guy who was only famous for being "mysteriously" removed from twitch and trying to pull some lame crypto scam
>some hanger-on to a wealthy youtuber who trooned out
>fat nobody whose career has been more of a fluke than anything else (not even remotely close to a "lead writer and creator" at CN)
All of them fit the profile for sexpests, pedos, and perverts exactly fine if you put them in their proper context. Like that Nickelodeon documentary where it was the "acting coaches" and stagehands who were directly caught molesting children. It's the people you pay the least attention to who have a little power, but not enough that anyone would pay closer attention to them.

Out of the 3, Dr Disrespect seemingly did the least bad thing, unless there were pre-teens on twitch's experimental messenger system for some reason, but it's only notable in the first place because he milked it and tried to elevate his brand as this badass who pissed off the big guys, but came out on top as world famous NFT-Metaverse guy... Only that didn't really happen and now he's just a fucking loser streamer who is going to have to slink into obscurity and e-beg for the rest of his life.
It was a cybertip to the Internet Crimes Against Children taskforce. May have to do with his Google account being locked, but we'll see if the hearing addresses that so the 'ACKTUALLY' anon can be satisfied and stop calling everyone who believes that was possible as bullshitters.
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>13yos dont belong anywhere near 20+yos.
So what does this mean with parents? Or other family members? Or communities? Or teachers?
When is this extremist shit mentality going to make sense? I'm waiting.
If Kyle's chairs could talk, they'd be screaming "HELP"
I assume that usually it’s both.
Tip, and to verify they try to bait the guy. It’s a serious accusation so they need to be sure.
Unless he directly told someone about this multiple times or something. Or downloaded loads of stuff from an honeypot.

The people caught in these kind of things are those who either mass download or directly talk to someone (real person or a bait)

We probably will learn more from that in the court. Though I prefer not reading more about it (as a former victim from a bad adult who got away with it)
He seems like he's been excessively loyal to his friends for a long time. Bringing all of them along with him from very early on through some hugely life-changing shit. I can't imagine him cutting ties outright without being thoroughly convinced by the tranny himself of what actually happened. Maybe the corporate overlords who call the shots twisted his arm, but I don't think he'd openly announce that he cut ties with the guy and that he launched an investigation into him if he didn't believe it was actually needed. Otherwise, he'd maybe say some "he's innocent until proven guilty in a court of law" type stuff, or just say "we're addressing it behind the scenes, but this is a sensitive matter" or literally anything else than "he's gone and we're investigating him further"
>Doc paid trannies to jerk off on cam for him, then started talking to underage fans
>Kris started talking to underage fans, became a tranny to groom them more effectively
Hmmm there seems to be something in common...
>dark ages
>being a thing
not even Christfag, but you are wrong
>And don't make sexual advances to highschoolers you nonce.
Proof he did this? And that it happened when the "victim" was 14?
>Yeah. Pedos say shitty jokes in DMs to try to flirt with people.
I wouldn't call it pedo with that age gap. I've also seen very little evidence in general that the jokes or flirting were that bad. Please show me some if I'm wrong, I'm willing to change my mind. Share some logs or snippets of conversation at least. Not saying it's not suspicious or inappropriate, but I haven't seen any proof of actual grooming or pedo behavior.
Then get off 4chan, because you're talking with a bunch of 13 year olds right now I guarantee it. This site has always been full of underages, and you've been sharing porn with them the whole time. You sick fuck.

But yeah, I'm joking. You're totally right that 13 and 20+ is way too big of a gap, outside of things like family and teachers. I sure as hell wouldn't want my 13 year old hanging out with 20+ year olds. The thing that's weird to me though, is that the internet has pushed them together so much that it's just expected that college age and older will be on the same sites and discord groups as underage people. So the inappropriate conversations he's accused of end up happening all the time without people even realizing it. How can you deal with this? There's no way to forcefully segregate sites by age when it's so easy to lie.
>why are other people allowed around their children, but I'm not?!
>this is literal persecution!!
lmao even
>I think that he hates how disgustingly fat he is, so he hides behind this ridiculous costume and facial hair style so it doesn't seem like he's trying to be attractive
100% this is what's going on. Likely thinking if he can't be conventionally handsome, that he can be unconventionally charming and funny. 20 years ago, guys like him were trying to make fedoras and funny moustaches their replacement for good looks and personality.
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Do you worship the Gods ensouled in statues as emanations of the ineffable One, as Hermes taught us?
>First it was Dr. Disrespect
>Then it was the Mr. Beast family wrecking tranny

I don't know or care about any of this. Please stop posting here.
anon ur very dumb and all you’ve proven of yourself is that you’re an emotional faggot
>anti-lolicon crusader

Please stop posting forever.
Not what I said, shithead
Keep being extremophiles, that shit will have your head one day when all of humanity is brought to their knees.
>if I'm not allowed around children society will collapse!
You're not the free speech crusader you pretend to be.
Human larvae should be kept in cages and given food on a long stick.
>I I I!
Not. What. I. Said. Why are you projecting? Answer what my post actually said.
Kyle's hearing today is only a preliminary hearing SETTING. Which means it's just setting up when the actual first hearing will be. How long will his court shenanigans go on? Who knows.
>bodycam footage will probably release within 8 months to a year.

Fuck you, show it to me nao!
You're not worth treating seriously. You're a spastic retard who thinks he can mask his interest in children by masking it as concern for society.
There's something funny about how your response to his posts is calling him a pedo.
>Mans gonna get skinned alive first day in prison.

Pedos getting killed in prison is kinda a meme bro. Most get through their sentences unscathed and the ones who don't are usually being targeted by Aryan Brotherhood/Mexican Mafia/Black Gorilla Family applicants who are required to kill someone to be initiated.
It’s fucking ironic that this artist: lemonheadandlollipup stalked vee and was obsessed with her on finding her real address to the point where after she found out about the loli things, went on a witch hunt to make sure she left the industry and was gloating about it and also loved Kyle but after finding out what Kyle did, she threw her Magiswords books into the trash: https://lemonheadandlollipup.tumblr.com/post/756026831209168896/yesterday-i-learned-horrific-news-about-someone-i#notes
That pic you’re taking about is from the wrap party for Nickelodeons Random! Cartoons. There’s also another pic with him and Billy West and Dave Allen (voices of MooBeard and Dark Blade)
Yeah, Holly was responsible for making the now-deleted Twitter C0ntentW which was set out to warn "Everybody" in the industry about Vee being a pedo and unsafe for children, and she was the first to gloat that oh, Vivzie had fired Vee which caused Vee's whole sperging and panic.
Holly even went as far as to nag people on their personal Facebooks for being friends with Vee, so they had to defriend her to stop Holly's pestering.
>guys I'm just genuinely concerned for soceity if moralfags keep making it look like a bad thing for random adult men to chat up teenagers on the internet!
Much in the same way that Sartre's obsessive crusading against age of consent laws was rooted in his openly stated interest in fucking children, I do not humor sanctimonious preaching in defense of random adults forming close relationships with children they have no business interacting with as anything but the cry of a pedophile looking for an rhetorical loophole to justify their perversion.
>Open thread hoping there's some sort of update because Kyle's preliminary hearing is today
>Half the thread is fuckers defending Mr. Beast's tranny friend
>People still repeating ad nauseum that Vee was "blacklisted" because of Kyle's witch hunt even though she wasn't
I want the mods to stop deleting these threads when there could be new information, because yes they are related to /co/ creator and his projects, but at the same time the amount of retardation in one thread makes it obvious why they keep getting nuked.
Literal retard falling in for christnigger revisionism
It's just a hearing setting, nothing big yet.
>random adult men to chat up teenagers on the internet
Flirting with them is one thing, but the internet's structure makes it inevitable that they'll interact and form friendships at least. Games pair them together, sites and groups have user bases that are a big mix of ages. Like even though 4chan has an 18+ rule, there have always been underage users. Moot was 15 when he founded the site. Can't avoid teenagers and college age people becoming friends. Unfortunately that can get sketchy easily, but I don't know how you could ever stop them from interacting completely.
>So what does this mean with parents? Or other family members? Or communities? Or teachers?
>When is this extremist shit mentality going to make sense? I'm waiting.
>defending Mr. Beast's tranny friend
Because comparing that situation to Kyle's is insulting. Kyle is far worse than Mr. Beast's tranny friend, even if you take the absolute worst interpretation of Kris's actions.
Have you ever looked on the internet of women being abusive? I swear you are so hypocritical it hurts.
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>did you know age of consent is 14 in some countries?
>makes you think, doesn't it?
Someone should redraw that as Kyle with his nasty sideburns
Talking and interacting between people of different ages in casual contexts is different. It's not even the issue being described, but it's the thing that gets conflated with adults approaching children and attempting to form some kind of relationship disguised as a friendship.

There's a massive chasm between
>oh hey what's up. We're playing some TF2 right now
>haha how about I come and visit you? I sent you a gift in the mail did you get it yet? you should follow me on twitter (where I constantly repost the porn artists I jack off to) haha. If I were younger I'd date you haha
Fair enough, that makes sense.
Yes, but blaket stating this wehn saying shit like >>144650984 is hyper correction, as other said, this is an adult world that kids live in, you cannot segerage them like whites tried with blacks, you're generalizing all adults as a threat to kids instead of just targeting the pedophilies themselves. Makes you look like a massive schizo, when the entire point of a adult/parent is to be a figurehead to help educate chlidren into adult hood properly, which everyone is failing at more and more and more ever passing day ever since 2001.

Maybe we should definitely find more secure ways to keep underages from areas on the web they shouldn't be in and let the adults have their adult lives to themselves, but the issue is whatever you tell a kid not to do something, they always do the opposite. It's hardcoded in humans to disobey authority if there's no immediate negative stimuli coming from it.
The human muffin
He's like The Greedy from the Raggedy Ann and Andy movie
Kyle is specifically charged with having images of children 12 and under.
he's just looking for his sweetheart. Until he finds it, he'll never get enough.
This is pretty interesting. I never really thought about gradations like that within illegal content. I wonder what team of people had to decide we draw the line at 600 or at X specific act even though it’s all illegal anyways. What if someone had like 1 image or a million images?
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If all modern animators are pedos, does this mean that people who watch modern animation are pedos too?
Statistics show there are way more men who pull this shit than women.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suCtuUZ9bjU - Does this pilot have potential? The one with Michaela Deatz as the voice?
>first it was Michal Jackson
>then it was Bill Cosby
>now it is Harvey Weinstein
What the fuck is going on???

Wait, oh yeah, it's what is always happening.
Those happened years between, though. Not comparable to OP's where all cases happened within a month.
>First it was Dr. Disrespect
>Then it was the Mr. Beast family wrecking tranny

I don't know who either of those are.
If you talk to a pedo on the street do you get infected by the P-virus and start behaving like a pedophile?
because you actually watch real shows instead of random youtubers talking to a camera for 30 minutes.
Youtube and Twitch are the new TV grandpa. Cable is dying for a reason.
Why are we still having this thread?
>yes, but please don't tell!
>0 factual counter-arguments
couldn't be more obvious if you just posted picture of your nose
Soon everyone on the world will be a pedo for breathing the same air as them, this is a perfectly rational thought.
I'll watch indie animation on youtube, but I don't need to waste 30 minutes listening to random person telling me about the sandwich they bought yesterday.
Are you trying to say Kyle was an all important cog in the resistance machine the Deep State had to remove at all costs?
The Kyle Carrozza one is way worse than the others, unless the the Beast Tranny was actually trying hard to solicit stuff with whoever xe was talking to and it wasn’t just some retarded flirting attempt
Which pilot was that?
Based on what the Primos threads are like which are all dedicated to a shittier version of the Loud House, I’d say you’re right.
was it irl stuff or just drawings?
The Mr Beast thing seems like a nothing situation that is being overblown on twitter because it's fucking twitter.

Just fire the asshole and move on with life already.
>Rugrats has been on 30+ years
>Loud House exists
>2 Loud house spinoffs exist
>Disney Loudhouse now exists

...yeah it really looks like it
People don't care about the trans stuff, grooming, or Shadman, they just want the satisfaction of taking down Mr. Beast. That's what the endgame attempt is.
irl stuff
What always comes to mind when this stuff comes up is how these people are even getting into contact with underages. I haven’t talked in a private capacity to any woman I’m not related to in years and I haven’t talked to an underage unrelated girl since I was underage. It’s kinda funny how these dudes are probably constantly looking for ways to insert themselves into their targets lives, because a grown man would basically never have a truly chance private interaction with an underage girl. Kinda a banal observation but maybe I’m an exception because I never interact with any women regardless of age. Tldr it’s over
He probably downloaded bait
Hard to say, Twitter users are probably the most hardline people ever for their insane levels of guilt by association and never ever forgiving or moving on. If someone has any type of slip up or random slight, then Twitter wants then destroyed in the worst way and to be rendered penniless and miserable forever and ever.

They like destroying anyone anywhere for not being 100% pure to current month politics.
Maybe because they are outgoing and leave their house, vs someone who is a shutin and never leaves home or interacts with anyone?
Remember when people thought rockstars were the antichrist? or Obama years later?. Don´t let yourself be affected by trends
That’s a possibility, but I can’t really think of how even an outgoing man would naturally have a solo interaction with an underage. One exception is teachers and coaches, but I actually know some teachers and a kinda unspoken rule they have is to NEVER be alone with a student. They won’t do after school work or hours unless 2+ kids are coming. I’m bringing this up because I suspect that these guys are wargaming plans and scenarios in their heads of how to make contact which is funny to me
Those were all true
If he had terabytes of material that means he wasn't just consuming it, but more likely actively working as a distributor.

Which opens up a whole other can of worms. Apparently this dude lived in a hole in the wall with occasional industry work keeping him out of poverty. Was he literally making more money off of selling this material? Was he using crypto or something to at least hide the trail? How the fuck is someone that uncharismatic/on the radar meeting clients? I don't see the guy running an epstein ring, so was it literally just him being a contact for other creeps with sources to go pester him for the stuff?

It'd horrible but I'm also curious now that the lid is blown just what exactly was this guy doing with that much data
Do you just not read anything. Why are you speculating on blatant misinformation?
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That's right.
The anti-Christ isn't a person you fucking morons, it's a group. Those who were anti Christ and his teachings.
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>the one with a huge religion defining prophecy surrounding them acts out every aspect of said property before they inevitably kill us all
If we as a species are too dumb to see the cosmic writing on the wall, we've earned our place in the Lake of Fire, truth be told
>what, is he gonna be some punk kid kicking over garbage cans and telling people to stuff themselves?
He was the equivalent of that back in his day
you also will be reported for being an illegal immigrant, faggot
he probably used tor too much
> christfags caused the dark ages
And they’re trying to do it again with their regressive policies and science denying.
Please do tell us how you know that anon. That's very specific knowledge.
Believing it was possible is not a problem. It definitely is. I personally think it’s actually likely. Stating it as fact is a problem. Just because we think it could be true doesn’t mean it is.
What movie?
>The preliminary hearing in the case of The People of the State of California vs. Carrozza, Kyle Adam for PC311.11(c)(1)-F Possession of Over 600 Images of Child or Youth Pornography is set for August 30th 2024.
>Discovery is still outstanding.
>No word on a plea or plea deal.

See y'all next month.
They delayed it because they were hit with a ransomware attack sometime before supposedly. Need confirmation.
I still can't believe that 4chan, of all places, is now the moral paragon of the internet.

>that time mods on /tv/ forbade discussion of "Cuties" because they said, and I quote, "twitter may be full of pedophiles, but we're not having that bullshit here".

Outstandingly based.
They’re putting stuff out that creates a fan base. The kids who contact these people are usually fans or aspiring creators.
Seems like nobody gets caught with a little bit of CP. It's always MOUNTAINS of material. Like it's all they ever think about.
Define moral paragon, 4chan likes to gossip but that's as far as it goes. Twitter are the real moral crusaders.
-Everyone is equally a faggot
-Talk shit, get hit.
-It doesn't matter if you're black or a woman, if you make a terrible post you get laughed at and have image macros thrown at you. You can post whatever opinion you want, but you're not entitled to have people agree with you

-We can be as evil or stupid as we want, because we label ourselves the good guys
-muh privilege means that we can have double standards because institutional power or something
-shadowbans for wrongthink
It’s possible law enforcement doesn’t bother with people who have one or two. I’d imagine it would be easier for defense to argue that they didn’t know or that it was downloaded accidentally etc. When you have hundreds of images, it’s a little more tough to plead ignorance.
Remember when CN and cartoon tubers were hyping up mighty magiswords as the show that would save the network lol
I’m pretty sure the animus against cuties was because conservatives at the time we trying to associate the show with liberals or troons, that was essentially a political battle. Most normalfags wouldn’t call this site moral because there a lot of fascists, edgelords, lolicons, porn addicts, “hackers”, etc. here. I think 4chan has been trying to uphold right-wing values in general more since about 2013 but Society would probably say that is itself immoral. I do see the point you’re making though. From a certain perspective it does make sense
might they be adding stuff on top of it?

here's hoping.
Pretty much
>FYI: Discovery is still outstanding in case which means depending on what turns up additional charges could be added.

She's encouraging anyone Kyle solicited nudes from to make a report too.
You don't have to be right wing or left wing to hate the disgusting cabal of hollywood pedophiles.
I think there was a bit more to it than that. Ultimately he'd probably be almost exactly the same the issue with that being for more liberal Christians that shit sounds like insane Fundamentalist talk and for more Fundamentalist Christians his genuine forgiveness and openness towards saving everyone interferes with their typical exclusionary tactics.
I'm glad Vee finally got some justice on this fucko.
4chan doesn't need more reason for the Feds to be here than there already are.

Yeah, but nobody cares about Primos, because the designs are unfuckable.
>exclusionary tactics
They genuinely want people to join their group, if they're exclusionary then so is every other group in the world
4chan is counterculture, now the mainstream is far-left 4chan supports being moral
Yeah, how many instances are we up to of this by now? A half-dozen, maybe? Of people being incessant moral scolds about art of "underage" characters and harassing artists for drawing them, only for them to be IRL pedos?

At this point if anyone makes an excessive stink about drawings of characters on the internet for being "underage," I'm going to start becoming suspicious of them. It's really starting to look like a consistent case of the lady protesting too much.
Carrozza spazzed out about 2d loli, because he was a 3d sado pedo. The Xenoblade rule is usually that someone seething and bitching about anime girls with big tits or a fictional 16 year old showing bare shoulder will sooner or later be caught with actual CP or charged with sexually assaulting a minor.
Worse in Kyle's case, he claims to have been triggered and traumatized by seeing Invader Zim's dick and him being with Dib.
why? She's a self-sabotaging retard who bilks people out of donation money with sob stories that she then uses on collectable toys. Fuck her.
Yeah, make sweet life by the fire to her.
If you like schizo dances and her pet pigeons pooping on you
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When you're famous, teenagers throw themselves at you, and weirdos who got famous online aren't used to that level of positive attention and don't reject them.
and girls who look like Edd Gould
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What's large, pink, hairy, and comes in little cans?
Kyle Carrozza.
Long lost siblings for sure. Maybe if she had work ethic she could make her own EddsWorld for shits and giggles on the YouTube.
>vee, jane, cintamarine, and todokaras in the handshake meme for scamming their adoring trusting friends out of money for toys and lulz

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