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>Now immune from tourists
I find the snake lady hot
It's 12 Forever all over again
Julia was just a dumb drunk who sexually harassed her adult employees, she wasn’t caught with CP
This is one of the most disappointing series of all time. I thought it was going to be about magic swords and cool sword battles
honestly find it hard to laugh off this shit because of the nature of the accusations
not just CP, but torture porn CP
wtf?! I hate humans
I hate life
Correct, her employees were adults. That’s the actual reason she was blacklisted, everything else was internet speculation based on her edgy pedo jokes and weird tweets, unlike Kyle who has been caught actually victimizing children
Kyle looks like the kind of person that would get off to that though. Like if you wanted someone to play Caligula or someone similarly hedonistic in a movie, he's who you'd pick.
KEK, do you think rurouni kenshin is immune to tourists?
Rurouni Kenshin is getting a reboot on Netflix. It'll be saved because of it.
a reboot nobody is watching
Right, he reminds me of Zero Mostel’s son who incidentally played King Herod in Jesus Christ Superstar. He’s got that Roman Emperor Nero Caesar type of energy.
We expect mangakas to be depraved sex perverts. It’s kinda their schtick. But Western animators not so much.
>do you think rurouni kenshin is immune to tourists?
They should leak some of the pictures. I'm sure 90% of /co/ can vouch if they're lewd images of children or not.
how naive.
anon, think carefully about what you just said
Every week there's a thread with fetishes related to underage characters. What's the difference? People will post them anyway.
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Theres a stark difference between cartoon images and the real thing, retard
You can post any that's cartoon. Maybe that's what I meant. I feel I wasn't thinking of actual children.
you should've clarified that since it wasn't cartoons that Carroza got arrested for
Fictional obviously is the greyest area you can get without policing freedom of expression because fictional people are nor real nor have rights. otherwise media in general depicting violent, abusive and sexual crimes would people creators in the cross hairs for prosecution. Portrayals of real people is just awful on it's own even if not illegal. It falls under defamation of character, and target of abuse and insights illegal acts.
>all those grammatical errors
I got brain rot from lack of sleep.
cartoon porn isnt bad but real CP is, simple as
cartoon porn with depiction of real children is illegal
Keemstars daughter wasnt even in anything revealing in shads drawing
Hilary loli is fine because she’s an adult right
I don't care what creators do. I watch cartoons. So should you.
Tourists care
The only source we have for the 16tb allegation is some random magatard on Twitter saying that. He doesn’t cite any sources. He just said Kyle had
16tb and got teased and now people are parroting that.
Jesus fucking Christ, people are worried about AI spreading disinformation, but apparently it doesn’t need to be nearly that sophisticated.
>immune from tourists

What does this even mean?
Everyone on God's Earth has a horrible dark side, without exception. It'd be hypocritcal to discount a show or a book you like just because the creator's came to light.
it was terrible he tied kids to chair to pitch his idea
I thought she was blowing Trump
New fandom who sticks by just for sake of fandom, and doesn't truly like the show.
'I am a fan of Sailor Moon, except for the sexualization of the teenage girls, and the repeating animation, and the formula it has, and the boring side plots, and I hate the author. They should change all of these.'
'You are a tourist then'
His cartoon was shit.

Kyle should transfer ownership of all this works to his wife (ex-wife?) and remove his name from all the credits so she can still make money on his works/be able to pitch them to whoever might pick them up.
they were fun
Was it actually CP or just fictional drawings of fictional characters?
it was real cp
Hang him.
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Kyle's court hearing is today
Specifically media where more than a single person was involved. Animation is a huge undertaking of effort by more than it's lead director or creator. It is okay to enjoy things, and seperate the art from the artist has always been a thing. You are allowed to like thing or hate things. The only problem will be it being you need to be aware of the controversy. Like with any movies with Kevin Spacey.
the real thing, apparently the police still don't take in account drawings, so don't go and erase your stash of simpsons porn just yet my worried friend.
More so I'd still say it is time to delete your 2D tiddies.
Supposedly it may be postponed till Tuesday due to a ransomware attack on the LA county system
It's a little harder with Magiswords since Kyle voiced like half the cast, but I'm still going to watch the show for Vambre.
What a fatass
>for Vambre.
The child shouldn't bare the sins of the father
Even if she's not a nonce she gleefully declared herself a pedophile on her public tumblr which is retarded
Anyone who took a public admission of pedophilia in the edgelord era of the mid 00s seriously is the true retard

having simpsons porn is a crime against nature.
You're not wrong. Honestly think I became less numb when listening to Michael Jackson and it became harder to enjoy his work as I gotten older. I was young before the allegations were mainstream, and already an adult when he reserved himself from the public eye.
I really crushed on Marge for a bit. So I understand, but yeah. Simpson porn is a special kind of autism I could never get into.
>the edgelord era of the mid 00s
This. While Vickerman's posts from that time did not age well, I don't know why so many people seem to take this as some sort of public admission. It always came across as self-deprecating l'edgy humor to me. She's throwing herself under the bus for people to cringe-laugh at. This is also the era where dead baby jokes were commonly circulated. They were never funny as much as they were meant to be shocking. The inappropriateness is the joke.
>It'll be saved because of it
Because oda
Without oda, he would be blacklisted like act-age creator
>blacklisted like act-age creator
>Days since cartoon creator got outed as a sex pest:
>victimizing children.
>16 TBs of child porn.

can people be any more stupid?
1: theres no way one can collect that much porn in all his life.
2: even if it is 'child porn', which i doubt because they are putting so much goddamn attention to it, that doesnt justify this obvious witch hunt.
3:HE OWNS PORN! he is not going around raping children, how is that different from what everyone else is doing and why would anyone care!?

social media just killed a man's career and marked him, not a pedo, but as a monster on par with hitler. and for what? to feel better about themselves?
i hope every single person who has called him 'pedo', 'child abuser', 'monster' or whatever. gets their internet story leaked and persecuted too so they know what they just did to an innocent person.
It's more of a hearing setting where they'll talk about when his actual hearing will be.
>1: theres no way one can collect that much porn in all his life.
The 16TB shit is literally fake shit for X engagement
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>unironically defending a pedophile
You stupid zoomers, he had 16 of these full of CP. Kyle isn't sending his best defenders.
anon no one watched it, I've only seen two posts about it back when it premiered, it's the same that happened to Shaman King
>I posted it again
There was a time, not that long ago, when people understood the concept of something called 'jokes'. Sadly, that time is passed, that knowledge is lost, and now everything must be taken serious and at face value and no other way.
>Kyle Carrozza.
Vee won btw.
I hope you get killed
Because the old fans only want to see the jinchu arc animated
>I'm going to boycott the author by not watching his show on gogoanime illegally
You better prepare for your hearing, Kyle
But will drawfags touch these and other Kyle creations now?
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ToQger bros…

the well might be poisoned, but many will still drink from it.
naw, things will be taken as jokes until the tides turn against you and you are no longer in favor. At that point, people will suddenly interpret everything you said seriously and use it to burn you.
And the tide eventually turns against everyone.
>Talks about wanting to have sex with a 14 year old boy

I'm not laughing.
You can't employ children full-time
Shock humor isn't really funny. It elicits uncomfortable laughs if anything and, as the name implies, is meant to shock the listener at the inappropriateness. Other examples include dead baby jokes and, famously, The Aristocrats.
>t. Kyle
Except it wasn't shock humor, let alone humor alone. Not everything has to a jokes. She was lamenting the the fact she wanted to have sex with a 14 year old boy.
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>this thread again
As is usual, moral busybodies lack any sense of humor.>>144657997
wait what happened
>iT WaSN't HuMoR GuiYZZZZ!!!!
> i W a N t 2 H a E v S e X w I t H a 1 4 Y e A r O l D B o Y LAUGH WITH ME ANON LAUGH WITH ME! FUNNY FUNNY!
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>oda was watsuki's
>watsuki is a pedo
>oda was shimabukuro's boss
>shimabukuro is a pedo
why oda surrounded by these kind of people?

Seems like you didn't look. It was disgusting.
on god we need a livestream
>anon is blindly agree with a anon that has no sources.

Wow anon, it's like you want to be part of the witch hunt.
There's a lot of hot characters in this show.
His true hearing will be on August 30th, and discovery is still outstanding and trying to find any more evidence.
No pleas from Kyle yet, but you wonder what his lawyer's going to try pulling.
what are you talking about you cuck? he just mention oda and I remember oda was assistant of watsuki and boss of toriko's creator
>The preliminary hearing in the case of The People of the State of California vs. Carrozza, Kyle Adam for PC311.11(c)(1)-F Possession of Over 600 Images of Child or Youth Pornography is set for August 30th 2024. Discovery is still outstanding. No word on a plea or plea deal.
>That discovery is still outstanding from June is not great, but there's over a month to resolve that. With the Internet Crimes Against Children involved that might be the cause of the slowdown.
>anon no one watched it
omg... it was already released?

>the same that happened to Shaman King
AND shaman king?!
how the FUCK does 16TBs of that shit exist?!
I thought it was an embellishment
It was a vandalism from some dumb kid on the CN wiki, and a MAGA account spread it to Xitter
You need to be a place people want to go, for tourists. Magiswords was never a great show.
Act Age was a very popular Jump manga they was put on hold when the writer was discovered to have hit and run molested a school girl. The series was originally going to keep going with the artist taking over, but she declined our of respect for the victim, and thus the series was cancelled entirely.
Only those who separate the art from the artist.
One fear
one is to have old material that was outlawed later on, other thing is to fondle and diddle a real kid,degrees and degrees
the source was actually a 4chan post like 3 days before the tweet.
That's impossible; it had to be the woke crow Biden votes on Twitter spreading lies.
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what about cg?
looks like shit, anyway
modern cartoons really have no ralph bakshi or peter chung
a lost cause
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>Everyone on God's Earth has a horrible dark side, without exception.
Not me
jesus christ, how can a skeletal structure even hold onto so much fat? I'm not even trying to be mean, I'm genuinely curious.
mostly russian ones aka GAP
that's a legal gray area.
Bones are durable, they can stand up to abuse. It's the respiratory system that suffers the most. It's not easy to pump blood to so much area when you fail to keep your heart in shape with activity.
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How the fuck did he even get caught, and why so many fucking pictures? I'm seeing shit from "he had it on google drive" to "it was just an open industry secret".

On a personal note, as an artist. I've always hated him and his ideas. I haven't thought about this fucker in years. There was a thread with his many pitches, and there are more on his accounts. Did he go into meetings constantly trying to pitch this garbage?
We're they even touching it before this
It was a two-scandal deal.
Workplace sexual harassment leading to lawsuits that killed the studio.
Aaaand very creepy posts about a boy she met at a carnival.

Network services like google drive supposedly don't yet analyze the look of every file but do check every file against a database of essentially forbidden ones and zeroes.
The working theory is that Carozza accidentally linked a folder with very illegal content to his google drive account and this triggered this whole event.
That's when his google account was closed.
Supposedly when the cops went to arrest him with a warrant he had more stuff in his computer.
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Just FYI anons, if you've ever accidentally seen CP on 4chan, even if you didn't click the thumbnail or open the file, the CP is still saved in your browser cache. If police ever searched your PC and found it, it'd be considered possession.
You'll be fine as long as you clear your cache.
I mean, that's why TF2 now clears its cache on your pc for sprays. People were using it to upload CP into your computer. What would your excuse even be? "I didn't download it, I got it from a video game!"?
His defense move will be to eat the prosecution.
Yeah it's easily remedied but still crazy how that's a possibility, people out there could really have CP stored on their computers without even knowing it.
I need to see her humanized
>If police ever searched your PC and found it, it'd be considered possession.
That's not how it works nor does it count or else all of 4chan and 90% of the internet would be in prison. Just shut the fuck up Shake.
I'm sorry but that comment is suspcious I might have to call the FBI.
>all of 4chan and 90% of the internet would be in prison.
That's also not how it works, as most websites abide by the law and actively work to ensure they are not accidentally storying illegal content that was uploaded to their servers by random users. Storage on your own computer is something only you can control, and if you have illegal content just sitting on it then you at the very least have some questions to answer.
Vaush? is that you?
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It's over
The cops had to seize Kyle's electronic devices, so I guess they wanted to check his hard drive and his cell phone too
no they fucking weren't that is utter horseshit spread by some literal twitter tranny
kill yourself
>I keep seeing fake info that Kyle Carrozza had 16TB of CP (?!) and was tasered to the floor resisting arrest. While a hilarious visual, it isn't true. And not 16TB, but 600+ images.. still awful of course. He did spend 4 days in jail, and so far his punishment is 3 years probation and must register as an SO. Sounds like he WILL get jail time if any victims underage at the time come forward... but that's if they decide to. I've been seeing some speaking out lately.. Maybe consider testifying so he'll get locked up?
I thought she was stalking some kid at an amusement park
>maybe consider testifying
Why? He's already been outed. His life is over.
Creator of the Mighty Magiswords was arrested for possessing at least 600 pictures and/or 12 hours of video of CP. It's important to note that the law is it specific to actual children, so it wasn't any cartoon/anime.
you literally did not say cartoons. based on what you said, you wanted real stuff. now you're not even sure if you actually meant cartoons or not. bro get help
Is there a SINGLE flattering picture of this guy? It's not every day you come across someone so consistently unphotogenic.
he voices a ton of characters. gravity falls dubbed over louie CK after his thing came out so I guess they could try that, but he only voiced one character in one episode.
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It is how the feds and other glowies suppress public individuals with dark op tactics. They literally post on sites like these where radicals, and people who do not subscribe to the current political machine. Even if you're scrolling or browsing your PC will still save the temp cache data and they can use it to prosecute and smear your reputation before sending your to prison.
Sounds like it's time for him to go back to Van Nuys and see if Brian Peck's looking for another roommate.
What are the chances this guy is hiding an equal amount of cheese pizza on his google drive aswell?
I don't know why but all of it seems to be drawn by ESL brazillians, features heavy and stupid looking shading, and for some reason the male characters are always really buff. it's fucking weird. I've never seen simpsons porn that wasn't just hilarious.
He might be hiding it elsewhere and thinking he's smart for now
>3:HE OWNS PORN! he is not going around raping children
CP can't exist without children being hurt and abused. That there is a demand for it means you're directly harming children, and the fact that you made this post only tells me that you probably have actual CP saved on your computer right now. You're a fucking faggot, kill yourself.
he voiced Grup the Dragon
What if Kyle somehow manages to beat the case?
Joking about being a pedo in my opinion is literally not different from actually being a pedo. There's a difference between something like, in south park cartman was looking for friends on the internet and didn't realize that everyone he was talking to was a pedo, and an actual public individual making a tweet saying "There's so many kids at the pool today, I might be in jail before the day is over". One is understood to be a joke, the other reads like it could very well be legitimate. There's no reason to assume that someone saying they want to molest a child is actually just joking, because nobody is going to identify it as a joke if they don't know you.
Nobody that I knew in the edgelord era never joked about raping kids.
Maybe just don't be a creep and stop trying to be an edgy faggot? Seems simple. Is it that hard to be fucking normal?
Give Grup a new one, and done. Fixed!
were most of his pitches basically the same philosophy as John K, where he just draws a random character and attaches a shitty idea to it?

>Buster Hog
>Crapface the Duck
>Maynard the Cat
>Two Dogs
I love Two Dogs.
>implying there were a other reason to watch that shitty show aside of her
Kinda how people only ever watched Glitch Techs for Miko. And realizing all the pairings are interracial.
you think 600 images is a lot? that's cute. didn't the guy from glee have thousands?
Personally I preferred Zahra and Miko's mom.
He's clearly scared of Kyle seeing the things he wrote lmao
at least CN tried with magiswords, nick inmediately said ''screw coomers, cancel this thing, it's not doing money''
This is horrible. Like if Ren and Stimpy was made by a zoomer.
600 is a lot, but evidently there's about 12 hours of video. images can be one thing, they're staged, but video shows abuse in real time.
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the dude was heavily inspired by john k. he later went on to criticize john k's techniques while using them at the exact same time.
Like the weed planting in the car.
Makes sense
so still just a random dickhead making an allegation with no actual source. Got it.
>It's the respiratory system
>It's not easy to pump blood
science fail
yeah this guy is insufferable
It was some doofus vandalizing the Cartoon Network wiki article on him first, and then the same guy probably posted his handiwork here.
According to the charge, it could be one or the other.
>PC 311.11(c): Every person, who knowingly is in possession of twelve (12) videos, or six hundred (600) images, of child pornography described in PC 311.11(a) above, or child abuse involving sexual sadism or sexual masochism, is guilty of possession of child pornography with enhanced penalties
that blog post she wrote surfaced only after she had already been fired for coming to work drunk and sexually harassing her coworkers. It's part of the Vickerman scandal, but has nothing to do with her getting fired.
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This guy just smells of weaselly clout chasing little scheming fuck. He has this whole sniveling minion of some evil wizard type of energy to him.
>12 hours
The actual charge is for at least 12 videos or 600 images. Not hours.
it was just him saying
over and over again any time he appeared.
some rando Flash animator guy theFierceKid tried to take credit for bringing the news out to Reddit on TIA, but it had been making the rounds after in general
>nobody is going to identify it as a joke if they don't know you
it's plausible that the blog post and tweets were made with the expectation that very few people outside her immediate group of friends would see it so they would understand what she's like in real life and know it's a joke.
Keep in mind that people didn't dig those posts up until well after she had already been fired from 12 forever, so there's some evidence that perhaps she wasn't huge on social media back then.
it's not 12 hours. it was 12 videos. Stop embellishing.
why or?
Jesus how often are their big scandals like this in western animation on X?
on where?
do you have 600 images of legal porn? I'm gonna guess not. probably more like 60,000 images.
what's wrong with the dinosaur toy? or the alien? look pretty rad to me. now playmobil, those things sucked.
I don't like to deadname people but twitter.
A website isn’t a person you dumbass.
Corps are people according to the United States government dickweed
And you listen to everything the government says fuck no, bitch I bet you’re downloading a car right now.
Kyle is at least getting the widespread recognition he’s been begging for seeing his name pop up in a lot of news articles and Twitter
I think if he had both, that would lead to two separate charges instead of just one.
He'll finally get his wikipedia article!
I believe in MY government.
You'd know, you fucking pedophile
Don't get mad because I have basic logic skills.
how is it or though? are they counting every frame of a movie? that doesn't make sense.
one actually did finally go up after he was arrested. it's still up too.
I think video is considered worse than still images for some reason so feds have decided 12 vids is about on par with 600 pics. I'm guessing there are different charges for more or less? I don't know, but I've googled enough about pedo laws in the last few days to be on all sorts of lists now, and I really don't want to continue researching this.
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that's some real monkey's paw shit.
>for some reason
likely because photos are staged, but videos show the actual harm in progress
Dude the show sucks
think is beyond dark anon
want school photos of Kyle?
Isnt that the same guy that made this garbage with the ugly designs/scale, and played defense for ThunderShats BRAP and was pals with John K?
Aint no way somebody never noticed
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he once looked...average
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Sorry, that was my bad. I meant to say videos not hours.
Most usually do.
Fucked as this sounds, for their sakes, I hope these 3 aren't around any more. Cant imagine getting the news.
There's still something evil behind those eyes. Also filename, chris never played basketball, he was apparently the water boy. He got hit in the face with a basketball once which inspired him to create the champion of autism, Bionic the Hedgehog.
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looks like vector here
Kyle is 45, and assuming Laura is a sister or something, at least two of them are likely still alive.
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mom was still alive to have wished him a happy birthday recently, only to take the post down
only a few to go for those curious
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ditched the glasses but has the thousand yard stare
You don't need to crop too much off the bottom for it to look like he's gooning to cp
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could be twins with CWC desu
Could he even reach
>PERIODS. [clap emoji] BETWEEN. [clap emoji] EVERY. [clap emoji] WORD. [clap emoji]
I don't even know the context for this, I just saw this and had to call you an insufferable faggot
She guested on a song
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He's a pedophile and all, but it's still bottom of the barrel content.
So it's a fitting match then
Looks like he was a dork in high school.
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I'm sure all cartoonists looked like dorks in highschool, as well as most of us here
That boy ain't right
Where did she joke about raping kids?
Where is the mugshot? I want to see how pathetic and ruined he looks in it. I don't understand why we don't have it.
fucking kek.
God bless the internet.
LAPD says the full booking report is only available on request for victims of the crime. Since there aren't any direct victim we know of, that'll remain under lock and key unless it gets leaked.
So them's the breaks, huh. Weird that there's all these early life photos in this thread but we probably won't get to see a depraved sex offender's mugshot.
she talked about stalking a 13 year old boy at an amusement park. don't even know if it was a joke to be honest. whether or not it was a joke, it's still fucking weird thing to say publicly.
It probably helps sites like Classmates and the New York Heritage database have yearbooks as public records to freely look through and confirm, but his arrest happening where it did makes it more restricted to what gets out.
I mean he has to register as an SO and there are plenty of pictures of him online, so even if there's no mugshot people still know what he looks like
Fair enough. He'll never be able to hide, and I don't think he could ever get away with it if he tried with how...distinct he looks.
>Along with other personal information, California Arrest Records include mugshots. Mugshot is a regular part of the booking process in California. It consists of two pictures. The first is a frontal shot that depicts the person's complete look, while the second is a profile shot (side view).
>Law enforcement agencies obtain mugshots of criminals so that the public, victims, and sometimes witnesses can recognize them. Investigators also use them because they quickly become essential to the police and criminal records.
>In this state, police mugshots are public records. But each police department decides when and how to release them.
Burbank PD, you have the opportunity to do something funny.
I just searched for myself on here but it didn't show up. I wonder why he's on there but my entire school isn't. In the US.
His dad and mom both have FB, names are "Carl" and "Anne".
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>Mother removes birthday wish
Its is, completely and utterly, over.
That’s just depressing and awful, I think finding out your kid turned into a monster, is the only thing worse than them dying in your lifetime.
This is almost as heartbreaking as the Chandler dream studio plaque.
I can't imagine what they're going through now. His wife that he somehow had too. I just don't understand what sends a person down this road. Even if you're this fucked in the head, why would you think you could get away with having this shit, let alone stored on fucking Google?
I was gonna say a 1960 cartoon depiction of a tribesman, but yours is more politically correct.
>his ideas
Can you even call them that
Not really. A lot of his ideas felt like fake cartoons that would be watched by the characters in real cartoons. Some of them weren't even that much.
Most likely he didn’t have all of it stored on google and accidentally moved a file over, when he was looking at it but someone like his wife came home or he got a discord call. I mean I’m glad he was caught sad he was fucked in the head but it’s better for the rest of us to known the monster to stop him from hurting anyone anymore.
There's also his younger sister, who recently underwent a bad divorce and now she has to find out her big bro's a diddler.
Boy, how they never thought he would ended up as a total freak.
Pretty much all his pitches could be summed up as:
>Duo of moronic male and coombait girl get into misadventures resulting from their occupation.
Good point, he could have panic-moved it. I wonder if more details will come to light. He apparently wasn't actually tazed, for one thing. Disappointing.
"The Ladies" had at least five girls with their dunce, but it was a ripoff of different harem anime
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When it rains, it fucking pours, am I right?
Oop, thanks for reminding me about the copious anime ripoffs.
He might've at least shit a brick at the coppers.
He looks like a horror movie toddler
Also someone post the pictures from his wedding to Lindsay where his hot parents are escorting him down the isle pls
It makes you wonder when he started his evolution to Snorlax.
As a parent this is a fear of mine, doesn't help that my kid is on the spectrum already and I’m currently trying to teach him that he needs to be gentle with animals. I hate the world I live in and often wish the sun would just explode.
Metabolism finally slowed down. Its not uncommon for nerds to be skinny in highschool then suddenly balloon up in their 20s -30s
So no rape then
Eh he could get bariatric surgery, shave the mutton chops, cut his hair and ditch the Marty McFly vests. It wouldn’t be too hard to change his look enough to fly under the radar and get a job as a trucker in a few years
Mom also used to go by “mommala”, I think she had a deviantart account lol
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What went wrong
See on my PC that "dark side" would just be a lot of hentai of dejee from skyrim and running people over in GTA5 and watching horror movies.

I don't think any of those are on the level of owning 600+ files of CP and potentially producing it.
Too much McDonalds, Mt. Dew, and a hefty amount of cheese pizza for his jollies
>deeja from skyrim
Superb taste.
Kids are more active and have structured schedules in high school (plus higher metabolism).
In college and after, Kyle was away from home. No phys ed or high school sports, he could eat whatever he wanted from the cafeteria, may have started drinking, etc. It’s a cautionary tale to take care of your body. Find a form of exercise you enjoy and do it at least 3 times a week, eat a balanced diet, and watch the alcohol intake. Remember, it’s easier to drink calories than to eat them, so if you’re getting chubby, take stock of your beverage choices first.
So it’s not just me right? His parents are kinda cute. I’ve heard his sister is too. Genetics are bizarre.
No boundaries at all. It’s a wedding wear a formal suit of some kind. If you let someone do whatever they want all the time they start to think they’re in touchable and can do no wrong. My guess he never really got punished as a kid.
So far he'll skate on probation unless they do decide to jail him. If he wound up behind bars, somebody would finally make him do away with those vests and he'd have nothing but the coverall.
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For all the shows faults, I liked Vambre. She wasnt a tomboy girlboss or a prissy voice of reason. She just acted like a feminine version of her goofy brother so she had good chemistry with him.
also Grey DeLisle does a good job voicing her. Her brother deserved a fun medieval voice to match her energy, not Kyle’s shitty nasally monotone.
Full post if anyone wants it btw
Looks like a cute wedding. Lindsay was out of Kyle’s league. He really fucked up.
What if it was planted?
>also Grey DeLisle does a good job voicing her. Her brother deserved a fun medieval voice to match her energy, not Kyle’s shitty nasally monotone.
I think it worked, actually. She took herself a little more seriously and he was just some lame bro.
I think you'll succeed in nurturing your kid into a good person, anon. Keep in mind that a creep like Kyle is comparatively rare among folks who are raised with love and support, even among people with autism or other unique circumstances. I believe in you and yours, fren <3
Also, just realized his tumblr is gone. Must have been recent because I was looking at it last night
Then, it worked and he got fucked, but that’s probably not what happened. There’s a big risk planting this kinda thing on someone. I mean you have to find this stuff in order to plant it so it can easily blow up in your face.
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Ah, yes. Kyle is such a hotshot that the Hollywood elites really had to take him down a peg. But to answer your question honestly, no I don't think it was planted.
>still posting like nothing happened
I guess it's all you can do
Source? Do you know them?
Is it actual illegal heinous shit or the average rule 34 2d drawings that normalfags go into a frenzy over?
Actual illegal shit with real life human children, not drawings
>Joking about being a pedo in my opinion is literally not different from actually being a pedo.
Zoomers being raised on twitter is one of the worst things to happen to our specjes
either that or "Yaaayyyy!!" in that dumb monotone
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I'm scared to look that up
They probably think joking about death makes you a murderer too
theres someone who asks every thread and its always the same reaction, is it hard to believe kyle was a honest to god pedomobile just by looking at him?
Basically, if you play Fortnite you're a murderer since you're killing people in the video game, meaning you are deriving enjoyment from causing death, thus you're literally Ted Bundy.
>striped collar shirt
Chris chan vibes in this.
but I'm an alcoholic, I can't control my alcohol intake
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If nothing else, the Carrozza family will always have that brief moment in time to look back upon when they were proud of their weird son and his Mighty Magiswords cartoon becoming a real thing.
Holy shit, he's even fatter than I thought he was. How the hell can anyone get THAT fucking gargantuan? There's being fat, and then there's THIS. It's fucking grotesque. Combined with his receding hairline and stupid ass mutton chops, I'm honestly astounded this guy managed to get married.
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>he's a bad goy, and we declared him a bad goy, so... stop noticing or looking into things, do you want us to think you're a bad goy too?
Somehow this Nick Bates cosplayer found a wife despite looking almost as bad his behavior.
So hey, the bar must be underground.
Anyone can get rid of v status if he lowers his bar
People here are volcels
>Now immune from tourists
Mighty magiswords, a missed opportunity cartoon
Kyle voiced like half a dozen characters, including the male protagonist. Nobody is going to bother replacing that much voicework on an old cartoon practically nobody cares about anymore.
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We can go WIDER!
He might do away with the vests anyway. There’s something about your entire industry knowing you’re a giant piece of shit that sucks the fun out of being the guy who dresses crazy and calls attention to himself. I suspect it’s better for Kyle to do his best to blend in at the moment.
He fat boi
many things have to go wrong to reach this point
This is the one!
It's always sad when an unclean one defects to Slaneesh. Why would someone leave Nurgle's warm comfort?
This is that newgrounds retard who is essentially pulling a “my dad works at Nintendo”.
Then either abstain or commit to destroying your body,
And the police record states he’s 260lbs. Ain’t no fucking way.
The mother has seen way better days.
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Kyle Chandler?
>"The crimes he is accused of do not apply to drawings, figurines, statues, or films rated by the Motion Picture Association."

I would hate to be a lawyer for this sick fuck. I’d probably just half heartedly tell the judge he’s autistic or psychotic and was not acting in clear state of mind
Absolute toonit
Fucker’s built like the great pyramid of greaza
There are many things on public record if you find out names and do a quick Google search
Check this man's hard drives.
His website, Tumblr, Facebook, and Instagram are all kaput. Twitter is still up but locked and frozen at updates on about October 2023.
Still there unlike her son deactivating his, it's a time capsule.
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Big hurt.
I think this the first time I've actually looked into a "celeb" pedo's family, and now I'm just getting depressed. Really sets how one doesn't just hurt the kids they exploit, they bring their family down as well.
It's had to be a nightmare for all of them to find out, and to have to grapple with hoping others will give them peace and not blame them for Kyle's bullshit while contending with him being a disgusting beast into diddling kids.
Probably hasnt helped that I'm sure some weens have started spam messaging them.
That's apparently why the mom deleted her birthday celebration post for Kyle, and why Lindsay was laying low and then had to speak out about getting a lot of suspicious friend requests.
She called herself a creep and I think she even tagged the story with 'pedo'. Bad taste and potential problematic predilections aside, I think it was at least *intended* to be a joke.
>Good point, he could have panic-moved it. I wonder if more details will come to light. He apparently wasn't actually tazed
We really don't know anything at all.
We still don't know that he had anything on Gdrive. The closest we have to confirmation is that some dickhead on Newgrounds who "is totally family friends with Kyle guys, he comes over to my house and everything" said that his wife confirmed it. Also, his dad works at Nintendo. I'd be more comfortable accepting it as fact if he had at least provided had a screenshot of a text convo.
For all we know, he MAY have been tased (though unlikely. If he had, they probably would have tacked on a charge for resisting arrest).
People keep speculating, but we only know what we have documented proof of...that Kyle's a megacreep.
is she hot? Kyles mom and dad were attractive in their younger years and aged well. It would be really funny if Kyle was the doofy odd one out of the family.
you don't even need to get bariatric surgery anymore. A woman in my building started getting Ozempic and she dropped her weight SUPER fast.
Holy shit he looked like Sam Hyde
Her Facebook is n0vastardust, she's an artist too
Yes, and she takes care of herself and seems to have a vegan diet.
Before Kyle's Facebook got nuked, it seems like his face was sliiiightly less piggish in the more recent pics and you have to wonder if it was stress or he'd been trying to jab himself with Lizzo.
They were so proud of him. They seem like a really nice family.
I doubt Kyle was thinking about what his family would think of him when he was downloading shit. It would be easier for family members to figure out ways to excuse him robbing a bank or straight up killing someone. You can do mental gymnastics and figure out a way that your son/brother was in a tough spot and felt like he had to. But this is nearly impossible to justify even if you're trying to lie to yourself and I doubt anyone in his family can truly move on and think of him without being reminded of this ever again.
oh lawd, he cummin'
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The mother was a babe in the day and has aged remarkably well for being in her 60s/70s. She's not standing up to women who have had expensive work done, but we should all be so lucky to be someone (or partner with someone) who naturally ages that well.
Sadly, Kyle was truly narcissistic and only concerned about where he could get his next fap each and every time, and somehow thinking he could skirt the laws and human decency.
You can really see that if Kyle put effort into his appearance, he could've looked like his dad there. He's got that basic face shape but his mom's eyes.
defense lawyers are used to this kind of shit. Defending a client has almost nothing to do with excusing the actions of the accused. It's mostly about making sure that they get a fair shot at going through the system. Essentially, the defense is there to make sure that nobody tries to pull any fast shit. If the client is to be punished, the prosecution needs to be able to actually prove that they are guilty and if so, then the state needs to be reasonable with it's punitive actions. Defense is necessary to make sure people don't go off the rails.
Seems like that was written after a cancer scare or perhaps after a loved one died. Oddly poignant though, nearly 15 years later.
a cautionary tale to those who would think to do the same.
>defending Carrozza

(you) are lesser than cockroaches.
He should join Tony Goldfart's podcast
you can see it in his younger photos. He was kinda geeky, but he could have really grown into himself had he not grown out of himself so much.
45 minutes of exercise a day will do it, kiddos. Get a gym membership and lift 3 days a week. Take a day off between lift days and two days off at the end of the week. Find a 12 week plan that starts from zero if you're not currently active. Once you're a bit stronger, you can add cardio to your off days. Keep the two off days at the end of the week for rest, though.
You'll notice a difference within 1 month. Other people will start to notice a difference within 3.
i want both Tony and Nico be the next ones in line. It's extremely obvious they're in damage control mode right jow.
Nico seems obvious, but I'm not sure he's even attracted to humans at this point. He probably has an absolutely massive collection of Lisa Simpson porn though which, while salacious, is not illegal in CA.

QRD on 'Tony'? Never heard of him.
I forget people still use Facebook. You almost never hear about it these days. It used to be talked about all the time. When I'd meet people in 2008, they'd immediately ask if you're on Facebook and then trade contact info. These days people tend to ask about Instagram.
He's a former Channel Awesome person who runs Disney podcasts. Was Kyle's right-hand whiteknight when drama about Ang resurfaced last fall, and ranted on both his Twitter and Facebook about how those against Kyle were MAPs and how his poor friend was traumatized by Zim porn for life.
Supposedly, there's allegations where he abused his ex-wife out there somewhere, and how he immediately started dating an 18 year old after the divorce.
Tony Goldmark, massice cartoon asshole, helped Kyle in his witch hunt. Alongside Nico, he was one of the first ones, before Kyle's family and actual close ones, to post about Kyle's arrest. Yet he posted in a very defensive way, and still guiltripping everyone who opposed Kyle over the years.
He seemed more concerned about how he was going to have to uninvite Kyle to his podcast.
Yep. Damage control mode.
Kyle's buddy Jane Amber might have a stinky hard drive too, going by how much she brags about doing illegal and immoral things and her obsession with forcing herself on others or accusing them of being into her and wanting to defile her.
>Had a wife he was married to for a decade and who started as one of his fans
>She just couldn't match up to the little girls on his drive
Never thought mocking a kiddy diddler would inspire me to get fit, yet here we are.
It's kinda dumb how easy it is once you actually start. You ask yourself why the fuck you didn't start years ago.
This is a good free plan and it has videos to show you how to do shit:
Like I said, 3 days a week. That's fucking nothing. Take it as an opportunity to listen to some music you've been wanting to check out or listen to a podcast. Commit to doing those 3 days and don't skip (once you skip one day, it's super easy to do more).

Once you feel better, you can add doing some elliptical machine on your days off (which is much easier on the knees than full-on jogging, but still gives the heart a good workout). I load up movies I've been meaning to watch on the ipad and do 30 minutes of cardio. It's surprising how fast it goes by.

That said, even if you didn't feel comfortable with the cardio, you'll burn plenty of calories with the weight training. It's MUCH easier to sit in a chair for work now, my posture is way better, and it's crazy how much of a difference it makes to your mental health. The most difficult hurdle is to just start going to the gym, but once you get over the fear and the stigma of the gym-bros, it's fine. Most people working out mind their own business. There are always buttholes, but the majority of other people there hate them as much as you or I would. Do this for yourself, and in less than a year you're going to be SUPER happy you started now.
Kyle's wife too https://www.deviantart.com/cozmictwinkie
I bought ring fit adventure a month ago and already lost 5 lbs
Feels good, yeah?
for sure yeah
I'm also drinking way more water now
aw. That sucks. RIP
>DA is just full of feel good pics of her and her husband.
Shimabukuro and Oda are contemporaries, though. He had a super popular manga that began its run the week before One Piece; that's why they're friends. Remember: Toriko was his grand return to Jump after his original jail sentence was up.
My question is, how did these creeps get caught in the first place? Dont they usually hide their IPs with Tor or VPN? Is it because they're stupid enough yo leave it on the open PC monitor and somebody walk by?
What is TF2? Team Fortress?
Most people's "horrible dark side" is wishing violence on people they don't like or not being bothered by something socially disagreeable. Cheese Pizza is LEAGUES darker than "My sister secretly hopes her work rival really does get shot by her hood-rat boyfriend" or "Dave likes to watch rekt'd vidoes because gory horror movies no longer upset him."
>theres no way one can collect that much porn in all his life
You can download that much porn from torrents on this very website from just a handful of threads in a single day if it's being seeded properly. Unless you assume there's literally not that much CP in the world; which is even more naive than assuming you can't download 16TB of porn.
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Here's his fan art back when he was around 17
what a fine demonstration of the american education system, anon
Isn’t October around when he got his google account nuked? I wonder if he lost access to his twitter when he lost his gmail
At least in Kyle's case, the current speculation is that he was caught because he, intentionally or unintentionally, backed up everything in his Google Drive.

Mind you, the main source of this was a Newgrounds post but it does make sense. His Google account was nuked about a year prior, something confirmed by Kyle himself. Despite his claim that it was "borked", it's pretty rare for Google to nuke everything so it makes sense that his horrible collection did him in.
It’s kind of heartbreaking. I know several people who fell out with Kyle and have hated him for years but even they talk about how great his family is. I feel so bad for them.
I've heard people say that Kyle ripped this anime off. I watched a few clips, besides the designs for two of the main characters, I couldn't find anything similar.
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I don't have it saved, but Vambre's character progression from her initial design in the 90's very clearly shows the inspiration from Lina Inverse.

Kyle loves to take inspiration from anime.
>Kyle loves to take inspiration from anime.
Oh definitively, I remember there was a piece of art he posted on his twitter that was basically "Game Center Arashi". Somebody pointed that out and he replied: "This guy get's it!" iirc. He's a fanboy of 80s-90s anime.
I know the exact image you're talking about, I wish I had it saved. It's fine to take inspiration but in that situation he literally took the kid and recolored him.

He's a little too on the nose with his inspirations too.
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Does anyone know how California's state-level FOIA request act works? I want to try and see if I can get Kyle's arrest footage
>How the fuck did he even get caught
by storing all his shit on google drive
Google rarely nukes accounts with few exceptions like hosting files for piracy or having images that trigger photoDNA (a.k.a, CP)
Kyle's account got nuked (le "borked" XDDDD millennial humor) back last October, he should have known his ass was grass
Japan's legal system is so fucked up that the Apothecary Diaries' artist got slapped with a 600k USD fine and the threat of 10 months jail time meanwhile pedophiles like Watsuki, Shimabukuro, and Matsuki (Act-Age author) all got no jailtime and tiny fines ($200 for Watsuki owning a CP collection as large as Kyle's, $600 for Shimabukuro soliciting a child prostitute, and none whatsoever for MatsukI)
Ah, "Jane," the one GUY who said he transitioned to get laid easier... yep, that guy must have a lot under his bed.
I'm sure you could get it, I'm fairly certain I've seen arrests from California posted on YT before. I'm not sure if you'd need to make the request to the State, city or county though. He was in Burbank, right?
Yes, he was. Hopefully I won't have to pay, some states like Minnesota do that to discourage easy access to footage. States like Texas don't give a fuck and will provide it on request.
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>Meowtaindeww "Jane"
How does that faggot have any connections to the animation industry whatsoever? he can't draw, he's never animated, all he is is a tranny who cries on Twitter and suicidebaits whenever things don't go his way
he brings literally nothing to the table
....you think he drew you know of her?
>Nico Cocacola has to come in and draw all attention to himself again
At least he's trying to help clear up misinformation but you know he's only doing it so he can somehow segue into talking about how he is a bigshot animation industry guy with SO many connections
mommy and daddy got him into lcad for one semester so I’m guessing he made his one or two connections that way. he’ll never work in the industry. the beavis and butthead artist who took pity on him gave up and kyle’s career is dead so jane’s screwed, those were his only contacts
Nobody is watching it because Anime News Network and other english-language anime press refuses to cover it
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same energy
Nowadays, he looks a lot like Ben Franklin.
Jane sent nudes to a minor so yeah he's a predator too.
I genuinely can't figure out how he's gotten so many connections. He can't draw at all and just uses people so I have no idea why people befriend him. I'm guessing its pity or cause he's a tranny and they don't wanna look transphobic.
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all troons do once they hit middle age and start facing male pattern baldness.
Pug Ogly didn't even use to look like Arashi, if you look at the Webarchives of his old blog. I guess once he learned of that manga, he saw the opportunity to make that kid look even more like a manga star.
Oh yeah, Karli's one of the various industry people that one's accused of rape and grooming. Kyle seemed to stick by the longest and I guess he worked that to his advantage, but now with pedopants being a criminal that's a bad look for a school shooter wannabe.
>the one GUY who said he transitioned to get laid easier
That may have been the intent, but I can't imagine that would make things easier. If anything, I'd imagine it would make things more difficult.
odd, because he was one of the first ones to disseminate disinformation by claiming the materials were BDSM related.
Probably misreading the code or wanting to drum up discussion of Kyle being Peter Scully Jr.

Iirc the balding can be delayed with some medications or gussied up with wigs, but yeah you see such cases like one really bigoted one named Courtney that was infamous months ago.
Kyle's already gotten balding from his dad's side so any anons hoping he'd pull a CWC move would have to see that go on.
fwiw, taking estrogen actually helps reverse male pattern baldness in some cases. I mean, it won't regrow hair from a chrome dome, but if the hair is thinning out, it can sometimes help bring it back to full thickness. It doesn't always work, and obviously if you've already gone bald before transitioning (as I'm assuming is the case in the photo you posted) then it won't matter. Also, not everyone takes hormones so there's that.
inb4 tranny accusation. I'm not, I just want to correct disinformation. Assuming that all mtf will go bald in middle age is not accurate
>Probably misreading the code
it's definitely this. The short form of the code can be misleading if you don't read it carefully (and watch out for tricky 'or' statements which do heavy lifting in legalese). The longer definition of the charge specifies that materials can include depictions of BDSM. Nico saw that, freaked out, and went straight to twitter like the drama farming attention seeking tard he is.
Nah, I figured that was the case. Women seem to retain hair much longer than men, so it makes sense estrogen is involved somehow.
Writers wish they could come up with irony as strong as this.
Right? I'm pretty sure Kyle never considered the devastating effects his choices would have.
>(le "borked" XDDDD millennial humor)
Hate to be that guy but he's a Gen X. The last Gen X at that. Not like it matters since they are almost no different to older millennials.
Yeah, sexual crimes are really hard to take as there's no rational way to justify them. You cant Rape someone because "you were in a bad spot", and you cant download pics of minors because "you were trying to defend yourself."
Kyle Carozza? More like Eric Carozza.
this. Parents can justify robbing a bank or even killing someone with mental gymnastics. Even sexual assault of another adult could potentially be chalked up to a 'misunderstanding'. Downloading that many images or videos of kids 12 or under is fucking impossible. Even if Kyle tried to claim that he needed it for anatomical reference for art (which is ridiculous...you don't need porn for that), why the fuck would he need that much of it?
It's heartbreaking. He destroyed his family.
He only considered his own sexual needs, which apparently didn't mean just whipping it out to 2D ladies or those of age. Vile man.
Makes me think of that one fat nerd some people were comparing to Carrozza from a South Park episode. Maybe someone should do an edit to give him hairier chops, thicker glasses, and all the works.
Pretty much. Cant even weasel out with le old classic
>It was a virus!
Supposedly he blamed Ang for hacking his Google Drive to his friends and insisted "She said she did, just trust me".
The cops don't agree, if that's what triggered them to come.
Wait, is that how he got caught? He leaked his GD?
>Supposedly he blamed Ang for hacking his Google Drive
If you don't have an actual source for this, then you're a drama farming faggot.
Hashes might tipped the feds off, it happens in a lot of diddle busting cases.
California doesn't have anything like Bad and Busted?
He had a WIFE?
Sucks for the whole family if they are anywhere near LA. Anyone seeing the last name will go
>Wait, are you related to that weird fat guy that diddled them kids?
Looks like a situation of coddling their kids too damn much until he was a grown child still wearing his weird costume even to his own wedding.
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I actually liked Morbidia and the evil Shatner and Takei duo the show had going on.
>school shooter wannabe
Excuse me?
Mobidia needs it.
this anon proceeded to beat, drug and confine his child at the first signs of literally anything even slightly weird
How the fuck could any parent look at their child that recently became a pedo and not think "i have no children" before cutting them off
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Even if i hated Kyle, i was looking forward for this thing...
Pretty sure someone did it already
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I bet this a "Mama's baby!" situation. He never got punished, never learned real discipline, never learned self-control, and is an obvious porn-addicted man-baby, because his mom (or both parents) coddled him.

If he lost weight, got his retarded facial hair game under control, and actually grew up, then maybe he could have gotten a captain Ahab thing going, but instead he's just a fat, child-diddling loser.
I can never figure out why these deranged fucks that constantly harp about how they are suicidal or cutting themselves ever actually plan to get a job in anything. No one wants to hire a psychi like that for a gas station job much less something professional level where the whole team's asses are on the line if someone is a fuckup.
A lot of them don’t, in fact pedophiles tend to lack empathy.
So, I'm not a lunatic right?
I don't get why he wears the puffy jacket, like.. If you're gonna take the piss out of the wedding, wear a silly print suit to your wedding, that's more acceptable than the puffy jacket.
Thehiddenhorror has been leaking Discord logs of Jane and one of the older, lolcow-wrangling friends they had that they made the stupid move of oversharing everything to. At some point the menace talked of being like Elliot Rodger and made and deleted a comment of wanting to shoot up the school, which their "buddy" repeated and refused to delete. The Laguna College of Art and Design found out someone made a threat to shoot up the school over the wifi and cops were sent there to talk to Jane.
>The one series where it turns out the main team were kids all along
sasuga Kyle-san. Although it doesn't explain the Drive masks in the background of the other pics...
Can someone explain to me what the appeal of this ever was? I remember checking it out a few times when I read Dumm Comics but I never found it funny.
It's a raccoon dressed as a frog and her name is Strawberry! Word salad is so quirky, haha!
i wanna fuck Strawberry.
He might actually shave off those horrendous mutton chops for once in his adult life, just so it'd be just a tiny bit harder to identify him at a glance
>(once you skip one day, it's super easy to do more).
and before you know it, its difficult to get back on
Replace the word child with duck and that describes you.
I feel bad for anyone who likes this series

It has some really good lines and characters amongst Billy fucking West on the show

but the creator is a huge creep who holds thousands of Child Porn

Kyle shouldn't be trusted around anyone let alone little girls

you people need to get a life. you're pathetic.
poor duck. :(
You love Child Porn

Don't you Squidward
Post Vambre thirst then
doesnt matter when its spammed in drawthreads regardless slop is slop
This page has the original Magiswords pitch, and Hatz and Pug pre-Game Center Arashi ripoff designs.
Wow, this guy really would just throw whatever at all in the hopes of getting picked up.
When Kyle fucked his wife, did he think of her, or kids? Did they even have sex?
We need some edits of Chris and Kyle in High School together now.
They'd call themselves The Funny Music Hedgehog Boyz
that's a theory. It's not yet confirmed.
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What a stupid looking piece of shit. Imagine if this had gotten made.
The mom and dad are in the Catskills NY. Sucks because that's kind of a small town-ish area where people would probably have been keeping tabs on the Carrozza boy who left to pursue his dreams in Hollywood and got his own show. The parents don't live in LA, but it's almost certain the word would have gotten out about their boy and people are gossiping.
He recycled two of the Ladies for his Consoldier pitch too, making Fee an alien and keeping a bitchy redhead named Yomama in there.
Always finding ways to redesign and re-use his characters, but never finding the "ONE" that lands.
I politely, but firmly, disagree. He was a creator of a show that aired on an actual television network. The same way that John K. was discussed here for years with most of the conversation shifting to the possibility of him doing illegal things the irony being that once victims came forward, suddenly /co/ actually wanted to discuss his "content", I think the same should be allowed for Carroza. The dude has been peddling his completely nonsensical pitches for 20 years. Of course people wanting to discuss it.
If this account by one of his ex-friends is any truth, it probably won't be anything remarkable.
>we are unsure about how much he really had and there’s no way in hell it’s possible to even see how he was arrested, I know sources that describe an entirely different picture of what really went down and it’s not as “cinematic” as stated here, it’s completely false
Adhd type of show. Fanart is sexy tho, but I wonder if this incident will make the well dry up
Is the Consolider "pitch" in the blogspot? I'm not seeing it there.
He likely wore the puffy vest for so many years before getting married that he made it part of his identity. That sort of 'le quirky' decision is not uncommon for gen-xers and millenials. Sometimes you'll see people wearing converse chuck taylors, or nike air jordans to their wedding (sometimes in a tongue-in-cheek 'formal' version) because that's what they always wear. This is usually the decision that people make when they lack an actual personality, so they need to glom onto bullshit like this to take it's place.

People also do the same shit with rockabilly fashion (wearing leopard print/creepers/rhinestones and getting married by Elvis), punk rock weddings (battle jackets, mohawks, and tattooing 'rings'), or more pathetically, MAGA weddings where people dress up in Donald Trump affiliated bullshit.
yeah. It's best not to skip, but if you do, the next move is to just pick up where you left off as soon as possible. Don't let skipping one day completely derail your plans.
Was in here
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Interesting, thanks Anon. He really did just recycle two designs. I guess he must have really liked them, although I think the more normal human look suited them better.
Anyone got any more of his weird pitches? I remember a clown lady named Punchy Nello at some point.
these are expressive and well drawn, but i wouldn't call them good designs. they all have pretty much the same "base" model and they're not cohesive. the designs all look like they could be from different shows. similar problem to hazbin, actually
> Kyle does have a good knack for voiceover choosing such as his idea of having Maria Bamford as Frog Raccoon Strawberry if he couldn't get his friend Zoe Moss for the role. He also made the right choice for getting Billy West as MooBeard and Rob Paulsen as Darkblade in case getting Dave Allen was impossible. I also recalled him wanting Tom Kenny to voice Scaredy Cat in his pitch "Top Dog". But mostly, he wants to do many voices himself since he's indeed a voice over actor. Rumor has it; he never wants to cast Tress MacNeille for any of his projects.
Sorry, by no means was I implying they were good designs - I was simply saying I felt there looked better when they had human skin tones vs greens/blue skin.

I agree with you, by no means was Kyle a bad artist but overall his designs were flimsy and lacked cohesion. As evident with his webcomic, >>144679283, his idea of designs and pitches was to throw random shit in a blender.
At least he didn't wear assless pants
kek what's this from?
Was trying to google around for more about his pitches and found some ToonZone thread that was mostly useless chatter on Magiswords.
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>Jesus fucking Christ, people are worried about AI spreading disinformation, but apparently it doesn’t need to be nearly that sophisticated.
Duh, Humans have been doing it for over 10,000 years.
>he never wants to cast Tress MacNeille for any of his projects.
Oddly specific shade he's throwing.
Did Tress MacNeille get charged with downloading CSEM or something?
Unlike with Chris-Chan's family you can't just call them fat adulterous degenerates.
Maybe he reminded her too much of the legendary Tiny Toons Stalker, even though that story seems to have been debunked these days.
That would make sense if Tress MacNeille said she never wanted to work with HIM.
>Did they even have sex?
Are people that fat even able to have sex? According to the arrest log, I weight more than him, and I for sure ain't getting any.
How do you get to that point and not at least once look at yourself in the mirror and go "fucking hell, look at what you're doing to yourself man, this has to stop"
I imagine the same reason he's never thought of that looking at his hard drive.
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more like Keith Stroganoff, lmao
Just loved that pizza way too much
I'm skeptical of the weight on his arrest report. Dude looks like an inflatable pool toy, and yet he 'only' weighs 260? No fucking way. The only way it could be possible is if he's lost A TON of weight since the last photos we've seen.
Maybe he stopped eating when he started to figure out the feds might be on to him.
because every time he looks at the mirror, he probably makes the same stupid surprised face he makes when people take photos of him. By making a silly face, he can avoid having to see himself as he really is and he can go on ignoring what he knows in his cheese-clogged heart is a problem.
Maybe it was a game of having to "Find the egg roll"
Or that's the weight he tells people when he probably hasn't weighed that in so many years
I've never been arrested so I don't know how it works, but I would have assumed the cops would actually weigh people so they have accurate records on file. Do they really just ask you to tell them? And if Kyle made a run for it and they needed to put out a description of the suspect, would they use the weight he told them or would they adjust it for how much he actually weighs?
If I was told to be on the lookout for a 5'7" male/260lbs and I saw Kyle waddling my way, I would not think he fit the description.
I watch bodycam videos and I can't imagine them wrestling people onto a scale like those ones at the doctor's office just to get an accurate number versus just asking them, it's not like they're administering medication to them or anything like that
>Kyle trying to "run" in slow-mo, wheezing and stopping for a bag of chips at the convenience store before he is caught
They probably just went with what was on his license
That seems far more likely
They make them stand still for their mugshot, though. They could have a scale built into the floor panel so while they're standing their for the photo, they can also log their weight.
I'm almost definitely overthinking it, but it seems crazy that they'd just ask you and take your word for it. Why even bother recording it if it doesn't need to be accurate?
I'd be surprised if the guy could even walk down the hallway without getting winded and sweaty. There's no fucking way he's going to come anywhere near to running even if Krispy Kreme was have a 2 for 1 special and was about to close.
>They could have a scale built into the floor
You overestimate how efficiently the government spends its money
true. I mean, cops can buy tanks and shit so it's not a budget issue, but you're right...why get something practical when you can get robo-dogs with mounted turrets or something ridiculous like that?
As someone who has been to more than one Elvis wedding I don’t get the big deal. Not everyone takes the idea of ceremony seriously.

No excuse for Kyle’s vest, though.
What I mean is, at least in the US, this goes for public schools as well, the excuse is always "we don't have enough money to go around to do that" when in truth they get shitloads of money and squander it needlessly because there are all manner of private contractors at every level that overcharge for their piece of the pie because they have a special deal and take a piece for themselves until at the end there's almost nothing left
It's not a big deal and I'm not criticizing an Elvis wedding or people wearing sneakers, etc. The only thing I would be critical of is the MAGA wedding because it's just fucking pathetically weird being that devoted to a god damned politician.
He'd have to use a car to turn the donut store into drive-thru
i remember the interview with john wayne gacy's sister and 40 years late she was still on the verge of breaking up thinking about his brother's murders
there's a really inappropriate sex joke related to Kyle's current predicament in there somewhere, but I'm too tired to think of one.

So presuming he doesn't go to prison for whatever reason, what's next for Kyle? Any career in entertainment is dead, so just fade away into nothing? Will his parents let him stay with them? Imagine how weird it'd be if he had to support himself drawing porn of his own show for internet degens.
Normie job like a trucker or freight operator doing commissions for coomers on the side and maybe music under a pseudonym
Given his build and physical/mental capability I can only see him working in the kitchen of a bar or gas station that doesn't do background checks and just hires anyone
It's grueling hot sweaty work on your feet for 40+ hours a week but I don't think he has much of a choice, either do or die
He would be useless on a construction site that's for sure
Is that Carl Pilkington on the belt?
Also Shitty kinda cute not gonna lie, but I bet if that was some new show the fanart wouldn't be flattering.
They got Arin Hansen aka Egoraptor. Not as big as Adam West, but the show had connections.
>maybe music under a pseudonym
That one is not going to be a viable career path. He'd need to play live so he can hock merch at shows. The music itself makes no fucking money (not like his style has a particularly wide reach anyway), and his skillset isn't varied enough to score films/tv (plus he'd need to network a lot to do that and, well, people in the industry are going to figure out that 'Giles Spinnozza' is really just Kyle with new glasses and trimmed sideburns).

I could see him sitting behind the counter at a 7/11.

Suddenly this thread isn't funny anymore.

I've met him. Multiple times. And I know lots of people who know him much better than me.
Last post
Again THANK YOU CARROZZA for making the show tourist immune

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