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There's an extreme untapped market for the ability to make cartoons based off of 2000s to early 2010s emo and scene culture
>esl comic
you need to be 18 to post here
That shit was so gay. I'm sure the internet "historians" would love it.
Teenagers are getting into it now
Everyone is already trying to do this, but the result is usually soulless slop, because you can’t reproduce stuff like that unless you truly lived during that time.
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Is that extremely profitable?
Corporations seem to only hunt big fish these days.
That's what I Cant Sleep is and it's probably the only one to properly pull off both the aesthetic and mood. There have been attempts at others but they almost universally fall flat because the people making them dont properly remember the 00s.
It'll be very interesting to see the MySpace aesthetic make a full comeback at some point. Sounds comfy because penguin of doom is loads more tolerable than the worst of today's online culture.
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It's "ate"
"lolsorandom" humor got too much hate. I miss the Invader Zim girls.
holds up spork
i want waffles xD
*glomps you*
1994 late millennial here. Many people on the internet do not properly remember the 2000s as much the 90s. Some people that do remember things from the 2000s (especially those from late in that decade) would claim it’s from the early-2000s when they never even appeared early in that decade
it kind of already did theres a whole site dedicated to emulating it called spacehey
everyday im tacoing.
you are thinking too much like a millennial. zoomers goes through different styles each month. there's no one thing that "comes back" and lasts for a while. its all the styles, all the time, and a constant search for something that someone else isn't already rediscovering.
Jesus Christ you told on yourself here
You must be 18+ to post here, you'd catch the reference if you were my underage pizza retard chum
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Is it her time to shine again?
Perhaps we judged Foam Adventure too harshly.
1988 mid millennial here. You're right that a lot of people (most likely younger people) think of the late 2000s when talking about the 2000s. Everything gets mixed together, it happens with every decade though to some extent. You see people tying to make things "90s" and they'll mix together stuff that was popular in the early and late 90s.
You realize this comic is old enough to vote. You wouldn't have to be underage for it to be "before your time", not even close
I am 30. I know that no trend stays forever but like idealized 80s and 90s nostalgia, I'll take early 2000s rose-colored glasses time where i can get it.
No it was shit. Same as leetspeak and a lot of other cultural bilge from that decade. It's just what replaced it is worse and somehow even less creative. Same reason all these idiots calling the Star Wars prequels good these days. Disney making something worse doesn't make them better.
2000s nostalgia is slowly phasing out the 1990s stuff. Then in the mid 2030s, the 2010s will be back. This shit is cyclical.
The people call them good because they grew up on them. It's nostalgia goggles and nothing more. Without goggles, there are only 2 actually good Star Wars movies (parts 4 and 5. Part 6 sucks shit.)
>No it was shit. Same as leetspeak and a lot of other cultural bilge from that decade.
I don't man, I always thought that stuff was fun. Yeah it was kind of stupid, but in a harmless way. I'm sure you're right that the things that replaced it being worse helps make it look better in hindsight though. Like the prequels do look a lot better now, when compared to the soulless Disney Wars.
I don't know what 2010s stuff is. I'm not sure cultural decades will be as meaningful from now on, though people will push 2010s nostalgia either way. I just have no idea what they'll push.
Everybody in the 2000s spoke like a retard
It's even worse now though. Half the time I can't make heads or tails of what zoomers are babbling about, in writing or spoken.
frfr ong
Ong no cap? Not bussin with the rizzler, straight out of skibidy Ohio farnum tax sigma.
Yeah, we used to have all kinds of different flavours of idiot talk. There was the sort of cutesy babytalk of the Emos, the L33t-speak of the dorks, the fractured English of the ESL student and the pseudo-African-American dialect of the Fred Durst wannabe amongst others.

Nowadays, it seems only the "Fred Durst" dialect and the ESL talk are still alive, and they've collided and merged with each other. They've also gone on to incorporate some of the buzzwords which, a few years ago, would have only been used by suits who work in marketing and some pretentious terms from the social "sciences" to create the most obnoxious variant of English ever heard.
That's going to be interesting. Most people want to forget the 2010s ever happened.

This is true, although my affection for the 90s I'd like to think is somewhat more objective. Being a /v/irgin helps because that's when videogames peaked too. But the 90s was that tiny gap between the Cold War and 9/11 where people mostly just got along. With hindsight a lot of rotten seeds were planted then but we didn't notice it at the time because we were too busy enjoying ourselves. It peaked with the 2000 Olympics which was just a 2 week long party everyone actually enjoyed and didn't just get drunk and pass out at.
I feel the same way about people intentionally tryin to make bad schlocky movies like Snakes On A Plane. Those bad movies from like the 80s are fun because they were a sincere attempt at making a movie that failed, trying to make something bad on purpose just sucks.
It's always the way with nostalgia, especially with people who weren't actually around at the time. Take 80s nostalgia, if you ask someone today their impression of the 80s it's a mix of things from mostly mid-to-late 80s and even early 90s.
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If anyone's genuinely confused, at the time bad English was intentionally used to make a character more cutesy and endearing.

"Underage" has just come to mean people younger than the "90s/00s kids" veterans. There was a brief period of "wait those kids actually WOULD be old enough to post now" followed by "well I don't care, I want them off my lawn anyway". Idk if it's fully tongue-in-cheek or part of some "no I'm not old, time's not moving forward" delusion, but either way "underage" morphed into a cheeky way of expressing someone failed to pretend to be part of the old guard, the only user demographic deemed acceptable.
In that way, it's more to describe a generational cutoff point or noobiness, rather than their actual age.
The language is different now but this is still pretty much exactly the self-conception of 4chan
In fairness the 80s bleed into the 90s pretty hard. I was still seeing 80s hair and clothes in '93.
That's often true of decades, most of what people think of as "the 60's" is from 1966 onwards. I think If you showed most people a photograph from 1963, they'd think it was the 50's. Unless they were really knowledgeable about photography / history or if there was some obvious clue like, say, the name "Cape Kennedy" being somewhere in the picture.
>Most people want to forget the 2010s ever happened.

Now. This is the classic nostalgia cycle. Nothing is more cringe than what happened right before now, but eventually it will be cool again.
That's pretty much always the case. It's not like culture flips a switch when the clock rolls over on Jan 1. If you watch early 80s stuff it still feels very 70s. The 2000s were a rare exception because of 9/11 that really was a hard cultural reset.
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I don't want zoomers corrupting the second-est best decade with their faggy bullshit
I think most people on this board are old enough to remember the 70's being considered the height of tackiness, then the 80's, then the 90's. Now they're all sincerely appreciated. People used to joke about the crappy, primitive 80's vector graphics and how it would instantly date a movie, now it's an "aesthetic".
Why do the last two panels not have years? Or are they all supposed to be 2011?
They're 2016 or thereabouts. One of the Pepes is wearing a MAGA hat. That was the present day when it was made and that was the beginning of the period when you could expect to see a million variations of Pepe and Wojack on the average board, instead of a variety of reaction pics.
Thanks. Still odd they didn't include the years if the point was to show progression over the years. And is the joke that she became a guy at the end?
The joke is that she's a broken shell of a person, she's surrounded by all these morons who just repeat the same thing over and over and she's stopped caring. The reason they didn't include the year is because at the time it was made, the contents of the image said "current year" quite explicitly. I guess the modern equivalent would be a collage of posts talking about "Skibidi Toilet" and other Zoomer buzzwords.
Even if that's true (which it kind of is) i will still take that shit over this shit. Seeing ZOMG XD is like looking at a museum exhibit but it's comfy and familiar and we just want to get old in peace.
One of them cringed so hard she transed
I would do it if it means getting scene girl poosay.
What even was the 2010s? We are 5 years into this decade and nothing has happened.
OMG dey cud make eleventybillion dollarzz XD!!! *RAWR* :3
>Dude remember when everyone cared about... facebook?
Yeah, I have no idea either.

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