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A thread about Daredevil villains (and other underappreciated capeshit villains)!

DD has a really good rogue's gallery. It's definitely imitating Spidey but has enough flair and uniqueness to stand out. A lot of these characters need more appearances in DD's runs, especially Mister Fear and the Owl who are both gold. Let's discuss DD's villains and other underappreciated rogue's galleries at both Marvel and DC!
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I really like the way Mr. Fear is desinged along with his pointy hood
He's great. The only reason I can see for them not using him more is that he does some of the same things Scarecrow does. But Fear usually has different kinds of schemes and different agendas, and it's not like every superpower isn't used by several characters anyway.

Same with Jester and Joker.
Need to have a new female Death’s Head but called Death’s Angel.
Who turns out to be Karen Page.
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Karen’s father was the silver age Daredevil villain called Death’s Head. See pic here.
He’s also in the OP pic.

It would the perfect story arc to bring Karen Page back to life.
Similar to Betty Banner and Red She-Hulk.
90% of the "has no good rogues" discussion is simply not having them in cartoons, or at least not popular cartoons.
Iron Man's villains getting shafted is mostly because the comics decided that Tony himself was the villain or at least the antagonist in the 2000s. He didn't really need villains when all his stuff was about registration and blackops shit. Also they kept just throwing his villains at him in big piles instead of trying to make them individually interesting which is a surefire way to make people not care. Like anytime Justin Hammer or some other asshole threw like six of Tony's villains at him at once and he beat them easily. People are like "but tony is always building new armors,how would his villains still be threatening?" and don't apparently want to consider that the bad guys might upgrade too.
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So how would this work? Sell me on your stupid idea, anon.
I barely know any of these characters.
I miss Matador.
god this is just depressing, specially considering Thanos debuted as an Iron Man villain (and the MCU essentially tied them together) and ended up becoming such an icon
brubaker introduced a new one that also never came back
One problem is that creators went overboard with "evil armor user" instead of developing different kinds of threats. It's like if every Spidey villain was an evil Spider-powered person, or every Cap enemy was an evil super-soldier. It just gets boring.
There’s still guys like Living Laser, Unicorn, Controller, Ghost, and SpyMaster for every Crimson Dynamo, Titanium Man and Iron Monger.
Karen’s mother Penelope took Karen’s body after her death. Told the government she’d give them her dead husband’s cobalt research if they brought Karen back to life.
Fake Karen body at funeral.

Government has Karen braindead body.
They test Paxton Page’s cobalt radiation immunization research on Karen’s body.

Karen is alive, but like her father, she’s crazed and escapes.

A winged mummy angel with fiery wings starts appearing in Hell’s Kitchen and starts going punished on criminals and villains.
Matt uses his senses and thinks the “Death’s Angel” is Karen. Foggy tells Matt he’s traumatized and hallucinating it’s Karen. Matt starts to doubt himself but sees her again.

Every time Matt tries to go after her she escapes him somehow. Leading to mystery.
Matt goes searching for Penelope Page but can’t find her.

Leads to a years long arc where finally catches up to her and unmasks her.
What happens next is up to Marvel. Either it’s Karen comes back to life by the cobalt powers or it’s Penelope gone crazy from the cobalt powers.
I’m surprised Trigon, Charybdis and The Trench aren’t on here.
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does Moon Knight's rogues gallery have a drawing like those as well?
That's what I'm saying. They need to focus more on giving Tony's tech different kinds of challenges. Fraction's run is arguably the last good Iron Man run and even he made Detroit Steel the big bad new villain and they're just a new Iron Monger.

I'd bring back and amp up silver age villains like Blizzard and Melter too, and bring back Crimson Cowl. Fraction carelessly killed her off but an uncatchable villain has a lot of potential if Ghost can't be used (since he's usually with the TBolts now)
It looks very silver age and then big time skip to johns era heavy. The only PAD villain I see is Tiamat
Since Crimson Cowl was revealed as the Mandarin’s daughter, they could easily bring her back.

I do like how her daughter Sasha, and Stane’s son Ezekiel, are a couple that hates Tony and they’re trying prove that THEY are the futurists.
Not yet
Isn’t that Kordax under the jellyfish?
Oh so it is. Still it's funny to see non-entities like Dagon and Sea Thief on there who were invented for JLA villain team-up stories because 60s Aquaman had no notable villains. So gardner fox just made some "Old enemies" up.
So does she still just look like a mummy person with a skull head or
She wears the same mask as her father did, because the mask started as hers that would give her nightmares.
Oh it's you again. You really like this idea huh?
So much so that Marvel can plagiarize it from me and I would be okay with that.
So I notice you put in an uncertainty on whether it's Karen or her mom.
Marvel needs to just do straight runs of their characters being heroes instead of this constant hero vs hero shit and the "I have to go on a quest to prove myself" thing.
What ever happened to the Hood?
>DD villains
>That Spider-Man villain
>That guy from the Miller run who was used well in that Punisher story
DD is so fucking overrated after the Miller run he's had nothing else memorable
He's currently possesed by Zarathos and is one of the spirits of vengeance. But he's evil and fightingGhost Rider
If we're going underappreciated, Green Arrow has rogues with a lot of potential. They just need a thing. Like Flash's rogues are like a criminal family, Batman's are reflections of different parts of him, etc.

Lemire's idea of The Longbow Hunters, the Arrow rogues as a team of mercenaries, was a step in the right direction
I figured giving ending options would better the chances of it being used.
ollie only fighting evil archers and having a whole squad of archers on his side is boring tho. Williamson's current stuff is proof of that. like why the fuck do they need so many archers?
be kinda pointless if i wasn't karen after all. but if she's braindead then she wouldn't even be karen i guess
Honestly the way I would pitch it is only have Merlyn as the one evil archer, and the rest focuses on the other villains organized as a group of mercenaries who compete with each othrr to hunt the Arrow family: Brick, Clock King, Count Vertigo, Red Dart, Onomatopoeia, Killer Moth, any others you can think of.

As far as the Arrow family, I would cut it down to Ollie, Roy, Dinah, Emiko, Connor. No extraneous characters.
I'd give each one a gimmick too to differentiate them. Roy is arsenal, and uses a variety of weapons. Connor focuses on non-lethal martial arts. Emiko is the one who follows in Ollie's footsteps but still uses assassin tools at times.
i like both of these. Send Cissie back to Young Justice now that you were hellbent on un-retiring her. Mia can go hang with the Titans or something. Ad Red Canary is uh... she exists? I still don't understand the point of her.
I think each villain needs a core personality trait to define. I think Merlyn should kinda be the evil opposite of GA, a power hungry cartoonist portrayal of a capitalist who uses his skills to accrue wealth and fuck over others, that way he inverts GA's social justice angle, Count Vertigo mix the arrogant ruler with the depressive nature from Suicide Squad, etc
With characters like Batman and Spider-Man they often drag up obscure one-shot or long-forgotten villains and refurbish them. Many of Batman's iconic rogue's had less than 5 appearances for the first 30 years worth of Batman comics.

What I'm saying is they should do this for GA as well. Bring back Bulls-Eye. He's a perfect foil in that he's not some edgy killer or mercenary, he's only in the game to annoy Ollie and anyone else who gets involved.
Batman memorable villains were only brought back because of writers like morrison and Bruce Timm because most of them were irrelevant the status quo of the character was very different pre 1990s.
Nah nah, I mean characters like the Scarecrow and the Riddler who had 1-2 golden age appearances and then lay dormant for 20 years before being brought back. Or Mr Freeze who was a d-lister joke villain until the 90s.
>>Mia, Red Canary, Emiko, Arrowette, Lian
My dick
>>Dinah, Sin, Cheshire
They would break you.
Praise be…
No luck finding a drawfag?
Emiko can hang out with Stargirl and the Seven Soldiers/Young JSA

Red Canary can hangout with Jon, Damian and Monkey Prince and some of the newer guys

The problem is Cissie and Mia. Mia's Teen Titans are Cissie's Young Justice. It's not like Mia can hang out with Dick and the gang, those are Roy's friends
And as we learned from Red Hood and the Outlaws you can't be friends with your sibling's friends. And that is why Roy and Jason don't talk anymore
I mean had it been up to me Cissie would have stayed retired. Her arc was finished. And Williamson has not used her for anything at all despite bringing her back for this. She's contributed nothing to the team other than one more archer.
I mean neither has Mia or Emiko or Red Canary
Yeah. I don't get Williamson on GA at all. He does all this big hubbub about the "Arrow senpai" but the only ones who actually have something to do or character beats are still just Ollie, Dinah, Roy and Connor. And Dinah's already fucked off. Everyone else is filler and clogging up the book. But then he's off the book soon so I guess he had no plan, he just wanted everyone on deck for Absolute Power.

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