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Hello, how are you doing? Reminder that original DC Atom was manlet who could and definitely would see boobs of his fellow superheroes that were women if he looked straight at them. Granted this was accurate to their original look classic late Golden Age era so they were more like Gal Godot boobies than Lynda Carter ones, but still.
Although, on the other hand this isn't comic by original Atom's artist so there is no telling how tall would he really be compared to superheroines if it was drawn by his original artist Ben Flinton. You know, just like how Wonder Woman lost her iconic black lips and round face look after H.G. Peter died or how Superman gained clear blue eyes and Wayne Boring and then Curt Swan face after Joe Shuster was fired by DC or how Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne started to look almost 1:1 when Joe Shuster and Bob Kane/Sheldon Moldoff/etc weren't drawing each of them (and go look up Superman #20 to see how Bruce Wayne looks when drawn by Shuster Studio people men fellas) and when Curt Swan made them very similar in appearance (interestingly Batman had very frequent cameos in Superman comics INCLUDING original era when only All-Star/JSA really had Any connection, while opposite wasn't the case, similar how Batman v Superman is sequel of SUPERMAN centered film or World's Finest DCAU episode).

Also original Atom "didn't have" (more on " " of it later) any super powers....originally, by his creator's design.
>Also original Atom "didn't have" (more on " " of it later) any super powers....originally, by his creator's design.
but then, by this very same John Broome writer's take pictured above he gained super strenght. Somehow. Off screen. In next issue.
With no explanation whatsoever except for 40 years later retcon-explanation by good boy Roy Thomas.
This is perhaps first time ever a " " non superpowers" " (more on it later) superhero gained powers. And before that Atom didn't have any advanced gadgetry either, not by his original character design. Just occasional rope, a staple of any non-high jumping superhero operating in the city and that's it.

Also look!, Huntress sits on the pavement and...she is as tall as Atom! Marvelous! Superman DC National Comicsous even!

So , silver lining is.... if you are manlet don't put yourself down and just think of it from different perspective, you have natural pov opportunity that most just won't have without getting pressed for intentent, yours is biological necessity and happenstance, and also stick around because maybe, just maybe, in the next issue you will gain super powers somehow.
Yeah, everybody kinda already knew that.
Like the shit is on wikipedia bro.
You're telling me be was a better Batman than Batman????
>He trusts a date stealing site
>Like the shit is on wikipedia bro.
prove it
>firing Siegel & Shuster year ie official dawn of classic 1947 - 1986 era

Oh sweetie, oh honey... original Atom by his own creators B'O C and F was literally THE original Frank Miller Batman/Crimebusters from Watchmen. You see, "people" falsely say that Zack Snyder made Watchmen's Watchmen members (ie film version of Crimebusters name) too "super" and cool" with their on-screen feats while they are "supposed" to be "losers" in original comics mini. While this couldn't further from objective truth, Batman in normal comics Was tough and yeah, in real original "year two and three" (ie everything past Detective Comics #37, who knows how much time goes in betwixt original issues) you saw him and Robin (ie 8-10 year old BOY) take down multiple armed opponents often just with their fists or whatever non lethal gadget like bombs or sling and sometimes killing them if it there was gun or sword or a ledge nearby, and One instance I can think of is Detective Comics #36 where Batman snaps a rope with his "steely muscles" , but that's about it and you can always excuse it by his gloves/gauntlets having fins. But other than that you will NEVER see Batman or Captain America or any other No- super strenght no super powers guy perform something like this : (picrelated)
Especially in classic ie non-creator written comics Before 1986.

That's why I
>"didn't have"
>" " non superpowers" " (more on it later) superhero
with quotes, because by all means these ARE super powers, just ones that were gained naturarlly through Gym training and I guess his unique sturdy manlet physique.
Btw, in comics Watchmen Rorschach uses lifts and also redhead and also has full masks that changes (though in case of Atom that was coloring mistake I guess, but what's done is done , the Bat-man's Detective Comics #27 purple gloves and Action Comics #1 cover GREEN car smash rule/"Occam razor")
Superschizo, take it easy.
>But other than that you will NEVER see Batman or Captain America or any other No- super strenght no super powers guy perform something like this : (picrelated)
I remember thr TDKR and Watchmen pics but I can't see the feats of GA Atom you posted me. Too ant like
>I can't see the feats of GA Atom you posted me. Too ant like
Download image or open it in alt tab and zoom in. It is enough.
Also don't mistake, Original Atom =/=vGolden Age Atom, just like how Superman went from superpowerful Kal-L from race of supermen on Krypton from 1938-1942 (Action Comics/Superman #1 Kents retcon, McClure Snydicate Jor-L, Superman Sunday 1942 origin x-ray and super hearing retcon) to krpyptonian Kal-El that is only super-powerful due to low gravity of Earth because Siegel went to army in 1943 and someone else wrote his another origin in 1945 in More Fun Comics #101 (but with Shuster still intact so no trunks wearing kryptonians until Superman #53 yet another origin reboot by Shuster's assistant Wayne Boring)
so did original Atom became from clearly beyond human strong in his original comics (and also as tall as women's necks instead of their boobs like in >>144651833 >>144651911 examples by non-creator artists) to just no superpowers superhero until superpower was added.
So technically it is all Golden Age, except difference within it is just massive to count it all as a same take.

Here is Beginning, attempt (failure) at finding origin of his costume , middle and last issue of Original Atom by Both of his creators. I will do separate posting later on if it is too...atom for you peoples HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
>Bill O'Connor co-created the Golden Age Atom with Ben Flinton. Both men joined the service in 1942 and never returned to comics.
Oh well...

Interesting how they didn't even attempted to explain where he hides his normal clothing and how he gets them back on. Original Superman just left them (K-Metal from planet Krypton which would be Superman #8) until pocket in the cape was added (World's Finest Comics #2, both Siegel/his ghosts ie creator) and in Detective Comics Batman opened up chest that contained his costume, until Robin was added and he had costume underneath clothes.
Their last ever issue predicted Chud
He's based on an irl short Jewish muscle man from back then. He was called "the Atom" because he was short.
>Download image or open it in alt tab and zoom in. It is enough.
>Also don't mistake, Original Atom =/=vGolden Age Atom
>so did original Atom became from clearly beyond human strong in his original comics
I understand this. Do you also have more common human doing inhumanly badass feats?
I want to see something that neither Batman and Robin (when Robin was still 8 years old) or Captain America did and people ignored it and assumed was super powered
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*kryptonian lol, you see you aren't infallible! JK really interesting
>More Fun Comics #101
I went quickly to the page as soon you told me, do you know who was the one that wrote or drew it (assuming it wasn't Shuster)? Or was all Shuster?
>*kryptonian lol, you see you aren't infallible!
I am one of THE most fallible people out there, but I try.
>>More Fun Comics #101
>I went quickly to the page as soon you told me, do you know who was the one that wrote or drew it (assuming it wasn't Shuster)? Or was all Shuster?
1938 - 1947 (more of less full 1947), maybe some residuals for 1948 , all of this was pencilled by Joe Shuster, and since some 1939-1940 period he hired up his first assistants/ghost artists (same thing people accuse Bob Kane to be a scumbag about taking credit for someone else, in reality it was just common practice) for Shuster Studio , one of whom were Wayne Boring who later on would replace him and his very noticeable style after Superman #53 until he eventually got replaced by HIS assistant/ghost Curt Swan (who, for example is responsible for Brainiac to lose his pants and gain weird circles on his forehead), who...then got replaced/his leading style got discontinued following 1986 reboot
Wayne Boring's Superman really is in the middle of being already Kal-El but on the verge before/just when yellow sun retcon was finally added (which also "coincided" with Jerry Siegel temporary return). Also it Wayne's period is when Bill Finger was the one who more or less controlled logic and mythos. For example : in Superman #48 under Siegel Superman for the first time goes back in time and directly interacts with people of the past, in Finger's issues with same time adventures he is blocked by invisible walls if his presence can change past => Silver Age (ie Weisinger edited) Superman under Siegel, he can interact with past again but they either go into time paradox complete Novikov loop Or universe splits in two changed and unchanged ones.

But returnihg to original point what you see in 1938-1947/8 is pretty much at least Shuster controlled. Even though Krypton aesthetic definitely changed, still until Boring no trunks wearing supermen nor kryptonians/"kryptonites".
Yeah maybe so.
Initially I just wanted to post this >>144651911
the fact that he is nonsuper guy that gained superpowers some time later and absolutely inexplicably, like if Batman suddenly could stop the cars with his punch (post Frank Miller one probably can with all bullshit kungfu mental gymnastics)
Until I (maybe unfortunately) decided to actually check up his original comics and discovered that >>144653254 he was FAAAAR above likes of Batman/Captain America/Slam Bradley (at least Slam is physically isn't "manlet" and there is no point when Slam is weakling before he starts his Karate Kid/Kung Fu Panda training, btw I think Atom is The first character of that kind, Bruce Wayne trained himself since he was a kid and original Robin never grew up under creators and was circus boy before meeting Bruce and even Bruce said he is more talented than he was at his age) because before all that I just took it up on faith that "Golden Age" Atom was just some short guy with no powers nor cool gimmicks, nor just cool at all and Ray Palmer version is just better in every sense.
Which obviously turned out to be Not true, regardless of his INTERESTING costume that shows his naked butt cheeks (the full mask was always cool tho even before I discovered the "truth") .

>Do you also have more common human doing inhumanly badass feats?
>I want to see something that neither Batman and Robin (when Robin was still 8 years old) or Captain America did and people ignored it and assumed was super powered
I don't believe so. Not anything in terms of "normal" guy easily punching through wood falls, accidentally breaking door handles The Amazing Fantasy 15/ Spider-Man 1 (movie)/Power Rangers 2017 style , cracking ceramic toiler in half with one kick of the foot, breaking people's arms.

I DO have intersting collateral find in original "Golden Age" Red Tornado. Who was perhaps The original Samus Aarran type of character (ie assumed male at first but it is a woman)
>I DO have intersting collateral find in original "Golden Age" Red Tornado. Who was perhaps The original Samus Aarran type of character
I would like to see them if you manage to find them :)
Also first Samus Aarran as in power armor? That's cool to know
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Not that anon but no Abigail had no power armor she was just a fucking badass tough as nails lady
>I DO have intersting collateral find in original "Golden Age" Red Tornado.
>inb4 but why TDKR?
Because :
1)first of all The pose from All American #23, I find it more like TDKR pose than any original or classic pre-Frank Miller Batman
2)Red Tornado is incredibly huge, much bigger than her typical enemies, while original and classic Batman are just normies, much like Superman, they aren't manlets, but they aren't huge giants either, they are literally normal height and size, in original comics anyways which is The argument, In my opinion because mentioned >>144656740 Curt Swan in my opinion in 60s was influenced by George Reeves' Superman in terms of face of Superman and George was first huge guy (190 cm or something according to internet, it is interesting that I know in real life I know the guy with GR's face and he is also that tall too) but still even then him and Batman (which under Swan Really look similar for the first time) are as tall and muscular as other grown men around and Jimmy is always "younger" same as Robin
3)and even within provided picture examples Red Tornado is described by kids as "He is 15ft tall" while TDKR's Batman is described by Kelly (a kid) as "Man, 12ft tall"
4) Batman dressed up as granny => Scribbly's Mom dressed up as a "guy" superhero
5) Red Tornado's original appearance also kinda mirrors Detective Comics #27 where it is only in the end that reveals that "The Bat-Man" is actually a Bruce Wayne!!!
I dunno.
Weird tho how character from huge mommy dressing as a huge muscle guy was "transitioned" (get it, trooned out HAHAHAHA) into android.
Second "tranny" DC character after Ultra-Humanite. Perhaps. Trans rights and wrongs too.

Also Red Tornado is created by Sheldon Mayer who claimed to be instrumental in Superman's first appearance in Action Comics. Just stray fact/context. Maybe he lied, I wasn't there.
You chose where his butt cheeks are covered. I choose the glory.

>Also first Samus Aarran as in power armor?
No as in >>144657370
>ie assumed (edit: to be a) male at first but it is (actually) a woman (a very huge , muscular and voluptous one much bigger than any other character within comics besides literal gorilla she used to protect her secret identity Detective Comics #33 (Batman section) style)
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Also original Red Tornado...perhaps (s)he is the first ever "Anonymous"/Anon character ever to exist.
Editor's note: and Tommy indeed saw a Couple of Things that day ;) - ed.
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they Knew back then
>Red Tornado is incredibly huge, much bigger than her typical enemies, while original and classic Batman are just normies, much like Superman, they aren't manlets, but they aren't huge giants either
>a very huge , muscular and voluptous one much bigger than any other character within comics besides literal gorilla
>much bigger than any other character within comics besides literal gorilla she used to protect her secret identity Detective Comics #33 (Batman section) style)
forgot picrel
Original Cheetah vs This version of Huntress (didn't "research" her original looks just that she was created After Cheetah)
So yeah, old comics are full of surprises. Silver lining.
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