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Are you excited for DC All-In?
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This board would be a lot better if the people who get angry at any and all comic discussion wouldn't post in the comic threads.
Ikr? Whoever is paying this moron is wasting their time. They suck ass at their job. DC can’t hire anyone competent, not even the marketing team. Sad!
I couldn’t be less excited about either of the big 2 at the moment. Everything might as well be a middle finger to me personally. The creators each company continues to push are awful.

And now they’re giving these assholes more freedom to do whatever the fuck they want (as if having too much freedom in ongoings wasnt already the exact problem) and having this retarded Alt u somehow still factor into ongoings is just convoluted and retarded.

I fucking hate Scott Snyder, I hope Jason Aaron goes skydiving with a normal back pack and Kelly Thompson can go play in fucking traffic. The in continuity ongoings are just as bad.
This isn’t discussion though this is an obvious market research question. Overall reaction has been relatively negative with some apathy and some minor interest mixed in.
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The longer you look at it the worse it gets.
Simon spurrier is easily in the top ten worst modern writers, and there is some ELITE competition for that dubious distinction.
Another half-baked DC event?
I'll give it a try, but lately the big 2 are just really bad. And I get normally everyone here shits on everything which makes you wonder why they're even here or consider themselves a part of the hobby. I'm never afraid to say when I enjoy something. But even for someone as optimistic as I have been, the big 2 are just awful right now. Worst ever, really. And I've been a reader since the 90s when everything was art focused.
This isn’t just an event it’s a full on publishing initiative (like rebirth, one year later, ect). And it’s full of nothing but the worst creative teams you can imagine.
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I tried to get into his Flash run but I just don't like it. Bring back Jeremy Adams.
I wonder if the past "Ultimate DC" threads were farming ideas for Absolute
Not enough info has been given about the Absolute Trinity to get excited for them yet. I'll be able to render a first impression after the last-page-twist reveals in the All-In special and their 3 first issues.

I'm more intrigued by the rumored name/characters for wave 2: Flash, Lantern, MM

I also think there's a respectable handful of mainline DC books that are looking good because they're continuing on with the current midcard momentum those books have: Flash, Lantern, Nightwing, Titans.
Jon Kent is a mess but Superman is alright away from him, none of the big Batman books look interesting but that's fine, I'm burnt out on Batman.
Elseworlds are more my jam.
I'm much more interested to see how the comics will synergize with Gunn's movie-verse.
I'd like to see what happens with this "Justice Gang" relaunch that Bleedingcool keeps reporting.
And if there is a successful attempt to get DC comics in Walmart, Target, and bookstores, I commend them... but modern floppies are a terrible way to go about it. $5 for 22 pages of interconnected crap is not the way to go.

I don't understand why the Walmart Giants line didn't work because I still believe that's the best path forward for monthly comics. Floppies are a waste of money and space, but a 100 page comic is understandable.

I will accept Absolute if its specifically a non-comic-shop initiative, while the mainline still exists in the Direct Market.
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I'm a DCYOU kinda guy
goddamn nigga that's GAY
>I'm more intrigued by the rumored name/characters for wave 2: Flash, Lantern, MM
Me too I'm really excited for those.
a very underrated line up of comics that was sunk by the fact that it was mostly B, C, and D listers headlining books. While the A list books were still a mess after the years of editorial indecisiveness during the New 52 finally caught up to them.
If you like that faggot then the problem is with you, you have shit taste.
That Flash run was awesome anon.
If you're braindead, maybe.
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1. The Flash run is still going.
2. It's the worst Flash run ever. Arguably the worst comic run ever.
I enjoyed Jeremy Adams' Flash. I do not enjoy Si Spurrier's Flash.
>2. It's the worst Flash run ever. Arguably the worst comic run ever.
True, but it ended. The retard is writing Green Lantern now.
I didn’t like adams all that much either but spurrier is remarkably worse.
If you think Jeremy Adams' Flash run was the worst ever, then what books do you actually enjoy?
DC ran off all their non-Batman fans LOL.
Rumors says Scott originally left because DC fucked them over with Doomsday Clock and saw Metal as a mistake. DC All-In is following up with Doomsday Clock for a reason.
Scott Snyder and javins along side Bendis and Didio drove any of the goodwill rebirth had built up into the ground.

This is not to excuse Jim Lee who’s also a part of this legion of doom.
Plenty if stuff...
Watchmen, Sandman, Miller's Daredevil, Sin City, Dr. Strange Triumph and Torment, Dial H, Sandman Mystery Theatre, X-Statix, All Star Superman...
>DC ran off all their non-Batman fans LOL.
They drove off the Batman fans too, comic shops just keep buying the dogshit for some reason.
>any of the goodwill rebirth had built up
Rebirth is when DC crumbled and it hasn't recovered since.
Rebirth was their last gasp anon. The new 52 and diane Nelson strangled the company to the brink of death and then rebirth resuscitated it for 18 months or so before Didio and Lee couldn’t help themselves but bring Snyder in to kill it all. Combined with Johns being depressed because of the election and changing doomsday clock from a repudiation of cynical comics into a cynical comic (his words, paraphrased, not mine) it was the last chance they had and it’s been AWFUL since because they hired a bunch of marvel faggots like Bendis, KSD, Tom Taylor, Kelly Thompson, GWW, and every other faggot portlandian.

Anybody who thinks rebirth was bad isn’t the companies demographic.
So no one is reading DC. They all left. Dumbass company, and then they keep making the SAME FUCKING MISTAKE OVER AND OVER.
I would argue the biggest wound that lead to their death was moving to Burbank. Filled the company with even more leftist nonsense.

>inb4 you want right winger comics blehhh
No I want politically apathetic, militantly centrist, comics completely unconcerned with the real world.
With what, bad sales? Killing off any interest by doing bullshit like Watchmen 2? By killing off all their interesting side stuff like the dark magic corner which yielded things that are still sellers today? By bending to retarded 50 year olds and making continuity even more of a mess in a vain attempt to "bring back the old stories"? By opening the door to hacks like Williamson that are still there now? Rebirth's stand out title was a comic written by Scott Lobdell, 'nuff said.
Williamson is good.
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>Writers kill the series
>Same writers are forced to do a Rebirth
>A few months later it degenerates to killing the series again
A tale old as time.
NTA but he's really not. He's aggressively mediocre at best, and awful at worst. Did you read his Flash? What about his Batman run? Deathstroke Inc.? Dark Crisis?
>It's the worst Flash run ever. Arguably the worst comic run ever.
when you post insane over-reactions like this, it just confirms to everyone that you're hysterical and full of shit
It's not an overstatement. I have never read a run as verbose, vacuous, and puerile as the current Flash run. And I'd challenge you to find a worse run, because I will read it just to see if it really can get any worse.
Superman, super sons, Trinity, aquaman, flash, Hal and pals, future quest, green arrow, prieststroke, even tynion’s Tec we’re all good to great.

Like I said you likely got into DC by pirating the new 52, you were never and will never be their demographic.

The same writers didn’t kill it. They brought in a bunch of faggots like Bendis, Taylor, ksd, Wilson, and Kelly Thompson to kill it
The post infinite crisis run with aged up Bart Allen killed Flash as a brand until Flash Rebirth
None of those were good, they were awful or at best aggressively mediocre. You're out here seriously simping for Tynion's garbage 'tec but you probably think his Batman is le the worst ever.
No one is ever able to explain how Rebirth was not only a disappointment selling as trades but it also negatively affected the trade sales of New 52 which were still doing good at that point.

Rebirth seemed to harm DC's trade business to help their floppy business. I don't know that happened, but lot of people like to ignore that
* Don't know WHY that happened
>Scott Snyder shill still seething
Why do you care about trade sales?
>Rebirth seemed to harm DC's trade business to help their floppy business
So like I said, you are not and will never be their demographic. Why not just agree with me?
>Scott Snyder out of nowhere
But yeah, I'll take his run over Tom King's or Tynion or Zdarsky.
>Why not just agree with me?
That you have shit taste, sure.
Personally I never ignored that it killed new 52 trade sales. I hate the new 52 and find that to be a good thing because it means people recognized it was a shitty Alt u.

In fact I was one of the people saying that years ago, even. But I would point it out to say why are they bringing this edgy off-brand dogshit back with metal, death metal and then future state. Those younger customers they covey don’t buy floppies. I’m happy we agree on that.

But that just proves they need to stop making shit like absolute, new 52, future state, or any of this diverse, redesigned, edgy or new approach nonsense take the place of monthly ongoings.

I’ve said for years that shit should be digital and trade only. Let floppies appeal to traditionalists and make the other shit for women, kids, and “progressive” readers. If you don’t agree with this tell me why. Otherwise we have little to discuss.
I’m happy we agree king and Zdarsky are terrible. But if you don’t buy floppies you definitionally are not their demographic.

Do you buy floppies? Note I didn’t ask if you think they’re retarded I asked a yes or no question.
I only buy floppies of things I like.
It's not a reboot or anything. There's a new Ultimate style universe but the original one is continuing like normal.
>Scott is in the thread defending his shit decisions.
>T-this is gonna be awesome because it’s awesome like the awesome stories before it but more awesome
Fucking loser lol
>It's not a reboot or anything. There's a new Ultimate style universe but the original one is continuing like normal
The “original” one (note, it’s not the original) needs a soft reboot though. Bringing kid Jon back from space, shipping teen Jon off with the legion for instance. Ignoring everything that’s happened in Batman since rebirth began. Ending the “everything is canon” shit.

Also they have been extremely clear that Absolute U and Earth-1 are connected, this is specifically why it’s called ALL-In.
Such as? And really I won’t believe you without a picture of some.
You have to move on from Jon.
>But if you don’t buy floppies you definitionally are not their demographic.
Why do you think you are their demographic if you do buy floppies? Unless the you I'm speaking about is not the person you and instead it's the specialty shop you. Here's the gist though, your local shops gets shipped 20 copies, right? Now, if you're the only person that buys a copy out of those or if you're one of 12 or all 20 of those copies sell, the publisher will always have the same result, they moves 20 copies. The model is archaic and is slowly dying with more and more shops closing down.
>and find that to be a good thing
It didn't kill "new 52 trades", it killed trade sells in general. Once upon a time DC was doing amazing in trades sales but Rebirth gutted them and they've been sinking lower and lower ever since, their numbers for 2023 were embarrassing. So you think it's a good thing that they lost most of their yearly income.
I'm seriously going to buy every single DC comic in October. I really want them to be good and successful and I'm going to give every book a chance. Except Power Girl. I don't like Leah Williams.
Rumors are saying that Flash, Green Lantern, and MM won't even follow the same character formula as AbBats, AbSupes, and AbWW; and will instead have stories closer to their mainline versions
Another problem is that there aren’t any cheap employees in Burbank. They couldn’t even find an editor for Batman 150 for the longest time. They would be better moving back to New York where there is better employees available there.
why don’t you take a picture of yourself and slightly obscure your face when you buy them all, shill?
I would post a screenshot of my DCBS order after I make it when October's issues are available.
>any cheap employees in Burbank. They couldn’t even find an editor for Batman 150 for the longest tim
Anon they wanted to pay like 50K. That isn’t a livable wage anywhere other than fentanyl filled flyover country. Almost anywhere in the country that’s a substandard wage.
Most of their yearly income has always been and continues to be from floppies. Trade sales and digital NEVER outpaced floppy revenue for them.
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No, I'm not interested in DC's fan fiction.
>trans flag colors
>drugs and condom wrappers on the floor
>a man's hand on john's bare ass
>john is naked save for a tie around his neck (choke play?)
>regret in john's eyes
>is that's dream's sandbag on the floor?
>two lines on coke (or sand?) lines up next to a razor and a rolled up bill
>no counter with an ash trey so he holds the cigarette over the floor
This is just nasty...
Still Tony
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I can't believe they're doing an entire crossover event based on GG Allin.
dead comics
I make $40,000 a year and I live perfectly fine. I'm not riddled with debt and I live in a small apartment, but I can buy myself fun things and eat well and still save money. It's not that hard except in Commifornia and the big cities.
Someone post source
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All in for dc all in
>I live in a small apartment, but I can buy myself fun things and eat well and still save money
It’s sad that you think this is something a non-entry level job should provide.

40K tells me you work for an hourly wage in like customer service.
I do work for an hourly wage, and I continue to feel comfortable and watch my investment accounts increase simply by living within my means.
You'd make the same claim no matter what the OP said. But try as you might, you can't topic-ban whatever DC is doing at the moment.
What is it about DC that makes people so angry? I don't take these people for brand loyal Marvel fans.
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>Are you excited for DC All-In?

I was when I didn't know what it was. I'm always hopeful for things that seem like course-corrections for DC. But after watching that anti-hype video where a visibly sick and haggard Snyder dejectedly explains that all it means is that they make some Elseworlds books and pretty much nothing would change in the mainline, I lost all hope.

What DC needs is a strong leader who decides what the fuck role each character and comic is supposed to play in the universe and steers them towards that. Instead they leave every title on its own, which in 95% of cases results in books that don't seem like they matter even in the context of themselves let alone the shared universe.

>will you be buying the absolute books though
I don't think so. I guess it depends on content but I'm not in the mood for Bigger Batman and pals. I wanted Rebirth 2.0.
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>What DC needs is a strong leader
>Brown superman

Its over
This is a joke right? This stupid fuck has proven to be every bit as bad as his partner in crime Didio was and his initial enabler diane Nelson. He’s a fucking clown.

Pushed for gay Alan, relishes shitting on Jon kent and super sons, over and over he pushed for edgy dogshit like new 52, future state and absolute.

Jim Lee needs a strong kick in the dick.
>What DC needs is a strong leader who decides what the fuck role each character and comic is supposed to play in the universe and steers them towards that.
How would this even happen? Some new guy is crowned the Big Cheese and all the experienced editors are meant to bow to his whims?

Basically get a new guy who's exactly like Dan Didio but doesn't have Dan's shitty ideas.
They said they had a multiyear long plan for the line.
>Rumors are saying that Flash, Green Lantern, and MM won't even follow the same character formula as AbBats, AbSupes, and AbWW; and will instead have stories closer to their mainline versions
Literally what is the point then
As long the GL is Hal, I'm interested

If that was true, that would be even stupider because it would rob the new universe of the only thing that gives it some sort of reason to exist. No, they can't do that. They have to commit to the bit and make every Absolute character a fucking retarded ball of cringe.
Where are you reading that?
DC is still alive?
>Pushed for gay Alan, relishes shitting on Jon kent and super sons, over and over he pushed for edgy dogshit like new 52, future state and absolute.
So you want /co/ to become an echo chamber where everyone just wank off to each other?
No they're going bankrupt and this is a last ditch effort to save "sales."
better than now
You say this like outside of the last 15 years it’s an oddity. Thats how it always worked.

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