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Is Leah Williams' Power Girl good? I've never liked anything I've read from her, though I admit it's not much. She'll still be writing Power Girl in October, when a lot of titles are getting new creative teams. Are people reading this?
It's very, very bad.

I kind of enjoyed her x-book work, but her take on "Paige" is fucking terrible, and the art sucks ass. She's basically taken the character of her, as she previously existed, and just wiped it and started over as if a new character with her powers had always been there. It's not unlike Carol, in that respect.
It’s absolutely atrocious. honest to god there are zero redeeming qualities.
Some people would try to defend this as being just an alternative take as if that was the point of confusion and not that people find the take uninteresting and invalid of the character's past apperances.
But if you judged Paige on her own right, she still is a bad leading character.
I was not a fan of her Action Comics backups with Power Girl and they did not inspire me to check out this series. But are people buying this? Because it seemed like a perfect opportunity to get a new writer, but she's sticking with it.
This is what happens when you get a writer and editor who inherit a character but rather than research the character, just write her as if she were brand new.

They do that because they think it will attract a new wider audience. But in this case it fails because the character was already niche and you dismissed their decades long fan base who would have been buying it.

The ultimate fail is that every artist and cover artist on the comic feels like they know Powergirl. It’s the writer and editor who don’t.
Cover artists and variant covers are literally saving this comic from oblivion.
There's no actual figures to put behind the sales so we have no clue how this book is doing outside of the lack universal praise.
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>Is Leah Williams' Power Girl good?

No, it's made wrong. I thought after the Palmiotti/Conner run it was clear to everybody how you should write a PG book, it should be lighthearted silly action comedy that leans heavily on how sexy Karen is. Leah doesn't even attempt to do any of that. Instead she just... writes a generic superhero book with no identifiable style or theme. It's very dull and disappointing.

We know the rankings.
Power Girl #10 was the number 149th most selling comic.
Power Girl #9 was the number 119th.
Power Girl #8 was 94th.

These are not only bad rankings (anything outside top 100 generally is cancellation levels), but they're falling.
Then I wish someone would explain to me why it's continuing.
The bad things is that she did all that for her X-Terminators comic but didn’t do it for Powergirl.
Don't ask me to explain why DC does the things it does, I don't think anyone could do it.
Yeah, that's what's weird to me. I wasn't a big fan of X-Terminators, but it was inarguably done in a style that would fit PG a hell of a lot better than the current "bread sandwich" style does. I have no idea why Leah didn't just do the same thing again. It seems so obvious.
I can give you two reasons why:
>an incredibly small pool of writers guarantee there's no competition for Power Girl.
>DC wants a Power Girl ongoing to pad out the Superman titles for synergy of James Gunn's Superman film.
Apparently rumor is that Leah just has a complete disinterest in writing Power Girl and would rather be writing Supergirl.
I’m assuming since she didn’t start reading comics until like 2007, she was a big x-Men fan growing.
But she knew shit about Powergirl, Superman or JSA until given the assignment.

Told by her editor to distinguish Powergirl from Supergirl by making her a Tabula Rasa from the ground up, and that was that.
>Told by her editor to distinguish Powergirl from Supergirl by making her a Tabula Rasa from the ground up,
Which, and this is the real funny part, had the complete opposite effect.
Link to that rumor?
I doubt Leah knows anything about Supergirl let alone Powergirl.
Well it's more like the TV supergirl. I can see Leah Williams being a big fan of that Supergirl.
>But are people buying this?
No lo
>Because it seemed like a perfect opportunity to get a new writer, but she's sticking with it.
The thing you have to realize about the big 2 is they sign people to 12-24 issue deals now. Whether or not the comics sell well they’ll finish out her deal.
How can that be true? I was actually enjoying Al Ewing's Avengers Inc, and that was originally supposed to be an ongoing series, but they canceled it due to low sales and it only got five issues.
>The ultimate fail is that every artist and cover artist on the comic feels like they know Powergirl. It’s the writer and editor who don’t.
It feels like the artists know PG better because they do. The variant covers show Karen as confident, strong, sexy and aware of it-like she's supposed to be-then you actually open the book and see none of that. Hell, Eduardo Pansica did some sketches in preparation for the series and even with just those little doodles, demonstrated a better understanding of Power Girl than Leah has.

Issue 1: 36
Issue 2: 116
Issue 3: 168
Issue 4: 148
Issue 5: 112
Issue 6: 106
Issue 7: 123
Issue 8: 94
Issue 9: 119
Issue 10: 149
What's funny is that after issue 2 bombed so hard, DC went into panic mode and offered more covers for the next issue.

>Apparently rumor is that Leah just has a complete disinterest in writing Power Girl and would rather be writing Supergirl.
I don't know about the Supergirl part (but I wouldn't doubt it), but I think Leah being disinterested in writing Power Girl is rather obvious by now. It seems like she's checked out almost completely lately.

>DC wants a Power Girl ongoing to pad out the Superman titles for synergy of James Gunn's Superman film.
I have a small suspicion that DC wants a Supergirl book but doesn't actually want to use her (possibly because they're waiting until the movie releases to do so), so they just use Power Girl because "they're basically the same, right?".
>how can that be true.
You just do the math. Getting someone to 12 issues ensures 2 trade volumes to be sold, 24 gets 4. If someone was buying comics they'd be more likely to buy the trade of an ongoing than the ongoing itself and if they buy Vol.1 then they're more likely to buy Vol.2 too.
Yeah but what I'm saying is Al Ewing's ongoing was turned into a miniseries because of low sales. So why can't they just tell Leah to wrap it up?
Well I wish she wrote PG as DC High School Girls Supergirl then.
At least that would be closer to PG.
Ewing gets multiple writing gigs, Williams has the one with a random one off special here and there. It’s about keeping their literary agents happy so that they can interface and negotiate with the paperback publishers.
Because then to honor the contract they’d need to put her on a different book. Depending on her agent she might have also gotten them to sign a guaranteed paper back number.
Because the editorials don't want her you're assuming this is Leah William's creative vision and DC editorial is just respecting that when the reverse is true.
>you’re assuming blah blah but what I’m saying is FACT
Anon creators have very little oversight now. Especially on non trinity books. Ffs there are two different police commissioners in the Batman ongoings at the moment. This idea that it’s like it was (in the better days) when editors dictated anything is just absurd. The only thing being dictated to her is that Peeg is wearing the hideous redesign. Everything else is her.
Leah herself said the editors told her to use Omen as her friend.
It's not just my opinion that Leah Williams was forced on this book and would rather be doing anything else, it's the obvious conclusion.
Well hopefully the dire sales will convince DC not to have her write anything else.
She admitted that she never read a PG comic and when she asked editorial what she was like they told her to just write whatever.
Omen being her friend is the least of his books problems anon
Why are writer assignments being given to anyone that doesn’t know about the character?
Because technically that's not a requirement, editorial is the one whose job is too keep things consistent.
Why is Streaky the Super-cat with Power Girl now?

That's Supergirl's cat

I don't like this retcon that Streaky is with PG and Krypto is with Supergirl
this is Stinky erasure and I hate it.
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I actually like her new outfit
It’s fucking awful anon the jacket is the worst part but the pants are just as bad.

The artist accentuating her tits and ass don’t magically make the costume better.
That's just a recent piece of art I had on file
The costume is still dogshit anon. Again what’s attractive here is the art, not the hideous design. They would both look better with her classic design.
I like the Jacket look, just wished the kept the leotard....
I hate the jacket shit so much bros. The entire concept of a superfam is pure cancer. Enough of the family shit. It ruined Batman, ruined flash, ruined Aquaman, ruined GL. Enough of that shit.
>no identifiable style or theme
I think that's one of the main problems with this book; there's no overarching/subplot it's building towards or a theme that connects everything together. Which I could forgive if it was fun/good, but it's not. Power Trip had Karen trying to get Starrware off the ground, Worlds' Finest (ugh) had PG and Huntress trying to get back to Earth-2. Leah only had one idea-the Johnny Sorrow arc in the backups and Special-and now she's just winging it on this series. Leah's run is just "The mundane adventures of "Paige"", a.k.a. things happening to her in between all the slices-of-life.

The most obvious thing Leah could've done is give PG character development and use that as an overarching plot, having her grow from a meek, insecure loser into the confident, self-motivated bombshell she's supposed to be. I thought that we were past emo "Paige" in issue 1, but then she just became a sad sack who did nothing but mope. Then she does a sudden 180 and becomes a quirky, immature idiot. Through it all, "Paige" is and still is an incompetent, inept doormat for everyone to dunk on.
>the jacket adds nothing and is uninspiring.
Right opinion.
>superheroes shouldn't have cast members.
Wrong opinion.
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That would be the best compromise I think, but at the same time, at that point might as well keep the old shoulder cape. Base PG's outfit is near perfect IMO.
It's shit and sells like shit

However, it still manages to outsell the even worse Captain Marvel every month
bomber jackets are so 90s
I don’t mind the current costume. We know the character will be around for decades to come, so changing the costume every now and then before going back to the default is no big deal.

It’s the least of this comic’s problems.
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Yep, but it's really not going to help if the jacket is forever tied to this horrible characterisation. At least we got good art out of it.
>Because it seemed like a perfect opportunity to get a new writer, but she's sticking with it.
No one wants to write for DC comics. It is a known fact they underpay their employees. It is why most of their old writers and artists left to go indie and by they have no editors. Leah Williams and the rest at DC are the only ones cheap enough to want to be there.
It’s a shame.
Powergirl should be the “Harley Quinn” comic if the Superman line.
Fun, sex, not connected to the other titles, confident heroine.
>>superheroes shouldn't have cast members.
Nobody said this. There is a mile of difference between
>supporting cast
>everyone they ever met is now part of a super powered entourage of costumed pals!!!
This shit isn’t and shouldn’t be fucking dragon ball.

The major problem with the jacket is it’s a team thing. If it was just her and only her wearing it? I’d hate it maybe a little less. It’s still fuckin stupid.

But the fact that it came with a stupid pants redesign is just ridiculous. Her costume was perfectly fine.
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>PG's boob window is her most controversial feature
>Instead decide to cover up her thighs in the effort to desexualise her
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I'll be honest, I didn't hate the redesign at first. I never loved it, but I thought it looked okay. I'm starting to hate it the more I see it, though.

What I always hated was the S-shields on it. PG doesn't wear it for a reason-she's not Superman and doesn't want to be. Branding her with an S defeats the purpose.
I'm maybe in the minority but I'm ok if they did walk back the Earth-2 kryptonian origin.
They need that. They tried other stuff before and it failed terribly.
>She admitted that she never read a PG comic and when she asked editorial what she was like they told her to just write whatever.

Current DC in a nutshell. Jesus christ.
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This whole run is Karen erasure and I hate it.
Justice for Stinky
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My Power Girl
there isn't a single good female-led book atm.
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From what I read, PG wasn't even the main character, she was always needing rescued by someone. The Paige Era is cursed.
You'd think Leah Williams would write a good Power Girl, since Power Girl is a character with huge tits and Leah also has huge tits
>Is Leah Williams' Power Girl good?
Leah has never written a good comic and all she has is posting thirst trap selfies of her tits in angles that hide how much of a planetoid she actually is.
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>villian appears
>instead of fighting her, PG starts crying because her date lies to her
>another hero fights the villian in the background
Why is the art so ugly? Please tell me that isn't who draws the actual series.
I'm only disappointed that Leah won't tall about her boobs
I’d make her like DCAU Kara. Another survivor, not related to the House of El
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Just like her boyfriend
>kara going out with a pajeet
It really makes you wonder how much better these comics could be if editorial gave a shit.
Leah is an awful writer. She desperately wants to be Gail Simone but a really retarded version of Gail Simone.
Which is saying something because Simone is absolutely atrocious on her own.
I'm well aware. I main know her for her cleavage
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JFC, she cries over everything. And why does Leah keep letting everybody except PG be a hero?

Any bets this is written from personal experience?
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>make all the variant covers sexy
>insides look like piss
Leah Williams is never good, she just had big tits and gets to be lewd because she's a woman, which obviously makes her Jesus Christ to a community made up of repressed conservative incels who live in fear of wokeness
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>PG, famous for being brash, strong, and confident, is now an overly emotional wreck in the face of danger and her boyfriend is Moss from The IT Crowd
Who is this for?
>power girl crying over a black dweeb
the absolute state of modern capetrash
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The probable loss of bbc makes any women cry her tears out.
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1978: Karen resists and overcomes her ship's programming through sheer force of will

2023: "Paige" is so spineless and mentally weak that she not only gets possessed by the same ship, but can't save herself and needs to get bailed out by a former Teen Titan. Because why should the main character overcome her own struggles and defeat the antagonist in her own story?

Thankfully, no. Marguerite Sauvage only did the Action Comics backups, Special, and two issues of the series (6&7). The rest is handled by various other artists
No, they are boring and out of character.
So she's back to having huge tits? What's up with that
leah constantly shills herself online saying "SHE SHOULD WRITE (female character) SHE'LL WRITE THEM FUN AND SEXY BECAUSE SHE HAS BIG TITS" but in actuality she is just a fat girl who knows how to take myspace angle shots and all her books are boring slop.
No, the cover pages are always quite well drawn and emphasise her sexuality, but the inside art either goes out of its way to not show her chest >>144659118 or just has her as flat as Supergirl >>144659062
>powergirl comic
>fire and ice comic
I wanted to like these comics and they sucked they both feel like a wasted opportunity.
The new Zantanna comic is pretty decent
I like jackets but on her it doesn't work because it puts you on the level of Superboy in the Super family. And PG is beyond that in experience even if she can't ditch the girl in her name.

Beyond that its too modest/dull. Need to jazz it up if leotard is out.
She hasn't promoted the comic since it came out

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