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Post only the best Jackies
Fuck off Jackiecuck.
Ritualposters deserve death

I would save 100 Twitter posters before a single Ritualposter
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I was gonna tell you to fuck off but I hate this retard >>144653660 even more
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Go back
Need nudist Jackie gf
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Man, I love girls casually nude
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Some thicc thighs if the necklace is any indication
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you need the NECKLACE to tell you that?
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>tfw no californian gf
>Constant craving to breathe oxygen
>Unable to stop breathing oxygen despite several attempts to do so
>Experiencing anger and hostility when asked to stop breathing oxygen
i just found the uncensored version, it was so bad I no longer feel like fapping. thanks i guess anon
post a link to it anyway
how can it materially be much worse than the censored one here
Mods are fags, confirmed
jackie is an orange county girl specifically
anywhere else in cali and you're either getting la goblina or karen
What was this
a smeet doodle. looked like an repost, too.
I feel like Smeets stuff gets deleted a lot
the greatest are always persecuted
What are you talking about that place is the land of the Karens. She’s more of a Santa Cruz girl
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Jackiefag(s) are a serious problem. Inb4 they start saying stupid shit like "hide the thread" and "rent free jaja" (they're almost 98% south central american mexican coombrain Marco self-inserters )
I mean you aren’t really disproving the notion that this occupies a larger than average proportion of your brain
Perifag was the worst of their ilk, but the rest of these scum suckers deserve the same treatment.
Last time I checked, Jackiefags don't flood the board (and /aco/) with nearly a hundred threads for the specific purpose of filling the board with her. They and others just keep it to one occasional threads
prime stuff
Jackiefags have been dormant for a while, let them have their fun
>not without pics of jackie cucking star
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Need to knead
no, fuck you
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>They and others keep it to on occasional threads
yeah no FUCK YOU
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threadly reminder
not a fan of Star vs, but seeing the constant spamming of this character show up. Just looking at the type of anons the "Jackiefags" are leads me to side with the angry anons. These Jackiefags all behave like fucking pieces of shit.
I think it's funny how we've had an unusually high number of star vs threads in the last few weeks, and Jackie threads have had the longest average time on the catalog but also by far the highest amount of seethe in the replies.
>Josh taking a reasonable position prioritizing story mechanics over character wank
Have you ever READ Eltingville
Wouldn't aco be a better place to post lewd images of Jackie? That seems to be the clear intent of the thread.
You could say the same for other threads on the board right now
This one isn't any different
Yeah, I do think this board has too much lewdposting. It is always low effort threads done to get anons to dump their lewd folders and I think a softcore thread on aco would be a better way to accomplish the same thing.
Shut the fuck up, you fuckin square
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nah these people never read or understand anything, they are """"fans""""
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>Post only the best Jackies
Yes. That graphic represents me, in every point.

Fun fact: the best part of the month for me is when my girlfriend is on her period, because then I don't have to fuck her and can focus just on porn.
I love my porn addiction.
>Unusually high number

We're coming up on the tenth anniversary aren't we? Maybe people are just nostalgic. Anyone who was Star's age growing up is now in the workforce.

/aco/ has too much degeneracy. Nobody wants to share a space with someone that can drop a diaper pic at any moment.
/aco/ is just "western /d/". The hornyposting on here gets out of hand but most of the time I'd prefer the "just on this side of safe for work" erotica of /co/ to the "if your OP doesn't ban futa we will flood your thread with futa" degeneracy of /aco/
Things change anon
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>have tomboy
>make her gay
>make her trans
I feel like this is really insensitive to the feelings and identity of young girls who enjoy boyish hobbies but are still interested in guys
>We're coming up on the tenth anniversary aren't we?
Jesus Christ where does the time go?
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dangerously cheesy
I would have chosen Jackie over Star easy, sad how the show turned out.
I heard about the gay retcon but did they legit make her trans?
No, it's just one of those things that happens all the time
>oh, you're a girl who likes rugby, hanging out with guy friends, skateboarding/etc? You must be a lesbian
>oh you're not? well clearly you WANT to be a man so you are one! No no, I don't care what you think, look just try it okay? Try it and then I'll pressure you into doing more stuff while pretending you can always stop if you're uncomfortable
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why spend time complaining about something that didn't happen when you can post some fat ass bitches
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It does happen though. Puberty is a difficult enough time to sort your identity out without every tomboyish character on tv being either gay or trans, implying that you are wrong in real life if you like boys but act boyish yourself
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okay, but they didn't make her trans, and when they made her gay that didn't magically undo her being interested in Marco. he's the one who broke it off with her, she's probably Bi.
when I was a kid and I saw male characters get grossed out by girls having crushes on them, it didn't make me think "girls liking you is gross" because I actually have a brain. I never had a cooties phase, so I think most girls would also be smart enough to think "hey, I'm a human being, my lived experience shouldn't be determined by a fucking cartoon"
now shut the fuck up and start jerking off
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and that's all I have that's blueboard safe
That dude has shit taste, the original pic looks fine.
I know marco wasn't perfect but that was just insult to injury
jesus, would you faggots quit bitching
>he's the one who broke it off with her
The show is not nearly old enough for blatant lies like this, lol
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