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who wouldn't
Probably third Harley, as you are safer outside of her toonforce bs than inside of it. Plus she has modern strong female mary sue/deadpool tier invincibility. I know as long as I know my place and cook and clean I'm safe at worse I may have to fight a thing or too but I'd have love interest plot armor so I'd be fine.

Second is catwoman, i'd never want for anything and I'd have deniability. Only worry is batman in the shadows seething at me.

First Giganta, she can go from shorter than me cute bimbo/cave girl gf or just slightly taller than me amazon gf to full on giantess. She's usually more naive and can't get any support type of villain. She's not cruel by nature and many times has been talked down by many heroes. Though she could easily be more housewife herself since in more recent runs she's been getting more redeemable and more the croc treatment where she just can't go straight sadly.

Honorable mentions

Mary Dahl
Again like giganta she's more housewife herself and she is hard to date irl as she'd make you look like a ped. But she definitely is fixable and saner than most also think she'd be cute wife, goes from business woman/actress to needy gf.

She is mostly good at this point but she is a punk rock/goth gf and a schizo electric girl. She'd definitely be fun to talk with and hang out with when she's not crimeing she'd probably be the one to tell you how it's a new age and you should be the house husband. But she can also be a schizo and some times she can't turn back human meaning ball of pure electricity so no sexo or constantly close to getting killed.

Rose Wilson/terra
Both because similar m.os, main flaw is daddy issues and too young. They'd be fun gfs but they are both a bit too schizo and can be hit or miss and have terrible relationship track records. Also I'd probably have slade coming for my ass.
I hate ESLs.
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YNR that the hottest females in Marvel and DC have both been voiced by the same person.
Go f*** yourself.
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Never, because being a house husband is being cucked.
She would have to chain me to the stove and even then I would try to escape, ain't no w*men keep me as a house pet.
I can somewhat respect this, I had a opportunity to be a house husband once. But I had to much pride and dreams to do it. But no lie life is harder than you think when you are younger and now I'm like fuck it I can dream as I cook and clean lol.
>says the guy with no job, no wife, and never leaves the house anyway
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I'd like to say Orca >>144655780 especially that one artist's rendition, but I also know that we'd both need jobs to pay the bills with her expenses and bad luck. Which is fine, but maybe not quite to the topic
Wonder Woman would work.
I would basically be her owner and master
She would go to war against the forces of evil and fight for peace and bowing to love.
Then she would come home take off the tiara bracelets and wash the blood oils and stench of battle from her perfect body
She puts on her oils perfumes and put on her silk robes that barely cover her and finally clasp her golden collar around her neck

I would be finishing up my meal and getting her fruits from the garden that I grew using a few spells and techniques I picked up..and my time as Poison Ivy's test subject/human dildo.

I don't turn to her I stand looking at our trees and pull a few nicer looking apples from the tree.
I turn towards my precious love, she is kneeling bowing, her eyes are down her hands held up towards me with the chain of her golden collar held up towards me.

She's feeling submissive today I think to myself. I grab the chain and pull her up. She signs and shudders slightly I lift the normally heavy as a truck woman as if she weighed as much as a normal woman. Her goddesshood willingly sealed to submit totally too me.

She stares up at me, her blue eyes, her pupiles dilated fully. Her body shudders in anticipation.
I pull her behind me as if she's a dog. Stand up love, I command.
She does wordlessly and slowly. Standing unmoving her eyes down. I reach for the whip I can hear her breathing quicken her heart pounding in or large silent stone home loudly I can smell her sex from across the room.
Read the topic this is for bad women
>Mary Dahl
Good pick. Imagine how happy she'd be just knowing there's someone waiting for her back home. That no matter how bad of a day she's had, no matter who gave her trouble that day, and no matter how hard she wants to give up and go back to her Baby Doll persona, she has you to find comfort in, that you'll be there when she needs you the most
Madam Rouge has some fun stretchy powers. I don't know enough female supervillains to really make a good argument.
agreed orca
Yeah almost makes her the new 3 but yeah again I not social autist so I know how weird that'd look irl. I don't want to be ashamed of her or to have her being extra stressed.

I still think in dc villainess' giganta is the best but mary dahl is a /co/ fave and all her best points are usually preached in the baby doll threads already so she gets tons of love. But what of poor giganta?
I like Giganta too, she's just apart of the jobber squad like Cheetah so a lot of the time you'd be bailing her out or talking to her through a prison screen.
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Is this the thread?
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>19 results on desuarchive
Fellate a cactus
I mean she's giganta she's getting out of prison fairly easily. But hey better a jobber wife than a schizo world ender like poison ivy. Also isn't that the same as mary dahl, as I was saying in my explanation she similar to mary really is more of a stay at home wife. She wants love and support and to be on the straight and narrow. Just she's a freak and be hated poor things.

She also probably would get away fairly often since she's not so weak your average hero can capture her. She like cheetah just has the misfortune of fighting one of the literal big 3
You've posted that same image 3 times since the 17th. Try a different board and see how quickly people call you a faggot.
>someone posted images on an imageboard?
All women are villains with the correct encouragement
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Mighty Endowed
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Think of it like being a lion, anon. Lions relax at home all day while women go out and work. What's not to enjoy about that? When she comes home you make sure she knows you're in charge and she's out there working for you.
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A woman who has nice tits
Good choice. She is one who would need a very supportive husband.
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Does the Skin-Bender count?
literally who
Make deadshot classic white and Jimmy ginger again
Martian human cosplay as Sailor V identity?
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>mode pear scan
What happened?
>What's not to enjoy about that?
I actually like working, and I go stir crazy if I don't have something to do.
Way superior whatever sbi/rocksteady trying
4thing Orca. She actually has a good head on her shoulders, and could probably be persuaded into moving in a more "grey" direction instead of outright criminal activity, which was never her main goal. Reminder that some random lucky SOB got to marry her post-whaling before DC did the Rebirth reset, and he and Orca had low-level Gotham villains like Firebug, over for tea and whatnot.
mystique, I guess.
A bombshell
None. They are villains, it would be a dysfunctional relationship. I would house husband but only for a woman who loved Christ.
About to go to the gym to lift weights for my Waifu, Get a V-taper and big arms
Princess Python (underrated)
Black Mamba
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so many to choose from
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Yes, I've seen the episode
We've all seen the episode
>Think of it like being a lion, anon. Lions relax at home all day while women go out and work.
Yeah because as a male lion, you have 25% chance of reaching adulthood.
And even then you have to fight other lions to the death for the right to have a HARAM OF AT LEAST 4 LIONESS.
Implying you'd survive the day if Creel finds out you're trying to shack up with the love of his life.
Nothing beats knowing she's out fighting alongside Magneto for mutant supremacy only to come home to get her back blown out by me, a simple human.
I mean you act like she wouldn't let you hit once then kill you. Or you'd constantly be on the chopping block.

Literally all her friends are crash outs anon, they'd kill you the moment they know
Made for old hag Amazonian
>2 AI slop images
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little girl
Desiree would be an absolute 12/10 waifu
I would gladly be her househusband
Obviously, for original Red Tornado
I love huge BBW women bigger than life
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That seems like being married to a pornstar, while she's still filming said porn.
Baby doll.
But is she even capable of having children?
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Maybe a boring answer but I would let her top me every night and raise our Viltrumite children by myself
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Bad news anon...
>as a male lion, you have 25% chance of reaching adulthood
NTA but source?
What show is this?
also is the one on the left a dude or not. can't tell
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I'd scrub tile with my tongue for her.
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My Adventures with Superman
Livewire is a woman.
fucking dogshit fujoshow. droooopppeeedd
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The show is surprisingly self aware.
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The best lil loser wife
lol that actually made me laugh.
I mean, Lois is honestly the only decent part of the show for me. Everyone else is either out of character or just plain sucks
Too much?

Or not enough?
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Inque was great, it's a shame she hasn't been in more stuff.


what the fuck is this
what am I supposed to take away from all of this random shit?
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None, all, and each of them will cheat on you with the hero; why do you think she doesn't let you go with her and doesn't kill the hero but loves to drag their fights?
the show is instantly haram for me when they anagramed Jimmy.
All this quitie coom bait, I don't even mind LGBTardness infused.
Only good thing it did is have to inspire top tier hentai Real artists AND also just like SnyderVerse before explored Superman powers and their progression, even if , just like SnyderVerse before, in non true to Siegel sequence , but still and then again Siegel didn't do bio aura shit, even tho some of feats like energy redirection and blast absorbtion imply

But still, if you anagram gingers => your place is in boiling shit
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>what the fuck is this
>what am I supposed to take away from all of this random shit?
devil is in the details ;)
I've seen what happens when Ivy gets a house husband. You do not want that.
Canonically gets redeemed by the cock and motherhood, she wouldn't be a villain anymore
Great choice, though
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