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I'm not letting my kids watch Bluey anymore.
Been done.
I mean...it's not a big deal. You probably wouldn't let kids watch Blue's Clues and Pocoyo because those characters are also girls and even so are associated with the color blue. Also, I don't think you have kids OP, even if you do. I still think it's making a mountain out of a molehill.
You don't have kids.
it's not like it's promoting transgender shit retard, this has been a thing since forever ago like >>144654787 said
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>character both boys and girls can admire and relate to
Yeah, the boys who mistake bluey for a boy
The pink one is a girl too. So, I don't think so.
op you have no kids
She should.
Peppa is better.
Pocoyo isn't a girl you fucking retard
Blue used to be a feminine color
This is desperately grasping at straws to find anything woke about the show.
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they're turning the freaking dogs gay
When you were a little boy, did you seriously just see all female characters as totally alien to you?
Ok, and? I used to watch the Powerpuff Girls as a kid and that didn't make me feel girly.
Blue boy/Pink girl was invented by a marketing company anyway.
Only the freaks will get mad and screech at this.
If anything, PPG was the perfect boys show since they went full DBZ style fights with characters that's just happened to be little girls
You need to be at least 18 to post here
You don't have Bluey.
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Well, I couldn't find anything about that and the wiki (not the best source but it's something) says that Pocoyo is a boy. Hmm, ''Pocoyo is a girl'' was something that only caused controversy in Mexico and other countries with Spanish as the first language, but I guess it was never something official *and* it's not something that was talked about in the English side of the internet.
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You don't even have kids, you fucking faggot.
Let alone anyone would want to copulate with you.
Kids don't watch bluey, the audience is failed millennial parents
Pocoyó was created in Spain and has always been stated to be a boy, where did you even get that "Pocoyó is a girl" theory from?
So why are you here?
Is this supposed to be news? I thought Bluey and Bingo were always girls, I was never aware of any ambiguity.
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Big surprise
They usually had eyelashes and other feminine features so I didn't mistake them for a boy.
XD upvoted
Bluey's audience is 50% fuck up parents 50% childless pedos 0% actual children
>If I spam that one instance it means it was the norm
It really wasn't, that shit was an anomaly and there's a reason not a soul in the universe thought blue was a girl
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>It really wasn't
Zoomer or paid shill?
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As I said, it was a controversy or ''scandal'' in Mexico and other countries of Latin America, but it was false information and not something official...not even that, it was just false, Pocoyo is a boy.
>AI is replying now
Courage is pink and it wasn't for gender reasons.
He's pink because he acts like a bitch (a woman)
>cartoon is hated for being a 00s cartoon
Kill yourself
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Courage saves his family from crazy shit on a daily basis. Just because he screams doesn't make him a bitch. Also boy dogs can't be bitches, it's illegal.
>a bitch (a woman)
bitches are dogs, dummy
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These kind of people used to be ridiculed
These aren't bad statements though. Bluey being female but looking like what we would call male and sounding like either is more marketing than anything. Looking for mass appeal isn't woke, but they'll dress it up as some sort of lesson unto itself.
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Colors don't have genders, you're just brainwashed.
You couldn't even do a quarter of what Courage does
Literally anyone who could speak English could hear Joe and the other cunts call her a "she" and "her" you blithering fucking idiot. It may not have been obvious at first but come the motherfuck on.
Blue from Blue's Clues was a girl and that was also a huge hit. America loves blue bitches.

But making people like a girl by coding them like a boy? You're part of the problem. Say what you will about Horse Show but they were authentically feminine, even taking the evil rich girl trope and making her a loyal, generous friend. But that isn't the point of modern society. The point of modern society is "Treat everyone like a white man."
Imagine being upset that a father plays with his daughters.
You have zero (0) understanding of how real fathers play with their daughters.
>The point of modern society is "Treat everyone like a white man."
Yeah and look where that's gotten us
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>everyone on this planet acts, has acted and always will act in EXACTLY the same manner as myself and my personal life experiences
Please explain me the purpose of his good-for-nothing wife
Ironically white men get treated the worst in modern society
It was clarified in the first episode when one of their uncles visits and mistakenly calls Bluey a boy. Bluey herself corrects him. On top of that, their parents constantly refer to them both as "the girls" throughout the series.
Point being there no set way to raise a little half-clone, dingus. Everyone just wings it as is
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That's not an excuse for being a fuck up. There are objective things that you must never do as a parent.
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Colors don't have genders, you're just brainwashed.
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The fuck is this thread? Bluey was never not a girl. It was stated from day one.
Blue's not even the first.
Hell, this is Franklin D. Roosevelt at like age 5. "Feminine" and "masculine" shit only became a codified thing in the last hundred years or so once advertising became more prevelent, until then it was "do whatever the fuck you want, really".

Explain to me how a father playing dress up with this children constitutes a fuck up. Hard mode: absolutely no mention of anything "manly"
Fuck me forgot the pic
Male erasure
>no mention of anything "manly"
Fuck you, that's crucial to teach children about masculinity and gender differences. You don't want feminist cunts to brainwash children into believing that men in dresses and men crying are the norm.

Colors are not masculine or feminine tho.
The everlasting consequences of killing tumblr
damn anon, are you a historian?
glad there is no "Feminine" and "masculine" shit, and no body ever got killed for cross dressing. Glad that was never a crime anywhere
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Fun fact: tears contain a devil's brew of chemicals your brain only produces in vast quantities when it's under extreme stress as a survival mechanism, and once those chemicals have served thier immediate purpose they're dumped as waste via the tear ducts. By purposefully not crying when sad/angry/hurt/what-have-you, you are chemically cooking your own brain, you absolute, unapologetic troglodyte. Enjoy your tumors
Show me an ancient account of some fag getting the rope in Greece or wherever and I may be inclined to agree with you
"The norm" once said it was perfectly a-ok to own another human being like they're the family China set. This shit is about as far from set in stone as you can get
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Is it me or is this site quickly becoming the same kind of perpetually outraged moral busybodies as the Evangelicals of the 90s/00s? lol
Yeah, because he's a cartoon, you retard schizo.
I think, if you have trouble distinguishing bluey as a boy or a girl you might just be retarded. Idk how people got stuck looking at the color blue and thinking its only for boys
>captcha: MAMA
>incel screeching that a species of dog with blue in the name does not follow 20th century american marketing colors
help OP get his vacation and move along.
that's the entire english speaking world. what do you think DEI is either? we are basically living a new wave of soccer moms trying to censor everything
I've got three sisters. Try again, dickweed.
>now that the show is already popular we're going to start adding woke shit
But Bluey is the title character? And has always been a blue female? Are you stupid?
>>incel screeching
I doubt it.
Usually, it's the women who complain about other women following gender norms. Just look at the massive amount of women calling each other whores on social media.
Men usually don't give a fuck or are afraid of getting pussy-banned by stating their opinion.
You know that blue was the feminine color and pink was the masculine color in the early to mid 1900s.
way to miss the entire point of the character. Courage is scared but still gets shit done. That's real courage. Now whatever the fuck you brainworms addled mind thinks.
I haven't seen a single episode of Bluey and I still can't tell which characters are supposed to be male and which are supposed to be female.
>w-watch the sh-
No. It should be obvious at a glance, cartoons not only are a VISUAL medium, but they are a visual medium that exaggerates character traits, if they fail to differentiate the boys from the girls then they failed as cartoons.
he has like 5 in his basement
>Unlike the left, I'm not so easily offe-
Yeah dude, just bottle it up, that's super healthy.
Complaining about associations between gender and color is not indicative of political beliefs.
>what do you think DEI is either?
>DEI is either?
My dear, sweet ESL. Do fuck off. : )
>White Anglo-Saxon Protestant white, not white trash
Most white trash are of Anglo-Saxons background as well as protestant. Not many Catholics in Tuscaloosa. Out of three hundred places of worship there, only three are Catholic churches. Being that the city is by vast majority Christian (98% are at least nominally so) and the fact that millenarianism (Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Adventists and Plymouth Brethrens) is a minor presence (and an offshoot is protestantism, besides) it's safe to say that every sister fucking yokel there is a WASP.
>its because blue is supposed to ve a boy color
I mean, I guess? But who said it has to? There's nothing revolutionary going on here. Weird flex but okay.
Where's Red Bluey?
Nah 4chan is and always will be full of contraian fucks. Initially back in Iraq war days the world was more in favor of the conservative military industrial complex and as such this place was full of protests and anonymous orgs. Thing is in the past few decades the social zeitgeist has changed to be more supportive of LGBT+ brown people, and others disenfranchised. So as this is the current normal 4chan will act in contrast. It has become more rebellious to just hate x for no reason other than they deserve it. The world says it's okay to accept yourself for who you are, so here we say fuck you faggot TROON lover I hope you kill yourself. The world says maybe giving simple healthcare and basic support is the place of the government if we are to believe in it, so we here say fuck the shitlibs who want to force their ideals on us they just want to take away your (insert most important thing to you here) away and keep it for themselves! Long and short is this is just how 4chan works. Contraian assholes everywhere.
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>>>>for no reason
>Contraian assholes everywhere.
Contrarian assholes everywhere.
There. Fixed your shit for you.
Blues clues did this better. Also nobody even gave a shit back then. I even remember watching blue clues birthday as a kid where they said she was female. Honestly didn’t fucking care as a 4 year old just wanted a cartoon fr
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>My dear, sweet ESL. Do fuck off. : )
>doesn't get the implied comma
>doesn't know either is also use to point out a comparison
dumb monoglot
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>You probably wouldn't let kids watch Blue's Clues
Whoa there, friend
Nothing wrong with Bluey, but Blue's Clues is a completely different animal
>and as such this place was full of protests and anonymous orgs.
nigga literally nobody wanted the chanology movement on 4chan. they were unceremoniously booted off the site.
We totally wanted the trump fucks to shit up every thread with Pol tho right
I wouldn’t call the reboot of the show “blues clues”. I consider this a cash grab/ non cannon. Much like how I don’t consider modern SpongeBob to be actual SpongeBob due to its shit consistency with its older half and the fact it’s just nostalgia bait with no soul
no, delete /pol/ must have been the most reposted phrase in 2014 you fucking newfag.
No, they weren't.
They stayed here, festering in their impotent anger. Now bitter because nobody gives a fuck about their political causes or beliefs, like this fuck: >>144659681
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I mean it makes no sense in the first place. Nothing about a little girl being adventurous, imaginative, and relatable challenges traditional gender norms. Have these people never heard of Heidi of the Alps? Pollyanna? Little Women?
>But Bluey is the title character
Good job retard, you read a word
no, they left for 711chan iirc then just dispersed because nobody gave a shit about chanology. I presume a number of them moved into occupy wall street.

4chan became anti-political again until the clickbait phenomenon adopted SJW lingo around 2013/2012 and the culture war began.
>implied comma
"Hurr just pretend I typed it correctly durr"
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so let me get this thread
>some mexicans thought bluey was a boy
>bored clickbait sites in mexico decided to "discover" bluey was girl and not a boy
>somehow the news became viral and everyone is "shocked" to discover this
>room temp IQ mexicans make thread here in outrage
>which quickly gets taken over by culture war schizos to satisfy their parasocial needs

did i miss anything?
Madam, I'm not even sure if I could call myself ESL or not since I grew up in a household speaking three languages (and English was one). Even with a comma, that's not how you use the word "either," either.
You've been gifted you an example of its proper usage.
Women like to play the oppression game to feel better about themselves, so out of chivalry society has to pretend women have been living in cages until current day.

That's why we gotta pretend shit like the wonder woman movie was a milestone in women's liberation despite the fact that movies featuring female MCs have been around since forever.
>smooth chest that sticks out a little more
this design trend must never die
Bro. Come on.
It's already dead
I like that the two kids are both girls. Makes the family more unique than the one boy one girl we've seen a thousand times.
>female-centered show
In what year
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I said the family was unique on television. You are talking about the focus.
>Actually it is you who is the one who is the stupid!
Epic comeback.
I ain't gonna pretend this shit is exclusive to a single side.
Both sides are filled to the brim with tribalistic retards looking to tear each other down over non-issues.
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I don't know, the appeal of having dad play dress up is because he is in fact masculine, which makes it funny.
Wait. How retarded do you have to be to not immediately know that bluey was a girl?
Exactly my thoughts, she was a always a girl
Men like to pretend things with all-female casts are unique because they're horny losers.
They'll watch any garbage as long as a woman is included in the cast. lmao
>NoOoOooOoOOoOOoOOOOOOOo, you can't make characters that look feminine !Noooooooooooooo! Stop!!! NOoo! You cant!!!!!
>B-because...because you just can't okay?!?
I agree with all that, but getting mad about woke stuff is pretty exclusively a right wing thing.
No, I think you do you forever alone faggot.
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It is a little ridiculous how hard they went with that one.
I disagree. Woke stuff, due to it's very divisive nature, is set to trigger negative responses from people regardless of political ideology.
For example, feminists and non-politically involved women tend to react negatively towards woke policies favoring transgender MtF individuals (specially when it comes to bathroom politics).
Racial activists tend to reject woke policies favoring Asian people.

Stop pretending this shit is unique to one side or another.
OP is acting like more of a girl than Bluey is.
Then getting mad enough to insert woke stuff is exclusively a left wing thing, as is getting mad when people reject it
Thanks, you will never be a woman
Why would anybody wanna be a woman?
He still doesn't look like a girl. Characters can be any color. But female characters usually have female characteristics.
>getting mad about woke stuff is pretty exclusively a right wing thing.
based retard
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Bullshit, woke entertainment is like an 80's PSA but the whole show.
Doing this with your daughters normalizes homo and tranny shit. And you wonder why the majority of women are liberal. It's because of their faggot fathers.
Porn addiction mostly or mental illness
Girls should be feminine and looks like girls faggot tranny
Boys and girls are different. A little boy can't relate to a little girl unless he's a little faggot
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Sure feels good not being a faggot zoomer raised in the 10s
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I don't really care that they're androgynous since they're dogs. But why makebthem all look like Brian Griffin?
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lol no. Labour Party just banned puberty blockers
No one hates women more than feminists.
That's what you get for not caring
All of those "feminine" traits are shit society has told you is feminine save for the tits
>you have to have long eyelashes and wear makeup to be a real female goy! spend your paycheck on useless shit NOW!!!
The outrage is hilarious and I'm a liberal
Can we get a Birdo edit next
>you have to have long eyelashes and wear makeup to be a real female
>This character who has been referred to with female pronouns since the first episode is female
You have no kids
You have no spouse
You have no job
You live with your parents
You are a board tourist
You would be terrified to post the back of your hand if it were required of you

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