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This such a shitty idea that will age the comics badly not even a few years, but a few months.
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For context this is what she’s saying doesn’t exist.
I fail to see what seem to be problem
Not being able to own the full comic?
>From now on, Marvel comics will have a QR code to view the final page, and
nobody understands why
>one Marvel comic does it
>not every single one as is implied
>Gail Simone says it’s not every single one
>anon posts the one it happens in as evidence that Gail Simone is lying that not every single Marvel comic will end with a QR Code like the one Marvel Comic that anon has posted
It's a non-issue, somebody's just trying very, very hard to garner outrage over it. It's a bonus. You own the full issue (and it'll be in tpb's), it's just a supplement. Are you feigning concern over some amish person who may not have internet or something?
It isn't implied at all. Comics just means plural. It will be more than one. Gail is lying and doesn't say anything about how many comics it will be in.
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I've heard it said it was a preview page, not a storypage. Like recap pages, very likely not to be in the tpbs. We'll see if it's made up of art from future issues or art made just for this
Is just a page comic adjacent. That's like say you care about all the variant covers you don't get.
>if I call the last page a bonus it makes it so
You sound like the type of zoomer who actually fell for “they don’t hold content back fro DLC, it’s just EXTRA content”.

I believe anon, she is lying
Are you dickheads too young to remember the still-current issue in videogames with internet locked content where it's now literally impossible to access something you paid for because the site went down?
The websites these QR codes link too could be broken within months, if someone wants to see whatever pages it linked to in the future, their only recourse is going to be piracy, and God help them if it wasn't popular enough for someone to keep hosting it after however long it took them to want to read it.

Its a terrible practice and there's no fucking reason to do it in the first place.
"It's just one bonus page" is how the slope starts, let this shit keep going and in 5 years time you're gonna be signed in to a Marvel account that needs to be constantly connected to read anything but the fucking cover.
Those two you replied to are definitely shill replies doing damage control
Comic Veteran?
The only reason that chunky firebush even has a job is because her head game is so ridiculous she can make a quadrepeligic mans toes curl

Of course.
But this is just another shit comic in a long line of shit comics and a desperate and hilariously insane attempt to push people towards their embarrassing online offerings.
It's not happening.
No one is reading the comics and theya ren't trying to lure people in. And the people who know the net and care enough to do this will be so put off that they'll more then likely drop the book in protest.
They don't hold content back for DLC, it's just extra content.
Nah anons right and you’re just seething about it shill
The comics are already out. We know what they show - a little mystery for future issues. God, you speak out even though you don't know shit.

It's not "Marvel Comics" it's just the X-Men line. They'll be in TPBs. Find something else to get outraged about.
>They don't hold content back for DLC, it's just extra content.
DLC is part of the initial pitch and developed along the main game. Whenever you see a DLC come out late, as in 3+ months late, it means it was actually developed separately.

And needless to say, anyone going 'muh TPB' must hang.
These x-comics could be the greatest works of art on the planet and I wouldn't pay a cent for any with this DRM shit.
What DRM shit?
>They'll be in TPBs
This just goes to show they did in fact remove a page…
The story has the same amount of pages as every other comic. It's an extra. You own a phone don't you?
>We know what they show - a little mystery for future issues.
Describe how, though. Are they pics of future issue pages? Pencils? a cover? a collage of images?
Man, you're trying way too hard here.
your brain is a non-issue. as a matter of fact, your whole life is a non-issue
If it’s extra it doesn’t need to be in the trade. It could just have a page of QR codes there too. Printing it in the trade tells me that it isn’t “extra”. Paperback buyers have phones don’t they?
How about somebody post the page and I’ll decide for myself if it’s “extra” or not.
What kind of logic is that? The point of the QR page is to hint at future issues. The trade would include all of those issues, it would be pointless to keep it hidden. Have you even looked at the page?
Why should I need a phone to read a comic book?
It just seems like an added layer of hassle with no benefit for the reader.
>but it's da foocha
Technology is supposed to make things better, not worse.
Reading floppies isn't rewarding but TPBs are because you get the beginning, the middle, and the end. It isn't the 1980s where every issue is mostly self contained with a reason to read another issue, they're writing for the trades so why not wait for them?
If it is what you say, it's still lame because it's poor execution. If you could get the bonus page in ways that are more clever than
>Dedicate entire page to giant QR code
And this also deprives the person without a QR code scanning device (such as me)
You don't have a phone?
Only my landline
Because there is no excuse for ever gating physical media content online.
You fuckers are so fucking lazy you can't even read the page when it's pirated?
It's also time-sensitive. You think that QR Code is going to be good in 50 years? Imagine devaluing your books at such a basic level.
Knowing Marvel, it'll break in 3.
It'll be preserved in the TPB. Why the fake concern for art preservation? What really chaffs you about this?
>Have you even looked at the page?
Nobody has the QR page is down.
why would they put the page itself in the TPB instead of the QR code again?
Not really. It was posted in the storytime thread. You don't read comics.

The point of the QR page is to hint at future issues. The trade would include all of those issues, it would be pointless to keep it hidden. Do you have a brain?
First off why defend it so vehemently?

Secondly it’s bizarre to ask what the logic is when the pages don’t need to be included at all if they’re “extra” and thus don’t add to the story. If they add to the story they aren’t extra. It’s one or the other.
>I have to buy the book again to get the whole thing
Anon, honest question what about this makes you so defensive?
Because people who want to collect the issue have to deal with having a big stupid QR code that probably wont work anymore in it.
what's the page before this

because it really feels like those old Illuminati or Secret Invasion issues nobody bought that had absolutely no bearing on the main story and would end up being reprinted many times over anyway
be honest, how often is the kind of X-Men obsessive who's still collecting floppies in 2024 going to ever look inside those floppies again
I think Brevoort's X-Men comics are a disgrace. I wish people would get some basic media literacy and criticise what actually matters. Everyone in this thread has only looked at the headline though.

>people who want to
So you're not one of those? You're feigning concern for a hypothetical group?

Are you really so helpless you need to be hand-held into opening the thread and looking at the post before that one?
>it's okay that we're devaluing our product, the book is shit anyways!
Thanks for your input.
The number of pages you can read is the same and there's no added price. Devaluing how exactly?
literally scroll up anon, I think this idea is stupid too but don't be a complete retard.
But you’re playing semantics and acting like you’re parsing fact. If the page is extra it doesn’t need to exist. If it adds to the story in ANY way it isn’t extra.

And yet you’re acting like people who completely understand the facts surrounding this lack media literacy for disagreeing with your view that it isn’t a big deal.

So I ask again, why? Why are you so defensive about this?
>You're feigning concern for a hypothetical group
Floppy buyers aren’t hypothetical. They’re literally the biggest portion of marvel customers comic wise. Trade and digital sales pale in comparison.
>And yet you’re acting like people who completely understand the facts surrounding this lack media literacy for disagreeing with your view that it isn’t a big deal.
Uh oh, you did a stinky.
I said they lack media literacy for not going after Brevoort's awful art, scripts, and continuity instead of what they just read in a headline, not because of whatever you wrote up there. So you just proved you really can't read.

Why are you concerned in their behalf? You clearly don't buy comics.
I accept your concession
>Marvel does something retarded again
>instead of taking criticism to heart and realizing this is a retarded decision, they double down, dismiss and gaslight. This time through shills
Case in point.
Hiding literally anything at all behind this QR code shit is retarded regardless, just an annoying way to make reading floppies even shittier than it is. I'm sure that when they start to get away with this they will start locking more and more of the books behind QR code shit until it's entirely digital, which I think is what they want to be anyway they just can't do it all at once.
Your faux concern really resonates, especially coming from someone who doesn't buy floppies.
Anon answer the question. Why are you so behind this QR code idea? What does it add to the enjoyment of the comic. What does it add to the experience? Why is it worth such vigorous defense?

Obviously you bought the comic and followed the QR code, assuming you aren’t a ridiculously retarded hypocrite. How did it improve your experience?
See: >>144657005 and answer the question. Don’t talk shit just answer the question. Otherwise you have nothing to say and are just stirring shit.
Fuck Marvel
>Why are you concerned in their behalf? You clearly don't buy comics.
Well, I'm not black either, slave them again.
Learn some reading comprehension, follow the reply chain three times, and you would have your answers. Fuck no I didn't support Brevoort's crap. I read the storytime, which included the "supposedly impossible to access" QR page. I'm mocking people who want a reason to act outraged even though everyone can tell they weren't going to read the comics anyways because if they had they'd realize there's much bigger problems here other than a QR page, namely the godawful scripts.
>I'm mocking people who want a reason to act outraged
Anon I don’t know why you keep denying that you’re defending the QR codes, that’s definitionally what you’re doing if you act like people thinking it’s ridiculous are merely pretending.

>there's much bigger problems here other than a QR page,
That’s not what this thread is about so there is no reason to sit here losing your shit over “reading comprehension” when your contention is, apparently, merely that people are mad about the wrong thing.
>learn some reading comprehension
You keep saying the same thing over and over and yet it’s kinda silly because you don’t “learn” reading comprehension you ESL cunt, you “acquire” it. Beyond that this entire thread you’ve been defending the QR pages.
>objective problems don't matter because I'm having a melty
Reading x-men, not even once.
>it's kinda silly
I've answered the question like four times already. Clearly if you're still confused and have to keep asking, yeah, it's not silly to think you might be illiterate.
What objective problems?
The one you're fervently defending.
Which one?
Anon throes three posts are you defending the move. They have nothing to do with “more important things”. Let alone when you’re in a thread about this QR debacle.

Why are you defending it?
>He has to ask a fifth time
I was only joking, but you actually don't know how to read?
Marvel singlehandedly told the LCS that their time is limited and spit in the face of collectors.
This is a blind stupid shot in the dark that managed to be a critical hit to confidence of the Local Comic shop, the NA comic market, and the degenerate collectors who keep the floppy alive.
They went with STEALING CONTENT from the buyer and gating it behind a digital paywall for a fucking single page that turns teh comic into valueless trash
When they could have just had QR codes in the comics that leads to the website that links to unique short side stories made by guest artists?
The fuck shit is this?
>Stop talking about our anti-consumer practices and start talking about our shit writing!
What a weird shill. Is this outrage farming to entice readers?
>thread topic is: Y is stupid
>you, apparently, agree Y is stupid
>others say Y is stupid
>you yell at others for saying Y is stupid rather than saying X and Z are more stupid than Y
Why are you doing this? Just seems remarkably autistic.
You don't own a LCS or are a collector. You can read the QR page when they are posted in storytimes. So why the faux outrage?
Gotta buy the trade paperbacks also chud if you want all the pages
This part is untrue. It’s free, it’s just retarded.
>You don't own an LCS
Nigger, I don't, but that doesn't mean I want to see every LCS get bullied with shit marketing practices that make buying from an LCS the worst option.
>Why are you doing this?
Scroll up. Do you own a scroll wheel?
By this logic unless you’re working for marvel you have no reason to be angry with people mad about this lol
>shit marketing practices that make buying from an LCS the worst option
It's a bonus page at no extra cost. It changes nothing. It's also there in the digital edition regardless of comic stores. Answer my question, why are you pretending to be concerned?
That’s the dumbest gimmick I’ve seen yet. House of ideas, but nobody said they had to be good ones.
>By this logic
I didn't posit a logic argument, I asked a question that nobody seems to be able to answer. Why are you pretending to be outraged over something that you're actually not? I'm open to answers.
You said you weren’t defending this and that you agreed it was dumb here: >>144657048. Which is also an admission that you don’t pay for comics you merely read them for free. But this is a clear defense of the gimmick.
>It's in the digital edition!
You're definitely a shill. You're saying its okay that physical stores get less content than your digital store.
I never said the gimmick was dumb, I said Brevoort's comics were dumb. Goddamn, you people can't read.
They get the same content. Did you really jump into the discussion having this little info?
>bigger problems than the QR code
Implies it’s a problem, just not one you find to be bit
>it isn’t dumb
Okay then why? You never answered. What does it add to the comic reading experience?

I don’t care how you feel about other people and their outrage, explain to me why it isn’t dumb, no I will not scroll up because you haven’t done this.

Just explain it for me, it isn’t difficult.
Attention Shills, respond to this or fuck off.

Potentially inaccessible
Sets a precedent for more potentially inaccessible art or pages
Big dumb QR code in your floppy

If you can't add a benefit here, stop making out like there aren't valid complaints. This is an objective downgrade to just printing the damned page.
Why do gamers carry such impotent rage, bros?
>Boy, I would love to know what's on my paper comic. Better get my phone out!
It's a solution to a problem that doesn't exist.

He's right you turnoretard and you need to drink gasoline.
I'm frustrated because it's a demonstrable fact that practices like these fuck over consumers, and in spite of that there are braindead corporate apologists like you who are all
>hurr hurr old man dont you haf a phone?
Because you're technologically illiterate despite growing up glued to a fucking screen.

Fuck off and get a clue you feckless myopic waste of cum.
The fact they stealth dropped this concept before telling people says a lot that they knew it would be an unpopular change, but wanted to start shoving it down audiences throat. They will prob start getting pushing QR codes in every #1 or oversized issue. Then all issues will prob do this to save page space with publishers saving the comics some cents on the dollar.
>it's a demonstrable fact that practices like these fuck over consumers
How so? And since it's demonstrable, i'll expect you to provide something tangible.

>Because you're technologically illiterate despite growing up glued to a fucking screen.
Wha do you imagine this to mean in this context?
Give them a finger and they are going to bite your entire hand off.
They are testing the waters, we had horse armour and now you had to connect to the Internet to play single player game.
You had to have 10 different monthly accounts to watch all tv shows instead of 1 (or 0).
You have to fight through infinite amount of ads to read something from the Internet.
Now the physical media, aka comics are going to suffer the same fate all other digital media went through.

Tldr: Imagine qr-code not working in 2 years.
>Give them a finger and they are going to bite your entire hand off.
This, soon it will be each page is a new QR code to cost money, over more accounts and pop ups. Vote with you're dollars.
Simone is a pathological liar and should be kicked out of the comic industry for being unable to write a good comic also the whole constantly lying bit
I hate the fact that I can't dislike this shit without getting lumped into the kind of dishonest retards that make these threads. The article is bullshit because it says "From now on" for something only being done for some X-Men #1's as bonus teaser pages on top of the existing page count. I hate it because I buy comics and don't want to pull out my phone on a reread not some state of the industry bullshit.
>I’m the only sane mature person in the world!
If this were true you’d have left it at
>I hate it because I buy comics and don't want to pull out my phone on a reread not some state of the industry bullshit.
No I just think op and the person who made the article are both faggots.
NEW THREAD >>>>>144659440
Lol okay faggot
you can't possibly imagine that I care enough about your anger to read an X-Men title in 2024

life's too short to hold your hand, anon, if you want me to care you have to tell me why you're angry, not just be angry with everyone and everything and act like your sense of entitlement translates into anybody else caring about your pointless little troubles

have fun fuckin your dad tho, you powerless bottom
>WSJ a Japanese company, in a country famous for arresting people for downloading things illegally
>It doesn't do this because it doesn't see the need to, even though it's 1000x bigger than the company that publishes adaptations of the MCU movies
the /a/ shitposter is right and Saitama would win against Superlame
How about you complain about things without lying.
Tom Brevoort please log off
No, literally plot important pages. Like X-Men #1's is showing who the main antagonists of the run are going to be.
>plot important
we've all seen the page and how pointless it is
>We hope you've enjoyed the issue, follow this link to see a fun little hint at things to come!
>Uhh not everybody has access to the world wide web? This is literally problematic and it's not ok.
WSJ keeps winning
This are anticonsumer practices

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