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Season 2 will premiere this September:
It alright
I look forward to it.
Neat, it's still alive
Need to finish season 1
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bring her back
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>Dan's second-in-command on Hamster & Gretel
>wrapping up (and likely laid off)
The show's dead isn't it
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I want a Phineas and Ferb crossover before the show ends
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Hopefully the show lasts long enough for that.
We don’t know that. It just means she just finished in the production.
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Honestly impressive how even after 30 whole episodes, no one has anything to say about Hamster & Gretel. I think it's a charming series overall, but the main cast collectively doesn't leave much of an impression. We need more focus on the teen characters since they're the most interesting.
The show is a banger to watch after it pull you in. At this point I've watched every rerun of this show and hadn't got bored of it once, it's cute, fun, entertaining and funny to watch.
More Fred and Bailey! My favorite characters!
The show has to live long enough so we can have a triple crossover with Milo Murphy and Phineas and Ferb.
Looking forward to it!
So, Mulan & Chris Griffin guest stars on this season?
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It's kind of sad. I had a bit of a hard time getting into the show when I first started but it did eventually click and when it did I did really enjoy what I saw. But honestly, there just isn't much to post about. I mean, I like these characters, Fred ended up surprising after I was sure I was going to dislike her, Kevin and Gretel continue to have a fun dynamic together, and even some of the villains end up being cool in their own right. It's got a lot working for it but it just doesn't end up being enough to sustain a thread or a fanbase it seems. At this point I wonder if even Phineas And Ferb coming back will be able to sustain a thread or fanbase itself either.
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>At this point I wonder if even Phineas And Ferb coming back will be able to sustain a thread or fanbase itself either.
Another continuation of a beloved series millions of people are nostalgic for? You REALLY doubt it'll find success?
I didn't say anything about success. I said about finding an online fanbase and sustaining threads. Neither of those require the show actually succeeding or doing well. I imagine the show will do well but as for building an online fanbase or having regular threads? Yes I very much doubt it will be able to do so.
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People are always ready to discuss PnF online. I wouldn't be too worried
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So that IS all you guys care about, just crossovers.
You're putting words in my mouth.
Hamster and Gretel is in that weird spot where you can tell most people who hate it only ever saw the first few episodes if at all, but also don't really care enough about the show to dedicate much energy hating on it. So threads dedicated to it can be pretty chill with a very small fandom appreciating the show for what it is, which is a pretty decently fun cartoon.
Also, Gretel and Bailey are CUTE
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What the fuck happened between Milo Murphy's Law and H&G for the latter to be the worst a Dwampyverse show has ever looked? The incidental designs make me sick every time I look at 'em, shit's embarrassing
I don’ think pnf’s incidental designs where any thing special, dude
They hate it because it got Owl House and Amphibia cancelled
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You know damn well why /co/ ignores this show
me when la cebolla appears
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But they were crude and wonky and played with shapes in a way that made the designs fun to look at. The designs on Hamster & Gretel are so uniform and boring by comparison. It's fine if Povenmire was aiming for more realistic proportions since it's an ACTION-comedy, but there had to have been a better way to implement this vision. I still feel Milo Murphy's Law was a better middle ground of looking like a Dwampyverse show without looking quite as goofy as Phineas and Ferb. The color palettes were also easier on the eyes.
They don't blame Hamster and Gretel for that anon. You know this already.
I’m guessing Swampy wasn’t as involved, plus they switched animation studios.
I feel bad for this show because when the PnF revival comes out, sadly it will get even less attention.
Alternatively, it could do the opposite, those interested in Phineas and Ferb might check out on Hamster & Gretel.
I mean not if they do an crossover with them, which likely may happens as long Season 2 is a success.
This is what I'm hoping for. I mean, Hamster And Gretel already has so little attention. How could it possibly get any worse? There's really nowhere to go but up and being tied into one of the largest cartoon revivals in a while sounds like a decent chance to get at least some attention.
I think it’s because it works quite well as a standalone show, like ‘Moon Girl’ does.
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Been watching some Milo Murphy lately and I definitely took for granted how fucking cute Brigette is.
very meh show

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